Response Records Part 4
Response Records Part 4
Response Records Part 4
Fitzsimmons Creek Hydro Limited Partnership 303 - 38 Fell Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7P 3S2
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Table of Contents
Section 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ..........................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Description ...............................................................................................1 1.2.1 Diversion Structure and Intake ...........................................................................2 Spillway ......................................................................................................2 Coanda Screen ...........................................................................................2 Conveyance Pipe ........................................................................................3 Regulation Chamber ...................................................................................3 1.2.2 Penstock ............................................................................................................3 Low Pressure Conduit (LPC) ......................................................................4 High Pressure Penstock (HPP) ...................................................................4 1.2.3 Powerhouse Including Tailrace and Associated Electrical Substation ................4 Powerhouse ................................................................................................4 Tailrace .......................................................................................................5 Snowmaking Pond ......................................................................................5 Generating Equipment ................................................................................5 1.2.4 Buried Transmission Line ..................................................................................6 Section 2.0 Operating Parameters .................................................................................. 7 2.1 Major Features & Operating Parameters ..................................................................7 2.2 Environmental ..........................................................................................................8 2.2.1 Instream Flow Release (IFR) .............................................................................8 2.2.2 Ramping ............................................................................................................9 2.2.3 First Nation Relations ......................................................................................10 2.2.4 Community Relations .......................................................................................10 2.3 Public Safety ..........................................................................................................10 2.4 Recreation ..............................................................................................................11 Section 3.0 Operating Procedures ................................................................................. 11 3.1 Daily Operating Procedures....................................................................................11 3.2 Turbine Inlet Valve..................................................................................................12 3.3 Penstock Filling ......................................................................................................12 3.4 Intake Level Management ......................................................................................17 3.4.1 Intake Gate ......................................................................................................17 Manual command from the plant operator .................................................17 Automatically ............................................................................................18 3.5 Start-up Procedures ...............................................................................................18 3.5.1 Start-up with Headpond Empty ........................................................................18 3.5.2 Start-up with Headpond Full ............................................................................21 3.5.3 Start-up with Snowmaking Pond Empty ...........................................................21 3.6 Shutdown Procedures ............................................................................................22 3.6.1 Normal .............................................................................................................22 3.6.2 Forced Outage/ Load Rejection .......................................................................22 3.6.3 Emergency Shut Down ....................................................................................23 3.7 Monitoring and Control Procedures ........................................................................23 3.7.1 General............................................................................................................23 3.7.2 Protection Relays.............................................................................................24 3.7.3 Human Machine Interface: Description and Functionality.................................24 3.7.4 Data Historian: Description and Functionality...................................................24 3.7.5 CCD Camera ...................................................................................................25
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3.8 Maintenance and Inspection Program ....................................................................25 3.8.1 Intake...............................................................................................................25 3.8.2 Penstock ..........................................................................................................26 3.8.3 Powerhouse.....................................................................................................26 3.8.4 Tailrace............................................................................................................27 3.8.5 Headpond ........................................................................................................28 3.8.6 Access Roads..................................................................................................28 3.8.7 Turbine and Generator ....................................................................................28 3.8.8 Mechanical and Hydraulic Systems .................................................................28 3.8.9 Back-up Systems .............................................................................................28 3.8.10 Protection and Controls .................................................................................29 3.8.11 Electrical Equipment ......................................................................................29 3.9Trouble Shooting and Repairs .................................................................................29 Section 4.0 Operating Staff ........................................................................................... 30 4.1 Staffing Levels ........................................................................................................30 4.2 Minimum Requirements and Training .....................................................................30 4.3 Safety .....................................................................................................................31 Section 5.0 Monitoring and Reporting............................................................................ 32 5.1 Baseline Data Report .............................................................................................32 5.2 Long Term Monitoring Plan ....................................................................................32 5.3 Avian Species.........................................................................................................32 5.3 Mammals ................................................................................................................33 5.4 Incident Reports .....................................................................................................33 5.5 EcoLogoTM ..............................................................................................................33 5.6 Ongoing Monitoring and Reporting .........................................................................33 Section 6.0 Glossary of Terms ...................................................................................... 35 Section 7.0 Key Personnel ............................................................................................ 37 7.1 Project Owner.........................................................................................................37 7.2 Plant Operators ......................................................................................................37 7.3 EPC Contractor ......................................................................................................37 7.4 Provincial Agencies ................................................................................................38 7.5 Federal Agencies....................................................................................................38 7.6 First Nations ...........................................................................................................38 Section 8.0 References ................................................................................................. 39
List of Appendices
Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Appendix F: Appendix G: Conditional Water Licence Fisheries Act Authorization Navigable Water Protection Act Approval CEAA Screening Fish Salvage Protocol Wildlife Observation Form Incident Report and Emergency Response Numbers
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The Fitzsimmons Creek Hydroelectric Project (the Project) is a run-of-the-river renewable energy project located on Fitzsimmons Creek between Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains in the Resort Municipality of Whistler, B.C. The Project is owned by Fitzsimmons Creek Hydro Limited Partnership (FCHLP). FCHLP signed an Electricity Purchase Agreement (EPA) with BC Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro) in June 2009 through the Standing Offer Program to sell power generated by this Project to BC Hydro for a term of forty years. Under the Province of British Columbia Water Act, FCHLP was issued Conditional Water Licence No. 116501 on April 11, 2008 for a term of forty years. The maximum quantity of water which may be diverted from the creek is 4.0 m3/s (for Power). It is a condition of the Conditional Water Licence that the licensee must submit a report for acceptance by the Engineer on the parameters and procedures for the operations of the works, demonstrating that the planned operations are consistent with the information incorporated in the issuance of the licence with respect to energy generation as well as social and environmental values. This document is intended to satisfy this condition. In addition, the following documents may be referenced: Document Operation & Maintenance Manuals Long Term Monitoring Plan Prepared by: Ledcor CMI, Contractor Ecofish Research Ltd. Purpose Full details of the operation & maintenance procedures. Details potential effects to the environment of the Project and methods to monitor these effects for 5 years post-construction. Interim IFR for plant operations until March 31, 2010.
Project Description
The Project diverts water from Fitzsimmons Creek at a weir crest elevation 995.1 m ASL through a coanda fixed weir and water intake into a 3.4 km long HDPE and steel penstock to a single unit Pelton turbine and associated generating equipment located in the powerhouse at elevation 747.2 m ASL. The design flow is 4.0 m3/s and the available gross head is 246.4 m. The plant has an installed capacity of 7.9 MW. Water from the Project will be discharged into Whistler Blackcombs snowmaking pond and subsequently discharged back into the creek. A 430 m long underground 25 kV power line will interconnect the Project to BC Hydros distribution system.
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The Project is divided into four areas of authorized works per the Conditional Water Licence, section (h): Diversion Structure and Intake Penstock Powerhouse including Tailrace and Associated Electrical Substation Buried Transmission Line
1.2.1 Diversion Structure and Intake Looking downstream, from left to right bank, there is a 15 m long embankment dyke, followed by a 10 m long concrete spillway and a 20 m long coanda intake weir. The auxiliary structure and coanda weir provide the necessary capacity to discharge the design flood (1:200) with one meter freeboard and the passage of maximum peak flood (1:500) without overtopping the upstream works structures. The table below summarizes the operation of the spillway structures. Flood Total Discharge (m3 /s) Design (1:200) 183 Maximum Peak 226 (1:500) Spillway The auxiliary spillway crest elevation is 995.4 m, 0.3 m above the crest of the coanda weir, and has been designed to pass the 1:200 year flood. It is comprised of three 2.3 m wide sluices separated by intermediate piers. Two of the sluices will have removable concrete stop logs while the third sluice will have a manually operated steel gate. The third sluice will be the principal operating structure for lowering the headpond for maintenance purposes. The operating sluice is adjacent to the left bank. The downstream end of the overflow section is protected against erosion and scouring with grouted rip-rap. The spillway capacity, with a 100% fully opened spillway gate and stop logs fully installed is 4.1 m3/s. The spillway capacity with a 100% fully opened spillway gate and no stop logs installed is 44 m3/s. The plant is intended to operate with the stop logs in place (permanent structures) at all times. A 240 mm diameter fixed opening is located at (centreline) elevation 994.4 m ASL which is sized to release 0.1 m3/s into Fitzsimmons Creek immediately downstream of the spillway structure under all river flow conditions. Coanda Screen The length of the coanda weir is 20 m. The crest elevation of the coanda section is 995.1 m. The coanda screen has been designed for the plant design flow of 4.0 m3/s. The total length of the weir was fixed at 20 m assuming that 40% extra capacity will be needed to take into account eventual reduction of the screen capacity due to debris accumulation. Upstream Water Level (m) 997.7 998.1 Flow over Coanda (m3 /s) 130 160 Flow over Auxiliary Spillway (m3 /s) 53 66
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The slot opening of the coanda screen is 1 mm, which eliminates the majority of the sediments and debris within the stream flow passing through the screen. While the coanda screen theoretically removes all the sediments above 0.5 mm in diameter, the collector box is also designed as a secondary sediment trap. The support structure for the screens is designed for impacts from bed load and debris. The screen has a downstream slope of 30 degrees, reducing the impact from stones or other debris passing over the weir. The screen is installed in separate panels so a damaged panel can be replaced easily and quickly. For flows less than the design flow, the lower part of the screen will be partially dry. Problems due to frazil and floating ice are expected to be minimal. By providing an oversized screen section the velocities through the screen will be quite low. Should it become necessary to work on the screens, the affected section will be isolated using sandbags or the headpond will be lowered. The collector channel runs beneath the coanda screen directing the water towards the collector box at the right end of the weir. Conveyance Pipe A 1981 mm diameter conveyance pipe connects the exit of the collector channel to the regulating chamber which is located just downstream of the intake. Over its 40 m length, it allows any remaining sediment in the water to settle to the bottom. At the downstream exit from the conveyance pipe to the regulation chamber is a 2.0 m by 2.0 m hydraulically operated intake gate that is fully open during normal operations. The intake gate will be automatically or manually closed for maintenance or emergency situations. Regulation Chamber Downstream of the conveyance pipe is the regulation chamber. Its main function is to ensure the penstock has adequate submergence and to provide a regulation volume during transient conditions. The 7.5 m high regulation chamber is 10 m long and 5.6 m wide at an elevation of 989.5 m. The floor of the regulation chamber is set 0.51 m below the invert of the penstock (990.29 m) allowing for accumulation of sediment and silt. A 445 mm manually operated gate is installed on the flushing pipe for maintenance and is normally closed (maximum capacity is 1 m3/s). There is also an overflow discharging to the creek, if there is excess conveyed water or load rejection from the penstock. A 200 mm bypass pipe and valve is used for filling of the penstock at a rate of 0.12 m3/s. The normal operating level of the regulation chamber is 993.6 m ASL and the maximum operating level in the chamber is 995.6 m ASL. 1.2.2 Penstock The low pressure penstock is 2,032 m of high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe at an average gradient of 0.5%. The HDPE pipe is followed by 1,428 m of steel penstock. The steepest section is the last section of penstock prior to entering the powerhouse at a gradient of 62%.
Page 6 FNR-2011-00265/Part 4 Low Pressure Conduit (LPC) The 1400 mm HDPE pipe follows the river bed for approximately 600 m and then diverts away from the river towards the forest service road. The balance of the HDPE pipe is buried alongside the forest service road. The typical cross section has the LPC set on prepared bedding then backfilled and covered to a minimum depth of 900 mm. Where the pipe crosses or runs under the road, it is subject to light vehicle loadings. There are no thrust blocks in this section. High Pressure Penstock (HPP) The steel penstock is 1200 mm in diameter and starts at Station 3+027. At this point it is under 10 m of static head. Over its length of 1,428 m as it progresses down the valley to the powerhouse, the internal static head increases to 246.4 m. The steel pipe is a combination of butt welded (low pressure sections) and bell and spigot welded (high pressure sections) steel sections. Immediately after the transition from HDPE to steel, the penstock slope increases from 0.5% to 3.6% and varies in grade until the final section of HPP at 62 %. The penstock is buried with concrete thrust blocks at all vertical and horizontal direction changes. Corrosion protection of the HPP is provided by an external and internal epoxy coating. 1.2.3 Powerhouse Including Tailrace and Associated Electrical Substation The powerhouse is constructed on the bank of an existing pond used for snowmaking (for Whistler Blackcomb). The discharge from the pond is over a small weir into Fitzsimmons Creek. The powerhouse is 22.6 m by 10.34 m pre-engineered steel framed building founded on a concrete foundation. At the powerhouse, the 1200 mm diameter penstock feeds the distributer which in turn feeds each of the six nozzles of the 7.9 MW vertical Pelton turbine. Powerhouse The powerhouse floor is at elevation 748 m which is 3 m above the 1:200 year flood level of the creek at this location. The powerhouse has sufficient space to accommodate the ancillary equipment required to support the operation of the generating equipment including the switchgear, protection and controls, hydraulic pressure units (HPU), turbine inlet valve (TIV), the dry type main transformer and an assortment of smaller mechanical and electrical equipment. The powerhouse has the required mechanical and electrical station services including exhaust fans, unit heaters, etc. The control room houses the computers which are used to operate the plant and will be the location of one copy of all operation and maintenance manuals. The control room also houses the various communication systems for contact with BC Hydro.
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The powerhouse has a large rolling overhead door to facilitate the delivery of larger items. A six ton overhead crane services the building. The powerhouse has a potable water supply and a sewage holding tank. Tailrace The tailrace delivers the plant flow into the existing snowmaking pond. The tailrace is 23.63 m in length with a width of 4.21 m. From the powerhouse, the tailrace is 4.21 m wide prefabricated sections for a length of 17.05 m, followed by a 4.80 m wide cast-inplace section (stop logs) for a length of 1.70 m, followed by a 4.21 m wide prefabricated sections for 4.88 m where it ends in the snowmaking pond. Plant flows enter the snowmaking pond from the tailrace and then enters the creek via the overflow weir. The tailrace is designed so that the tailrace can be isolated with the installation of stop logs and emptied of all water while the snowmaking pond is full. Snowmaking Pond The pond is equipped with an overflow weir at elevation 744.5 m ASL that returns flow back into the creek. The invert of the tailrace varies between 743.763 m (H.P) to 743.60 m (L.P). The maximum water level in the tailrace is 744.9 m and the elevation of the turbine is 747.195 m. During normal operations, the snowmaking pond will be full and the tailrace will be submerged. Generating Equipment The selected generating equipment arrangement is a single six jet vertical Pelton turbine, directly coupled to a synchronous generator. The selection of this turbine allows the plant to operate over a wide range of flows varying from 0.1 m3/s (to be confirmed during commissioning) to 4.0 m3/s. This is significant due to the small watershed and the wide range of flows the creek may experience on a daily and monthly basis. The impulse-type hydraulic turbine is connected by a vertical shaft to an Ideal synchronous generator nameplate information indicates a rating of 8.775 MVA, 0.90 PF at 600 rpm delivering 4160 volts of 3-phase, 60 Hz power. Power from the generator is delivered at 4,160 volts through the 5 kV switchgear to the primary winding of the DeltaWye step-up transformer the transformer is a dry-type unit rated at 10 MVA with output voltage at 25 kV. The secondary winding of the step-up transformer feeds the 25 kV switchgear. Station service power is drawn from the 25 kV switchgear and fed to the outdoor pad-mounted station service transformer. The transformer is rated at 100 kVA, 25 kV-120Y208 volt, Delta-Wye wound and feeds the powerhouse motor control centre (MCC) and power distribution panels. In the event of a power failure of the normal station service feed, there is a standby 45 kVA diesel powered generator. The generator will automatically start and take over the essential plant power loads. The station service can also be provided by backfeeding from BC Hydro provided the main step-up transformer has been isolated from the 25 kV switchgear via circuit breaker 25CB1 and the closure of disconnect switch at the point of interconnection (POI) and 25D1.
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The turbine generator is controlled automatically by the plant PLC and is constantly monitored by the computerized Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. Remote capability is provided by telecommunications systems upset conditions of trouble/warning alerts are automatically transmitted to a 24 hour paging service at which time an operator can log in remotely. The protection, controls and switchgear are designed to meet industry and BC Hydro standards. 1.2.4 Buried Transmission Line The transmission line is 430 m of three 25 kV #4/0 AL compact, concentric neutral cables, direct buried cable connecting the powerhouse 25 kV switchgear to a disconnect switch located near the POI to BC Hydro feeder RBW25F64.
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Low pressure penstock High Pressure Penstock Powerhouse Transmission Line Access
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2.2 Environmental
2.2.1 Instream Flow Release (IFR) A condition of the Conditional Water Licence and the Fisheries Act Authorization 02HPAC-PA1-00100 is to maintain a minimum Instream Flow Release (IFR) within the bypass reach of the creek at all times. The Conditional Water Licence currently specifies that a minimum flow of 0.1 m3/s must be allowed to pass the diversion struction. However, this minimum flow value is currently under review and will be modified once the Final IFR Study is reviewed and accepted by MOE and DFO. Prior to MoEs acceptance of a final IFR value, the plant will be operated such that an IFR of 0.4 m3/s is released at the intake and 0.5 m3/s is measured to be present at the top of the fish bearing reach until March 31, 2010. After March 31, 2010, the plant will be operated such that the IFR flows listed in the table below are released at the intake. Month Fish-bearing BC Phase II Flow Threshold (m3/s) Jan 0.769 1.34 Feb 0.679 1.16 Mar 0.788 1.50 Apr 1.364 2.06 May 2.642 3.08 Jun 5.114 3.59 Jul 4.931 4.02 Aug 3.843 3.59 Sep 2.445 2.81 Oct 1.345 2.31 Nov 0.938 2.28 Dec 0.711 1.27 Annual 1.537 2.42 1 IFR values to be used after March 31, 2010. Median Monthly Flows (m3/s) IFR Values1 (m3/s) 1.34 1.16 1.50 2.06 3.08 3.59 4.02 3.59 2.81 2.31 2.28 1.27 2.42
These interim values may be revised upon completion of an IFR Study and review and approval by MOE and DFO. The concrete bulkhead above the spillway gate has been fitted with a 240 mm diameter fixed opening to ensure regulated minimal water flow of 0.1 m3/s downstream of the overflow weir, under all river flow conditions. The centre elevation of the opening is 994.4 m ASL and the normal operating level of the headpond is 995.4 m ASL. The fixed opening is located 1 m below normal operating level of the headpond to limit potential blockage by ice or debris and to ensure the flow through the opening meets IFR requirements.
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During the interim period, additional IFR requirement will be released from the regulation chamber flushing pipe. This will be temporary only and a design modification will likely be implemented once an IFR Study is accepted by MOE and DFO, which is expected to be by March 31, 2010. Alternatively, the spillway gate may be opened to release additional IFR when the headpond is lowered for maintenance activities. The release of the additional IFR will be managed as follows: 1. When the flushing pipe is used, the gate is opened to 35% of its height or 173 mm clear opening. 2. If the spillway gate is used, the spillway gate is opened to 0.1 m clear opening. Further description of the data collection, monitoring and reporting for the downstream station, as well as two additional stations at the head of the fish-bearing reach and downstream of the powerhouse is provided in the Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP). To summarize, during the interim period (to March 31, 2010) two gauges will be maintained; one real-time gauge downstream of the intake and another gauge downstream of the powerhouse. Spot discharge measurements will be taken at the head of the fish-bearing section of the diversion reach to confirm compliance with the interim rates. As of April 1 2010, an additional real-time gauge will be installed at the head of the fish -bearing section of the diversion reach. Both of the diversion reach gauges will be operated until there is sufficient data on local inflow to the diversion reach to justify the removal of one of these gauges: a recommendation will be made regarding this in the annual monitoring report and Ministry acceptance obtained prior to removal of any gauges or cessation of in-stream measurements. If headpond level monitoring provides sufficient reliable and accurate measures of the IFR, the removal of both diversion reach gauges may eventually be recommended. Again Ministry concurrence will be obtained prior to any modifications to monitoring procedures or this Operating Parameters and Procedures manual. Any non-compliance with the IFR requirement will be reported to DFO and MOE within 24 hours of an incident, and measures will be taken to ameliorate the risk of downstream impacts. Non-compliance reports describing the conditions of non-compliance, the contributing factors, and measures taken to minimize immediate and future impacts will be submitted to DFO and MOE within one week of the incident. Non-compliance reports will be submitted in electronic format and posted on the internet at a site hosted by the agencies, and comply with all requirements set forth by MOE and DFO. 2.2.2 Ramping Generic standard ramping rates of 25 mm per hour (per DFO) will apply until completion, of a Ramping Study and review and approval by DFO and MOE. During all pre-commissioning and commissioning activities of the Project, ramping rates shall be limited to the amount of flow change such that the resulting change in water level in Fitzsimmons Creek does not exceed 25 mm per hour unless otherwise verified by sitespecific testing and approval by DFO. The environmental monitor will be on site during the pre-commissioning and commissioning phases of the Project to monitor stage change. The stage change shall be measured downstream of the intake area, near the regulation chamber overflow (approximately 3.5 km upstream from the powerhouse/ tailrace location) and downstream of the powerhouse/tailrace areas near the Whistler Blackcomb
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pumphouse. An initial flow measurement, prior to commencing a pre-commissioning activity, will be taken upstream of the intake. The Maximum Flow Diversion (MFD) during headpond filling and penstock filling is limited to 10% of the total flow in Fitzsimmons Creek, as measured at the intake site. At no time during these procedures shall the Project be operated in such manner that the total flow in Fitzsimmons Creek downstream of the intake is less than 90% of the natural flow at the time of the pre-commissioning testing or less than the IFR. A Ramping Study will be conducted during performance testing of the equipment in the spring 2010 and submitted to MOE and DFO for review and approval. Once approved, the OPPR will be revised to include approved ramping rates. Non-compliance with ramping rates will be reported to DFO and MOE within 24 hours. 2.2.3 First Nation Relations FCHLP entered into a Participation Agreement with the Mount Currie Indian Band and Squamish Indian Band under which FCHLP agreed to respect their rights and the First Nations agreed to support the Project. The Agreement was signed in September 2003 and is valid until the Project is abandoned or ceases commercial operation. Both First Nations are entitled to annual royalties based on the revenue of the Project commencing on the commercial in-service date. Other benefits include an academic fund and two lump sum payments. There are no operating restrictions placed on the Project by the Participation Agreement. 2.2.4 Community Relations FCHLP has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee (VANOC) to govern issues relating to the design, construction and operation of the penstock portion of the Project that is located within the land tenure granted to VANOC for the Whistler Sliding Centre, a 2010 Olympic venue. FCHLP has also signed a MOU with Whistler Blackcomb to provide a forum in which the parties may coordinate, identify and resolve issues surrounding the design, provincial and federal permitting, construction and operation of the Project in conjunction with Whistler Blackcomb facilities (e.g. snowmaking pond). FCHLP will also have an Operating Agreement with Whistler Blackcomb to provide a forum in which the parties may effectively coordinate, identify and resolve issues surrounding the operation of the Project in conjunction with the Whistler Blackcomb facilities. Information kiosks/podiums, developed in partnership with Whistler Blackcomb, will be located near Project structures.
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Installation of a permanent kayak safety cable across the reservoir at a safe distance upstream of the weir the cable will be painted yellow, have yellow floats and carry reflective material. Warning signs (4x4 aluminum) installed and maintained upstream of the weir and at the powerhouse/tailrace indicating there is a suction hazard ahead. DANGER SUCTION HAZARD STAY WELL CLEAR
An audible alarm system installed at the diversion structure and powerhouse, to warn recreational kayakers in the bypass reach of sudden changes in flow due to load rejection by BC Hydro.
2.4 Recreation
2.4.1 Navigation The Recreation Assessment (CERG 2002) for the Project noted that there are two inventoried kayak runs located on Fitzsimmons Creek that receive infrequent use, one in the Project area and one below the powerhouse. The Navigable Waters Protection Act Approval describes two weekends (4 days), where flow releases will be available from 0900 to 1800 each day for kayakers. The flow releases will be coordinated by an on-line booking system established by FCHLP. 2.4.2 Commercial Stakeholders Public recreation use includes mountain biking, hiking, snowshoeing/ski touring, snowmobiling and ATV touring. Commercial stakeholders include Whistler Blackcomb Mountain, Canadian Snowmobile Adventures/ Canadian All Terrain Adventures (CSA), Ziptrek Ecotours and VANOC/Whistler Legacy Society. The Project is located outside the ski area boundary but within Whistler Blackcombs controlled recreation area (CRA) tenure. CSA run snowmobile and ATV tours on the Little Spearhead Trail which includes the access roads along the east and west sides of Fitzsimmons Creek, crossing the bridge located near the intake. Ziptrek Ecotours has installed zip lines through the forest and across the creek in the vicinity of the Project area and overhead the powerhouse. The penstock is buried adjacent to the Whistler Sliding Centre, a venue constructed for the 2010 Winter Olympics. The MOU and eventual Operations Agreement with Whistler Blackcomb will include coordination with all commercial stakeholders (listed above) within Whistler Blackcombs CRA.
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Focus of the inspections will be on the intake area for debris accumulation on the coanda screen. The operators will also confirm IFR flows by visually checking the flow from the IFR outlet and at the flow measurement station downstream of the intake. There is also a CCD camera at the intake for remote monitoring purposes. During the initial months of operation, the intake will be inspected daily to assess its performance. Once operating characteristics are confirmed, inspections will be reduced to weekly or as needed based on flow conditions. The intake will also be inspected after storm or flood events. Inspections around the powerhouse will include cleaning and monitoring of equipment, verifying gauges, recording of daily logs and regular housekeeping inside and outside. At all times operators shall ensure the Project is operating in an environmentally responsible manner.
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Until ramping rates are established, penstock filling will comply with the 10% MFD parameter. Therefore, the discharge flow through the filling gate shall be equal to or less than 10% of the flow upstream of the intake. See Figure 1 for discharge flow versus gate opening. Qualified technical personnel will be stationed at the powerhouse to monitor the pressure gauges and observe any leakage from the system. A second technical team will be stationed at the intake to control the filling gate. The two teams will be in radio contact throughout the entire filling process and all changes in operation and observations will be relayed between the two teams. The execution of this procedure will be led by the principal operator who will be stationed on site and/or remain in constant contact by cell phone for the duration of the filling. The principal operator shall be responsible for all test decisions and will be contacted with any discrepancies from this procedure. The following procedure will be followed during filling of the water conveyance system: 1. Lock Out Powerhouse Close and lock out the TIV and the bypass system valves. Check pressure gauges for functionality. Ensure penstock and turbine manifold drain valves are closed. 2. Lock Out Intake Ensure intake gate and regulation chamber flushing gate are fully closed and locked out. 3. Determine the Filling Valve Opening Determine the maximum allowable filling rate based on the creek flow upstream of the intake. Using 10% of the upstream flow, determine the appropriate gate opening from Figure 1. 4. Open Filling Valve Open filling gate to the location determined from step 3 and observe, from the regulation chamber overflow, flow from filling gate inside the regulation chamber 5. Monitor Filling Process Monitor gauges in powerhouse and regularly inspect valves, penstock alignment and other components of the system for any leakage. Document penstock alignment inspections at a maximum of 2 hour intervals. Record penstock pressure at 30 minute intervals once filling has begun. Reference Figure 2 using the appropriate filling value determined in step 3 to ensure that the pressures recorded are consistent with the calculated pressure curve. Contact principal operator if recorded pressure deviates by more than 10% from theoretical. 6. Penstock at Capacity When the penstock has reached capacity, the water will begin to overtop the regulation chamber overflow. At this time the filling gate should be closed and the system monitored. The pressure gauge at the powerhouse should read approximately 355 psi.
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7. Monitoring Period Monitor the manifold, TIV and bypass piping for any observed leakage. Record pressure and contact principal operator if any pressure fluctuations occur greater than 5 psi from 355 psi. Observe any water level fluctuations at the regulation chamber. Monitor penstock alignment for any leakage. The total duration of monitoring once the water conveyance system has reach full capacity should be no less than 2 hours or until principal operator is satisfied that the system is operating satisfactory. In the event that leakage occurs or pressure is observed to decrease, close the filling valve and contact the principal operator. If for any reason the pressure is observed to increase beyond 355 psi, cease filling and contact the principal operator. Non-compliance with ramping rates (or 10% MFD) during penstock filling will be reported to DFO and MOE within 24 hours.
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Capacity (m3/s)
0 0% P48 0665 - Draft 25% 50% % gate opening 75% 100% 125%
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Pressure (Psi)
0.0 0 P48 0665 - Draft 5 10 15 20 Time (hr) 100 % filing gate capacity 75 % filling gate capacity 50 % filling capacity 25 % filling capacity 25 30 35 40 45
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automatically trigger the turbines complete shutdown sequence to prevent the dewatering of the penstock. Automatically The intake gate will close automatically if the PLC looses communication with the intake controls, indicating a possible penstock failure. The intake gate will also automatically close to completely stop the flow that is entering the penstock when the creek flow is too low for the plant to operate.
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The headpond water level will start to increase as 10% of the natural stream flow is retained within the headpond. 5. Monitor Headpond Water Level and Adjust Spillway Opening As the headpond water level gradually rises, the flow through the spillway gate will increase due to the increased head while the gate remains in its position. The water level may equalize prior to the headpond reaching its normal operating water level elevation of 995.4 m. The spillway gate will be gradually closed until water level reaches normal operating level and is equalized. See Figure 3 for spillway gate flow capacity at normal operating level versus gate opening. 6. Close Spillway Gate Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 until the headpond elevation reaches the weir crest elevation 995.1 m and begins to overtop the weir. Once the intake and conveyance pipe have reached capacity with the intake gate and bypass gate in the fully closed position the water will overtop the coanda screen. At this time 100% of the upstream flow will be flowing downstream of the intake (i.e. no water is being diverted with the headpond at capacity) and the spillway gate may be closed completely. At this point the plant is ready normal start-up procedures. Non-compliance with ramping rates (or 10% MFD) during headpond filling will be reported to DFO and MOE within 24 hours.
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Figure 3: Spillway Gate Flow Capacity, Water Level versus Gate Opening
Fitzsimmons Creek - Spillway gate capacity at normal operating level (995.4 m) vs gate opening 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Gate opening (m) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Discharge (m 3/s)
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3.5.2 Start-up with Headpond Full When the flow available in the creek is greater than the IFR requirement plus the minimum required flow for the turbine to operate, the plant operator can enable the plant operation by initiating an automatic starting sequence by the plant PLC. When the start command is received, the plant PLC controls the plant as follows: Initial start-up conditions will be headpond full, penstock full, turbine manifold empty, drain valves closed, 25D1, 2 and 3 closed and no alarms or trips present. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Start the turbine HPU pump Start the generator cooling water pump Start generator bearing oil lift pump If TIV closed, open TIV by-pass valve Pressure equal across TIV, open TIV, close by-pass valve Starts turbine, retracts deflectors, opens nozzles, enables the speed governor Start generator exciter Synchronize generator to BC Hydro grid Synchronize completed, close 25CB1
The output of the generator is governed by the available water flow in the creek and the water diverted through the coanda intake. As the water available increases, the water level in the regulation chamber will rise above the set point of 993.6 m ASL and the plant PLC will further open the turbine nozzles to bring the water level back to the set point. The adjustment rate can be varied by the plant PLC. If the creek flow exceeds the design flow plus the IFR requirement the excess flow will continue over the weir and through the bypass reach. If the turbine set point is less than 4.0 m3/s, and sufficient flow is in the creek, the excess flow diverted by the coanda to the regulation chamber will be discharge back to the creek by the regulation chamber overflow. As the available water decreases, the water level in the regulation chamber will lower below the set point and the station PLC will cause the appropriate closing of the turbine nozzles to bring the water level back to the set point or close the intake gate, if the water level drops below the set point. 3.5.3 Start-up with Snowmaking Pond Empty Whistler Blackcomb (WB) have a water licence to divert 0.3 m3/s from Fitzsimmons Creek for the snowmaking pond (approximate volume is 450,000 m3) and are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the snowmaking pond and associated snowmaking equipment located in their pumphouse. If the snowmaking pond is filled by FCHLP via the tailrace (i.e. no diversion by WB), FCHLP will use the Maximum Flow Diversion (MFD) rate to refill the snowmaking pond prior to going into full operation. This will ensure that ramping rates in Fitzsimmons Creek are not exceeded. Non-compliance with ramping rates (or 10% MFD) during snowmaking pond filling by FCHLP will be reported to DFO and MOE within 24 hours.
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When the stop command is received, the plant PLC controls the plant as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Online ramp down of flows by closing the needle valves at a rate that does not exceed the ramping rate, controlled unloading of generator and turbine, Turn off generator exciter When generator power < 100 kW, trip circuit breaker 25CB1 Engage turbine deflectors to completely stop the turbine and generator by deflecting the water away from the turbine runner without affecting the flow rate through the needle valve. Close nozzles Hold TIV open for 20 minutes before closing
As the flow through the turbine is decreased, the flow spilling over the coanda weir and through the regulation chamber overflow will increase by the amount the plant flow is decreased. 3.6.2 Forced Outage/ Load Rejection Rapid shutdown of the generating facilities will occur when a major fault or trip condition is detected by the control system in the plant infrastructure or in the BC Hydro distribution system. In the event this happens, the unit must be taken off line very rapidly and the protection relays within the plant control system are designed to do this instantly. The plant is equipped with a backup generator and battery backups for the control system so
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that the flow can be ramped down slowly following a load rejection in the absence of any energy from the grid. The flow will be ramped down slowly by deploying the deflectors allowing the needle valves to close in the same manner as a normal shutdown so that the turbine can be taken off line immediately without going into an overspeed condition. 3.6.3 Emergency Shut Down In the rare situation where a series of equipment failures occur and result in an emergency event, a fail-safe shutdown will occur. Situations may include total failure of the plant computer systems, extreme overspeed detected on the turbine or infrastructure damage. In an emergency situation, the TIV will close over a period of 400 seconds and the intake gate will close automatically. Ramping rates will be exceeded in the event of an emergency shutdown. Non-compliance reports describing the conditions of non-compliance, the contributing factors, and measures taken to minimize immediate and future impacts will be submitted to DFO and MOE within one week of the incident. Non-compliance reports will be submitted in electronic format and posted on the internet at a site hosted by the agencies, and comply with all requirements set forth by MOE and DFO.
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3.7.2 Protection Relays The turbine generator is controlled automatically by the plant Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and also monitors the status of the operating parameters and designated output, start up and shutdown of the unit as required. Should there be a failure in the plant PLC an orderly normal shut down will occur. A 125 V DC power system provide power for all protective relaying and to the PLC. The protection relays provide alarms and take preventive or corrective action to continue the safe operation of the plant. The relays provide protection for over/under voltage, over/under frequency, overcurrent, ground fault, short circuit current and various other protective actions such as excessive machine vibration and bearing overtemperatures. 3.7.3 Human Machine Interface: Description and Functionality The HMI will act as a simple front-end interface for a multitude of highly powerful backend equipment. The modern HMI is able to communicate with many pieces of plant equipment simultaneously and centralizes all of this information in a common and easily understood manner. The HMI will provide a general overview of the entire plant. The status of the electrical equipment and major plant components will be displayed. Graphical representations of the equipment in each plant section will be accessible. Each page will display the analog field measurements for that section (ie. the temperature of the transformer windings). Equipment is typically assigned to the following sections: Intake, Generator, Turbine, Sequencing, Powerhouse, Metering and Testing. The simple on/off field signals (ie. the ready status from a motor or a low oil level switch) will be displayed in each section. These signals will be accompanied with a description and easily understood graphical indication of their status. More complicated plant equipment (motors, fans, valves) will use multiple colours to represent their status (ie. red indicates a motor has a fault, green indicates a motor is running). Each page will provide user configurable setpoints that will control the operation of the plant. These setpoints may include water levels limits, high temperature limits and cooling equipment start/stop limits. In addition, the starting and stopping of the various plant equipment (motors, valves) will be available in the HMI. Overall plant control sequencing (start/stop/shutdown) will be displayed in a format easily accessible to the operator. Control of the plant to ensure safe operation of the equipment and safe environmental conditions will always remain a priority of the human-machine interface. 3.7.4 Data Historian: Description and Functionality A data historian is simply a piece of software whose job it is to collect the various measurements and signals in the plant. The historian will typically interface with a
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database and store these measurements with an attached timestamp. At a later date, operators can access the database and review the previous operating history of the plant. The amount of history the historian can save is dependant on multiple factors. These can include the number of measurements being saved, the regularity of saving the information and how large the database is allowed to be (the size in MB on the hard disk). Operators will use a Trending window built into the HMI package. The operator can choose which measurements to read out of the historian database as well as the length of time over which the operator wants to view the data. This data can be saved/exported to another software package (ie. Microsoft Excel) for transfer to a regulatory body or review by engineering/management to access plant performance. 3.7.5 CCD Camera One CCD camera is located on the intake building to provide the operator a full view of the intake from the powerhouse or a remote location. The CCD camera will have its own IP address.
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4. Increase Spillway Gate Opening Position Gradually open spillway gate to the position established under Step 3. Advise monitors at the ramping measurement locations of the operation and obtain feedback with regards to observed ramping rates. The headpond water level will start to decrease. 5. Monitor Headpond Water Level and Adjust Spillway Gate Opening As the headpond water level drops, the flow through the spillway will decrease due to the decreased head while the gate remains in its position. The water level may equalize prior to the head pond being drained. Gradually open spillway gate until head pond is drained. See Figure 3 for spillway gate capacity at normal operating level versus gate opening. 6. Continue to Observe Ramping Rates Stage change rates at the powerhouse must be continually observed until one hour after draining the head pond is completed. Any non-compliance will be reported to DFO and MOE within 24 hours. Fine sediments that have accumulated in the regulation chamber will be flushed at regular intervals by opening the 445 mm flushing gate which returns flow back to the creek. This gate is manually operated by a wheel type operator located on the roof of the regulation chamber. The hydraulic oil for the intake gate hydraulic power unit will be maintained in accordance with the manufacturers recommendation. The hydraulic oil level is constantly monitored by the plant control system and will warn the operator of a leak. Inspections of the hydraulic connections will be made weekly during the first months of operation and subsequently monthly. The riparian area along the banks of the creek has been lined with rip rap and silt fence to stop debris from entering the creek. Operations staff will monitor and make repairs as required. 3.8.2 Penstock The penstock will be drained and inspected periodically throughout the life of the plant. The penstock is buried for its entire length and the surface above it will be inspected on a regular basis for signs of leakage or other problems such as erosion along the steeper sections next to the Whistler Sliding Centre and down to the powerhouse. 3.8.3 Powerhouse Routine maintenance of the powerhouse structure will include painting, roof maintenance, lighting, slope assessment and cleaning. Routine maintenance of the powerhouse equipment will include inspection and cleaning of the pressure gauges, overhead crane, stand-by diesel generator, heating and ventilation equipment, station batteries, station service transformer and oil/water separator sump.
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Specific maintenance activities will include pumping out of the sewage holding tank and snow clearing behind the powerhouse and around the standby diesel generator. FCHLP will secure permits to manage, store, remove and off-site dispose of all refuse generated at the site including spill response, household and sewage wastes. Organic wastes will be stored in bear-proof containers. Maintenance activities for each piece of equipment are further described in the Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 3.8.4 Tailrace The tailrace was designed to incorporate Whistler Blackcombs snowmaking pond. Water from the plant will be discharged in the Whistler Blackcombs snowmaking pond and subsequently discharged back into the creek. An Operations Agreement with Whistler Blackcomb (WB) will coordinate plant operations and snowmaking operations. During regular plant operation, the tailrace is not isolated from the snowmaking pond therefore there is always water in the snowmaking pond and tailrace. During all types of plant shutdowns including an emergency shutdown, the tailrace will continue to be submerged as the snowmaking pond will remain full. On an annual basis, WB will begin diverting water into the snowmaking pond on the first weekend of November and may cease the diversion as early as February although it is dependent on weather conditions and equipment access to the snowmaking pond. WB is responsible for snowmaking pond maintenance and will oversee the annual draining of the pond. This activity will be closely coordinated with FCHLP operations staff for a scheduled shutdown and maintenance of the plant. During snowmaking pond/ tailrace draining, FCHLP will follow the fish salvage protocol described in Appendix E. Plant maintenance may also occur when the snowmaking pond is full. In this case, stop logs will be installed to isolate the tailrace from the snowmaking pond and the following procedure will be followed: 1. The pump and suction hose will be fitted with a screen as per DFOs Freshwater Intake end-of-pipe fish screen guideline to ensure that no fish are pumped out of the tailrace. 2. The Operator will pump water from the tailrace into the snowmaking pond until the depth of the water in the tailrace is approximately 0.5 m. 3. The Operator will enter the tailrace and visually check for fish. Any fish will be captured using a net and relocated to Fitzsimmons Creek (reference Fish Salvage Protocol in Appendix E). Presence of fish will be reported in the annual reports required for the Long Term Monitoring Plan. 4. The Operator will then continue to pump out the tailrace. When the tailrace is empty, the Operator will visually check the tailrace again for fish. 5. All fish kills will be recorded as an incident and reported to DFO and MOE within 24 hours of the incident.
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3.8.5 Headpond It is not anticipated to have regular headpond maintenance activities. The headpond will be monitored during the first years of operation and if it is determined that there is a requirement for regular maintenance activities, a procedure will be added to this document and submitted to MOE and DFO for review and approval. 3.8.6 Access Roads The Mountain Access Road was improved by the contractor during construction. FCHLP will have an Operations Agreement with Whistler Blackcomb which will include the coordination of the operation and maintenance of this access road as a third party user with other third party users within Whistler Blackcombs CRA. 3.8.7 Turbine and Generator Operators will visually inspect the turbine and generator, check all gauges to ensure that the equipment is operating within normal parameters, visually inspect for minor hydraulic leaks, listen for unusual noise, check for increase in vibration and note wear on nozzles and deflectors. Andritz Hydro has provided a maintenance program as part of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 3.8.8 Mechanical and Hydraulic Systems Maintenance on mechanical and hydraulic systems will include oil changes and filter changes on the hydraulic pressure units and filter changes on the cooling water system. Fuels, lubricants and hydraulic fluids for equipment used at the plant will be carefully handled to avoid spillage, properly secured to prevent unauthorized access, and provided with spill containment according to codes of practice. All storage and handling of petroleum products and allied petroleum products will be in accordance with the CCME Environmental Code of Practice for Above Ground Storage Tanks Containing Petroleum Products (1994). This applies to all permanent and temporary fuelling facilities. Due to the close proximity to the creek, any on-site fuel storage will be contained in double walled storage tanks surrounded by a containment berm. No underground fuel storage will be permitted. All mobile equipment shall be fuelled from a properly equipped fuel truck. All portable equipment shall be fuelled from maximum 5 gallon containers provided with drip free spouts. No petroleum products, including fuel and oil, shall be disposed of on the site. Waste oil shall be contained and stored in approved containers. 3.8.9 Back-up Systems A diesel generator is installed at the plant to provide station service power during outage periods when electricity is not available from BC Hydro. The generator is connected to the
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station service through an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS). Regular maintenance will include starting the standby generator on a monthly basis. Also, fuel stabilizers will be added to the fuel to prevent the fuel from becoming stale. Uninteruptable Power Supply (UPS) is also provided to supply power to the protection and controls. Performance will also be monitored. 3.8.10 Protection and Controls Protection and control cabinets will be visually inspected inside and outside for accumulation of dust and cleaned on a regular basis. During the inspection, visual checks will be made for any discolouration of the conductor insulation that may indicate loose connections or overload conditions and for malfunctioning instrumentation. Regular maintenance will be performed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. 3.8.11 Electrical Equipment All electrical equipment will be visually inspected inside and outside for accumulation of dust and cleaned on a regular basis. During the inspection, visual checks will be made for any discolouration of the conductor insulation that may indicate loose connections or overload conditions and for malfunctioning instrumentation. All electrical terminations will be retightened annually or as necessary to ensure a low resistive connection including the 25 kV and 5 kV connections. These maintenance functions will be performed by qualified electrical personnel.
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The full time operator has been on site throughout the installation of the turbine and generating equipment. The part time operator will be hired prior to commissioning. Formal training will occur during the commissioning phase of the Project. In addition,
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operators will attend specific training sessions with the equipment suppliers and EPC Contractor. Training will include technical training (for the systems and equipment), environmental awareness and safe work procedures including familiarization with the Operation and Maintenance Manuals and the Long Term Monitoring Plan and this document. Both the Ashlu Creek Hydroelectric Project and Rutherford Creek Hydro Project are within the sea-to-sky corridor and operated by Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. Personnel and expertise will be available from these two operating plants as required for the Fitzsimmons Creek Hydroelectric Project.
4.3 Safety
Safety concerns both the worker and public safety. All operators will have thorough understanding of the equipment and its safe and reliable operation. Potential hazards will be clearly identified on the equipment with industry standard decals and descriptions. All operation personnel will be fully educated on workplace safety and OHSA regulations governing work within a hydroelectric generating plant. Safety procedures incorporating good industry practice and including Workers Compensation Board and Ministry of Labour regulations will be strictly maintained. All industry standard mechanical and electrical lockout procedures will be employed on all electrical and mechanical systems during maintenance activities. The operators will be trained on using firefighting equipment which will be located in the powerhouse.
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Annual reports will be prepared by a qualified professional and submitted to MOE and DFO by March 31 of year 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11 for the monitoring that occurred in the previous year. Monitoring data during operation will be compared to the baseline data collected prior to commercial operation. After 5 years of post-construction monitoring, a summary report is required that evaluates the need for additional monitoring.
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Three species are identified in the Sea-to-Sky Land and Resource Management Plan as focal species of concern in the Project area are harlequin duck, marbled murrelet and spotted owl. Harlequin ducks will be monitored in accordance with the LTMP. The presence of avian species in the Project area will be monitored by plant operations staff and recorded on wildlife observation forms. The results of these observations will be summarized in the (LTMP) annual report.
5.3 Mammals
The presence of mammals in the Project area will be monitored by plant operations staff and recorded on wildlife observation forms. The results of these observations will be summarized in the (LTMP) annual report.
All environmental incidents must also be reported to MOE and DFO within 24 hours. A copy of the Incident Report and the Emergency Response Numbers is attached in Appendix G. Key personnel are listed in Section 7.0.
5.5 EcoLogoTM
FCHLP has applied for EcoLogoTM certification under the Terrachoice Environmental Choice Program. Annual audits will be coordinated by the Project Manager.
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A record of flow diversion (to confirm compliance with maximum diversion rate). An electronic copy and hard copy of all monitoring gauge data including stage and discharge downstream of the intake and powerhouse, including rating curve data. A summary table of all Incident Reports including all IFR, ramping violations, fish stranding/mortality and other environmental incidents. A summary table of all fish stranding and mortality, the corrective actions taken or implemented to improve The quantity and type of plant shutdowns. The number of times the tailrace was isolated for maintenance activities. The number of times the snowmaking pond/ tailrace was drained for maintenance activities. Any improvements to plant operations to improve fish management. Energy production.
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Project the Fitzsimmons Creek Hydroelectric Project. SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition. TIV turbine inlet valve. UPS uninterruptable power supply. VANOC Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games. WB Whistler Blackcomb Mountain.
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not to scale
Sluiceway 70.00
IFR 2.90
Spillway S1 184.00
crown 276.00
invert 275.20
crown 272.35 sill 272.00 invert 271.65 sill invert u/s of diversion structures: sill 270.00 270.50 271.00 sill 271.00
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Sluiceway 70.00 70 00
IFR 2.90 2 90
FishLadder 0.05 0 05
crown 276.00
min./alarmoperatinglevel: 275.95
invert 275.20
crown 272.35 sill 272.00 invert 271.65 sill invertu/sof diversionstructures: sill 270.00 270.50 271.00 sill 271.00
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Sluiceway 70.00 70 00
IFR 2.90 2 90
FishLadder 0.05 0 05
crown 276.00
min./alarmoperatinglevel: 275.95
invert 275.20
crown 272.35 sill 272.00 invert 271.65 sill invertu/sof diversionstructures: sill 270.00 270.50 271.00 sill 271.00
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Page ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................................... II LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................................................. III LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................................... IV 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. REPORT OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................. 1
2. FORECASTING CAUSES OF RAMPING .............................................................................................. 3 2.1. 2.2. UNPREDICTED RAMPING EVENTS .............................................................................................................. 3 PREDICTABLE RAMPING EVENTS/ OPERATIONAL RAMPING ...................................................................... 3
3. CATEGORIZE/DESCRIBE RAMPING RISK .......................................................................................... 5 3.1. 3.1. RIVER FLOWS (RAMPING RISK) ................................................................................................................. 5 FISH PRESENCE/PERIODICITY (STRANDING RISK) ..................................................................................... 5
4. RESPONSE ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 4.1. 4.2. SENSITIVE PERIOD ..................................................................................................................................... 6 NON-SENSITIVE PERIOD ............................................................................................................................ 6
5. EVALUATION ............................................................................................................................................... 7 5.1. 5.2. LEARNING ................................................................................................................................................. 7 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT .................................................................................................. 7
7. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................... 9
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Prepared by Ministry of Environment Science and Information Branch for the Resources Information Standards Committee
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The Province of British Columbia Published by the Resources Information Standards Committee
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The Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards, version 1.0 is an updated and revised version of the Manual of Standard Operation Procedures for Hydrometric Surveys in British Columbia (SOPHS), version 1.1, 1998. It defines a set of standards with detailed procedures for the acquisition of water quantity data, assessing the data, quality and quantifying data grades. This manual supersedes SOPHS, version 1.1 (1998). The changes to the previous document are based on comments of reviewers and users. It incorporates some of the National Standards (Environment Canada) and adds new information and ideas. Some of the improvements are: There are new RISC forms for recording the data and calculations. These forms are designed for entry of the data into the ministrys Water Information Data Management (WIDM) system. There is a detailed validation process that includes the steps required in reviewing the data and a way of quantifying the quality of the data using data grades. The criteria for the data grades are explained in detail and the information can be obtained directly from the new RISC forms. New equipment available for hydrometric surveys is identified and discussed.
The technologies for collecting, calculating, and storing hydrometric data are continually being modified and upgraded. This manual represents the best technologies and procedures available at the time of writing. As new procedures and software are developed, the manual will be updated.
The Science & Information Branch, Ministry of Environment (MOE) will accept and compile all relevant materials and comments in preparation for the next version of this manual. Please submit such material to Ashfaque Ahmed, Science & Information Branch, Ministry of Environment, 4-395 Waterfront Crescent, Victoria, BC, V8T 5K7, or Email to: [email protected]
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This revised manual describes the BC Ministry of Environment procedures for all aspects of hydrometric surveys in an open channel: fundamentals of hydrometric operations, stage measurement, discharge measurement, and stage-discharge rating and discharge calculations. Each topic represents a chapter in the manual. This revised manual includes a new chapter on the development and use of data grades and also provides an overview of the new data review process. All of the forms that are needed to document the procedures, including the characteristics of the equipment are included.
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The Government of British Columbia provides funding for the Resources Information Standards Committee (RISC) work, including the preparation of this document. RISC supports the effective, timely and integrated use of land and resource information for planning and decision making by developing and delivering focused, cost-effective, common provincial standards and procedures for information collection, management and analysis. For further information about the Resources Information Standards Committee, please access the RISC website at This edition supersedes Manual of Standard Operation Procedures for Hydrometric Surveys in British Columbia (SOPHS), version 1.1, 1998". This method standard was based on revision to the previous standards and with consideration to national standards developed by Environment Canada, which has been utilized extensively along with other sources listed in Appendix VI. The project author was Ashfaque Ahmed, P.Eng., assisted with technical input by Bruce Boyd, Science and Information Branch of the B.C. Ministry of the Environment. The author gratefully acknowledges following individuals and their organizations for providing their professional review, comments and contributions: George Butcher (B.C. Ministry of Environment), Bruce Letvak (B.C. Ministry of Environment), Jeptha Ball (B.C. Ministry of Environment), Scott Babakaiff (B.C. Ministry of Environment), Chelton van Geloven (B.C. Ministry of Environment), Tony Cheong (B.C. Ministry of Environment), Paul Marquis (B.C. Ministry of Environment), Peter Jordan (BC Ministry of Forest), Chris Thomson (Environment Canada), Jeff Woodward (Environment Canada), Stuart Hamilton (Environment Canada), Sigi Gudavicius (Capital Regional District, BC), Mike Miles (M. Miles and Associates Ltd.), Linda Gregory (Consultant), Kelly Eakins (Eakins Hydrological Consulting), Lars Uunila (Summit Environmental Consultants Ltd.), Chris Cole (Golder Associates Ltd.), Craig Kipkie (Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd.), Angela Prince (Westslope Fisheries Ltd.), Gordon Clark (Clark Hydrological Services), Craig Nistor (Knight Piesold Ltd.), Frank van der Have (Hoskin Scientific Ltd.).
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Table of Contents
Preface ...................................................................................................................................... iii Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... v Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................... vii Chapter 1: Introduction to Provincial Standards ....................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 General ...................................................................................................................... 1 Who Should Use the Manual ..................................................................................... 1 Disclaimer ................................................................................................................. 1 RISC Hydrometric Standards and Data Grades ........................................................ 2 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 2 Data Grades ....................................................................................................... 3
Overview of the RISC Hydrometric Standards Process in British Columbia ........... 7 Establishing a Gauging Station ............................................................................... 11 General ............................................................................................................ 11 Types of Gauging Stations .............................................................................. 11 Desirable Criteria for a Basic Station .............................................................. 12 Selecting a Site for the Gauging Station .......................................................... 14 Design Costing ................................................................................................ 16 Permissions ...................................................................................................... 17 Bench Marks.................................................................................................... 17 Reference Gauge Installation .......................................................................... 18 Establishment of Gauge Datum and its Maintenance ...................................... 23 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 23 Level Adjustments ........................................................................................... 24 Levelling Procedures ....................................................................................... 26
Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Hydrometric Operations ............................................................. 11 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 3.1 3.2
Chapter 3: Stage Measurement Procedures ............................................................................. 41 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 41 Water Level Gauges ................................................................................................ 41 Manual or Non-recording Gauges ................................................................... 41 Recording Gauges ........................................................................................... 44
3.2.1 3.2.2
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards 3.3 Stilling Wells ...........................................................................................................53 General .............................................................................................................53 Shelters for Stilling Wells ................................................................................55 Operation and Maintenance of Stilling Wells ..................................................57
Documentation of Station Water Level....................................................................60 Power Supply ...........................................................................................................63 Data Transmission Components ..............................................................................63 Introduction ..............................................................................................................65 Discharge Measurement using Current Meters ........................................................65 General .............................................................................................................65 Current Meters .................................................................................................65 Other Equipment and Assemblies ....................................................................69 Pre-Measurement Activities .............................................................................72 Discharge Measurement ...................................................................................78 Post-Measurement Activities and Discharge Measurement Computation .......92 Documentation of Discharge Measurements ...................................................96 Introduction ......................................................................................................97 Purpose .............................................................................................................97 Design ..............................................................................................................97 Continuous Stage Recording ..........................................................................103 Discharge Measurement Using Portable Montana Flumes ............................106
4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.4 4.5 5.1 5.2
Volumetric Measurement .......................................................................................109 Comparison of Small Gauging Station Installation ...............................................109 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 115 Stage-Discharge Relationship ................................................................................115 Development of a Stage-Discharge Rating Curve .........................................115 Manual Curve Plotting ...................................................................................116 Determining Zero Flow Gauge Height ..........................................................117 Extending the Rating Curve ...........................................................................118 Curve Labelling..............................................................................................118 Stage-Discharge Tables..................................................................................118 Daily Discharges ............................................................................................121 March 12, 2009
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards 5.3 Summary of Discharge Measurements .................................................................. 122 Introduction ................................................................................................... 122 Shift and Backwater Corrections ................................................................... 125 Station Analysis ............................................................................................. 127
Chapter 6: Standard Process for Review of Hydrometric Data ............................................. 129 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 129 Role & Responsibility of a Qualified Hydrometric Data Reviewer ...................... 129 Qualified Hydrometric Data Reviewer .................................................................. 132 Rationale for Reviewers Qualifications ....................................................... 133 Qualifications of Hydrometric Data Reviewer .............................................. 133
6.3.1 6.3.2
APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................... 137 Appendix I. Glossary ............................................................................................................. 139 Appendix II: Current Meters ................................................................................................... 145 Appendix III. Hydrometric Forms......................................................................................... 165 Appendix IV. Discharge Tables for Rated Structures ........................................................... 177 Appendix V: Relevant Course Descriptions.......................................................................... 201 Appendix VI. List of References ........................................................................................... 203
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List of Figures
Figure 1: Flow chart of RISC Hydrometric Standards Process in British Columbia .......... 7 Figure 2: An overview of the hydrometric data collection activities during the field visit and between visits .............................................................................................................. 9 Figure 3: A Stable natural control. .................................................................................... 13 Figure 4: A Stable artificial control (weir). ....................................................................... 13 Figure 5: A Stable artificial control (log sill). ................................................................... 14 Figure 6: Trout Creek metering bridge. ............................................................................. 16 Figure 7: Gauge plate and in-stream recorder (data logger) installation. (Note the brass tablet bench mark located near the top of the gauge) ....................................................... 19 Figure 8: Illustration of a staff gauge. ............................................................................... 19 Figure 9: Example of completed Form RISC HYD-01, Description of Hydrometric Station (front). See Appendix III for blank forms ................................................................. 21 Figure 10: Example of completed Form RISC HYD-01, Description of Hydrometric Station (back). See Appendix III for blank forms ................................................................. 22 Figure 11: Gauge datum example (Courtesy: WSC). ........................................................ 23 Figure 12: Principles of the two-peg test. .......................................................................... 25 Figure 13: Positioning the rod (Source: Davis, Foote and Kelly, Surveying Theory and Practice, 5th edition, 1966, p. 172). ........................................................................... 27 Figure 14: Reading the rod height 3.45 m, distance 29.2 m, (Source: Automatic Level, Wild NAO, Instructions for Use, Manual G2 106e - IX.80, p.9). ...................................... 28 Figure 15: Gauge Level Field Notes at Ayum Creek gauging station. See Appendix III for blank forms ................................................................................................................ 30 Figure 16: Illustration of corrections to staff gauges (Courtesy: WSC). ........................... 32 Figure 17: Gauge corrections and how they are derived for a wire-weight gauge (Courtesy: WSC). ........................................................................................................................ 33 Figure 18: Sample level notes and illustration of wire-weight gauge corrections, Big River at Little Bend. (Courtesy: WSC). .................................................................................. 34 Figure 19: Sample level notes and illustrations of wire-weight gauge corrections, Clear River at Little Bend. (Courtesy: WSC). .............................................................................. 34 Figure 20: Illustration of Wire-weight gauge corrections (Courtesy: WSC). ................... 35 Figure 21: . Example of completed Form RISC HYD-02, History of Gauge Levels. See Appendix III for blank forms. ................................................................................... 36 Figure 22: Differential levelling (Courtesy: WSC). .......................................................... 37 Figure 23: Level note for differential levelling (Courtesy: WSC). ................................... 38 Figure 24: Chain gauge (Courtesy: WSC)......................................................................... 42 Figure 25: Boom wire weight gauge. ................................................................................ 43 March 12, 2009 xiii
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Figure 26: Wire-weight gauge and mounting brackets. Athabasca River, near Windfall (Courtesy: WSC). ...................................................................................................... 43 Figure 27: Inclined gauge with metal tags between the metre markers (Courtesy: WSC).44 Figure 28: Typical flow diagram for electronic monitoring station showing various components required to measure and log stage data. ................................................ 46 Figure 29: An example of a Shaft Encoder (Courtesy: WSC). ......................................... 48 Figure 30: Thalimedes (Shaft Encoder) installed in 12 ABS. This site originally set up with Stevens A71 Chart Recorder. Thalimedes used to retrofit existing well and shelter.49 Figure 31: Thalimedes (Shaft Encoder) installed in 12 ABS. This site originally set up with Stevens A71 Chart Recorder. Thalimedes used to retrofit existing well and shelter.50 Figure 32: An example of a gas purge sensor (Courtesy: WSC). ..................................... 51 Figure 33: Examples of ultrasonic and radar sensors (Courtesy: WSC). .......................... 52 Figure 34: In-bank stilling well. ........................................................................................ 54 Figure 35: General structure of a stilling well with associated intake. ............................. 55 Figure 36: Look-in shelter. ............................................................................................... 56 Figure 37: Walk-in shelter. ............................................................................................... 57 Figure 38: Example of RISC HYD-04: Water Stage Recorder-Station Log. ................... 62 Figure 39: Price Type (622) AA meter (Vertical Axis Meter) ......................................... 66 Figure 40: OTT C2 Current Meter (Horizontal Axis Meter) . .......................................... 67 Figure 41: OTT Nautilus C 2000 Electromagnetic Flow Sensor (0 2.5m/s).................. 67 Figure 42: FlowTracker (0.001 4.0 m/s) (Courtesy: SonTek/YSI) . .............................. 68 Figure 43: Components of top setting wading rod. ........................................................... 70 Figure 44: Handline. ......................................................................................................... 71 Figure 45: Columbus weights. .......................................................................................... 72 Figure 46: San sounding reel, made in Australia. ............................................................. 72 Figure 47: Discharge Measurement Field Form sheet 1. .................................................. 75 Figure 48: Discharge Measurement Field Form sheet 2. ................................................ 76 Figure 49: Example of typical vertical velocity curve. ..................................................... 78 Figure 50: Ditch flow measurement using planks............................................................. 79 Figure 51: Conducting a discharge measurement with tagline across the wading section, Bridge Creek below Deka Creek. ............................................................................. 80 Figure 52: Defining the breakpoint (Courtesy: WSC). ..................................................... 83 Figure 53: Bridge rod in use on upstream side of bridge. ................................................. 84 Figure 54: Sounding reel/bridge board mounted on a boat. .............................................. 85 Figure 55: Position of meter in cross-section downstream of pier/pile............................. 87 Figure 56: Handline in operation (Source: USGS Water Supply Paper 2175 Vol. 1). ..... 88
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Figure 57: A55 reel and bridge board mounted in boat (Nechako River). ........................ 88 Figure 58: Spacing of verticals when measuring around piers. ......................................... 91 Figure 59: Mid-Section method of discharge measurement. ............................................. 96 Figure 60: Method for selection of edge verticals. ............................................................ 96 Figure 61: Top - Rectangular sharp-crested weir (thin-plate weir). ................................ 100 Figure 62: Top - V-notch sharp-crested weir. Bottom - Enlarged view of V-notch........ 101 Figure 63: 2.5 foot H Flume set in concrete filled sacks. Cuisson Creek above Gibraltar Mine. ................................................................................................................................. 103 Figure 64: Dimensions of HL-type (top) and H-type (bottom) Flumes. ......................... 105 Figure 65: Stilling well installed in the weir pond. ......................................................... 106 Figure 66: Montana flume. .............................................................................................. 107 Figure 67: Montana flume installation. ........................................................................... 107 Figure 68: Various throat widths for the Montana flume. ............................................... 108 Figure 69: Culvert with low outlet and flow led into flume for volumetric measurement.109 Figure 70: Two water level recorders: a data logger and an analogue recorder. ............. 110 Figure 71: Pool formed by a modified Crump Weir, where both a digital and an analogue recorder are installed. .............................................................................................. 111 Figure 72: Boulder control (subject to debris build-up) and water level recorder stilling well and shelter. Narcosli Creek, above Ramsay Creek, West Fraser............................. 112 Figure 73: Three-inch Portable Montana flume set in a temporary mud dam................. 113 Figure 74: V-notch weir plate, portable installation. ....................................................... 113 Figure 75: Graphical method for obtaining zero flow gauge height. .............................. 117 Figure 76: Example of completed RISC-05, Stage-Discharge Rating Curve and Table. 120 Figure 77: Example of completed Form RISC HYD-03 Summary of Discharge Measurements (see Appendix-III for blank form) ................................................... 124 Figure 78: Example of completed Form RISC HYD-06 Station Analysis for the Period:132
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List of Tables
Table 1: Standards requirement criteria. ............................................................................. 4 Table 2: Selection criteria for electronic data loggers with comments and notes. ............ 47 Table 3: Summary information for the four main kinds of sensors................................... 53 Table 4: Vernier settings for top setting rod. ..................................................................... 70 Table 5: Columbus Weights: Suspensions and Operating Depths. ................................... 89 Table 6: Operating limits for rated structures included in this Manual. ............................ 99 Table 7: Comparison of two selected rated structures. .................................................... 102 Table 8: Dimensions for fabricating a Montana flume.................................................... 107
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The primary users of this document will be agencies, industry, and consultants, or individuals who collect or review and manage hydrometric data to RISC standards. Other users will include provincial agencies that fund specific data collection or use the data for resource management, other resource user groups such as Improvement Districts, and educational users. In general, users of the provincial hydrometric database will refer to the document to understand the quality of the data that falls within the different categories.
The purpose of this document is to provide information and standards for activities connected with production of hydrometric data. The reader is reminded that field operations for hydrometric surveys can involve some risk. All field operations should be carried out with
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards appropriate safety measures, and in keeping with all relevant regulations including the Work Safe BC Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. None of the material in this manual (including text, photos, and diagrams) is intended to suggest deviation from safe field practice. Brand names of products and manufacturers are occasionally used in text and illustrations to describe various hydrometric operations. This is for the purpose of explanation and/or illustration only, and is not intended as a recommendation or otherwise of any brand names mentioned.
1.4.1 Introduction
By definition, the RISC hydrometric standards, are "the field procedures, calculations, validation steps and documentation mandated by Resources Information Standards Committee of British Columbia for conducting a hydrometric survey (see the Glossary). Hydrometric standards described here are a set of information, which when followed will ensure the quality and accuracy of data product in regard to measurement of water level and discharge. A provincial standard is needed so that government programs, contractors, and partners have uniform guidelines for the collection of hydrometric data, and to facilitate the maintenance of a hydrometric data archive. RISC Hydrometric Standards will:
support the collection of hydrometric inventory data to known standards using equipment with verifiable calibration, by a variety of parties using standard methods and record keeping provide for regulation and data quality by review processes and audits support archiving of data of known quality, and use of such data for resource management
Hydrometric data collected or used for provincial resource management purposes, including Forest Investment Accounts (FIA), water licensing, and others are required to meet RISC standards. The standards for RISC complement the National Standards developed and used by Water Survey of Canada but unlike the National Standards they accommodate different levels of rigour and thus quality. The overall quality is based on four criteria for both the water level data and the discharge data (Table 1). The four criteria are: instrumentation, stream channel condition, field procedures, and data calculation and assessment. For each criteria there are five levels called grades: A, B, C, E (estimated) and U (unknown data grade). For Discharge data, Grade A has a sub-class defined as A/RS, for rated structures such as weirs and flumes. The criteria for each level are discussed in Section 1.4.2. Once data are acquired, calculated and compiled, the data must then be reviewed to assign a standards grade by the reviewer according to Standards requirements criteria (Table 1). RISC hydrometric standards do not cover all types of operations such as ice conditions. At this time, it is recommended that work beyond the scope of the provincial standard be referred to Water Survey of Canada, or some other group with appropriate expertise.
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards up with sediment. In these cases, the structure is essentially an improved streambed control, and the station should be rated with other discharge measurements.
Grade U (Unknown
data quality)
Meter field verification Water level gauge type Water level gauge reading/sensor accuracy Stream Channel Condition Channel condition or other condition affecting control or discharge measurements using current meter or rated structure
At least annually
At least annually
2 mm or less
2 mm or less
5 mm or less
Fixed Control, stable channel, straight reach, measureme nts are consistent with rating curve, no weeds, boulders or debris
Stable channel, measureme nts are consistent with rating curve, relatively straight reach, minimal weeds or boulders
Minor hydraulic problems related to channel instability, measureme nts are not consistent with rating curve, weed growth or occasional boulders
Unstable channel due to erosion or aggradation s, variable backwater, turbulence, significant weed growth or boulder bed
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Grade U (Unknown
data quality)
Field Procedure Minimum number of bench marks Number of verticals in manual flow measurements when current meter is used Number of manual flow measurements per year Number of level checks per year
3 3 3 1 See Notes below Undefined
20 or more and not more than 10% of total flow in each panel
20 or more and not more than 10% of total flow in each panel
10 or more and not more than 20% of total flow in each panel
5 or more, or at least once when Rating Curve is stable 2 or more, or at least once when Ref. Gauge, Bench Marks are stable
2 or more, or at least once when Ref. Gauge, Bench Marks are stable
Data Calculation & Assessment Discharge rating accuracy Data and calculation reviewed for anomalies Results are compared with other stations and/or other year for check
<5% <7% <15% <25% See Notes below Undefined
[Notes: Hydrometric data should be graded as E ( i.e., Estimated) when stations were operated using RISC Standards i.e., water level or discharge data could be either Grade A/RS, A, B or C but data were estimated because of instrument anomalies, shift correction, missing data or rating curve extrapolation beyond measured discharge level. Hydrometric data should be graded as U (i.e., Unknown data quality), when RISC Hydrometric Standards are not followed for data collection and/or data quality is unknown]
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Table 1. Standards requirement criteria (Contd.)
Data Quality Indicator Standard Grade for Stage/Water Level Data Only
Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade E (Estimated) Grade U (Unknown
data quality)
Instrumentation Water level gauge type Water level gauge reading/sensor accuracy Stream Channel Condition Channel condition or other condition affecting control or discharge measurements using current meter or rated structure
Stable control, relatively straight reach, minimal weeds or boulders (for water level only stations) Minor hydraulic problems related to control instability, weed growth or occasional boulders (for water level only stations) Unstable control due to erosion or aggradations, variable backwater, turbulence, significant weed growth or boulder bed (for water level only stations) See notes below Undefined Recorder Recorder At least manual gauge 1 cm or less See Notes below See Notes below Undefined
2 mm or less
5 mm or less
Field Procedure Minimum number of bench marks Number of level checks per year
3 3 1 See Notes below Undefined
2 or more, or at least once when Ref. Gauge, Bench Marks are stable
1 or more
1 or more
Data Calculation & Assessment Data and calculation reviewed for anomalies Results are compared with other stations and/or other year for check
Yes Yes Yes See Notes below Undefined
[Notes: Hydrometric data should be graded as E ( i.e., Estimated) when stations were operated using RISC Standards i.e., water level or discharge data could be either Grade A/RS, A, B or C but data were estimated because of instrument anomalies, shift correction, missing data or rating curve extrapolation beyond measured discharge level. Hydrometric data should be graded as U (i.e., Unknown data quality), when RISC Hydrometric Standards are not followed for data collection and/or data quality is unknown]
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There are several steps through which Provincial RISC hydrometric operation must proceed in order to satisfy the need for long-term consistency and reliability of hydrometric data (Figure 1). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hydrometric field operations Compile the preliminary dataset Check the preliminary dataset Review the dataset and assign a data grade Submit a dataset Review and audit the selected dataset (details are not included in this manual) Archive and distribute the data
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Hydrometric field operations: The hydrometric field operation includes the selection, construction and operation of hydrometric stations of any type. The operation covers maintenance, elevation control, stage and discharge measurement, data extraction and record keeping. Under the RISC hydrometric standards system in BC, hydrometric data could be collected for a variety of projects by field staff with a range of hydrometric experience. The person collecting the hydrometric data called the hydrometric operator must be qualified to carry out the hydrometric operations, and must follow the BC Hydrometric Standards. Compile the preliminary dataset: Includes collection of gauge data, level notes, application of gauge correction/adjustment factors, station history compilation, discharge computation, stage-discharge derivation and plotting, preparation of rating table and the computation of mean daily (or other) discharge. The responsible hydrometric operator must complete all the computations and generate the necessary documentation in addition to completing the Station Analysis form (RISC HYD06). This form describes the complete analysis of data collected, procedures used in processing the data, and the logic upon which the computations are based. Check the preliminary dataset: The field operator should check the preliminary dataset or, preferably, have the dataset checked by another experienced and accredited hydrometric operator. If the basin review or regional hydrologic analysis has been done and is available, then the preliminary dataset (e.g., hydrographs, monthly and annual unit discharge etc.) for the stations within the basin should be checked against this information for comparison. These comparisons of data may reveal anomalies that could necessitate further checking of the records. It is anticipated that the hydrometric field operator will carry out the steps 1 to 3 and forward the information to the Hydrometric Data Reviewer for reviewing the dataset and assigning data grades. Activities involved in steps 1-3 are presented in Figure 2.
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Figure 2: An overview of the hydrometric data collection activities during the field visit and between visits
Review of dataset and assigning a data grade: The Qualified Hydrometric Data Reviewer or Reviewer will review all transcriptions and computations. The Reviewer will review all dataset and assign data grades according to the standards requirements criteria (Table 1) before submission to the provincial water database for archival and distribution. A detail descriptions of the data review process and the role and responsibilities of a Qualified Hydrometric Data Reviewer are presented in Chapter 6. Submit a dataset: For provincially funded projects: All time series raw data, completed forms, corrected and reviewed time series data with data grade must be submitted for archiving. All time series corrected and reviewed data must be submitted in standard digital format after having been assigned an appropriate data grade. Reviewers should also submit a copy of any final or
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards annual station reports including all forms, rating curves, and analyses in PDF2 format for entry into EcoCat3 to make the work available to other interested parties and for the purpose of future audits. However, data not reviewed by a qualified hydrometric data reviewer or not meeting any standards i.e., Grade A, B or C, but still useful for qualitative assessment can be submitted as Grade U (indicating unknown data quality) for archiving into the provincial database for internal use or for public access with an appropriate disclaimer. [Note: See section 6.2 for detail data submission requirements] Review and audit the selected data: Data are subject to audit. Data audits are performed on archived data by qualified individuals and/or firms selected by the Ministry to verify that the information does indeed meet the standards required by the RISC hydrometric standards and is correctly graded. The data selection process for audit review is not yet established but it is proposed that audits be performed on randomly selected data. Audited data may be returned for further work, or its approval confirmed and sent for archiving. Archive and distribute the data: The data archive is a corporate database developed by the Province of British Columbia to capture publicly funded, high frequency time series data from automated monitoring sites located throughout British Columbia. Currently, the Water Inventory Data Management (WIDM) system is the repository of provincial non-integrated hydrometric, automated snow pillow, manual snow surveys, observation wells and continuous water quality data. In addition to time series data, WIDM has the capacity to capture site and sample information including images, personnel, contacts, field notes, data source information, and discrete measurements, which are critical in the validation, grading and quality control of any obtained data. Access to WIDM functions and data are available to government employees, external agencies and contractors who have delegated database access. The security aspect of the application allows the assigning of roles to individuals that restrict their ability to view, edit, delete, or update information.
2 3
EcoCat or Ecological Reports Catalogue is a document and file management system that allows users self-access to reports for various ecological projects within British Columbia.
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To obtain data on runoff volume to use for quantifying storage volumes or issuing water licenses. To determine the timing and quantities of peak flows to use in designing spillways, culverts, or bridges. To determine the peak flows to incorporate into flood control measures. To determine the levels of lakes and reservoirs to use for flood control, storage capacity, recreation potential, and septic tank locations. To determine the timing and quantities of low flows that is necessary for managing fish habitats and assessing available water supplies. To determine baseline information to use in assessing water quality. To study the causal relationships between watershed and flow regime changes.
Type of Operation o Annual - operates January to December. o Seasonal - selected period to satisfy the data purpose (open water, or low flow). o Miscellaneous - e.g., individual, periodic flow measurement. Type of Gauge o Manual - read periodically (e.g., daily, weekly) by a site operator. o Recording - continuous record of water level either as an analogue or digital record. Type of Station o Water level only - lake or stream where discharge is of no concern.
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Water level and discharge - miscellaneous discharge at a specified location, recorded by date and time, may be used to assess the potential of a stream if referenced to an active hydrometric station on an adjacent/nearby watershed. o Other parameters - sediment or other water quality characteristics may affect the configuration of the station. Special Equipment Requirements o Type of housing required - governed by the number and type of sensors, and the equipment present. o Real-time or automated equipment and sensors will govern positioning of signal relays. o Automated sediment and water quality samplers will determine degree of automation, i.e. multi-channel data loggers. Datum o Assumed (local) - placed at the zero of the gauge, which should be below low water for lakes or below zero flow for streams (such as for rated structures). o Geodetic Survey of Canada (GSC) Datum - where feasible, the gauging station should be related to GSC datum. o
bedrock outcrop, or other stable riffle (shoal) for measuring during low flow channel constriction for measuring at high flow falls or cascade that is not submerged at any water level
b) A stable artificial control may be a: rated structure (flume, weir, etc.) (Figure 4) fish barrier (drop structure) streambed sill (log, concrete, etc.) (Figure 5) 3. Discharge can be measured accurately at all stages, either through a rated measurement structure or by means of a current meter. 4. The site is accessible during the operational season. 5. The station is structurally sound, e.g., can withstand being overtopped.
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Straight, aligned banks. Good current meter measuring sites, e.g. single channel, no undercut banks, minimal obstructions, no turbulence, no slow-moving pools (deadwater or backwater effects), no eddies. Reasonable means of access. No tributaries between gauge and metering sites. No swamps downstream or in vicinity of gauge.
Study the maps and air photos. Look for the characteristics of a suitable site, realizing that no site will be perfect. Select two or three potential locations and prioritize them. Prepare a plan to reconnoitre the site identified as having the most potential, but be prepared to move on to other potential sites if the first one does not work out. Before setting out on a field trip, be sure to check if written or verbal permission is needed from the land owner or manager to access the property.
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Field Reconnaissance and Site Selections To complete the selection of a site for the gauging station, take a field trip to the potential site. The field trip is an opportunity to make a detailed evaluation of the site in terms of the objectives and the characteristics listed in Section 2.1.3. Reconnaissance should include careful observation of the following:
Low Flow Conditions. Look for a stable well-defined low water control. A raised culvert invert at a road crossing can be an ideal site for a gauging station, particularly in areas with flat gradients. If a stable control is not available, consider the feasibility of building an artificial low water control. Investigate the options, and gather and record preliminary survey data. If a site with a movable streambed must be accepted, i.e. one with a mobile granular channel, it is best to locate the gauge in as uniform a reach as possible, avoiding any channel obstruction that may intensify scour and fill. Where the watercourse emerges from an area of steeper gradients onto an alluvial fan, the reconnaissance must include discharge measurements to determine where the seepage of water into the alluvium becomes significant. The station should be located upstream of the area of water seepage if the maximum yield of the watercourse is required.
High Flow Conditions. To determine the magnitude of maximum discharge, look for evidence of past flooding, e.g. trash lines. Consider how easy it would be to safely access the gauge at all stages, and if it will be possible to position the recorder stilling well so as to avoid damage from high water levels or velocities and floating debris.
Flow Measurement Conditions. Ensure that the site has a suitable location for measuring discharge, either with a current meter or by other means. Make enough observations, including taking photographs, to prepare reasonable alternative conceptual designs and cost estimates.
Ideally, the metering section should have the following characteristics: 1. Well defined single channel for all range of flows. 2. Fairly uniform depth and velocity with parallel flow lines across the section. 3. One or more locations at which the full range of flows can be measured with available equipment. For flows that cannot be waded, it is more economical to use an existing bridge or culvert for high flow measurements. In the absence of a suitable structure, a site for a metering bridge or other alternative method should be available. See section 2.2, Constructing a Gauging Station and Figure 6, Trout Creek metering bridge. 4. Reasonable proximity to the gauge. This is particularly important in manual gauge installations where rapid changes in stage may occur during the course of a measurement and several gauge readings would be required. 5. No inflows or outflows between the gauging point and the measurement section. If this is unavoidable, an auxiliary station will be required to gauge these flows. 6. No aquatic growth or vegetation. Both the low flow and high flow measurement sections should be clear of aquatic growth. The portions of the bank subject to inundation during high flows should be cleared of any vegetation that could affect the measurement.
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards 7. Backwater effect. Where the site is affected by a variable backwater, care must be exercised to remain within the instruments threshold velocity. Record the results of the reconnaissance in a report, with supporting survey data. The report will be a key reference in making decisions regarding the design, costing, construction, and operation of the gauging station.
Planned period of record and/or period of operation (seasonal, low flow, etc.). Requirements for artificial control in the absence of channel stability. Discharge measurement structure vs. ongoing metering in an unstable channel. The cost of transporting personnel, equipment, and materials to the construction site. The availability of suitable native material at or near the site. Construction methods. Selected instrumentation. Scheduling constraints based on flow magnitude and fishery regulations for in-stream construction. Future operational resources.
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2.2.2 Permissions
Obtain written permission from the landowner or manager before you enter private land to carry out any proposed construction work. The scope of the permission should include access for construction as well as for the future operational period. Any individual or agency carrying out any type of construction in any watercourse in British Columbia must obtain approval from the Regional Water Manager, MOE. General Bench marks are permanent, fixed reference points of known elevation which are required for obtaining accurate hydrometric data. Bench marks are established at recording stations to ensure that gauge heights can be confirmed or adjusted relative to a constant datum or reference elevation. Bench marks are generally used for: 1. 2. 3. 4. establishing gauge datum elevations, maintaining current datum values, referring gauges to their respective datums, obtaining instantaneous, direct water levels.
All gauging stations require some form of bench mark. When a station is established, it should be assumed that a permanent datum will be maintained at the site. To maintain a permanent datum, each gauging station should have 3 or more bench marks (for data grade A). The water level reading must be referenced to these marks, which in turn are referenced to the station datum. The location, related bench marks, and the relationships to any other gauges must be carefully included in the Description of Hydrometric Station (RISC HYD01 form Figure 9, 10). Various types of bench marks are used in hydrometric operations, the criteria being that they are stable, identifiable, and accessible at all stages of water. Commonly used markers include:
Brass tablet or lead plug chisel mark or paint mark on large rock spike or lag bolt in tree painted bolt in hydro tower concrete gravity anchor lag bolt in wingwall of bridge ground rod for permafrost Temporary Bench Marks Temporary bench marks, as the name implies, are only used for relatively short periods, usually until permanent bench marks can be established. They are used for newly constructed March 12, 2009 17
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards stations and for existing stations whose permanent bench marks have recently been destroyed. Lag bolts and nails or marks on stable structures are widely used in these cases. It is important to maintain the continuity of gauge datum when the temporary bench marks are finally tied into the permanent bench marks. Bench Mark Stability When installing bench marks, it is imperative to choose sites that will provide a high degree of stability. The ability of the bench mark to maintain its relative position in the local terrain is essential to its operation. Bench marks must be spread out, well away from the river bank and preferably above the floodplain. Whenever bench marks are established, they must be clearly marked so that they will be easy to find at a later date. Unmarked bench marks cause confusion and are often lost or destroyed.
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Figure 7: Gauge plate and in-stream recorder (data logger) installation. (Note the brass tablet bench mark located near the top of the gauge)
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Non-Standard Reference Gauges In some locations a standard staff gauge may be subject to damage or destruction due to ice or debris. Or, if a staff gauge is exposed to high velocities it may be difficult or impossible to make an accurate reading. In these cases, another form of reference gauge should be installed. Commonly used non-standard reference gauges are reference marks, chain gauge, wireweight gauge, inclined gauge etc. These types of gauges may be installed as either the reference gauge or as the primary gauge. Description of the reference mark is provided below while description of chain gauge, wire-weight gauge, and inclined gauge are provided in Chapter 3. Reference Mark This is a stable, well-defined position that is above the water surface at all stages. It may be a spike or lag screw in a tree overhanging the gauging pool from which the observer may measure down to the water surface. The mark could also be some existing object such as a bridge rail bolt. In all cases, the location, related bench marks, and the relationships to any other gauges must be carefully included in the station description (RISC HYD-01, see Figure 9, 10). This type of gauge may be a primary gauge for short-term stations, or it may be installed as a back-up or auxiliary gauge. A suitable measuring device, such as a metric fibreglass tape and weight, is needed. If a weight is added, a correction may be required i.e. to compensate for the distance from tape zero to bottom of weight. If it is necessary to locate the reference mark above a position that dries out during low water periods, or if the station is a short-term, low flow measuring section, an underwater reference mark may be identified or installed in the watercourse. In the former case, determine the difference in the elevation of the two reference marks. A series of reference marks linked to a common datum, together with a regular observation program, are often employed to provide the hydraulic grade lines necessary for engineering design, e.g. dike and bank protection, crest elevations.
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Figure 9: Example of completed Form RISC HYD-01, Description of Hydrometric Station (front). See Appendix III for blank forms
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Figure 10: Example of completed Form RISC HYD-01, Description of Hydrometric Station (back). See Appendix III for blank forms
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To obtain accurate and reliable stage data, the station gauge and bench marks must be referred to a fixed datum, which is normally an arbitrarily selected plane. This plane, to which all stage records are referred, is called the gauge datum (Figure 11).
A gauge datum is lower than the elevation at which zero flow is ever likely to occur and yet it allows for the convenience of recording relatively low gauge heights. By placing the gauge datum below the elevation at which zero flow occurs, it is possible to avoid recording negative stage data. The gauge datum should be low enough to allow positive stage data to be recorded for unusual occurrences, such as extreme low flows or flow in scoured channels. The continuity of the gauge datum at a gauging station is a very important part of data collection, and every reasonable effort should be made to maintain it throughout the entire period of the record. To ensure its continuity, the gauge datum at a station must be based on three stable bench marks (for Stations with data grade A) that are independent of each other and independent of the gauge or gauging structure. The datum at each gauging station should be periodically checked by running levels from the bench marks to the gauges at the station, details of hydrometric levelling procedure are described in Section 2.3. If an assumed local datum plane is used, it is desirable that it be referred by levels to a bench mark of known elevation, so that the arbitrary datum may be recovered if the gauge and reference marks are destroyed. When datum changes are made for whatever reason, a record of the change should be a part of the published station description (i.e., under Action of RISC form, RISC HYD-01 front page, Figure 9).
2.3.1 Introduction
Hydrometric levelling is an integral part of station establishment and its maintenance. Before a stage/discharge curve can be developed, gauge heights must be confirmed or adjusted. This section sets out the procedures and note-keeping format to be used for levelling in March 12, 2009 23
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards hydrometric operations (measurement of stage and the maintenance of station datum). The methods described must be strictly adhered to so that the data can be properly reviewed at a later date. Many of the methods in the section could be described as basic survey practice. The following sections have been prepared from: 1. Hydrometric Field Manual Levelling, Inland Waters Directorate, Water Resources Branch, Environment Canada, 1984., and 2. Hydrometric Technician Career Development Program, Lesson Package No. 7: Levelling Instruments and Procedures, by E. Mayert and, D.G. Goller, Water Survey of Canada, Environment Canada, 1999, (
5. 6. 7. 8.
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To adjust the horizontal cross-hairs. a) Without moving the instrument at Point A, remove protective cover to reveal capstan-headed adjusting screw located directly above the viewing eyepiece b) Take the difference obtained in step 4 and add/subtract to the reading obtained for Step 6 at Point A. This is the true value for the horizontal line of sight. c) Using an adjusting pin, carefully turn the adjusting screw until the horizontal hair gives the correct reading on the rod at Point B as previously calculated. d) Check by repeating steps 5 thru 7.
[Note: Adjustment for each type of instrument varies and the operator should refer to the instruction manual for the instrument to be adjusted for the proper procedure].
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Example 1: Level in adjustment a = 1.510 b = 2.230 a - b = -0.720 c = 1.730 d = 2.450 c - d = -0.720 Example 2: Level out of adjustment a = 1.390 b = 2.110 a - b = -0.720 c = 1.630 d = 2.310 c - d = -0.680 Adjust level until the horizontal cross-hair is equal to the correct reading of (d), that is (e = d) where, e = c - a + b = 2.350. (So when d = 2.350, then c-d = 1.630-2.350 = -0.720 = a-b) Any adjustments to the instrument must be carried out while the instrument is still in position at point A. The manual supplied with the level instrument will describe the method of adjustment for each type of instrument. If adjustment is required, it is recommended that the entire level check process be repeated.
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards rotation in the opposite direction will refocus the hairs correctly. This setting corresponds to the operators eyesight; it is constant, but individual to each operator. The telescope can be pointed roughly at the levelling rod, by looking along the open sight and turning the instrument by hand. Set the vertical hair of the reticule cross along the middle of the rod image by turning the horizontal adjustment screw. Turn the focussing knob until the image of the rod graduations is sharp. The observer should move his/her eye up and down and from side to side behind the eyepiece, to ensure parallax does not exist (there should be no movement between the staff image and the reticule cross when viewed in slightly different positions). If such parallax is observed, the instrument must be refocused, as described in the previous paragraph. In the case of self-levelling instruments, the line of sight is now horizontal and the rod is ready to be read. With a tilting level, the line of sight must be set horizontally using the tubular bubble. Position the fixed reflector for optimum illumination of the tubular bubble as seen through the bubble viewing eyepiece. The split bubble image seen in that eyepiece must be set to coincidence, by turning the tilting knob below the eyepiece. When the bubble ends are far from coincidence, an arrow in the bubble image indicates the proper direction to turn the tilting screw to obtain coincidence. The split bubble should be checked before each reading of the rod. Positioning and Reading the Rod The rod is positioned properly by placing it vertically on the point of a stable object. The rod must then be held plumb. The instrument person can tell if the rod is plumb in one direction by observing if the rod is parallel to the vertical cross-hair, but he/she can not tell whether it is tipped forward or backward. Therefore, the rodperson should use a rod level to plumb the rod in this direction. If the rodperson does not have a rod level, plumbing of the rod can be accomplished by balancing the rod between two fingers (if there is no wind). Waving the rod slowly towards and away from the instrument and observing the lowest reading on the rod is another method of ensuring that the rod is vertical, as in Figure 13.
Figure 13: Positioning the rod (Source: Davis, Foote and Kelly, Surveying Theory and Practice, 5th edition, 1966, p. 172).
Errors created by not holding the rod plumb are much greater for readings taken near the top of the rod than for those taken at the bottom. When the instrument is properly levelled and the rod is in a vertical position, the operator observes and records the reading indicated by the horizontal crosshair on the rod as seen through the telescope. To verify the accuracy of the reading, observe the split bubble and the rod reading again.
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards The telescope reticule has stadia lines, one above and one below the centre crosshair. The average of the readings of stadia lines on the rod represents the actual horizontal reading. The difference of the two stadia readings multiplied by 100 represents the distance between the instrument and the rod (Figure 14).
Figure 14: Reading the rod height 3.45 m, distance 29.2 m, (Source: Automatic Level, Wild NAO, Instructions for Use, Manual G2 106e - IX.80, p.9).
Normally, rod readings to 0.002 m are sufficient. Reading to 0.001 m implies a degree of accuracy that does not exist and is generally inconsistent with the sensitivity of the equipment used to gather other stage data. Level Notes Recording accurate and complete field notes is the most important part of the levelling operation. Notes and sketches constitute a permanent record of the survey, and it should be possible for them to be interpreted with ease by anyone having knowledge of levelling. Nonstandard notes that can be interpreted only by the note keeper are unacceptable. RISC field form, Gauge Level Field Notes provide a standard hydrometric format for recording level notes during routine level checks of gauges and normal line or differential levelling between bench marks (with backsights, BS and foresights, FS approximately balanced) is shown in Figure 15. Hydrometric level note forms are divided into columns for recording observations and computing elevations. The right side of the level sheet is used for recording the necessary descriptive notes. When recording notes, enter the existing elevation of the bench mark or reference mark on the line in the column headed Elevation as Given. The bench mark identification number is entered in the column headed Station. On the top line, in the column headed BS (backsight), the reading obtained with the levelling rod held on the bench mark or point of known elevation is entered as the backsight. The value for the column, Ht.Inst. (height of instrument) is computed by adding the backsight value to the known bench mark elevation. One line down, in the next column, headed foresight (FS), the foresight reading for the point for which an elevation is to be determined is observed and recorded. Commonly called a turning point
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Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards (TP), this value is then subtracted from the Ht.Inst. and the result is the elevation of the foresight point. This is entered in the elevation column and on the same line as the foresight just observed. When the instrument is moved, the new height of instrument is determined by a backsight on the TP. The observation and notes are continued in this manner until the circuit is closed by levelling back to the original starting Station. When performing level circuits, the operator should turn on all the points on which he/she is determining elevations. In the example given in Figure 15 the operator is using each Bench mark (BM) as a turning point (TP). Level notes may be recorded on Gauge Level Field Notes (Figure 15). Using this format of note keeping, the information on each horizontal line pertains to the bench mark or turning point noted in the station column.
Figure 15: Gauge Level Field Notes at Ayum Creek gauging station. See Appendix III for blank forms
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Gauge Checks or Level Checks Staff gauges are subject to many extreme conditions and are often displaced or even destroyed by the action of frost and ice. Stream bank instability, stream bed erosion, and vandalism are other reasons for lost data. To help ensure that stage records remain reliable, the datum of the gauge must occasionally be checked against the original reference elevation. How often this is done is largely determined by the conditions. Under normal conditions a gauging station may require checking only two or three times during a season. However, for a gauge with a history of instability, or in an area of fluctuation due to frost, a level check during each visit to the station is required. When running levels to check for the possible movement of a gauge, THE CIRCUIT MUST BE CLOSED IN ALL CASES. Even where the situation involves one set-up between the bench mark and the gauge, the instrument must be moved to close the return run to the bench mark.
Example 1: Gauge A Gauge Reading = 2.592 m Gauge Correction = -0.122 m Gauge Height = 2.470 m Example 2: Gauge B Gauge Reading = 2.348 m Gauge Correction = 0.122 m Gauge Height = 2.470 m
This procedure, however, presents a problem when checking wire-weight gauges without the assistance of a rod person. Completely repositioning the instrument tripod after initially sighting on the weight makes it difficult to resight the level on the graduated portion of the weight when closing the circuit. In this case, and only in this case, the following procedure can be used. Raise the level head very slightly by extending one of the level legs a small amount, and ensure the instrument is levelled. This should allow for a foresight on the graduated weight (Figure 20).
[Note: The graduations on weights are usually in the form of 2-mm grooves with 2mm spacing.]
Of course, this approach is not necessary when assistance is available. The return portion of the circuit is completed by taking level readings back to the original bench mark from which the circuit began. See Figures 17, 18, 19 and 20 for illustrations of corrections to wire-weight and staff gauges and for samples of level notes. When levelling staff gauges, both inside and outside gauges, the same general procedure is used. However, the instrument must be repositioned when closing the circuit. As mentioned in the previous example, the circuit must be closed by returning to the original bench mark. To check for closure error in a closed circuit, the sum of all backsights minus the sum of all foresights should = 0.000. For smaller closed level circuits, if the closure error exceeds 0.004m, then the level check should be repeated.
Figure 17: Gauge corrections and how they are derived for a wire-weight gauge (Courtesy: WSC).
Figure 18: Sample level notes and illustration of wire-weight gauge corrections, Big River at Little Bend. (Courtesy: WSC).
Figure 19: Sample level notes and illustrations of wire-weight gauge corrections, Clear River at Little Bend. (Courtesy: WSC).
In all cases the level circuit must be completed prior to determining the correction that is to be applied to the gauge. It is strongly recommended that a water elevation be obtained at the time the level circuit is run. Among other things, the water level obtained will indicate if the intake pipes are silted or frozen. An example of RISC HYD form for Gauge Level Field Notes is presented in Figure 15. The form (blank form is available in Appendix III) can printed on water proof paper for field use and the levelling results are used to complete the RISC HYD-02 form i.e., History of Gauge Levels (Figure 21).
Figure 21: . Example of completed Form RISC HYD-02, History of Gauge Levels. See Appendix III for blank forms. Line, or Differential Levelling To determine the difference in elevation between two widely separated bench marks, a level circuit is run between the two stations (e.g., Geodetic Survey of Canada bench mark to a hydrometric gauging station). A number of intermediate instrument set-ups are selected; so that sighting distance for backsights and foresights are approximately equal (range 50 to 90 m). At the first instrument set-up, the rod is held vertically on the bench mark of known 36 March 12, 2009
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards elevation with its face turned to the instrument. The backsight (BS) reading on the rod is added to the known elevation to obtain the height of instrument (HI). Next, the rodperson carries the rod to the instrument, counting the number of paces from the bench mark to the instrument. He/she then proceeds the same number of paces away from the instrument and finds or establishes a suitable turning point (TP1) (e.g., a hub driven into the ground or a high point on a rock). The HI minus the foresight (FS) rod reading at the turning point is the elevation of the turning point (TP1). When the turning point has been established, the instrument is carried to the next set-up. The distance to the next set-up is determined in the same manner as the distance to the first turning point. The reason for balancing backsights and foresights is to eliminate instrument and physical errors (see two-peg test). (If it is not possible to balance the backsights and foresights when using the Wild N2 level, the rod should be read in both positions of the telescope [bubble right and bubble left] and the two readings averaged to eliminate the instrument error.) When sighting distance is over 70 m, influences of the earths curvature and refraction may be noticeable, and they are not eliminated by reading the rod in two positions. The difference in elevation of the two bench marks should equal the difference in the sum of all backsight readings minus the sum of all foresight readings (from the first bench mark to the second bench mark). Some of the turning points can be temporarily marked and used again when returning from the circuit to the original bench mark. If there is an error in the levels, only a portion of the circuit may have to be re-run. Refer to Figure 22 for a schematic of the level run, and Figure 23 for differential level notes. In all cases the circuit must be closed, even when it involves only one set-up to check gauge movement, to do a bench mark tie, or to obtain a direct water level.
37 Reciprocal Levelling Occasionally it is necessary to transfer a known elevation from one side of a large river channel to the other. This may result from the need to relocate an existing gauging station with a known datum or to carry a line of levels from an established bench mark when installing a new gauging station. The continuation of an existing datum and the transfer of an established elevation for a gauging station site are essential parts of hydrometric work. The procedure to perform reciprocal levelling is as follows: 1. Set up the instrument near the point of known elevation (point A). Observe and record backsight readings at point A and foresight readings at the point across the channel to which the elevation is to be transferred (point B). 2. Now set up the instrument near point B. Observe and record backsight readings at point A and foresight readings at point B. 3. Often the horizontal distance between points is large, making it necessary to fit a rod target on the distant rod. To obtain precise results, take a series of foresight readings, re-centering the bubble and re-setting the target after each observation. 4. The difference between the mean value of the backsight readings and the mean value of the foresight readings is the difference in elevation of the two points. This method of reciprocal levelling assumes that the conditions under which observations are taken remain unchanged during the procedure. When levelling points are far apart, two factors may affect the accuracy of readings: unequal expansion of the instrument parts and variations in atmospheric refraction. It is best to carry out this task on a cloudy day when temperature and atmospheric conditions remain constant; otherwise protect the instrument from the suns rays. Complete the procedure in shortest time period as possible.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Adjustment of Elevation It can be assumed that the principal errors of levelling are accidental and that most of the level circuits run in hydrometric surveys are relatively short. When a line of levels makes a complete circuit, almost invariably the final elevation of the initial bench mark as computed from the notes does not agree with the initial elevation. The difference in value between the bench marks known elevation and its computed elevation according to the level circuit is known as the error of closure. This is the true error value incurred while running the level circuit. It is obvious that the elevation of the intermediate points established while running the circuit will also be in error. When significant errors of closure are experienced in level circuits over small distances such as the immediate vicinity of a hydrometric station, the survey should be repeated. In the case of a long distance circuit, there are statistical techniques for computing corrections to intermediate points. Levelling Errors One of the most important factors required to achieve accurate levelling is the skill of the field operator. Field operators must be aware of potential problems that will produce errors in levelling and the steps necessary to limit them. The following list discusses many of the common errors committed while performing levelling work: 1. Improper Adjustment of Instrument. This condition occurs when the line of sight is not parallel to the axis of the level tube. This error can be minimized by careful adjustment of the instrument and by balancing backsight and foresight distances. 2. Parallax. The eyepiece of the telescope must be adjusted until the crosshairs appear sharp and distinct. If there is an apparent movement of the crosshairs on the target with a corresponding slight movement of the observers eye (vertically or horizontally), the condition of parallax exists. This condition can be reduced to a negligible quantity by careful focussing of the eyepiece on the objective lens. Alternate procedure: o Focus the telescope to the greatest distance. o Tilt the level to view the sky. o Adjust eyepiece until crosshairs are as sharp as possible. o Note the reading on the dioptric refraction scale for further checks. o Proceed to use the instrument. Inaccurate Reading of Rod. This error can be greatly reduced by using shorter sights and by checking each reading before recording it. Rod Not Plumb. A rod level can be used or the rod can be waved to eliminate this type of error. When the rod is tipped backward, ensure that it still rests on the front edge of the base. Improper Turning Points. Turning points that are not both well-defined and stable are potential sources of error. If reasonable care is exercised when selecting turning points that are both solid and have rounded tops, this error can be kept to a minimum. Tubular Bubble Not Centered. The magnitude of this error will vary with the distance between the instrument and the rod. It follows that the greater the distance to be sighted, the greater the care that should be exercised when levelling the instrument. 39
3. 4.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards 7. Settlement of the Instrument Tripod. Some settlement of the tripod is likely to occur when levelling over soft, muddy, or thawing ground. Under these conditions backsight and foresight observations should be made in quick succession in order to minimize any effect from the instrument settling. 8. Incorrect Rod Length. Level rod lengths should be checked periodically with a steel tape. Dirt or snow can become trapped in the sleeve of sectional rods which may prevent sections from fitting together properly. Rods should be assembled and carried so that the upper portion is never in contact with the ground. 9. Mud, Snow, or Ice Accumulation on Base of Rod. Mud, snow, or ice accumulations on the rod must be removed before each reading is taken so that level circuits will close. Note that ice accumulation is sometimes unavoidable when obtaining direct water levels in the winter. Uniform wear of the rod base causes no error.
The instrumentation required to collect water level data is essentially two types: 1. Manual or Non-recording Gauges; 2. Recording Gauges i.e., automated continuous data recorder which produce a continuous record of water levels (e.g., pressure gauge with data logger) Descriptions of different gauges normally used for collecting water level information are provided in the following sections. General A non-recording gauge is a gauge used to get a manual water level reading at a hydrometric station. Non-recording gauges must be activated and read by the gauge observer; these gauges do not record water levels automatically. At stations not equipped with an automatic water level recorder, a non-recording gauge is the prime gauge for the station. At stations equipped with a recording gauge as the prime gauge, non-recording gauges are used as either a reference gauge or as an auxiliary gauge. Manual gauges represent one of the main pieces of equipment used for obtaining water levels. In comparison to other equipment used for hydrometric operation, manual gauges are quite inexpensive and normally last indefinitely. Most gauges, if properly installed, are very reliable and very easy to read. A non-recording gauge can be installed regardless of the conditions at a gauging station. This gauge may be a vertical staff gauge, chain gauge, wireweight gauges, inclined gauge etc. Vertical Staff Gauge For details of a Standard Vertical Staff Gauge see Section of Chapter 2. March 12, 2009 41
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Chain Gauge A chain gauge consists of brass or galvanized stove chain with a weight attached to the outer end, and passing along a horizontally mounted scale (usually a standard gauge plate). The horizontal section can be a fixed bridge component, a cantilever or a boom (Figure 24), to place the chain over open water. The gauge plate is attached to the top of the horizontal support arm and the tagged chain is read against this plate. If the range of stage exceeds 1 m, two or more tags are required and these should be spaced precisely 1 m apart and colour coded with pairs of metre numerals. Alternatively, several gauge plates may be used with one tagged position pointer. Initial and subsequent level checks on wire/weight or chain gauges is accomplished by setting up the level so that you can sight the bottom of the weight on the instrument cross-hairs. Lower the weight until it coincides with the height of instrument, and read the position of the pointer on the gauge. (This is the equivalent of a direct reading on a staff gauge.) Establishing at least one bench mark that can be sighted from this setup will greatly facilitate the operation of the station.
Wire-Weight Gauge The wire-weight gauge consists of a length of steel wire cable attached to a spooling device. A weight attached to the free end and the assembly is enclosed in a lockable weatherproof box. This gauge may be mounted on a bridge member over the water surface or it can form part of a cantilever or boom gauge assembly installed on a streambank. The weight is lowered to the water surface to obtain the water level reading, taking care not to kink the cable (Figures 25 and 26).
Figure 26: Wire-weight gauge and mounting brackets. Athabasca River, near Windfall (Courtesy: WSC).
The point on the water surface at which the wire-weight gauge reading is taken should have minimal local disturbance. To reduce the effect of surface tension, read the gauge when the weight first touches the water surface. After contact has been made with the water surface, the weight can be raised by as much as 6 mm without breaking the contact. To obtain a good gauge reading it may be necessary to take several observations and then average the results. During periods of high wind, the wind drag on the wire and the roughness of the water surface will reduce the accuracy of the reading. The wire-weight gauge is used as an outside gauge when conditions at a gauging station make it difficult to read or to maintain a staff gauge. At stations where there is no recording equipment, the wire-weight gauge is the primary gauge. It is usually read by a gauge observer. The wire-weight gauge can also be used as an auxiliary gauge.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Inclined Gauges In most cases, inclined staff gauges (Figure 27) are attached to existing structural components, such as wing walls or along the edge of a boat launch ramp, and they are usually installed at or near the ground. If the site has silting problems, the gauge should be raised. Inclined gauges are used primarily where the bank slope is very low and water level range high, and where it is impractical to use a series of staff gauges or a cantilever gauge. Because the slope distance can be 30 m or greater, this type of gauge is very suitable for use on lakes, or reservoirs and for use as an auxiliary gauge. However, an inclined gauge is seldom used because it is difficult to prevent the gauge from moving during frost action. Also, gauges mounted directly on the ground are subject to siltation problems, while gauges mounted above the ground are subject to damage by ice or floating debris.
Figure 27: Inclined gauge with metal tags between the metre markers (Courtesy: WSC). Procedure for Manual Gauge Measurements A record of stage may be obtained by systematic observations of the above non-recording type gauges. The basic principle that can be used to determine stage or gauge height is direct observation. It involves a measurement of the height from the water level to a datum line. It is often difficult to accurately detect the water line when making staff-gauge observations under the conditions of poor light and (or) clear water. Under those conditions it is helpful to float a matchstick or some similar floatable material against the gauge and thereby define the water line. When the water surface is surging rapidly as a result of wave action, the stage is the mean value of the elevations of the peak and the trough of the waves (Rantz et al, 1982, p. 64).
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards years. The digital recording system has replaced the analogue recorder for many applications, although neither system is foolproof. All automatic water level recorders require some form of manual reference to the water level at the time of installation, and again at all subsequent visits to the station by the technician. The reference gauge should be installed in close proximity to the recording device. Graphic Recorders A graphic water level recorder is an instrument that provides a permanent and continuous long-term record of water level variation. A counter movement controls the rate at which a strip chart advances. At the same time, a float in contact with the water surface activates a marking stylus or pen which reproduces the floats vertical movement on the strip chart. Graphic recorders can record a virtually unlimited range of stage. They provide a low cost record of stage when installed at lakes or reservoirs, and they may be used to provide a record of flow rates, for licensing purposes, below diversion structures in rated channels designed to transport water at a near constant rate. The use of the graphic recorder is in general decline and has been replaced by electronic digital recorders and sensors. Digital Recorders General The advent of electronic sensors and data loggers, with their ability to record and store information in database-ready digital format, was made the importing and compilation of recorded values much easier and faster. Today there are a variety of data loggers on the market, some being multi-purpose in nature, while others configured for specific tasks. Determining the best one for the application involves evaluating the hardware and software which make up the system (Figure 28) with specific emphasis on sensor and programming capabilities, ease of software use, data transmission options and especially manufacturer support. In addition, it is also important to check the accuracy and resolution of the instrument. Accuracy is the amount of uncertainty between the measured value and the appropriate absolute standard and Resolution is the smallest amount of incremental change that can be detected. It is important to be aware that just because the sensor or data logger can display a value to three decimal places, it may only be accurate to one.
Figure 28: Typical flow diagram for electronic monitoring station showing various components required to measure and log stage data.
Data Logging Frequency The data logger should allow programming to acquire data from a stage sensor at preset intervals. The proper data sampling frequency is essential to obtain a data set that is representative of the actual time series of stage data. Extended sampling intervals may miss important peaks while short sampling intervals will unnecessarily fill memory space with redundant data. The suggested interval is one instantaneous stage reading every 15 minutes commencing at the top of the hour (00:0023:45). This is a minimum requirement, however, site specific flow regimes may necessitate a shorter frequency, but generally, a 15 minute interval will provide an accurate representation of actual stage behaviour for most streams without creating large volumes of raw data. Selection Criteria for Electronic Data Loggers The choice of a data logger is a key part of the site planning process. All manufacturers will supply documentation describing in detail the capabilities and prices of their various product. Review these carefully to ensure the model selected meets the site requirements (see Table 2).
Comments & Notes How much data? Sampling frequency? Must communicate with the sensor Most common Environmental changes expressed as electricity changes Limit to cable length Easiest for data loggers Sensor changes opens & closes a circuit giving a pulse e.g. wind speed & tipping buckets Translate analog to digital within the sensor Signal is mathematical Very accurate & little signal corruption Compatibility is important The Serial Data Interface Protocol is a set of rules defining how sensors communicate with data loggers. It was developed to ensure uniformity among low-power sensors. SDI-12 might also be described as "smart sensor" technology. Typically, some intelligence and memory are added to the sensor. This permits the user to program some instructions to the sensor itself. Easiest to use Resolution required defines the accuracy Depends on logging precision required Depends on frequency of data & polling frequency Format of output data (e.g. ASCII, Binary ) Is sample timing critical
Data retrieval
Transcribe data to a field notebook using an on-site data monitor? Collect data manually on site with a laptop computer and operating software? Transmit data via telephone, radio, satellite etc. back to the users PC using operating software?
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Sensors for Stage Measurement There are a variety of different methods for automated continuous measurement of the water stage. Each system has its advantages depending upon the conditions in which the measurement is to be conducted (see Table 3). Some of the products currently used are:
Shaft Encoders with Float Assemblies. Submersible Pressure Sensors. Pressure Measurement Sensors (Bubbler Gauges). Ultrasonic and Radar Level Sensors.
Shaft Encoders
The use of Shaft Encoders (Figure 29 and 30) was a natural progression from the mechanical chart recorders. Similar to mechanical chart recorders a stilling well is required for Shaft Encoders. The existing float and pulley arrangement is removed from the mechanical recorder and is mounted directly to the shaft of the encoder. Depending upon the type of encoder it provides an output, representing an incremental change, based on the system resolution. As the float position changes with the stage, the encoder provides a positive or negative signal depending upon the direction of movement.
Figure 30: Thalimedes (Shaft Encoder) installed in 12 ABS. This site originally set up with Stevens A71 Chart Recorder. Thalimedes used to retrofit existing well and shelter.
There are generally two types of encoder used, Incremental and Absolute. The Incremental encoders report only relative position, and as a result, are required to be powered continuously. Should the power be interrupted, the encoder loses its position and defaults back to zero. Due to the nature of the output, incremental encoders cannot be used on all data loggers. Absolute encoders differ in that each increment on the encoder has a unique value. As a result, an Absolute Encoder can be turned off between sampling intervals, and when repowered it retains the direction and magnitude of change since the last reading. Points to Consider: Encoders require a proper infrastructure to function properly. This includes a stilling well and possible an intake pipe. This may pose challenges if the well is required to work throughout the winter. Submersible Pressure Sensors Submersible Pressure Sensors (Figure 31) represent the largest segment of products for measuring surface and groundwater levels. Their popularity is due to a number of factors including ease of installation, small size, and low cost. As the name implies the system consists of a pressure transducer immersed in the water at a fixed depth. The sensor transmits an analogue or digital signal via underwater conductors back to the data logger In addition to the signal wires there in normally a vent tube as well. The vent tube allows the sensor to equilibrate itself to changes in barometric pressure. If the sensor did not do this then an increase or decrease in barometric pressure would be reflected in the recorded readings, creating another source of error.
Figure 31: Thalimedes (Shaft Encoder) installed in 12 ABS. This site originally set up with Stevens A71 Chart Recorder. Thalimedes used to retrofit existing well and shelter.
Submersible analogue sensors can have accuracy as good as 0.1% of Full Scale Output (FSO), while digital sensors are available with accuracys of 0.02% FSO or better. The main advantage of the submersible sensor is that it is relatively inexpensive and easy to install. Some of the disadvantages include variances in accuracy (depending upon make and model). A pressure transducer inaccuracy is usually based on the following characteristics:
Non-linearity - the deviation of the sensors signal curve from that of a straight line. Repeatability - the ability of the sensor to reproduce an output reading when subjected to identical pressures. Hysteresis - the difference in value for the same measured point when pressure is first increased, then decreased past the point.
In addition there are errors caused by sensor drift (especially analogue sensors), or sensor leakage where the electronics are damaged beyond repair and the sensor must be replaced. Digital submersible sensors offer high accuracy and excellent long-term stability, but usually at a substantial cost over their analogue counterparts. Installation: The sensors must be properly installed. If not, the results will show an error. As with encoders, pressure sensors should be installed in a properly constructed stilling well. Also, the sensors should be mounted vertically, with the sensing diaphragm parallel with the stream flow or stilling well bottom. This ensures that the flow velocity does not become a component of the level measurement. Points to Consider: Submersible sensors are easy to install but have some limitations. First, the sensor must be removed before the water freezes. Ice expands and can over pressurise the diaphragm, causing the sensor to fail or at least require recalibration at the factory. Second, pressure sensors require periodic adjustments to level datum because they drift with time. Third, the sensors must be removed if flooding is expected. If water enters the electronics via the vent tube, the sensor could be irreparably damaged. 50 March 12, 2009
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Pressure Measurement (Bubbler) Sensors Pressure Measurement (Bubbler) Sensor (Figure 32) is an extremely accurate digital sensor which is used to measure the gas pressure required to generate a bubble at the end of a submerged orifice line. The pressure required to create the bubble is proportional to the water head above the orifice. These bubbler gauges are similar to the submersible digital sensors, with the exception that they are typically mounted in a walk-in shelter along with the pressure source (nitrogen tank or battery compressor) and pressure regulator. Bubbler sensors are widely used by Water Survey of Canada as a means of measuring stage in areas where the installation of a stilling well would be impractical or extremely expensive. The main advantages of this type of sensor are 1) its lower cost compared to its submersible counterpart, and; 2) the fact that the only component in the water itself is the low-cost orifice line.
Points to Consider: A stilling well is not needed but a shelter for the tank, control valves and sensor must be fabricated. Therefore, the total cost of this system is more expensive than encoders or pressure sensors. In addition, there are numerous mechanical connections required to route the gas. The use of proper hydraulic fittings of similar material constructions is highly recommended. The main disadvantage of this system is the requirement of a bulky pressure tank or external pressure source and loss of pressure due to leakage. Ultrasonic and Radar Sensors Ultrasonic Sensors (Figure 33) send out a series of sound waves, which travel through the air and strike a target (water surface). An echo is returned back to the sensor and the transit time taken to send the wave and return is related to the distance traveled. Ultrasonic and radar
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards based sensors operate by transmitting a signal which in turn is reflected from the surface of the water. The transit time to send and receive this signal is in turn related to the distance travelled. Unlike pressure sensors or encoders, where a snapshot value is measured, Ultrasonic and Radar sensors can emit a series of signals in succession, which are then processed to provide an average value. The purpose of the series of signals is to smooth out the variance in the transit time that is caused by wave action.
The main advantage of this sensor technology is that it is non-invasive; there is no physical contact with the media being measured and consequently relatively easy and inexpensive to install. In areas where flooding may destroy or move a conventional gauge station, an ultrasonic or radar sensor could be safely mounted above the high water mark. The main disadvantage of the ultrasonic sensor is that the sound wave can travel at different speeds depending upon the prevalent environmental conditions particularly temperature, thus affecting accuracy. Radar based sensors are considered a logical alternative to Ultrasonic sensor because radar signals are not affected by temperature. However radar based sensors can not be used in areas where ice forms. There is a change in the dielectric constant from water to ice that makes it difficult to determine how far into the water/ice column is the signal penetrating before being reflected. Points to Consider: All sensors have a maximum range but only Ultrasonic and Radar sensors have a minimum range. This is because a minimum amount to time is needed to emit, receive and process a signal. Time is equal to distance and thus there is a minimum distance or zone, called the blanking distance in which no measurements can take place. Also, temperature varies in the air column through which the sonic wave travels and this will affect the accuracy.
Bubbler System
Most expensive. Heavy gas cylinders or expensive air pump required. Larger enclosure required. Bubbler tube can easily change position in-stream.
Risk of loss in-stream Requires vented cable to datalogger. Must not be allowed to freeze (in water). Sensor must be kept moisture free.
Stilling Wells
3.3.1 General
A stilling well is a vertical pipe-shaped enclosure placed vertically in or near the streambank. It is watertight, except for restricted access to the outside body of water. The purpose of the stilling well is to dampen water level fluctuation and protect the float sensor components. Figures 34 to 37 show various stilling wells and shelters.
Site conditions and related equipment dictate the stilling wells construction materials and positioning. Proper design is required to meet the sites physical and climatic conditions, and to ensure constant passage of water flow. The size, shape, and materials for constructing a stilling well vary, but the well must be large enough to allow free and unobstructed movement of floats and counterweights. Space must be allowed for other components and equipment, such as flushing lines. The well is connected with the body of water by intake pipes made of steel or thick-walled plastic (in-bank installation), or simply by hole(s) drilled directly into the well. All stilling wells require screen-covered vent holes near the top to allow humidity to escape. Intake pipes used for transferring the water level of the stream must be positioned level and at right angles to the direction of flow. The direction of the flow past the intake pipe may vary at different stream levels. If so, the effect of the flow velocity past the end of the intake pipe may cause drawdown or pileup of the water level in the stilling well. Drawdown causes the water level in the stilling well to be lower than that of the stream; pileup has the opposite effect. The drawdown or pileup of water in a stilling well can be reduced by attaching a static tube to the stream end of the intake pipe. A static tube is a short length of perforated pipe attached to an elbow on the end of the intake pipe and extended horizontally downstream. The end of the static tube is capped. Water enters or leaves through the perforations. The general arrangements of a stilling wells and intake pipes are shown in Figure 35.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards opening to accommodate the float lines, which permits visual access into the well and access to the fasteners connecting the shelter to the stilling well pipe. Shelters, while secure in the closed position, must be easily removable in order to clear ice or install frost tubes. These shelters must be ventilated near the top. The vent opening should be fitted with an insect barrier.
Walk-in shelters (Figure 37) are the most convenient to work with. The average size is 1.6 x 1.6 x 2.2 m high with a standard-size entry door. A portion of the floor is removable for access to the stilling well. This trap door should be inspected for safety on each visit. Never leave it open, nor the well unprotected under any circumstances. Walk-in shelters should be solidly positioned over top of the stilling well so that the floor forms a secure cover for the stilling well. Inside the shelter, a solid, level bench for mounting the recorder is positioned about 1.0 m above the stilling well. Positioning the recorder at this level makes it possible to access the well without interfering with the free movement of the float and float wire. Holes are drilled through the bench top and floor where necessary to accommodate the float wire. A trap door in the shelter floor provides safe, convenient access to the ladder within the stilling well. The flushing tank or portable pump connectors with connecting riser pipes and shut-off valve control rods are usually located above floor level and opposite the recorder mounting bench. Adequate ventilation is important.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Seasonal Operation The open water season described above excludes ice conditions normally associated with spring start-up and fall shut-down. The operational open water period for many hydrometric stations is April 1st to October 31st, whether ice is present on the watercourse or not. However, before and after this period the hydrometric operator must undertake both pre-season and post-season activities. Pre-season Operations Pre-season activities involve clearing ice from the stilling well, repairing winter damage, and activating recorders. Many stilling wells are constructed with 12-inch-diameter (305-mm) ABS water pipe, sealed at the bottom with a glued-on pipe cap. Ice removal from these relatively small diameter wells can prove quite a challenge even when the ice is no longer attached to the wall of the pipe. Preparations for ice removal must take place before freeze-up in the fall (see below). If ice is frozen to the pipe wall, start-up can be delayed; however water can be added to the top to speed melting. The judicious application of heat to warm the pipe sufficiently to detach the ice block is suggested, if the stream ice is beginning to break up. If the ice block is freed from the sides of the stilling well, it may be removed by lifting, although it may weigh up to 40 kg. The shelter must be removed from the stilling well first. Post-season Operations In all locations subject to winter freeze-up, ice may present problems if it occurs before the end of the operating season. Regardless of the operational period, all recording stations require some degree of winterization if they are to be easily reactivated on time in the spring. Some preventive measures taken at the end of the season will make the following season start-up, much easier. The usual problem found on arrival at station start-up is a large block of ice remaining in the stilling well. If the float has been left activated, it will almost certainly be stuck in the ice and will have to be freed before the ice can be removed. The following shut-down procedures are recommended at the end of the season. Remove the float, counterweight and float lines (carefully coil and secure lines to avoid kinking) from the well. Winter Operation Water which freezes in the stilling well and/or intakes during the winter period, presents serious problems. Continuous operations in cases where there is no ice free zone in the stream are extremely difficult. Ice Formation: If the intake pipes are below frost level and the end of the lowest intake does not become encased in ice, the stilling well can continue to operate. Formation of ice within the stilling well can be prevented or controlled with an insulated frost floor, heaters or an oil cylinder (see Frost Tubes for details). Fully exposed metal wells present the greatest problem. At freezing temperatures, ice forms quickly around the inside wall of the well and on the inside water surface which traps the float. Further freezing produces a cylindrical plug of ice. Ice Effects on Floats: Warming temperatures may free the ice plug, but if the float is trapped within it, records of the response to water level changes will be inaccurate. For an accurate record, the technician must free the float and remove the ice from the well.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Severe damage to the water level recorder can occur if both the float and counterweight become trapped in an ice plug. If the water level below the ice plug recedes, the weight of the ice will place extreme stress on the float pulley shaft and float wire above. Frost Floor: A frost floor is an insulated sub-floor within the stilling well positioned below the frost line of the surrounding ground. The cold air spilling into the well is partially confined to the area above the frost floor, while the warmer air from below can not escape easily. This warmth retards the formation of ice within the well. Holes cut in the frost floor allow the float and counterweight line to pass through. Wells in the stream bank are normally encased with back-filled earth, which provides some insulation. However, ice plugs can still form in the well if cold air spills into it. A frost floor may be enough to stop ice from forming as long as the water level remains below the frost level of the surrounding soil. Frost Tubes: Frost tubes have proven quite effective in overcoming ice in both exposed metal and earth-protected stilling wells. A frost tube is an open-ended cylinder, usually 25 cm in diameter, fastened vertically inside the stilling well. The bottom end is elevated slightly above the well bottom; the top end extends to the well top, or to an elevation above the maximum expected winter water level. At stations where 305 mm ABS stilling wells have been installed, the well becomes the frost tube and a quantity of oil sufficient to extend below the frost line or ice thickness is poured into it. A 10cm column of oil in this diameter of pipe will require 7.3 litres of oil. To prepare a frost tube, a non-toxic oil is poured into the top of the cylinder. The column of oil that forms above the water forces the water surface in the cylinder below the surrounding water level in the stilling well. The recorder float is then positioned in the cylinder where it will respond to the variation in the oil surface level. Since the oil surface level stands higher than the true water level, a compensating correction must be made to the record. The degree of correction will be proportional to the amount and specific gravity of the added oil. To quantify this initial correction, reinstall the float assembly and record data logger reading and reference gauge. Remove the float from the tube before pouring the oil. Reinstall the float, and repeat readings as above. Differences in the relationship between data logger readings and outside gauge are the correction for the quantity of oil and its specific gravity. Set the recorder to the outside gauge for this and subsequent station visits. Oil Specification: An acceptable oil is Esso Bayol 35M with a specific gravity of 0.815. This oil is tasteless, colourless, odourless, and is used in food processing. Do not let the oil spill from the frost tube into the stilling well, because it causes bacteria to grow on the water surface within the well. Non-toxic oil must be used. Kerosene and other petroleum oils must not be used for environmental reasons. Discontinue using the frost tube at spring break-up time. If the cylinder is not designed and installed as a permanent fixture, the oil and cylinder must be removed from the stilling well before the rising water level forces the oil over top of the tube. Frost tubes do not produce heat nor do they require any heat to be effective. Spring Operations Prior to spring break-up, stilling wells must be cleared of winter operations fixtures and any ice remaining in the well. Where the intakes are blocked with ice, the use of a steam generator may be needed to remove ice from the intakes and the well. Inspect the well for possible structural damage that may have occurred during the winter season. Check especially for vertical movement caused by frost heave. If signs of frost heave March 12, 2009 59
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards are evident, give special attention to the intake pipes, as they may be damaged at the point of entry to the well. Inspect the outer ends of the intakes and remove any attached ice from them. Clean deposited silt from the stilling well bottom. Remember, in the next few months water will carry most of the annual silt deposit to the well. Flush all intake pipes and make sure they are free and clear of obstruction. When flushing the intakes, observe the discharge from the upper intakes. Finally be sure the intake valves are open before leaving the site. In general, it is essential that the stilling well and the intakes are in good working order if the well is to provide accurate records through the upcoming spring runoff season. Corrective action for potential problems is far more difficult during spring when the well is full and the intakes are all under water. Under these conditions, repairs or maintenance work may not be possible. Many water level records are lost as a result of improper preparations prior to spring. Ensure that the float and the suspension lines move freely and that they are clear of any possible obstruction. Spring Runoff During high flows the water surface in the well appears to be excessively turbulent. To dampen the oscillation, close one of the upper intake valves and look for improvement. Slowly open the valve until you achieve a tolerable level of disturbance. For in-stream installations, when the water level exceeds the elevation of the top vent holes, block the holes to avoid further velocity turbulence. Note these actions on the station record or log. If the water level should exceed the upper limit of float travel in the well, cut a hole in the floor to allow passage of the float. This measure will provide additional distance for float travel which will in turn add to record collection. Manually pull the float through the hole in the floor to its upper limit of travel. Check to see if the counterweight hits the well bottom. If it does, shorten the float line proportionately. Remove all buoyant material from the floor to prevent it from obstructing the float line or restricting the floats return passage through the hole when the water level recedes. Inspect the streambank for possible cave-in or excessive erosion. If the stilling well is endangered, arrange for emergency corrective action. Until proper corrective actions can be taken, the stilling well should be secured with a strong cable which can be anchored to inshore trees or other stable objects. This will prevent tilting or loss of the well.
Accurate documentation of the information is extremely important. It establishes the identity of the location and the base values for future evaluation, and it ensures accurate transfer of the information from the field to the office. The information is gathered for various reasons: to route the original data in a different direction, to cross-reference the accuracy of the documentation, or to provide convenient access to the information on the original record. For proper documentation of gauge readings and other information, the following should be considered: Documentation must be complete and legible; Always complete the documentation immediately following the observations; Do not depend on memory; never wait for a more convenient time or location.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards The Water Stage Recorder-Station Log (RISC form, RISC HYD-04), Figure 38 (Blank forms are included in Appendix III), posted within the instrument shelter should be used for systematically recording the gauge reading, time and date and other information on this form.
[Note: See subsection Gauge and Water-Level Recorder in section for details]
Forms can also be completed electronically on a laptop computer. This form also provides a ready reference to the operating history of the station. The Remarks column shows the method used for past measurements, and indicates a safe limit of stage for stream wading. Extra information can always be listed on these forms if necessary. RISC HYD-04 form should be updated before leaving the site.
Power Supply
Electronic stream monitoring equipment generally requires a 12V power supply. There are three commonly used power options at a stream monitoring site.
Use of an existing on-site 110 AC power supply with a 12V converter. Maintain a backup power supply at such a site that instantly "takes over" during power failures. Operate the site with battery(s) only. If the site is low-power, a heavy 12V RV type or deep-cycle battery will likely operate the site for many months between charges. The equipment manufacturer should supply the power requirements of their equipment, and estimates of how long such a battery will last through a series of temperature ranges. Some newer data logger/sensor equipment can operate for extended periods using only C type 1.5V batteries. Use solar panels and storage battery(s). A solar panel is usually necessary at sites where more "power hungry" data transmission components are required. Solar panels are available in different sizes. There are four points to consider when using solar power. a) Add up the power requirements of all system electronics. Provide this figure to the solar panel supplier or equipment manufacturer they can calculate the size of panel required. b) At the site, ensure that the panel will have an unobstructed view of the sun through all months that the installation must operate. A mast may be required near the enclosure to hold the solar panel for maximum exposure to the sun. c) For the system battery, use only heavy-duty deep-cycle 12V storage batteries. They are more expensive, but are designed for this type of usage. d) A solar system must use a high quality voltage regulator that also monitors the temperature of the storage battery. The failure to use these will almost certainly result in premature battery failure due to over/under charging.
Often hydrometric monitoring sites are at remote locations. Therefore, transmission components can be installed, providing the means to have the data logged on site and periodically transmitted back to the users PC. Where telemetry is not available or affordable, direct download of data into a portable storage device can be carried out during routine site visit. There are a number of technologies available to provide site telemetry: Telephone/Modem If the site has a land-line telephone available, it is possible to install a modem on site and transmit data back to the users PC equipped with modem and operating software. The data logger chosen for the site must be able to communicate via modem. Cellular Telephone/Modem The site must have medium to strong cellular coverage. Different types of cellular antenna can be used to compensate for lower strength signals. Radio/ Modem 63
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards The site must be in range of a base radio near the users PC or within range of a radio repeater system. Once installed, this method is inexpensive, as there is no further expense for transmission time. However, usually a dedicated frequency is required, or some means of ensuring radio silence during data transmissions. Satellite There are number of different satellite technologies available including but not limited to: GOES, MSAT, Iridium. Each has pros and cons and the technology is undergoing continuous changes.
4.2.1 General
The area-velocity method, commonly known as current meter method is based on determining the mean discharge using the velocity and the cross-sectional area. If the mean streamflow velocity (V) is normal to the direction of flow, and the cross-sectional area (A) of flow is known, then the product of these variables determines the stream discharge (Q); that is Q=V.A. The hydrometric operator measures the stream depth and velocity at selected intervals across a stream either by wading, cableway, bridge, or in a boat. The water depth and the positions across the stream are obtained using a rod for depth and a survey tape for distance.. A current meter is used to measure the stream velocity at each selected interval. The objective of this section is to review the techniques and instruments used to measure stream velocity and cross-sectional area, to explain the calculations required to obtain stream discharge, and to outline the factors affecting the accuracy of the discharge measurements.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards propeller is used to determine the velocity of the water at the point where the current meter is set. Before the current meter is used, the relationship between the rate of rotation and the velocity of the water is established in a towing tank. Three models of vertical axis meters are in general use in Canada: the Price Type AA meter, the WSC winter meter, and the Pygmy meter. The Price Type AA meter (Figures 39) is the most common vertical shaft meter and is often considered the standard for discharge measurement. It has been subjected to extensive research and experimentation and shown to be well suited to a wide variety of field conditions. The Price Type AA is the principal meter used by the WSC and many other agencies to determine discharge. Horizontal axis meters are capable of very accurate flow measurement in areas of local turbulence. The component effect of the rotors compensates for angular flow in both the horizontal and vertical planes, and the orientation of the rotor provides for a balanced translation of the linear motion when measuring near the vertical faces at either edge of a channel. All models use the magnetic reed switch to generate the rotational pulse count, thus avoiding the variable frictional component. A small horizontal axis current meter (Figure 40) continues to be the principle instrument used by Provincial agencies in British Columbia to measure small shallow streams, while the larger models are preferred for use with bankcontrolled cableways and bridge rods. Detailed descriptions of various types of mechanical current meters, their operation and maintenance are provided in Appendix II.
66 Electromagnetic Current Meter An electromagnetic current meter (Figure 41) measures velocity using Faradays Law, which states that a conductor (water) moving in a magnetic field (generated by the current meter probe) produces a voltage that varies linearly with the flow velocity. Electrodes in the probe detect the voltages generated by the flowing water and convert the voltage into velocity readings for numeric display. As these meters have no moving parts they are not subject to many of the operational and maintenance problems associated with mechanical current meters. The electromagnetic flow sensors are designed for the portable measurement of very low flow velocities and for site conditions where the conventional current meters can no longer be used: areas with large numbers of aquatic plants, contaminated water, shallow water, and low velocity water. Their use is generally confined to fish habitat studies.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Acoustic Doppler Velocity Meter Acoustic flow meters measure the water velocity using acoustic signals and combine the results with a stage measurement to calculate the discharge. In general, mechanical current meters were the standard in collecting river discharge measurements. However, recent development of acoustic doppler technologies for use in discharge measurements provides viable alternatives to mechanical meters. A hand held Acoustic Doppler Velocity (ADV) meter (Figure 42) is an example of an acoustic device developed to measure water velocity in two or three dimensions. It uses bistatic (separate transmitting and receiving) transducers to measure either two or three dimensional flow in a 0.25cc sample volume located 10cm from the probe. A transducer transmits a pulse to the sample volume and the acoustic signal is reflected back by particles suspended in the water to the receiving transducers. In comparison to mechanical cup meters, the ADV meter offers advantages such as a wider velocity range, measurement in more shallow water, and no need for recalibration. The acoustic Doppler velocity meter has been designed to allow a technologist trained to make conventional wading measurements using a mechanical cup meter to quickly adapt to the use of the probe and accompanying hand-held interface to produce discharge estimates based on the area-velocity method. The instrument could potentially offer increased data quality under very low flow conditions and reduced operational costs over the life cycle of the instrument. However, acoustic meters can be affected by both high and very low levels of suspended solids or entrained air and thus site selection is important. United States Geological Survey presently is using this technology for their routine discharge measurements while Water Survey of Canada is actively considering using this technology.
Figure 43: Components of top setting wading rod. Table 4: Vernier settings for top setting rod.
Vernier setting
Observed water depth Twice observed water depth Half observed water depth
Bridge Rods with Relocating Device The 20mm rods described in Section can be supplied in 1m sections to a maximum practical length of 7m with sequentially number graduations. The OSS B1 and OTT C31 can be directly attached to this rod. Other meters may be attached using a variety of available clamping adapters; however, changing the placement of the meter to obtain the correct depth of observation can be awkward and exposes the meter to damage at sites where a long rod is required. To avoid these problems a relocating device should be employed (Figure II-7 in Appendix II). The manufacturers of the OTT and OSS current meters provide an assembly that gives top setting capability to a 20mm rod of any length. The assembly consists of two or more 1m sections of tube with locking connectors that fit over the 20mm rod, providing an attachment point for the current meters. The use of the relocating device offers the advantage that the current meter can be positioned along the vertical in the measuring point without taking the equipment out of the water. The device, designed primarily for use with the B1, C31, and C5
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards meters, can also accommodate small current meters such as the PC1 and the C2, as well as Price meters. Adapters are required. Handlines, Hangers, and Weights The handline (Figure 44) provides a simple and effective method for suspending a meter and weight assembly and is an alternative to the bridge rod. The handline requires hangers and weights (Figure 45) to counteract the effects of moving water. The handline is lightweight, compact, and easy to operate. These features make it particularly useful for obtaining measurements at remote sites. The hydrometric operator normally uses the handline to meter from footbridges and on ice cover. However, the handline is also a useful substitute when regular equipment malfunctions. The factors that limit its use in some cases are high velocities, excessive depths, and heavy weights. Most current meter suppliers offer handline kits for use with the type of meter specified. The kits supplied for use with propeller meters usually include a weight of about 5-10 kg with matching hanger and pins. Meter calibration varies with weight size and type and position of the meter on hanger; the user must ensure that the correct meter rating is used.
A handline can be made from 15 m or less of 16 gauge cabtire electrical cord. The hangline has a Cinch-Jones plug at one end and a cable thimble at the other with a clevis-type connector fitted to the thimble. The cord is marked at 0.1m intervals with strips of adhesive tape. The markings can be accomplished in the following manner: one strip for 0.1m marks, two strips for 0.5m marks and three strips to denote 1m intervals. Another way to make a handline is to spiral wrap a length of 1/16 inch galvanised aircraft cable with 16 or 18 gauge insulated automotive wire. The spiral wrap ensures that the aircraft cable carries the full load of the meter and weight assembly. The entire length of the wire and cable is then double wrapped with a cloth type friction tape. The aircraft cable is secured to a clevis-type connector and the automotive wire is joined to the meter lead. The weight hanger and galvanised cable function as the return conductor.
A handline can also be made using Kevlar line instead of aircraft cable. However, because Kevlar is a non-conductor, two-conductor automotive wire must be used to transmit the electrical signal. Reels The American-made A55 sounding reel and a similar Australian model (Figure 46) are lightduty sounding reels with a maximum load capacity of 45 kg. The reels are well suited for use in streams of low-to-moderate water velocity where cable length need not exceed 24 m. Reels can be utilized in a variety of situations such as bridge and boat boards (Figure 54), bridge cranes, and cable cars. The meter pulses are transmitted by the two conductors Ellsworth suspension cable through an electrical brush arrangement to the reel terminals. A twoposition handle provides sufficient leverage for handling loads up to 45 kg, and the spring ratchet stop provides positive locking of the reel at any desired depth. Digital or analogue depth counters display depth.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards can not undertake or complete the field work, the field data book should give colleagues a clear understanding of the design, function, and history of the station. The field data book should contain the following information for each gauging station.
Form RISC HYD-01, Description of Hydrometric Station. Gauge Level Field Notes Form RISC HYD-02, History of Gauge Level. Discharge Measurement Field Form this form is also available as an excel spreadsheet which calculates the velocity-area discharge from measurements carried out by the operator. Copies of this program are available from the Ministry of Environment website. Calculated values can be used to populate RISC HYD-03, Summary of Discharge Measurements. Form RISC HYD-03, Summary of Discharge Measurements. Form RISC HYD-04, Water Stage Recorder - Station Log. Form RISC HYD-05, Stage-Discharge Rating Curve and Table (including Rating Curve)) Form RISC HYD-06, Station Analysis for the Period. Special instructions regarding equipment, maintenance, techniques, conditions, etc. Names of field staff, and contact information.
Appendix III at the end of this manual contains blank forms. Before Departing for the Field Before departing on a field trip to gauging stations, there are duties that the hydrometric operator should complete.
Review the information and notes from the previous field visits in the field data book. Address the problems that were noted on previous field trips, and be prepared to handle them if they come up again. Assemble any equipment that might be needed for different possible stream conditions high, medium, or low flows.. Check and test all of the equipment to ensure that it is functioning correctly. Charge all equipment and ensure backup supply of batteries for data loggers, counters, etc. Check the current meter calibration and make sure that the calibration is still valid to achieve grade A, B or C data under RISC hydrometric standard Check the field verification status of the current meter to confirm the meter accuracy using a traceable standard or master such as Price Type AA. [Note: To achieve grade A,
or B data under RISC hydrometric standard, meter must be field verified at least once in a year]. On Site Observations and Servicing Upon arrival at the site, the operator should conduct an overall inspection to determine the site safety, the stream conditions, and any anomalies. Information must be recorded on the channel conditions, the gauge and water level recorder, the working condition of the current meter, and the water velocity. These data are recorded in RISC forms as outlined below.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Assessing Channel Conditions One purpose of assessing the overall channel conditions is to be aware of conditions that will affect the measurement and the stage-discharge relationship since the last time the station was visited. Select the appropriate box on the Discharge Measurement Field Form (Figure 47 and 48) to assign channel condition. Assessing the channel conditions is also important in deciding whether or not to go ahead with the measurement. In some conditions it will be unsafe or impractical to proceed with a measurement. To assess the conditions of the watercourse, look for the following conditions and make note in the Remarks area of Discharge Measurement Field Form and RISC HYD-04: Water Stage Recorder-Station Log.
The presence of aquatic plants at the metering section or on the control (see the Glossary). The presence of debris floating or lodged in or near the gauge or control Signs of human or animal activity in the vicinity of the station The deposition of gravel or the development of sand bars in the vicinity of the gauge Any obstructions in the vicinity of the gauge Signs of erosion of the channel banks The presence of overflow channels that are bypassing the metering section. If present these must be measured (or estimated) High winds Ice conditions
Gauges and Water-Level Recorder After assigning the channel conditions read the gauges and water-level recorder and complete the following steps. 1. Note the date and time (Arrival) in RISC HYD-04: Water Stage Recorder-Station Log (Figure 38) included in the field data book. 2. Record all the gauge and recorder readings and information to complete the RISC HYD04 form (use Arrival Column for recording information). 3. If site is without telemetry, download data logger readings since last visit and review the data for anomalies, missing periods, battery status etc. Operator should attempt to trace origins of any data anomalies or issues and service equipment to correct or avoid continued problems. 3. For well installations, flush the intakes and make certain they are not obstructed. Observe and record any differences that occur after the flushing. 4. Service the recorder. Check the battery condition and voltage, all of the cables and connections, solar panel(s), sensor(s), antennae, etc and repair deficiencies. Record the repairs that were required and completed. 5. Do a level check of the gauge or gauges, if required. 6. Write notes in Remarks area of RISC HYD-04 (Figure 38) form about observations and procedures, level check, metering etc. After taking the discharge measurement, obtain another gauge reading and observe whether the recorder is operating properly. Use Departure Colum for recording time and gauge 74 March 12, 2009
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards reading in RISC HYD-04 form). By this time the recorder will have been operating for approximately one hour and any error in the settings should be apparent.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Current Meter Before using a Price type AA current meter, inspect it to be sure the bearing surfaces are in good order. This can be done quite easily: 1. Loosen the bucket wheel raising nut so that the pivot wheel bearing rests on the pivot. 2. Gently rotate the bucket wheel and observe it as it comes to a stop. If the stop is gradual, then the bearing surfaces and the pivot are in satisfactory condition. If the bucket wheel comes to an abrupt halt or the motion is abnormal in any way, the pivot and bearings should be closely inspected. 3. Inspect the pivot and bearings if necessary. If there is evidence of wear, the meter should not be used. Have the meter professionally serviced and re-calibrated. 4. If the pivot and bearings are in good order, then go ahead with the discharge measurement. 5. Horizontal shaft propeller meters should be spun to confirm that the bearings and shaft are in satisfactory condition. Observing Velocity The guidelines for observing velocity (Figure 49) are as follows:
Allow sufficient time for the current meter to adjust to water conditions. The adjustment time will be a very few seconds at high velocities, and significantly longer at low velocities. This adjustment period is very important at low velocities, i.e. <0.3 m/s, and the failure to allow for it could produce errors. Observe velocities for 40 to 70 seconds. Observe time to the nearest 1/2 second (stopwatch/meter rating table use), or the exact displayed time, when using the meter calibration equation to determine the velocity. Where water depth in the vertical is >1.0 m, the velocity is measured at both 0.2 and 0.8 depth (from the water surface) with the current meter, and the mean velocity is calculated. Where water depth in the vertical is <0.75 m, observations are made at 0.6 depth (from the water surface) only. Using the 0.2 and 0.8 depth method in shallow watercourses places the current meter too close to the water surface and the channel bed to give reliable results. Where water depth is between 0.75 m and 1.0 m, the hydrometric operator can choose the method. Depth should be recorded to the nearest centimetre. This is for calculating the total crosssectional area.
Equipment Selection and Testing If the metering section is very narrow or shallow, or if most of the verticals have depths of <0.15 m, use a small current meter. The Price meter tends to over-register if the buckets are only partially submerged; preferably, use it only where average depths are >0.15 m. Do not use an unmodified Price Pygmy meter in velocities under 0.5 m/s. Test the current meters electrical circuit before making the measurement: 1. 2. 3. 4. Attach the meter to the wading rod. Connect the electrical lead on the rod to one of the terminals on the meter contact. Attach the headset, beeper, or counter to the receptacle on the handle of the rod. Rotate the bucket wheel. If a headset or beeper is used, a series of sharp clicks or beeps should be heard. With a counter, the rotor revolutions will register in the viewing window.
Locating the Metering Section During the initial site reconnaissance and selection, the operator would have assessed the channel to select several locations to carry out discharge measurements. The location of the metering section may vary with changes in stage or channel conditions. The best location for measuring high and medium flows from a cableway, boat, or bridge may not be acceptable for low water wading. Ideally, once the metering sections for low, medium, and high flow measurements have been selected, they should not be changed. 1. The metering section should be confined to a single channel for all stages. 2. The metering section should be perpendicular to the general direction of flow. (A procedure for determining angle of flow corrections is described in subsection Direction of Flow in Section 3. The metering section should be located where the bed and banks of the watercourse are straight and uniform:
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Upstream - for a distance of approximately five times the width of the metering section. Downstream - for a distance of approximately twice the width of the metering section. The channel bed at the metering section should be as uniform as possible. It should be free from vegetation, immovable rocks, and obstructions such as bridge piers. The metering section normally should accommodate 20 verticals/subsections of uniform discharge and flow in each subsection or panel should not be more than 10% of the total flow. However, measurement points should not be closer than 0.15 m when price type AA meter is used. This factor should be considered during site selection. The spacing of verticals along the metering section is not usually uniform. Where the water is shallow and/or slow moving, the spacing will be greater than where the water is deep and swift. Spacing depends largely on the following factors: Overall width of the watercourse. Unevenness of the channel bed. Variation in velocity across the channel. The spacing of each vertical should be referenced to a permanent initial point on the shore. The initial point should be well defined, usually by an iron pin driven into the ground above the high water mark. This initial point in turn should be referenced to another permanent feature near the metering section or gauging station. These data are often required for detailed studies long after the gauging station has been established or discontinued, and is particularly important where it is desirable to define channel erosion or deposition. As changes are usually determined by creating a series of cross-section plots, an iron pin is usually set above the high water mark at the far end of the crosssection. The distance between the two points is used to maintain the horizontal/vertical ratio in successive computer-generated plots.
4. 5.
If the gauging station has been in operation for some time, a wading section for making measurements will already have been established (Figure 51). Inspect the wading section, and the reach immediately above and below it, to make sure it is still the most suitable.
Figure 51: Conducting a discharge measurement with tagline across the wading section, Bridge Creek below Deka Creek.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Setting Up the Tagline and Establishing Verticals To begin the discharge measurement, a tagline must first be placed across the watercourse. 1. Make a preliminary crossing before stringing the tagline. Use the wading rod as a support when crossing the watercourse. Turn the rod so that the meter is on the high end, or remove the meter from the rod so that it will not be damaged if a slip or fall occurs. Try to obtain an overall impression of the depths and velocities while wading. This is also a good time to look for rocks and debris that might be removed from the channel bed to improve the metering section. Be certain, particularly for very small watercourses, that removing rocks will not affect or alter the control. 2. Anchor the tagline with the zero referenced to the initial point. The initial point is a permanently marked point at the start of a cross-section, normally located above the high water mark on the right bank. 3. Wade across the watercourse, stringing the tagline at a right angle to the direction of the current. 4. Secure the tagline on either shore, and determine the overall width of the metering section. 5. Assess the approximate spacing of the verticals, according to the flow pattern. Follow the guidelines described in subsection Locating the Metering Section in Section 6. Proceed with the measurement. Discharge Measurement Procedure: Mid-Section Method The mid-section method of discharge measurement is described below, and illustrated in Figure 59. Refer to Discharge Measurement Field Form (Figure 47 and 48). 1. Record the starting time and gauge height reading on Discharge Measurement Field Form.
[Note: An accurate determination of the mean gauge height is essential for plotting the results of the discharge measurement. If the stage appears to change while the measurement is in progress, it is necessary to obtain additional readings during the progress of the measurement.]
2. Record the tagline distance for the edge of the water. If there is a steep drop at the edge of the stream, the first vertical depth and velocity observation should be taken close to the edge. 3. Move to the next vertical. Record the distance indicated by the numbered marker on the tagline. Observe and record the depth. 4. Set the current meter to the correct depth to obtain the velocity. 5. To obtain the velocity, count and record the number of revolutions the bucket wheel makes for duration of time between 40 and 70 seconds. 6. Observe and record the time to the nearest 1/2 second. To use the current meter rating table, the number of revolutions counted should be one of the 13 that are listed. Current meter rating tables are designed so that the velocity in meters per second can be obtained directly, for a given number of revolutions within the required time frame. The 13 choices of pre-selected revolutions are 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300. 7. If the procedure described above is not used, a double interpolation of both time and count is necessary to use the table to compute velocity.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards 8. Repeat the above procedure until the watercourse is traversed and the measurement is completed. 9. After completing the measurement, note and record the time and gauge height reading. Precautions and Tips To obtain accurate measurements by wading, the hydrometric operator must pay attention to detail and technique. If followed carefully, these suggestions will help obtain reliable results: 1. Position the tagline correctly. Take the time to ensure that the tagline is placed in a position that is perpendicular to the direction of the current. Even when this precaution is taken, there will still be instances where angular flow occurs. When this happens, record the cosine of the horizontal angle. 2. Improving the metering section. Where necessary, take the time to improve the metering section by removing boulders and debris from the metering section and the area immediately above it. Remove weeds for a distance of about three times the depth from the area upstream and downstream from the section. On smaller watercourses it may be possible to construct small dikes to cut off sections of shallow flows and dead water. After the modifications are made, be certain to allow sufficient time for conditions to stabilize before proceeding with the measurement. Note if the modifications have an influence on the gauge reading. All improvements to the metering section should be completed before starting the measurement, i.e. do not make changes to the metering section (such as by moving rocks) during the course of the discharge measurement. 3. Spacing of Verticals. Obtain 20 - 25 observations of both depth and velocity for one complete measurement (see Section Error Affecting Accuracy). For very narrow cross-section, use a small meter and space the verticals more closely. However, measurement points should not be closer than 0.15 m when price type AA meter is used. The small propeller meters are usually supplied with 50-mm diameter propellers, and 30mm interchangeable types are also available. 4. Position of the hydrometric operator. The hydrometric operators position with respect to the current meter is very important when making a discharge measurement by wading. The hydrometric operator should stand to the side and downstream from the meter so as not to influence the velocity. Studies show that the following position has the least effect on the operation of the current meter: stand in a comfortable and safe place facing either shore, and no less than 0.4-m downstream and to the side of the current meter. 5. Position of the current meter. Hold the wading rod in a vertical position and the current meter parallel to the direction of flow while making the velocity observation. Vertical axis meters - if the axis of the meter is not kept vertical, the meter will tend to under-register. Horizontal axis meters - many propellers are designed to compensate for angular flow. Consequently any deviation from the vertical position of the rod will introduce an error in velocity. 6. Observing Velocities. If depths are sufficient (>1.0m), the 0.2 and 0.8 method should be used for observing velocities. It is quite easy to make the settings on the top setting wading rod (see subsection Top Setting Wading Rods in Section To set the current meter on 0.2 depth position (or 0.8 up from streambed) on the wading rod, simply doubles the value of the observed depth and for 0.8 depth position (or 0.2 up from streambed) one-half of the observed depth on the vernier setting of top setting wading rod.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Example: Observed depth = 1.10 m. For the 0.2 depth (or 0.8 up from streambed), set 2.20 on vernier setting. For the 0.8 depth (or 0.2 up from streambed), set 0.55 on vernier setting.
[Note: The 0.2-0.8 method is not entirely satisfactory if the channel bed is very rough, irregular, or covered with aquatic growth. These conditions will often produce erratic results for the observation at the 0.8 depth. In some situations, more reliable results will be obtained by computing the average velocity on the basis of the 0.2 and 0.8 depths and averaging the computed value with the velocity from the 0.6 depth. This is known as the three-point (3 Pt.) method.]
7. Uneven Channel Bed. Sounding a channel bed that is extremely soft or strewn with boulders requires a great deal of extra care and attention. Be careful not to over-sound by allowing the bottom of the wading rod to sink into soft channel bed material. If the channel bed is very rough, take time to adjust the observed depths so that they reflect both the tops of the boulders and the depths between them. Measuring verticals should be equidistant around the vertical line which defines the breakpoint on the edge of the submerged obstruction (Figure 52). Sometimes there may be a near-vertical boundary separating zones of different depth or velocity. In this case, position the adjacent measuring verticals equidistant from this boundary, so that the boundary coincides with the common boundary of the partial sections. Measuring from a Bridge If a watercourse can not be waded, discharge measurements can be made from a bridge or cableway. Measurement cross-sections under bridges are often satisfactory for current meter measurements, but cableway sections are usually superior. Either a bridge rod (Figure 53) or a cable/weight suspension system can be used to position the current meter in the watercourse.
The cable supporting the sounding weight and current meter may be suspended from a handline or one of several models of sounding reels. Handlines and sounding reels mounted on bridge boards (Figure 54) are especially useful when carrying out measurements from logging or farm bridges with no guard rails; however, these assemblies are limited to sounding weights less than 22 kg. Three- or four-wheeled bridge cranes can accommodate sounding weights of up to 77 kg, depending on the model of sounding reel, but can be used only on bridges with strong guard rails. The discharge measurement can be made from either the upstream or downstream side of the bridge. Make this decision independently for each bridge, according to the advantages and disadvantages in each case. Also consider the physical conditions at the bridge, such as location of the walkway, traffic hazards, and accumulation of trash on pilings or piers. The advantages of measuring from the upstream side of the bridge are: 1. Hydraulic characteristics on the upstream side of bridges are usually more favourable. 2. Drift material can be avoided more easily because it can be seen it coming downstream. With downstream measuring, an assistant may be needed to watch for floating debris. 3. The channel bed at the upstream side of the bridge is not likely to be scoured as badly as the downstream side. The advantages of using the downstream side of the bridge are: 1. Bridge rods are less likely to suffer damage from bending over the edge of the bridge if caught by the current and/or debris. 2. The vertical angle of a cable-suspended current meter is more easily observed. 3. Bridge abutments and piers can straighten flow lines in some cases. 4. If the bridge is angled across the channel, a single horizontal correction for angular flow can be applied to the measured discharge. 84 March 12, 2009
Measuring with a Bridge Rod 1. Assemble sufficient sections of rod to reach the deepest point of the channel bed. Probe the channel bed with the rod to determine the range of depths along the metering section. Then determine the number of outer rod sections required, based on the following criteria: a) To determine the depth, raise the meter to the surface, and read the graduated inner rod where it emerges at the top of the location device. From this value, subtract the number of outer sections (1 m per section) to obtain the depth. b) Multiply the depth by 0.2, and lower the meter to the obtained value. Again this is done by subtracting the number of metric sections of outer rod. c) The two values above represent the maximum range of readings to be made from the bridge deck. They also determine the number of inner and outer rod sections required. 2. Complete assembly of bridge rod and current meter. Attach two conductor electrical cables between meter and counter or headphones. Tape the cables to the outer rod sections at several points. Make sure the wires will not touch the propeller or meter cups. 3. Depending on the type of site, stretch the tagline along the top of the bridge rail, the edge of the culvert headwall, or across the face of the culvert barrel. 4. Locate the initial point. It will usually be the bridge abutment, and should be on the right bank. 5. Prepare the discharge measurement field notes. From the initial exploration of depth and velocity distribution, decide on the spacing of the verticals and the mode of
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards measurement required, e.g. a 0.6 depth measurement if depths in the panel <0.75 m (see subsection Observing Velocity in Section 6. Read the gauge. Note the time before starting the measurement. 7. Record the tagline distance from the initial point to the edge of the water. Record the depth at waters edge. 8. Position rod at the 1st vertical. Position the meter at the water surface with the propeller or cups half submerged. Lock the locating device and read the graduated rod at the top of the outer rod. Subtract the number of 1-m sections of outer rod and record distance from the initial point (station) and depth. 9. Calculate the meter depth setting(s).
[Note: Meter settings are referenced to the water surface.]
10. Set the meter at the required depth, allow it to stabilize, and start the counter or stopwatch. The number of revolutions divided by the interval in seconds produces the value n. 11. Continue measuring distance, depth, and velocity along the cross-section. 12. End the measurement at the waters edge on the left bank. Record distance from initial point (i.e. tagline distance), depth, time, and water level.
[Note: The distance between the face of the structure and nearest vertical should never be less than the diameter of the rotor or propeller of the meter, and then only when the hydrometric operator can maintain precise control over the lower end of the rod when it is being positioned.]
Precautions and Tips The following suggestions will help in obtaining reliable measurements with the bridge rod: 1. Securing the Stayline. The assistant can double as the controller of a stayline secured to the base of the bridge rod. Usually a line may be floated under a bridge or through the barrel of a culvert and hooked up on the downstream side. The stayline will also aid in repositioning the rod, and it will help stabilize the meter during velocity measurement. 2. Dealing with Pilings and Piers. If bridge pilings or piers are in the cross-section, treat the intervening stretches of water as separate channels in order to remove the combined area of piers from the computed total cross-sectional area of the watercourse. If the pilings or piers are recessed from the outer edge of the bridge, then ensure a vertical is positioned at the point of convergence of the flow lines downstream of the pier, and that the adjacent verticals are equidistant (Figure 55).
[Note: In the example shown, the locations chosen for the three verticals downstream of the bridge support are designed so that the segment boundaries between verticals upstream piles. When measuring the velocity downstream of an obstruction by cable-suspended assemblies, i.e. (22.5), the behaviour of the meter must be closely observed both for angled orientation and erratic revolution patterns. The existence of such conditions will indicate a gross over-registered revolution count. Estimating the velocity would be the best choice. Rod-mounted meters fitted with wide-angle compensating propellers will usually produce reasonably accurate velocities under these circumstances.]
Measuring with a Cable-Suspended Current Meter General Another alternative to wading is to make discharge measurements when the current meter is suspended on a cable by a handline suspension (Figure 56) or a reel suspension (Figure 57). Preparations and Procedures Common to All Cable-Suspended Systems 1. Note: to determine the appropriate size of weight (in kg.) multiply the maximum depth (m) and the maximum velocity (m/s) by 5. 2. Depth and velocity observation settings can be accomplished in a number of ways, depending on whether or not floating debris is present, and the type of equipment to be used: a) Place tags (usually streamers of survey tape) on the sounding line at known distances above the center of the meter cups or propeller blades. Attach the tags to the cable by carefully threading the tape under a single strand of sounding cable wire, and position the tags at 0.5-m intervals above the center of the meter. The tags are required to determine stream depth and depth of meter for velocity observation. They also allow the meter to remain submerged throughout the discharge measurement, thus avoiding floating debris. A 0.5-m measuring stick or steel tape is also required. b) The Price type AA current meter is designed to be mounted above Columbustype weights (Figure 45) by means of a hanger bar (known as an M2 hanger) and hanger pin. The M2 hanger provides for the correct spacing between the meter and the various sizes of Columbus weights (Table 5). c) Meter calibration varies with weight size and type and position of the meter on hanger; the user must ensure that the correct meter rating is used. A table of various suspensions and minimum operating depths is shown (Table 5). 3. In cases where current drag deflects the cable in excess of 10 degrees from the vertical, a correction for depth should be applied. Information and tables for this correction can be found in the literature. Generally, this applies only to deep and fast rivers.
Figure 56: Handline in operation (Source: USGS Water Supply Paper 2175 Vol. 1).
Figure 57: A55 reel and bridge board mounted in boat (Nechako River).
The previous sections about rod suspension of current meters pointed out that although all settings of the current meter in the vertical plane are referenced to the water surface, reciprocal values are used to position the current meter on the rod relative to the channel bed. Likewise, all cable-suspension measurement values, such as depth of observation, are directly related to the water surface.
Cable Suspension Control with a Handline If discharge measurements made from a bridge require light sounding weights (i.e. 15 to 30 lb; 5- to 15-kg Ott weights) the weight and meter are often suspended on a handline. A handline is the cheapest and most compact assembly for suspending weights. A handline is easy to assemble, and easy to use from certain types of bridges, particularly logging or farm bridges without guard rails, and truss bridges that do not have cantilevered sidewalks. See Section for a description of handlines. However, the handline does have disadvantages. Its has a lesser degree of accuracy in determining depth of water than a sounding reel, more physical exertion is required, and the velocity/depth combination is limited by the maximum weight the hydrometric operator can manipulate. Measuring with a Handline 1. Select a weight. Connect it to the hanger using the special connector pin. 2. Mount the current meter in the lower hanger hole. 3. Attach the sounding cable connector to the top hole of the hanger. 4. Measure the distance from the bottom of the weight to the center of the meter and record it on the Discharge Measurement Field Form. Check the distance of sounding cable streamers (tags) from center of meter (normally 0.5 m intervals) 5. Stretch the tagline over cross-section. Prepare the Discharge Measurement notes sheet, noting gauge reading and time. 6. Connect headphones or counter to handline; spin meter, and check circuits. 7. Estimate or measure water depth at the deepest point on the cross-section and unwind sufficient sounding cable from the reel (at least one tag marker should be showing above the water). 8. Using the sounding line as a plumb-bob to define the waters edge, record the horizontal (tagline) distance and depth (depth may be zero). 9. Move assembly to the first selected vertical (as close as possible to the bridge abutment), and start the measurement. Use the following method to measure depth and meter depth settings (Figure 58). 10. To determine depth, first lower the sounding weight to the channel bed and then raise the weight until one of the tags is at the water surface. Measure the distance that the weight is raised. Using a reference point on the bridge, measure along the rubber-covered cable with a steel tape or graduated rod.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Total depth of water = distance of the particular tag above the meter cups + distance the meter and weight were raised + distance from the bottom of the weight to the meter center. 11. To set the depth of observation for velocity, multiply the depth by 0.6, or 0.2 and 0.8, and position the meter by means of the tag markers and measuring tape on rod. Weights up to 25 kg can be held in position by standing on the rubber-coated cable inside the bridge rail or guard. Measuring with a Sounding Reel A sounding reel is an alternative to using a handline to suspend the current meter in the watercourse. The steps for determining depth and position of the current meter in the vertical are the same as described for the handline. 1. Select a weight. Connect it to the meter/weight hanger. 2. Measure and note the distance from the bottom of weight to the center of the current meter. If floating debris is present, attach a streamer tag to the cable 0.5 m above the center of the meter so that the meter can remain submerged. 3. To observe depth, lower the center of the meter to the water surface and set the depth counter to zero. Lower the weight to the channel bed. Read the counter and add to it the distance from bottom of weight to the center of meter. This is the observed depth. 4. To set the depth of observation for velocity, calculate the value for depth below the surface (multiply depth by 0.2, 0.6, or 0.8). Raise the meter until the obtained value is displayed in the counter. If debris is present, position the tag at the water surface and set the tag distance above the meter on the reel counter. Lower the weight to the channel bed and read the counter. Depth = counter reading + distance from bottom of weight to center of meter + distance from center of meter to tag. 5. To set the depth of observation, raise the assembly until the counter registers the calculated depth below the surface.
Figure 58: Spacing of verticals when measuring around piers. [Note: To avoid equipment damage, the vertical closest to the face of an abutment or pier must be located a sufficient distance from the edge to allow for the lateral swing of the meter/weight assembly, and estimate the average depth and velocity. The width of the estimated discharge panel is two-thirds the distance between the face of the structure and the nearest measured vertical.] Measuring from a Bank-Controlled Cableway Conducting the measurement with a cableway is generally preferred to doing it from boats or from bridges with piers. The lengthy set up time required for boat measurements is eliminated as are areas of disturbed flow caused by bridge abutments and piers. Bank-controlled cableways employ a capstan drive arrangement that moves a traveller across the river and positions the meter vertically and horizontally. They also send a signal from the meter through the suspension cable to the operator on shore, for velocity measurement. Measuring with a Cableway 1. Record the size of weight and the position of the meter above the bottom of the weight or bottom feeler plate. 2. Locate the initial point. It will usually be located near the top of bank on the control side of the watercourse. March 12, 2009 91
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards 3. Position the meter over the initial point, and set the horizontal displacement at zero. Move the meter assembly directly over the nearest water edge and note distance from the initial point. Do not touch the horizontal reset lever during the course of the measurement. 4. Observe and record soundings to the nearest 2 cm at each vertical. Be careful not to overestimate depth by allowing the cable to extend beyond the point when the sounding weight initially touches bottom. The distribution of verticals must be in accordance with that outlined in subsection Locating the Metering Section in section 5. At each vertical, set meter to appropriate depths for velocity measurement. Observe and record the time and revolutions of the current meter. 6. At the end of the measurement, record the time of completion and make some notes to identify the edge of the channel. Record any pertinent information that may have had an effect on the measurement results. Precautions and Tips 1. Marking the Initial Point. The initial point should be marked very clearly because all distances, observations of depth, and velocities must be referenced to this point. This information must be included in the field data book. 2. Zeroing the Meter. Soundings are usually made with the meter at the water surface, that is, with the bottom half of the bucket wheel or propeller submerged and the horizontal section of the tail assembly at the water surface. The distance between the meter and the bottom of the weight must be added to the soundings indicated on the reel counter to obtain the correct depth. The slight amount of drag on the meter and weight when the meter is zeroed has a stabilizing effect that makes the process of sounding quicker and easier than when attempting to zero the bottom of the weight. There is also the convenience of not having to apply a correction each time the meter is positioned in the vertical. 3. Effects of Vertical Movement of the Meter. Some cables may undulate from the pulling motion required to move the traveler block from one vertical to the next, or from vigorous cranking movements when sounding with heavy weights. This motion must be allowed to subside before carrying out the depth and velocity observations. This is of particular importance when measuring velocities below 0.75 m/s, because the effects of vertical movement on the current meter are significant in this range. 4. Direction of Flow. The direction of flow is often not perpendicular to the metering section. Even worse, the flow may be inconsistent throughout the section, or the flow may change from vertical to vertical with the section, and vary with changes in stage. In these cases, measure the cosine value; make the appropriate correction for angular flow.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Errors Affecting Accuracy General The purpose of this section is to identify some of the common factors that lead to inaccuracies when observing widths, depths, and velocities. Inaccuracies can occur during the measurement of any of these parameters through errors introduced by technique or the type of equipment used. Errors can be categorized as human, systematic, or random. Width Measurement Human error can be a factor when measuring permanently marked cross-sections on bridge rails or other structures if unconventional spacing has been employed. Wind can oscillate the tape and lead to movement of the tape anchorage points and/or mistakes in observing values. Record keeping errors can occur during boat measurements when the boat is positioned by electronic or survey equipment operated on shore with the rest of the data recorded in the boat. To avoid errors, good communication and post-measurement record comparison are essential. Depth Measurement Depth observations made by rod are subject to random errors such as the sinking of the rod into a soft streambed, failure to identify obstructions in the cross-section between soundings, and incorrect reading of the graduated rod. The opportunity for error is far greater when cable suspension systems are employed. In addition to the errors listed for rod measurements, certain techniques used in the measurement process can result in errors in the recording of depth. The most obvious and most common error is the failure to add the distance from the bottom of the weight to the center of the meter when the latter point of reference has been used to zero the reel or handline at water surface. Other errors peculiar to the handline suspension occur as a result of mistakes in the method of subdividing the distance between cable markers (streamers) and applying to obtain exact depths. Measurement of Velocity Other sources of significant error in a discharge measurement are those that relate to the measurement of velocity. Among the more readily apparent are those associated with the calibration of current meters, the direction of flow, the duration of the observation time, and the number of observation verticals as well as the number of observation points in each vertical. Calibration Calibration is defined as the cleaning, lubricating, and adjustments required to achieve prescribe limits. Under RISC Hydrometric Standards, all individual meters must be calibrated to achieve grade A, B, or C data. These are obtained by towing the meters through a tank of still water at velocities of between 4.5 to 300 cm/s, and from this individual calibration curves are developed. Field Verification Field Verification is defined as act of confirming the equipment accuracy using a traceable standard or master. To achieve grade A or B data under RISC Hydrometric Standards, every meter must be verified in the field at least once in a year. Verification of the meter can be done by comparison to the readings of a recently calibrated industry standard current meter such as Price type AA, ADV meter, and OTT or OSS mechanical current meter. March 12, 2009 93
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Direction of Flow Discharge measurement cross-sections are usually chosen so that the flow is perpendicular to the cross-section. Even though they are carefully selected, it is not always possible to avoid oblique flows at some of the verticals. At these verticals the velocities must be corrected by applying an appropriate cosine coefficient. Random errors may be introduced when observing the angle of flow if it is assumed that the angle observed at or near the surface remains the same throughout the entire depth. Other sources of error can be introduced when using rod suspensions and in particular when used in deep fast-flowing water. Although the current meter can be misaligned both vertically and horizontally with the direction of flows, the most significant error will result from vertical misalignment. The current meter will under register if tilted above or below the horizontal, and the magnitude of the error will depend upon both the velocity of the water and the angle of departure. Duration of Observation Time Pulsations in velocity are evident in all streams even though flow conditions are essentially steady. Because pulsations are random in nature, the effects of pulsation will be eliminated when velocities are observed for a sufficient length of time. In actual practice during a discharge measurement, velocities are observed for relatively short periods of time. The expectation is that a sufficient number of observations will be made so that pulsation effects will tend to cancel each other during the course of a measurement. Studies have shown that at low velocities, pulsation effects are usually greatest. Studies have also shown that the optimum observation duration is between 40 and 60 seconds and that accuracy decreases significantly if duration of less than 30 seconds is used; for durations longer than 60 seconds, the increase in accuracy is generally negligible. Number of Observations There are two ways in which the accuracy of a discharge measurement can be significantly affected by the number and distribution of observation verticals. First, the observation verticals are used to define the channel cross-sectional area. Appreciable errors will be introduced if the numbers of observations made to define the cross-section are not sufficient. This particular problem can be overcome by obtaining additional depth observations. Secondly, the velocity observations in the verticals are used to define the mean velocity in the cross-section; therefore, the verticals should be spaced so that the velocities observed are more representative of those in the preceding half panel and the following half panel. The spacing of observation verticals can be accomplished on the basis of either the equal flow method, the equal width method, or a combination. With the equal flow method, the width segment can change frequently, and using the mid-section method for computations the horizontal velocity profile tends to be distorted. That is, if the width segments change frequently, the observed velocities will not occur at the midpoint of the panels. A good compromise is to use the equal width method and to change the spacing of verticals only a few times during a measurement to accommodate any significant changes in flow distribution. Studies on measurement accuracy have shown that accuracy tends to be low when fewer than 15 verticals are used but the improvement becomes negligible when more than 35 verticals are used. All else being equal, the use of 20 - 25 verticals is considered optimum. However spacing of the measurement points should not be closer than 0.15m when using the price type AA meter, since the distance between verticals must be greater than the diameter of the 94 March 12, 2009
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards current meter bucket wheel. To achieve Grade A data, flow in each subsection or panel should not be more than 10% of the total flow. Number of Observation Points in a Vertical The mean velocity in a vertical is normally obtained by measuring at one or two points in that vertical. Comparing these observations with those obtained by some detailed method (a mean of observations at every tenth of the depth, plus half the value observed at the surface and half the value at the bottom), indicated that random errors do occur when determining the mean velocity in any given vertical. Furthermore, the one-point method is usually not as accurate as the two-point method. Nevertheless, surface and bottom effects become significant as the stream depths decrease, and when depths are less than 0.75 m, the one-point method (0.6 depths) should be used. Conclusions Errors in the measurement of width, depth, and velocity as well as the lack of care in choosing the number of verticals and observations in a vertical, all combine to reduce the overall accuracy of a discharge measurement. To a large extent, human errors can be avoided by careful attention to detail and by adhering to established and proven techniques and routines. Systematic errors can be reduced significantly by proper maintenance and calibration of instruments and equipment, and by adequate training. However, random errors will always occur. A significant reduction in these errors can be achieved if the hydrometric operator obtaining the measurement can recognize the potential problem areas and can take the appropriate precautionary measures to avoid or minimize them. One possible indication of measurement accuracy can be obtained by conducting several consecutive or simultaneous measurements, and by using different sets of equipment and different techniques. Computation Procedure for Mid-Section Method The mid-section method of computing discharge measurements is carried out as follows: 1. Observed depth at the vertical is considered to be the mean depth for the section or panel. 2. It is assumed that the mean velocity at the observation vertical represents the mean velocity for the section. 3. Width for each section is computed as one-half the distance from the preceding vertical plus one-half the distance to the following vertical. In Figure 59, the discharge for the heavily outlined section at distance b6 from the initial point is computed as:
q = V6 d 6
b5 ) 2
The calculations for the first and last sections of a discharge measurement are handled in much the same manner as just described. The main difference is in the determination of the widths. Because at the beginning and the end of a measuring section there is no preceding or following vertical, the width becomes one-half the distance from the edge to the first vertical or from the last vertical from the edge. Figure 60 shows typical edge sections. As a result of the computational procedures, in these instances the area and discharge are not derived for the edge sections. Therefore, when making a discharge measurement, the first and last verticals should be taken as close to the edge as possible. The two edge sections will then be very small in proportion to the total measurement and an estimated discharge for these sections will introduce very little if any appreciable error.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards An edge section will also occur where there is a vertical drop at the waters edge, such as at a pier, a bridge abutment, or a wing wall. Again, the width calculation is one-half the distance from the previous or to the following vertical as shown in Figure 60. Here, however, an area and discharge can be computed. Once again, soundings should be arranged so that edge sections are made as small as possible. Keep in mind that caution must be exercised when observing depths and velocities close to piers and abutments. At times, it may be necessary to estimate these values to avoid the possibility of the meter and weight assembly being damaged against the pier or abutment. In some instances, debris will have lodged on or against the pier and this further complicates matters. Where these situations are encountered, it becomes necessary to estimate the depth from the previous vertical and the velocity which is expressed as a percentage of that observed at the previous vertical.
Figure 59: Mid-Section method of discharge measurement. (Typical stream cross-section with numbered verticals, Panel 6 is highlighted).
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards must be complete and legible and necessary information must be documented immediately following the observations. Discharge Measurement Field Form (Figure 47, 48) can be used to record the necessary information and observed readings systematically. RISC form RISC HYD-03: Summary of Discharge Measurements (Figure 77) can be prepared using this field form.
4.3.1 Introduction
This section is intended to serve as a guide to the selection and installation of permanent and semi-permanent structures with a predetermined rating. The sampling of common prefabricated units included, each of which has been rated in laboratory test programs. In addition, all have effective discharge coefficients of less than 3% error when operated within their modular range and the other limits of application have been satisfied. With the exception of larger rectangular weirs, the capacities of the structures described do not exceed 4 m/s. Larger units are available, but the cost of engineering and construction place them beyond routine applications. The need for rating verification for these structures becomes more important for the larger units or where the design is modified in any way. Reference to standard texts is recommended (e.g., Discharge Measurement Structures Edited by M.G. Bos. International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 1989) as no details on the hydraulics or modular limits are provided.
4.3.2 Purpose
The measurement of flow in natural streams is hampered by many factors, which undermine the reliability of metering equipment. These conditions include: Remote locations interfering with regular and timely visits. Access difficulty, steep banks, seasonal or poorly maintained roads. Movable bed and high sediment transport conditions resulting in control shifts, perhaps several during a single season. Poor metering sites, for example steep rocky gradients. Shallow flows where normal metering equipment is not acceptable.
Rated structures can be used in such situations to minimize or eliminate many of these problems.
4.3.3 Design
The selection of alternate flow measurement methods, particularly if involving larger streams with potentially destructive flows, should only be made after consultation with an hydraulic engineer or hydrometric specialist. Larger measuring structures may require the services of a structural engineer for final design. Design Considerations The selection of a discharge measuring device, its location and installation should be based on sound information acquired before the design is finalized. Much or all of the following information should be acquired: 1. Duration of the proposed project March 12, 2009 97
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards 2. Expected range of discharge to be measured 3. Likelihood of flows above the expected range should be assessed in terms of: device withstanding the stress of being over-topped extreme events being measured 4. Geometry of the channel reach 5. Streambed gradient above and below the proposed site 6. Presence and extent of bedload and/or sediment transport 7. Presence of any downstream constriction which may cause elevated tail water levels at higher flows 8. Permeability of streambanks, streambed and underlying strata 9. Frost line depth 10. Proximity of vehicle access (this may possibly include access by redi-mix truck or small load mix-trailer and travel time from depot) 11. Construction window for in-stream work Selecting the Measuring Device Initially, the choice of a measuring device for a particular location will depend on the conditions set out in the items 2 to 7 in the previous sub-section. Table 6 enumerates the maximum and minimum discharges for the various sizes of devices together with their ability to prevent sedimentation and pass bedload and debris. With reference to Table 6, and Figures 61 and 62, the placement of weir crests has an important dimension, p that is defined as the depth of the approach channel below the crest on the upstream side of the weir. It also is required in the ratio h/p, listed with p in right hand column, and must be used to specify the placement of the various weir crests when these weirs are operating at capacity. Installation The installation of a rated structure is straightforward, but does require attention to a number of factors. These include: 1. Grade setting - two conditions must be satisfied to ensure accurate measurement. The approach velocity to the crest must be sufficiently low to maintain a negligible velocity head and the nappe must not be subject to downstream influences. 2. Sealing the streambed against seepage under the structure - any granular bed is susceptible to seepage. Prevention may involve the placement of a watertight membrane (plastic sheet or geotextile) on the streambed upstream of the structure. 3. Structural foundation - required for support, anchorage and preventing leakage. 4. Mounting the rating device - the primary concern is that it be level, aligned with the streamline, and well anchored 5. Wing walls - designed to maintain the minimum pool elevation and be watertight, and remain intact in the event of over-topping. The information in Table 6 illustrates the superiority of flume type measuring structures in situations where sediment and/or low bank geometry must be factored into the design. In addition flumes, particularly the H type, are more sensitive at low flows because the sides converge at the invert. For example, the capacities of the 2-m rectangular weir and the 4-foot HL flume are similar; however the sensitivity of low flow measurement in the HL flume is maintained to a flow rate which is one tenth that of the weir. In addition, the weir crest, in order to remain fully contracted at full capacity, must be set at an elevation of 2.0 m above 98 March 12, 2009
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards the bed of an approach channel of at least 6 m breadth. The resulting pond characteristics must be maintained during the operating period of the weir so that approach velocities remain negligible. On the other hand, the throat elevation of the types of flumes listed require little or no elevation above the streambed and the dimensions of the approach channel need be no greater than those of the flume entrance. For purposes of comparison, the site geometry and other requirements are set out in Table 7.
Table 6: Operating limits for rated structures included in this Manual.
Device type V-notch Montana flume Device size 900 3-inch 6 inch 9 inch 12 inch H flume 2.0 feet 2.5 feet 3.0 feet 4.5 feet HL flume Rectang. weir 4.0 feet b=1.0m b=1.5m b=2.0m b=3.0m
a b C
Max. h1 a (m) 0.60 0.339 0.457 0.610 0.760 0.604 0.756 0.908 1.364 1.218 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.500
Max. Q (m3/s) 0.390 0.33 0.111 0.251 0.455 0.309 0.542 0.857 2.336 3.292 0.585 1.612 3.308 9.117
Min. h1 (m) 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
Min. Q (m3/s) 0.0008 0.0008 0.0015 0.0025 0.0033 0.0005 0.0008 0.0010 0.0014 0.0054 0.0267 0.0402 0.0537 0.0807
Debris capacity Very poor Very good Very good Very good Very good Fair Fair Fair Fair Good Poor Poor Poor Poor
Sedimen t capacity Very poor Good Good Good Good Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor Poor Poor
Min. PC (m) >0.45 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A > 0.3 > 0.3 > 0.3 > 0.3
<1.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5
Head over the weir crest. Ratio of head over the crest and the height of the crest above the upstream bed. Height of crest above the upstream bed.
Figure 61: Top - Rectangular sharp-crested weir (thin-plate weir). Bottom - Enlarged view of crest and side of rectangular sharp-crested weir.
4.0-foot HL flume
HL Flume with free-flowing nap. Width of approach channel = 2.7 m. Height of rectangular channel walls 1.22 m + freeboard. The upstream ends of the approach channel walls should be keyed into their respective banks. This should extend at least 1.5-m into the banks and 0.75-m below the streambed. The minimum length of the level rectangular approach channel is 2D (2.44-m).
Sediment deposition seldom occurs within the flume and it has been observed that the flume gauge reading does not change when sediment deposits. Site Conditions Site conditions will usually determine the choice of a control structure for the measurement of flow at the desired location. The preceding subsection clearly shows the advantages of flume installations over weirs in most stream channels. The exception to such a choice is an installation at the outlet of a lake, pond or storage reservoir where neither sediment nor upstream excavation need be considered. In such a case a weir may be the most suitable choice. Erosion Protection Unless a weir or flume is founded on bedrock, downstream erosion protection of both streambed and banks will be required. The protection may include, but must not be restricted to, some form of stilling basin or a concrete slab. These are themselves structures which require protection against undermining and eventual failure. In the past, the downstream protection has usually consisted of properly sized rip-rap placed on a filter layer of coarse gravel overlying a layer of fine gravel. If broken rock is employed, the bank protection may be constructed, typically, with 1.5:1 slopes rising from a rock filled toe the depth of which 102 March 12, 2009
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards must be at least twice the dimension of the rip-rap. The downstream end of the rip-rap must be keyed in to both the banks and streambed. Geotextiles may also be used in conjunction with rip rap, concrete or other materials as part of the erosion protection. Engineering design may be required for erosion protection systems for large installation. Engineered systems based on proprietary materials are available.
Figure 63: 2.5 foot H Flume set in concrete filled sacks. Cuisson Creek above Gibraltar Mine.
The stilling well for use with these flumes is normally mounted against the outer face of the prefabricated flume and centered opposite the flumes point of measurement. This permits the use of a very short easily-cleared intake pipe which should be threaded and screwed through a double thickness of stilling well wall which is drilled and tapped to suit. March 12, 2009 103
The base of the stilling well should be positioned at least 15 cm below the floor of the flume. In some instances Montana or Parshall flumes have been installed at sites where the maximum flume capacity may occasionally be exceeded. If these events are quantified by current meter measurements, a reference gauge and recorder installed upstream will provide a more complete station record. A flume gauge is provided and both gauge readings recorded at each station visit. Installation requirements for an upstream gauge are the same as for weirs, see Section
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Weirs Stilling wells should be installed in the weir pond against a stabilized vertical bank or wall (see Figure 65). The well must be secured near the base and above the high water elevation. The reference gauge and intake must be positioned upstream of the crest at a distance 3 to 4 times the maximum height of water over the crest (to avoid drawdown effect).
Volumetric Measurement
Volumetric measurement is used to carry out fast, accurate measurement of flow. The sites chosen for such measurements are usually limited to the exits of culverts or below cascades with a clear confined nap. Volumetric measurements may be made at the outlets of elevated pipes, culverts, and flumes. Individual measurements may be related to stage either by a staff gauge reading or by measuring the water level above or below a fixed reference point. Where outlets are too close to the downstream bed, it is sometimes possible to temporarily divert the flow through a flume (Figure 69). In many cases culvert exits are too close to the streambed to catch the discharge in a suitably sized container. To convert these awkward sites to measurable ones may be accomplished by installing a 2- or 3-m length of plastic pipe in a sandbag and sheet plastic headwall. Setting the pipe to a level grade will often provide sufficient elevation above the streambed at the downstream end. In the absence of suitable piping, custom-made flumes can be constructed on site using 1x6-inch stock. Volumetric containers should be calibrated by commercial standard weigh scales, stopwatches should be water resistant and rubber cased.
Figure 69: Culvert with low outlet and flow led into flume for volumetric measurement.
Several types of gauging stations are suitable for use on small-to-medium watercourses. Each has advantages/disadvantages in terms of accuracy/efficiency, installation cost, and operational cost.
Discharge measurement structure fitted with a digital water level data logger. This is the most efficient type of gauging station, as it has the potential to be multi-use. As well as recording water levels, a multi-channel data logger can record values from water and climate data quality sensors as well as water levels from other nearby installations. Several other applications are possible.
[Note: Rated structures built and installed to tested standards require no further rating. Designs for nonstandard or modified structures must be accompanied by a theoretical stage/discharge curve, and then confirmed by taking a series of current meter discharge measurements.]
A continuous water level recording device set in a pool where the water level is sensitive and stable over the full range of stage. The control for this type of installation can be a natural or an existing artificial structure. Either could be modified to bring about the required hydraulic characteristics. If necessary, design and construct an artificial control. This type of station must be rated by a series of current meter measurements over the full range of stage, confirmed by further two or more measurements per year in subsequent years (Figures 70 and 71).
Figure 70: Two water level recorders: a data logger and an analogue recorder.
Figure 71: Pool formed by a modified Crump Weir, where both a digital and an analogue recorder are installed.
A continuous water level recording device set in a pool where the water level is controlled by a downstream riffle composed of boulders, cobbles, or gravel. This type of installation may be subject to shift caused by erosion of the streambed and/or banks, and will be subject to temporary shifts due to the deposition of granular or floating debris. Therefore, an ongoing program of discharge measurement will be required. The water level record will also require careful examination and interpretation (Figure 72).
[Note: A manually read gauge, no matter how stable, will not produce an accurate average daily water level reading, particularly on a small stream, because of diurnal fluctuations in the rate of snowmelt, or short storm events. Accuracy improves with the number of readings during the day.]
Figure 72: Boulder control (subject to debris build-up) and water level recorder stilling well and shelter. Narcosli Creek, above Ramsay Creek, West Fraser.
Portable flumes. This type of discharge measuring device may be used to produce a series of individual miscellaneous discharge measurements, or it may be used in conjunction with a permanent gauge to produce a stage/discharge relationship. In the latter case, the flume must be located in a position that will not affect the water level at the gauge while the flume is installed, or after removal. Installations of this type are frequently used during low flow measurement programs or for checking ditch flows during irrigation periods. Because of the requirements for flume operation, these devices are favoured over portable weir installations. This is important in a low gradient stream. A 3 inch portable Montana Flume in shown in Figure 73.
Figure 73: Three-inch Portable Montana flume set in a temporary mud dam.
Portable weir plates. Sharp-crested weir plates may be installed in locations where the upstream channel banks are high enough and wide enough to contain the elevated water levels and provide the end contractions necessary for fully contracted weir operation. Downstream channel geometry should provide free-flow conditions throughout the range of stage to be measured. Static head (h) is measured at a distance equal to 3.5 h (max. h), upstream of the weir crest (Figure 74). For example, if the water level in the weir pool can reach 0.6 m above crest, the gauge should be situated 2.1 m upstream of weir.
Elevated pipes, culverts, and flumes. Volumetric measurements may be made at the outlets of elevated pipes, culverts, and flumes (Figure 69). Individual measurements may be related to stage either by a staff gauge reading or by measuring the water level above or below a fixed reference point. Where outlets are too close to the downstream bed, it is sometimes possible to temporarily divert the flow through a flume
High water conditions. In locations where higher stage discharge measurement may not be possible due to the unavailability of suitable measuring facilities or equipment, the channel reaches lying within the designated station limits should be explored to find a suitable site for measurements using indirect methods. Selected sites should be surveyed, permanently marked and the required values recorded. One of the most commonly used methods of indirect measurement is the slope area method (for details please see Chapter A2 of Book 3, Measurement of Peak Discharge by the Slope-Area Method, U.S. Geological Survey, 1984)
Stage-Discharge Relationship
Daily or continuous discharge data can not practically be obtained directly. It is however possible to obtain daily or continuous water level/stage data and from that a continuous discharge record can be estimated based on this relationship of water level and flow. The result is a correlation called the stage-discharge relationship. To develop this relationship, discharge measurements are obtained at the gauging station over the maximum range of gauge heights possible. A history of the relationship evolves over time, as each discharge measurement and corresponding stage is plotted, and a smooth curve is drawn that best represents these points. This curve is converted to a table of discharge values for incremental gauge heights, which in turn is referred to as a stage-discharge table. Daily or continuous discharge can be derived from this table using a daily or continuous stage record.
[Note: To develop the rating curve, a minimum of 10 discharge measurements, well distributed through the range of flows is recommended to use]
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Stream geometry can change with depth and may require more than one equation. The relationship between plotted points is affected by chronological order. In the curve, dates should be added and must be constantly referenced. Confidence in data is not constant. Field personnel must give weight to the measurements based on experience. The difference between an errant measurement and a shift in the stage-discharge curve is a grey area therefore, skilled judgment is required when a curve fit equation is used.
There are a number of specialized software packages that can expedite the hydrometric data processing but do not replace the knowledge and skill of a competent hydrometric operator. The judgments required at various stages of the process must be suitably documented, whether manual or computerized processing is used.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Any set of points which lie within 7% of a selected curve can be defined as Curve 1. Calculate deviations in Form RISC HYD-03. Positive and negative deviations should balance out. Measurements known to be affected by backwater may be plotted in pencil or by use of a distinctive symbol. To identify measurements made by another organization, use a different symbol (e.g., a triangle, square, or cross) with an explanatory note in the lower right-hand corner of the curve sheet.
Figure 75: Graphical method for obtaining zero flow gauge height.
a. Refer to the current stage-discharge curve (example in Figure 75). b. Take three discharges that are in a geometric progression. (For example, 2, 4 and 8 m/s). c. Plot up from 2 m/s and across from 4 m/s to obtain point (1). d. Plot up from 4 m/s and across from 8 m/s to obtain a second point (2). e. Draw a line through these two points. f. Draw a line through the points where 2 m/s and 8 m/s intersect the stagedischarge curve (points (3) and (4)). g. The intersection of these two lines identifies the best estimate of the zero-flow gauge height.
[Note: For a stream where flow actually decreases to zero, it is possible to verify the estimate. This is more likely where there is a good control, however, it must be remembered that the water level can and does fall below the actual zero flow level.]
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards If a stage-discharge curve is extended above or below the original range, an explanatory note should be added on the Remarks of RISC HYD-05 Form (Figure 76), as well as the date when this extension was made. Note that this applies only if the curve is extended and not if it is revised.
Figure 76: Example of completed RISC-05, Stage-Discharge Rating Curve and Table.
120 General One of the basic objectives of hydrometric operation is to gather data for the determination of daily discharge. A detailed knowledge of the procedures involved in preparation of these data to publishable standards is essential. While several automated procedures have been developed for the computation of open water discharges, the following sub-sections explain the procedures used in the manual preparation of Daily Discharges. Procedural mistakes could well arise if one is not aware of the functions the computer is performing during automatic computations. To truly understand the basic concepts of discharge computations, the procedures for manual data processing must be understood. For daily mean discharge, gauge heights must be compiled. In the simplest case, a daily mean stage (or gauge height) is determined from the stage records. This is then used with the stagedischarge table to determine the daily mean discharge. Subdivided Day Method Computation of Daily Mean Discharge The daily mean gauge height is often used to compute the daily mean discharge, as described above. However, a daily mean discharge determined directly from the daily mean gauge height may be in error for a number of reasons. These reasons include: (a) the rate of change as indicated by the shape of the stage hydrograph for the day and the proportion of time during which the stage is relatively high or low; and (b) the relative curvature in the stage-discharge curve in the range of stage recorded during the day. To obtain a more accurate determination of the daily discharge, it may be necessary to subdivide the day into two or more parts, determine the mean gauge height for each part, and determine the discharge for each mean gauge height. From these, compute the weighted mean discharge for the day. If the resultant weighted mean discharge differs from that determined using the mean gauge height by more than the selected allowable limit of 2% for discharge above a predetermined amount, then subdivision is necessary for all similar conditions. To determine whether it is necessary to subdivide, examine the data and select a few sample days that may be critical because of the conditions listed in (a) to (b). Compute the daily mean discharge for these days: (1) from the daily mean gauge height, and (2) by subdivision. A few tests of this nature will provide the necessary experience for the particular station upon which to base future decisions regarding the necessity of subdivision. It should be noted, that with the availability of computers, calculations for each stage reading can easily be converted to discharge and resultant mean daily discharge will negate the requirement to subdivide the daily mean gauge height as outlined above.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Allowable Range Tables Allowable range tables may be used to determine if a day for a particular station needs to be subdivided. The following trial and error procedure is used for drawing up allowable range tables. A hypothetical example extracted from the Manual of Hydrometric Data Computation and Publication Procedures, page 27 (Environment Canada 1980), is used to illustrate the procedure: a. From the stage-discharge table, select a range in stage during medium flow, for example, from 3.0 to 4.0 m. Suppose that the discharge at gauge height 3.0 m equals 186 m/s and the discharge at gauge height 4.0 m equals 339 m/s. The mean discharge for this range in stage would then equal 262 m/s. However, you observe that at a mean gauge height of 3.5 m, the discharge is only 252 m/s. This represents a difference of 4% (10 divided by 262 x 100) which is not allowable. b. Select a smaller range, for example from 3.0 to 3.4 m. Calculate the mean discharge for this range in stage. Compare the mean discharge with the actual discharge at the mean gauge height for this range. Now you get a difference of 1%. This is too low, but 3.0 to 3.6 m gives 2%, which is satisfactory. c. Now try a range between 4.0 and 4.6 m. This gives a 1% difference, which is too low. Try between 4.0 and 5.0 m, which give a 3% difference. Therefore, an allowable range of 0.8 m is about right. d. The range from 6.5 to 7.5 m will give 2%. e. After several such attempts, you will develop an approximate allowable range table. When in doubt, subdivide. Computation of Daily Discharge Using Application Software The daily discharges, as well as the daily maximum/minimum and the annual instantaneous maximum/minimum discharges, can be computed using application software. One of the benefits of using the computer for discharge computations is that the discharges are computed for each water level value, instead of for the daily mean only. This eliminates the need for computing using sub-divided days.
5.3.1 Introduction
Notes and records obtained in the field are the basis of the office computation of hydrometric survey data. It is essential that all data be identified at every step in the computation process. Once the daily gauge heights have been determined the Summary of Discharge Measurements Form, RISC HYD-03 (Figure 77) must be completed for all discharge measurements obtained during the period. The steps for completing this form are as follows: Enter the date and time of the discharge measurement. If a non-conventional technique, such as 1/4 point velocity culvert etc., was used in measuring the discharge, indicate the method of measurement in the Remarks column. Enter the name of the person and/or the organization who made the measurement, as appropriate.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Enter the channel conditions, meter information (i.e., type, recalibration, and field verification), number of verticals used, width, total area, mean velocity and total discharge using 3 significant figures in the appropriate column of RISCHYD-03 form (Figure 77). If ice is present in the stream, or if the discharge is estimated, insert the appropriate reference or symbol in the Remarks column. Extract the weighted mean gauge observation corresponding to the measured discharge from reference gauge reading and data logger gauge reading on the front sheet of the Discharge Measurement Field Form. Apply the appropriate gauge correction from History of Gauge Levels, RISC HYD-02 form to this observation and enter the result in the Mean Corrected Gauge Height column. If there are unusual conditions affecting the stage-discharge relation, such as inflow between the gauge and the measuring section, note this in the Remarks column. Gauge height must be recorded to 3 decimals (e.g., 1.342 m). If discharge measurements at a station are made at more than one location, a symbol should be entered under Remarks to distinguish them in the event that it is necessary to use the cross-sectional area or the mean velocity. If any other information pertinent to the discharge measurement is obtained, note this in the Remarks column.
Figure 77: Example of completed Form RISC HYD-03 Summary of Discharge Measurements (see Appendix-III for blank form)
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards discharge table, the gauge height of 0.511 m corresponds to a discharge of 0.305 m/s. The difference between the measured discharge and that indicated by the stage discharge table is :
(0.322 0.305) -------------------- X 100= 5.60 % 0.305
d. A discharge measurement made during the computation period may plot substantially off the stage-discharge curve. It is recommended that discharge measurements be computed and plotted on site and redone if it plots off the curve. This can often determine if it is a bad measurement or if a shift has occurred. However, sometimes the second measurement can not be done, or sometimes it is done and the departure can not be explained. If, after careful analysis and review, no satisfactory cause of its departure from the stage-discharge curve can be determined, the measurement should be eliminated from use in the computation. In this instance, do not enter any figure in the Diff. column but enter an explanatory note in the Remarks column on RISC HYD-03 form (Figure 77). This should be a rare occurrence for good hydrometric stations and experienced hydrometric operators. Distribution of Shift and Backwater Corrections Several methods of distributing shifts may be used. Two of the more common methods are linear distribution by time and stage-shifting. These techniques will be briefly discussed here. A more comprehensive treatment of shifts may be found in Rantz et al. (1982), pages 354360. Linear Distribution by Time If the date on which the change occurred is not known, assume that the change occurred uniformly and distribute the correction in accordance with one of the two following methods: 1. Divide the change in the correction by the number of days to find the change per day. For example: Suppose the correction was found to be +0.005 on March 20 and +0.009 on March 30. The number of days involved is 10 and the change in correction is 0.004. The change per day is 0.0004. The corrections to be applied are shown to the nearest thousandth of a metre. 2. When the change is small and the number of days is large, the preferable method is to divide the number of days by the change in correction. For example: A correction of +0.003 is applicable on May 25, but on October 15 is +0.006, a period of 144 days. Solution: Three 0.001 m increments are applied at intervals of 48 days as follows: No change in correction will be applied during the first one-half interval of 24 days, i.e., the correction +0.003 will be continued from May 25 to June 17; an increase of 0.001 in the correction will be applied during each of the next two intervals of 48 days, i.e., a correction of +0.004 from June 18 to August 4 and +0.005 from August 5 to September 21. The remaining 0.001 change will be applied during the remaining one-half interval, i.e., the final correction of +0.006 will be applied from September 22 to October 15.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Stage-Shifting Stage-shifting is normally done because of a temporary, or short-term condition at a gauging station. For example, perhaps a minor peak has occurred at a station, and discharge measurements indicate a significant change to the stage-discharge curve at higher stages. A short time later, a major flood drastically alters the stage-discharge relationship, requiring an entirely new stage-discharge curve. Instead of drawing two new curves with accompanying rating tables, the minor peak may be stage-shifted, and a new curve can be drawn for conditions following the major flood.
The Qualified Hydrometric Data Reviewer or Reviewer is identified as the individual responsible for reviewing the dataset and for assignment of data grade. The Reviewer should be involved throughout all stages of hydrometric program. The Reviewer may initiate their activities after the end of the calendar year (or part of it as assigned) when data compilations and checking are completed however, they must understand the details associated with how the data are collected, must be able to identify any non-standard information, recognize the underlying causative factors and make sure the calculations are correct. The Reviewer will assess the forms, plots, relevant documentation, verification procedures that support the data presented. When all is in order, the subject dataset will be signed (and sealed if appropriate) by a Qualified Hydrometric Data Reviewer (e.g., a P.Eng., P.Geo., RPF, P.Ag., RPBio, AScT, CTech with appropriate qualifications, please see Section 6.3.2 for details) after assigning standard data grade according to standards requirement criteria (Table 1). The Reviewer should first review the Station Analysis from (RISC HYD-06) for the designated period and must sign (and seal if appropriate) it for compliance to RISC hydrometric standards before submission for archiving. If available, the comparison hydrographs and regional analysis should be inspected. Before assigning grade A/RS for discharge data from rating structure (e.g., weirs, flumes etc.), the Reviewer must ensure that the appropriate conditions for using rating structure and its rating equations were met. The Reviewer should also verify the following documentation for clarity and completeness: Description of Hydrometric Station (RISC HYD-01) Gauge Level Field Notes History of Gauge Levels (RISC HYD-02) Gauge Corrections Discharge Measurement Field Form Summary of Discharge Measurements (RISC HYD-03) Water Stage Recorder-Station Log (RISC HYD-04) plus any other pertinent information Stage-discharge tables (in spreadsheet format) ( RISC HYD-05) Daily Gauge Height (manual gauging station) Daily Discharges March 12, 2009 129
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Hydrographs Worksheets In addition, the Reviewer must judge the extent of the review necessary to approve the data based on: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) problems arising from the above review; measuring site condition, watershed hydrology, land use and water use; knowledge of the regional stream flow regime; number of years the station has been operating; confidence in the experience of the data collector; extent of missing data due to observer negligence or instrument malfunctioning; completeness and clarity of the documentation.
The review should include an evaluation of the following items that require judgment and interpretation and are often a source of error: Gauge Level Field Notes: for correct procedure, reliability of bench marks and stability of gauges, and adequate frequency of level checks. Discharge Measurement: for suitability of meter type, calibration, appropriate number of verticals and velocity sample points, and gauge height. Water level recorder plots: for time corrections, evidence of siltation or plugged intakes Stage-discharge curve: for correct plotting of discharge measurements, shift corrections and timing, and deviations from curve; review for adequate number of measurements; extrapolation for high and low flow range; stability of the channel control. Stage-discharge table: for change dates, number of coordinates from curve, smooth rate of change, reasonable extrapolations (high and low flows), low flow rating, coverage of full recorded range. Daily Gauge Height: for consistent recorder/gauge height readings, and continuity between the end of the previous years water level and the beginning of the current year. Daily Gauge Height Hydrograph: for anomalies in hydrograph (steps, spikes, recession curve) Daily Discharges: for method used to estimate discharges for missing data periods, and continuity between the end of the previous years discharge and the beginning of the current year. Daily Discharge Hydrograph: for anomalies in hydrograph (steps, spikes, recession curve) Once the data are checked and verified, the Reviewer must determine what standard grade (i.e., according to Table 1: Standards requirement criteria) should be assigned to the dataset. Assigning of a standard grade to the dataset may appear to be a simple matter, but in reality a great deal of judgment may be required. By signing the Station Analysis, RISC HYD-06 form (Figure 78), the Reviewer must accept the responsibilities for their evaluation and gradation of dataset.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards After having been assigned an appropriate data grade the Reviewer must submit the following at least annually: 1. Raw and corrected time series stage and discharge data (15 minutes interval, 00:0023:45 and daily mean with timestamp of 23:59) with data grade [i.e., date and time, stage in in metres to 3 decimal accuracy; discharge in m3/sec to 3 decimal accuracy and, data grade]. 2. All completed RISC HYD forms (RISC HYD-01 to RISC HYD-06) in digital format, or PDF only if digital format is not available. 3. Completed Gauge Level Field Notes and Discharge Measurements Field Forms (in digital / PDF format). 4. A copy of any final or annual station reports including all completed RISC HYD forms, Gauge Level Field Notes and Discharge Measurements Field Forms, rating curve(s), and analyses in PDF4 format. Detailed specifications for data submission (e.g. formats) will be available from designated Ministry of Environment staff. Where data is later revised for any reason (for example revision to rating curve), the Reviewer must submit revised time series datasets or other revised data or metadata, as described above. The Reviewer should retain all pertinent data and deliverables for a period of ten (10) years for future audits (if required).
Figure 78: Example of completed Form RISC HYD-06 Station Analysis for the Period:
The review of hydrometric dataset requires a thorough knowledge of the mechanics of flow measurement and data collection. The specific role of the Reviewer is to ensure that the field procedures used to obtain the discharge and water level data comply with the standard
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards procedure; to ensure that the required documentation is complete; to ensure that the computation procedures are correct and appropriate; to assign a standard grade; and to designate the data as official for archiving and publication. The extent of the review process will generally consist of fairly rigorous and focussed spot-checking. Because the data may come from a variety of sources with minimal prior checking and review and the Reviewer must be prepared to carry out a detailed inspection. Thus, a Reviewer should have experience with the installation, and operation of a hydrometric station, which should include gauge level surveys, measurement and calculation of discharge, rating table development, gauge correction, and so forth. Equally important, however, is training in open channel hydraulics, hydraulic structures, river hydraulics and morphology, surveying, mathematics and statistics. Acceptance of the necessity of these training areas limits the range of professions that are able to comply. Therefore, a member of a legally incorporated professional/ technological association, having appropriate experience, training & academic background will be required for data review within the RISC hydrometric standards. The obligation will be on the professionals of other specializations to establish their training and experience credentials in this field, which should include experience gained in British Columbia. Only a person who fulfills the requirements for Qualification of Hydrometric Data Reviewer see Section 6.3.2) can review hydrometric data and assign standard Grade according to RISC hydrometric standards.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards is registered as a member of a legally incorporated professional/technological association (i.e., APEGBC, ABCPF, BCIA, CABBC, or ASTTBC as an example) has completed a formal, comprehensive training program in hydrometric surveys has 7 full-time years of hydrometric survey experience in site selection, operation and maintenance, of which, a significant portion must include experience in supervising other hydrometric technicians and reviewing hydrometric data workup prior to approval. is a graduate from an accredited post secondary institute with a degree in engineering or a resources discipline, is registered as a member of a legally incorporated professional/technological association (i.e., APEGBC, ABCPF, BCIA, CABBC or ASTTBC as an example), has successfully completed courses at technical institute, college or university in: Hydrology Open channel hydraulics Plane Surveying Mathematical methods Statistics and probability and, not necessary, but desirable: Electricity and electronics Computer Application Fluid mechanics Climatology and weather Fluvial geomorphology, and has at least two (2) years full-time employment conducting hydrometric surveys with field and office duties in hydrometric operations, or has: selected sites, installed water level recording and metering equipment, and operated for at least two years, five hydrometric stations on streams with both rated structures and natural control carried out at least 10 discharge measurements by wading or from bridge and calculated discharge, and; computed and compiled two years of daily water level and discharge data for five stations for both manual and automated water level installations. use, maintenance and limitations of velocity meters, flumes and weirs installation and levelling of manual water level gauges float-activated water level recorders-digital and analogue data loggers, water level sensors and programming software is familiar with all methodologies and principles in the British Columbia Hydrometric Standards
Category (II).
Knowledge for categories (I) and (II) must also include operational expertise in the following:
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards (Appendix V gives descriptions of general course content required, and lists courses available from a selection of Canadian universities.)
Appendix I. Glossary
The following glossary of selected hydrometric terms is derived from two sources: 1) ISO Standards (ISO T72: 1988(E) for all terms related to hydrometric operations, river hydraulics and stream sedimentation, and 2) Resources Information Standards Committee for Aquatic terms, including Hydrometric terms. Accuracy: The degree of closeness of individual measurements or calculated quantity to its actual (true) value. Approach channel: The reach of the channel upstream of the gauging structure in which suitable flow conditions shall be established to ensure correct gauging. Backwater: A rise in stage produced by an obstruction in the stream channel caused by ice, weeds, control structure, etc. It may be caused by channel storage for which the reservoir properties vary with the depth of flow at the given location. The difference between the observed stage for a certain discharge and the stage as indicated by the stage-discharge relation for the same discharge is reported as the backwater at the station. Bank, right or left: The margin of a channel as viewed facing downstream. The expression right or left applies similarly to right or left abutments, cableway towers, etc. Bankfull Discharge: In a single channel stream, the discharge which just fills the channel without flowing on to the floodplain; the point at which overbank flow begins. Bench mark: A permanent, fixed reference point for which the elevation is known. It may, when practicable, be related to GSC datum. Broad-crested weir: A weir of such crest length in the direction of flow that critical flow occurs on the crest of the weir. Calibration: Calibration is defined as the cleaning, lubricating, and adjustments required to achieve prescribe limits. Control: The condition downstream from a gauging station that determines the stage discharge relation. It may be a stretch of rapids, a weir or other artificial structure. In the absence of such features, the control may be a less obvious condition such as a convergence of the channel or even simply the resistance to flow through a downstream reach. A shifting control exists where the stage-discharge relation tends to change because of impermanent bed or banks. Critical flow: The flow in which specific energy (depth of flow + velocity head) is a minimum for a given discharge; under this condition a small surface disturbance can not travel upstream. The ratio of inertia to gravity forces (Froude Number) is equal to unity. Cross-section of a stream: A specified vertical plane through a stream bounded by the wetted perimeter and the free surface. Current meter: A piece of equipment used to measure the stream velocity. Data grade: Quantitative ranking of water level and discharge data based on four criteria: instrumentation, stream channel condition, field procedures, and data calculation and assessment. Data logger: An instrument used to record the monitoring data. It may internal or external.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Discharge, Q: The volume of liquid flowing through a cross-section per unit of time. It is not synonymous with flow. Discharge coefficient: A coefficient in the discharge equation, in general relating the actual discharge to a theoretical discharge. Discharge measurement: The determination of the rate of discharge at a gauging station on a stream, including an observation of no flow, which is classed as a discharge measurement. Drowned flow; submerged flow: The flow which is influenced by the water level downstream from the measuring structure. EcoCat: EcoCat or Ecological Reports Catalogue is a document and file management system that allows users self-access to reports for various ecological projects within British Columbia. Web address of EcoCat: Float gauge: A manual gauge consisting of a float that rides on the water surface, rising and falling with the surface. The floats movements are transmitted to an indicating device. Flood mark: A trace of any kind left by a flood on the banks, obstacles or flood plain. It may be used to determine the highest level attained by the water surface during the flood. Floodplain: Any flat or nearly flat lowland that borders a watercourse and is covered by its waters at flood stage. Flow: The movement of water in a channel without reference to rate, depth, etc. Flow Character: The surface expression of the water, described as follows: P-Placid-tranquil, sluggish S-Swirling eddies, boils, swirls R-Rolling- unbroken wave forms numerous B-Broken-standing waves are broken, rapids, numerous hydraulic jumps T-Tumbling-cascades, usually over large boulders or rock outcrops Flume: A specially shaped open channel flow section that may be installed in a channel to measure discharge. Depending on the shape of the section, flumes may be termed Parshall, Montana H-flumes, cut-throat, etc. Free flow; modular flow: A flow which is not influenced by the level of water downstream from the measuring device. Gauge correction: Any correction that must be applied to the gauge observation or gauge reading to obtain the correct gauge height. Gauge datum: The elevation of the zero of the gauge (referenced to bench marks, or Geodetic Survey of Canada, GSC datum) to which the level of the liquid surface is related. Gauge height: See Stage. Gauge observation; Gauge reading: An actual notation of the height of the water surface as indicated by a gauge, it is the same as a gauge height only when the 0.000 metre mark of the gauge is set at the gauge datum. Gauging section; measuring section: The cross-section of an open channel in the plane of which measurements of depth and velocity are made.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Gauging station: The complete installation at a measuring site where systematic records of water level and/or discharge are obtained. Head on (or over) the weir: Elevation of the water above the lowest point of the crest, measured at a point upstream. The distance upstream for the point of measurement depends on the type of weir used but is upstream of the transition zone from sub- to supercritical flow at full weir flow. Hydraulic jump: The sudden passage of water in an open channel from super-critical depth to sub-critical depth, accompanied by energy dissipation. Hydrometric operator: The person collecting the hydrometric data. Inclined gauge; ramp gauge: A gauge on a slope, generally graduated directly to indicate vertical gauge height. Left [right] bank: The bank to the left [right) of an observer looking downstream. Level check: The procedure followed to determine the movement of a gauge with respect to the gauge datum. Manual gauge: A non-recording type of gauge from which observations of stage are obtained. Mean velocity at a cross-section: The velocity at a given cross-section of a stream, obtained by dividing the discharge by the cross-sectional area of the stream at that section. Mean velocity depth: The depth below the surface at which the mean velocity on a vertical occurs. Metadata: Metadata is data about data. In other words, it is a structured summary of information that describes the data. In case of this Manual, Metadata is the data associated with the RISC HYD forms. Modular limit; point of incipient submergence: The condition of flow where a rising downstream level just begins to affect the discharge. Open channel: The longitudinal boundary surface consisting of the bed and banks or sides within which the liquid flows with a free surface. The term channel generally means the deep part of a river or other waterway, and its meaning is normally made clear by a descriptive term, either stated or implied, such as low water channel, main channel, artificial channel. Painting: This refers to the wide ink trace on water level recorder analogue charts that is caused by short term water level fluctuations or by a malfunction in a recorder having a gas purge system. Panel: The area at a vertical defined by the depth at that vertical multiplied by one-half of the distance between the preceding and the succeeding verticals. Peak stage: The maximum instantaneous stage during a given period. Point method (one-; two-; three-; five-; six-): Method of measuring the velocity in a vertical by placing a current-meter at a number of designated points in the vertical. Processed data: Data that has been corrected for errors, invalid data spikes, drift, shift and correction factors applied in case of water level as an example. Quality assessment: The System of activities used to ensure that quality assurance procedures are implemented and quality control elements are evaluated. March 12, 2009 141
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Quality assurance: All the procedures used to manage/control the component of hydrometric operations. Quality Control: The system of activities used to verify that data are of acceptable quality and they are complete and correct. Range: The lowest to highest value that a sensor or instrument can detect with the same resolution and accuracy. Reach: A length of open channel between two defined cross-sections. Reference point: A point of known elevation from which measurements may be made to a water surface. It is also known as a measuring point. Resources Information Standards Committee (RISC): A committee that ensures that required standard method are developed and used in environmental monitoring. Resolution: The smallest interval that a sensor can detect. RISC hydrometric standards: The field procedures, calculations, validation steps and documentation mandated by Resources Information Standards Committee of British Columbia for conducting a hydrometric survey. Sensitivity (of the stage-discharge relation): A measure of the change in stage at a gauging station due to a change in discharge. When a small increase in discharge produces a relatively large increase in stage, the relation is said to be sensitive. When a large increase in discharge produces a relatively small increase in stage, the relation is said to be insensitive. Sensor: An instrument used to measure one or more water quantity parameter. Shift: A change in the stream control which alters the stage-discharge relationship. This change can be either temporary or permanent. Slope-area measurement: A method of computing peak flow at a gauging station by determining the water surface profiles and channel dimensions over a short reach of a stream. Slope-area method: An indirect method of discharge estimation in a reach based on the surface slope, the reach roughness, the wetted perimeter and flow areas of the various crosssections in the reach. Sounding: The operation of measuring the depth from the free surface to the bed. Stable [unstable] channel: A channel in which the bed and the sides remain stable [unstable] over a substantial period of time and in which scour and deposition during the rising and falling stages are negligible [appreciable]. Staff gauge: A manual gauge consisting of a graduated plate or rod that is set vertically in streambed or attached to a solid structure. Stage: The elevation of the free surface of a stream, lake or reservoir relative to a gaugedatum. it is used interchangeably with the terms gauge height and water level. Stage-discharge relation: A curve, equation or table which expresses the relation between the stage and the discharge in an open channel at a given stream cross-section. Steady flow: Condition in which the discharge does not change [changes] in magnitude with respect to time. Stilling basin: A pool downstream of a structure in which the velocity and the energy of the flow are reduced.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Stilling well: A well [tube] connected with the stream in such a way as to permit the measurement of the stage in relatively still conditions (natural surging is dampened). Stilling-well lag: During conditions of rising and falling stage in a channel, the difference at a given time between the channel stage and the stilling-well stage. Stream: The generic term for water flowing in an open channel, e.g., including creeks and rivers. Stream gauging: All of the operations necessary for measuring discharge. Sub-critical flow: The flow in which the Froude number is less than unity and surface disturbances can travel upstream. Submergence ratio: The ratio of the downstream measured head to the upstream total head over a weir, the crest being taken as the datum. Sub-surface float: A float with its greatest drag below the surface for measuring sub-surface velocities. Surface float: A float with its greatest drag near the surface for measuring surface velocities. Throat: The minimum cross-sectional area within a flume. The throat may be rectangular, trapezoidal, U-shaped or of another specially designed shape. Validation: A systematic evaluation of all of the data to find and deal with errors. Velocity-area method: Method of discharge determination deduced from the area of the cross-section, bounded by the wetted perimeter and the free surface, and the integration of the component velocities in the cross-section. Velocity of approach; approach velocity: The mean velocity in an open channel at a known distance upstream of a measuring section. Verification: The act of confirming the equipment accuracy using a traceable standard or master. Vertical: The vertical line in which velocity measurements or depth measurements are made. Vertical velocity coefficient: The coefficient applied to a single, or an equivalent single, velocity determination at any depth in a vertical to infer the mean velocity on that vertical. Wading rod: A light, hand-held, graduated, rigid rod, for sounding the depth and positioning the current meter in order to measure the velocity in shallow streams suitable for wading. It may also be used from boats or ice cover, at shallow depths. Water level: see Stage Water level recorder: An instrument that records water levels in an analogue or digital form. The recorder may be actuated by a float or by any one of several other sensor types. Weir: An overflow structure built across an open channel to measure the discharge in the channel. Depending on the shape of the opening, weirs may be termed rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular, etc. Wetted perimeter, P: The wetted boundary of an open channel at a specified section. Wire-weight gauge: A gauge consisting essentially of a graduated wire or chain, weighted and lowered to make contact with the surface of the water. Contact with the water surface is determined visually.
Vertical Axis Current Meters Price Type AA Price Type AA Magnetic Price Type AA Photo-Fibre Optic (Swoffer retrofit #2200) Price Winter Model AA Price Pygmy Price Pygmy Photo-Fibre-Optic (Swoffer retrofit #2200)
Horizontal Axis Current Meters Valprot BFN 002 (Braystoke) OTT 5 (Arkansas), 2 impellers (replaced by C31) OTT, C31, 3 impellers
OSS, B1, 2 impellers (identical to C31) OTT, C1, 3 impellers (replaced by C2 & OSS, PC1) OSS, PC1, 2 impellers (identical to C2) Swoffer 2100, 1 impeller
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Unfortunately neither the Ott C2 nor the OSS PC1 was included in the above study. (The Ott and OSS meters are identical - components are interchangeable). However, the impellers supplied with these meters accurately compensate for angular flow to the limits specified by the manufacturers (Table II-5). These meters have, together with the earlier model Ott C1, served as the preferred meter for the measurement of flow in watercourses less than 0.3 m deep. The Swoffer retrofitted Price type AA and the Price Pygmy do not have relatively large chambers on the upper section of yoke and therefore present a more symmetrical shape to the current. The presence of the contact chamber is one of the factors listed as a possible cause of the rather large errors encountered in the oblique flow tests on standard Price meters It is therefore likely that the absence of these chambers on the retrofit models will produce more accurate results in oblique flows. The electromagnetic current meter has smaller errors than the vertical axis meters for most angles tested.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards The main components of the current meter are the pivot and rotor, the contact chamber, and the yoke and tail assembly (see Figure II-2). The rotor has six cone-shaped elements and is 125 mm in diameter. The letter T stamped on the inner portion of the frame indicates the top side of the bucket wheel. When in use, the rotor moves in a counter clockwise direction. The key feature of the Price meter is the location of both the upper and lower bearing surfaces in fairly deep, inverted cavities which trap air when the meter is submerged. This effectively excludes water-borne silt from the bearing surfaces, which eliminates undue wear. Worn bearings or any other damage to the cup wheel will result in change in the meter rating. This meter may be attached to the standard USGS top-setting rod or the Columbus weight hanger. Mounting adapters, with or without the relocating device, are available from the manufacturers of the 20-mm bridge rods. On the upper extension of the rotor is a chamber where cup rotation produces an electrical pulse for conversion of angular motion to stream velocity. This contact chamber is fitted with a bearing, a penta gear, and two insulated binding posts. Each post has a fine contact wire. The top of the rotor shaft is rounded to provide a smooth surface where it comes in contact with the bottom of the chamber cap. Immediately below the rounded end, an eccentric is cut in the shaft. This is the means by which the shaft makes contact with the upper contact wire once during each revolution of the rotor. The next section of the shaft fits into the contact chamber bearing lug. A short section of acme thread is cut into the shaft below the bearing section. This meshes smoothly with the penta gear fitted in the bottom of the contact chamber. The penta gear has two tabs, each of which brushes the lower contact wire once during every five revolutions of the rotor. Generally, the standard Price type AA meter does not provide a signal suitable for use with an electric pulse counter in lower velocity regimes. When an eccentric makes a single contact with the cats whisker, several pulses may be generated and registered on the counter. The usual method of operation is to time the revolutions of the rotor either visually, or by means of an electrically generated audio signal. The Price meter can, however, be modified for use with a counter; see the next section. The design and use of current meter vanes in cable suspension assemblies may be a problem in certain forms of turbulent flow. The problem lies with the suspension point (hanger bar) being equidistant between the rotor axis (of a vertical axis meter) and the hydrodynamic centre of the directional vanes, as is the case for the standard Price meter. This meter is inherently sensitive to lateral turbulent fluctuations due to low degree of directional stability, and can introduce an error to the measurement of velocity. The effect the hanger, rotor and vane relationship can only be assessed during field tests in streams over a complete range of turbulent length scales, these conditions can not be duplicated during tow tank calibrations.
II.4.3 Modified Price Type AA Meter The standard Price Type AA (622) meter can be modified in two ways, using retro-fit kits, to compensate for the low-velocity limitations. 1. Magnetic Switch Contact Chamber-Price Type "AA" Magnetic Head (AA-MH). This accessory produces a clean signal for triggering an automatic electric pulse counter. A 13-mm long permanent magnet is embedded in the top portion of the rotor shaft. This shaft fits into the centre of a special contact chamber (Figure II-3). A magnetic reed switch, which is accessible from the top of the assembly, is located in a chamber adjacent to the rotor chamber. The binding post and the insulating bushing seal this chamber. During each revolution of the rotor shaft, the magnet passes the chamber and closes the reed switch for a moment. Price 622AA current meters supplied with magnetic reed switches are usually referred to as low velocity models. However, in this case the maximum measurable velocity depends on the pulse rating (pulse/s) of the counter unit employed. The electronic revolution counters manufactured by OTT, Sherlock, and 148 March 12, 2009
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Braystoke, for example, have a maximum counting frequency of 20 pulses/s while some earlier electro-mechanical units were limited to 10 pulses/s In either case the maximum velocity measurable exceeds 5 meters/s while low velocity measurement accuracy is increased due to the absence of friction caused by contact wires. 2. Fibre-Optic Contact Chamber (Figure II-3 and II-4). A retrofit kit, consisting of a fibreoptic sensor electrically connected to a digital readout indicator replaces the contact chamber, bucket-wheel shaft, earphones, and stopwatch on both Price 622AA and Pygmy meters. The model 2200 indicator, and other supplied parts, are designed and manufactured by Swoffer Instruments, Seattle, Washington. The counter may be set to read direct velocity (display averaging 10 s for the 622AA, and 5 s for the Pygmy), or seconds vs. revolutions. Also, a calibration mode allows the continued use of a damaged meter for a limited time period, by electronically compensating for a meter that does not rotate according to its original specifications.
[Note: This feature does not absolve an organization, working to Provincial Standards, of the requirement for regular calibration of current meters by the National Water Research Institute.]
One of the most important features of this retrofit is its ability to measure accurate low velocities while using both the 622AA or Pygmy current meters. Because the fibre-optic sensor does not require that physical contact be made and broken to produce a signal, as in the cats whisker type, nearly all friction has been eliminated. This means that velocities lower than 3 cm/s can be accurately determined while the counter is in the seconds/revolutions mode. The maximum velocity range of a retrofitted current meter is 4.5 m/s.
[Note: The fibre optic sensor should not be used with reel or handline suspension systems using the suspension cable as the sensor signal wire. Problems have been encountered in connecting to, and signal strength through, the Ellsworth type two conductor cable used by these systems. The fibre optic sensor, which attaches to the replacement meter head, is housed at the end of a two conductor cable. The sensor to counter cable connection is supplied in a standard length of 3 m for use with a wading rod but may be ordered in lengths up to 300 m. Ordering a factory 7-m or 10-m sensor cable for use with a bridge rod will also expand the capabilities of the retrofit for use with a handline or reel.]
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards II.4.4 Pygmy Meter The Pygmy meter is approximately two-fifths the size of the Price 622AA meter. It is designed for measuring streams that are too shallow to use the Price meter.
[Note: This meter is not recommended for measuring velocities under 0.3 m/s because the leverage exerted by the small-diameter rotor is insufficient to consistently overcome the variable frictional component in the contact chamber; the result is poor accuracy at low velocity. The fibre-optic sensor retrofit kit, described earlier, converts the Pygmy meter to an instrument capable of accurately measuring velocities as low as 0.03 m/s.]
As with all other current meters, individual calibrations are maintained for the Pygmy meters. The major difference is that the Pygmy meters are towed at lower velocities, from 2.5 to 140 cm/s. The two meters differ in other significant ways. The Pygmy meter contact chamber and yoke are one unit. The chamber has only one contact wire that signals each revolution of the bucket wheel shaft. The meter is meant to be mounted on a wading rod. Because it is used in very shallow depths, it has no tailpiece nor can it be suspended from a cable. The bucket wheel is only 50.8 mm in diameter, and it revolves 23 times faster than the larger Price meter. Unless an automatic pulse counting device is used, the rapidly revolving bucket wheel limits the meter to measuring velocities that are 1 m/s or less. When not in use, the steel meter pivot must be replaced with the special brass shipping pivot. The bucket wheel is not equipped with a raising nut, and the pivot and bearing can be damaged if the steel pivot is not replaced when the meter is not being used. II.4.5 Maintaining the Meter The life expectancy and daily efficiency of a current meter depend largely on the thoroughness with which the operator cleans and lubricates the moving parts of the instrument. Cleaning and lubricating the Price type current meters is simple. It takes only a few minutes and should not be postponed or neglected. During this process, all parts must be carefully examined to ensure that they are working. It is normal practice to clean and lubricate at the end of each day. However, if the meter has been used in a stream that is heavily laden with suspended sediment, clean the meter immediately after the measurement. This helps to prevent abrasive particles from causing premature and unnecessary wear to the bearing surfaces. Maintenance instruction of a Price 622AA meter is presented in Table II-2.
[Note: If water is already trapped in the head, and in the pivot bearing on the underside of the bucket wheel, applying oil to the pivot may increase the wear. Adding oil keeps the water in contact with the finely machined surfaces, and carries grit and silt to the bearings. This causes wear and corrosion.]
Procedure Remove, wipe dry and clean lower face. Oil the underside. Remove by slackening setscrew in upper limb of yoke. Dry & wipe out inside of head. Clean & wipe dry, paying particular attention to the bearing journal at the upper end and the worm and the ball head on the top of the shaft. Oil the top of the shaft. Oil the worm gear. Wipe Oil Oil
Contact chamber
[Note: All of the cleaning and drying should be completed before the parts are oiled.]
II.4.6. Information summary for vertical axis meters. Summary of vertical axis current meters including advantage and disadvantages are presented in Table II-3
Name and Model of Meter and Type of Pulse Generation Price Type AA Scientific Instruments Inc. Model # 1210 Wire-contact penta chamber
General Comments
Cup-type One cup usually painted red to facilitate visual revolution count. Designed for either cable (hanging bar) or wading rod suspension.
Robust Easily maintained Capable of measuring full flow range. Angular flow corrections must be applied. Poor definitions in turbulent conditions. Inaccuracies may occur at very low velocities. Unsuitable for use with electronic counters. The design of this meter allows for improved low flow sensitivity. The sensor produces a clean signal for use with electronic counters. Angular flow corrections must be applied. Poor definitions in turbulent conditions.
Price Type AA Magnetic Scientific Instruments Inc. Model # 215 622AA retrofit kit available. Magnetic-reed switch
Penta chamber replaced by a magnetic reed switch contact chamber and a permanent magnet in the upper post. The single, insulated electrical binding post is behind a shield on the upper surface.
Name and Model of Meter and Type of Pulse Generation Price AA Optic Swoffer Instruments Model # 2200 Retrofit Fiber-optic sensor
General Comments
Advantages & Limitations Rotational friction is brought to a minimum by the non-contacting photofiber-optic device. Accurate readings down to and below 0.03 m/s are attainable. Angular flow corrections must be applied. Poor definitions in turbulent conditions.
The fiber optic sensor is threaded on to the infrared generator lying almost flush with the yolk.
Price 625 Pygmy Scientific Instruments Inc. Model # 1205 Wire-contact penta chamber.
Two-fifths the size of the Price 622AA. Designed for use in shallow streams. No tail piece Always used with a rod mount. Similar to Price 625 Pygmy but the upper post and wire-contact chamber are replaced by an infrared generator. The light pulses are converted to electrical pules by a fiber-optic sensor.
The low leverage exerted by the 49-mm d. rotor over the variable resistance of the wire contact signal sensor can produce inaccurate results at low velocities.
Price 625 Optic Swoffer Instruments Model 2200 Retrofit Fiber-optic sensor
The reduced frictional component (see above) of the retrofit can producer accurate measurements in velocities of 0.03 m/s.
II.5.2 Braystoke BFN 002 Meter This current flow meter is supplied in kit form, the accessories include a sturdy 1.5-m, 2 section wading rod graduated in 1-cm divisions, a control unit and 3-m connecting cable with quick release connectors. An optional cable suspension kit includes a 30-m suspension/signal cable, suspension bar and current meter tailfin. Longer sectional rods can be supplied as an option. The Braystoke current meter, manufactured by Valeport Developments Ltd. UK, is designed for the measurement of flow velocities in fresh water or salt water, and is not affected by water quality. The meter will operate in shallow streams of only 6 cm or suspended to any depth and covers the entire range of velocities from 0.03 to 5.0 m/s with the 50-mm-diameter x 0.10-pitch impeller. The manufacturer does not specify the extent of oblique flow up to which the propeller measures the true velocity value; however, field and laboratory tests conducted by others indicate the impeller follows the rule of cosine in oblique flows of up to 10 with an accuracy of 2%. II.5.3 OTT C2 and OSS PC1 Meters The OSS PC1 is identical to the OTT C2. OSS PC1 is manufactured in Australia and the OTT C2 in Germany. These models are designed to measure water velocity in small natural watercourses, ditches, flumes, small pipes, and laboratory river models. The meter can be mounted on a standard 9-mm wading rod. Adapters are available for use with the 20-mm bridge rod and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) top setting rod (Table II-4, and Figures II5, and II-6).
[Note: Both models require special oil for operation. The use of any other type of oil will affect the calibration rating of the meter. This oil, Shell Telus 5, is not sold in North America and must be ordered from Europe or Australia.]
The OTT C2 provides the choice of six 50-mm and two 30-mm propellers, while the OSS PC1 has a choice of three 50-mm and one 30-mm (Table II-5).
Switch Encapsulated reed, with permanent magnet set into rotating shaft Single contact/revolution. 9-V DC. Max. power 1.6 watts (if spark suppression in counter).
Propeller Slip-on type. Anodized aluminum alloy. Supported on bearings within the oil-filled hub of the propeller assembly.
Mounting 9-mm diam. wading rod. 20-mm diam. bridge rod with clamp (which can also be attached to bottom section of the locating device). USGS top setting rod with adapter.
Figure II-5. OSS PC1 with adapter for use on a USGS top setting rod.
Diam. & pitch (mm & m) 50 0.05 50 0.10 50 0.60 50 0.60 30 0.05 30 0.10
Max. water velocity (m/s) 2.0 (1.0) b 4.0 (2.0) 6.0 (4.0) 7.5 (5.0) 2.0 (1.0) 4.0 (2.0)
Propellers supplied by OTT are also available with the OSS PC1. All propellers can be used with either meter. b Maximum water velocities, shown in brackets, are when the meters are used with electro-mechanical type counters such as the OTT-Z21 (10 pulses/s). Electronic counters such as the Z210, CMC 20, or 200 accept 20 pulses/s.
II.5.4 Universal OTT C31 and OSS B1 Meters The OTT C31 is identical to the OSS B1; the former is manufactured in Germany and the latter in Australia. These current meters are used to determine the flow velocity of water in open channels and the sea, as well as in pressure pipes. These meters can be used under extreme conditions with the following methods of suspension:
20-mm wading or bridge rods with direct connection to the rod or the relocating device casing (Figures II-7). Two conductor cable and weight assemblies of the following types, available from either manufacturer: Handline and hanger with a choice of 5-kg or 10-kg weights. Portable winch, standard weights, and hanger. Portable winch or double drum (shore-controlled) cableway winch with 25-, 50-, or 100-kg middle piece weights equipped with electrical ground feeler (Figure II-8).
Other special options are available for integration measurements, e.g. pressure pipe installations and sliding meter attachments. Table II-6 lists propellers available from the two manufacturers for the OTT C31 and the OSS B1, together with the velocity range and component effect for each propeller. The maximum
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards water velocities shown can be measured only by means of counters with a counting rate of up to 20 rev/s. As with the small propeller meters, the components of the OTT and OSS meters are interchangeable.
Figure II-7. OTT C31 current meter fitted on a 20-mm rod, with relocating device. Note that the locating device, at top, is aligned with a meter.
Figure II-8. OSS B1 current meter mounted on a 30-kg sounding weight (middle), with a bottom feeler.
Table II-6. Description of propellers for the OTT C31 and OSS B1 meters.
Diam. & pitch (mm & m) 125 0.25 125 0.25 125 0.50 125 0.50 1.25 1.00 80 0.125 100 0.125 100 0.25 100 0.125 125 0.50 80 0.125
Max. water velocity (m/s) 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 10.0 3.0 2.5 5.0 4.0 10.0 4.0
Starting speed (m/s) 0.025 0.035 0.040 0.060 0.055 0.040 0.030 0.035 0.030 0.040 0.040
II.5.5 Maintenance of Horizontal Axis Current Meters II.5.5.1 Care and Maintenance During storage, the propeller should be removed from the meter and the oil drained from the body. If bearings need to be cleaned, they should be flushed with clean white spirits or gasoline. Spare bearings have a protective grease coating which should be removed before they are used.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards Before the meter is used, clean oil should be added to the body by holding it upright and half filling as shown in Figure II-6 (Fig.7). As the axle bush is screwed back onto the carrier, any excess oil will be forced up through the capillary gap around the axle and should be wiped away. Spin the propeller for about a minute to check the condition of the bearings and to ensure proper oil distribution. Maintenance instruction of an OSS PC1 meter is presented in Table II-7.
Procedure For storage, remove from meter & drain oil. Clean, flushed with white spirits or petrol. Wipe dry Oil, as the axle bush is screwed back onto the carrier, excess oil will be forced up through the capillary gap around the axle and should be wiped away. Spin the propeller for about one minute to check the condition of the bearings and to ensure proper oil distribution. Check the manual as to whether oiling should be added before &/or after use. Use procedure in manual to ensure that it is operating correctly.
II.4.6. Information summary for vertical axis meters. Summary of horizontal axis current meters including advantage and disadvantages are presented in Table II-8.
Name, Type of Pulse Generation and Model Number OSS PC1 Pygmy Meter or Ott C2 Magnetic-reed switch These two meters are identical, with interchangeable parts.
General Comments Both meters are supplied with slip-on type impellers that accommodate different velocities. Single pulses are transmitted by encapsulated reed switch to quartz-timed counters fitted with spark depression. Designed for direct clamping to 9 mm rods Using adapters, can be fitted to Top setting wading rods and 20 mm bridge rods (with or without relocating device). Low mass 50 mm plastic impeller is replaced easily and inexpensively. May be mounted on a variety of well-designed wading or bridge rods.
Advantages and Limitations The impeller design compensates for varying degrees of angular flow. Damage to the shaft can not be repaired in the field. Special Shell Telus 5 oil must be used. Use of non-standard oil will change the calibration values.
General purpose pygmy meter. Fiber-optic pulse generation Swoffer Model # 2100
Counter displays direct or time-averaged velocity for periods up to 30 s. (in m/s mode). Velocity range is 0.03 7.5 m/s.
General Comments
Low mass plastic impeller runs on water lubricated jewel bearings. Designed for use on standard-type wading rod or optional cable suspension. No tail piece required for rod mount. The body is machined to be mounted directly on 20 mm rods and relocating devises; in front of middle piece sounding weights with electronic bottom feelers; or on hangers above standard sounding weights. Impellers are generally of stainless steel or high impact plastic ranging from 80 125 mm d & pitches 0.125 0.5.
Ott C31 or OSS-B1 Magnetic-reed switch These two meters are identical, with interchangeable parts.
The A type 100 mm has a starting velocity of 0.03 m/s, a max. velocity of 4.0 m/s & an angular flow compensation up to 45. Special Shell Telus 5 oil should be added before each discharge measurement. Use of non-standard oil will change the calibration values
Figure III-7. Form RISC HYD-05 Stage Discharge Rating Curve and Table
Figure III-8. Form RISC HYD-06 Station Analysis for the Period:
Max. h1 a (m) 0.60 0.339 0.457 0.610 0.760 0.604 0.756 0.908 1.364 1.218 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.500
Max. Q (m3/s) 0.390 0.33 0.111 0.251 0.455 0.309 0.542 0.857 2.336 3.292 0.585 1.612 3.308 9.117
Min. h1 (m) 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
Min. Q (m3/s) 0.0008 0.0008 0.0015 0.0025 0.0033 0.0005 0.0008 0.0010 0.0014 0.0054 0.0267 0.0402 0.0537 0.0807
Debris capacity Very poor Very good Very good Very good Very good Fair Fair Fair Fair Good Poor Poor Poor Poor
Sediment capacity Very poor Good Good Good Good Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor Poor Poor
Min. pc (m) >0.45 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A > 0.3 > 0.3 > 0.3 > 0.3
<1.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5
H flume
Head over the weir crest. Ratio of head over the crest and the height of the crest above the upstream bed. Height of crest above the upstream bed.
Discharge (m3/s) for specified head (m) for fully contracted weir.
Q = Ce
Head 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.60
0.0 0.68 1.12 1.67 2.33 3.11 4.02 5.04 6.20 7.49 8.91 10.5 12.2 14.0 16.1 18.2 20.5 23.0 25.7 28.5 31.5 34.6 38.0 41.5 45.2 49.1 53.2 57.3 61.9 66.6 71.5 76.6 81.9 87.5 93.2 99.2 105 112 118 128 132 170 147 155 163 172 180 189 198 208 217 227 237 248 259 270 281 293 305
0.002 0.76 1.22 1.79 2.48 3.29 4.21 5.27 6.45 7.76 9.22 10.8 12.5 14.4 16.5 18.7 21.0 23.5 26.2 29.1 32.1 35.3 38.7 42.2 46.0 50.0 54.0 58.3 62.9 67.6 72.5 77.7 83.0 88.6 94.4 100 107 113 120 127 134 141 148 157 165 173 182 191 200 210 219 229 240 250 261 272 283 295 307
0.004 0.47 0.84 1.33 1.82 2.63 3.46 4.41 5.49 6.70 8.04 9.52 11.1 12.6 14.8 16.9 19.1 21.5 24.1 26.8 29.7 32.4 35.9 39.4 42.9 46.7 50.7 54.9 59.2 63.8 68.6 73.5 78.7 84.1 89.7 95.6 102 108 114 121 128 135 143 150 158 167 175 184 193 202 211 221 231 242 252 263 274 286 297 309
0.006 0.54 0.93 1.44 2.05 2.79 3.64 4.62 5.72 6.96 8.33 9.84 11.5 13.3 15.2 17.3 19.6 22.0 24.6 27.3 30.2 33.3 36.6 40.1 43.7 47.5 51.5 55.7 60.1 64.7 69.5 74.6 79.7 85.2 90.9 96.7 103 109 116 123 130 137 144 152 160 168 177 186 195 204 213 223 233 244 254 265 276 288 300
0.008 0.61 1.02 1.55 2.19 2.95 3.83 4.83 5.96 7.22 8.62 10.2 11.8 13.7 15.6 17.8 20.1 22.5 25.1 27.9 30.9 34.0 37.3 40.8 44.4 48.3 52.3 56.6 61.0 65.7 70.5 75.6 80.8 86.3 92.0 97.9 104 110 117 124 131 138 146 154 162 170 179 187 196 206 215 225 235 246 256 267 279 290 302
Head 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.60 0.61
0.0 0.82 1.33 1.96 2.71 3.59 4.60 5.75 7.02 8.44 10.0 11.7 13.6 15.6 17.6 20.1 22.6 25.2 28.1 31.1 34.2 37.6 41.1 44.9 48.8 52.9 57.2 61.7 66.4 71.3 76.4 81.7 87.2 93.0 98.9 105 112 118 125 132 139 147 155 163 171 180 198 198 207 216 226 236 247 257 268 280 291 303 315 327
0.002 0.91 1.45 2.10 2.88 3.78 4.82 5.99 7.30 8.75 10.3 12.1 14.0 16.0 18.2 20.6 23.1 25.8 28.7 31.7 34.9 38.4 41.9 45.6 49.6 53.7 587.1 62.7 67.3 72.3 77.4 82.8 88.3 94.1 100 106 113 119 126 134 141 149 156 165 173 181 190 199 209 218 228 239 249 260 271 282 293 305 317 330
0.004 1.01 1.57 2.25 3.05 3.98 5.04 6.24 7.58 9.05 10.7 12.4 14.4 16.4 18.7 21.1 23.6 26.4 29.2 32.3 35.6 39.0 42.6 46.4 50.4 54.6 59.0 63.5 68.3 73.3 78.5 83.9 89.5 95.3 101 108 114 121 128 135 142 150 158 166 175 183 192 201 211 220 230 241 251 262 273 284 296 308 320 332
0.006 0.65 1.11 1.69 2.40 3.23 4.18 5.27 6.50 7.86 9.36 11.0 12.8 14.8 16.9 19.1 21.6 24.2 26.9 29.8 33.0 36.2 39.7 43.4 47.2 51.2 55.4 59.9 64.5 69.3 74.3 79.5 85.0 90.6 96.5 102 109 115 122 129 136 144 152 160 168 176 185 194 203 213 222 232 243 253 264 275 286 298 310 322 335
0.008 0.73 1.22 1.82 2.55 3.41 4.39 5.51 6.76 8.15 9.68 11.4 13.2 15.2 17.3 19.6 22.1 24.7 27.5 30.5 33.6 36.9 40.4 44.1 48.0 52.0 56.3 60.8 65.4 70.3 75.3 80.6 86.1 91.8 97.7 104 110 117 124 131 138 145 153 161 169 178 187 196 205 215 224 234 245 255 266 277 289 301 313 325 337
Head 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.60 0.61
0.0 0.96 1.54 2.25 3.09 4.06 5.18 6.43 7.83 9.38 11.1 12.9 14.9 17.1 19.4 21.9 24.6 27.4 30.4 33.6 37.0 40.5 44.3 48.2 52.3 56.6 61.2 65.9 70.8 75.9 81.2 86.8 92.5 98.5 105 111 118 125 132 139 147 154 163 171 179 188 197 207 216 226 236 246 257 268 279 290 302 314 326 339
0.002 1.06 1.67 2.40 3.27 4.28 5.42 6.70 8.13 9.71 11.4 13.3 15.4 17.6 19.9 22.4 25.1 28.0 31.1 34.3 37.7 41.3 45.1 49.0 53.2 57.5 62.1 66.8 71.8 77.8 82.3 87.9 93.7 99.7 106 112 119 126 133 141 148 156 164 173 181 190 199 208 218 228 238 248 259 270 281 293 304 317 329 341
0.004 1.18 1.81 2.57 3.46 4.49 5.66 6.98 8.44 10.0 11.8 13.7 15.8 18.0 20.4 13.0 25.7 28.6 31.7 35.0 38.4 42.0 45.8 49.8 54.0 58.4 63.0 67.8 72.8 78.0 83.4 89.1 94.9 101 107 114 120 127 135 142 150 158 166 174 183 192 201 210 220 230 241 251 261 272 283 295 307 319 331 344
0.006 1.29 1.95 2.74 3.66 4.72 5.92 7.26 8.75 10.4 12.2 14.1 16.2 18.5 20.9 23.5 26.3 29.2 32.3 35.6 39.1 42.8 46.6 50.7 54.9 59.3 64.0 68.8 73.8 79.1 84.5 90.2 96.1 102 109 115 122 129 136 144 151 159 167 176 185 194 203 212 222 232 243 253 263 274 286 279 309 321 334 347
0.008 1.41 2.09 2.91 3.86 4.95 6.17 7.54 9.06 10.7 12.5 14.5 16.7 19.0 21.4 24.0 26.8 29.8 33.0 36.3 39.8 43.5 47.4 51.5 55.8 60.2 64.9 69.8 74.9 80.2 85.7 91.4 97.3 103 110 116 123 130 138 145 153 161 169 178 186 195 205 214 224 234 245 255 266 277 288 300 312 324 336 349
Head 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.60 0.61
0.0 1.39 2.17 3.12 4.22 5.48 6.90 8.49 10.2 12.2 14.3 16.5 19.0 21.6 24.4 27.4 30.5 33.9 37.4 41.2 45.1 49.3 53.6 58.1 62.9 67.8 73.0 78.4 84.0 89.8 95.8 102 109 115 122 129 137 144 152 160 169 177 186 192 205 214 224 234 245 255 266 277 289 301 313 325 337 350 363 377
0.002 1.53 2.35 3.32 4.46 5.75 7.20 8.82 10.6 12.6 14.7 17.0 19.5 22.1 25.0 28.0 31.2 34.6 38.2 42.0 45.9 51.1 54.5 59.1 63.9 68.9 74.1 79.5 85.1 91.0 97.0 103 110 117 124 131 138 146 154 162 170 179 188 197 207 216 226 236 247 257 268 280 291 303 315 327 340 353 366 380
0.004 1.68 2.53 3.53 4.70 6.02 7.52 9.17 11.0 13.0 15.1 17.5 20.0 22.7 25.6 28.6 31.9 35.3 38.9 42.7 46.8 51.0 55.4 60.0 64.8 69.9 75.1 80.6 86.3 92.2 98.3 105 111 118 125 132 140 148 155 164 172 181 190 199 208 218 228 238 249 260 271 282 294 305 317 330 343 355 369 382
0.006 1.84 2.72 3.76 4.95 6.31 7.83 9.52 11.4 13.4 15.6 18.0 20.5 23.2 26.2 29.2 32.5 36.0 39.7 43.5 47.6 51.8 56.3 61.0 65.8 70.9 76.2 81.7 87.4 93.4 99.5 106 113 119 126 134 141 149 157 165 174 183 192 201 210 220 230 240 251 262 273 284 296 308 320 332 345 358 371 385
0.008 2.00 2.91 3.98 5.21 6.60 8.16 9.88 11.8 13.8 16.1 18.5 21.0 23.8 26.8 30.0 33.2 36.7 40.4 44.3 48.4 52.7 57.2 61.9 66.8 72.0 77.3 82.8 88.6 94.6 101 107 114 121 128 135 143 151 159 167 176 184 193 203 212 222 232 243 253 264 275 287 298 310 322 335 348 361 375 388
Head 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56
0.0 2.48 3.90 5.61 7.60 9.89 12.5 15.4 18.6 22.1 25.9 30.0 34.5 39.2 44.4 49.8 55.6 61.6 68.2 75.1 82.3 89.9 97.8 106 115 124 133 143 154 164 175 187 199 211 224 237 250 264 279 294 309 325 341 358 375 393 411 430 449 468 488 509 530 552 574
0.002 2.74 4.22 6.98 8.04 10.4 13.2 16.0 19.2 22.8 26.7 30.9 35.4 40.2 45.4 50.9 56.8 63.0 69.6 76.5 83.8 91.4 99.5 108 117 126 135 145 156 166 177 189 201 213 226 239 253 267 282 297 312 328 345 361 379 396 415 433 453 472 493 513 534 556 578
0.004 3.01 4.55 6.37 8.48 10.9 13.6 16.6 19.9 23.5 27.5 31.3 36.3 41.2 46.5 52.1 58.0 64.3 70.9 77.9 85.3 93.0 101 110 118 128 137 147 158 169 180 191 203 216 229 242 256 270 285 300 315 331 348 365 382 400 418 437 457 476 497 517 539 560 583
0.006 2.00 3.30 4.89 6.77 8.94 11.4 14.2 17.2 20.6 24.3 28.3 32.6 37.3 42.3 47.6 53.2 59.2 65.6 72.3 79.4 86.8 94.6 103 111 120 130 139 149 160 171 182 196 206 219 231 245 259 273 288 303 319 335 351 368 386 404 422 441 460 480 501 522 543 565 587
0.008 2.23 3.59 5.24 7.18 9.41 11.9 14.8 17.9 21.3 25.1 29.1 33.5 38.3 43.3 48.7 54.4 60.5 66.9 73.7 80.8 88.3 96.2 104 113 122 131 141 151 162 173 184 196 208 221 234 248 262 276 291 306 322 338 355 372 389 407 426 445 464 481 505 526 547 569 592
26.69 30.06 33.56 37.19 40.92 44.77 48.73 52.80 56.96 61.22 65.58 70.03 74.57 79.20 83.91 88.71 93.58 98.54 103.6 108.7 113.9 119.1 124.5 129.8 135.3 140.8 146.4 152.1 157.8 163.6 169.4 175.4 181.3 187.3 193.4 199.5 205.7 212.0 218.3
40.20 45.29 50.58 56.06 61.72 67.55 73.55 79.71 86.02 92.49 99.11 105.9 112.8 119.8 127.0 134.3 141.7 149.3 157.0 164.8 172.7 180.7 188.9 197.1 205.5 214.0 222.5 231.2 240.0 248.9 257.9 267.0 276.1 285.4 294.8 304.2 313.8 323.4 333.1
53.70 60.52 67.60 74.94 82.51 90.32 98.36 106.6 115.1 123.8 132.6 141.7 151.0 160.4 170.1 179.9 189.9 200.0 210.4 220.8 231.5 242.3 253.3 264.4 275.7 287.1 298.7 310.4 322.2 334.2 346.3 358.6 371.0 383.5 396.2 408.9 421.8 434.9 448.0
Head 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.050 0.055 0.060 0.065 0.070 0.075 0.080 0.085 0.090 0.095 0.100 0.105 0.110 0.115 0.120 0.125 0.130 0.135 0.140 0.145 0.150 0.155 0.160 0.165 0.170 0.175 0.180 0.185 0.190 0.195 0.200 0.205 0.210 0.215 0.220 0.225 0.230 0.235 0.240 0.245 0.250 0.755 0.760 0.765 0.770 0.775 0.780 0.785 0.790
Head 0.255 0.260 0.265 0.270 0.275 0.280 0.285 0.290 0.295 0.300 0.305 0.310 0.315 0.320 0.325 0.330 0.335 0.340 0.345 0.350 0.355 0.360 0.365 0.370 0.375 0.380 0.385 0.390 0.395 0.400 0.405 0.410 0.415 0.420 0.425 0.430 0.435 0.440 0.445 0.450 0.455 0.460 0.465 0.470 0.475 0.480 0.485 0.490 0.495 0.500 1.005 1.010 1.015 1.020 1.025 1.030 1.035 1.040
Discharge 98.0 718.3 738.9 759.7 780.6 801.7 823.0 844.5 866.1 887.9 909.9 932.1 954.4 976.8 999.5 1022 1045 1068 1092 1115 1139 1162 1186 1210 1235 1259 1283 1308 1333 1358 1383 1408 1433 1459 1484 1510 1536 1562 1588 1615 1641 1668 1694 1721 1748 1775 1802 1830 1857 1885 5183 5220 5257 5294 5331 5368 5405 5443
Head 0.505 0.510 0.515 0.520 0.525 0.530 0.535 0.540 0.545 0.550 0.555 0.560 0.565 0.570 0.575 0.580 0.585 0.590 0.595 0.600 0.605 0.610 0.615 0.620 0.625 0.630 0.635 0.640 0.645 0.650 0.655 0.660 0.665 0.670 0.675 0.680 0.685 0.690 0.695 0.700 0.705 0.710 0.715 0.720 0.725 0.730 0.735 0.740 0.745 0.750 1.255 1.260 1.265 1.270 1.275 1.280 1.285 1.290
Discharge 1912 1940 1968 1996 2024 2052 2081 2109 2138 2167 2195 2224 2254 2283 2312 2341 2371 2401 2430 2460 2490 2520 2550 2581 2611 2641 2672 2703 2733 2764 2795 2826 2858 2889 2920 2952 2983 3015 3047 3079 3111 3143 3175 3207 3239 3272 3304 3337 3370 3402 7104 7144 7184 7224 7264 7304 7344 7384
80.71 90.98 101.6 112.7 124.1 135.9 148.0 160.4 173.2 186.3 199.7 213.4 227.4 241.7 256.2 271.0 286.1 301.5 317.1 333.0 349.1 365.5 382.1 399.0 416.0 433.3 450.9 468.6 486.6 504.8 523.2 541.8 560.6 579.7 598.9 618.3 637.9 657.8 677.8 3435 3468 3501 3534 3568 3601 3634 3668
The following are generalized descriptions of courses considered relevant to an understanding of hydrometric survey operations. Examples of specific courses available for each subject are listed below: HYDROLOGY Hydrologic cycle and water balance - precipitation, evaporation, interception, infiltration, soil water, snowmelt, glacier melt, surface runoff, groundwater; climate; watershed hydrology; hydrologic data analysis probability and statistics; frequency analysis rainfall intensityduration, peak and low flows; time series analysis; channel and reservoir routing; hydrologic modelling unit hydrograph theory, watershed runoff models, rural and urban simulation models, design storms; measurement of hydrologic variables; estimating hydrologic variables for ungauged watersheds; hydrologic aspects of environmental change OPEN CHANNEL HYDRAULICS Steady open channel flow; energy and momentum principles; non-uniform steady flow; lake discharge and control sections; unsteady open channel flow; kinematic waves; flood routing; sediment transport and erosion; flow through transitions, bends and obstructions; backwater curves and water profile computations; floodplain analysis and flood control; reservoir analysis; design and modelling of channels and hydraulic structures weirs, dikes, dams, culverts, diversions, tunnels and conduits; natural channels; river morphology. PLANE SURVEYING Theory and application of plane surveying methods. Use of compass, tape and level; horizontal and vertical control; topographic mapping; reduction of field data; distance and angular measurement; traversing and transit surveys. Demonstration of modern instruments, remote sensing methods and geographical information systems (GIS). MATHEMATICAL METHODS Solution of linear and non-linear algebraic equations; numerical solution of differential equations; curve fitting techniques; matrix manipulation; calculus; power series methods; interpolation; error analysis. STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY Data analysis; decision-making; assessing risk and uncertainty; probability distributions; random variables; estimation theory; regression analysis; hypothesis formulation; analysis of variance; goodness of fit; quality control; joint probability distributions; multiple linear regression; confidence intervals; time series data analysis; transforming data. ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRONICS Fundamental electrical concepts and units; source of electrical energy; terminal properties of voltage and current sources, resistors, capacitors and inductors; network analysis; power and energy; electric and magnetic fields; measurement techniques; DC resistive networks; steadystate sinusoidal theory; three phase systems; transient analysis; state equation methods; March 12, 2009 201
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards computer-oriented solution techniques; semiconductors, dielectrics, piezolectrics, ferroelectrics, ferrites and their applications in sensors and transducers; digital circuit technologies; circuit analysis and electronic circuits; characteristics and application of electronic instruments; principles of analog and digital measuring instruments. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Computer graphics; interactive programming and use of numerical algorithms; organization and operation of microcomputers; operating systems and languages; mathematical analysis, including functions and graphical curve fitting; hardware; software; solution of linear algebraic equations with real and complex coefficients; error analysis, root finding and interpolation; data representation in digital computers. FLUID MECHANICS Fluid properties; hydrostatics; viscosity; boundary layer development; energy and momentum equations; dimensional analysis; velocity and pressure fields; flow in pipes and pipe networks friction losses, roughness, turbulence, velocity distributions; forces on immersed objects; pipe network analysis; open channel flow specific energy, roughness, velocity distributions, channel design, laminar and turbulent flow. CLIMATOLOGY AND WEATHER Basic physical principles and processes governing atmospheric circulation, energy exchanges and the water cycle; principles of meteorology and climatology at the scales typical of weather systems and global climate; physical and geographical aspects of different ice forms; measurement of snow and ice; processes involved in weather, climate and surface waters; physical processes that determine the variation in climate and weather; application of physical principles to practical problems in climatology; basic principles and processes involved in physical and dynamic climatology; radiation, energy and water balances. FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY Morphology of rivers and river systems; erosion, transportation and deposition of sediments, and resulting landforms; estuaries; computation of water profiles; flood control; floodplain analysis.
Manual of British Columbia Hydrometric Standards USGS (1984), Measurement of Peak Discharge by the Slope-Area Method, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Book 3, Chapter A2, USGS, 1984.
Ramping Rate
Ramping rates are specified to ensure that changes in flow diversions have a low potential for increasing the risk of fish stranding both within the diversion reach and downstream of the powerhouse. Diversion will be conducted to achieve the objective of ensuring that stage changes within the stream, measured at locations which correspond to appropriately conservative / representative sections, do not result in exceedance of average rates of [DFO default value or pre-specified] cm/hr [or rate(s) specified for varying instream flows] as determined by [X consecutive readings or readings collected at Y frequency] averaged over a [15 minute] time interval, sampled at no less than a [1 minute] interval. This ramping rate requirement (x cm/hr at location x [appropriate, sensitive sections]) will not be modified unless approved by MoE, and upon completion and submission of an appropriate ramping rate study. Control of diversion rates (e.g., change in diversion flows through the plant as specified in the PLC) is directly tied to: [in-stream stage monitoring at the appropriate sensitive locations within the stream] [in-stream stage monitoring point at location(s) X, which have been determined to correspond to stages at the appropriate sensitive locations via a empirically derived relationship] or [an empirical relationship derived between change in diversion rate and stage at specified monitoring points {either at sensitive location or operational monitoring points}. The change in diversion rate is defined as the rate of change of penstock discharge, measured as a change in flow per unit time (i.e. m3/s per hour).] [provide details of stage correlations between monitoring point and sensitive sections, and tie to operations or relationship between stage at sensitive section(s) and change in diversion rate] The locations of the conservative (sensitive) sections and associated gauges, and operational monitoring gauges, are shown on Dwg X. The maximum allowable ramping rates at operational monitoring points and flow diversions, for varying stream flows are shown in the table below, where the mean annual discharge (MAD) has been defined as [x m3/s]: Intake Flow Maximum allowable ramping rate at [sensitive] section location X C cm/hr D cm/hr G cm/hr Maximum allowable ramping rate at operational monitoring point A cm/hr B cm/hr H cm/hr Estimated maximum allowable change in diverted flows E m3/s/hr F m3/s/hr I m3/s/hr
< X% MAD (Q < Y m3/s) X to Y% MAD (Q < Y m3/s) Y to Z% MAD (Q < Z m3/s)
Ramping rate data will be collected at X locations within the diversion reach and downstream of the tailrace to confirm compliance with ramping rate criteria. If fish are able to access the tailrace, compliance Stage data will be collected at X frequency, and downloaded and reviewed on a xxx basis.
The ramping rate will be calculated as the change in water depth [to nearest 0.1 cm] averaged over a 15 minute period. A potential, reportable ramping non-compliance is defined as: 1. any two consecutive 15 minute average ramping rates (expressed in cm/hr) exceeding the values noted in the tables above; 2. any single reading (ie. one 15-minute average ramping rate, expressed in cm/hr) that exceeds [1.5 1] times the value noted in the table; Changes in natural stream flows will also be determined by [calculation from headpond levels, IFR and spill flows, and diverted flows or other method] at a frequency of x (equal to or greater than the frequency of instream stage monitoring), in order to evaluate whether non-compliance of ramping rates is attributable to natural fluctuations or flow diversion. If the non-compliance is attributed to natural stage changes [we need more detail here, on how natural stage changes are defined] and the units are operating in steady state or flow following, the ramping event will be noted as such in the annual MoE report. If the ramping non-compliance is facility induced (i.e. shutdown, startup or operation outside of approved ramping rates), MoE will be notified within 24 hours. A report must be submitted within [one week of the non-compliance] including [one-minute] data for intake flows, diversion flows & operational monitoring points, over the full period of noncompliance, along with a desciption of the mitigative steps taken to reduce the likelihood of (1) such non-compliance from occurring in the future, and (2) environmental impacts (e.g. fish salvage) associated with the non-compliance.
Short-term exceedances/multiplier must be justified on basis of environmental impacts and operational constraints
Project Overview
Upstream Works
Access Road
End of Diversion Reach
Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Flow 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
15 min av difference 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.3 0.3 10.7 0.7 11.0 1.0 11.3 1.3 11.7 1.7 12.0 2.0 12.3 2.3 12.7 2.7 13.0 3.0 13.3 3.3 13.7 3.7 14.0 4.0 14.3 4.3 14.7 4.7 15.0 5.0 15.0 4.7 15.0 4.3 15.0 4.0 15.0 3.7 15.0 3.3 15.0 3.0 15.0 2.7 15.0 2.3 15.0 2.0 15.0 1.7 15.0 1.3 15.0 1.0
1.3 2.7 4.0 5.3 6.7 8.0 9.3 10.7 12.0 13.3 14.7 16.0 17.3 18.7 20.0 18.7 17.3 16.0 14.7 13.3 12.0 10.7 9.3 8.0 6.7 5.3 4.0
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47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
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0.7 0.3 -
2.7 1.3 -
94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
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141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
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188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234
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235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281
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S. 22