Field Study 1

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1,2,3 & 5

Monett E. Avance
Episode 1
My Tools
PAGES: 6-7
Will it contribute to
FACILITIES / Description the students’ learning
and development.
Office of the x Principal’s office It is needed for it is
Principal accepts visitors that where school heads
come to the school. It is entertain visitors that has
therefore a connection with their
accommodating, work.
ventilated and not well
Library / Quiet place, spacious Yes, having a spacious
enough to and enough available
accommodate students chairs can help students
with complete tables to study comfortably and
and chairs and books organized books are
are properly arranged easily for them to find
in its designated place the books that they
needed, it can also help
lessen their time in
finding books. A quiet
library can offer a study
place where students can
concentrate reading.
Counseling / It looks comfortable to Yes, having an
Room stay and discuss accommodating and calm
matters. room can help student be
more open and with an
efficient counselor, a
Will it contribute to
FACILITIES / Description the students’ learning
and development.
Medical Clinic / Clinic with a nurse to A clinic is important in a
assist students in need school. There are times
for an assistance if that students need
something goes wrong medical attention, a clinic
with their health. will surely e of help in
Common medical attending to their
supplies and medical needs.
emergency kits are also
found here
Audio Visual/ / The school’s audio Yes, having an audio
Learning visual room and visual center can help
Resource auditorium are same students to enjoy in
Center room. learning. It is where they
experience learning
where they can watch
and see not only hear
teachers discuss.
Science / Can accommodate 1 Yes, because it help the
Laboratory class (60 pax), students perform their
cleanliness is visible experiments and apply
and equipment are what they’ve learn.
arrange properly. Students learn by doing,
they experience the
expected results by
Gymnasium / Very spacious enough Yes, It can help students
and can accommodate to perform their PE
hundreds of students. classes in a spacious
areas. Students learn by
playing and at the same
Will it contribute to
FACILITIES / Description the students’ learning
and development.
Outdoor x A garden where actual Students can have a field trip
Garden specimen could be found. It here to see relationship and
is useful in science subjects. classification of plants and
animals therein
Home x A room that models a home It is needed specially in a
Economics with its kitchen and living Home Economics strand class.
rooms organized. Materials Students will experience how
Room needed in a home could be to do household activities in
found here. the home setting, a here they
learn by application.
Industrial x A room where industrial It is important for hands on
Workshop arts work are performed activities for students who
with all the needed tools, would prefer carpentry,
Area equipment and space for welding, electrical, electronics
work provided. and other mechanical works.
PTA Office X A room where all It is of help also for it will
concerns for PTA are provide a specific place
kept. Small groups of for parents who come to
parents having school and transact with
meetings could be school activities that
done here. concerns the PTA
Comfort / Every floor of the Yes, comfort room are
Room for building has available very important in a
boys comfort room for boys school, it will cater
but need to sanitized personal needs of
every one and then. students. Keeping the
There are cubicles but health of learners on
sometime there’s no safeguard . Clean
waters. comfort rooms make
students comfortable.
Will it contribute to
FACILITIES / Description the students’ learning
and development.
Computer / There are computer Yes, if there good
Laboratory laboratory in each computer facilities it help
campuses as a requisite students have knowledge
for the elective in computers and it can
computer subject but also help students in
low access in internet. their research
Dean’s Office / The Dean Office is Yes, having good and
clean and free for noise calm environment can
outside. Papers and help student say they
Books appear were concern and matters.
properly displayed,
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation
report on the space provided.
1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the school is

This school is in an urban place. It is beside the highway,

computer shops and school supply stores are found near it
where students can buy their needed materials in their project
and print or photocopy their modules or requirements. There are
also many food eateries around the area or steps away from the
school where the students can eat there if the school cafeteria is
already crowded. There are also many apartments and boarding
house near the school.
The urban environment described , has its advantages
and disadvantages. It is advantageous to the students in the
sense that all that are needed seem to be very just in front them.
The eateries, the computer shops, school supplies and xerox
copiers are around. However, it seem dangerous to for it is
crowded. Accidents may happen specially if rides going home
and private vehicles don’t follow safety traffic rules. To make
sure that accidents will be avoided, police and traffic man
visibility within the campus should be requested to manage
heavy traffic therefore preventing accidents to happen.
2. Describe the school campus. What is the condition of the

This school has three (3) campuses, this school campus is

wide, each department has their own building. On the external
view the building’s color is cream and brown. This school has
many entrance or gate where you can enter, each gate has guard
to monitor or check if the students are in proper uniform or
attire and also if the student has their IDs before enter the
school, but now it is easy to the guards now in checking IDs
because there’s an electric equipment where it can detect if the
students not wearing their IDs. If you enter to the main gate
there are steps going up to buildings. Inside the school campus
there is also school dormitory. Each buildings are in good
condition and very well taken care of by the members of school
even it is very old.
My Analysis

PAGE 10:

1. How do the school campus in particular impact the learning

of the students going to school? What are your conclusions?
School campus impact the learning of students going to
school. This is sometimes true, for the physical aspect of a
school can influence learning attitudes of students. A school
with complete school facilities will tend to offer more and can
attract more enrollees. Aside from that a school with good
records and reputation make students confident that they
have chosen the correct school that will provide them with
learning experiences. It is self satisfying and encourages them
to learn more with a school with good standing specially as to
number of board passers and achievers the school has. The
confidence that the school will give them greater chances of
success is greater. It is therefore important to build the name
of the school and prevent it from getting bad marks.
2. How does this relate to your knowledge of the child and
adolescent development?
In relation to my previous knowledge of child and
adolescent development, student learn easily if they were
exposed to a friendly atmosphere, free from distractions and
noises. They could easily learn if every meeting teacher uses
different learning materials and motivate them always. In
connection to my previous subject, in facilitating learning as a
teacher I should follow the methods and techniques that are
best for my students to learn, to give the right approach and
needs and see to it that it is effective.
My Reflections/Insights
PAGE 11:
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just
LAST ATTENDED? Why? Why not?

Yes, I would like to teach in the school environment that I

last attended because aside from it’s my alma mater it is
accessible, the city gives a cool and cozy environment. The
school facilities are complete and these are needed by
students to effectively learn.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

A school that is conductive to learning is a school that

has complete facilities that will surely help and benefit the
student learners to understand the subject matter they are
studying. A conducive school campus is one which is free
from outside world destructions like presence of movie
houses around, computer games, noisy vehicles, parks,
crowds, malls, department stores and so on. A conducive
school campus is quiet, with fresh air, spaceful ground where
students can play and learn and perform hands on activities.
A school free from fraternities, bullying, drugs and other vices
is conducive. A school which is child friendly is conducive.
My Learning Portfolio
PAGE: 13 My Personal Illustration of an Effective School Environment

My Personal illustration of an effective school

environment is an environment that has a safe environment, a
child friendly school and can provide learning and growth to its
learners or students. An ample space to develop their social,
emotional, psychological and intellectual capacity as an
individual in society to contribute positively in their own
personal and social well being.
A school with school administrators and teachers that
cater to the needs of the learners. A community where
learners are prioritized, stakeholders consider the betterment
of the learners, the local government unit considers basic
education in their governance, the church, the community
helping in the molding of learners is an effective school
Episode 2
My Tools
PAGE: 18 MAKE A RESEARCH ON Learners’ Development Matrix

Development Preschooler Elementary High School


Gross-motor skills They know how to They dance , they They can carry their
tie their shoe lace could perform chairs and table.
and button their simple steps.

Fine-motor skills Completing simple They can draw line, They can now
puzzles and hold a boxes and other construct a sketch
pencil. different shapes. and a detailed

Self-help skills They can draw They can go to the They can make
simple things CR alone. their own reports.
without the help of

Interaction with They keep in mind They raise their They share their
Teachers what their teacher hands to answer own ideas and
is teaching them. and sometimes in relate it to the
chorus. topic.

Interaction with Introducing one’s They’re competing They do a research

classmates/friends self and make at each other. together with
friends. friends.

Interest They’re interested Interested in oral Interested to learn

in art stuffs like recitation and in new concepts and
drawing and games. ideas by means of
coloring books group activity.
Development Preschooler Elementary High School

Moods and They’re so sensitive They hide their They are showy.
temperament, that if you see feelings and are
expression of something wrong influence by their
feelings about their work peers.
they will cry.

Emotional They can not Some can control They can hide their
Independence control what they their emotions feelings by smiling
feel at times that some are not. even though they
will tend to make are not happy.
them cry


Communication Can’t speak longer. They can speak They speak fluently.
skills fluently but it has

Thinking skills They think They can memorize They think broadly.
innocently. long phrases and

Problem-solving Can not solve Can solve problems Can solve problems
complicated with the help of all by themselves
problems. others. without anybody
helping them.
My Reflections/Insights
PAGE: 20
Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive and negative
reasons. How did she/he help or not help you with your needs
[physical, emotional, social, and cognitive]? How did it affect you?

The teacher I cannot forget is one of my teacher from 4th-6th

grade during my elementary days. She was known to be very
strict, but very excellent in teaching. I remembered she is fond of
recitations and she calls us in random, that’s why before
attending class all of us make it sure that we reviewed the past
lessons and make advanced reading on the next lesson because
we don’t want to stand until the class is done. If some of my
classmates forget or did not make their assignment they have to
spank by that teacher that’s why we try to not forget our
assignment and be responsible in all of our subjects. When the
class will start she always gave us quiz about vocabulary and
word spelling that also help us to understand what is the
meaning of the unfamiliar word to us. She also give us many
written activity like expressing ourselves or experience regarding
to the topic that she will give to us. I discovered that beyond her
strict face and strong personality is a very loving and caring heart
for her students. Sometimes she’s telling jokes to us, telling about
life which leads her to preach us in a good way.
My Learning Portfolio
PAGE: 22
Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide

My favorite theory of development is the social theory

wherein we observed how the child interacts to the people
around him/her. Development socially has a great impact
on ones personality. Even if you are that good in academics
if you don’t know how to mingle with other people
sometimes brings about failure. For that good in you will
not be expressed if you are not sociably developed.
Learning to deal with others whoever they are is a weapon
you can carry over to success. A sociable person who is
strong and have the guts to face crowds and anybody
sometimes “yung may lakas ang loob” bring a greater
success than a person who is intelligent but shy and timid.
This can guide me as a future teacher by allowing each
child to improve and develop at their own pace considering
the specific that has he/she needs.
Episode 3

How is classroom management affect learning?

If a teacher has proper classroom management, it creates
an ideal environment for learning. This is important for teacher
and student safety, happiness and productivity. If the teacher
used different learning strategies use to organize classroom,
deliver course content, manage student success, monitor
student behavior it will create an overall positive learning
environment. Students will learn without distractions, they’re
just focus in their learning and also it creates positive
interactions between peers.
My Reflections/Insights
PAGE: 31
1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what
grade/year level do you see yourself? What routines and procedures
would you consider for this level? Why?
If I were given a chance to become a teacher in the future, I
prefer to teach in Grade 10 or in Senior High because at this stage,
they are more mature. They are still manageable though they are
independent, they can work on their own. I would imposed routines
like cleaning inside and outside of the classroom before and after
the class, prayer and checking attendance before class and also rules
and regulation to be followed strictly so that there would be smooth
flow of teaching-learning process. I will make sure that instructions
are clear and every positive achievement be recognized and
awarded. I will make a classroom that should present a cheerful,
inviting, motivating, purposeful setting of learning.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level.
Why would you choose these rules?
The following rules are:
• Arrive on time.
• Always maintain the cleanliness of the classroom.
• Turn off cell phones and electronic devices while class is going
• Use polite speech and body language.
• No cheating.
• On time submission of requirements.
• Recognizing praise and awards to achievers
3. Should learners be involved in making the class rule? Why?
Yes, for me learners should be involved in making class
rules for them to be aware of what the rules are so that it would
be clear to them and they will understand the importance of the
rules and regulations and there will be an appropriate reward
and punishment for the compliance of these rules. They must
always be reminded of those rules so that they will avoid to
make mistakes that is against the rules. Rules where learners
participate in its formulation will make students abide into it.
Episode 5
My Reflections/Insights
PAGE: 49
1. Recall the time when you were in the elementary or high
school. Recall the high and low achievers in your class. How
did your teacher deal with differences in abilities? Was your
teacher effective?

Back when I was in high school, I belong to the

science class section. There were ranking in class as to standings
in the curriculum every grading period. Top 10 were displayed
every grading and they receive congratulatory remarks every
now and then. Aside from academic achievements, sports, extra
curricular activities like scouting, boy scouting, band and
contests were also recognized. I haven’t notice how low
achievers were dealt with for it seem that my classmates then
were all striving to achieve something. Most of the students
challenge themselves much more and compete.

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