FC-LP-W14 Dec 19-23 2022

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Subject: FUN for Starters Date: Week: 14

Topic: U5-Answering questions 5 and 6
U6-Animals and aliens

Learning Objectives: Materials Needed:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be
able to: Audio Visual Aids
● Train learners to read and follow the instructions
properly before answering or completing an 1. Student Book (Page 14-17)
exercise. 2. Vocab Cards (pdf file)
● Helps students distinguish the two articles (a/an)
3. Laptop+Speaker+Smart TV
and understand how to use them correctly.
4. Homework+Weekly Quiz
● Learn new key words:
crossword, question, answer, letter, sentence,
articles, animals vocab words and external parts
of animals.
Lesson Focus:
● Students solve a crossword puzzle. These puzzles encourage them to form words which lead to the
● This lesson is designed to help students gain an understanding of how to use the articles a/an with

Structure / Activity

● Greetings.
● Warm up: Mime the sentence
● Learners say the word or, if they don’t know, the teacher says the word and they repeat it.
● Do it several times, varying the order of the different face and body parts. Stop when learners
can say the words quickly and confidently.
● Discuss and explain the important difference between humans and animals body parts.
● Practice the pronunciation of each article + noun.
● Learners are going to listen to an audio track 9. (Practice exercises from the Student’s Book)

Teacher: Lea

Subject: Oxford Phonics Date: Week: 14

Short Vowels DEC/19-23/2022

Topic: Short e: e, et, en, ed Unit: 3

Learning Objectives: Materials Needed:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be Audio Visual Aids
able to; 1. Phonics Cards (pdf file)
● Learn e, et, en, ed 2. Short /e/ Videos
● Learn new key words:
3. CD1 Tracks 35-38/39-42/43-46
Lesson 1: e - web, egg, vet, ten
4. Laptop+Speaker+Smart TV
Lesson 2: et - jet, net, wet, pet
Lesson 3: en - hen, pen 5. Homework+Weekly Quiz
ed - red, bed
Lesson Focus:
● Discover and strengthen the connections between sounds (phonemes) and the letter or groups of
letters (graphemes) that represent those sounds.
● Introducing students to the concept of short vowels and blending letters together to create
● This short vowel sound will help the students practice identifying pictures, reading and learning
words with the initial and medial short /e/ sounds.

Structure / Activity
● Greetings.
● Warm up: Play Hot Word.
● Review the sounds from Unit 1 and 2.
● Say a sound or word family. Students say as many words as they can remember that have the sound
or word family in it.
● Use the short /a/ Phonics Cards. Students form in a circle and pass the cards around while you play
music. When the music stops, students say the word of the card in their hand.
● Play CD1 Tracks 35-38/39-42/43-46.
● Have to repeat the words and students chant along. Each line repeats. Make sure that students
still pronounce the key words clearly and correctly each time.
● Paired reading. Have student pairs take turns reading key words.
● Have students complete the exercises (classwork+homework+weekly quiz).
Teacher: Lea

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