Treatment of Fetal Arrhythmias
Treatment of Fetal Arrhythmias
Treatment of Fetal Arrhythmias
Clinical Medicine
Treatment of Fetal Arrhythmias
Alina Veduta 1 , Anca Maria Panaitescu 1,2, *, Anca Marina Ciobanu 1,2 , Diana Neculcea 1 ,
Mihaela Roxana Popescu 3 , Gheorghe Peltecu 1,2 and Paolo Cavoretto 4
1 Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Filantropia Clinical Hospital, 11171 Bucharest, Romania;
[email protected] (A.V.); [email protected] (A.M.C.);
[email protected] (D.N.); [email protected] (G.P.)
2 Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
020021 Bucharest, Romania
3 Cardiology Department, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 020021 Bucharest, Romania;
[email protected]
4 Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, 20132 Milan, Italy;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +40-2318-8930
Abstract: Fetal arrhythmias are mostly benign and transient. However, some of them are associated
with structural defects or can cause heart failure, fetal hydrops, and can lead to intrauterine death.
The analysis of fetal heart rhythm is based on ultrasound (M-mode and Doppler echocardiography).
Irregular rhythm due to atrial ectopic beats is the most common type of fetal arrhythmia and is
generally benign. Tachyarrhythmias are diagnosed when the fetal heart rate is persistently above
180 beats per minute (bpm). The most common fetal tachyarrhythmias are paroxysmal supraven-
tricular tachycardia and atrial flutter. Most fetal tachycardias can be terminated or controlled by
transplacental or direct administration of anti-arrhythmic drugs. Fetal bradycardia is diagnosed
when the fetal heart rate is slower than 110 bpm. Persistent bradycardia outside labor or in the
Citation: Veduta, A.; Panaitescu,
absence of placental pathology is mostly due to atrioventricular (AV) block. Approximately half of
A.M.; Ciobanu, A.M.; Neculcea, D.; fetal heart blocks are in cases with structural heart defects, and AV block in cases with structurally
Popescu, M.R.; Peltecu, G.; Cavoretto, normal heart is often caused by maternal anti-Ro/SSA antibodies. The efficacy of prenatal treatment
P. Treatment of Fetal Arrhythmias. J. for fetal AV block is limited. Our review aims to provide a practical guide for the diagnosis and
Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2510. https:// management of common fetal arrythmias, from the joint perspective of the fetal medicine specialist and the cardiologist.
Academic Editor: Michael G. Ross Keywords: fetal arrhythmia; fetal ultrasound; tachyarrhythmia; bradyarrhythmia
shorter than the interval between two normal sinus beats. PACs are triggered from the
atrial myocardium in a variety of situations and are almost ubiquitous in the general
population [3,6,7].
Premature ventricular complexes (PVCs; also referred to as premature ventricular
beats, premature ventricular depolarizations, or ventricular extrasystoles) are triggered
from the ventricular myocardium. PVCs are not uncommon and appear in patients without
structural heart disease and in those with cardiac disease, independent of severity [3,6,7].
The established range of fetal heart rate is 110–160 bpm. FHR is gestational age
dependent, it normally gets slower as the pregnancy advances [8].
Tachyarrhythmias are diagnosed when the fetal heart rate is persistently above
180 bpm and are subdivided into: (1) sinus tachycardia (ST); (2) atrial tachycardia (atrial
flutter and atrial ectopic tachycardia); (3) conduction system tachycardia (atrioventricular
re-entry tachycardia (AVRT), junctional tachycardia (JT), and atrioventricular nodal re-entry
tachycardia (AVNRT); and (4) ventricular tachycardia (VT) [3,6]. This classification can
be simplified by dividing tachyarrhythmias into sinus tachycardia (ST), supraventricular
tachycardia (SVT), and ventricular tachycardia (VT, rare in fetuses) [3,6,7,9–11]. Among
fetal SVTs, long ventriculoatrial (VA) interval tachycardia is less frequent than short VA
interval tachycardia [12]. The most common fetal tachycardias are paroxysmal supraven-
tricular tachycardia (SVT) either with 1:1 atrioventricular (AV) conduction or atrial flutter
(AF) with variable (mostly 2:1) AV conduction [6,7,9–13].
Fetal bradycardia means that the ventricular rate is persistently slower than 110 bpm.
This happens frequently in fetal growth restriction, oligohydramnios, or during labor
and it is physiological up to a certain extent and duration. However, when the heart
rate decreases below 80 bpm for more than 10 min in labor, the risk of neonatal acidemia
increases rapidly and significantly [14]. Persistent bradycardia outside labor or in the
absence of placental pathology is mainly due to atrioventricular block (AV block) [2,12].
Approximately fifty percent of fetal bradyarrhythmia cases are associated with structural
heart defects, and the remaining cases that have normal cardiac structure are often caused
by maternal anti-Ro/SSA antibodies [2,12–15]. The efficacy of treatment for fetuses with
AV block is limited compared with that of treatment for fetal tachycardias, particularly
when associated with structural defects [12,15].
In utero treatment is necessary when there is significant sustained arrhythmia, and
delivery is not an option. Fetal hydrops or foreseeable progression to hydrops is an
indication for the treatment of arrhythmias. For most instances, treatment is represented
by transplacental medication. The treatment of fetal arrhythmia is a classic example
of pharmacological intervention in maternal–fetal medicine. There have been only rare
attempts to surgically manage intractable severe fetal arrhythmia [9]. A percutaneously
injectable, rechargeable fetal pacemaker was recently produced and successfully tested in
an animal model [16].
The aim of this paper is to provide a practical guide to the obstetricians for the
diagnosis and management of common fetal arrhythmias.
Figure 1.
Figure 1. M-mode, linear representation of adjacent cardiac structures motion as a function of time.
A 2D
A 2D relevant
relevant image
image of
of the
the fetal
fetal heart
heart isis first
first obtained;
obtained; then,
then, the
the M-mode
M-mode cursor
cursor is
is placed
placed at
at the
targeted location on that image. In case of arrhythmia, the M-mode cursor is usually
targeted location on that image. In case of arrhythmia, the M-mode cursor is usually placed across placed across
an atrium and a ventricle, so that the relationship of atrial to ventricular contractions is recorded.
an atrium and a ventricle, so that the relationship of atrial to ventricular contractions is recorded.
Arrows indicate ventricular (V) and atrial (A) contractions.
Arrows indicate ventricular (V) and atrial (A) contractions.
Pulsed Doppler
Pulsed Doppler echography
echography is is the
the method
method most most used
used by by fetal
fetal medicine
medicine specialists
specialists to to
assess the AV time intervals, on fetal echocardiography [13–20].
assess the AV time intervals, on fetal echocardiography [13–20]. For simultaneous recording For simultaneous record-
of of ventricular
left ventricular
inflow inflow and outflow
and outflow waveforms,
waveforms, a widea cursor
wide cursor
(3–4 mm) (3–4ismm)
placedis on
on the mitral and aortic valves, in the 5-chambers view of
mitral and aortic valves, in the 5-chambers view of the heart. Spectral Doppler waveforms the heart. Spectral Doppler
for both thefor bothand
mitral the the
mitral andvalves
aortic the aortic valves are
are recorded recorded
during a fullduring
cardiac a full cardiac
cycle. The
cycle. The trace speed should be increased up to 4–5 cm/s
trace speed should be increased up to 4–5 cm/s to have a good representation of each to have a good representation
of each waveform.
waveform. During aDuring
normal a cardiac
normal cycle,
cardiacthe cycle, theoffilling
filling of the ventricles
the ventricles during gen-
during generalized
eralized (E
diastole diastole
wave),(E thewave),
activethe active
filling filling of during
of ventricles ventricles during
atrial systoleatrial systoleand
(A wave), (A wave),
and blood
ejection intoejection
the aorta into the aorta
during during systole
ventricular ventricular
will besystole will (Figure
recorded be recorded2). The(Figure
A wave 2).
The A wave to
corresponds corresponds
the P waveto ofthe
the PECG.
waveThe of AV
the interval,
ECG. Thewhich AV interval,
is the time which is theatrial
between time
and atrial and
ventricular ventricular
contraction, cancontraction,
be measured can be measured
from the onset of fromthethe onsetto
A wave ofthe
A wave of
to the onset of the aortic flow (V wave). The AV interval represents
the aortic flow (V wave). The AV interval represents a mechanical analog to the electrical a mechanical analog
to the
PR electrical
interval of thePRECG;interval of thedescribed
it is often ECG; it isbyoften fetaldescribed by fetal medicine
medicine specialists specialists
as the mechanical
as the
PR mechanical
interval (Figure PR interval
2). The (FigurePR
mechanical 2).interval
The mechanical
is normally PRabout
0.12 is normally about
s (gestational age,
sex, s (gestational age, sex, andwith
heart rate dependent), hearttherate dependent),
upper with the of
limit of normality upper
0.14 s,limit of normality
or 0.15 s in later
of 0.14 s, or
gestation 0.15 s in later gestation [9,12,13,18–20].
Other rarely used usedsampling
samplingsites sitesforforthethe simultaneous
simultaneous recording
recording of atrial
of the the atrial and
and ven-
ventricular waveforms are: the superior vena cava and aortic artery, by rotating 90 ◦ from
tricular waveforms are: the superior vena cava and aortic artery, by rotating 90° from the
the 4-chamber view [12,19]; the pulmonary venous and pulmonary arterial Doppler on the
4-chamber view [20].
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 23
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2510 4-chamber view [12,19]; the pulmonary venous and pulmonary arterial Doppler on 4the 4-
of 22
chamber view [20].
Figure 2.
Figure 2. The mechanical PR interval measured with a wide cursor on the mitral and aortic valves.
A—the active filling
A—the active filling of
of the
the ventricles
ventricles during
during atrial
atrial systole,
systole, Ao—aortic
Ao—aortic flow,
the atria during generalized diastole, Mi—mitral
the atria during generalized diastole, Mi—mitral flow. flow.
3. Irregular Rhythm with Normal HR
rhythmsdue duetotoectopic
most common
most common typetype
of fetal arrhythmias,
of fetal arrhyth-
most often seen in the third trimester. Premature atrial complexes (PACs)
mias, most often seen in the third trimester. Premature atrial complexes (PACs) are are extra beats in
which the ectopic focus originates in the atria, and premature ventricle complexes
beats in which the ectopic focus originates in the atria, and premature ventricle complexes (PVCs)
are thoseare
(PVCs) that originate
those in the ventricles.
that originate In utero,In
in the ventricles. the prevalence
utero, of PAC toofPVC
the prevalence PACistoabout
10:1; PACs are difficult to differentiate from PVCs. Premature ventricular
is about 10:1; PACs are difficult to differentiate from PVCs. Premature ventricular beats arebeats
preceded by atrial contractions. PACs may be followed by a ventricular
are not preceded by atrial contractions. PACs may be followed by a ventricular contrac- contraction when
conducted to the ventricles,
tion when conducted to the or not, in cases
ventricles, of blocked
or not, in cases PACs [1]. Ectopic
of blocked beats
PACs [1]. are clearly
Ectopic beats
seen on fetal and umbilical artery Doppler waveforms (Figure 3). Nonetheless,
are clearly seen on fetal and umbilical artery Doppler waveforms (Figure 3). Nonetheless, tracing
of the cardiac
tracing flow waves
of the cardiac is preferable
flow waves whenever
is preferable possible,
whenever as umbilical
possible, artery
as umbilical Doppler
artery Dop-
waveforms are less informative on the origin of the ectopic
pler waveforms are less informative on the origin of the ectopic beats. beats.
Isolated ectopic beats are generally benign, regardless of the chamber of origin. Fetal
ectopy is associated with congenital cardiac defects in only 1% of cases, and fetal echocar-
diography is not always recommended. In general, antiarrhythmic therapy is not needed
for isolated PACs or PVCs. In most cases, these arrhythmias resolve spontaneously before
delivery [1]. However, ectopic beats can cause arrhythmia if there is a substrate for reentry
tachycardia [11]. Of note, due to immaturity, aberrant conduction pathways are more often
found in the fetal myocardium than in the adult myocardium [21].
Irregular rhythms due to conduction abnormalities (second degree heart block) are
more concerning and diagnosis should be followed by immediate referral to a fetal cardiologist.
The distinction between blocked ectopic beats and conduction anomalies can be diffi-
cult to make. If the atrial rate is faster than the capacity of the AV node to conduct impulses,
some of the impulses are blocked. Atrial tachycardia with functional atrioventricular block
often produces a lower than normal ventricular rate (about 70 bpm), which is difficult to
differentiate from the second-degree AV block. Bigeminal blocked PACs (blocked atrial
bigeminy—BAB) is a particular form of atrial tachycardia with atrioventricular block.
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 23
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2510 5 of 22
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Atrial
Atrial ectopic
ectopic beats
beats (indicated
(indicated by
by arrows)
arrows) on
on the
Rarely, ectopic beatsrhythm
irregular are generally benign,heart
with normal regardless
rate can of the chamber
be caused byofjunctional
origin. Fetal
ventricular escape beats
ectopy is associated withcaused by sinus
congenital node
cardiac dysfunction
defects in only[11].1% of cases, and fetal echocar-
diography is not always recommended. In general, antiarrhythmic therapy is not needed
isolated PACs or PVCs. In most cases, these arrhythmias resolve spontaneously before
delivery tachycardia is defined
However, ectopic beatsascan
a heart
causerate (HR) faster
arrhythmia thanis 180
if there bpm. Itfor
a substrate is reentry
tachycardia if [11].
the arrhythmia
Of note, dueistopresent for more
immaturity, thanconduction
aberrant 50% of thepathways
examination time of-
are more or
ten found inwhen periods
the fetal of normal
myocardium HRin
than andtheperiods of tachycardia
adult myocardium alternate [1,3].
Descriptors of atrial
Irregular rhythms due tachyarrhythmia, such as “sporadic,”
to conduction abnormalities (second “frequently
degree heartrecurrent,”
block) are
more concerning incessant,” and soshould
and diagnosis on, help
followed bythe arrhythmia,
immediate but may
referral be confus-
to a fetal cardi-
ing. These
ologist. terms describe the frequency and persistence of the arrhythmia, which constitute
a continuum of clinical
The distinction presentations.
between blocked Usually, the terms
ectopic beats ‘intermittent’
and conduction as opposed
anomalies cantobe‘sus-
tained’ refer to the frequency of the arrhythmia, while the terms ‘paroxysmal’/‘sporadic’
ficult to make. If the atrial rate is faster than the capacity of the AV node to conduct im-
as opposed
pulses, someto ‘persistent’/‘incessant’/‘permanent’
of the impulses are blocked. Atrialrefer to the persistence
tachycardia of the arrhythmia
with functional [1].
ular Pathologically increased
block often produces fetal than
a lower heartnormal
rate can be encountered
ventricular in the
rate (about 70setting
bpm), of sinusis
tachycardia, supraventricular
difficult to differentiate fromtachyarrhythmia,
the second-degree and AVventricular tachycardiablocked
block. Bigeminal [1,6–11].PACs
(blocked atrial bigeminy—BAB) is a particular form of atrial tachycardia with atrioven-
4.1. Sinus Tachycardia
tricular block.
the irregularis characterized by a fetal
rhythm with normal HR rate
heart > 180can
bpmbe (often
caused<by 200junctional
bpm) with or
normal AV conduction (1:1) [3]. Frequent causes of
ventricular escape beats caused by sinus node dysfunction [11].sinus tachycardia are: maternal thy-
rotoxicosis, maternal medication (β-agonists), fetal anemia or hypoxia, and infections
4. Tachyarrhythmias fetal cytomegalovirus infection). No specific antiarrhythmic therapy is
indicated, but the underlying cause has to be addressed.
Fetal tachycardia is defined as a heart rate (HR) faster than 180 bpm. It is called sus-
4.2. if the arrhythmia
Supraventricular is present for more than 50% of the examination time or intermit-
tent when periods of normal HR and periods of tachycardia alternate [1,3].
Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia (SVT) is defined by a non-sinus mechanism of the
accelerated heart of atrial
rate (fetaltachyarrhythmia,
HR > 180 bpm);such this as “sporadic,”
large group of“frequently
“non-sustained incessant,” and so on, help characterize the arrhythmia, but
includes any non-sinus rapid rhythm that arises from structures above the bundle branches. may be con-
fusing. These terms
Supraventricular describe the frequency
tachyarrhythmias and persistence
include atrial of thefibrillation
flutter and atrial arrhythmia,[3].which
stitute a continuum of clinical presentations. Usually,
the AV conduction type and time, SVTs are divided into two types: the terms ‘intermittent’ as opposed
to ‘sustained’ refer to the frequency of the arrhythmia, while the terms ‘paroxysmal’/‘spo-
radic’ as opposed to ‘persistent’/‘incessant’/‘permanent’ refer to the persistence of the ar-
rhythmia [1].
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2510 6 of 22
Figure 4. Fetal
Figure supraventricular
4. Fetal tachycardia:
supraventricular (a) Pulsed
tachycardia: Doppler
(a) Pulsed analysis;
Doppler (b) M-mode
analysis; analysis.
(b) M-mode analysis.
Atrial flutter
In utero therapy is the(AF) is the secondmanagement
recommended most commonfor fetal tachycardia
fetuses (up to 30%
with hydrops of cases)
or at
[9,22,23]. It is defined by high atrial rates (300–500 bpm) and slower
high risk of developing hydrops (sustained tachycardia with ventricular rates more than ventricular response
220 bpm). in thegoal
The setting of variable
of therapy is notatrioventricular conduction
necessarily to stop the SVT,(Figure
but to 5a,b)
slow [2]. Usually, AF is di-
the ventricular
rate enough to achieve a good cardiac output. As a rule, the motivation for inanti-Ro
agnosed later in gestation [1,3,20]. AF can be associated with myocarditis, utero (SSA)
treatment increases with prematurity. In very preterm fetuses (less than 32 weeks of15% of
antibodies, and structural heart disease; fetuses with AF develop hydrops in about
gestation),the cases [1,22–24].
combination Postnatal data
pharmacological shows in
therapy that up tothan
higher 20% usual
of individuals
doses or with
directAF also have
other types of SVT [25,26].
treatment with amiodarone, adenosine, or digoxin should be considered instead of delivery
if the initial course of transplacental therapy fails. As mentioned before, there is also good
reason for a short trial of an effective agent, in cases of hydropic fetuses at or near term.
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5. Fetal5.atrial
Fetalflutter: (a) Pulsed
atrial flutter: Doppler
(a) Pulsed analysis—ventricular
Doppler rate; (b)rate;
analysis—ventricular M-mode analysis—atrial
(b) M-mode rate.
atrial rate.
The treatment of SVT consists of antiarrhythmic medication; the substances use
treat fetal SVT are digoxin, flecainide, sotalol, and, more rarely, amiodarone. Correc
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2510 9 of 22
The practice of fetal medicine centers varies widely in respect to the drug chosen as
initial treatment for fetal SVT. All of the following drugs: digoxin, flecainide, sotalol, and
amiodarone have been used as first-line transplacental therapy in SVT [1,9,10,12,13,31–48].
The effectiveness of transplacental treatment is dependent on pharmacokinetics, its capacity
to cross the placenta, and fetal bioavailability [1,5]. Importantly, in fetuses with hydrops, the
transplacental passage of digoxin is slow. The mechanism of tachycardia is also important
for the choice of treatment; it seems that for fetal PSVT with long VA interval, digoxin is
rarely effective [12].
For a longtime, digoxin has been used as first line therapy for fetal SVT, but none of
the recent studies and meta-analyses supports this idea [31–45]. Nonetheless, digoxin has
some practical advantages if treatment is considered for moderate fetal disease [1,3]. In
resource rich settings especially, there is expertise to initiate digoxin without continuous
cardiac monitoring and serum digoxin levels are considered easy to monitor. In contrast,
continuous inpatient cardiac monitoring is the standard practice for medical cardiover-
sion with flecainide or sotalol. Therefore, continuous inpatient maternal monitoring is
considered good practice for initiation of transplacental therapy with flecainide or sotalol.
If fewer resources are available, treatment with the β-blocker sotalol can actually be easier
to monitor [39].
According to systematic data, both flecainide and sotalol are more effective than
digoxin in converting fetal SVT, and even more so in hydropic fetuses. A study from
2016 showed the superiority of flecainide over digoxin, especially in cases of long VA
tachyarrhythmia [41]. An important study by Jaeggi et al. showed that flecainide was
the most efficient first-line medication for fetal SVT, overall [42]. Two relatively recent
meta-analyses showed that flecainide and sotalol achieve better results than digoxin in
treating fetal SVT. A meta-analysis of ten studies concluded that flecainide has a higher rate
of SVT termination than digoxin and both flecainide and sotalol are better than digoxin
in fetuses with hydrops and tachyarrhythmia [43]. In a meta-analysis of 21 studies on
the transplacental treatment of fetal tachycardia, both flecainide and sotalol were more
effective than digoxin for conversion of any fetal tachycardia to sinus rhythm, and the
difference was greatest in hydropic fetuses [44]. The experience of a large center with
very good results in fetal SVT treatment shows that drug change or multidrug therapy
were necessary in 68% of cases where digoxin was used as first-line therapy [45]. In the
particular setting of atrial flutter, treatment with flecainide or sotalol aims to terminate the
arrhythmia, while treatment with digoxin aims to slow the ventricular rate. Studies suggest
that sotalol might be the drug of choice to terminate or control fetal AF [42]. However,
we have to take into account that available data regarding fetal AF treatment is not from
randomized trials but rather from case series. In all instances, personal experience is an
important factor in the management of fetal SVTs and patients would be best served by
the input of a complex team of specialists in fetal medicine, obstetrics, neonatology, and
pediatric and adult cardiology.
The loading dose for digoxin is 1–2 mg, divided over 24 h, followed by the measure-
ment of the digoxin serum level. The target serum level for digoxin in general cardiology
is 1 to 2 ng/mL; for the transplacental treatment of fetuses, a maternal serum level in the
higher range, around 2 ng/mL, seems advisable. Maintenance doses usually need to be
higher in pregnant versus in nonpregnant women, ranging from 0.5 to 0.75 mg daily given
in three daily doses, because of increases in blood volume and in the renal clearance. The
maintenance dose is determined by titrating to the fetal response, over several days.
The usual initial dose for flecainide is 250 mg per day, orally in three doses (100, 50,
100 mg). It can be increased to 300 mg daily if needed, under strict continuous mater-
nal surveillance.
The usual initial dose for sotalol is 240 mg per day, orally in three equal doses. It can
be increased if needed, under strict continuous maternal surveillance.
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2510 10 of 22
Other substances, such as verapamil (no longer prescribed for infants) or procainamide,
have been sometimes used to treat fetal tachyarrhythmias.
The usual doses and regimens as well as the adverse reactions of some of the agents
used to treat fetal tachyarrhythmia are presented in Table 1 [54].
5. Bradyarrhythmias
The obstetric definition of fetal bradycardia is sustained FHR of less than 110 bpm for
more than 10 min [2,10]. FHR is dependent of gestational age, and it decreases significantly
as gestation progresses from an average of 141 bpm at 32 weeks of gestation to 137 bpm
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2510 12 of 22
at 37 weeks of gestation [2,8,10]. Persistent low heart rate may be normal or may be a
marker for significant conduction disease [6,9,10,54]. A persistent ventricular rate of less
than 60 bpm is usually associated with complete heart block, while rates between 60 and
90 bpm can be due to non-conducted bigeminy or second-degree block.
Persistent low fetal heart rate can be caused by sinus, low atrial or junctional brady-
cardia, blocked ectopic beats, long QT syndrome, or atrioventricular block (second or
third degree).
Figure 6. Second degree fetal heart block. Arrows indicate atrial contractions.
Figure Complete(third
arrows indicate
indicate atrial
atrial contractions,
contractions, thick
arrows indicateventricular
thereis is
AVAV dissociation.
About 50% of fetuses with CAVB have complex congenital heart disease (CHD). Het-
erotaxy (left isomerism) and cardiac malformations with L-looped ventricles (L-transpo-
sition of great arteries) are the main types of CHD associated with CAVB [2,10,12]. Left
atrial isomerism and transposition can be sometimes recognized on ultrasound from the
first trimester of pregnancy [62–64]; yet, the unpredictable evolution to CAVB cannot be
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2510 15 of 22
6. Discussion
6.1. The Fetal Medicine Specialist Point of View
When treating fetal arrhythmias, both the fetus and the mother undergo medical
intervention. Transplacental treatment of fetal arrhythmias involves giving medication—in
many instances, antiarrhythmic and proarrhythmogenic substances—to the mother, so
that the medication can reach the fetus through the placenta. For efficient management,
fetal arrhythmias have to be placed in the maternal context, in several respects. Many
reversible maternal conditions (infection, hyperpyrexia, thyroid disease, medication, and
so on) can cause abnormal fetal heart rhythm. Other maternal conditions (autoimmune
disease, long QT syndrome) can be sometimes unveiled by fetal arrhythmia. Side effects
of the antiarrhythmic medication have to be tolerated by the mother for the benefit of
the fetus.
We think that it is up to the fetal medicine specialist to integrate the maternal and
fetal care, under the circumstances. The specialist should set the short-term and the long-
term targets for fetal therapy and should be aware of pregnancy-related modifications
(particularly of renal function) affecting pharmacokinetics of antiarrhythmics or potential
maternal side-effects of medications. The doctor also has to consider that extended medical
care for a fetus with uncertain prognosis produces significant parental anxiety, often
requiring provision of psychological support. The fetal medicine specialist advises in utero
fetal therapy (as opposed to monitoring or delivery), mainly based on the risk of hydrops
and intrauterine death, but also taking into account concomitant maternal conditions or
the development of pregnancy-related conditions such as preeclampsia.
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2510 17 of 22
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.V. and A.M.P.; methodology, A.M.P., M.R.P., and P.C.;
investigation, A.V., A.M.P., A.M.C., D.N., M.R.P., and G.P.; writing—original draft preparation, A.V.,
A.M.C., D.N., and M.R.P.; writing—review and editing, A.M.P., M.R.P., and G.P.; supervision, A.V.
and P.C.; project administration, A.M.P. and P.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Table A1. Cardiology terminology explained for the fetal medicine specialist [86–88].
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