Characters Based On Age Etc

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English 6

Grade 6 School Cabugao ES Grade Section Six

Daily Lesson Teacher Michelle M. Mendeja Subject English 6

Log Date/Time October 6, 2022 Quarter First

Week no:9


A.Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of the forms and conventions of print, non-print and digital
materials to understand various viewing texts.

B.Performance Standards Apply knowledge of the various forms and conventions of print, non-print and digital
materials to appropriately comprehend print, non-print film and moving texts.

C.Learning Competencies/ Analyze the characters used in print, non-print and digital materials (Age and gender,
Objectives race and nationality, attitude and behavior)
(EN6VC-Ii-3.3.1, EN6VC-Ii-3.3.3)




4.Additional Materials from

Learning Resource(LR)portal

B.Other Learning


A.Reviewing previous lesson or 1. Preparatory activities

presenting the new lesson Warm-up song
Reading of Basic sight Words for Grade 6
Identify the elements of the story.
See worksheet

B. Establishing a purpose for the Look for the pictures of some famous fairy tale characters then in your own words
lesson describe each one of them.

1. Elsa 2. Pinocchio

English 6

3. Rapunzel 4. Sleeping beauty

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson

D. Discussion new concepts and Directions: Answer the questions based on the image that you have seen.
practicing new skills #1 Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the picture all about?
2. What can you say about the characters in the picture?
3. How old do you think are they?
4. What can you say about their attitude towards their work?
5. Where can you usually see this scene? urban or rural?
E. Discussing new concepts and Picture analysis is the extraction of meaningful information from images by means of
practicing new skill # 2 processing techniques.
Before you can analyze characters, let us first learn the meaning of print, non-print,
and digital materials. There are different materials or resources where we can get
information. These are print, nonprint, and digital materials. •
Print materials refer to any publication, document, or record including, but not limited
to, the following: newspapers, magazines, books, photographs, drawings, maps,
almanac, dictionary, atlas, encyclopedia, yearbook, magazine, etc.
• Non-print materials refer to formats with special characteristics whose information
content can only be accessed through the use of machines / digital equipment such as
e-book, e-journals, electronic images, audio-visual materials, tape recording, etc.
• Digital Materials refer to electronic records and other content (MS Office files,
PDFs, image, audio, or video files, etc.) that were originally created and/or stored in a
digital environment (such as web servers, desktop computers, digital cameras, digital
video recorders, etc.) Basically, characters and setting can be analyzed in print, non-
print, and digital materials.
Characters used in print, non-print, and digital materials can be analysed. Characters
used in print, non-print, and digital materials can be analyzed in terms of:
o age and gender
o race and nationality

English 6

o attitude and behavior

F. Developing mastery Study the images carefully. Directions: Complete the following table by describing
and analyzing the picture in terms of age and gender, race and nationality, and attitude
(Leads to Formative Assessment and behavior

Character Age and Race and Attitude and

Gender Nationality Behavior

G. Finding Practical application Study the images carefully. Directions: Complete the following table by describing
and analyzing the picture in terms of age and gender, race and nationality, and attitude
and behavior

Character Age and Gender Race and Attitude and

Nationality Behavior

H. Making generalizations and Characters refer to the people involved in the story. They are categorized as major and
abstractions about the lesson minor characters. We can get to know more of them if we analyzed them through their
age, gender, race, nationality, behavior and attitude.
I.Evaluating learning Look at the picture and analyze the character. Answer the questions below.

English 6

1. What is the picture all about? _______________

2. What can you say about the character in the picture? _____________________

3. How old do you think is the person? ___________________________________

4. What can you say about the person’s attitude towards work? _________________

5. Where can you usually see this scene? Urban or rural? ______________________

J. Additional learning Direction: Watch your favorite telenovela tonight, after that in a paragraph or two
describe the main character of the story.


A. No of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use, discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

English 6


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