Congenital Heart Disease (2011)
Congenital Heart Disease (2011)
Congenital Heart Disease (2011)
Katherine Dolbec,
*, Nathan W. Mick,
Pediatric Congenital heart disease
Echocardiography Cardiology
Table 1
Incidence of specific congenital heart defects
Estimated Percentage of
Congenital Heart Disease
Ventricular septal defect
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tricuspid atresia
Pulmonary stenosis
Ebstein anomaly
Circulation in the fetus is designed to transport oxygen-rich blood from the placenta to
the systemic circulation. To accomplish this feat, the fetal lungs must be bypassed
and blood shunted from the right side of the heart to the left. After leaving the placenta,
oxygen-rich blood bypasses the liver through the ductus venosus and is returned to
the right atrium. Most of this oxygenated blood then travels from the right atrium to
the left atrium through the foramen ovale and is then pumped to the systemic circulation by the left ventricle. A small amount of blood enters the high-resistance pulmonary
circuit and then is shunted right to left across the ductus arteriousus, from the pulmonary artery to the aortic arch.
At birth, the lungs fill with air, and the pulmonary vascular resistance drops dramatically. This leads to a complex series of changes that results in the normal circulatory
pattern seen in adults. As the pulmonary vascular resistance falls, more blood enters
Table 2
Time of presentation of specific congenital heart defects
Time of Presentation
After 4 weeks
Tetralogy of Fallot
Birth to 12 weeks
Tricuspid atresia
Birth to 2 weeks
Pulmonary stenosis/atresia
Birth to 2 weeks
Birth to 2 weeks
Ebstein anomaly
Birth to 2 weeks
Aortic stenosis
Birth to 2 weeks
Birth to 2 weeks
After 4 weeks
the pulmonary circuit and oxygenated blood is delivered in larger quantities to the left
atrium. This leads to a reversal of pressure forces and functional closure of the
foramen ovale. During this time of transition, systemic vascular resistance rises and
results in a reversal of shunting through the ductus. The blood flowing left to right
across the ductus arteriosus is now highly oxygenated and this results in closure of
this pathway within the first 2 weeks of life. The increased workload on the left ventricle
results in an increased left ventricular mass while the right ventricle mass decreases.
Normal fetal circulatory anatomy is depicted in Fig. 1. The development of the heart is
a complex embryologic process involving an organized series of molecular and
morphogenetic events. Any genetic, molecular, or cellular error in this process can
result in gross structural abnormalities of the heart, heart valves, blood vessels, or
conduction system with functional significance.4 There are many risk factors for the
development of congenital heart disease. Family history plays a role; 1% to 4% of
babies born to parents with congenital heart disease are affected.5 Maternal diabetes
is associated with up to a 30% chance of structural heart disease in the newborn,
particularly hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, ventricular septal defect, or transposition
of the great vessels (TOGV).6 Maternal alcohol or drug use (ie, lithium use and associated Ebstein anomaly) also increases the risk of heart defects (Table 3).
Fig. 1. Normal fetal circulatory anatomy. Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; PA,
pulmonary artery; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. (From Mick N. Pediatric cardiac disorders. In: Adams JG, Barton ED, Collings J, et al, editors. Emergency medicine. 1st edition.
Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2008. p. 618; with permission.)
Table 3
Congenital heart disease risk factors
Risk Factor
Lesions Associated
Maternal diabetes
Ebstein anomaly
Table 4
Differential diagnosis of shock in the neonate
Type of Shock
Blood loss
Pulmonary causes of cyanosis typically improve with supplemental oxygen administration or agitation, whereas cardiac cyanosis does not improve with oxygen and
generally worsens with activity or crying.8 Neonates who present with cyanosis generally have ductal-dependent right-sided obstructive lesions and are intolerant of the
transition to postnatal circulation.
CHF occurs with structural heart disease and congenital rhythm abnormalities. Typically, the infant presents with respiratory distress, tachypnea, and rales on pulmonary
examination, although more subtle signs, such as poor feeding and sweating with
feeds, may be the only clue to the diagnosis. Unlike adults with CHF, peripheral edema
is rare in children. Physical examination findings suggestive of heart failure include
signs of respiratory distress with grunting, flaring, and pulmonary rales. Hepatomegaly
is also a common sign caused by engorgement of the hepatic vasculature, and examination of the liver edge should be a standard part of the examination in any child presenting in the first month of life with respiratory distress. Heart failure can be caused by
volume overload of the right ventricle as is seen in total anomalous pulmonary venous
return (TAPVR) with a large ventricular septal defect or lesions with large left-to-right
shunts, such as critical aortic stenosis or coarctation of the aorta as blood preferentially flows into the low resistance pulmonary circuit. Congenital rhythm disturbances,
particularly supraventricular tachycardia, can also lead to CHF because of poor
cardiac output. For the emergency physician, initial management should be focused
on the stabilization of these cardinal presentations.
Ductal-dependent left-sided obstructive lesions include coarctation of the aorta, critical aortic stenosis, interrupted aortic arch, and hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
These lesions are similar in that blood flow to the systemic circulation is contingent
on the patency of the ductus arteriosus (Fig. 2). Many of these lesions are detected
in utero by the 20-week anatomic ultrasound during the prenatal period. If undetected,
they become apparent during the first 2 weeks of life when the ductus arteriosus
closes and these infants typically present with profound shock and without cyanosis.
The differential diagnosis of shock in the neonate is broad and includes cardiac, infectious, and metabolic causes. All neonates in shock should be treated aggressively with
intubation if necessary; fluid resuscitation (20 mL/kg of normal saline); and empiric
antibiotics and antivirals (ampicillin, gentamicin, and acyclovir). If the infant fails to
Left Lung
Right Lung
Left Lung
Right Lung
Fig. 2. (A) Preductal closure of left-sided obstructive lesion showing systemic circulation
dependent on patent ductus arteriosus and mixing occurring at the level of the ductus.
(B) Closure of the ductus results in decrease in systemic perfusion and shock.
Left Lung
Right Lung
Left Lung
Right Lung
Fig. 3. (A) Preductal closure of right-sided obstructive lesion showing pulmonary circulation
dependent on patent ductus arteriosus and mixing occurring at the level of the ductus. (B)
Closure of the ductus results in severe cyanosis because oxygenated blood from the lungs
has no way to enter the systemic circuit.
Treatment of CHF in the newborn suspected of having congenital heart disease may
require intubation and positive pressure ventilation, and gentle diuresis. Because
structural heart disease and congenital rhythm abnormalities can cause CHF, electrocardiography early in the resuscitation may aid in the diagnosis. Supraventricular
tachycardia in infants is suggested by a narrow complex tachycardia with rates
greater than 220 beats per minute.
Left-sided Obstructive Lesions
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Coarctation of the aorta represents a spectrum of disease ranging from mild narrowing
of the descending aorta to complete interruption of the aortic arch. It most often presents as a discrete narrowing in the region of the ligamentum arteriosum. The descending aorta just proximal to the coarcted section is frequently aneurismal, and a bicuspid
aortic valve is present in between 22% and 42% of cases.11 After closure of the ductus
arteriosus, infants with severe coarctation or an interrupted aortic arch present in
shock with acidosis and evidence of end-organ damage.
The most significant clue to diagnosis is a pulse differential between the upper and
lower extremities. A normal patient has an increase of 5 to 10 mm in systolic blood
pressure in the lower extremities compared with the upper extremities. Absence of
this differential or a decrease in the systolic blood pressure in the lower extremities
compared with the upper extremities should prompt further evaluation for coarctation.
Chest radiograph may demonstrate characteristic rib notching, indicative of significant arterial collateral formation bypassing the coarcted area. Echocardiography is
again the diagnostic modality of choice and initial stabilization involves prostaglandin
E1infusion, inotropic support with dopamine or dobutamine, and correction of acidosis
with bicarbonate.
Aortic stenosis
Aortic stenosis is defined as narrowing across the aortic valve. Left untreated, this
results in increased afterload on the left ventricle, left ventricular hypertrophy, and
eventual dilatation and failure of the left ventricle. In neonates with critical aortic
valvular stenosis, shock caused by an obstructed aortic valve puts these infants at
extreme risk for early sudden death.3
Echocardiography is used to confirm the diagnosis and prostaglandin E1 is a lifesaving intervention in patients with critical aortic stenosis. Initial stabilization also
includes airway support, inotropic augmentation with dopamine or dobutamine, and
correction of acidosis.8
Right-sided Obstructive Lesions
Transposition of the great vessels
TOGV accounts for 5% of congenital heart disease in children.4 Half of the patients with
this anomaly present within the first hour of life and 90% present within the first day.12
With this lesion, the aorta arises from the right ventricle and receives deoxygenated
blood returning from the systematic circulation. This results in oxygen saturations in
the main pulmonary artery that exceed those in the aorta. Infants with transposition of
the great arteries may be at higher risk of cerebral damage than others because of chronically decreased oxygen delivery to the brain in fetal life as oxygenated blood is pumped
preferentially to the lower body at the expense of the brain.13 With the two components
of the circulation working in parallel instead of in series, a connection between the two, at
the level of the atria, the ventricles, or the ductus, is required for survival.
Neonates with TOGV develop cyanosis soon after birth as the mixing between
venous and arterial blood diminishes with the closure of the foramen ovale and the
ductus arteriosus. If an atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, or patent ductus
arteriosus is present, mixing is improved, and cyanosis may not present immediately.
Respirations are typically not labored, the liver is not enlarged, and pulses are generally normal. There is usually not a murmur.
Chest radiographs in TOGV typically show a normal or minimally enlarged cardiac
silhouette. The superior mediastinum is usually narrow and the thymus is involuted,
which leads to an egg-on-a-string appearance (Fig. 4). Pulmonary vasculature is
prominent, and the aortic arch is left-sided. A normal chest radiograph does not
exclude the diagnosis of transposition, and the classic findings are seen less than
50% of the time.14
Echocardiography is the test of choice for diagnosing TOGV and can also be helpful
in identifying associated lesions, such as pulmonic valvular stenosis, a patent foramen
ovale, and ventricular and atrial septal defects. Significant aortic arch hypoplasia,
interruption, or coarctation occurs in 19% of infants with TOGV and an associated
ventricular septal defect and in 0.6% of patients with an intact ventricular septum.13
Echocardiography can also help the clinician visualize the response of the patent ductus arteriosus to a prostaglandin infusion.
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tetralogy of Fallot is the most common cyanotic congenital heart defect. Hallmarks of
this lesion are (1) large, nonrestrictive ventricular septal defect; (2) severe right ventricular outflow track obstruction; (3) overriding of the aorta; and (4) right ventricular
hypertrophy. Timing of presentation and degree of cyanosis correlates precisely
with the amount of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction. Patients with severe
outflow tract obstruction (blue tets) present early in the neonatal period. Those
patients with adequate pulmonary blood flow at birth (pink tets) gradually develop
increasing cyanosis during the first few weeks and months of life. These patients
may present to the emergency department with hypercyanotic tet spells, which
occur as a consequence of transient reductions in pulmonary blood flow.15
Cyanosis is the most common presenting complaint in infants with tetralogy who are
not diagnosed in utero. Hypercyanotic tet spells are the most dramatic presentation of
this condition and are characterized by profound cyanosis, respiratory distress and
grunting, and fussiness and agitation. These spells are brought on by increased
right-to-left shunting and should be treated in a stepwise fashion with oxygen,
knee-chest position, morphine sulfate, b-blockade, and phenylephrine.16 Kneechest positioning of the infant is thought to increase systemic vascular resistance
and decrease right-to-left shunting. Morphine acts to calm agitation and decrease
venous return. b-Blockade slows the heart rate and allows more blood to enter the
pulmonary circuit across the right ventricular outflow tract, and phenylephrine infusion
increases systemic vascular resistance. Tetralogy of Fallot may also be suggested on
chest radiography by the presence of a boot-shaped heart, which is caused by the
absence of the small, atretic pulmonary arteries (Fig. 5), although diagnosis is most
often made by echocardiography.17
Ebstein anomaly
Ebstein anomaly is a cardiac abnormality of the tricuspid valve and right ventricle in
which the valve is displaced downward and there is atrialization of a portion of the
ventricle.18 This lesion is associated with tricuspid valvular insufficiency and stenosis,
and patients with these anomalies often have accessory atrioventricular conduction
pathways or intraventricular conduction delays that predispose them to arrhythmias.
Patients can also have other structural cardiac anomalies, the most common of which
is an atrial septal defect, which occurs in 80% to 94% of patients with Ebstein
anomaly.19 Patients presenting with Ebstein anomaly have a high mortality rate,
with one study showing that 18% of newborns presenting with Ebstein anomaly
died in the neonatal period.20
Ebstein anomaly may present with cyanosis, right-sided heart failure, arrhythmias,
or sudden cardiac death. Prognosis in these patients is determined by degree of
cyanosis and presence or absence of arrhythmias.
Fig. 5. The boot-shaped heart characteristic of tetralogy of Fallot. (From Geggel R, editor.
Multimedia library of congenital heart disease. Boston: Childrens Hospital; Available at: Accessed April 19, 2007; with permission.)
Patients with truncus arteriosus have only one great artery leaving the heart. This gives
rise to the coronary arteries, aorta, and pulmonary arteries. There is a single semilunar
valve, which is frequently regurgitant or stenotic. Patients with truncus arteriosus
always have an associated large ventricular septal defect, and left and right ventricular
pressures are equal. In addition, systemic and pulmonary arterial pressures are equal,
resulting in pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary arterial flow is frequently increased
leading to pulmonary congestion and interstitial edema.
Physical examination findings in truncus arteriosus include tachypnea and diaphoresis, especially with feedings. As the pulmonary vascular resistance falls over the first
few days of life, these symptoms become more prominent and patients frequently
have a component of CHF as a result of the increased pulmonary blood flow. Mild
cyanosis may be present. Pulses are bounding because of diastolic runoff into the
pulmonary arteries. A right ventricular impulse is palpable at the left lower sternal
border. Usually, a murmur and systolic ejection click is heard within the first several
days of life because of the high-flow state.6
Chest radiography shows cardiomegaly and evidence of increased pulmonary
blood flow, including pulmonary vascular congestion and interstitial edema. A rightsided aortic arch may be present. Truncus arteriosus should be strongly suspected
in the setting of a right-sided aortic arch, a systolic ejection click, increased pulmonary
vascular markings, and mild cyanosis.
Echocardiography is the modality of choice for diagnosis and reveals the large
ventricular septal defect, single great artery, dysplastic truncal valve, and the divergence of the pulmonary arteries from the truncus. Doppler echocardiography can
identify stenosis or regurgitation across the truncal valve. Initial stabilization of these
patients involves treatment of CHF, as outlined previously.
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
TAPVR occurs when the pulmonary veins do not connect to the left atrium and instead
drain into other embryologic venous structures that would typically involute in the
setting of correct pulmonary vein attachment to the left atrium. Anomalous pulmonary
venous return is total or partial. Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return has some
pulmonary veins draining normally to the left atrium and some anomalous pulmonary
veins draining to other venous structures in the thorax. In patients with TAPVR, none of
the pulmonary veins drain into the left atrium. The four forms of TAPVR are (1) supracardiac, (2) cardiac, (3) infracardiac, and (4) mixed. With all forms of TAPVR, an atrial
septal defect is required for any blood to reach the left side of the heart. There is mixing
of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the right atrium, and thus the blood that
crosses the atrial septal defect to the left heart is not fully oxygenated. There is an
increase volume load to the right atrium, which results in dilation of the right atrium,
right ventricle, and pulmonary arteries.
Physical examination findings in neonates with TAPVR include mild to moderate
cyanosis. As the pulmonary vascular resistance decreases after birth, signs of CHF
develop with tachypnea and diaphoresis. Pulmonary rales and a hepatomegaly may
be found. Patients with infradiaphragmatic TAPVR typically present more acutely
than other subtypes and are more likely to become hemodynamically unstable.
Findings on chest radiograph include an enlarged cardiac size with increased
pulmonary vascular markings. In cases of supracardiac TAPVR the cardiac silhouette
resembles a figure eight or snowman in shape because of the dilated vertical vein and
superior vena cava. As with other lesions, echocardiography is the standard diagnostic modality for diagnosing TAPVR and determining the location and drainage of
all four pulmonary veins is essential.
Initial treatment of TAPVR should focus on management of heart failure. Some
infants present with cyanosis as the chief complaint and may be started on prostaglandin E1 as a stabilizing maneuver. TAPVR is the only cause of neonatal cyanosis
that may be worsened by administration of prostaglandin E1. In the presence of a prostaglandin E1 infusion, pulmonary blood flow increases further through the patent ductus arteriosus causing worsening pulmonary vascular congestion and edema. If
a cyanotic child with suspected congenital heart disease has worsening respiratory
distress after initiation of prostaglandins, TAPVR should be suspected.
Ventricular septal defect
Ventricular septal defect, defined as a hole in the ventricular septum, is the most
common congenital heart defect in children. At birth, the pressures in the right and
left ventricles are equal, there is no shunting, and the ventricular septal defect may not
be detected. As the pulmonary vascular resistance decreases after birth, blood begins
to flow through the defect from the left ventricle to the right ventricle and recirculate
through the lungs. As the shunt volume increases, both ventricles and the left atrium
dilate, and right ventricular volume overload may cause hepatomegaly or pulmonary
congestion. In the setting of a large defect, tachypnea and failure to thrive ensue.
Pulmonary hypertension occurs when the high left ventricular pressure is transmitted
through the defect to the pulmonary circulation.
History and physical examination components vary depending of the size, and resulting hemodynamic significance, of the defect. Patients with a small ventricular septal
defect have a loud, holosystolic murmur, usually audible starting shortly after birth.
They are generally otherwise asymptomatic. Patients with a moderate-to-large ventricular septal defect typically present with poor weight gain. They are often dyspneic and
diaphoretic, especially with feedings. Feeding problems and irritability are common,
and infants may be misdiagnosed with colic or gastroesophageal reflux. These infants
also have hepatomegaly, and systemic perfusion can be compromised.21
Chest radiographs may demonstrate cardiomegaly and increased pulmonary blood
flow as CHF develops. Echocardiography is the most accurate tool for diagnosing and
characterizing a ventricular septal defect. An echocardiogram can also evaluate the
hemodynamic significance of the lesion, including direction and volume of flow across
the ventricular septum.22
Patent ductus arteriosus
In this abnormality, the ductus arteriosus remains persistently open after birth.
Because the aortic pressure exceeds the pulmonary arterial pressure throughout
the cardiac cycle, there is a continuous flow of blood from the aorta to the pulmonary
artery. Postnatal increases in pulmonary blood flow in the setting of prematurity can
lead to pulmonary edema, loss of lung compliance, and deterioration of respiratory
function, which ultimately leads to chronic lung disease. Large amounts of left-toright shunting through the ductus may also increase the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, and death.23 Persistent patent ductus arteriosus is
much more common in premature infants and in patients with lung disease.24 Genetic
factors, environmental exposures, such as medications, and prenatal infections, such
as rubella, may also play a role in persistent patency.25
Patients with symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus typically present as dyspneic,
especially with activity. The hallmark physical finding in patients with a patent ductus
arteriosus is a murmur, described as continuous and machinery-like. Peripheral
pulses are typically bounding. Some patients present primarily in atrial fibrillation
because of chronic and progressive left atrial enlargement.
Chest radiographs in patients with patent ductus arteriosus can be normal or may
display cardiomegaly with increased pulmonary vascular markings. Electrocardiogram
is often normal in patients with small shunts but may show sinus tachycardia, atrial
fibrillation, left ventricular hypertrophy, or left atrial enlargement with moderate-tolarge shunts. Diagnosis can be made and the degree of shunting can be verified by
Stabilization of a symptomatic patient with a patent ductus arteriosus can generally
be achieved with digoxin and diuretics. Afterload-reducing agents, such as
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, may also improve clinical status. Patients
presenting with arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation or flutter, should be treated
with antiarrhythmics or cardioversion and maintained on antiarrhythmics, b-blocking
medications, and anticoagulants as indicated.
Most patients have spontaneous closure of their ductus in the first days to months of
life. However, if it does not close within the first year, it is very unlikely to do so spontaneously. At that point, intervention to promote closure is recommended to prevent
long-term pulmonary complications and infective endocarditis, for which these
patients are at increased risk. Nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitors, such as indomethacin or ibuprofen, are generally used to induce ductus closure, but these may be
less effective in severely premature infants.
Congenital Cardiac Arrhythmias
Supraventricular tachycardia
Patients with long QT syndrome often present primarily with palpitations, syncope,
cardiac arrest, or sudden death. These patients are typically young and otherwise
healthy. Any patient with palpitations, syncope, cardiac arrest, or sudden death
requires that a thorough family history be obtained. In the setting of a family history
of cardiac events at a young age or unexplained syncope or death, long QT syndrome
needs to be strongly considered.
A 12-lead electrocardiogram should be obtained to confirm the diagnosis. QT
interval should be measured, and an age- and gender-specific corrected QT interval
(QTc) should be calculated. Patients with a QTc of greater than 500 milliseconds
and symptomatic episodes are highly likely to have disease. A symptomatic patient
with a borderline QTc of 440 to 500 milliseconds needs further evaluation.2628
b-Blockers are the therapy of choice for long-term management of long QT
syndrome to blunt the adrenergic surges associated with deterioration of sinus rhythm
to torsades de pointes and then to ventricular fibrillation. Patients should be counseled
to avoid activities associated with increased catecholamine release including exercise
and swimming, high emotions, loud noise, or sudden awakening from sleep. In symptomatic patients with a QTc greater than 440 milliseconds, urgent referral to pediatric
cardiology is imperative. Patients with a QTc greater than 500 milliseconds require
cardiology consultation while still in the emergency department. In consultation with
pediatric cardiology, these patients should be admitted to the hospital pending placement of the cardioverter-defibrillator or may possibly be discharged home with
a portable external defibrillator and family education regarding its use. All firstdegree relatives of definitively diagnosed patients should be screened for the disorder
with electrocardiogram.29
Complete heart block
Congenital complete heart block in infants and children is relatively uncommon and in
up to 30% patients there are associated structural heart defects.8 Most of these
patients are diagnosed en utero. Maternal risk factors include systemic lupus erythematosus. Acquired complete heart block is most typically a result of cardiac surgery
for congenital heart disease; myocarditis; or infectious etiologies, such as Lyme
Patients with symptomatic complete heart block present with signs and symptoms
of hypoperfusion, including syncope or sudden death. Physical findings include
bradycardia and cannon waves in the neck, generated by atrial contraction against
closed tricuspid valves.
Diagnosis is achieved by electrocardiogram. Complete heart block as a result of
Lyme carditis has a low morbidity, resolves spontaneously, and does not require
any specific treatment. Definitive treatment for other causes of complete heart block
is placement of a permanent pacemaker. In a hemodynamically unstable patient in the
emergency department, sedation and transcutaneous pacing may be required.
patients with congenital heart disease may present to the emergency department with
decompensation of their chronic cardiac conditions. Most of the acute presentations
of adults with congenital heart disease involve heart failure, respiratory compromise,
and dysrrhythmias.
Patients with long-standing congenital heart disease may develop CHF. Left-sided
and right-sided lesions may be treated very differently in the setting of heart failure.
Patients with primarily left-sided disease, including left ventricular dysfunction and
aortic or mitral valve disease with ether low cardiac output or left atrial hypertension,
may benefit substantially from positive pressure ventilation. Positive pressure
increases intrathoracic pressure, decreasing afterload and allowing for more effective
forward flow of blood. In contrast, patients with right-sided lesions likely decline
further with the initiation of positive pressure ventilation. As intrathoracic pressure is
increased, systemic vascular return to the heart decreases. This lowers cardiac preload and leads to decreased cardiac output and circulatory collapse. The remainder
of supportive measures applicable to all other patients presenting with CHF including
nitrates, diuretics, supplemental oxygen, and positive inotropy also apply to patients in
heart failure with congenital heart disease.
Adult patients with congenital heart disease may develop pulmonary complications,
such as pulmonary artery hypertension. Unrepaired systemic-to-pulmonary vascular
connection, such as ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, or atrioventricular canal, can result in increased pressure through the pulmonary vasculature. Known
as Eisenmenger syndrome, these patients go on to develop cyanosis and its associated complications, such as polycythemia, headaches, blurred vision, and strokes.
Shortness of breath ensues, and hemoptysis is not uncommon with advanced
disease. Supplemental oxygen, digitalis, diuretics, phlebotomy, and anticoagulation
may help mitigate some of the symptoms and complications of the disease. However,
once the pathophysiologic changes have occurred, the process is generally progressive and irreversible.31
More than 50% of patients with congenital heart disease develop arrhythmias in
their lifetime. Arrhythmias are the leading cause of hospital admissions for adults
with congenital heart disease, and they constitute a significant predictor of mortality.30
For patients with compromised cardiac output at baseline, loss of synchronous atrioventricular activity can cause hemodynamic compromise and collapse. Treatment is
supportive, and intervention should be in collaboration with an electrophysiologist
comfortable in the management of patients with congenital heart disease.
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