Dll-Hope Week 7
Dll-Hope Week 7
Dll-Hope Week 7
Daily Lesson Log Teacher RICHARD F. BAYSIC Learning Area Health Optimizing
Physical Education
Teaching Dates and Time October 3-7, 2022 HUMSS 11-8:30-9:30 & TVL11- 1:00-2:00 Quarter FIRST
1. Identify the components of
skill-related fitness.
2. Perform the six components
of skill-related fitness activity:
3. Appreciate the importance of
skill related fitness through
your well- being
I. CONTENT Skill Related Fitness
A. References
B. Other Learning Resource Books/Teaching guide,
Curriculum guide
A. Reviewing previous Review of the lesson
lesson or presenting the Engaging in Moderate to
new lesson Vigorous Physical Activities
Following Personalized Fitness
B. Establishing a purpose for Perform Stretching
the lesson
C. Presenting Presenting Skill Related
examples/Instances of the Fitness
new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts Discusses Physical Fitness
and practicing new skills
E. Discussing new concepts Individual Activity.
and practicing new skills Perform the Six Components of
#2 Skill-Related Fitness Activity
The purpose of this activity is
to help you gain understanding
of what happens
to your heart rate when you
perform activities to develop
the six components of
skillrelated fitness. Perform
each activity as fast and as
many times as you can for 30
seconds. Use your heart rate
monitor and record your heart
rate before and
immediately after the activity.
F. Developing mastery Answer the following
(Leads to Formative questions:
Assessment 3) 1. In what activities did your
heart rate reach above 180?
Why do you think it occurred?
2. In which activities did you
feel winded or out of breath?
Why do you think it happened?
G. Finding practical As we apply this on our daily
application of concepts life, we need to follow certain
and skills in daily living rules and apply it for us to have
a better and free of worries
because we abide by the rules
and regulations.
H. Making generalizations Why do athletes or athletic
and abstractions about the individuals need skill-related
lesson fitness?
Do you think that skill-related
fitness could also be a health-
related fitness component?
How might developing a strong
or healthy skill-related fitness,
affect the way you perform
household chores and other
physical activities? Explain
I. Evaluating learning Short quiz