Congenital HD
Congenital HD
Congenital HD
2. Classification
Several classifications of CHD have been introduced. Two are given below
2.1 Cyanotic/Acyanotic CHD
2.1.1 Acyanotic
a. Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
b. Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
c. Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
d. Atrio ventricular Septal Defect (AVSD)
3. Preoperative consideration
Three type of paediatric CHD patients are expected to come for evaluation.
1. Patients with uncorrected cardiac defect
2. Patients who had previous palliative surgery
a. ToF with BT shunt
b. Atrial septostomy for TGA
3. Patients in whom total correction has been done but they may have residual defects
requiring certain procedures9
Preoperative evaluation should include detailed information about cardiac lesion, altered
physiology and its implications. There are few questions which should be clearly answered
during preoperative evaluation of these CHD patients. These includes
a. Complete understanding of the anatomical changes due to cardiac defect or palliative
b. Direction and amount of shunting
c. Presence and severity of pulmonary hypertension
d. To what extent pulmonary flow reduced or increased?
e. Degree of hypoxaemia, Polycythaemia
f. Coagulation abnormalities
g. What associated pathophysiological findings likely will influence the management?
h. Functional status of the patient
Fatigue, headache, visual disturbances, depressed mentation and paraesthesia of toes and
fingers are presenting symptoms of polycythaemia. History of cyanosis and congestive heart
failure (CHF) are major manifestations of CHD. Fatigue and dyspnoea on feeding and
irritability indicate poor functional status. Cyanosis occurs due to decrease pulmonary flow
Breast milk
< 6 months
6 months to 8 years
Oral 0.5- 1.0mg/kg (Max. 12 mg)
Intravenously 0.05 0.2mg/kg
Chloral hydrate 40 50mg/kg
> 8 years
Midazolam 7.5 mg PO
Morphine 0.1mg/kg IM
Ketamine 4mg/kg IM
4. Investigation
Polycythaemia is very common which increases blood viscosity and leads to thrombosis and
infarction in cerebral, renal and pulmonary region. Although polycythaemia leads to
intravascular volume expansion but at the same time reduces plasma volume. Coagulation
abnormalities also occur due to hypofibrinogenaemia and factor deficiencies. Platelet count,
PT and PTT should be ordered in all patients coming for surgery. Preoperative phlebotomy
can be performed in patients with symptomatic hyperviscosity and haematicrit > 65%.
Electrolyte abnormalities are commonly seen in patients who receive diuretics and parental
nutrition. Hypocalcaemia commonly found in patients with Di George syndrome.
ECG may show ventricular strain or hypertrophy pattern. Echocardiography is used for
doppler and color flow mapping while catheterization is used for information about
pressures in different chambers, magnitude of shunt and coronary anatomy. Examine chest
X-Ray for heart position (Dextrocardia) and size, atelectasis, acute respiratory infection,
vascular markings and elevated hemidiaphragm. High pulmonary flow will leads to
increased pulmonary marking while reduced flow causes oligaemic lung fields.
Neurological assessment and MRI12 may also be needed in these patients. Delayed brain
development is associated with certain CHD. Fetal MRI can help in early assessment of
immature brain.
5. Intraoperative considerations
Presence of CHD in paediatric patients poses a great challenge for anaesthetist13 as
morbidity and mortality is quite high. Incidence of cardiac arrest in these paediatric patients
under anaesthesia is higher14 than non CHD patients and mainly due to pharmacological
interaction and over dose5.
Intravenous line must be placed in all patients even for minor procedure. All intravenous
tubings should be free of air bubble. Polycythaemic patient must be well hydrated before
induction either by IV or orally.
Sevoflurane15 is preferred over halothane due to better haemodynamic stability in CHD
patients. Most of the CHD patients tolerate inhalation induction with sevoflurane while
patients with poor cardiac function, may not tolerate inhalation induction. Ionotropes
should be continued if patient is on ionotropes.
5.1 Monitoring
Monitoring in paediatric CHD is the same as in adult cardiac surgery but there are few
differences and considerations during surgery. Monitoring during surgery ranges from
simple ECG to blood glucose, which is controversial due to non availability of evidence that
tight blood sugar control improves outcome16.
5.1.1 Electrocardiogram
Although ECG can be helpful in the detection of ST changes but is mainly used for
arrhythmia detection in paediatric patients. Even arrhythmia detection is difficult due to
baseline tachycardia. Skin should be prepared for electrode by rubbing with alcohol pad or
swab. Three leads system is commonly used while in older children five leads system can
also be used.
5.1.2 Blood pressure monitoring
Non invasive monitoring
Non invasive blood pressure should always be monitored even in the presence of arterial
line. Cuff should be 20% wider than the diameter of limb where non invasive blood pressure
is monitored. Smaller cuff results in erroneously high pressure while larger cuff will give
lower pressures.
4F, 5cm
5 20 kg
4F, 8cm
>20 kg
5F, 8 or 13cm
Table 3. Central venous catheter (Internal Jugular Vein) size according to weight
5.1.4 Pulse oximeters
Usually two oximeters are placed , one in the upper limb and other in the lower extremity.
Pulse oximeter uses two light emitting diodes and one photodiode for detection of red and
infra red lights.
Accuracy of pulse oximeter is affected by
1. Hypotension
2. Hypothermia
3. Electrocautery
4. Artifacts due to
a. Thick skin
b. Dark color
c. Bright outside light
d. Presence of dyes like indocyanine green and methylene blue
5. Abnormal haemoglobins
a. Met Hb
b. Carboxy Hb
Not affected by fetal hemoglobin.
Patients with PDA are vulnerable to coronary ischaemia11 due to ongoing pulmonary
runoff during the diastolic phase. Therefore diastolic blood pressure (DBP) should be
monitored during surgery. Diameter of Modified Blalock Taussig shunt is fixed so its
output is proportional to SVR and in case of systemic hypotension, the pulmonary blood
flow will be reduced. Blood pressure in the arm will be low due to BT shunt, so use
contralateral limb.
5.2.2 Right to left
These intra cardiac shunts lead to prolong inhalation induction. R L shunt (e.g. tetralogy
of fallot (TOF) or shunt reversal12 occur when SVR drops or PVR increases. Hypercyanotic
spell under anaesthesia will respond to volume, Increase SVR with alpha agonists such as
5.3 Hypoxaemia
Inadequate pulmonary blood flow and/or admixture of deoxygenated with oxygenated
blood in systemic circulation are usually responsible for ischaemia. In addition pulmonary
congestion with inadequate exchange of gases can also leads to hypoxaemia.
Persistent hypoxaemia leads to following changes
a. Slightly HR
b. Hyperventilation
c. Polycythaemia
d. Chemoreceptor response to hypoxaemia reduced
e. Cerebral and myocardial oxygenation maintain but Visceral and muscular oxygenation
f. Reduced metabolic activity of many organs
a. Growth retardation
g. Myocardial ischaemia can occur
h. Myocardial dysfunction
i. Down regulation of - receptors
The anaesthetic management includes adequate hydration, maintenance of systemic blood
pressure, minimizing additional resistance to pulmonary blood flow and avoids sudden
increase in oxygen demand (crying, struggling, and inadequate level of anaesthesia).
5.4 Pulmonary hypertension (HTN)
During early stages, the pulmonary HTN is reactive and responds to hypothermia, stress,
pain, acidosis, hypercarbia, hypoxia and elevated intrathoracic pressure but later pulmonary
HTN becomes fixed. This last stage, where pulmonary vascular resistance exceeds SVR and
symptoms appear due to R L shunt, is the Eisenmenger syndrome13.
Anaesthetic risk is quite high including right ventricular failure, bronchospasm, pulmonary
hypertensive crisis and cardiac arrest. Anaesthetic management focus on preventing further
increase in R-L shunt by keeping SVR high and PVR low, maintaining myocardial
contractility and prevention of arrhythmia and hypovolemia.
5.5 Ventricular dysfunction
Chronic volume overload (Large shunts, valvular regurgitation), Obstructive conditions and
cardiac muscle diseases leads to reduced ventricular function. Blood gas and X-Ray may
show metabolic acidosis and pulmonary edema respectively. Patients are usually on
digoxin, diuretics and ionotropes.
Anaesthetic considerations includes
1. Preoperative optimization of following before surgery
a. Ionotopes
b. Diuretics
c. Digoxin
d. Antiarrhythmics or ablation in patients with arrhythmia
2. Preoperative CBC and electrolytes
3. Etomidate and fentanyl provide cardiovascular stability at the time of induction
4. Avoid or limit the use of inhalation anaesthetics due to associated myocardial
5. Maintain normal sinus rhythm
6. Maintain preload during anaesthesia.
7. After load reduction in certain situations
5.6 Miscellaneous concerns
5.6.1 Neurological outcome
There is growing concern about their quality of life and neurocognitive function, as the long
term survival of these children is now possible. 20 -50% may develop neurological
impairment due to chronic hypoxaemia, prolong deep hypothermic circulatory arrest and
prolong exposure to anaesthetics. Non pulsatile low flow during cardiopulmonary bypass
causing ischaemia/reperfusion injury may also play a part19.
Brain adapts to chronic hypoxia due to presence of NMDA 2B receptors in early life. Cortical
neurons may reduce by 30% due to chronic hypoxia causing reduction in brain volume. But
this reduction is compensated when normoxia develops after surgery. Although most of the
article have supported the use of high dose narcotics in over all outcome but at present there
is no concrete evidence about best anaesthetic agents for congenital heart surgery.
5.6.2 Coagulation disturbances
Coagulation abnormalities are very common in CHD patients particularly in cyanosed and
polycythaemic patient.
Coagulation derangement associated with polycythaemia includes:
1. Decreased platelet count and function
2. Primary fibrinolysis
3. Impaired coagulation factors production
4. Contracted serum volume
Use of blood products is common in paediatric cardiac surgery due to coagulopathy during
surgery and several strategies have been instituted to minimize this practice. Preoperative
exchange transfusion of 20 ml/kg FFP to replace same amount of blood is an effective
method to counter coagulopathy. Antifibrinolytics like aprotinin and tranexamic acid20 have
been used for this purpose. Aprotinin is no longer recommended in cardiac surgery due to
higher incidence of renal failure, stroke and myocardial infarction while the use of
tranexamic acid has increased.
Tranexamic acid as a part of blood saving strategy is given as a bolus of 100mg/kg followed
by 10 mg/kg/hr infusion. Whole blood transfusion is quite effective in coagulopathic
6. Common CHD
6.1 Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
VSD is the most common congenital heart defect. It may be an isolated cardiac defect or may
be associated with other cardiac defects like ASD, PDA or a part of complex defects
(tetralogy, AV canal defect). Communication between two ventricles can be of any size and
can occur at any part of septum. Most common type of VSD is peri membranous (also called
subaortic or infracristal). Other less common defects are subpulmonary (Supra cristal,
infundibular or outlet type), Inlet type (canal type) and muscular. Spontaneous closure is
possible in muscular and membranous type of defects.
Smaller defects are not associated with large shunting of blood from left ventricle to right
ventricle may not diagnose early in life but they are prone to infective endocarditis. Whereas
larger defects cause shunting of blood from left to right ventricle this led to higher
pulmonary blood flow and consequently pulmonary congestion. Due to early development
of symptoms these patients diagnosed earlier. During systole LV ejects blood not only in the
aorta but also in the pulmonary artery causing volume overload of pulmonary vessels, atria
and left ventricle. These patients will develop high pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)
and if untreated will leads to Eisemenger.
A device like amplatzer can be placed to close few of these defects by interventional
cardiologist. This procedure is performed in the cath lab as a daycare procedure but there
are certain criteria needs to be fulfilled. There should be an adequate rim around the defects
where amplatzer can be placed. Surgically VSD can be approached through ventricle, aorta,
pulmonary artery or right atrium.
Anaesthetic considerations
Always consider high pulmonary vascular resistance in these patients and be ready to treat
high PVR and right ventricular failure by inhaled NO, dobutamine and milrinone. Desirable
haemodynamic goals by anaesthetists are to have slightly higher preload and pulmonary
vascular resistance while keeping the SVR on the lower side and at the same time
maintaining heart rate and contractility. Up to 10% of patients may develop conduction
abnormalities after VSD repair which may be transient or permanent.
Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) will be beneficial in recognizing
residual defects, intracardiac air and right ventricular function. Smaller VSD are sometimes
becomes apparent after closure of large defect. In uncomplicated VSD closure patient can be
extubated in the operating room.
6.2 Atrial septal defect (ASD)
Normally there is no communication between right and left atria due to presence of a
septum. This atrial septum composed of septum primum and septum secundum which
merges with endocardial cushion, superior and inferior vena cava.
Several types of defects can occur in this septum leading to shunting across. Apart from
secundum defect other less common are primum, sinus venosus and coronary sinus type.
Most common defect is ostium secundum which usually located in the centre (also called
fossa ovalis type) and occurs due to deficient septum primum. It may be single or have
several small defects called fenestrated type. Patent foramen ovale commonly seen at the
same site in 25 30% of normal patients. Usually PFO do not permit left to right shunting
but right to left shunting can occurs if right atrial pressure exceeds left atrial pressure
(sneezing, valsalva)
Sinus venosus defect is usually associated with partial anomalous pulmonary venous
drainage and appears either at the junction of superior vena cava and atrial septum (High
up) or at the junction of inferior vena cava and septum (located lower part of septum).
Repair some time may cause injury to SA node.
Ostium primum defect is due to failure of fusion between endocardial cushion and lower
part of interatrial septum leading to communication between two atria and usually
associated with cleft at anterior mitral leaflet.
Coronary sinus type defect is due to absence of wall between left atrium and coronary sinus
leading to communication between left and right atrium. It may be associated with
persistent left SVC.
Left to right shunting depends on the size of defects and compliance of ventricles as
shunting usually occurs during diastole when both mitral and tricuspid valves are open. If
the defect is small (less than 5 mm) then its called restrictive type while larger defects are
non restrictive and associated with right atrial dilatation, RV volume overload and
increased pulmonary blood flow. Spontaneous closure is possible but most require device
closure by cardiologist or surgery.
Anaesthetic considerations
Inhalation induction in infants and very young and intra venous induction in older children
is acceptable technique. Intramuscular ketamine can be alternative for induction or intra
venous line placement in some children. Pulmonary hypertension is generally not seen in
these patients and their management is usually simple with the goals of higher preload and
slightly high PVR to reduce pulmonary flow. Presence of ASD is not usually poses higher
risk for infective endocarditis.
TEE is helpful to see the residual ASD, mitral valve repair (primum type), four pulmonary
veins opening in left atrium (Sinus venosus type). Tracheal extubation in the operating room
will help in minimizing the charges.
6.3 Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF)
ToF is the most common cyanotic CHD, accounting for 10% of all CHD. It comprises of four
anatomical defects: (i) VSD (ii) RVOT obstruction (iii) RV hypertrophy (iv) Over riding of
VSD is usually large, non restrictive which led to equalization of RV and LV pressures and
shunting through VSD depends primarily on systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance.
RVOT obstruction is dynamic due to hypertrophied infundibulum but fixed obstruction can
also occur due to v pulmonary valve stenosis.
Due to reduce pulmonary flow, main and branched pulmonary arteries hypoplasia may also
be seen. Right ventricular hypertrophy is more marked when VSD is restrictive. ToF may
also be associated with certain defects like anomalous origin of LAD crossing the RVOT,
pulmonary atresia, absent pulmonary valve and complete AV canal defect.
Palliative surgery
The classic Blalock Taussig shunt was performed in 1944 to relieve the ToF related cyanosis
where end to side anastomosis of subclavian artery to pulmonary artery was performed.
Today modified BT shunt is the most commonly performed palliative procedure in CHD
patients where a synthetic graft is interpositioned between subclavian artery and ipsilateral
pulmonary artery.
Complete surgical repair
First total correction was performed by Lillehei in 1954. Surgical correction involves
infundibular muscle resection through right ventriculotomy or transpulmonarry approach.
Pulmonary valve is removed or dilated accordingly and a transannular patch is placed. VSD
is also closed at the same setting. Main Pulmonary artery and its branches are also inspected
for narrowing. Some centres creates small ASD to counteract high right sided pressures.
There is trend towards early total correction rather than palliative surgery which is followed
by total correction.
Anaesthetic management
Goal of anaesthetic management is to avoid low SVR and ionotropes before bypass. If
patient is on prostaglandin E1 then it should be continued in pre bypass period. Avoid
catecholamine release in preoperative phase and at the time of induction by providing good
premedication and adequate analgesia and anaesthesia.
Induction can be done with ketamine and fentanyl if intravenous line is in place. Inhalation
induction can also be performed while maintaining SVR. Remember infundibular stenosis
increased by increasing contractility and heart rate, so minimize noxious stimulus avoid
catecholamine release. This is achieved by high dose fentanyl at the maintenance phase.
Arterial line and central line should be placed after induction and intubation.
Acute desaturation at any time should be considered as tet spell and treated by analgesics
and volume. Phenylephrine should also be available to treat low systemic vascular
resistance and hypotension. Steroids given at the time of induction can help in reducing
release of inflammatory markers during cardio pulmonary bypass.
TEE is helpful in assessing residual VSD and infundibular stenosis and degree of pulmonary
regurgitation. In case of tet spell, give 100% O2, Phenyl ephrine, volume, increase depth of
anaesthesia, hyperventilate and give bicarbonate. In addition esmolol or proponol can be
tried to reduce infundibular spasm.
During postbypass period be ready for arrhythmias and heart block, RV dysfunction and
coagulopathy. Ionotrpic support is mandatory in postbypass period along with high filling
pressure particularly if right ventriculotomy was performed. Blood products should be
available and antifibrinolytics should be started for coagulopathy.
6.4 Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
Ductus arteriosus is a normal communication in fetus, which constrict and closes within 1015 hrs of birth and later closed anatomically by fibrosis in 2 3 weeks. Various mechanism
have been described for initial functional closure, which includes increased PaO2, absence of
placental derived prostaglandins and presence of catecholamines and bradykinins in new
Ductus venosus provides a communication between junction of main and left pulmonary
artery and lesser curvature of descending aorta after left subclavian artery origin. Higher
incidence of patent ductus arteriosus is seen in premature, females, children living at high
altitude and associated with maternal rubella.
It provides left to right shunt causing high pulmonary flow and volume load on left atrium
and ventricle. Pulmonary congestion and recurrent infection is commonly seen if remain
Medical management includes three doses of indomethacin. If medical management fails
then either transcatheter or surgical closure becomes necessary. Surgical techniques include
ligation via left thoracotmyn sternotomy or recently by video assisted thoracoscopy.
Anaesthetic considerations
Anaesthesia management is planned according to prematurity, degree of pulmonary
congestion and PVR and surgical technique. During surgery aorta, left pulmonary artery
and left main bronchus can be mistakenly ligated instead of ductus arteriosus. Remember to
place a pulse oximeter at lower extremity to diagnose ligation of aorta. In addition, DBP will
rise as soon as PDA is ligated, which will confirm the identification.
Invasive monitoring is not essential in uncomplicated PDA but arterial line can be placed in
patients with comorbids to check beat to beat pressure and diagnosis and correction of
acidosis. Limit Left to right shunt by keeping FiO2 low and PaCO2 between 4050 mmHg.
Blood should be available in the room as bleeding is a possibility.
6.5 Common atrioventricular canal (CAVC)
It is also called endocardial cushion defect and results from failure of endocardial cushions
to fuse with lower part of atrial and upper portion of ventricular septum. In addition,
atrioventricular valves will also be abnormal. There are three different types of CAVC exist.
1. Partial atrioventricular canal or Ostium primum defect
a. Usually interatrial communication and cleft mitral valve
b. Two separate AV valves
2. Transitional atrioventricular canal defect
a. Ostium primum plus
b. Partially separated AV valves
c. Small to moderate VSD partially closed by chordate attachment
3. Complete atrioventricular canal defect
a. Large non restrictive ostium primum
b. Large VSD
c. Large common single atrioventricular valve
Left to right shunting and regurgitation leads to volume loading of both atria and both
ventricles. Patient will develops pulmonary congestion and pulmonary hypertension.
Surgery usually performed at the age of 2-5 years and in some cases earlier.
Anaesthetic management
Management depends on severity of pulmonary hypertension and degree of left to right
shunting. FiO2 and ventilation is manipulated along with use of NO and analgesics to
reduce pulmonary hypertension. Ionotropic support will be required after bypass. TEE will
be useful in detecting residual defects and ventricular function. LA line along with other
invasive lines will help in deciding about escalation in ionotropes.
6.6 Anomalous pulmonary venous connection
Two types of abnormal communication are seen. Both of these defects may be associated
with other cardiac lesions like ASD, VSD and PDA.
1. Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection
a. At least one pulmonary vein is connected to right atrium either directly or
indirectly. Most common is right upper pulmonary vein opening in the superior
vena cava. These patients may remain asymptomatic for long time.
Pulmonary veins converge and drains into a vertical vein which then
drains into right atrium via innominate V or SVC
ii. Cardiac
PAPVR is associated with higher pulmonary blood flow, so main aim would be to reduce
pulmonary blood flow. Patients with obstructed TAPVR are sicker and will need higher
PaO2, ionotropic support and repeated blood gases to control acidosis. Post bypass period
require high PaO2, hyperventilation, ionotropic support, good sedation, paralysis and
NO. Intraoperative TEE is usually not done to avoid further obstruction of pulmonary
veins but TTE and epicardial echo can be performed to look at venous return in the left
6.7 Transposition of the great vessels
Transposition is a common CHD which is associated with high mortality without
intervention. Atrial septostomy is usually performed in the catheterization laboratory to
stabilize the patient before surgery. PgE1 should be continued before bypass to keep the
duct opens. Coronary artery21 should be preoperatively assessed as abnormal location of
coronaries creates surgical difficulties.
Anaesthetic considerations
Anaesthetic goal is to avoid reduction in cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance
while keeping the PVR lower relative to SVR. Increased pulmonary blood flow due to
reduced PVR will leads to increased mixing of blood and better saturation. Pulmonary
resistance can be reduced by following measures:
1. Inhaled nitric oxide (NO)
2. Nebulized PGI2
3. Sildenafil (Oral and preferably intravenous)
4. Ventilatory interventions
a. Increased FiO2
b. Reduced carbon dioxide
c. Alkalotic PH
At the same time avoid hypoxia, hypercarbia, acidosis, hypothermia, high and low tidal
volume, high PEEP and hypoglycaemia in neonates.
available as cardiac arrest in these patients is not uncommon24 when sedation is given for
the procedure.
Although cardiologists do give sedation for certain procedures but another person
with ability to resuscitate the patient should be available in cath lab. Laryngeal mask
airway (LMA) is well tolerated by most of the patients but those patients who can develop
airway obstruction (Downs syndrome) during procedure should be intubated before
the start of procedure. Intubation should also be done on those patients who need
TEE. Anaesthesiologist has to be very careful during TEE manipulation. High doses
of analgesia are not required and only local anaesthesia infiltration at access site is
9. Complications
Expected complications during the procedure include
1. Arrhythmias
a. Mechanical reasons, electrolyte disturbance and hypercarbia
2. Brachial plexus neuropathy due to stretching of nerve plexus during positioning
3. Hypothermia
4. Vascular damage at access site
5. Bleeding
6. Congestive heart failure
7. Tamponade
Use of ionotropes and vasopressors should be intentionally reduced, when anaesthesia is
given for electrophysiological studies to minimize arrhythmias.
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ISBN 978-953-51-0147-5
Hard cover, 378 pages
Publisher InTech
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In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Mohammad Hamid (2012). Anaesthetic Considerations for Congenital Heart Disease Patient, Perioperative
Considerations in Cardiac Surgery, Prof. Cuneyt Narin (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0147-5, InTech, Available
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