College of Criminal Justice Midterm Examination: Rizwoods Colleges
College of Criminal Justice Midterm Examination: Rizwoods Colleges
College of Criminal Justice Midterm Examination: Rizwoods Colleges
# 51 N. Bacalso Ave., Sambag 1, Cebu City b. will
Tel No.: (032) 383-6586 c. environment
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- d. none of them
----------- 11. This factor affects human behavior through genes
COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE passed by parents to their offspring
b. environment
d. none of them
12. It refers to conditions and factors that surround and
Instructions: Encircle the letter that corresponds the
influence an individual can cause certain behavior
correct answer and avoid erasures
a. learning
1. It is a type of behavior where two or more habitual b. people
behaviors occur on one situation c. neighborhood
a. Instinctive behavior d. environment
b. Complex behavior 13. When a person is trying to vent his anger on a
c. Symbolic behavior punching bag instead of the person he is mad at he is
d. Habitual behavior manifesting this type of behavior
2. A cause of conflict involving restrictions or rules in the a. habitual behavior
home, school, and in the community. b. symbolic behavior
a. Physical conflicts c. instinctive behavior
b. Social conflicts d. complex behavior
c. Economic conflicts 14. These kind of people do not only have high needs for
d. Political conflicts stimulation but they also do not condition easily, the
3. It involves cognitive adaptation that enhances the effort of satisfaction of which often gets them to trouble
human being’s ability to cope with changes in the a. extraverts
environment and to manipulate the environment in ways b. introverts
that improve the chances for survival c. neurotics
a. Learned behavior d. psychotics
b. Inherited behavior 15. When a person is watching tv while eating, walking
c. Instinctive behavior while conversing over the cellphone, or singing while
d. Symbolic behavior having shower, what kind of behavior is he manifesting
4. A process by which behavior changes as a result of a. habitual behavior
experience and practice b. symbolic behavior
a. learning c. instinctive behavior
b. environment d. complex behavior
c. heredity 16. One consideration in learning behavior is training the
d. maturation following may provide training>
5. In the study of human behavior, unpleasant feelings a. social, educational, cultural, moral and religious
are considered agencies that impart teachings to the child
a. positive arousal b. neighbors that influence the child in one way or
b. negative arousal another
c. mixed arousal c. efforts of a man’s will
d. sexual arousal d. none of them
6. Refers to any behavioral response or reflex exhibited 17. The instinct Theory of Motivation states that behavior
by people due to their genetic endowment arises from
a. inherited behavior a. Innate urges
b. criminal behavior b. needs
c. learned behavior c. drives
d. human behavior d. motives
7. Human behavior maybe defined as 18. The aspect of human behavior that refers to the way
a. The voluntary or involuntary attitude a person adopts of thinking reasoning, and problem solving is called
to fit society’s idea a. emotional
b. Partly determined by heredity and environment, but b. morality
modified through learning c. intellectual
c. The way human act d. both a and c
d. All of the above 19. The following are factors that affect human behavior
8. It is a fear of being alone or fear of one’s self a. Crime, opportunity, intent
a. extroversion b. Heredity, environment, learning
b. introversion c. Techniques, tactics, strategies
c. hallucination 20. Brushing of teeth, taking a bath, going to work, are
d. delusion examples of this behavior classification
9. A viewpoint in the study of human behavior that a. instinctive behavior
emphasizes human actions in relation to events taking b. habitual behavior
place inside the body, especially the brain and the c. symbolic behavior
nervous system d. complex behavior
a. neurological viewpoint 21. When a person acts with full volition of his wil, such
b. behavioral viewpoint act is classified as
c. cognitive viewpoint a. Voluntary behavior
d. psychoanalytical viewpoint b. Irrational behavior
10. It is man’s capacity to direct and restrain through c. Covert behavior
genes passed by parents to their offspring. d. Over behavior
22. Biologically, criminal behavior is strengthened when
an act b. memory disorder
a. do not reduce drive c. content of thought disorder
b. increase drive d. trend of thought disorder
c. reduce drive 34. A false belief of possession of great wealth
d. decrease drive a. delusion of persecution
23. When a person is mentally ill, the most effective b. delusion of reference
remedy is to c. nihilistic delusion
a. seek treatment in an mental asylum d. delusion of grandeur
b. enroll the person to a special education school 35. The morbid, intense and uncontrollable desire of
c. conduct a personalized supervision to the person particular things or situation
d. expose the person to a normal community a. melancholia
24. This type of mental disorder is mild in nature. A b. mania
person may not have physical as well as mental c. phobia
difficulty, but may experience lack of sleep, loss of d. obsession
appetite and may become emotionally unstable 36. Exaltation, depression, apathy, phobia are examples
a. psychoneurosis of manifestations of mental disorder.
b. psychotic illness a. volition
c. psychoses c. cognition
d. neurosis d. emotional
25. A person suffering from hallucination experiences d. physical
this mental perception 37. In addiction to mental defect this mentally retarded
a. an erroneous perception without an external object of person has strong vicious and criminal propensities so
stimulus that he requires supervision and control for the
b. a false interpretation of an external stimulus protection of others; he is devoid of moral sense; he is
c. correct perception of an external stimulus careless, with a devil-may-car attitude
d. right perception of an external stimulus even if it is not a. imbecile
there b. feeble-minded
26. Daniel, a funeral embalmer feels sexual arousal c. morally defective
every time works on a female cadaver. On a number of d. idiot
occasion he has performed sex with such cadavers. 38. When a person performs while asleep, and has no
Daniel is doing this because he is suffering from recollection of events that took place, it is called
a. dementia a. somnambulism
b. melancholia b. somnolencia
c. delusion c.mermerism
d. necrophilia d. delirium
27. It dictates condition ability and is the principal factor 39. He is a person who has no self-confidence, always
in anti-social behavior. It represents a central nervous thinking of himself as a good-for-nothing loser.
system tendency that determines need for stimulation a. anti-social personality
and excitement. b. paranoid-schizophrenic
a. introversion c. inadequate personality
b. extraversion d. manic-depressive
c. neuroticism 40. A person with anti-social personality manifests this
d. psychoticism certain qualities
28. An emotionally unstable person suffers from high a. has autistic behavior, hallucinations and personality
level of deterioration
a. psychoticism b. one who does not fit a particular purpose
b. neuroticism c. a social rebel
c. psychopathy d. suffers alternating accounts of mania and depression
d. exorcism 41. A person who becomes excited in one instance and
29, it is the field of medicine that specializes in the depressed in another, without clear reason for becoming
understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of such.
mental problems a. manic-depressive
a. psychology b. anti-social personality
b. psychoanalysis c. weak personality
c. psychiatry d. strong personality
d. psychometry 42. When does a sexual behavior becomes deviant
30. A person suffering from mental disorder may show a. when it starts to become harmful
the following physical symptoms. b. when it irritates the sexual partner
a. nausea, vomiting, dizziness c. when it diverges from the normal
b. deep, non- healing and infected wounds d. when it becomes counter-productive
c. highblood pressure 43. It is a sexual indulgence in seeing nude people
d. sepsis a. voyeurism
31. There is a cure for mental retardation b. sadhism
a. true c. fetishism
b. false d. masochism
c. maybe true
d. neither true nor false Kurdapya met with his boyfriend, Kurdapyo. They had a
32. A person having this type of mental illness suffers sexual trust and enjoyed each other a lot. After the act,
manifestation of withdrawal from reality. Kurdapya went back to her female boarding house and
a. psychosomatic illness saw her sleeping naked. Something inside her was
b. psychoses suddenly aroused. The same feeling that she felt when
c. psychoneurosis they had sex with her boyfriend kurdapyo. She
d. psychopathy approached her boardmate and tried to have sex with
33. Illusion and hallucinations are examples of her
a. perception disorder
44. What kind of sexual deviant is kurdapya? hostage-taking
a. homosexual d. unlike in hostage-taking, the police cannot exert
b. heterosexual pressure on the kidnappers
c. lesbian 55. The following may be choices of actions of a
d. pedophile hostage-taker, except
45. If kurdapya and her boardmate were close relatives a. choose martyrdom, kill the hostages and commit
what kind of sexual deviation would they commit? suicide,
a. bestiality b. lessen the demands to a more achievable proportion
b. necrophilia and
c. sadism c. surrender to police
d. incest d. leave his hostages behind and attack the police
46. If kurdapya’ boardmate is a minor what kind of 56. These kind of hostage-takers are individuals or
sexual deviant would kurdapya be? groups who take hostages due to political or ideological
a. necromaniac beliefs
b. masochist a. person in crisis
c. exhibitionist b. prisoner/escapees
d. pedophile c. political terrorist
47. During the sexual intercourse, kurdapya tied the d. psychotics
hands of her boardmate and lashed her with a belt cause 57. In dealing with hostage-takers, it is important to
her to groan in pain. What kind of sexual deviation is a. discover the hostage-takers intentions
this? b. determine the demands and need of the hostage-taker
a. sadism c. continuously talk and negotiate with the hostage-take
b. voyeurism d. all of them
c. transvestilism 58. These people tend to commit hostage-taking in order
d. fetishism to afford escape from police arrest.
48. It is the premise by which certain drugs are being a. common criminals
prohibited or regulated b. political terrorists
a. certain drugs are very expensive that it will c. psychos
economically affect the users d. fanatics
b. certain drugs can affect the mental as well as physic-
psychological order John Quincy was furious upon learning that his son, who
c. certain drugs are simply not available, thus, their is afflicted with a rare heart disease and needs a
prohibition and regulation transplant, was omitted from the list of heart transplant
d. all of them benefactors, His fury was aggravated by the fact that it
49. The following are signs and symptoms of drug was done because he is the poorest of all the
abuse, except benefactors of an available heart. Because of this, John
a. disrespect to authorities and violation of school norms, Quincy though of no other solution but to use force so
frequent absences in work, and less work output hat his son’s heart transplant will push through of no
b. definite and marked changes in personality and other solution but to use force so that his son’s heart
behavior transplant will push through. John Quincy took several
c. significant economic stability doctors and nursing staffs of the hospital to insists his
d. significant change in physical looks and grooming demand. The police responded. Upon learning about his
50. It is any difficult event or situation that involves predicament, however, the hostaged doctors and nursing
individuals who have reached such a debilitating mental staffs took pity on John quincy. It was even that the
state that they seem to have lost the ability to cope with police could not enter and conduct a rescue attempt
a situation through normal methods, such as discussion because the doctors and nurses helped and assisted
or negotiation. John Quincy in warding off any police assault>
a crime
b. dangerous situation 59. What did John Quincy commit?
c. problem a. kidnapping
d. crisis b. hostage-taking
51. It is an element of crisis c. illegal possession of firearms
a. a threat to the organization d. robbery
b. the element of surprise 60. What was the name of the phenomenon that took
c. a short decision time place during the incident
d. all of them a. Lima syndrome
52. This type of crisis is caused by human application of b. Holden’s syndrome
science and technology c. Stockholm’s syndrome?
a. natural crisis d. Italian syndrome
b. technological crisis 61. In what country did the phenomena of stockholm’s
c. confrontational crisis syndrome originate
d. crisis of malevolence a. Sweden
53. These are false information about an organization or b. finland
its products that hurt the organization’s reputation c. Ireland
a. workplace violence d. Netherlands
b. technological crisis 62. Stocholm’s Styndromes is a phenomenon where the
c. confrontational crisis following develops, except
d. crisis of malevolence a. negative feelings on the part of the hostage toward the
54. The following are differences between hostage- police
taking and kidnapping, except b. positive feelings on the part of the hostage toward the
a. unlike in hostage situation, the police are not aware of hostage taker
the captive’s location in kidnapping c. negative feeling on the part of the hostage taker
b. unlike in kidnapping, the police are in close contact toward the police
with the hostage taker d. positive feelings by the hostage taker toward the
c. unlike in kidnapping, there are no weapons involved in hostage
63. These are the major activities in managing hostage
a. developing, measuring, evaluating
b. planning, organizing, leading, controlling
c. decision-making, communicating motivation, selecting
d. structuring work, developing
64. It is the first plant of action for hostage situations
a. identifying the physical objective
b. establishing perimeters
c. organizing fire and observation team
d. activating the negotiating team
65. It is the exact location where a hostage- taking is
taking place, that may include a structure, a vehicle, or a
a. perimeter
b. physical objective
c. reserves
d. assault team
66. They are important are standby team that will relieve
duty teams of officers handling the case in the event the
negotiations is prolonged
b. physical objective
c. reserves
d. perimeter
67. They are designed to allow for an uninhibited flow of
information to interpret a series of events and issue a
series of options pertaining to the resolution of the
events being discussed
a. brainstorming
b. assault
c. negotiation
d. assessment
68. In a brainstorming session, one of the following
should not be done
a. forbidding criticism of ideas of any member present
during the session
b. granting freedom of each member to voice out their
c. limiting the scope of the discussion to the problem by
which it is formed to resolve
d. selecting only ideas of good quality to be considered
69. Think –tank Teams should be composed of experts
in law enforcement and negotiation
a. true
b false
c. maybe true
d. neither true nor false
70. A brainstorming session ideally last for howlong?
a. 30-60 minutes
b. 1-2 hours
c. 2-4 hours
d. 5-10 hours