Dll-Oral Com Week 5-2022-2023
Dll-Oral Com Week 5-2022-2023
Dll-Oral Com Week 5-2022-2023
Daily Lesson Log Teacher RICHARD F. BAYSIC Learning Area ORAL COMMUNICATION
Teaching Dates and Time September 19-23. 2022 TVL 11 4:00-5:00 Quarter FIRST
I. CONTENT Principles of Speech Writing Principles of Speech Writing Principles of Speech Principles of Speech Writing
A. References Oral Communication in Oral Communication in Context
Oral Communication in Context Oral Communication in Context Context
B. Other Learning Resource Books/Teaching guide, Curriculum Books/Teaching guide, Books/Teaching guide, Books/Teaching guide, Curriculum
guide Curriculum guide Curriculum guide guide
A. Reviewing previous lesson
or presenting the new Reviewing previous lesson Review of the lesson Review of the lesson Review of the lesson
lesson Recalling effective speech
Give the various types of Recalling principles of Recalling effective
communicative strategies effective speech delivery in speech writing focusing writing focusing on word
different situations. on audience profile choice
B. Establishing a purpose for What is the importance of speech Why is there need for an In speech writing, why Why is word choice in
the lesson writing in a speaker? effective speech delivery in do we need to focus on speech writing important?
different situations? audience profile?
C. Presenting Presenting Principles of Speech Presenting Principles of Speech Presenting Principles of Presenting Principles of Speech
examples/Instances of the Writing Writing Speech Writing Writing
new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts Discusses principles of speech Discusses principles of effective Discusses effective speech Discusses effective speech writing
and practicing new skills # 1 writing speech delivery in different writing focusing on focusing on word choice
situations audience profile
E. Discussing new concepts Individual Activity. Following the Enrichment Activities Enrichment Activities Enrichment Activities
and practicing new skills # 2 speech writing process,
F. prepare/plan a speech to be
delivered in class. As you go along,
make sure to fill in the details in the
columns with the ideas you have
decided on.
A. Conduct a general audience
analysis. Use the sheet below.
G. Developing mastery Write T if the statement is true; Oral Recitation Enrichment Activities Quiz
(Leads to Formative write F if it is false.
Assessment 3) 1. An outline determines
whether your supporting ideas
match your main idea or not.
2. Any speech should include an
introduction, body, and
3. In the introduction, you
explain the importance of your
topic by giving examples.
4. Knowing the audience and the
occasion is crucial in writing a
5. Rehearsing is a major
6. Speech writing is a recursive
7. The approach that you will use
in your introduction can
determine the success of your
8. The primary objective of
speech writing is getting the right
or appropriate topic.
9. The purpose of the speech will
help you identify ideas that will
support your main idea
or message.
10. Word choice is one
consideration in writing a
H. Finding practical application Just like events planning, or any
of concepts and skills in daily other activities, writing an
living effective speech follows certain
steps or processes. As we apply
this on our daily life, we need to
follow certain rules and apply it
for us to have a better and free
of worries because we abide by
the rules and regulations.
I. Making generalizations and Find one speech writer in your
abstractions about the community and interview him/her
lesson on his/her experiences in speech
writing. Then, using a minimum of
500 words, make a written report
about his/her responses. Use the
following format: computerized,
font 12, Times New Roman, 1.5
J. Evaluating learning Recording the data attained Short quiz Recording the data attained
POST TEST or performed or performed
A. No. of learners who earned TVL 11- 13
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require None so far
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
D. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the