Neonatal Cardiac Emergencies
Neonatal Cardiac Emergencies
Neonatal Cardiac Emergencies
The neonatal period is one that fills many generalists with fear – this article will help to dispel
these concerns.
George A Comitis, MB ChB, DCH (SA), DA (SA), FCPaed (SA), Cert Cardiology (SA) Paed
Consultant, Paediatric Cardiology Service of the Western Cape, Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Cape Town, and Division of Critical Care
and Children’s Heart Diseases, School of Child and Adolescent Health, University of Cape Town
George Comitis is the young blood of the paediatric cardiology team at Red Cross Children’s Hospital. He was lucky enough to be trained in the same unit after
spending two wet years at the Royal Brompton Hospital as a Fellow in Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care, during which he became tired of not being able to talk
properly to his patients.
It is useful to remember the most common to minimise metabolic demands and • Blood volume expansion – 0.9% saline in
cyanotic CHDs as the 5 Ts: in order improve oxygenation. 5 - 10 ml/kg aliquots, monitoring liver size,
of frequency – tetralogy of Fallot (and • Consult with paediatric cardiologist and, to assist opening the PDA and improving
pulmonary atresia), transposition of great once stabilised, transfer to tertiary centre systemic perfusion (baby also likely to
arteries, tricuspid atresia, TAPVD, and for definitive diagnosis (usually with be hypovolaemic with poor feeding and
truncus arteriosus. In addition, an important echocardiography) and management – vomiting).
differential is persistent pulmonary this may entail cardiac catheterisation • The rest of the resuscitation and
hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) – and often palliative surgery (e.g. modified stabilisation would be similar to the above
suggestive features would be a history of risk Blalock-Taussig shunt). approach for cyanosis, e.g. inotropes
factors for PPHN (such as perinatal asphyxia (especially if coexistent LV dysfunction),
or meconium aspiration) and differential Shock oxygen to achieve preductal saturations
cyanosis, i.e. oxygen saturation/pO2 in the (>85% in this case), and often mechanical
feet (postductal) lower than the right hand ventilation.
A 1-week-old term neonate who was
(preductal) due to R to L shunting across • It is important to check for and manage
well at birth and discharged on day 2
the PDA. NB: This is also a feature of critical presents to you in medical emergency end-organ damage such as renal failure,
aortic arch obstructions (see below). with respiratory distress, vomiting and liver dysfunction and gut ischaemia/
inability to feed for 1 day. He is centrally necrotising enterocolitis as per routine
In the introductory scenario, the baby pink, alert and bright-looking but irritable ICU protocols.
probably has an RV outflow tract obstructive with tachycardia and poor peripheral • Transfer to tertiary centre for definitive
lesion (extreme tetralogy, critical pulmonary perfusion. His brachial pulses are easily management – confirmation of diagnosis
stenosis or atresia), i.e. duct-dependent felt but lower limb pulses are absent. by echocardiography and, usually, primary
pulmonary circulation, and was relatively What is the likely differential diagnosis? surgical repair of the arch obstruction.
well until spontaneous closure of the PDA on
day 2 caused acute hypoxaemia and acidosis. Tachyarrhythmias
The patient requires resuscitation as follows: The practitioner faced with a shocked neonate
needs to have a high index of suspicion
A 1-day-old neonate is referred to you
Management for CHD as the presentation can often be
soon after birth with a heart rate of 280/
• Open the PDA ASAP! Mainstay therapy mistaken for neonatal sepsis. The usual
min. He was delivered by caesarean
for reopening a PDA and keeping it lesions implicated are the critical left-sided section for fetal tachycardia but had
open is prostaglandin E1 (alprostadil) IV outflow tract obstructions such as critical good Apgar scores and there were no risk
infusion (starting dose 50 - 100 ng/kg/ aortic stenosis (AS), hypoplastic left heart factors for congenital sepsis. He is alert,
min, if poor response (saturations and syndrome (HLHS), critical coarctation and comfortable in room air and perfusing
acidosis not improving) increase to max interrupted aortic arch, which all represent well without signs of cardiac failure. What
300 - 400 ng/kg/min, maintenance dose duct-dependent systemic circulations. These is the differential diagnosis?
10 - 25 ng/kg/min) or prostaglandin E2 are also the most commonly missed critical
(dinoprostone) orally/via nasogastric CHD diagnoses.5 In critical AS and HLHS
tube (dose 25 μg/kg or quarter tablet the R to L PDA flow provides all the systemic The most common neonatal tachyar-
(500 μg strength) every ½ - 1 hour) – the perfusion and in the arch obstructions rhythmias (excluding sinus tachycardia
latter should be available at all hospitals provides flow to the lower body causing which usually does not exceed 220/min)
as an emergency drug, the former usually differential cyanosis (pink arms, blue feet). are atrioventricular re-entry tachycardia
only at referral centres. Oral PGE2 is very However, this sign is less prominent or (AVRT) (associated with an accessory AV
safe (baby unlikely to come to any harm absent if there is intracardiac mixing of pathway) followed by atrial flutter. Less likely
if diagnosis is not cyanotic CHD), but IV systemic and pulmonary venous blood (e.g. causes include AV node re-entry tachycardia,
PGE1 can cause apnoea/hypoventilation coexistent large ASD or VSD). ectopic and multifocal atrial tachycardia and
and hypotension; hence used more in
ICU or high-care settings. Prostaglandins Important, and often missed (suggesting an
may be used to attempt reopening of a arch obstruction), are discrepant pulses (as
PDA in a neonate up to 30 days of age. in the above scenario) and blood pressure
• Blood volume expansion – 10 ml/kg 0.9% (lower limb blood pressure less than that of
saline IV bolus, repeat as needed until upper limb, or even undetectable). Radio-
liver edge palpable – to improve preload femoral delay is impossible to detect at the
and hence encourage further opening fast heart rates of neonates – rather examine
of the PDA and pulmonary blood flow for diminished volume or absent pulses. The
through the duct. above neonate likely has a critical aortic arch
• Sodium bicarbonate empirically (as obstruction with acute loss of lower body
acidosis aggravates hypoxic pulmonary perfusion causing shock and metabolic
vasoconstriction) – 1 mmol/kg IV as a 4.2% acidosis after spontaneous ductal closure on
solution, repeat according to blood gas. day 5 - 6 (preserved brain perfusion, hence
• Correct other derangements, e.g. alert). He needs resuscitation as follows:
hypoglycaemia, hypocalcaemia, con-
comitant sepsis. Management
• Oxygen administration – aiming for • Arrange urgent admission to ICU and do
saturations 75 - 85% (depending on exact not delay treatment.
diagnosis). • Again – open the PDA ASAP!
• Inotropes/vasopressors may be indicated Prostaglandin therapy as above for duct-
to maintain adequate systemic perfusion dependent pulmonary circulation. Note
and encourage pulmonary perfusion (by that oral PGE2 may be less reliable as
increasing systemic vascular resistance). gut absorption may be compromised in
• If poor response to above, intubation/ this setting. However, oral PGE2 must be
ventilation with sedation +/- paralysis started if IV PGE1 is not available.
junctional tachycardias. Note that these are (options include amiodarone, digoxin or Many of the critical CHDs as well as the
all narrow QRS complex tachycardias. Wide propranolol, depending on the diagnosis). arrhythmias discussed in this article can
complex tachycardias are less commonly present with acute heart failure (HF). The
seen and, as for older children, merit urgent Bradyarrhythmias important point is to differentiate HF from
consultation with a paediatric cardiologist. respiratory distress due to lung disease
They are best regarded and treated as or neonatal sepsis – as in older children,
ventricular tachycardia rather than SVTs A baby is delivered at term by caesarean useful clues for HF are cardiomegaly and
with aberrant conduction. section for presumed ‘fetal distress’ (fetal hepatomegaly.
bradycardia noted on cardiotocogram
You decide to administer adenosine. This (CTG). You attend the delivery and note Management
has only a very transient effect slowing the that the baby is vigorous at birth but • Non-pharmacological measures, e.g. fluid
rate to about 130/min – after a few seconds remains bradycardic at 48/min. Her ECG restriction, nutritional support, oxygen
the rate is again 280/min. Fig. 1 shows the is shown in Fig. 2. What is the diagnosis? and ventilatory support as indicated,
rhythm strip you recorded during adenosine correct aggravating factors such as
administration. What is the likely diagnosis anaemia or sepsis.
and how will you treat it? • Diuretics, usually furosemide 0.5 -
1 mg/kg 8 - 12-hourly IV or orally with
spironolactone 1 mg/kg 12-hourly per
• ACE inhibitors are generally
contraindicated in neonates (high risk of
severe hypotension and renal failure).
Fig. 2. Neonate with bradycardia. • Inotropes/vasodilators such as
dobutamine may be indicated in severe
The commonest cause of bradycardia in the HF.
neonate (defined as a heart rate <70/min) is • Refer to tertiary paediatric cardiac centre
Fig. 1. Neonate with tachycardia: continuous congenital complete heart block (CHB). Fig. 2 (on the same admission) for definitive
rhythm strip (lead II) with adenosine. is a typical example showing atrioventricular management. The above-described
dissociation and a narrow QRS escape. It neonate is found to have truncus
Fig. 1 shows the typical ‘saw tooth’ baseline of is often associated with maternal lupus arteriosus and proceeds to full surgical
atrial flutter, more manifest after adenosine, erythematosus or other connective tissue repair after 5 days of stabilisation on anti-
which slows the ventricular rate. diseases (which are often asymptomatic in failure treatment as above.
the mother). Less commonly, cases may be
Management isolated or associated with CHD. ‘Typical’ X-ray patterns
• Atrial flutter: adenosine is not effective.
The treatment of choice is synchronised Acute management are only occasionally
DC cardioversion – as little as 0.5 J/kg • The majority of neonates (with heart rates seen ...
is often enough to cardiovert to sinus above 50 - 55 bpm) will be asymptomatic
rhythm. Ensure that paediatric paddles with good cardiac output and hence will Conclusion
are used with adequate electrode jelly and not require immediate treatment – they The practitioner faced with an acutely
the correct application front and back may be referred, on the same admission, ill neonate needs to have a high index of
of the chest for a neonate. Remember to to a paediatric cardiologist for exclusion suspicion for a cardiac aetiology. Obvious
sedate the baby for comfort. of structural heart disease and ongoing
• AVRT: similar approach as for older observation.
children – if shocked, initial attempt at • If the neonate is symptomatic (signs
vagal manoeuvre and, if unsuccessful, of heart failure or cardiogenic shock),
progress immediately to synchronised treat as for the older child – positive
DC cardioversion 1 J/kg, then 2 J/kg if chronotropes (atropine, adrenaline or
no response or adenosine, whichever is isoprenaline), blood volume expansion
quicker to administer. The starting dose and temporary pacing under sedation
of adenosine for neonates is 150 μg/kg (transcutaneous or transoesophageal)
rapid IV bolus; if no response, increase by – see accompanying article ‘Common
50 μg/kg every 2 minutes to a maximum paediatric cardiac emergencies’ in this
single dose of 300 μg/kg. issue.
• Wide complex tachycardia (probable • Eventually all patients will require
VT): synchronised DC cardioversion permanent cardiac pacing but this can
1 J/kg, then 2 J/kg if no response often be delayed for years in the stable
(sedate if conscious without delaying patient.
• Treat any aggravating and reversible Acute congestive heart failure
factors, e.g. hypoglycaemia, electrolyte
imbalance, acidosis. A 2-week-old neonate presents with
• It is good practice to record the respiratory distress and was unable to
tachyarrythmia on a 12-lead ECG as well feed for 3 days. He is tachycardic with
as a rhythm strip before and during any bounding pulses, the apex is displaced
therapy (cardioversion or adenosine as in and the liver is enlarged. There is a loud
the above case) so that the rhythm can be ejection systolic murmur and single S2.
analysed by a cardiologist. What is the differential diagnosis?
• If still no response, consult a paediatric
cardiologist and refer to a tertiary centre
• By definition, all neonates with critical
CHD will require catheter or surgical in-
tervention in the first month of life.
• Despite numerous possible lesions, they
usually present with cyanosis, acute heart
failure or shock and can easily be mis-
taken for having neonatal sepsis or lung Single
• Knowledge of the changes in the circula- suture
tion after birth is essential to understand Fizzy drink ban has little effect
the pathophysiology of acute neonatal
cardiac presentations (including PPHN), on students
particularly the impact of a closing PDA
Nothing, apparently, can come between US
on duct-dependent pulmonary and sys-
students and sugary drinks. In states where
temic circulations.
schools banned sugary soft drinks to reduce
• The hyperoxia test remains a useful tool
calorie counts, children simply brought in
to differentiate cardiac from respiratory
their own, consuming equal amounts to
those in states that didn’t implement the
• ‘Typical’ chest X-ray patterns are only oc- ban.
casionally seen and should not be relied
on for diagnosis. Dan Taber at the University of Illinois in
• An alert but shocked neonate has an aortic Chicago analysed 6 900 questionnaires
arch obstruction until proved otherwise. sent to students in 40 states in 2006 and
• Prostaglandin therapy to re-establish and 2007. Irrespective of availability in schools,
maintain ductal patency is not only indi- around 85% of respondents said they
cated for cyanotic CHD (i.e. duct-depen- consumed sweetened drinks at least once a
dent pulmonary blood flow), but also for week, and a quarter to a third imbibed daily.
critical left-sided obstructive lesions caus-
ing duct-dependent systemic blood flow. The policy still has worth, Taber says.
• Prostaglandin (IV or oral) must always be ‘[The bans] have improved the school food
readily available and should be regarded environment.’ He hopes they will now be
as an emergency life-saving drug which supplemented with measures such as a tax
should be commenced immediately if on sweet drinks and distancing fast-food
there is any possibility of a critical CHD. outlets from schools.
• The majority of neonates with critical
CHD present without a known diagno- ‘The study clearly shows that isolated efforts
sis, even if an antenatal scan was done (as are insufficient to improve nutrition to
detection rates for CHD are at best about prevent obesity,’ says Arne Astrup of the
67%); hence a high index of suspicion is University of Copenhagen in Denmark,
required in any acutely ill neonate. who has investigated links between sugary
• Many of these neonates will require ICU drinks and weight gain. ‘What’s needed is
admission for stabilisation and, once this a much more comprehensive strategy that
is achieved, prompt and safe transfer to a attacks the problem from several angles,’ he
tertiary centre is imperative for definitive says.
diagnosis and management.
New Scientist, 9 November 2011.