Learning Episode 1 - BO
Learning Episode 1 - BO
Learning Episode 1 - BO
The maximum number of students in each lesson is 6, which I find really useful since it keeps
the room from being too crowded. According to what I've seen, all of Teacher Rachelle's pupils
are highly active and eager to learn every day. I think it's a wonderful thing, but occasionally
their energy causes them to do things like yell, tap the couches, and make fun of their peers. I
witnessed one of the kids hitting his friend with a pencil, and as a result, Teacher Rachelle
urged the student to get up, take his classmate's hand, and apologize. He did so, and instructor
Rachelle seized the pencil as well. When the student is not acting properly, he is not permitted
to take it.
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Did the teacher use reinforcement in the class? Which part of the teaching-learning process it
was observed?
- Teacher Rachelle, from what I've seen, employs reinforcement throughout the teaching
and learning process. She made certain that every kid who completed the exams, properly
answered the questions, participated in class, and even behaved nicely throughout the
lesson received reinforcements. Because I've seen that if the children receive praise from
instructor Rachelle, they are driven to pay attention, engage more, and perform well in all
of the activities that their teacher has planned for them.
2. What kind of reinforcement was observed?
- Teacher Rachelle stressed the importance of recognizing every effort made by children in
every activity at school. That's why I observed she emphasized every effort made by the kids
by rewarding them with praise. She employs social reinforces such as saying or writing
"Good job" or "Excellent work" to convey praise for a behavior, and she also uses physical
reinforces such as letting the kid use a stamp or magnet when the student exhibits good
conduct. She also gives extra time to the students who behaves well and even letting them
have extra time for a recess.
3. Did the teacher use punishment in the class? Which part of the teaching-learning process it
was observed?
6. What stimulus was introduced by the teacher to elicit response from the learners? How it was
- Across the whole 18 hours of observation in several classes with instructor Rachelle, she
employs a variety of stimulus changes. Throughout the teaching and learning process,
she displays those cues in a very natural and effective manner. Students with ADHD and
ASD, in particular, will occasionally exhibit disruptive behaviors such as screaming and
tapping at inconvenient moments. I noticed how she uses purposeful movements to
explain diagrams and organizers to the students, how her gestures change depending on
the situation, how her speech varies to help her give information to the students, and how
she uses the interaction style more frequently to elicit responses from the students while
asking questions.
Instructions: Describe the three most important learning you have in using behaviorism in the
teaching-learning process.
Instructions: Provide documentation of your observation. You may include photo documentation,
materials utilized in the observation, technology used and other relevant documents
Learning Episode 1: Educational Theories
Name of Observer Drew Genesis N. Bo
Name of School Manggahan Elementary School
School Address Manggahan, General Trias, Cavite.
Name of Teacher Mrs. Rachelle G. Cantilado
Date(s) of
November 13-27, 2022 Time Observed 18 hours
For this observation, we will focus on cognitivism. So, let’s get started.
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. How did the teacher connect previous knowledge of the students with the new lesson being
- Teacher Rachelle uses a laptop to ensure that the PowerPoint presentation she
created for the classes is seen by her pupils. Before beginning a new session, she will
show various visuals, videos, or sentences related to their last lesson. Then she would
try to ask her kids questions about what they are thinking or remembering. When the
kids recall the prior lesson, she will question how important it is to know if they
mastered it in the previous lesson, and each student must respond verbally. When
instructor Rachelle receives the required response, she will display another picture
related to the current lesson and ask what the relationship is between the two. That is
when she may begin discussing the new lesson. She always made a point of explaining
the relationship between the teachings and their significance.
2. In which part of the teaching and learning process does activation of prior knowledge observed?
3. How did the teacher help students in organizing the lesson in the class? What strategy(ies) did
the teacher utilized?
-Teacher Rachelle employs a variety of teaching strategies with her students. First, she
split the classroom into groups or centers to assist students learn from one another and
focus on subject that is appropriate for their knowledge level. The teacher can circulate
among the groups, giving individual directions and assignments to each. The second
strategy is establishing expectations; this strategy is effective because it encourages
students to lay out all academic and behavioral expectations in a precise manner, such as
instructing students to raise their hand before speaking or asking people for verbal
consent before doing something. The final step is to break down steps to ensure that the
specific lessons are manageable.
4. In which part of the lesson did you observe elaboration? How did the teacher facilitate this?
- Teacher Rachelle, in my views, elucidates every topic, especially when presenting a new
subject. When she connects prior and new themes, she ensures that she clarifies
everything by providing fresh material that produces sophisticated knowledge. She
encourages elaboration by asking questions and using organizers, vocabulary phrases,
or cards to assist her pupils picture what she is presenting. She also produced images
that corresponded to terms related to what she was discussing. Following that, she
considers more instances to ensure that the pupils fully get the lesson.
5. Did the teacher utilize scaffolding? Describe how scaffolding was done.
- Teacher Rachelle's classes regularly make use of scaffolding. Students assimilate
knowledge more rapidly when she relates new learning to earlier life experiences. She also
provides time for her students to reflect on what they have learnt. She also uses
technology to demonstrate to her pupils various methods of connecting with their themes.
Teacher Rachelle additionally ensured that knowledge on a topic was broken down into
pieces so that pupils could progressively absorb all of the information. She also chats to
her pupils while they are taking an assessment, and she provides them tips and techniques
on how to finish what they are working on effectively.
Instructions: Provide documentation of your observation. You may include photo documentation,
materials utilized in the observation, technology used and other relevant documents