Social Sciencea

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NMAT REVIEW 2021 8. Social psychologists note that we probably maintain

PSYCHOLOGY MODULE C consistent attitudes and reference group over lifetime
a. we select reference groups that support our attitudes
DIRECTIONS: Select the best answer to each of the b. our reference groups help to create our attitudes
following questions and shade the appropriate space on c. we identify with members of the reference group
your answer sheet. d. All of the above

1. A behavioral psychologist is interested in behavior that

9. According to social learning theory, what a person will
a. can be observed
do in a situation depends on
b. is shown in major body movements
a. Past reinforcement
c. an organism displays voluntarily
b. Evaluation of the present situation
d. can be inferred
c. Observation of the others
d. All of the above
2. You jerk your hand away after touching a hot plate.
This jerking motion is controlled by ________.
10. Jerry felt terrified whenever he had to travel in
a. the sympathetic system
automobiles; he now avoids them completely. Jerry
b. parasympathetic system
suffers from a(n)
c. afferent neurons
a. Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior
d. motor neurons
b. Phobia
c. Anxiety Reaction
3. Which of the ff. is most accurate statement about the
d. Personality Disorder
determinants of human development?
a. The interaction between biological predisposition and
11. The least negative effects in your performance would
individual experiences governs development
probably be produced by
b. Development results from combination of cultural and
a. A thunderstorm
environmental influences
b. Your neighbor’s lawn mower
c. Biological predispositions combine with maturational
c. Cars honking loudly outside your window
time tables to determine development
d. The radio you are too lazy to turn off
d. Heredity (“nature”) is more important than environment
(“nurture”) in determining the course of human
12. A goal of Cognitive Psychology is to
a. Develop theories about how emotions function
b. Develop theories about how mental processes are
4. Figure is to ground as
a. Light to dark c. Thunder is to lightning
c. Conduct experimentation on behavior data
b. Water is to ice d. Clouds is to sky
d. Conduct psychological studies of stimuli

5. Chanting a mantra during meditation is an example of

13. Tapping the tendon in top of the knee cap result in
a. Repression
what is known as knee jerk. This is a test of
b. Active consciousness
a. Spinal reflex
c. Dynamic consciousness
b. Muscle coordination
d. Passive consciousness
c. Somatic nervous system
d. Automatic nervous system
6. When a newly presented stimulus is very similar to
stimulus to which a conditioned response has been
14. Maturation refers to
learned, the new stimulus is likely to
a. Orderly changes in behavior that are caused by
a. Inhibits the same response
b. Produce no response
b. Disrupted prenatal development that results in
c. Elicit the same responses
permanent defects
d. Produce a new response
c. Natural physical growth processes that are relatively
independent of environment events
7. Psychological motives are most influenced by
d. The acquisition of adult behavior through social contact
a. Genetics
b. Physiological drives
15. Although a door is that closing appears trapezoidal at
c. Social factors
one point, you will still perceive it as rectangular due to
d. Neurological and chemical events
a. Stroboscopic motion
b. Figure- ground perception
c. Shape constancy
d. Pattern recognition



16. Sleep studies have shown that people can 25. Which of the ff. is an example of selective attention?
a. Discriminate between dreaming and non-dreaming a. Not speaking up when you see someone stealing
sleep while asleep b. Not hearing the radio when you are reading the book
b. Be aware they are dreaming while in the midst of the c. Eating a candy bar while watching a television
dream d. Sitting at rock concert
c. Control their dream content
d. All of the above

17. In operant conditioning, the reward

a. Follows behavior
b. Comes before the behaviour
c. Occurs at the same time as the behavior
d. Elicits behavior

18. Amanda considers applying to medical school but

decides not to because she anticipates rejection. The
impact thinking on behavior is emphasized in
a. Social learning theory
b. Psychoanalytic theory
c. Behavioral theory
d. Maslow’s theory

19. In Freudian terms, a person who doesn’t care if

he/she harms others in order to achieve success probably
has a weak
a. ld c. Libido
b. Ego d. Superego

20. The best example of an obsession is

a. The irresistible urge to use credit cards
b. Recurring thought of performing an obscene act
c. Felling panicked with no definable cause
d. Being distressed over the death of a friend

21. Studies of animals have shown that living under

crowded conditions is associated with
a. Increased aggression c. Infant neglect
b. Physical disorders d. All of the above

22. Psychoanalytic psychologist emphasize that behavior is

often controlled by
a. Free will c. Unconscious processors
b. External stimuli d. Perception

23. The center of higher mental process is the

a. Limbic system c. Cerebellum
b. Cerebrum d. hypothalamus

24. Franklin spent the first six-month of his life with heavy
casts on his feet. How will this affect his motor
a. Because motor development is sensitive to restriction,
he will probably never walk with normal gait.
b. He may not walk as early as other children, but he will
probably catch up rapidly
c. He will walk normally only of his parent spend a lot of
time teaching him
d. Since motor development, we cannot predict what will


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