Mcqs Chapter 3

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1. A predisposition towards developing a disorder is termed as:

a. Disease c. diathesis
b. Distress d. document.

2. Some amount of diathesis must be effect. Which model explain this

present before stress will have any statement.
a. Additive c. Proactive
b. Interactive d. Active
3. Our views on who we are, what we might become, and what is important to us is called.
a. Self-Concept c. Self-control
b. Self-schema d. Self-motivation

4. Changing our existing frameworks to make it possible to in cooperate new information

that doesn’t fit Is called.
a. Assimilation c. Achievement
b. Accommodation d. association
5. A disorder of acute social withdrawal in which young people just remain in their rooms in
their parents’ home and refuse social interaction for about six months is called.
a. Anxiety c. Insomnia
b. Depression d. Hikko Mori

6. A disorder in which a person believes that he or she is possessed by a spirit may

experience a dissociative episode during which shouting, laughing, singing or weeping
may occur.
a. Hikko Mori c. Meko Mori
b. Zar d. Nor
7. A ------------------ cause is that increases the probability of a disorder.
a. contributory cause c. major cause
b. sufficient cause d. relative cause
8. Factors that may not show their effects for many years are called
a. Contributory factors c. Sufficient factors
b. Distal causal factors d. Major factor
9. A ----------------- cause is a condition that tends to maintain maladaptive behavior that is
already occurring.
a. reinforcing contributory c. Sufficient factors
cause d. Proximal distal fact
b. Distal causal factors

10. The ---------------- viewpoint is concerned with the impact of culture and other features of
social environment on mental disorders.
a. Cultural c. Sub cultural
b. Cross cultural d. Sociocultural

11. The process of assigning causes to things that happens is called

a. Attitude c. Self-schemes
b. Attribution style d. Attributes
12. The characteristics ways by which individual tends to assign causes to bad events or good
a. Self-serving bias c. Attribution styles
b. Implicit memory d. Temperament
13. Person remember previously learned words but can’t consciously remember it.
a. Explicit memory c. Implicit memory
b. Autobiographical memory d. All of these

14. psychological causal factors have detrimental effects on child's socioemotional development
a. 4 c. 1
b. 3 d. None
15. Mineka's and Barlow's emphasizes on outcomes have
a. Anxiety c. Stress
b. Depression d. All of theses
16. According to Freud early deprivation might be result due to fixation in ___ psychosexual
a. Oral stage c. Fallic stage
b. Anal stage d. Latency stage

17. Parent-Child relationship is always .

a. Bidirectional c. Both a and b
b. Unidirectional d. None of the above
18. The focus of most research in the area of parental psychopathology has been on
a. Fathers c. Aunts
b. Mothers d. Sisters
19. What is now thought of more positively as providing needed structure and guidance for
promoting a child’s healthy growth?
a. Discipline c. Love
b. Power d. Affection
20. The child's genotype which evokes particular kinds of reactions from the social and physical
environment is termed as
a. Passive Effect c. Evocative Effect
b. Active Effect d. Genotype Environment Interaction
21. '' People with different genotypes may be differentially sensitive or susceptible to their
environments'' this is known as:
a. Genotype Environment Interaction c. Passive Effect
b. Genotype Environment Correlations d. Active Effect
22. The observed structural and functional characteristics that result from an interaction of the
genotype and the environment are referred to as a person's ________
a. Genotype c. Evocative Effect
b. (b) Phenotype d. Passive Effect
23. The imbalance in the neurotransmitters in the brain can result in:
a. Synapsis c. Hormonal imbalance
b. b) Abnormal behavior d. None of above
24. Approximately ________ of homeless people are affected by mental illness
a. Two third c. One third
b. b) One Fourth d. Half of population
25. Violence also increases rates of.
a. Anxiety c. Depression and Suicidality
b. b) PTSD d. All of these
26. ----------------are the chain like structures within a cell nucleus that contain the genes.
a. Genes c. Chromosomes
b. Chromatin d. DNA

27. Healthy human cells have __ pair of chromosomes.

a. 46 c. 26
b. 23 d. 44.
28. ------------is/are not affected by chromosomal abnormalities.

a. Mental disorder c. Option a and b

b. Personality trait d. none of above

29. Wolpe remained highly critical of the cognitive behavioral perspective till his death in
a. 1995 c. 1997
b. 1996 d. 1998
30. ______ was also highly critical of the cognitive behavioral perspective.
a. Roger c. Skinner
b. Jung d. None of the above.

31. Cognitive behavioral therapy is effective for:

a. . Schizophrenia c. Personality disorders.
b. Depression d. d. All of the above

32. Which of the following are information processing mechanisms?

I- attention
II- memory
III- planing
IV- decision making

a. None of the above c. I and II

b. All of the above d. I, II and IV

33. What is self-efficacy?

a. capacity for self-direction c. belief that one will achieve one’s
b. regulation of behavior through symbolic
process d. self-awareness

34. "schemas" is a concept of which school of thought?

a. cognitive c. humanistic
b. behavioral d. existential

35. Medications that facilitate the effects of a neurotransmitter on the postsynaptic neuron are
called ...........
a- Antagonist c- Androgen
b- Agonists d- None of the above

36. …......... are chemical messengers secreted by a set of endocrine glands in our bodies.
a- Neurons c- Hormones
b- Electrical impulse d- Chromosomes

37. Imbalance in ............... contribute to maladaptive behavior.

a- Sex hormones c- Stress hormones
b- Peptide hormones d- Steroid hormones

38. ---------- is the ability to adapt successfully to even very difficult situations.
a- Competence c- Adaptability
b- Resilience

39. ------------ is the interactive model of diathesis – stress interaction.

a. Diathesis – reactivity model c. Diathesis- stress model
b. Stress- strain model

40. Which factors can help protect against stressors?

a. High self esteem c. 3. Both (a) and (b)
b. High intelligence
41. How are the children of Permissive Parents?
a. Conflicted, Irritable and perform poorly in social and cognitive skills
b. Friendly and show competency in dealing with others and environment
c. Moody, Low Self Esteem and have problems with peer relations and academics
d. Impulsive, Aggressive, Demanding and show characteristics of selfishness

42. Authoritative Parents are?

a. High on Warmth and Moderate on Control
b. Low on Warmth and High on Control
c. High on Warmth and Low on Control
d. Low on Warmth and Low on Control

43. Children whose Parents have high levels of Overt or Open conflict tend to be ______?
a. Friendly c. Demanding
b. Aggressive d. Spoiled

44. Psychodynamic perspective is based on……………

a) Id, ego, superego
b) Consciousness
c) Oedipus complex
d) Defense mechanisms

45. Ego psychology was proposed by…………

a. Sigmund Freud c. c) Lara Freud
b. b) Anna Freud d. d) Charles Dickens

46. Object Relation Theory is based on …………. Perspective.

a. Psychodynamic c. c) Psychosocial
b. b) Biological d. d) None of the above

47. Abused and maltreated infants develop most often a typical pattern of______
Style of attachment (Barnett, Ganibon 1999):
a. insecure ambivalent c. insecure avoidant
b. disorganized and disoriented d. secure

48: According to Bowlby short term and acute effect of separation from parents can be seen in
infants that have:
a. secure attachment c. insecure attachment
b. ambivalent attachment d. All of the above

49. ____________________ perspectives attempt to understand human not just as biological

organism but also as people with motives desire and perception.
a. psychoanalytic c. psychosocial
b. psychodynamic d. none of the above

50. In the depths of the ________________ are the hurtful memories, forbidden desires, and
other experiences that have been repressed.
a. conscience c. subconscious
b. conscious d. unconscious

51. __________________ instincts, which are constructive drives primarily of a sexual nature
and which constitute libido, the basic psychic and emotional energy of life.
a. Psychic c. Life
b. pleasure d. Libido

52. Treatments developed from .................................. perspective attempt to alter maladaptive

thinking and improve a person’s abilities to solve problems and to achieve goals.
a. psychodynamic c. cognitive behavioral
b. humanistic d. existential

53. Which of the following is not a sociocultural causal factor of abnormal behavior?
a. marital discord and divorce b. social change and uncertainty
c. prejudice and discrimination d. unemployment

54. ...........................can affect the development of mental disorders through multiple

mechanisms including ways in which genotype may affect the phenotype.
a. temperament c. genetic vulnerabilities
b. b.brain dysfunction d. neurotransmitters

55. Humanistic psychologists emphasize that ______ and ______ are key in guiding our behavior
and achieving meaningful and fulfilling lives.
a. Values and beliefs c. Values and the process of
b. Beliefs and self-identity Choice
d. Values and self-identity

56. Living is much more of a _______ for the existentialists than for the humanists
a. Tragedy c. Virtue
b. Burden d. Confrontation

57. According to existentialists, abnormal behavior is a product of failure to deal constructively

a. Existential despair and c. Existential anxiety
frustration d. Meaning less and wasted
b. Frustration lives

58. Focus on interpersonal perspective was started by

a. Alfred Adler c. C. Anna freud
b. B. Sigmund Freud d. D. Melanie klien

59. The problem with the psychodynamic theory was:

a. Lack of focus on unconscious processes
b. Neglect of crucial social factors
c. Neglect of childhood experiences
d. Focusing on mediational processes
60. According to Bowlby, what was important to develop a secure attachment:
a. Autonomy c. Superficial love
b. Quality of parental care d. Survival mechanism

61.- ————— studies attempt to determine the actual location of genes responsible for mental
a. Linkage Analysis and Association c. Genetic
b. Free association d. developmental

62. The location of a gene for ----------- disorder on chromosome 11.

a. Bipolar Disorder c. Depression
b. BDS d. Anxiety

63. -------------- refers to a child’s reactivity and characteristic ways of self-regulation.

a. stress c. Time
b. Temperament d. active

64. Developmental psychopathology mainly focusses on:

a. Normal behavior during development. c. Abnormal behavior during
b. Depression in early adolescence development.
d. none of the above

65. Which sister (identical twins) faced major clinical depression after being divorced?
a. both Melissa & Tracy did not feel anything at all.
b. Tracy didn’t face it but Melissa did.
c. Due to same genetic makeup of having clinical depression in family history, both
faced it equally.
d. Melissa did face it but for a few weeks while Tracy faced it for over a year.

66. Children & Adolescents from lower SES have a higher chance of:
a. No exposure to education. c. Emotional abuse.
b. Lower IQs & aggression. d. Becoming rebellious.
67. Which one of the following is NOT a parenting style:
a. Dismissive c. uninvolved
b. Permissive

68. Authoritarian Parents are:

a. high on control, high on warmth c. low on control, high on warmth
b. high on control, low on warmth

69. Children of authoritative parents tend to be:

a. moody c. friendly
b. impulsive

70. ……………………… is considered as the risk factor for the development of anxiety disorder when
it is stable.
a. Gene c. Fear
b. Phobias d. Trait

71. …………………. Are rarely the primary cause of psychiatric disorder

a. Brain injury c. Stroke
b. Brain lesions d. Tumor

72. Children who are fearful and hypervigilant in many unfamiliar situations are labelled
behaviorally inhibited by……………….
a. Kagan c. Frued
b. Thompson and nelson d. Gottesman and Hanson

73. Channeling frustrated sexual energy into substitute activities…………….

a. Sublimation c. Realization
b. Reaction formation d. Fixation
74 ………………. forces the boy to repress his sexual desire for his mother
a. Electra complex c. Saperation anxiety
b. Castration anxiety
75. One of the most important conflict occurs during phallic stage when the pleasure of self-
stimulation paves the way for…………………
a. Electra complex d. Repression
b. Oedipus complex
c. Sublimation

76. is the modification of behavior because of experience

a. learning. c. operant conditioning.
b. classical conditioning. d. both b and c

77. Behaviorists focus on the ___________ on acquisition, modification, and elimination of

various types of response patterns
a. learning. c. environmental stimuli.
b. behavior. d. conditioning

78. a stimulus that signals food delivery and eventually elicits salivation is called ______
a. CS. c. CR.
b. UCS. d. UCR

79. a specific stimulus which cause a specific response is called the process of ________
a. operant conditioning c. classical conditioning
b. behavioral therapy d. both a and c

80. ..…………… is the form of appearance of trait in an individual

a. Genotype c. Serotype
b. Phenotype d. None

81. Using the contrived explanations to conceal or disguise unworthy motives for one’s
behavior is
a. Fixation d. Rationalization
b. Projection
c. Repression
82. Parents are high on warmth but low on control and discipline lie under which parenting style
a. Authoritative c. Permissive
b. Authoritarian d. Neglectful/uninvolved

83. Worldwide Current estimate of children live in the orphanages

a. 10 Million c. 6 Million
b. 8 Million d. 14 Million

84. Conducting research on the effect of institutionalization in ........... societies are less urgent
today and less feasible than It was once.
a. Western c. African
b. Eastern d. None of above

85. Children with severe institutional deprivation showing reduced overall ......... volume.
a. Brain c. Kidney
b. Liver d. None of above

86. In a _____________ study, an association between two variables doesn't allow making
inferences about causal direction
a. Correlational c. Both a and b
b. Observational d. None of the above

87. Contributing factor in delinquency in adolescents of divorced family is due to prior or

continuing __________
a. Parental Strife c. Single parenthood
b. Low distress marriage d. None of the above

88. Study by Amato and Cheadle (2005) found that divorce in grandparents was associated with
a. Lower education c. Weak parental ties
b. Marital discord d. All of the above
89. A cause that increases the probability of a disorder developing but is neither necessary nor
sufficient for the disorder to occur is called
a. sufficient cause c. necessary cause
b. contributory causes d. reinforcing contributory cause

90. Causal factors that operate shortly before the occurrence of the symptom are
a. causal factors c. distal causal factors
b. etiology d. proximal causal factors

91. Being aggressive and rejected at one point in childhood greatly increases the probability of
_________ behavior
a. Delinquent c. Aggressive and delinquent
b. Aggressive d. All of the above

92. ____________ is a warning of impending real or imagined dangers as well as a painful

experience, forcing an individual to take corrective measures.
A. Defense mechanism C. Ego defense
B. Anxiety D. Intrapsychic conflicts

93. During this stage sexual motivation recede in importance as the child focuses more on
developing skills and other activities.
A. Phallic stage C. Latency stage
B. Genital stage D. Anal stage

94. Which personality component’s adaptive measure is referred to as ‘secondary process

A. Ego C. Id
B. Superego D. Libido

95. If a conditioned response is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus, the
conditioned response gradually extinguishes. This process is known as:
a. spontaneous recovery c. Extinction
b. stimulus generalization d. Existence
96. if an Individual learn how to achieve a desired goal, the goal may be of obtaining something
that is pleasant or escape from something that is unpleasant comes under -------- type of
a. Classical c. Environmental
b. Instrumental d. behavioral

97. When a person learns to distinguish between similar stimuli and to respond differently to
them based on which is followed by reinforcement. This process is known as:
a. Generalization c. Stimulus discrimination
b. Unconditioned positive regard d. Extinction

98. ______________________ acknowledges not only that genetic activity influences neural
activity, which in turn influences the behavior, which in turn influences the environment but
also that these influences are bio-directional.
a. systematic approach c. developmental systems approach
b. humanitarian approach d. biological approach

99. The effects of psychological events are always mediated through the activities of
__________________ because all our behaviors, beliefs, emotions, and cognition are ultimately
reducible to a set of biological events in the brain.
a. Peripheral Nervous System c. Sympathetic Nervous System
b. Central Nervous System d. Parasympathetic Nervous System

100. ________________ refers to a child's reactivity and characteristic ways of self-regulation.

a. Aggression c. Temperament
b. Plasticity d. Repression

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