Code: TSLB3013 August 2021: 1a (10 Marks) 1b (10 Marks) 1a (5 Marks) 1b (5 Marks) 2a (5 Marks) 2b (5 Marks) 40 Marks

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Code: TSLB3013 August 2021


(20 marks) (20 marks)
1a 1b 1a 1b 2a 2b
40 marks
(10 marks) (10 marks) (5 marks) (5 marks) (5 marks) (5 marks)


( 20 marks )

Answer all questions.

1. a (i) State and explain TWO significant characteristics of true language.

(5 marks)

The one of the characteristics of true language is displacement. Displacement is

humans have the ability to refer to things far removed in time and space.
Speakers can discuss events here and now, faraway places. For example, they
can also talk about events of yesterday, yesteryear and even of events yet or
never to occur. Besides, discreteness is also significant characteristics of true
language which means language is broken down to words, morphemes and
phonemes. Speakers can identify sound segments in the words of their language.
For example, English speakers recognise the sounds in /dog/ in letters d,o,g.

(ii) State TWO differences between human language and animal communication
and elaborate each with appropriate examples.
. (5 marks)
One of the differences between human language and animal communication is
cultural transmission. We humans acquire language culturally where the words must be
learned, whereas in animal communication is context is driven. For example, they react to
stimuli or indexes. Besides, from arbitrariness, human language is symbolic which uses a set
number of sounds (phonemes) and characters (alphabet). This allows ideas to be recorded
and preserved. However, animal communication is not symbolic, so it cannot preserve ideas
of past.

Code: TSLB3013 August 2021

b (i) List TWO gestures that people use in communication and explain the
meaning of each gesture.
(5 marks)
Thumbs up gesture is most commonly used in communication. Thumbs up

obviously means “good”. But it can also be used for many other situation such as

acknowledging a favour granted or indicating understanding. Other than that,

raising eyebrows is also used in communication. People raise eyebrows to show

surprised or excitement. Raising eyebrows also can be seen as a way of greeting


(ii) Written : I would like to invite you to my birthday party next week.
Spoken : I got birthday party next week. You come ah.
Based on the stimulus above, explain TWO differences between written and
spoken communication.
(5 marks)
The two differences between written and spoken communication is the medium.

For spoken language the sound is the medium. We use speech organs such as

(mouth, throat) and ears in speaking and listening. For written language the

words on a page or screen is the medium because we use our hands to write and

our eyes to read. Other than that, for spoken communication we use simple

sentences and vocabulary while in written language we use more sophisticated

and complex structures and vocabulary.

( 20 marks )

Code: TSLB3013 August 2021

1a. Study the following dialogue between the teacher and one of her pupils. State and
correct the errors in the pupil’s speech. Describe the process of producing the correct

Miss Lee: /kæn juː tɛl əˈbaʊt jɔː ˈfæmɪli/

Siti : /maɪ ˈfɑːdəz neɪm ɪz ˈɑːliː ænd maɪ ˈmʌdəz neɪm ɪz 
/aɪ ˈɔːlsəʊ hæv ə ˈbrʌdə hɪz neɪm ɪz dɪn/

Statement and The stressed marks are incorrect.

correction of the

The process of In English we have

producing the correct both voiced and voiceless sounds. A sound fits into
phoneme. one of these categories according to how the vocal
folds behave when a speech sound is produced.

[5 marks]

b. Identify two minimal pairs from the text below. Highlight the short and long vowel
phonemes in the identified minimal pair. Demonstrate your answer using the
phonemic transcription of the words that form the minimal pairs.

The passenger on the ship still could not sleep even after he
started to count the sheep on the bedsheet, so he decided to slip
out of the cabin for some fresh air.

Identify two minimal pairs

Ship & Sheep Sleep & Slip

Highlight the short and Ship – short vowel

long vowel phonemes in Sheep – long vowel
the pairs Sleep – long vowel
Slip – short vowel
Phonemic transcription of
the words in the minimal / ʃɪp & ʃiːp / / ʃɪp & ʃiːp /

[5 marks]

2. Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Code: TSLB3013 August 2021

10 Steps to Self Care

1. If it feels wrong, don’t do it.
2. Say exactly what you mean.
3. Don’t be a people pleaser.
4. Never speak bad about yourself.
5. Never give up on your dreams.
6. Don’t be afraid to say no.
7. Be kind to yourself.
8. Let go of what you can’t control.
9. Stay away from drama and negativity.
10. Love

a Transcribe each word in the table below. An example is provided.

No. Sentence Word Phonetic Transcription

eg 1 do / duː /
i 2 mean / miːn /
ii 4 bad / bæd /
iii 5 up / ʌp /
iv 6 be / biː /
v 10 love / lʌv /
[5 marks]

Code: TSLB3013 August 2021

b Based on the text, put the stress mark on the following words.

No. Sentence Word Answer

eg 3 people ‘people
i 3 pleaser Pleas’er
ii 2 exactly Ex’actly
iii 6 afraid A’fraid
iv 8 control Con’trol
v 9 negativity Nega’tivity

[5 marks]



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