Section 5 - Iii.f Worksheet LMS - Pkgbi + Rubric
Section 5 - Iii.f Worksheet LMS - Pkgbi + Rubric
Section 5 - Iii.f Worksheet LMS - Pkgbi + Rubric
I. Direction
There are three steps that you have to take.
(1) Firstly, work on this worksheet according to the instructions.
After working on it, save the file into pdf and upload the work in your gdrive. Do not forget
to set the sharing access to ‘anyone can view’. Then, get the link of your file and write the
link in the provided space in the lms.
(2) Secondly, you have to do peer assessment.
Choose one work that has not been assessed by others. Assess the work using the guidance
(3) Thirdly, decide the final score of your friend’s work by writing down the result.
4 3 2 1 SCORE
A. Well Introductory Introduction Thesis and/or
developed paragraph states the problem is
introduction contains thesis but vague or
paragraph some does not unclear.
Introduction contains background adequately Background
Background/hi detailed information explain the details are a
story Define background , a and states background seemingly
the problem clear the problem, of the random
Thesis explanation or but does not problem. collection of
Statement definition of explain using The problem information,
the problem, details. is stated, but unclear, or not
and a thesis States the lacks detail. related to the
statement thesis of the topic.