Rules Composition 2022
Rules Composition 2022
Rules Composition 2022
The "ITALY Percussive Arts Society”, organizes the 19th edition "Italy Percussion Competition" Sec. COMPOSITION for
Percussion Instruments.
Art. 1 The Competition is open to composers of any nationality. No age limit
Art. 2 Compositions for Percussion Instruments are admitted and divided into 5 categories:
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Art. 8 Documentation and scores, must be sent with priority mail or courier express (no mail) by
1st AUGUST 2022 (maximum time) to the address:
Italy Percussive Arts Society
Via Collina, 22 – 65013 Città S. Angelo (PE) Italy
enclosing the following material
a) Five copies of the score which bear a pseudonym or numerical code or acronym and category
on each copy.
b) Sealed envelope containing the application with a photocopy of identity document and payment
c) Five copies of the composition on CD or USB (optional).
The envelope (b) must bear only the pseudonym or numerical code and will be opened by the
President Italy PAS.
Art. 9 The compositions must arrive preferably in musical format (Final, Cubase, Sibelius etc…); should the
competitor wish to present a handwritten piece, this must be perfectly legible. The winners must
send the original of the Composition to the Publishing House (HoneyRock – USA) that will publish the
Art. 10 The Jury is made up of illustrious composers and percussionists, will examine the compositions sent
awarding the prizes according to their irrevocable judgment. Should the compositions be judged
unworthy the Jury will have the right not to award the contemplated prize.
Art. 11 The absolute winner must reach a mark not inferior to 98/100. The first-graded competitors a mark
from 95 to 97/100; the second-graded competitors from 90 to 94/100; the third-graded competitors
from 85 to 89/100. Ex-aequo positions are allowed.
To the first classified composers in all the categories:
- Publication of the composition by the Publisher HoneyRock” (USA);
- Distribution and promotion of the composition worldwide by "HoneyRock" (USA);
- Insertion of the Compositions for the Cat. A in the programme of the 20th edition of the Italy Percussion
Competition 2023;
- First prize absolute on all categories, 1000€ cash, sent by bank transfer from Italy PAS.
- Diploma of Merit 1st Prize;
To the second and third classified composers in all the categories: Diploma of Merit
For all the competitors: Certificate of participation (at the request)
Art. 13 Communication of the winning compositions to the competitors by email by 30th September 2021.
Diplomas will be directly sent to the compositors.
Art. 14 Any false declarations or a part of them will mean exclusion from the Competition and the
cancellation of the prize.
Art. 15 The application for admission to the Competition implies the unreserved approval of the present
Art. 16 In the event of contestations the Forum of Pescara (Italy) is competent on the matter. The official
reference text is the one drawn up in the Italian language.
Antonio Santangelo