Lie Detection Techniques: College of Criminal Justice Midterm Examination
Lie Detection Techniques: College of Criminal Justice Midterm Examination
Lie Detection Techniques: College of Criminal Justice Midterm Examination
# 51 N. Bacalso Ave., Sambag 1, Cebu City Moulton Marston
Tel No.: (032) 383-6586 8. The person who made the first suggestion
---------------------------------------------------------------- for using the Psycho Galvanic reaction for
---------------------- detecting deception and stated that
COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE galvanic skin phenomenon is under the
MIDTERM EXAMINATION influence of exciting mental impressions
LIE DETECTION TECHNIQUES and the will has no effect upon it.
Instructions: Encircle the letter that corresponds the a. Veraguth c. Sticker
correct answer and avoid erasures b. Harold Burtt d. Vittorio Bennussi
9. He later partially confirmed the results
obtained by Benussi and improved upon his
1. He is the person who devised an instrument technique. However, he considered this
that can record changes of blood pressure, respiratory method of less diagnostic value
pulse beat and respiration simultaneously which than the blood pressure technique, so he
he called the “Bread board Lie Detector”. combined respiration and systolic blood
a. Cesare Lombroso pressure.
c. Sir James Mackenzie a. Veraguth c. Sticker
b. John A. Larson b. Harold Burtt d. Vittorio Bennussi
d. Leonarde Keeler 10. In polygraph result, this refers to the
2. The first person to conceive the idea of incorrect decision that deception was not
utilizing an instrument practiced by the examinee.
(hydrosphygmograph) for detecting a. Error
deception in 1895. c. False Negative
a. Cesare Lombroso c. Sir James b. False Positive
Mackenzie d. Deception
b. John A. Larson d. Leonarde 11. He devised a quantitative analysis on a
Keeler polygraph chart and the test called Backster
3. The person who devised his own polygraph Zone Comparison Technique.
machine in which aside from the usual a. Cleve Backster c. C.D. Lee
pneumograph and cardiosphygmograph b. Richard O. Arthur d. Galilleo
component he added two (2) galvanic skin 12. Among the several other lie-detectors
resistance tracing. somewhat similar to keeler's is the Berkeley
a. John A. Larson __________, a blood pressure-pulse-
c. John E. Reid respiration recorder developed by C.D. Lee
b. Richard O. Arther in 1936:
d. Leonarde Keeler a. photograph c. kymograph
4. A person who makes a great improvement b. polygraph d. Psychograph
on the polygraph instrument in the year 13. He made used of a plethysmograph and
1926, which is capable of recording blood focus on the study of fear as a great factor
pressure, pulse beat, respiration and influencing emotional disturbance and also
electrodermal response. utilized the scientific cradle or pendulum in
a. John A. Larson 1895.
c. John E. Reid a. Angelo Mosso
b. Richard O. Arthur c. CesareLombrodo
d. Leonarde Keeler b. William Marston
5. The person who devised his own polygraph d. John A. Larson
instrument with the addition of muscular 14. The first attempt to utilize scientific
resistance which are detected with the aid instrument in an effort to detect deception
of portable chair. HE also devised the guilt occurred about:
complex and silent answer test. a. 1895 b. 1915 c. 1921
a. John A. Larson d. 1907
c. John E. Reid 15. The first man noted for the use of the word
b. Richard O. Arthur “Polygraph”
d. Leonarde Keeler a. Thomas Jefferson c. G. Gallilleo
6. He is a heart specialist who described in b. F. Galton d. Sir James Mackenzie
two British journal the polygraph machine 16. It is the scientific method of detecting
as “Ink Polygraph”. deception done with the aid of an
a. Leonarde Keeler c. Sir James instrument known as polygraph machine.
Makenzie a. Word Association test
b. Dr. Hans Gross d. William c. use of alcoholic beverage
Moulton Marston b. polygraphy
7. He devised a system of detecting Systolic d. Narco- analysis test
blood pressure using a 17. What was added in the Larson's polygraph
sphygmamonometer and a discontinuous instrument by Leonardekeeler which is also
technique in questioning in the year 1915. considered as one of the major
a. Leonarde Keeler c. Sir James components:
a. Kymograph 25. It is the Hindu book of science and health
c. galvanograph which depicts the nature of lying.
b. cardiosphymograph a. Ayur Vida
d. pneumograph c. Dharmasastra of Gautama
18. Which of the following notion about b. Vasistra of Dharmasastra
polygraph instrument is wrong d. Koran
a. it is capable of detecting lies 26. The polygraph instrument has ____ major
b. it is incapable of drawing or components?
interpreting any conclusions a. three b. four
c. it is a sensitive machine like an x-ray c. five d. six
which needs interpretation 27. The following are major components of the
d. None of these polygraph instrument, Except:
19. The Raid polygraph differs from the keeler’s a. Keymograph
in the following respect except: c. galvanograph
a.An adjustable and portable chair is b. cardiosphymograph
employed wherein metal bellows d. pneumograph
are inserted in the chair arm rests. 28. It is that component of the polygraph
b. The chair seat is directly attached instrument which is designed to detect
to recording bellows in the machine changes of electrodermal response:
to form closed pneumatic systems. a. Keymograph
c. Three additional recordings are c. galvanograph
made by this method b. cardiosphymograph
d. There is no need of using d. pneumograph
corrugated rubber tubing 29. The Pneumograph component detects
20. It is an ancient method of detecting what?
deception practice in Bengal, India where a. Breathing
accused to proved his innocent would touch c. Blood pressure of the subject
his tongue to an extremely hot metal.
a. boiling water ordeal b. Skin resistance
c. red hot iron ordeal d. None of the above
b. ordeal of balance 30. Which of the following is one among the
d. Ordeal of heat and major components of the polygraph?
fire a. sphygmomanometer
21. A scientific foundation of polygraph c. kymograph
technique which states that among the b. blood pressure cuff
physiological changes that may be d. cardiospygmograph
recorded and identified are those which 31. It is that section of the polygraph instrument
may automatically occur, only following the designed to make a permanent record of
stimulation of these specific nervous the polygraph test.
system, components, from which the a. keymograph
stimulation of these specific nervous c. pen and inking system
system components can be reliably b. pnuemograph
diagnosed. d. galvanogaph
a. mechanical leg basic premise 32. Corrugated rubber bellows with the aid of
b. physiological leg basic premise beaded chain should be fastened on the
c. psychological leg basic premise subject's:
d. psycho motor leg basic premise a. Abdomen and chest
22. it is the scientific basis of the polygraph test c. waistline
which states that the polygraph machine is b. hips
an instrument capable of making records of d. neck
various human functioning simultaneously 33. It is that section of the polygraph machine
in a chart paper designed to run the paper at a regular
a. mechanical leg basic premise speed of 6 inches per minutes
b. physiological leg basic premise a. keymograph
c. psychological leg basic premise c. pen and inking system
d. psycho motor leg basic premise b. pnuemograph
23. Which of the following notions about d. galvanogaph
polygraph instrument is wrong? 34. It is that part of the galvanograph
a. It rings a bell component which converts electrical to
b. It has a dial indicator mechanical current:
c. It flash a light a. Amplifier unit
d. All of these c. finger electrode assembly
24. Of the following which is a kind of polygraph b. resonance control
instrument? d. sensitivity knob
a. Stoelting polygraph 35. It is that part of the pneumograph
c. keeler's polygraph component which is attached to the body of
b. Laffayette polygraph the subject with the length of 10 inches.
d. all of these
a. beaded chain 48. It is the sum total of the dissimulation which
the child acquires from his surrounding
c. rubber convoluted tube once he learned to go out and socialized
b. finger electrode plate with his neighborhood.
d. blood pressure cuff a. Personality c. Heredity
36. An attachment of the cardiosphygmograph b. Environment d. Education
which is placed above the brachial artery. 49. The investigator should avoid asking
a. Arm cuff c. Wrist cuff witnesses long complicated questions
b. infant cuff d. hand cuff because this will:
37. Sets of electrodes are attached to what part a. Give the witness a chance to
of fingers : formulate desired answer.
a. palmar or tips of fingers of b. Enable him to ascertain the purpose
convenience of the interviewer.
b. toes c. Renders difficulty in obtaining the
c. ankles facts for conviction
d. necK d. Embraces him and cause him to
38. This is a galvanograph attachment section answer he does not know
EXCEPT: 50. The best way to conduct a thorough
a. sets of electrodes c. electrodes interview is for the investigator to:
jelly a. allow himself sufficient time for
b. stretched band d. rubber tube adjustment
39. In the _________, the bladder is centered b. permit the interviewee to give
over the radial artery: narrative statement
a. wrist cuff c. be guided by a pre-arranged checklist
c. hand cuff d. Devote adequate time for an
b. arm cuff interviewee’s evaluation
d. infant cuff 51. It is that section of the polygraph instrument
40. It is used for inflation of blood pressure- designed to make a permanent record of
pulse cuff: the polygraph test.
a. water pressure coupling c. air a. keymograph c. pen and
pressure coupling inking system
b. breath pressure coupling d. none b. pnuemograph d. galvanogaph
of these 52. Corrugated rubber bellows with the aid of
41. It is that part of the cardiosphygmograph beaded chain should be fastened on the
which indicates the amount of air pressure subject's:
in the system a. Abdomen and chest c. waistline
a. air pump c. sphygmamonometer b. hips d. neck
b. arm cuff d. connecting plug 53. It is that section of the polygraph machine
42. Capillary pens has: designed to run the paper at a regular
a. Two short pens and one long pen speed of 6 inches per minutes
b. Three short pens and one long pen a. keymograph c. pen and
c. one short pen and two long pens inking system
d. all of the above b. pnuemograph d. galvanogaph
43. The size of the galvanograph recording pen 54. It is that part of the galvanograph
is ______? component which converts electrical to
a. 5 inches mechanical current:
c. 7 inches a. Amplifier unit c. finger
b. 6 inches electrode assembly
d. 10 inches b. resonance control d. sensitivity
44. It is a short horizontal line in a cardio knob
tracing located at the middle of the diastolic 55. It is that part of the pneumograph
stem component which is attached to the body of
a. Dicrotic notch c. Diastotic the subject with the length of 10 inches.
b. Diastolic d. Systolic a. beaded chain c. rubber convoluted
45. It is the normal rate of pulse beat of an tube
adult subject in a polygraph test? b. finger electrode plate d. blood
a. 60 –65 b. 70 – 75 pressure cuff
c. 6- 12 d. 13- 15 56. An attachment of the cardiosphygmograph
46. What is the normal cyclic rate of respiration which is placed above the brachial artery.
of a normal built person in a polygraph test: a. Arm cuff c. Wrist cuff
a. 60 –65 b. 70 – 75 b. infant cuff d. hand cuff
c. 6- 12 d. 13-15 57. Sets of electrodes are attached to what part
47. Generally speaking, all persons subjected of fingers :
to lie detector examination are all ___ and a. palmar or tips of fingers of
this creates a set of distortion. convenience
a. Terrified c. convenient b. toes
b. nervous d. confident c. ankles
d. necK
58. This is a galvanograph attachment section 68. This is a galvanograph attachment section
a. sets of electrodes c. electrodes a. sets of electrodesc. electrodes jelly
jelly b. stretched band d. rubber tube
b. stretched band d. rubber tube 69. In the _________, the bladder is centered
59. In the _________, the bladder is centered over the radial artery:
over the radial artery: a. wrist cuff c. hand cuff
a. wrist cuff b. arm cuff d. infant cuff
c. hand cuff 70. Generally speaking, all persons subjected
b. arm cuff to lie detector examination are all ___ and
d. infant cuff this creates a set of distortion.
60. It is used for inflation of blood pressure- a. Terrified c. convenient
pulse cuff: b. nervous d. confident
a. water pressure coupling 71. He devised a quantitative analysis on a
c. air pressure coupling polygraph chart and the test called Backster
b. breath pressure coupling Zone Comparison Technique.
d. none of these a. Cleve Backster c. C.D. Lee
61. The first man noted for the use of the word b. Richard O. Arthur d. Galilleo
“Polygraph” 72. Among the several other lie-detectors
a. Thomas Jefferson c. G. Gallilleo somewhat similar to keeler's is the Berkeley
b. F. Galton d. Sir James Mackenzie __________, a blood pressure-pulse-
respiration recorder developed by C.D. Lee
in 1936:
62. What was added in the Larson's polygraph a. photograph c. kymograph
instrument by Leonardekeeler which is also b. polygraph d. Psychograph
considered as one of the major 73. He made used of a plethysmograph and
components: focus on the study of fear as a great factor
a. Kymograph c. galvanograph influencing emotional disturbance and also
b. cardiosphymograph d. pneumograph utilized the scientific cradle or pendulum in
63. Which of the following notion about 1895.
polygraph instrument is wrong a. Angelo Mosso c. CesareLombrodo
a. it is capable of detecting lies b. William Marston d. John A. Larson
b. it is incapable of drawing or 74. The first attempt to utilize scientific
interpreting any conclusions instrument in an effort to detect deception
c. it is a sensitive machine like an x-ray occurred about:
which needs interpretation a. 1895 b. 1915 c. 1921
d. None of these d. 1907
64. The Raid polygraph differs from the keeler’s 75. The first man noted for the use of the word
in the following respect except: “Polygraph”
a.An adjustable and portable chair is a. Thomas Jefferson c. G. Gallilleo
employed wherein metal bellows b. F. Galton d. Sir James Mackenzie
are inserted in the chair arm rests. 76. It is the scientific method of detecting
b.The chair seat is directly attached to deception done with the aid of an
recording bellows in the machine to instrument known as polygraph machine.
form closed pneumatic systems. a. Word Association test c. use of
c. Three additional recordings are made alcoholic beverage
by this method b. polygraphy d. Narco- analysis test
d.There is no need of using corrugated 77. What was added in the Larson's polygraph
rubber tubing instrument by Leonardekeeler which is also
65. It is an ancient method of detecting considered as one of the major
deception practice in Bengal, India where components:
accused to proved his innocent would touch a. Kymograph c. galvanograph
his tongue to an extremely hot metal. b. cardiosphymograph d. pneumograph
a. boiling water ordeal c. red hot iron 78. Which of the following notion about
ordeal polygraph instrument is wrong
b. ordeal of balance d. Ordeal of a. it is capable of detecting lies
heat and fire b. it is incapable of drawing or
66. An attachment of the cardiosphygmograph interpreting any conclusions
which is placed above the brachial artery. c. it is a sensitive machine like an x-ray
a. Arm cuff c. Wrist cuff which needs interpretation
b. infant cuff d. hand cuff d. None of these
67. Sets of electrodes are attached to what part 79. The Raid polygraph differs from the keeler’s
of fingers : in the following respect except:
a. palmar or tips of fingers of a. An adjustable and portable chair is
convenience employed wherein metal bellows
b. toes are inserted in the chair arm rests.
c. ankles
d. necK
b. The chair seat is directly attached 88. It is that component of the polygraph
to recording bellows in the machine instrument which is designed to detect
to form closed pneumatic systems. changes of electrodermal response:
c. Three additional recordings are a. Keymograph
made by this method c. galvanograph
d. There is no need of using b. cardiosphymograph
corrugated rubber tubing d. pneumograph
80. It is an ancient method of detecting 89. The Pneumograph component detects
deception practice in Bengal, India where what?
accused to proved his innocent would touch a. Breathing c. Blood pressure of the
his tongue to an extremely hot metal. subject
a. boiling water ordeal c. red hot iron b. Skin resistance d. None of the above
ordeal 90. Which of the following is one among the
b. ordeal of balance d. Ordeal of major components of the polygraph?
heat and fire a. sphygmomanometerc. kymograph
81. A scientific foundation of polygraph b. blood pressure cuff
technique which states that among the 91. It is that part of the cardiosphygmograph
physiological changes that may be which indicates the amount of air pressu
recorded and identified are those which
may automatically occur, only following the
stimulation of these specific nervous
system, components, from which the
stimulation of these specific nervous
system components can be reliably
a. mechanical leg basic premise
b. physiological leg basic premise
c. psychological leg basic premise
d. psycho motor leg basic premise
82. it is the scientific basis of the polygraph test
which states that the polygraph machine is
an instrument capable of making records of
various human functioning simultaneously
in a chart paper
a. mechanical leg basic premise
b. physiological leg basic premise
c. psychological leg basic premise
d. psycho motor leg basic premise
83. Which of the following notions about
polygraph instrument is wrong?
a. It rings a bell
b. It has a dial indicator
c. It flash a light
d. All of these
84. Of the following which is a kind of polygraph
a. Stoelting polygraph
c. keeler's polygraph
b. Laffayette polygraph
d. all of these
85. It is the Hindu book of science and health
which depicts the nature of lying.
a. Ayur Vida
c. Dharmasastra of Gautama
b. Vasistra of Dharmasastra
d. Koran
86. The polygraph instrument has ____ major
a. three b. four
c. five d. six
87. The following are major components of the
polygraph instrument, Except:
a. Keymograph
c. galvanograph
b. cardiosphymograph
d. pneumograph
92. re in the system
a. air pump c. sphygmamonometer
b. arm cuff d. connecting plug
93. Capillary pens has:
a. Two short pens and one long pen
b. Three short pens and one long pen
c. one short pen and two long pens
d. all of the above
94. The size of the galvanograph recording pen
is ______?
a. 5 inches c. 7 inches
b. 6 inches d. 10 inches
95. It is a short horizontal line in a cardio
tracing located at the middle of the diastolic
a. Dicrotic notch c. Diastoticb.
Diastolic d. Systolic
96. It is the normal rate of pulse beat of an
adult subject in a polygraph test?
a. 60 –65 b. 70 – 75
c. 6- 12 d. 13- 15
97. What is the normal cyclic rate of respiration
of a normal built person in a polygraph test:
a. 60 –65 b. 70 – 75
c. 6- 12 d. 13-15
98. Generally speaking, all persons subjected
to lie detector examination are all ___ and
this creates a set of distortion.
a. Terrified c. convenient
b. nervous d. confident
99. It is the sum total of the dissimulation which
the child acquires from his surrounding
once he learned to go out and socialized
with his neighborhood.
a. Personality c. Heredity
b. Environment d. Education
100. The investigator should avoid asking
witnesses long complicated questions
because this will:
a. Give the witness a chance to
formulate desired answer.
b. Enable him to ascertain the purpose
of the interviewer.
c. Renders difficulty in obtaining the
facts for conviction
d. Embraces him and cause him to
answer he does not know
101. The best way to conduct a thorough
interview is for the investigator to:
a. allow himself sufficient time for
b. permit the interviewee to give
narrative statement
c. be guided by a pre-arranged checklist
d. Devote adequate time for a
Dean of College Criminal Justice