Eng 100 101 Grading Rubric-1
Eng 100 101 Grading Rubric-1
Eng 100 101 Grading Rubric-1
Support and/or Support and/or texts Support texts, Texts and Essay lacks
Text Analysis are synthesized into examples and examples are not texts and
a conversation with evidence are properly examples that
20 points
one another and with generally synthesized into demonstrate
the student author. synthesized into a a conversation the author’s
Support examples or conversation with with one another point.
texts are introduced one another and and with the Supporting
and explained with the author. author. texts and
appropriately, giving Texts are usually Texts and examples do
context to the reader introduced and examples lack an not relate to
Essay transitions into explained introduction that the essay
and out of quotes appropriately, gives context to points at all.
and supporting giving context to the reader. Supporting
examples/evidence. the reader. Essay relies too texts and
Support is credible Support generally heavily on examples are
and convincing. relates to the support texts and not credible
points given. author’s or convincing
Around 20-19 points argument or at all.
Support is credible
and convincing for voice is Support is not
the most part. secondary or properly
non-existent (too documented.
Around 18-16 many block
points quotes). Around 14 or
Support does not
come from a
credible source.
Around 15 points