Cell Cycle and Cell

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Cell Cycle and Cell Division 8.

Meiosis is evolutionary significant

because it result in
(a) genetically similar daughters
1. Meiosis I is reductional division. (b) four daughter cells
Meiosis II is equational division due to (c) eggs and sperms
(a) pairing of homologous chromosomes (d) recombinations
(b) crossing over
(c) separation of chromatids 9. The exchange of genetic material
(d) disjunction of homologous between chromatids of paired
chromosomes homologous chromosomes during first
meiotic division is called
2. Segregation of mendelian factor (Aa) (a) transformation
occurs during (b) chiasmata
(a) Diplotene (c) crossing over
(b) Anaphase I (d) synapsis
(c) Zygotene/Pachytene
(d) Anaphase II 10. In cell cycle, DNA replication takes
place in
3. Mitotic anaphase differs from (a) G1 phase
metaphase in possessing (b) G2 phase
(a) same number of chromosomes and (c) mitotic metaphase
same number of chromatids (d) S phase
(b) half number of chromosomes and half
number of chromatids 11. Lampbrush chromosomes occur
(c) half number of chromosomes and same during
number of chromatids (a) prophase of mitosis
(d) same number of chromosomes and half (b) diplotene of meiosis
number of chromatids (c) metaphase of meiosis
(d) interphase
4. In meiosis, the daughter cells differ
from parent cell as well as amongst 12. Colchicine is employed to diploidize
themselves due to a haploid cell as it
(a) segregation, independent assortment (a) inhibits mitosis
and crossing over (b) inhibits formation of mitotic spindle
(b) segregation and crossing over (c) allows replication of DNA twice in one
(c) independent assortment and crossing cell cycle
over (d) inhibits formation of centromere
(d) segregation and independent assortment

5. Number of chromatids at metaphase 13. Which one of the following

is structures will not be common to
(a) two each in mitosis and meiosis mitotic cells of higher plants?
(b) two in mitosis and one in meiosis (a) cell plate
(c) two in mitosis and four in meiosis (b) centriole
(d) one in mitosis and two in meiosis (c) centromere
(d) spindle fibres
6. Meiosis II performs
(a) separation of sex chromosomes
20. If a diploid cell is treated with
(b) synthesis of DNA and centromere
colchicine then it becomes
(c) separation of homologous chromosomes
(a) triploid
(d) separation of chromatids
(b) tetraploid
(c) diploid
7. Best stage to observe shape, size and
(d) monoploid
number of chromosomes is
(a) interphase
21. In the somatic cell cycle
(b) metaphase
(a) In G1 phase DNA content is double the
(c) prophase
amount of DNA present in the original cell
(d) telophase
(b) DNA replication takes place in S-phase
(c) a short interphase is followed by a long
mitotic phase (c) Golgi complex and endoplasmic
(d) G2 phase follows mitotic phase reticulum are still visible at the end of
22. If you are provided with root-tips of (d) Chromosomes move to the spindle
onion in your class and are asked to equator and get aligned along equatorial
count the chromosomes, which of the plate in metaphase
following stages can you most
conveniently look into? 29. At metaphase, chromosomes are
(a) Metaphase attached to the spindle fibres by their:
(b) Telophase (a) satellites
(c) Anaphase (b) secondary constrictions
(d) Prophase (c) kinetochores
(d) centromere
23. Which one of the following precedes
reformation of the nuclear envelope 30. During gamete formation, the
during M phase of the cell cycle enzyme recombinase participates during
(a) Decondensation from chromosomes, (a) Metaphase - I
and reassembly of the nuclear lamina (b) Anaphase - II
(b) Transcription from chromosomes, and (c) Prophase - I
reassembly of the nuclear lamina (d) Prophase - II
(c) Formation of the contractile ring, and
formation of the phragmoplast
(d) Formation of the contractile ring, and 31. Given below is the representation of
transcription from chromosomes a certain event at a particular stage of a
type of cell division. Which is this
24. At what stage of the cell cycle are stage?
histone proteins synthesized in a (a) Prophase I during meiosis
eukaryotic cell? (b) Prophase II during meiosis
(a) During G-2 stage of prophase (c) Prophase of Mitosis
(b) During S-phase (d) Both prophase and metaphase of mitosis.
(c) During entire prophase
(d) During telophase 32. Identify the meiotic stage in which
the homologous chromosomes separate
25. During gamete formation, the while the sister chromatids remain
enzyme recombinase participates during associated at their centromeres?
(a) Metaphase - I (a) Metaphase I
(b) Anaphase - II (b) Metaphase II
(c) Prophase - I (c) Anaphase I
(d) Prophase - II (d) Anaphase II

26. Synapsis occurs between: 33. The complex formed by a pair of

(a) mRNA and ribosomes synapsed homologous chromosomes is
(b) spindle fibres and centromere called
(c) two homologous chromosomes (a) Kinetochore
(d) a male and a female gamete (b) Bivalent
(c) Axoneme
27. During mitosis ER and nucleolus (d) Equatorial plate
begin to disappear at:
(a) late prophase 34. During the metaphase stage of
(b) early metaphase mitosis spindle fibres attach to
(c) late metaphase chromosomes at
(d) early prophase (a) Centromere
(b) Kinetochore
28. Select the correct option with (c) Both centromere and kinetochore
respect to mitosis. (d) Centromere, kinetochore and areas
(a) Chromatids separate but remain in the adjoining contromere
centre of the cell in anaphase.
(b) Chromatids start moving towards 35. During meiosis I, the chromosomes
opposite poles in telophase. start pairing at
(a) Leptotene (a) G 1 /S
(b) Zygotene (b) M
(c) Pachytene (c) G 2 /M
(d) Diplotene (d) Both G 2 /M and M

41. Bacteria possess small DNA other than

circular DNA which is called as... 
36. Transpiration is least in (a) Cosmid 
(a) good soil moisture (b) Plasmid 
(b) high wind velocity (c) Plastid 
(c) dry environment (d) Starid
(d) high atmospheric humidity

44.Spindle fibres attach on to

37. Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) is a (a) kinetochore of the chromosome
protein degradation machinery necessary for (b) kinetosome of the chromosome
proper mitosis of animal cell. If APC is (c) centromere of the chromosome
defective in a human cell, which of the (d) telomere of the chromosome
following is expected to occur?
45. In which of the following matters mitosis
(a) Chromosomes will be fragmented and meiosis are similar ? 
(b) Chromosomes will not segregate (a) Both are precede by DNA replication 
(c) Recombination of chromosome arms will (b) Both have pairing of homologous
occur chromosomes 
(d) Chromosomes will not condense (c) Both process occurs in all kinds of cells 
(d) Both include separation of paired
38. chromosomes.
Directions : Each of these questions contains
an Assertion followed by Reason. Read them 46. Identify the meiotic stage in which the
carefully and answer the question on the homologous chromosomes separate while the
basis of following options. You have to select sister chromatids remain associated at their
the one that best describes the two centromeres.
statements. (a) Metaphase I
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct (b) Metaphase II
and Reason is the correct explanation of (c) Anaphase I
Assertion. (d) Anaphase II
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct,
but Reason is not the correct explanation of 47. Which of the following statement is/are
Assertion. correct for Prophase-I ? 
(c) If Assertion is correct but Reason is (i) During diplotene, the members of each
incorrect. pair of homologous chromosomes start
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are moving away from one another. 
incorrect. (ii) In zygotene, bivalent chromosomes
Assertion : Meiosis II is known as equational appear tetravalent. 
or homotypic division. (iii) In diakinesis, chromatids become
Reason :Meiosis II produces same number of separated even at the site of chiasmata. 
chromosome in cell. (a) only (i) 
(b) only (ii) 
39. The association of more than one (c) only (i) and  (iii)
ribosome with a single molecule of m-RNA (d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
complex is called as... 
(a) Polypeptide  48. In meiosis crossing over is initiated at
(b) Polysome  (a) zygotene
(c) Polymer  (b) pachytene
(d) Poly Saccharide (c) leptotene
(d) diplotene
40. When cell has stalled DNA replication
fork, which checkpoint should be
predominantly activated?
49. A somatic cell that has just completed (a) 28
the S phase of its cell cycle, as compared to (b) 32
gamete of the same species, has (c) 7
(a) twice the number of chromosomes and (d) 14
four times the amount of DNA
(b) four times the number of chromosomes 56. During mitosis, ER and nucleolus begin
and twice the amount of DNA to disappear at
(c) twice the number of chromosomes and (a) late prophase
twice the amount of DNA (b) early metaphase
(d) same number of chromosomes but twice (c) late metaphase
the amount of DNA (d) early prophase

50. Indentify the correct sequence of 57. At what stage of the cell cycle are histone
karyokinesis stages   proteins synthesized in a eukaryotic cell?
(a) Prophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, (a) During G 2 stage of prophase
Telophase  (b) During entire prophase
(b) Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, (c) During telophase
Telophase  (d) During Sphase
(c) Prophase, Telophase, Metaphase,
Anaphase  58. During the metaphase stage of mitosis,
(d) Prophase, Metaphase, Telophase, spindle fibres attach to chromosomes at
Anaphase (a) kinetochore
(b) both centromere and kinetochore
51.Which of the following is not a (c) centromere, kinetochore and areas
characteristic feature during mitosis in adjoining centromere
somatic cells? (d) centromere
(a) Chromosome movement
(b) Synapsis 59. Which of the following options gives the
(c) Spindle fibres correct sequence of events during mitosis ?
(d) Disappearance of nucleolus (a) Condensation → nuclear membrane
disassembly → arrangement at equator →
52. During which phase(s) of cell cycle, centromere division → segregation →
amount of DNA in a cell remains at 4C level telophase
if the initial amount is denoted as 2C? (b) Condensation → crossing over → nuclear
(a) G1 and S membrane disassembly → segregation →
(b) G0 and G1 telophase
(c) Only G2 (c) Condensation → arrangement at equator
(d) G2 and M → centromere division → segregation →
53. During meiosis I, the chromosomes start (d) Condensation → nuclear membrane
pairing at disassembly → crossing over → segregation
(a) Zygotene → telophase
(b) Leptotene
(c) Diplotene 60. Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) is a
(d) Pachytene protein degradation machinery necessary for
proper mitosis of animal cells. If APC is
54. Mitotic anaphase differs from metaphase defective in a human cell, which of the
in possessing following is expected to occur ?
(a) same number of chromosomes and same (a) Chromosomes will be fragmented
number of chromatids (b) Chromosomes will not segregate
(b) half number of chromosomes and half (c) Recombination of chromosome arms will
number of chromatids occur
(c) half number of chromosomes and same (d) Chromosomes will not condense
number of chromatids
(d) same number of chromosomes and half 61. The stage during which separation of the
number of chromatids. paired homologous chromosomes begins is
(a) Pachytene
55. How many mitotic divisions are needed (b) Diplotene
for a single cell to make 128 cells? (c) Zygotene
(d) Diakinesis (d) Anaphase II

62. The correct sequence of phases of cell 69. Match List-I with List-II.
cycle is :
(1) M → G1→ G2 → S
(2) G1 → G2 → S → M List I List II
(3) S → G1 → G2 → M (a) S phase (i) Proteins are
(4) G1 → S → G2 → M synthesized
(b) G2 phase (ii) Inactive phase
63. Cell in G0 phase : (c) Quiescent stage (iii) Interval
(a) exit the cell cycle between mitosis and initiation of DNA
(b) enter the cell cycle replication
(c) suspend the cell cycle (d) G1 phase (v) DNA
(d) terminate the cell cycle replication

64. Dissolution of the synaptonemal complex Choose the correct answer from the options
occurs during given
(a) Diplotene below.
(b) Leptotene (a) (b) (c) (d)
(c) Pachytene (1) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(d) Zygotene (2) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
65. Match the following with respect to (4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(a) Zygotene (i) Terminalization 70. The fruit fly has 8 chromosomes (2n) in
(b) Pachytene (ii) Chiasmata each cell. During interphase of Mitosis if the
(c) Diplotene (iii)Crossing over number of chromosomes at G1 phase is 8,
(d) Diakinesis (iv) Synapsis what would be the number of chromosomes
Select the correct option from the following after S phase?
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) 32
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (b) 8
(2) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) (c) 16
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (d) 4
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
71. The centriole undergoes duplication
66. Some dividing cells exit the cell cycle and during:
enter vegetative inactive stage. This is called (a) G2 phase
quiescent stage (G0). This process occurs at (b) S-phase
the end of (c) Prophase
(a) S phase (d) Metaphase
(b) G2 phase
(c) M phase 72. Which stage of meiotic prophase shows
(d) G1 phase terminalisation of chiasmata as its
distinctive feature?
67. Identify the correct statement with (a) Pachytene
regard to G1 phase (Gap 1) of interphase. (b) Leptotene
(a) Cell is metabolically active, grows but (c) Zygotene
does not replicate its DNA. (d) Diakinesis
(b) Nuclear Division takes place.
(c) DNA synthesis or replication takes place.
(d) Reorganisation of all cell components
takes place.

68. Which of the following stages of meiosis

involves division of centromere?
(a) Telophase II
(b) Metaphase I
(c) Metaphase II Solution
isolated from one type of cell, when
1. introduced into another type, is able to
Solution: (c) bestow some of the properties of the former
Meiosis II is an equational division which to the latter is known as transformation.
is meant for maintaining the haploid 10.
number, separating the two chromatids of Solution: (d)
a chromosome. G1 phase, also called Gap I phase is
2. characterized by increase in cell size. In the
Solution: (b) S phase or synthetic phase DNA molecules
The paired homologous chromosomes replicate. G2 is the second growth phase.
separate in Anaphase I of meiosis I so that Gap II where in there is intensive formation
each gamete receives one chromosome of of RNAs and proteins. In the mitotic
each homologous pair. metaphase, the chromosomes are arranged
3. at the equatorial plate.
Solution: (d) 11. Solution: (b)
In mitotic anaphase, the sister chromatids Lampbrush chromosomes are highly
separate from each other and begin to move elongated bivalent chromosomes of
towards the opposite poles. diplotene stage, which are held together by
4. chiasmata and have a large number of
Solution (d) lateral loops for rapid transcription.
Due to segeration , independent assortment 12. Solution: (b)
and crossing over at time of meosis, Colchicine is a mitotic poison which
daughter cells exihibits variations. inhibits the appearance of spindle fibres.
13. Solution: (b)
5. Plants cells do not have centrioles. Cell
Solution: (a) plate appears during cytokinesis in dividing
In both mitotic and meiotic metaphase, the cells. Centromere holds the sister
number of chromatids per chromosome is chromatids in a chromosome , spindle fibres
two. appears during metaphase.
6. 14.
Solution: (d) Solution: (a)
Meiosis II is homotypic division specially In mitosis a single cell divides to form two
for maintanence of the haploid number, daughter cells
separating the chromatids from each other 15. Solution: (c)
in a chromosome. Metaphase in characterized by the
7. appearance of spindle fibres. Anaphase
Solution: (b) involves movement of chromatids towards
During metaphase, the centomeres of the the poles. Cytokinesis marks the division of
chromosome lie on the equatorial plate the cytoplasm of the parent cell into
according to their size and spatial daughter cells.
arrangement. So it is the best time to count 16.
the number and study the morphology of Solution: (a)
chromosomes. The spindle fibres involved in cell division
8. is made of microtubules
Solution: (d) 17.
Meiosis provides a chance for new Solution: (c)
combinations of chromosome mainly by the 18.
phenomenon of crossing over and Solution: (b)
Kinetochore is the proteinaceous covering
random distribution of homologous of centriole, to which spindle fibers attach.
chromosomes between daughter cells. 19.
9. Solution: (b)
Solution: (c) Anther cells are used to study mitosis.
The points of attachment between 20. Solution: (b)
homologous chromosomes after their Colchicine inhibits spindle formation, due
separation in diplotene are called to which chromatids are unable to separate
chiasmata. The process of pairing of during anaphase which results in doubling
homologous chromosomes is called of chromosomes. So, if a diploid cell is
synapsis the phenomenon by which DNA treated with colchicine, there is doubling of
chromosomes and it becomes tetraploid,. 29.
Its an alkaloid obtained from Colchicum Solution: (d)
autumnale. In mitosis chromosomes move to the
21. equator and get aligned along equatorial
Solution: (b) plate in metaphase.
DNA replication is restricted to S- phase of 30.
interphase. G2 phase is followed by the Solution: (c)
mitotic phase which is shorter than the Kinetochores are large protein complexes
inter phase. In G2 phase DNA content is that bind the centromeres of chromosomes
double than the amount present in the to the microtubules of mitotic spindle fibres
original cell. during metaphase in the cell cycle.
22. 31.
Solution: (a) Solution: (c)
Chromosomes are most distinct in the Recombinase enzyme catalyzes the
metaphase stage. In the telophase stage exchange of short pieces of DNA between
they regain their coiled composition. In two long DNA strands particularly the
anaphase the chromatids separate and exchange of homologous regions between
move towards opposite poles. In prophase the paired maternal and paternal
stage the chromosomes appear thread like chromosome in prophase - I.
and individual chromatids cannot be seen. 32.
23. Solution: (b) Solution (a)
At the beginning of M phase or mitotic Diagram represents crossing over that takes
phase the nuclear membrane and place in pachytes stage of prophase – I
nucleolus disappear. The decondensation during meiosis.
of chromosomes occur. But when nuclear 33.
envelop restart forming then nuclear Solution: (c)
lamina assemble and chromosomes start Anaphase I begins when the two
condensing. chromosomes of each bivalent (tetrad)
24. separate and start moving toward opposite
Solution: (b) poles of the cell as a result of the action of
Histone proteins are synthesized during the spindle. In anaphase I the sister
Sphase of cell cycle. S-phase or Synthetic chromatids remain attached at their
phase. centromeres and move together toward the
25. poles.
Solution: (c)
Recombinase enzyme catalyzes the 35.
exchange of short pieces of DNA between Solution: (b)
two long DNA strands particularly the During zygotene, second stage of meiosis I,
exchange of homologous regions between homologous chromosomes start pairing
the paired maternal and paternal together forming a complex structure called
chromosome in prophase - I. synaptonemal complex. The complex
26. formed by a pair of synapsed homologous
Solution: (c) chromosome is called a bivalent or a tetrad.
Synapsis (also called syndesis) is the Crossing over occurs between non sister
pairing of two homologous chromosomes chromatids of bivalent in the next stage.
that occurs during prophase I (zygotene 36.
stage) of meiosis. The two chromosome Solution (d)
move together and pairing of corresponding Kinetochores are small disc –shaped
points along their lengths as they lie side to structures at the surface of the
side. The resulting structure is called a centromeres which serve as the sites of
bivalent. attachment of spindle fibres to the
27. chromosomes that are moved into position
Solution: (d) at the centre of the cell. Hence, the
During mitosis, endoplasmic reticulum metaphase is characterised by all the
and nucleus begins to disappear at early chromosomes coming to lie at the equator.
prophase. Also, nucleus and cell become 37.
spherical and DNA molecules condense to Solution: (b)
form shortened chromosome. During zygotene, a substage of Prophase I
of meiosis I, chromosomes start pairing
together called synapsis. Such paired (b) pachytene
chromosomes are called as homologous
chromosomes. A complex structure i.e., 49
synaptonemal complex is formed by a pair (c) In diploid cells (somatic cells) during
of synapsed homologous chromosomes G1 phase, DNA content is 2C and
called a bivalent or a tetrad. chromosome number is 2n whereas in
38.Solution: (d) haploid cells (gamete) during G, phase, DNA
Transpiration is a process of loss of water content is 1C and chromosome number is n.
in the form of vapours from the aerial parts S phase is marked by replication of DNA and
of the plants. Transpiration is inversely the amount of DNA per cell is doubled i.e., it
proportional to the atmospheric humidity. becomes 4C in somatic cells, whereas
The rate of transpiration would be higher chromosome number remains same i.e.. In.
when humidity is low Thus, a somatic cell which has just
39. completed S phase, will have 4C DNA
(b) Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) is a content but In chromosome number, while
protein necessary for separation of daughter the gamete cell has 1C DNA content and n
chromosomes during anaphase. If APC is chromosome number.
defective then the chromosomes will fail to
segregate during anaphase. 50
40. (b) Karyokinesis is the division of the
(a) Meiosis II is known as equational or nucleus that occurs in four stages. They are
homotypic division like mitosis. It ensures prophase, metaphase, anaphase and
the maintenance of constant number of Telophase.
chromosomes from generation to generation
on a species 51
(b) Synapsis is the process of association of
(b) The group of ribosomes bound to an
homologous chromosomes. It takes place
mRNA molecule is called a polyribosome,
during zygotene stage of prophase I of
or polysome. Each ribosome within the
meiosis. This stage is not seen during
group functions independently to synthesize
separate polypeptide chain.
(c) G2 / M check point ensures that DNA
(d) In M-phase, both 4C and 2C of DNA are
Replication is complete and no error is left.
present in different stages. S phase marks
the period during which the amount of DNA
43. in the cell doubles. Thus, at G 2phase the
(c) Plastid amount of DNA is 4C. These doubled cellular
contents prepare the cell to sustain in the
44. further mitotic division.
(a) Spindle fiber during mitosis & meiosis are
attached to kinetochore of the chromosome. 53
(a) During zygotene, a substage of Prophase I
45. of meiosis I, chromosomes start pairing
(b) Both have pairing of homologous together called synapsis. Such paired
chromosomes  chromosomes are called as homologous
46. chromosomes. A complex structure i.e.,
(c) In anaphase I, the homologues are pulled synaptonemal complex is formed by a pair of
apart and move apart to opposite ends of the synapsed homologous chromosomes called a
cell. The sister chromatids of each bivalent or a tetrad
chromosome, however, remain attached to
one another and don't come apart. Finally, in
(b) Mitotic anaphase differs from metaphase
telophase I, the chromosomes arrive at
in possessing same number of chromosomes
opposite poles of the cell.
and half number of chromatids. During
47. anaphase of mitosis, chromosomes divide at
(c) only (i) and  (iii) the point of centromere or kinetochore and
thus two sister chromatids are formed which
48 are called as chromosomes. While during
metaphase, chromosomes become maximally The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome
distinct due to further contraction and thus (APC/C) is a multisubunit ubiquitin-
size of chromosomes is measured at mitotic protein ligase that targets for degradation
metaphase. cell-cycle regulatory proteins during exit
from mitosis and in the G1 phase of the cell
55. cycle. Anaphase Promoting Complex will lead
(c) Mitosis is an equational division where
to segregation  of chromosomes and promote
after division each cell produces two
anaphase. But if APC is defective in a human
daughter cells, therefore after 7 divisions one
cell will give 128 cells in case of mitosis. cell, the chromosomes will not separate.
56. Prophase I is divided into 5 distinctive sub-
(d) During early prophase of mitosis, stages:
nucleus and cell become spheroid. Viscocity
and refractivity of cytoplasm increases. DNA Leptotene – The chromosomes begin to
molecules condense to form shortened condense and are attached to the nuclear
chromosome. Endoplasmic reticulum and membrane via their telomeres
nucleolus starts disappearing. Zygotene – Synapsis begins with a
synaptonemal complex forming between
57. homologous chromosomes
(d) During S phase or synthetic phase the Pachytene – Crossing over of genetic material
replication of DNA takes place. For occurs between non-sister chromatids
replication of DNA histone proteins are Diplotene – Synapsis ends with
required so they are also synthesized during disappearance of synaptonemal complex;
this phase. It takes about 30%- 50% of the homologous pairs remain attached at
total cell cycle. Prophase and telophase are chiasmata
stages involved in mitosis or meiosis. During Diakinesis – Chromosomes become fully
G2 phase division of centrioles, mitochondria condensed and nuclear membrane
and chloroplasts occurs
disintegrates prior to metaphase I
58. 62 (d)
(a) In metaphase, chromosomes consisting The cell cycle is a four-stage process in
of two sister chromatids get arranged at which the cell increases in size (gap 1, or G1,
equator. Discontinuous fibres radiate out stage), copies its DNA (synthesis, or S,
from two spindle poles and get connected to stage), prepares to divide (gap 2, or G2,
the disc shaped structure at the surface of stage), and divides (mitosis, or M, stage).
the centromere called kinetochores. These The stages G1, S, and G2 make up
are known as chromosome fibres or tractile interphase, which accounts for the span
fibrils. A kinetochore is a complex protein between cell divisions.
structure that is analogous to a ring for the
microtubule hook; it is the point where 63 (a)
microtubules attach themselves to the A cell cycle is a series of events that takes
chromosome. place in a cell as it grows and divides.

59 (a)
Mitosis consists of four basic phases:
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and
First condensation of the chromatin occurs,
to form compact chromosomes, nuclear
membrane disassembly occurs (prophase).
Then the chromosomes are arranged along
the equator forming metaphase plate
Then centromere division occurs and sister
chromatids segregate (anaphase).
Finally telophase occurs
The cell cycle is a four-stage process in
60. (b) which the cell increases in size (gap 1, or G1,
stage), copies its DNA (synthesis, or S, 70 (d)
stage), prepares to divide (gap 2, or G2, S phase - DNA replication
stage), and divides (mitosis, or M, stage). The G2 phase - Proteins are synthesized
stages G1, S, and G2 make up interphase, Quiescent stage - Inactive phase
which accounts for the span between cell G1 phase - Interval between mitosis and
divisions initiation of DNA replication
64(a) 71 (b) During mitotic cell cycle if the
diplotene is a stage of meiotic prophase chromosome number in G1 phase is 8 , it
which follows the pachytene and during remains same till Metaphase. Hence, even
which the paired homologous chromosomes after S phase same chromosome
begin to separate and chiasmata become number 8 is maintained in the cell of fruit fly
72 (b)
65 (d) Centrioles duplicate in S phase of cell cycle
Zygotene is that phase wherein the
homologous chromosomes pair or come 73. (d) Diakinesis
together in synapse. The pairing or coming
together of homologous chromosomes is
called synapsis.
the actual "crossing-overs" of genetic
material are thought to occur during the
previous pachytene stage
The chiasmata become visible during
the diplotene stage of prophase I of meiosis,
terminalization completion takes place
in diakinesis.

66 (c)
Some dividing cells at the end of mitotic phase
exits the cell cycle and enter into a vegetative
inactive stage, also called as quiescent phase.
Thus, the correct answer is (D).

67 (a)
Cell division occurs during M phase, which
consists of nuclear division followed by
cytoplasmic division. The DNA is replicated
in the preceding S phase; the two copies of
each replicated chromosome (called sister
chromatids) remain glued together by

68 (d)
Division of centromere occurs in anaphase II.
Telophase II is the last stage of meiosis II.
During this phase, the chromatids reach the
poles and start uncoiling.
Chromosomes form two parallel plates in
metaphase I and one plate in metaphase II.
69 (d)
Division of centromere occurs in anaphase II.
Telophase II is the last stage of meiosis II.
During this phase, the chromatids reach the
poles and start uncoiling.
Chromosomes form two parallel plates in
metaphase I and one plate in metaphase II.

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