Skinner 2001
Skinner 2001
Skinner 2001
Jon Skinner
Department of Paediatrics, Green Lane This review shows that clinical signs cannot be relied on to reveal left-to-right ductal
Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand shunting in the preterm. Echocardiography can define many of the haemodynamic
features, including occult ventricular dysfunction, and categorize shunts into small,
moderate or large, without defining ‘significance’ which is multifactorial. Large shunts
have an elevated left atrial:aortic root ratio (>1.3:1 or >1.5:1, depending on fluid and
diuretic policy) a ductal diameter >1.4 mm and retrograde diastolic flow in the
descending aorta exceeding 30% of the antegrade flow.
Key words: ductus arteriosus, The neonatal clinician and echocardiographer is reminded to remain wary of occult
diagnosis, echocardiography, congenital heart disease, particularly before closing the ductus.
Doppler, prematurity 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd
an infant presented with a systolic murmur, typi- rhage (IVH) if the left-to-right shunt develops in
cally in association with cardiomegally and pro- the first few hours [8,20].
longed ventilation requirements. In fact it has been
known for a long time that, in these infants, the
ductus had usually remained patent from birth rather Defining ‘haemodynamic significance’
than opened up after closing. McGrath et al. had Accepting then that a PDA is the norm in the first
used aortography for their study in 1978 (‘the week or so—when is it abnormal to have a PDA
silent Ductus’ [3]), but more recent echocardio- and when does it matter? What is meant by a
graphic studies have confirmed that the ductus ‘haemodynamically significant duct’?
does not open and close periodically—once a duct
shuts spontaneously, it almost invariably stays shut
Significance from the clinician’s point of view
[15]. The ‘winking ductus’ which opens and closes
is, in fact, most unusual—though it can occur rarely A problem here is that the significance of a PDA
in cases of extreme prematurity (less than 25 means different things to different people. Is a
weeks, or under 700 g) following pharmacological left-to-right ductal shunt significant because it
ductal closure [15]. may be associated with a statistically significant
Echocardiographic studies in ventilated infants increased risk of IVH, or because it is known
of less than 28 weeks’ gestation have suggested to reduce respiratory compliance? Is it only sig-
that pulmonary vascular resistance tends to falls nificant when it causes overt cardiac failure, or
more rapidly than in the more mature infants [5], is it significant when certain echocardiographic
manifesting with early development of a large criteria are met—such as the size of the left atrium
left-to-right ductal shunt, mostly within the first 2 [24]?
days [4,6,16,17], and initially without overt clinical The management of PDAs varies on the defini-
signs. tion of significance. Some neonatal units try to
close all ducts prophylactically in extreme
prematurity—to prevent the development of a
The ‘silent dangerous ductus’ left-to-right ductal shunt in any infant. Others
screen for a large left-to-right ductal shunt at a
Echocardiographic features of a large left-to-right certain age and base treatment on the echo-
ductal shunt usually predate clinical signs by cardiogram. Others only close those that present
between one and seven days in infants of 27–34 clinically with signs of a murmur or with cardiac
weeks’ gestational age [6,16–18]. One study [12] failure.
found that such infants can collapse due to the ‘Significance’ is a matter of opinion, which not
large shunt following extubation, without having only varies between neonatologists, but also varies
detectable clinical signs of ductal shunting. The between patients. Some infants with a large shunt
term ‘silent dangerous ductus’ was therefore on echocardiography (classified in many papers
coined. The increased pulmonary blood flow is as haemodynamically significant PDA [HsPDA])
associated with decreased pulmonary compliance seem to do just fine, never present clinically with
[10], such that the loss of continuous positive physical signs, and the duct closes spontaneously.
airway pressure (CPAP) to maintain small airway Others do very badly, with early signs of low
patency results in rapid deterioration following cardiac output, respiratory failure or IVH.
extubation. There is also increasing evidence that Many studies have described the echocardio-
some infants have inadequate systemic cardiac graphic features of clinically diagnosed left-to-right
output with a clinically silent left-to-right ductal ductal shunting in preterm infants. Others have
shunt [9,19,20,22]. Much of the left ventricular established at what age the presence of these
output is diverted into the pulmonary circulation echocardiographic features predicts later presenta-
(‘stolen’ from the systemic circulation) and failure tion with an overtly symptomatic ductal shunt
to increase the left ventricle (LV) output to com- [4,6,7,16,17]. Some of these echocardiographic
pensate for this results in low systemic cardiac features are discussed here, but I will avoid trying
output. If myocardial failure, relatively common in to apply ‘significance’ to any set of criteria. You,
the very preterm [19,23], is combined with this the reader, can do this later having decided which
ductal steel, then there may be serious adverse type of duct in which type of infant is causing
consequences, including intraventricular haemor- harm and, therefore, worthy of treatment, in your
Diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus 51
opinion. Chapters 6 and 7 in this publication individual physical signs had a sensitivity greater
discuss this in more detail. than 50%. The presence of a heart murmur or an
overactive precordium were, however, relatively
specific when present (up to 87% [26]), but the
incidence of heart murmur with a large left-to-right
Detecting a left-to-right ductal shunt varied from 0–20% in the first 2 days of life
shunt [25,26] to 80% at 5–7 days when taking care to
switch off the ventilator before listening intently
Clinical signs—throw away the [15]. The most reliable combination of signs was
stethoscope? an overactive precordium and a murmur with a
positive predictive value at best of 77% [26].
In general, echocardiographic signs of a ductal
Those who have performed echocardiography in shunt preceded the development of overt clinical
the preterm will have no doubts about the lack of signs by an average of 3 days and up to 1 week.
reliable agreement between the size of a left-to- In summary, the presence of classical physical
right ductal shunt determined echocardiographi- signs means that there is usually (but not always)
cally with that determined clinically. For those who a big left-to-right shunt (and we should not
are not convinced, it may be useful to review the throw away the stethoscope), but their absence
research into the sensitivity and specificity of does not exclude a large shunt, especially in the
clinical symptoms, signs and radiography in detect- first 2 days.
ing a large left-to-right ductal shunt, and to try to
explain the apparent disparity between echocardio-
graphic findings and clinical signs. Why are clinical signs unreliable?
I was taught that tachycardia is a useful sign of
ductal shunting. Animal studies of cardiac output
Figure 1. (A) An echocardiographic view from the regulation showed that newborns can alter stroke
suprasternal notch in a newborn infant with aortic volume less than adults. In 1983 Rudolph stated
coarctation and and patent ductus. The acceleration in flow
in the descending aorta, beyong the coarctation (and the ‘During the early neonatal period, the cardiac
ductus) is shown as a mosaic, turbulent pattern with colour output is heart rate dependent’ [29]. Since cardiac
Doppler. (B) In the same infant, a continuous wave Doppler failure in infants is usually associated with tachy-
tracing in the descending aorta reveals continuous forward cardia, and since infants were thought not to be
flow in diastole. Such continuous forward flow would also able to raise stroke volume to increase cardiac
be found using pulsed Doppler in the descending aorta.
output, it was believed that preterm neonates could
only respond to left-to-right ductal shunting by
(even though the velocity is higher). Such continu- increasing heart rate. This was a misconception
ous high velocity flow is the norm prior to ductal because the haemodynamic situation during those
closure in healthy infants (see Fig. 1—ductal flow, animal studies was different entirely; preload and
high velocity continuous vs high flow type). afterload to the left ventricle had not been altered
Perhaps infants with a murmur are those who are because the ductus was usually tied before the
able to maintain a good left ventricular output experimentation began.
and, therefore, quantitatively have more blood In the human preterm with a big left-to-right
traversing the ductus. Paradoxically, therefore, the ductal shunt, the preload is greatly increased due to
absence of a murmur may prove to be a more increased pulmonary venous return, and afterload
sinister sign than its presence. is greatly reduced; blood leaving the left ventricle
pours into the low resistance pulmonary circulation
Heart murmurs from causes other than a PDA via the ductus.
In a serial study of preterm infants during
It needs to be remembered that a systolic murmur therapeutic ductal closure, there was barely a dis-
can arise from a number of different causes. It is cernible difference between heart rates (Fig. 2). The
dangerous to assume it comes from a ductus. There left ventricular stroke volume, on the other hand,
may be congenital heart disease such as pulmonary fell by over half. The increased left ventricular
or aortic stenosis for example, or an outflow output due to the ductal shunt is in fact achieved
murmur from cardiac hypertrophy secondary to 1
Persistence of a murmur after antiprostaglandin therapy may be related
maternal diabetes or steroid therapy. to branch pulmonary artery stenosis or mitral regurgitation.
Diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus 53
atrial pressure will be low, and the liver will be a. good foot pulses should be palpable
small. b. the aortic arch should be seen in its entirety
True hepatomegally is difficult to assess but can c. there should be pure left-to-right ductal flow
be a useful sign of left or right cardiac failure and on Doppler
fluid overload. However, its absence does not indi- 2. Pulmonary atresia, or critical pulmonary valve
cate absence of a large left-to-right ductal shunt. stenosis can present with high systemic satura-
tions, well into the 90 s when there is a large
duct, and the pulmonary valve can look remark-
Echocardiography ably normal. In the routine be sure therefore
There is no better way to assess ductal shunting a. 100% systemic arterial oxygen saturation is
than with echocardiography. However, this is not a easily achieved
skill which can be learnt overnight, and someone on b. the pulmonary valve opens normally
each neonatal unit needs to specialize and develop 3. The left ventricle is usually hyperdynamic with
expertise in echocardiographic haemodynamic a left-to-right ductal shunt (fractional shortening
assessment under the guidance of a paediatric of the left ventricle greater than 40%). If it is
cardiologist. not, be sure the cause for ventricular dysfunc-
tion is not aortic stenosis, aortic coarctation or
systemic hypertension (usually from a renal
Missing or mis-diagnosing congenital cause).2
heart disease
Many units may not have the luxury of a paediatric Assessing ductal shunting
cardiologist to do all of their PDA echocardio-
grams. Amongst preterm neonates on neonatal Once the heart is confirmed to be structurally
units, however, congenital heart disease (CHD) is normal, a logical approach to assessing ductal
rare, whereas PDAs are the norm. Important CHD shunting is to:
is likely to present with overt clinical signs— 1. Establish ductal patency
cyanosis, heart failure, abnormal pulses etc.—and a 2. Determine the direction of the shunt and the
good cardiovascular examination (along with blood pattern of flow during the cardiac cycle
gases, chest X ray and echocardiography [ECG]) 3. Assess the internal diameter of the ductus
will reveal most cases which can be referred on to 4. Evaluate the volume loading on the heart,
the cardiologist. Occasionally, however, clinically noting the size of the foramen ovale, ventricular
unsuspected CHD is detected first in a routine function and cardiac output
haemodynamic study. 5. Evaluate the peripheral circulatory effects
After a thorough clinical examination, the 6. Put the evidence together to assign
echocardiogram should be done in a logical and a. The size of the left-to-right shunt (small,
thorough sequence, identifying venous drainage, moderate or large)
each chamber, septums, the outlets and the valves b. Left ventricular function (normal, moderately
[33]. Structural normality of the heart must be impaired, severely impaired)
proven, not assumed. In particular, duct dependent
lesions must not be missed since pharmacological Is the duct patent?
ductal closure can be fatal. Most of these have
clinical features different from the preterm with It is usually possible to obtain a view of the entire
a suspected left-to-right ductal shunt, not least duct (see Fig. 3) using a parasternal view roughly
cyanosis or weak rather than prominent pulses. half way between a standard ‘short axis’ view, and
Most also have obvious echocardiographic abnor- a full view of the aortic arch. At birth the duct has
malities, but some can be more subtle. There are no constriction and is as wide as the descending
some useful pointers: aorta, just as in the fetus. Ductal constriction
typically begins at the pulmonary end or in the
1. Early aortic coarctation can be difficult to detect,
middle of the duct [34].
(see Fig. 1) and can worsen as the duct closes. As 2
Do not assume absence of congenital heart disease. In particular, foot
a routine therefore prior to antiprostanglandin pulses should be strong and cyanotic heart disease must not be suspected
therapy: clinically (and 100% SaO2 achievable) before ductal closure.
Diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus 55
Figure 7. Pulsed Doppler recordings from an infant with a large left-to-right ductal shunt, taken from. (A) The main
pulmonary artery; note the turbulent flow pattern. (B) The left pulmonary artery; note the continuous forward flow in
diastole with peak velocity just over 50 cm/sec. (C) The transverse aortic arch; note continuous forward flow in diastole as
the blood runs around the arch and into the ductus. (D) The descending aorta; retrograde flow is seen in diastole
representing diastolic steal. Retrograde flow velocity integral (VTI) is 3.8 cm, over 80% of forward flow, which has a very
low VTI of 4.5 cm. This infant was hypotensive and acidotic and had poor ventricular function associated with the big
left-to-right ductal shunt.
Diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus 59
Table 1. Echocardiographic features differentiating large, moderate and small left-to-right ductal shunt in infants less than
1500 g
*Expect lower values when the atrial septal defect (foramen ovale) is wider than 2 mm [38], and with fluid restriction (which is the norm in many units).
Table 2. Echocardiographic signs of left ventricular failure in the presence of a large left-to-right ductal shunt
No/minimal Moderate
Clinical/echocardiographic Severe
myocardial myocardial
feature myocardial failure
failure failure
arteries are less specific; they commonly occur in 2. Left atrium enlarged; LA:Ao ratio>1.4:1—long
babies with a closed ductus [13]. axis view.
In the branch pulmonary arteries there is abnor- 3. Colour Doppler—continuous flare in the main
mally high antegrade diastolic flow as the continu- pulmonary artery from arterial duct
ous stream of blood from the aorta pours into them 4. Pulsed wave Doppler—turbulent flow in the
via the duct [Fig. 7(B)]. A peak velocity in diastole main pulmonary artery, continuous antegrade
over 50 cm/sec suggests a large shunt, and less flow in diastole in left pulmonary artery and arch
than 30 cm/sec a small shunt [44].4 of aorta, retrograde diastolic flow in descending
aorta, cerebral and gut blood vessels
Put the evidence together to assign the size of 5. Continuous wave Doppler—continuous left-to-
the shunt and the degree of circulatory failure right flow in main pulmonary artery from the
ductus, with low velocity (<1 m/sec) at end
The size of the shunt: small, moderate or large 6. Raised left ventricular stroke volume
It is useful to list the findings and categorize them
as shown in the Table 1, applying to infants less Assess degree of myocardial failure
than 1500 g. Nature being what it is, not all infants The ‘significance’ of a large left-to-right shunt will
have features in the same column. depend, amongst other factors, upon the degree of
Typical echocardiographic features of a left-to- myocardial reserve. This will tend to be reduced in
right ductal shunt are: infants with a history of perinatal asphyxia, and in
1. Bowing of the interatrial septum to the right extreme prematurity. When these two are com-
with enlarged left atrium and left ventricle— bined there should be a high index of suspicion that
four chamber views myocardial failure is likely, and early echocardiog-
raphy is important. Absolute blood pressure bears
little relationship to the presence or absence of
Abnormal retrograde diastolic flow in the descending aorta is also seen
with severe aortic incompetence and aorto-pulmonary window. However,
with a PDA, diastolic flow is antegrade in the transverse aortic arch, circulatory or myocardial failure, though it usually
whereas it is retrograde with the other diagnoses. rises as the ductus closes.
60 J. Skinner
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