Design of Two - Way Solid Slab: L (M) Ls (M) M M' L.L F.C Fy Map
Design of Two - Way Solid Slab: L (M) Ls (M) M M' L.L F.C Fy Map
Design of Two - Way Solid Slab: L (M) Ls (M) M M' L.L F.C Fy Map
r= 1.08571 Two way slab
α= 0.39286 for short direc.
{ Safe
β= 0.29692 for long direc.
Wu = 11.7 KN/M2
Wu.l. short d. = 4.5964 KN/M'
Wu.l. long d. = 3.4739 KN/M'
M.s. = 7.03828 KN.M
M.l. = 10.8561 KN.M
Design short direction
d= 140 mm
C= 8.34382 get J from table 0.823
As = 169.682 mm2
As min 427.778 mm2
As req 427.778 mm2
Design of two_way Hollow Block Slab
L (m) Ls (m) m m' Ϫc LL F.C Fy map
8 8 0.87 0.87 25 3 1.5 360
Check system Two_way H.B
r= 1
α= 0.396 for short direc.
}= 0.792 Safe
β= 0.396 for long direc.
S= 0.5 m
W rib = 6.481 KN/M2
Wu.l. short d. = 2.5665 KN/M'
Wu.l. long d. = 2.5665 KN/M'
M.s. = 20.5318 KN.M
M.l. = 20.5318 KN.M
Design short direction
d= 220 mm
C= 5.4283 get J from table = 0.826
As = 313.85 mm2
Design long direction
d= 210 mm
C= 5.18156 get J from table = 0.826
As = 328.795 mm2
.ملحاظه مهمه /من الفض
1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2
0.746 0.778 0.806 0.83 0.849
0.113 0.093 0.077 0.063 0.053
Design of Panelled Bea
L (m) Ls (m) m m' Ϫc L.L F.C Fy map
12 10.5 1 1 25 3 1.5 400
d check shear
}= 2400 mm
}= 2540 mm
ملحظات عامه
.1يستخدم هذا النظام لتغطية مساحة ل تزيد عن 150م2
.2قيمتى ) (a&bلتقل عن 2م ول تزيدا عن 5م
.3استخدمنا في هذا المثال 2أعمدة بكل اتجاه في حالة زيادة
التدعيم الضافي سنغير قيم span #في الحل.
.4عند تحليل نظام مشابه يجب النتباه لعدم وضع عمود في م
او القصير لزيادة قيم العزوم في تلك المنطقه.
.5استخدمنا في المثال عدد Panelled beam 2بكل ات
يجب ان يكون العدد زوجي ويجب حساب قيمة θجديد
وتصميم جديد
.6في المثال افترضنا B1في التجاه القصير و B2في التجاه
منهما عند التغيير يجب النتباه الى قيم العزم والقص.
Design of Rectanguler beams
Mu.l. C J b Fy map F'c mpa d mm
110 3 0.78 250 360 25 170
1. in Case d not given Design of Embedded beam
d= 400 = 397.99 O.W. = 10 KN/m'
t= 450 mm C= 3 J=
As = 979.345 mm2 B= 1400 mm
As min = 305.556 mm As = 2419.1 mm2
As = 979.345 mm2
As hangers = 195.87 mm2
2. in Case d is given
d= 170 mm
C= 1.28142
C req. = 2.78 J= 0.763
dnew. = 368.809 mm
As = 1085.84 mm2 # 16
As min = 305.556 mm2 n= 5.4878
As = 1085.84 mm2
As hangers = 217.17
d req. = 400 mm
t req. = 450 mm
bedded beam
Design of Rectanguler beams
Mu.l. b Fy map F'c mpa d mm Lm
500 300 400 25 500 8
Wu = 62.5 KN.M
d= 500 mm
C= 1.93649use As compression
a max = 169.018 m
M max = 234.085 KN.M
M2 = 265.91 KN.M
As' = 1698.87 mm2
As = 3573.87 mm2
b-25 275
16 41
n= 6.70732
Design of T-sec beams
Mu.l. C J B or L (mm)Fy map F'c mpa ts mm
358.75 5 0.826 1000 400 25 140
As min = 495 mm
As = 1812.8251 mm2
As hangers = 362.57 mm2
1. in Case d is given
d= 600 mm
C= 5.0087032 3.5
C req. = 5.0087032 J= 0.826
dnew. = 600 mm
As = 1809.6751 mm2
As min = 495 mm2
As = 1809.6751 mm2 Note
As hangers = 361.94 There's no As' in T-sec, that’s why we
d req. = 600 mm assumed C_value greate number
t req. = 650 mm
b mm
4.46 4.3 4.2 4.02 3.9 3.79 3.7 3.61 3.53 3.26
0.817 0.8 0.8 0.804 0.8 0.795 0.791 0.786 0.782 0.765
0.817 0.8 0.8 0.804 0.8 0.795 0.791 0.786 0.782 0.765
N= 43200 KN
E= 22000000 KN/M2
I= 3.125 M4
α= 0.5140301 Braced
# shear
Design of Short Col. Axially loaded
K H* b t Pu Fcu
λ = 13.68 OK it's a short column 1250
Case one dimensions are not given & depend just N value
Ac = 158014.693 mm2 795.02
t= 450 mm Circular
t= 250 mm hexagon
As = 1580.14693 mm2
Case two dimensions are given & depend N only
As = 1417.43367 mm2
μ= 0.00872267
μreq = 0.00872267
As req= 1417.43367 mm2
Ac req = 162500 mm2
32 500 1100
Design of Long Col.
K H* b effective t Pu Mu Fcu
Case 1
ϧ= 0.71429
K= 0.55 Key input
Ke/t = 7955.48 ϼm 0.3
Get ϼ= 5.1 from I.D. ϼ aci 0.0163
As =As' = 2284.8 mm2 ϼ Eccs 5.1
As toatl = 4569.6 mm2
μ min = 2.79936
As min = 391910 mm2
As req = 391910 mm2
Case 2
es = 5062.74 m
Ms = 1E+07 KN.M
C = 0.00961 C req = 2.78
Get J frem table = 0.728
As = 1E+08 mm2
As total = 228461193 mm2
As min = 391910 mm2
As req = 2E+08 mm2
AS each side = 114230597 mm2