The School Environment: Field Study 1 Learning Episode
The School Environment: Field Study 1 Learning Episode
The School Environment: Field Study 1 Learning Episode
Outdoor/Garden / The school has an outdoor The pupils will learn how to
garden planted with grow their own vegetable
different type of vegetables and have the sense of
such as egg plant, tomato, responsibility in taking
and green vegetables. The good care of their plants.
vegetables are healthy and
well good care.
Home Economics Room / It I located beside the It helps the pupils to gain
principal’s office. It is quite knowledge and experiences
small but it is loaded with in industrial works that can
the materials needed for really help them in their
cooking. It is also clean lives.
and organized.
Industrial Workshop
PTA Office
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report
on the space provided.
1. Wall Displays
List of officers, daily cleaner’s, birthdays, food
As I arrived in Quezon Jr. Elementary School which is my alma mater, I was amazed
on the changes that it has now. As I entered the gate the DEPED mission and vision
first catches my eyes, as it is colorful and attractive. The school grounds were new to
me and the surroundings it is more colorful and brighter than before. The number of
buildings was still the same only the beautiful and attractive surroundings changes.
When I first entered grade 2 classroom it is very colorful pink, blue and other bright
and calm colors, from the learner’s desk down to teaching materials, stuff and teachers
table which is located at the back near the door. My overall observation, the school is a
conductive for learning but it can improve more specially to have more facilities that
the pupils needed to have to better develop their skills.
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed?
Observation REPORT
(You may paste pictures of the board display here.)
I see a lot of board display in and outside the school. It is very eye catchy suited for
all viewers. Board display are plays in the gate, outside of principal’s office, stage and
inside the classroom. It is plays were in all viewers can directly notice and see. The
school displays are about school updates, health protocols, celebration month
quotations and many more. The colors are mixed veery well that can truly attract the
viewers. The materials being used are cartolina, construction paper, tape, plastic and
so on. There are no errors or misspelled words and grammar. The message is very
clear and easily understood for all ages.
Strengths Weaknesses
Description of It is neat and well- Some of the pictures, and
The Bulletin organized of pictures, and letters cannot be seen clearly
Board Layout design, it is also durable. from a far.
Evaluation The bulletin board portrays The display board has less
Of Educational Content or shows various pictures informative quotation or
And other aspects of people helping one sayings.
Recommendations or
Suggestions for
Improvement Make the letters and pictures so that those child with eye condition
can still see it clearly. Put quotations, and sayings about the “Bayanihan System”
Did the board design reflect the likes/interest of its target audience? Why?
Why not?
Yes, the board display design reflects the likes, and interest of the
target audience. As I observed, in grade two classroom the design is very
interactive and engaging as the display or design is colorful, and very
appealing to the eyes. Pupils’ works are also displayed in the display board.
Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to
understand? Why? Why not?
Yes, the language used is clear and simple for the target audience. The
learners can read and comprehend the words and languages being used. It
is easy to understood by the target audience. Translation of words such as
English to Filipino is evident right next to it.
Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief
Construction Paper
Plastic Cover
2. Which of the skills you named in # do you already have? Recall your
past experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these
3. Which skills do you still need to develop? Reflect on how you can
improve on or acquire these skills.
Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.
1. With the PPST as guide, an ideal learning environment should have the
following characteristics, EXCEPT ____________
EVALUATE Performance
Name of FS Student: Ronnie Lyn R. Daisog Date Submitted: Sept. 6,
Year&Section: __ IV-A___ Course: ____BEED_____
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Episode Satisfactory 1
4 2
Accomplished All observation One (1) to (2) Three (3) Four or more observation
Observation question/tasks observation observation questions/task not
Sheet completely questions/tasks questions/tasks not answered/accomplished
answered/accomplished not answered/accomplis
answered/accom h
Analysis All questions were All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered completely; were answered answered observation questions
answers are with depth completely; completely; answers were not answered;
and are thoroughly answers are are not clearly answers are no connected
grounded on theories; clearly connected connected to to theories; more than
grammar and spelling to theories; theories; one (1) to four (4)
are free from error. grammar and three (3) grammatical/spelling
spelling are free grammatical/spelling errors.
from error.3 errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow;
supported by what were depth; supported shallow; somewhat rarely supported by what
observed and analyze by what were supported by what were observed and
4 observed and
were observed and