Expository and Argumentative Essay Rubric
Expository and Argumentative Essay Rubric
Expository and Argumentative Essay Rubric
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Course and Section: _______________ Day and Time: _____________ Date: _______
(CONCRETENES Three or more main Three or more main Three or more main Less than three main
S & ACCURACY) points are well points are present points, but all points,
developed with but may lack detail lack development. with poor development
Body: supporting details. and development in of
Main points with one or two. ideas.
supporting ideas.
(CONCRETENES Source material is Source material is Source material is Lacks sources and/or
S AND smoothly used. used, but sources are
ACCURACY) integrated into the integration may be not accurately
text. All sources are awkward. documented.
Body: accurately cited,
References and All sources but a few are not in All sources are Format is incorrect for
citation are accurately cited in the desired format. accurately all sources.
the Some sources lack documented, but
desired format both in credibility. many are not in
the text and on the desired format
the reference lists. or lack credibility.
(CLARITY AND All ideas are written Most ideas written Ideas written are Ideas are written
CONCISENESS) with ease and with ease and clear but repetitive. obscurely and are
precision. precision. repetitive.
Sentence Essay contained a
Construction Essay did not contain Essay contained few awkward Essay contained many
sentences that sentences with sentences that awkward sentences
distracted the reader. minor error that distracted the that made the essay
barely distracted the reader. incomprehensible to
reader. the reader.