Fuel Gas System Operation Procedure
Fuel Gas System Operation Procedure
Fuel Gas System Operation Procedure
1 PURPOSE....................................................................................................................................... 4
2 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................ 4
3 RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................................................................................... 4
4 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 4
5 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................... 4
6 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................. 5
7 TASK/PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................... 5
7.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND CONFIGURATION ................................................................ 5
7.2 FUEL GAS SYSTEM DESIGN AND OPERATING PARAMETERS ................................... 6
7.2.1 Design parameters ............................................................................................................ 6
7.2.2 Operating parameters ....................................................................................................... 6
7.3 FUEL GAS SYSTEM PRIMARY CONTROLS .......................................................................... 6
7.3.1 Fuel Gas Scrubber ............................................................................................................ 6
7.3.2 Fuel Gas Super Heater ..................................................................................................... 8
7.3.3 Fuel Gas Distribution ....................................................................................................... 9
7.4 FUEL GAS SYSTEM ROUTINE OPERATION ....................................................................... 10
7.4.1 System monitoring ......................................................................................................... 10
7.4.2 Visual inspections .......................................................................................................... 11
7.4.3 Shift handover ................................................................................................................ 11
7.5 FUEL GAS SYSTEM START UP AND SHUTDOWN OPERATION ................................. 11
This operating procedure is to provide general operating configuration of the Fuel Gas system
on the FPSO Ruby II. The procedure also details how to operate system effectively and
This operating procedure is applied to the Fuel Gas system on FPSO Ruby II. It covers the
following main process components:
- Fuel Gas Scrubber (V-4501)
- Fuel Gas Supper Heater (F-4501A/B)
The Fuel Gas system operation is generally under scope of work of Production Department.
In case maintenance activities requirement, Maintenance Department will normally assign for
the job together with Production team. PS shall make sure the Fuel gas system is operated
properly with adequate logging and recording.
Supporting documents:
J07183-DPSM-00-P-KA-0002 Operating Procedure Manual (Topsides)
PRB-DOC-PR01 FPSO RUBY II Document control procedure
PRB-PRN-PR06 Plant operating parameters reading and check procedure
PRB-PRN-PR07 DCS setting monitor and control procedure
PRB-PRN-PR08 Plant Start-up and control shutdown procedures
PRB-PRN-PR33 Change over Fuel gas super heater F-4501A/B
Process latest P&IDs:
J07183-DPSM-45-P-XB-0451 Fuel Gas Scrubber P&ID
J07183-DPSM-45-P-XB-0452 Fuel Gas Supper Heater P&ID
J07183-DPSM-45-P-XB-0452 Fuel Gas Distribution P&ID
CCR Central Control Room
CRO Control Room Operator
ESD Emergency Shutdown High level
OIM Offshore Installation Manager
FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading
HOD Head of Department
JHA Job Hazard Analysis
LCV Level Control Valve
LIC Level Indicator Controller
LPO Lead Production Operator
MMSCFD Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day
P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
PCV Pressure Control Valve
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PS Production Supervisor
PTW Permit to Work
UHF Ultra High Frequency radio
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Fuel Gas system operation procedure Code: PRB-PRN-PR34
6.1 No inhibits/overrides on safety devices are permitted without authorization of OIM/PS during
normal operation.
6.2 Only competent personnel are assigned to carry out the operation/maintenance job on this
6.3 Personnel involved operational job must be fully aware of their assignment and strictly
follow company PTW procedures.
6.4 Always wear properly PPE during carry out the job.
6.5 Communication between personnel involved/ line supervisors must be well established by
radio via UHF channel, the conversation should be clear, precise and understandable during
these operations.
6.6 If any unsafe condition/unsafe act take places during this system normal operation, personnel
are allowed to stop the work, report to their immediate supervisors for prompt actions.
6.7 The Production Supervisor is responsible for the correct implementation of this procedure.
This, however, does not absolve the accountability of others in the undertaking.
6.8 If any correctness of this procedure should be submitted to each Head of Departments to get
approval to change the procedure, these changes shall then be captured on a permanent basis
by submitting them through the required document control procedures.
The fuel gas system is required to process the production gas from HP and Ruby Slug
Catcher into a form which is suitable for use by steam boilers, flame front generator, flare
purging and gas blanketing for vessel. It is also used as stripping gas in the Glycol
regeneration package. The fuel gas system is designed for a maximum fuel gas rate of 7.0
MMSCFD and to ensure gas is conditioned by free liquid knock-out followed by heating to
give a superheat margin of 25oC above the hydrocarbon dew-point at source. The fuel gas
system consists of one fuel gas scrubber V-4501 and 2 x 100% fuel gas superheater, F-
Under normal operating conditions, gas for the fuel gas system package is taken from HP
Slug Catcher V-1001 gas outlet at 7.0 barg and the arrival pressure is under pressure control
of PCV-4507 to ensure the operating pressure entering the package could be maintained at
4.5 barg. The fuel gas is passed to the fuel gas scrubber V-4501. The scrubber is a vertical
vessel and is situated downstream of PCV-4507. It is meant to collect and dispose of any free
liquids in the fuel gas, by means of level control valve LCV-4502, which sends accumulated
liquids back to the MP Separator V-1002.
After passing through the fuel gas scrubber, the fuel gas is heated by fuel gas super heaters,
F-4501A/B which is only one normally on line. The fuel gas heaters are electric element type
heaters with thyristor control. The control system senses the differential temperature between
the common inlet and outlet of each heater using TIT-4502A/B and adjusts the heating
accordingly to maintain the differential temperature at 25oC of superheat using differential
temperature controllers TDICA-4502. The gas then passes through flow orifice where gas
flow is measured by FIT-4501 before passing to the various users after being further let down
in pressure as appropriate.
The main fuel gas users are the marine steam boilers, supply pressure approx. 4.0 barg from
the topside. There is a pressure regulator inlet to the boiler to step down pressure to the
required fuel gas supply pressure for boiler. The balance of the fuel gas users i.e. flame front
generator, stripping gas for glycol package, blanketing gas for vessel are supplied with fuel
gas and each of the destinations will be provided with pressure reducing valve for stepping
down pressure as required. Supply of gas to the remaining users is further let downs in
pressure by PRV-4504 to a pressure of 2.0 barg. These users are mainly for HP and LP flare
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Fuel Gas system operation procedure Code: PRB-PRN-PR34
During normal running of the plant, fuel gas is supplied from the HP Slug catcher V-1001 gas
outlet line as stated earlier. Two alternative fuel gas supplies are available, known as back up
fuel gas and nitrogen back up. Back-up fuel gas is tied in to the downstream side of PCV-
4507 where fuel gas supply is taken from Ruby Slug Catcher V-1005 gas outlet. It is used
when there is abnormal fuel gas supply from HP Slug Catcher i.e. low pressure supply where
fuel gas need to top up from other source to maintain the normal operating condition and
when the HP slug catcher is shut due to maintenance activity. It has to be manually lined up.
The nitrogen back up is only applicable for certain application i.e. HP and LP flare purge.
7.2.1 Design parameters
Set point
Name Tag No. Equipment Description Unit Low High
Low Ope. High
low high
Fuel Gas Scrubber Pressure
PIC-4507 Barg - 4.0 4.5 7.0 -
Fuel Gas Scrubber Pressure
Fuel Gas PZA-4501 Barg 3.0 - - - 8.0
trip transmitter
(V-4501) Fuel Gas Scrubber level
LIC-4502 % - 25 - 35 -
Fuel Gas Scrubber level trip
LZA-4501 % 10 - - - 80
TIA- Temperature indicating 0
Fuel Gas C - 30 - 45 -
4502A High/ Low alarm
Heaters Temperature indicating 0
TIA-4502B C - 60 65~68 68 -
(F-4501 High/Low alarm
A/B) 0
TZA-4505 Temperature trip transmitter C 50 - - - 80
Pressure control
Supply pressure to Fuel Gas Scrubber is regulated by PICA-4507 controller acting on the
pressure control valve PCV-4507. The controller receives the pressure signal from transmitter
PIT-4507 which located on the gas outlet line of Fuel Gas Scrubber. The vessel pressure is
set at 4.5 barg.
When pressure in the Fuel Gas Scrubber rises above the set point, the PCV-4507 starts to
close in order to maintain vessel pressure as per operating set point, if the pressure is still
rising up to High alarm set point at 7.0 barg, the CRO must take necessary intervention action
and investigation to prevent the overpressure which can lead the system shutdown at high
high pressure as per cause and effect.
When pressure in the Fuel Gas Scrubber decreases below set point, PCV-4507 starts to open
in order to maintain vessel pressure as per operating set point, if the pressure still decreases to
Low alarm set point at 4.0 barg, the CRO must take necessary intervention action and
investigation to prevent the pressure loss which can lead the system shutdown at low low
pressure as per cause and effect. The bypass valve of PCV-4507 should be considered to open
in this case.
Level control:
Fuel Gas Scrubber liquid level is maintained by level controller LICA-4502 acting on level
control valve LCV-4502 located on the liquid outlet line. By controlling liquid flow out of the
vessel, LICA-4502 could ensure a constant liquid around 25%~35% inside scrubber.
If condensate level increases and reaches high set point at 30%, the controller LICA-4502
will send the signal to open level control valve LCV-4502 and will not close until liquid level
decreases to low setpoint at 25%.
If the condensate level is still rising up instead of level control valve LCV-4502 opening, then
the CRO must take necessary intervention action and investigation to prevent the condensate
level upset which can lead the system shutdown at high high level as per cause and effect.
The bypass valve of LCV-4502 should be considered opening in this case.
If the condensate level is still decreasing instead of level control valve LCV-4502 closing,
then the CRO should consider to close SDV-4502 and take necessary intervention actions and
investigation to prevent the condensate level upset which can lead the system shutdown at
low low level as per cause and effect.
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Fuel Gas system operation procedure Code: PRB-PRN-PR34
Primary pressure protection for the scrubber and downstream equipment is provided by
pressure transmitter PZIT-4501, which provides high high and low low pressure trip signals
to the emergency shutdown system.
The scrubber is also protected against high pressure by dual relief valves PSV-4501A/B.
Normally only one PSV is lined up and other is standby. The PSV is designed for fire case
and set pressure at 8.0 barg. The PSV’s have a bypass, which is used for depressurizing the
system in a maintenance or inspection shutdown situation. The PSV’s isolation valves have a
lock open/ lock closed system so that maintenance of the offline PSV can be done.
The fuel gas scrubber and downstream system are protected from the effect of High High or
Low Low level in the scrubber, by level transmitter LZIT-4501. This transmitter provides a
high high or low low level signal to the ESD system.
A shutdown valve SDV-4502 exists in the liquid outlet line from the fuel gas scrubber V-
4501. This valve will block in the liquid outlet line from the scrubber under shutdown
7.3.2 Fuel Gas Super Heater
Temperature control:
Gas from Fuel Gas Scubber is routed to the Fuel Gas Super Heater for heating up. Under
normal operating condition, only one heater is lined up and energised at its thyristor panel.
The thyristor panel takes feedback from differential temperature controller TDICA-4502,
which receives signals from TIT-4502A and TIT-4502B respectively and varies the power
input to the heater elements to maintain the differential temperature at the controller set point,
which is 25oC. The outlet temperature of Fuel gas super heater should be maintained between
65oC and 68oC
If the inlet temperature is lower than normal operation, the outlet gas temperature might be
lower than 65oC, the CRO should raise the differential temperature controller TDICA-4502 to
maintain the outlet temperature.
If the inlet temperature is higher than normal operation, the outlet gas temperature might be
higher than 68oC, the CRO could reduce the differential temperature controller TDICA-4502
to maintain the outlet temperature.
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Fuel Gas system operation procedure Code: PRB-PRN-PR34
Single PSV’s exist on each of the fuel gas super heaters and it has been designated as PSV-
4502A/B. The PSV is designed to protect heaters from the effect of high pressure from
abnormal heat input from the thyristor control panel if a heater is inadvertently blocked in.
The inlet and outlet isolation valves of these PSV’s are normally locked open and the bypass
valve are locked close.
Both of the fuel gas heaters are provided with high temperature protection in the form of
element skin temperature thermocouples. These will shut down the heater in the event that a
high element temperature exists within the heater. An external temperature protection
transmitter TZIT-4505 on the common outlet line of super heaters provides a high high or
low low temperature signal to the ESD system. Shutdown actions will be as per topsides
Cause and Effect Matrix IPS, J07183-DPSM-00-I-XR-0202
7.3.3 Fuel Gas Distribution
Further conditioning and control of the fuel gas is by pressure reduction only, to satisfy the
pressure requirements of the individual users.
Deck Boilers :
The main user, marine steam boilers have pressure regulators where the pressure is reduced
to about 2.0 barg. There is a pressure transmitter PIT-4508 provided downstream of super
heater common outlet line to monitor fuel gas supply pressure on the topsides module prior
left to the boilers. The transmitter will send signals High/Low to the marine deck boilers
control panel.
If the supply pressure reach Low alarm, the CRO must close monitor the boiler performance
and even take necessary intervention action and investigation i.e. shutdown fuel gas supply
and active back up diesel fuel for boilers.
Flame Front Generator:
The fuel gas routed to Flame Front Generator need a precise control in order to maintain the
air-fuel gas ratio. This is achieved by means of pressure reducing valve, PRV-5011 which is
set at 1.03 barg.
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Fuel Gas system operation procedure Code: PRB-PRN-PR34
As daily activity, the field operator needs to drain out the accumulated liquid inside Fuel gas
super heaters by opening manual drain valve below the heaters. Hence, the quality of fuel gas
supply to users can be maintained.
The field operators should regularly contact to CROs to crosscheck CCR the accuracy of the
instrumentation, i.e. the comparison between the local reading and reading in the DCS.
CROs keep monitoring regularly on DCS HMI, crosscheck with site operators if found any
abnormal reading.
Field operators and CROs regularly observe the system’s operating parameters such as vessel
pressure, level, temperatures and report to LPO/PS/E&I if any instrument device is
7.4.2 Visual inspections
Visually inspect the condition of the system equipment and pipe work for
corrosion/deterioration including the security of pipe hangers/fittings.
Field operators daily visualize the system for any gas leaking or abnormal noise and report to
LPO/PS or CCR if found any abnormal condition.
7.4.3 Shift handover
Off-going shift operators are to ensure that the on-coming Shift Operators are fully briefed as
to the status of the plant as detailed in the Shift Operators Log Book.
The logbook is to contain sufficient details of the plant status including any deviation from
the normal condition, any isolation of protection equipment.
End of each day shift, operator, LPO, PS and OIM will sign on the handover logbook to
confirm they are aware of the system operating parameters in normal operating conditions.
Refer to operating procedure Plant start-up and Controlled shutdown procedures PRB-PRN-
PR08 for details start up this system