Section 5 - Iii.f Worksheet LMS - Pkgbi + Rubric

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Complete Name : Astiara Larasati

School Name : SMPN 3 Toboali

I. Direction
There are three steps that you have to take.
(1) Firstly, work on this worksheet according to the instructions.
After working on it, save the file into pdf and upload the work in your gdrive. Do not forget
to set the sharing access to ‘anyone can view’. Then, get the link of your file and write the
link in the provided space in the lms.
(2) Secondly, you have to do peer assessment.
Choose one work that has not been assessed by others. Assess the work using the guidance
(3) Thirdly, decide the final score of your friend’s work by writing down the result.

II. Writing Activity

Write an argumentative text of 300-400 words.. You can choose one topic among the
following ones.
1. Should students be allowed to use mobile phones?
2. Is multiple choice items suitable for a summative assessment?
3. Must we group students based on their ability?
III. Argumentative Text Assessment Rubric
Use this rubric to assess your friend’s work.


4 3 2 1 SCORE
A. Well Introductory Introduction Thesis and/or
developed paragraph states the problem is
introduction contains thesis but vague or
paragraph some does not unclear.
Introduction contains background adequately Background
Background/hi detailed information explain the details are a
story Define background , a and states background seemingly
the problem clear the problem, of the random
Thesis explanation or but does not problem. collection of
Statement definition of explain using The problem information,
the problem, details. is stated, but unclear, or not
and a thesis States the lacks detail. related to the
statement thesis of the topic.

B. Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion

summarize summarize summarizes does not
Conclusion s the main s main main topics, adequately
topics topics. but is summarize
without Some repetitive. No the main
repeating suggestions suggestions for points. No
previous for change change and/or suggestions
sentences; are opinions are for change
writer’s evident. included. or opinions
opinions are
and included.
for change
are logical
and well

C. Three or more Three or Three or Less than

main points more main more main three
are well points are points, but all main
developed present but lack points,
MAIN POINTS with may lack development with
Body supporting detail and . Refutation poor
Paragraphs details. development paragraph(s) develop
Refutation Refutation in one or two. missing ment of
paragraph(s) Refutation and/or vague ideas.
acknowledges paragraph(s) Refutation
the opposing acknowledge missing or
view and s the vague.
summarizes opposing
their main view but
points. doesn’t
Logical, Overall, Progression of Arrangement
compelling the paper ideas in essay of the essay is
progression is logically is awkward, unclear and
of ideas in developed yet moves the illogical. The
essay;clear . reader writing lacks
D. structure Progressio through the a clear sense
which n of ideas text without of direction.
ORGANIZATIO enhances in essay too much Ideas, details
and makes confusion. or events
N showcases sense and The writer seem strung
the central moves the sometimes together in a
idea or theme reader lunges ahead loose or
and moves easily too quickly or random
the reader through spends too fashion; there
through the the text. much time on is no
text. details that do identifiable
Organization not matter. internal
flows so Strong Transitions structure and
smoothly the transition appear readers have
reader hardly s exist sporadically, trouble
thinks about througho but not following the
it. ut and equally writer’s line
Effective, add to throughout of thought.
mature, the the essay. Few, forced
graceful essay’s transitions in
transitions coherenc the essay or
exist e no
the essay. transitions are

E. Sentence Sentence Work Work

MECHANICS structure is structure is contains contains
Sentence correct. generally structur multiple
Structure Punctuatio correct. Some al incorrect
Punctuation & n and awkward weaknes sentence
Capitalization capitalizati sentences do ses and structures.
on are appear. There gramma There are four
correct. are one or tical or more errors
two errors in errors. in punctuation
punctuation There are three and/or
and/or or four errors in capitalization.
capitalization. punctuation


Calculate the Final Score using the following formula:

Total Score:2 = Final Score


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