A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 11: Health Optimizing Physical Education (HOPE)

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 11
Health Optimizing
Physical Education

Prepared by:

Teacher I


Principal I

Master Teacher I
I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the session, the learners are expected to:
 Define Physical Activity and its components
 Explain the domains of physical activity
 Discriminate the four domains of physical activities from one another
 Classify physical activities to aerobic, muscle and/or bone training.
 Recognizes the value of physical activity as integral part of life.

II. Learning Content:

Topic: Exercise for Fitness: Physical Activities
References: Physical Education and Health (DIWA) pp. 1-30
Materials: Laptop, Projector, Printed Bond Papers, Box, Chalk, Powerpoint Presentation
Method: Game Approach, Discussion, Socratic, Collaborative Method
Value Integration: Cooperativeness, Appreciation

III. Learning Strategy:

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Daily Routines
1. Greetings
“Good morning, class!”
“Good morning, Sir!”
2. Prayer
“It’s a nice day. Would you please lead a short
prayer, Miriam?”
“Yes, sir. Classmates, let’s pray.”
(Miriam will lead a short prayer)
3. Checking of Cleanliness
“Thank you, Miriam! What a nice prayer to start the
day. Before you sit, would you please check for any
clutter below your chairs then arrange them properly
(The learners will follow)
4. Checking of Attendance
“Febelyn, would you please check if all of your
classmates are present?”
(Febelyn will check the attendance of the
“Sir, all of my classmates are present.”
“Well, that’s good to hear! Thank you, Febelyn. Let’s
try to maintain your good attendance record, OK?
“Yes, Sir!”
“Now, before we start our activity for the lesson, I
will present simple guidelines which all of you are
expected to follow until the end of the session.
"Lester, would you read, please?”
(Lester reads the guidelines)

(The teacher will elaborate)

“Any clarifications, class? Or would you like you add

“Yes, Richmond?”
“Sir, I think the guidelines are enough.”
“Well, if that’s the case, let’s start with our first

B. Motivation
“Your class will be grouped into three (3), and those
3 will be your group for all of our activities for today.
Now, I would like to group you into 3groups: this is
group 1, group 2, and group 3.”
(The teacher will facilitate the groupings of the

“Now that you know your groups, go gather with

your co-members and form a circle facing each other.
At the count of 10, you must be with your members.
(The teacher will facilitate the groupings of the
(The learners will follow)
“Are you ready for a game class?”
“Yes, sir!”
“It seems that you are ready. Well then, our game
will be called ARTE KO, HULA MO As the name
implies, this is a game of charades. The mechanics of
our game is simple. “
(The teacher will flash the mechanics of the game on
the screen.)
“Would you please read the mechanics, Rodelio?”
(Rodelio will read the mechanics)
1. Two representatives will come from each group.
2. The representative will be given 2 pieces of papers
each and they will act what is written on the papers.
3. The class will try to guest the acts of the
representative in front.
4. The game will end if all of the acts are answered

ULTIMATE QUESTION: What is common among

the acts?

“Thank you, Rodel. Do you have any clarifications

“None. Sir!” (Learners response may vary)
“Well then, let’s begin! May I have two (2)
representatives from each group.”
(Representatives from each group will come
to the front)
(The teacher will give 2 pieces of papers to each
Basketball Walking
Sweeping Paway
Food Preparation Running
Construction work Carpentry

(The teacher will facilitate the activity) (The learners will actively participate in the
“Thank you representatives, you have done a good
job! To the people who have given correct answers,
congratulations! To others, we’ll have another game
later. Now. Let’s give ourselves a round of applause
for a job well done!”
(The learners will clap)
C. Presentation
“We are finish with our first game, let’s answer the
ultimate question now. What is common with these
acts? (The teacher will elaborate) Anyone?”
“Yes, Valerie?”
“Sir, the common thing among those acts is
that we need to be moving while we do them.
Hence, they are Physical Activities.”
(Learner’s response may vary)
“Exactly! Very good, Valerie.”

D. Lesson Proper
“So, based on our game and Valerie’s answer. Our
lesson for today is Physical Activity.

“For an activity to be physical, a crucial element is

needed. What do you think it is, class?”
“Yes, Benjie?”
“Sir, it needs to have a moving or working
body.” (Learner’s response may vary)
Precisely! Thank you, Benjie. Here is the definition
of Physical Activity. (The teacher will flash the
“Would you please read, Jimuel?”
(Jimuel will read the definition)

“Thank you, Jimuel. When we move our body or part

of our body, it uses energy/fuel in the form of
Adenosine Triphosphate(ATP) which we derive form
the nutrients we get from the food we eat. So our
digestive system directly affects our skeletal-muscle
systems.” (The teacher may add/elaborate more)

“Now that we have defined physical activities, let’s

continue to the four (4) domains of physical activity.
First, we have occupational, second, Domestic,
Transportation, third and fourth and lastly, leisure
activities. Let’s have occupational first. Would you
please read, Angel?” (The teacher will flash the
(Angel will read)
“Nice reading, Angel. Now that we know what is the
occupational domain of PA. Let’s look back at the
answers from our charade game earlier. Among those
answers, which activities are under occupational
domain? May I have a representative from Group 1?

“Yes, Roselen?” “Sir!”

“Sir, I think it’s construction working and

“Correct! Thank you, Roselen. But why do you think carpentry.
it’s are those two? Why do they belong to this
domain? Anyone who likes to answer? May I have
from group 2?

“Yes, Angelo?” “Sir!”

“Sir, because construction working and

carpentry are source of living.
“Well said! Very good, Angelo. Always remember (Learner’s response may vary)
that physical movements are integral to an
individual’s work. When a person works he/she is
helping our country’s economy by giving a share of
his/her taxes which the government uses to provide
funds for its projects. So indirectly our physical
activities affect our country’s economic growth. So
finish your studies well and have a good job so that
you may also help with our nation building. OK?”
(The teacher may add/elaborate more)

“Well then, let’s have Domestic domain. Would you “Yes, sir!”
please read, Jonalyn?”

“Thank you, Jonalyn.” (The teacher may (Jonalyn will read)

add/elaborate more)

“Let’s look at our charade answers again. Which

among those answers do you think belong to
domestic domain?”

“Yes, Willian?” “Sir!”

“Sir, I think it’s sweeping and food

Yes! Good job, William! In your home, are you preparation.”
helping with chores, class?

“How do you help? Jelieka?” “Yes, sir!” (Learner’s response may vary)

“Sir, I help by sweeping, washing my own

clothes and the dishes after every meal.”
“That’s good to hear! As a responsible member of (Learner’s response may vary)
our family, let’s help our parents keep our homes
tidy. Also by helping, chores may be finished earlier,
you get to apply domestic skills you gain and you’ll
live in a healthier environment.
(The teacher may add/elaborate more)

“Now, how about our third domain?

“Yes, Christopher?” “Sir!”

“It’s Transportation, sir.”

“Thank you, Christopher. (The teacher may (Christopher will read the definition)
add/elaborate more)
May I have a representative from group 3 to tell
which among those are examples of transportation?”

“Yes, Jerica?” “Sir!”

“Sir, its walking and running.”

“Yes! Correct! Walking and running are examples of
transportation domain. Basically, all locomotive
movements are under transportation.
(The teacher may add/elaborate more)

Why do we classify these movements as locomotion?


“Yes, Larry?” ‘Sir!”

“From what I know, locomotive movements

are movements which enables us to transfer
from a place to another, sir.
“Very good, Larry! Do you have any clarifications, (Learner’s response may vary)

“If that’s the case, let’s proceed to the last domain “None, sir!”
which is leisure. Of course we have our last 2. We
have Basketball and Paway. These are example of
leisure which we do when we want to pass the time.
Have you played these? (The teacher may
add/elaborate more)

“Yes, sir!” (Learners’ may share their

“It’s good that you are still active. Always remember experiences and have varying responses)
that when it comes to expending your leisure time,
it’s better to join engaging activities like games than
playing video games. It’s good to catch a breath one
in a while. Well then, if you have no questions let’s
continue our lesson.”

If we have physical activity and it’s four domains, we

also have physical exercise and its types. Now, would
please share your ideas about what is exercise?

“Yes, Linda?” “Sir!”

“Sir, exercise is when we dance, jog, or

participate in sports to maintain our fitness or
“Well said, Linda! (The teacher will flash a definition lose weight.”
of exercise)
“For our Trivia: According World Health
Organization, we should engage in exercise at least
60 minutes per day or 420 minutes per week. Having
the ratio 60:1 and 420:7 respectively.”
(The teacher may add/elaborate more)

“First type of our exercise are aerobic activities.

Now, why do you think it’s called aerobic? Anyone
from the class?”
“Yes, Betty?”
“Sir, I think aero means air. So in doing
aerobic activities, we need to have air.”
“Very good, Betty! It’s good to know that you know
the origins of words. Would you please read, Romel?
(Romel will read the definition)

“Thank you, Romel.”

(The teacher may add/elaborate more)
“Now, may I have someone from the group 1 to give
me an example of aerobic based on our charade
“Yes, Frich?”
“Sir, running and basketball.”
“Precisely! Thank you, Frich. Do you have any
clarifications about aerobic activities?
“None, sir!”
“Well then, let’s have the next one.”
(The teacher will flash a definition
“Would you please read, Robelyn?”
(Robelyn will read the definition)

“Thank you, Robelyn.” (The teacher will elaborate)

“May I have some from the group 2 to give an
example of MSA?”
“Yes, Vanessa?”
“Sir, I think its construction working and
‘Yes! Those are examples. Very good, Vanessa! In
MSA, muscles are damaged and repaired again,
enabling them to withstand greater workload. That’s
why we need to consume proteins when we work out.
” (The teacher will elaborate)

“It’s seems that you process our first two exercise.

Let’s have the last one, would you please read it,

(Arjay will read the definition of bone

strengthening activity)

“Thank you, Arjay! Remember that BSA enables our

bones to have micro fissures and be repaired. Similar
what MSA do to our muscles. In order to be repaired,
our bones need a lot of calcium. (The teacher will

“Do you have any clarifications, class?”

“Well then, let’s check if you have learned something

“None, sir!” (Learners response may vary)
E. Generalization/Summary
“Before we proceed to our next activity, may you
summarize what have you learned today?

“Yes, Romel?” “Sir!”

“I have learned today that Physical activities

require energy in the form of ATP and it has
four domains, occupational, domestic,
“Correct! May I have another volunteer? transportation and leisure time respectively.”

“Yes, Arjay?” “Sir!”

“I also learned that exercises are examples of

physical activity and they have three types.
We have aerobic, muscle and bone
strengthening activities respectively.
Integration (Learner’s response may vary)
F. Application/Assessment
“You got it! Now. Let’s have a short quiz bee to test
your knowledge. Here’s the mechanics of our game.
Jackelyn, would you please read?”
(The teacher will flash the mechanics)

MECHANICS (Jackelyn will read the mechanics)

1. Each group will be given 7 flash cards, 4 for
domains of physical education and 3 for types of
2. The flashcards will be used as choices for the quiz
3. The team should be able to raise their answers
immediately after the teacher says UP!
4. The team who will gain most points will be
declared as the winners.
“Thank you, Jackelyn. Do you have any
clarifications, class?”

“If that’s the case, let’s start.” “None, sir!” (Learners response may vary)
(The teacher will facilitate the quiz bee)
Key to Correction: (The learners will participate actively)
1. Domestic 6. MSA
2. Occupational 7. Aerobic A
3. Leisure 8. MSA
4. Domestic 9. BSA
5. Transportation 10. Aerobic A

(After the game)

“Congratulations to the winners, let’s give them a
round of applause.”

G. Valuing (Learners will follow)

“I’d like you to think and answer this question.”
(The teacher will flash the question)

 Why physical activities are important? How

does engaging in physical activities make you
a better person?

“Yes, Febelyn?” “Sir!”

“As a dancer, I can become a better person

when I dance because I can release my stress
and I have the chance to meet other people
“Excellent! That’s one way to look at it. Keep when I dance. Also, I can express my
dancing, Febelyn! When I engage in physical feelings.” (Learners response may vary)
activities, we have the chance to be holistically fit.
We can make new friends thru sports (social) , we
can have an outlet for emotions (emotional) and
stress (mental) and of course a way to be fit
( physical) With so many benefits from PA, the state
also encourages youth to participate” (Art. 14 Sec
19). (The teacher may add. elaborate more)

H. Evaluation
“Let’s have your last activity today. We will continue
our quiz bee, but I will also give you black cartolina
and chalk. You will use these if you can’t find the
answers from the flash cards. Are you ready?”

Well then, let’s start. (The teacher will facilitate the “Yes, sir!”
(The learners will participate actively)
1. How do you call “the bodily movements of
skeletal muscles that leads to energy expenditure?
Physical Activity
2. What is the term used for physical activities
related to play and passing the time? Leisure
3. What is chemical compound we use as energy?
4. A domain of PA which is characterized by work.
5. How would you call the movements we use to
transfer from one place to another?
6. Swimming : Aerobic Carrying heavy things:
________. BSA
7. What kind of nutrient our bones need to repair?
8. Another term for Aerobic Act.
Cardio/Endurance Act.
9. How about MSA? Resistance Training?
10. T or F. MSA and BSA may also be aerobic
exercises. T

(At the end of evaluation)

“Good job, class! It seems that you understand our
lesson well. Do you have any questions?”

I. Homework “None, sir!”

“Then please copy your assignment.” (The learners’ response may vary)
(The teacher will flash the assignment on the board)

 Make a list of foods you usually eat for meal

and your favorite foods. (The learners will follow)

(The teacher will elaborate)

OK, we are finished with our first topic. Be sure you

have your assignment with you tomorrow. Please
arrange your chairs properly.

“Goodbye, everyone!

“Goodbye and thank you, sir!”

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