Span L 4. 100: Continuous (Mid)
Span L 4. 100: Continuous (Mid)
Span L 4. 100: Continuous (Mid)
Continuous(Mid) Cone. C45
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual - 20. 788 < Allowable = 26. 945 O.K
To Beam : 87. 281 (113. 036)
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual = 17. 865 < Allowable - 35. 456 O.K
To Beam : 75. 337 (123. 041
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual = 16. 776 < Allowable = 45. 865 O. K.
To Beam : 70. 744 1115. 538
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual - 17. 647 < Allowable = 41. 403 O. K.
To Beam : 74. 419 1115. 927)
Two Ways Slab : L1S69 Short Span S = 10. 200 Thick. 500
4 Edge Continue Long span L = 10. 650 L/S ^ 1. 04 Cone. C45
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual = 22. 222 < Allowable = 32. 265 O. K.
To Beam : 93. 712 (120. 253)
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual = 21. 429 < Allowable = 31. 312 O. K.
To Beam : 90. 368 1133. 120
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual = 12. 322 < Allowable = 32. 702 O. K.
To Beam : 51. 965 (116. 771)
Span-Effective Depth Ratio ; Actual = 19. 721 < Allowable = 34. 628 O.K
To Beam : S3. 165 (118. 3961
+M »
0. 047*Q*LZ =
213. 954 +M = 0. 028*Q*L^ = 128. 037
K - 0. 0226 K = 0. 0142
Z - 436. 05 Z = 425. 60
As- 1128 As= 692
Provided T12 8100 C/C Provided T10 @100 C/C
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual - 15. 468 < Allowable = 27. 114 O.K
To Beam : 65. 231 (126. 483 [Weight of partition not be included.
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual = 20. 788 < Allowable = 30. 032 O. K.
To Beam : 5S. 188 (114. 190 [Weight of partition not be included.]
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual = 20. 652 < Allowable - 35. 649 O.K
To Beam : 87. 281 (114. 190)
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual = 23. 312 < Allowable = 29. 024 O.K
To Beam : 98. 306 (128. 614)
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual = 17. 647 < Allowable = 35. 827 O. K.
To Beam : 74. 419 (112. 436)
Span-Effective Depth Ratio : Actual 18. 600 < Allowable = 33. 432 O.K
To Beam : 78. 094 (131. 282
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual - 16. 411 < Allowable = 29. 713 O.K
To Beam : 68. 906 (113. 123) [Weight of partition not be included.]
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual = 23. 956 < Allowable = 24. 362 O.K
To Beam : 100. 144 (253. 970
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual - 12. 254 < Allowable = 40. 750 O. K.
To Beam : 51. 450 (107. 8591
Span-Effective Depth Ratio : Actual = 16. 915 < Allowable = 27. 878 O. K.
To Beam : 71. 019 (121 . 956)
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual = 21. 204 < Allowable - 31. 837 O. K.
To Beam : 89. 027 (126. 580)
Two Ways Slab L1S135A Short Span S 10. 375 Thick 500
2 L. E. Continue Long span L 13. 170 L/S - 1. 26 Cone. C45
Span-Effective Depth Ratio Actual ^ 22. 702 < Allowable - 30. 741 O.K
To Beam : 95. 320 (128. 002 [Weight of partition not be included.]