8 - 9 September 2018: Tenth Edition of Performance Competition "Claxica"
8 - 9 September 2018: Tenth Edition of Performance Competition "Claxica"
8 - 9 September 2018: Tenth Edition of Performance Competition "Claxica"
8 – 9 September 2018
The music association “Ousia Armonica”, announces and organizes the 10th edition of the
International performance competition for classic guitar. The prize “10 years of Claxica” will take
place during the classical guitar festival “Claxica”.
The contest is opened to participants both males and females, of every age and all
nationalities. The contestants who had already win the first prize in the competition are not
allowed to participate.
Every audition will be open to the public.
All the rounds and the final concert will be recorded. The participants at the competition
herewith and permanently renounce any rights they may have as artists, musicians and/or
any other entitlement in relation to the distribution of phonographic recordings and/or
audiovisual tapes, as well as radio and television use and/or telematic network diffusion of
the competition rounds and/or final concert. The participants acknowledge that any rights to
the material indicated above belongs exclusively to the organization of the competition who
can use it in any form and manner.
The organization has the right to bring possible modifications to this regulation.
Application to participate in the competition implies that the contestants unconditionally
accept all of the rules and regulations currently established. In case of any disagreement or
difference of opinion concerning the rules, the only valid text will be the original in the
Italian language.
Passini Giordano - via Sturlari n.1 - 40034 Castel d’Aiano (BO) Italy
The application form (and the documents) must be sent within 31 August 2018 (will attest
postmark for post inscriptions).
On the web site www.claxica.it you will find a section dedicated to the lodging. Competitors can
take contacts with the organization of the festival in case of specific requests or should run into
logistical problems in arranging their stay during the day of the competition.
The payment of the admission instalment must be effectuated with banking transaction to:
Any application form has to be edited (fotocopies too) exclusively on the enrolment form given
with this document.
The personal data, provided with the application or in other way, will be treated according to the
D.L. nr 196/2003 and they will come in use on electronic, telematic, magnetic and paper support in
relation to the organizational requirements of the Competition. The personal data will not be diffuse
or communicate to anyone excepted the people engaged in the competition affaires.
If a contestant did not own car there will be a free shuttle service on Friday 7th September and
Saturday 8th September (morning) from Vergato train station to the place where the competition
will take place, prior notice to the organization and compatibly with organizational needs. At the
competition end the shuttle will bring back the contestants to Vergato train station.
Please, contact the organization for more information.
If someone wants to move independently, on the web site there will be the links to the local
transport companies.
The concert’s days will be decided with the Associations or Festivals that are going to offer the
Art. 8 JURY
The jury will include renowned names in the classical guitar. The names of the jury’s
members will be published on the web site www.claxica.it before the closing of entries.
The verdict and all the discussions and decisions of the jury are final and unchallengeable.
Performance of a competitor may be interrupted when the jury sees fit.
The jury will give an evaluation for performance and interpretation but it will also take
account of the importance and level of the presented program.
If a contestant is a relative or a student of a jury’s member, this juror cannot participate to
the discussion and voting for that contestant. The vote for that contestant will correspond at
the arithmetic mean of the scores given by the other jurors.
The jury can decide of not award some prizes if the artistic level of the performances is not
considered suitable. The jury can also award ex-aequo prizes if some performances have the
same vote. The ex-aequo prizes will be divided between the winners.
8 – 9 September 2018
Admission form
DATE OF BIRTH……………………………NATIONALITY…………………………………………..……………..
E-MAIL …...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
I enclose copy of the quittance of payment admission installment and a copy of a valid document of identification
according to the rules of the competition regulation that I declare to know and accept.
DATE ………………………………………*SIGNATURE……………………………………
* of the parent if under age