Volume 107, Issue 13

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November 5, 2021•Volume 107, Issue 13•nique.



. .

technique Braves win WS p19 Harry Styles in ATL p12

News 2 Opinions 5 Life 8 Entertainment 12 Sports 20



This past weekend, Tech had its an-

nual homecoming football game, and
the finalists for Mr. and Ms. Georgia
Tech were honored on the field during
halftime. The newly crowned winners
were Kirby Criswell and Jolie Fouts.
The Technique got an opportunity
to talk with the two winners to get to
know more about them, what they are
most excited for and their roles as the
newly elected Mr. and Ms. GT.
Kirby Criswell is a fourth-year BA
major with a concentration in Sup-
ply Chain and Operations. During
his time at Tech, Criswell has been
involved with the EXCEL program,
UJC, FC, KNIT, Ramblin’ Reck Club,
Wreck Camp and FASET.
Jolie Fouts is a fourth-year BA
major from Peachtree City, Georgia.
She has been involved in several ac-
tivities around campus including the
Circle of Sisterhood, Collegiate Pan-
hellenic Council Executive Board,
Phi Mu and is a cheerleader for the

What role do you think Mr. and

Ms. GT play on campus?
Criswell: I think the role of Mr. and
Ms. GT is to be an ambassador of the
Georgia Tech spirit.
I hope that after interacting with
Mr. and Ms. GT, people can get a sense
of the Georgia Tech community.
That Mr. and Ms. GT can make
people feel welcomed, supported and
encouraged just as the Tech commu-
nity has for me these past four years.
Fouts: I think Mr. and Ms. GT serve
primarily as role models for students
and ambassadors for the Institute.
We are here to let our love for Geor-
gia Tech be known by the people we
meet, and we’re also here to help oth-
ers throughout their Tech journeys.
Whether that’s as a mentor, a friend, a
classmate or an employee, Mr. and Ms.
GT are really just here to help others
See HOMECOMING, page 9
Top L: Photo courtesy of Troy Taormina USA Today Sports; Top R: Photo by Bethany McMorris Student Publications; Above: Photo by Ethan Vitak Student Publications


Government mandates vaccine for federal employees

President Biden released a se- contractors performing work for for those contracts, and employ-
MORGAN WHITTEMORE ries of executive orders that aim the Federal Government,” the ees that work in the same space
STAFF WRITER to decrease the spread of COV- Task Force said in their report. as the previous two groups but
ID-19, with some requiring those They also affirmed that all fed- are not federally contracted.
On Sept. 9, President Biden employed directly or contracted erally contracted or subcontracted
issued Executive Order 14042, by the federal government to workers must receive COVID-19
which details how those contract- comply with the orders’ guide- vaccination under the order.
ed under the federal government lines or risk their employment. Tech sent an email on Oct.
must comply with the president’s The Safer Federal Workforce 26 to inform all employees of
COVID-19 safeguards in the Task Force oversees the imple- the requirements of the execu-
workplace, which includes being mentation of these orders, and re- tive order and who is affected at
fully vaccinated against the virus. leased further instruction on Ex- the Institute. The three affected
Recently, Tech realized that ecutive Order 14042 on Sept. 24. groups are employees working
the order applies to many of its “These safeguards will de- on or in connection with a cov-
employees and started the push crease worker absence, reduce ered federal contract, employees Photo by Casey Gomez Student Publications

to reach compliance with all of labor costs, and improve the ef- performing support functions The Joseph Brown Whitehead Building is home to
its federally contracted workers. ficiency of contractors and sub- See BODY, page 18 Stamps Health Services, Tech’s healthcare hub.
Tech graduates win award technique
Andy Borst
Julia Balot
Two Tech graduates won a collegiate inven-
tors award for their recently developed medi- Friday,
cal device. 43 November 5, 2021
[email protected]

VACCINE FROM FRONT includes full and part-time em- “The corrective action path is More questions arose regarding These states argue that the fed-
ployees and student employees. still under discussion,” she said. what counted as being fully vac- eral government overstepped its
for those contracts and employees In total, Shannon said that “We’re still working through that; cinated against COVID-19 and authority in implementing this
that work in the same space as the there are “about 77% of the Insti- our focus as an Institute is work- when the final dose of a vaccine mandate, and have requested that
previous two groups but are not tute’s employees who are affected, ing for compliance.” must be received by. “You’re con- the order be struck down immedi-
federally contracted. so roughly about 15,600 of our The order gives the authority sidered fully vaccinated two weeks ately by the court system.
The Institute held a town hall over 20,000 employees.” for enforcing these penalties to after receiving the second dose of Tech joined many other USG
on Oct. 29 to better explain the Employees can request accom- the employer of those are choose a two dose series, which will in- schools in spreading word about
order’s effect on Tech employees modation for the order based on not to be vaccinated, and will clude Moderna and the Pfizer vac- the order last week, and intends to
and answer questions about the medical or religious reasons, or instead have the federal govern- cines, or two weeks after the only meet the Dec. 8 deadline regard-
vaccination requirements. These can opt to decline vaccination and ment directly fine the organiza- dose of a one dose [series]” said less of any pending challenges to
were intended to assuage any fears risk the consequences of noncom- tion that employees the indi- Benjamin Holton, senior director the mandate.
that employees have had about the pliance with the order. vidual until they either enforce a of Tech health services. At the end of the town hall,
unknown aspects of the bill, and While the former is available penalty themselves. “You are also considered fully Shannon reiterated the deadline
provide insight into the bill for to those who meet the require- Shannon and Harrington vaccinated if you have the com- of Dec. 8 for full vaccination and
the good of those it will be affect- ments without any consequence, stressed that Dec. 8 was the dead- plete series of a vaccine that is for affected employees to make
ing in the upcoming weeks and there will be potential penalties line for vaccine compliance as listed by the WHO for emergency their decision soon to schedule a
months to follow. for those who opt for the latter set by the Task Force, which is use,” Holton said about other vac- vaccine appointment, request an
“This federal order is very and choose to forgo the vaccine slightly different than the Nov. cines that are approved abroad. accommodation, or decline the
encompassing, it’s very wide- for none of the aforementioned 22 deadline set by the Biden ad- While Tech moves forward vaccine. He encouraged all em-
spread, and so it applies to us as reasons above. ministration, and recommended with achieving total compli- ployees to visit health.gatech.
a federal contractor,” said Mike When asked about the con- all unvaccinated workers to make ance with the order, Georgia and edu/vaccine-status to check
Shannon, deputy chief business sequences, Kim Harrington, as- their decision soon so they can multiple other states have filed their vaccination status with the
officer at Tech. sociate vice president of Human achieve full vaccination by that lawsuits against the federal gov- Institute, submit necessary docu-
Shannon better explained the Resources, admitted that the date, or have time to fill for ex- ernment over the executive or- ments for compliance, and find
three categories of affected work- Institute is still deciding what empt status should they meet ders, as reported by the Atlanta more information about the order
ers, and also noted that the order those will be. the requirements set forth. Journal-Constitution. and time lines for vaccination.

many on Capitol Hill were spec- Youngkin’s campaign focused Youngkin will be Virginia’s electorate. Others believe that this
ulating that the results of these on gaining back the votes of Re- first Republican governor since is too premature a judgment of
elections would indicate changing publicans who strayed from the 2009. what the electorate’s attitude will
patterns in the electorate. party in 2020. Virginia gubernatorial elec- be in a year.
Statewide elections are able Many of his statements toed tions have trended against the sit- For Republicans, Youngkin’s
to show which way voters may the line between the beliefs of ting President in terms of party decision to emphasize indepen-
swing next November when elect- the ‘Make America Great Again’ in every election since 1977, with dent, non-MAGA Republican
ing Congress, and early voting movement and moderate Republi- the exception of McAuliffe’s win ideology during his campaign
results began to show a tight race can beliefs. in 2013 during Former President could be an important strategy to
in Virginia. Terry McAuliffe, the He opposes mandates for Obama’s second term. use going into the midterms.
Democratic candidate, served as masks and vaccines, but he has en- Youngkin’s win aligns with the Fears from Democrats about
governor from 2014 until 2018, couraged vaccinations in his state. trend. the results of this race are supple-
making this a run for his second He condemns the Jan. 6 in- On the other hand, the results mented by the results of races in
JULIA BALOT non-consecutive term in office. surrection and the accusations of of gubernatorial elections do not other parts of the country.
ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Glenn Youngkin, the Repub- voter fraud in the 2020 election, always predict what will occur in New Jersey saw Democrat
lican candidate, is a former col- but he has also called for audits of the subsequent midterms. Phil Murphy win the gubernato-
The 2021 off-year United legiate basketball player and CEO Virginia voting machines. Following McAuliffe’s 2013 rial election against Republican
States elections took place this of the multinational private equity The polls opened early morn- win, Democrats lost control of the Jack Ciaterelli by a slim margin.
week, and all eyes were on the gu- firm, the Carlyle Group. ing Tuesday and closed at 7 p.m. Senate and could not take control Biden won New Jersey by an over-
bernatorial races in Virginia. Much of McAuliffe’s campaign Virginians cast their votes for of the House of Representatives whelming amount in 2020, but
With the elections coming depended on associating Young- governor, lieutenant governor, at- from Republicans. Murphy won by 1.2%.
up almost a year after Biden was kin with Donald Trump as well as torney general, and the House of Many theorize that this win As the United States adjusts to
declared President, attitudes sur- the Jan. 6 insurrection. Delegates. was anticipated by months of de- post-COVID, post-Trump Amer-
rounding him and the Democrat- According to CNN, in a speech Youngkin was projected to clining approval for Biden, stale- ica, the changes in the electorate
ic Party have changed across the to those who were going door to be the governor-elect late Tues- mates over large Democrat-pi- will be unpredictable.
country. door for his campaign, McAuliffe day night, winning 50.9% of the loted legislation, and Youngkin’s With midterm elections on
The opinion poll website said, “Trump wants to win here vote versus McAuliffe’s 48.4%. distance from Trump Republi- the horizon, only time will show
FiveThirtyEight found that Biden so he can announce for president The Republican candidates for canism. if Biden and Democrats will be
has an average approval rating of for 2024. That’s the stakes of this Lieutenant Governor and At- For Democrats, this win could able to reverse the trends that
42% as of Nov. 2. With the mid- election. He’s trying to get himself torney General also won their mean new insight into the effects appeared during this week’s
term elections coming in a year, off the map.” respective races. of intraparty disagreements on the gubernatorial races.

sliver // your thoughts

i am so sad tht i wasnt able to go to shakey knees tragic
I am once again asking for a sublime doughnut
The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper NEWS EDITOR
why do people keep asking me to use my car Andy Borst
Tech is so hard its not even funny like honestly Janat Batra EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Im so bored right now yall dont even know this struggle OPINIONS EDITOR
I Taylor Gray MANAGING EDITOR Emily Schroeder
TO Hope Williams
Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the
SLEEEEPPPPPPPP Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of ENTERTAINMENT
Maybe its magic, or maybe its deciving my professor into think- the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique EDITOR
ing i wrote this code publishes on Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in Emma Ryan
LMC’s don’t get any respect around here, it’s trash the summer. SPORTS EDITOR
When can I go on a hike I want Will Fuss
My roomate told me that he wanted pasta and then proceeded to ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at nique.net/ PHOTO EDITOR
eat it out of the pan on the couch and fall asleep ads. The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one Dani Sisson
Do y’all have a favorite type of food? Mine is burger week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor-
mation or for any other questions please e-mail us at ads@nique. DESIGN EDITOR
Birds aren’t real. Never were, never will be
My throat hurts really bad, I hate it so much net. You may reach us at 404-894-2830, Monday through Friday Amanda Wang
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
I think hot soup would make my day better ONLINE EDITOR
It got really cold and now I get to wear sweatshirts! Copyright © 2021, Janat Batra, Editor-in-Chief, and the Georgia Sarah Miller
When can I graduate like would today be ok Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this paper may be TECH EDITOR
if i get catcalled one more time i will be so fing angry reproduced in any manner without written permission from the Rahul Deshpande
Apple mouses are the most pointless thing Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publications. The
ideas expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do
Valorant is my new favorite video game yet I hate it so much Avni Shridhar
My girlfriend got me a burger shes so sweet not necessarily represent the views of the Board of Student Pub-
lications, the students, staff or faculty of the Georgia Institute of
The Technique is wayyyy better than the Red and Black Technology or the University System of Georgia. First copy free;
My opinions are funny pls laugh for additional copies call 404-894-2830.
I finalllllyyyy finisheeedddddd
// NEWS technique • November 5, 2021• 3

Atlanta mayoral election held during off-

cycle year heads towards runoff election
The election turnout was sig- paigning on campus, outside of Crime was a major talk- ting voters to show up to the
ANDY BORST nificantly lower for this election a panel event hosted by SGA. ing point, with almost every polls one more time will be the
NEWS EDITOR cycle, as expected due to being an Many students were not fully candidate vowing to improve biggest challenge of these can-
off-year, and many students did aware of all of the options in the the policing system and work didates’ journey towards the
With Halloween wrapping not see it as being as important of mayoral election. to lower crime. mayorship. Campaigning will
up and the winter holidays right an election to participate. “Honestly, I knew that there Infrastructure and homeless- continue through the end
around the corner, many people When asked whether or not he was a mayoral election occurring, ness also shot to the top of voter of November.
would not have politics on their participated in the election, Eric but I had no idea who the candi- priorities, with many candidates With a diversifying south that
mind. The presidential election Hu, third-year BME, responded, dates were” said Hu. vowing to address the issues in has increasingly been seen as the
occurred last year, and most con- “No, I voted in the presidential “They really didn’t do that different ways. next political battleground, the
gressional elections will not roll election, but I didn’t vote this much in terms of reaching out to The runoff elections will be the mayorship is becoming a bell-
back around until 2022. cycle. I thought it was quite acces- us, so I wasn’t all that sure who next phase of the election. Moore wether for the trajectory of south-
However, despite being an off sible as far as being able to vote, was running or what their plat- and Dickens will likely shift their ern politics as a whole.
year, the highly influential At- but I didn’t care too much about forms were.” campaign to pushing out the vote. If you voted in the election on
lanta mayoral elections occurred it this time around.” While the spotlight has been Runoff elections historically Nov. 2, then voters are already
on Nov. 2. While the campaign There were not many reasons on the national election field have a significantly lower voter eligible to return on Nov. 30 to
focused mostly on the politics for Tech students to make voting as a predictor of next year’s all- turnout rate than their election cast your vote for either Moore
surrounding the city of Atlanta, a priority this election. Most no- important congressional elec- day counterparts, which was seen or Dickens.
whoever goes on to win the elec- tably, having class on a Tuesday tions, the candidates in Atlanta last January with the senatorial Georgia voters can visit mvp.
tion will more than likely play a more than likely made it chal- ran as unaffiliated and focused runoff elections. sos.ga.gov to check on their voter
large role in the future of students lenging for students to turn out. their election campaigning on With the added factor of registration status and locate their
attending the Institute. In addition, the candidates did local issues of importance to the this year being an off-cycle year, polling location for the upcoming
There were five main contend- not spend too much time cam- metro-Atlanta area. there is little doubt that get- runoff election.
ers for the Atlanta Mayoral posi-
tion: Felicia Moore, Andre Dick-
ens, Kasim Reed, Sharon Gay and
Antonio Brown.
The Atlanta mayoral election,
like the senatorial elections, re-
quire the winning candidate to
receive more than 50% of the vote
in order to win.
Should no candidate receive a
majority of the votes, then the top
two candidates move into a runoff
election, which is what happened
this election cycle.
While former Atlanta mayor
Kasim Reed was favored to move
on to the election runoff with Fe-
licia Moore, Tech alumnus An-
dre Dickens made a surprisingly
strong showing, whittling away
at an initially strong lead by Reed
and joining Felicia Moore in the
runoff competition on Nov. 30.
The Dickens campaign de-
clared victory at approximately
1 a.m. on Nov. 3, saying: “They
said our campaign was over. They
said my council career was dead.
But you know what we did? We
fought every single day for city ... Photo courtesy of msnbc.com
so be careful. Be very careful of A picture of the crowded Atlanta mayoral candidates field. Felicia Moore and Andre Dickens have
counting us out again.” emerged as the two runoff candidates and will compete for the mayoral position on Nov. 30.
4 • November 5, 2021• technique // NEWS

Tech graduates win collegiate inventors award

The finalists are expected to ers placed as runner-ups for their require long-term use of catheters instructor and design for manu-
TEHREEM HUSSAIN present their inventions to a panel Augment Health Bladder Man- due to spinal-cord injuries or neu- facturing expert.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER of judges made up of investors agement System in the undergrad- rological disorders. When asked about the com-
and top innovators in order to win uate category, just behind Har- The primary positive conse- petition and where they see their
Whether it is the makerspaces cash prizes and a USPTO accel- vard University’s Eva Cai for her quence of the medical device is its project going next, Meyers and
buzzing with 3D printing proj- eration certificate. EarFlow product. non-invasive nature that reduces Kalinsky noted: “We really en-
ects, hackathon competitions that This year, the judging panel The duo utilized their biomed- costs and infections that arise due joyed the competition, and we’re
span entire weekends or world- consisted of National Inventors ical engineering background to to catheter usage, which improves so glad we could bring back some
renowned research labs churning Hall of Fame members and the design a medical device that aids quality of life for patients. recognition for the GT commu-
out publications, the Institute bol- United States Patent and Trade- patients with urological problems. Due to their runner-up sta- nity.
sters an innovative student body mark Office officials. Specifically, the Augment Health tus, Meyers and Kalinsky have “We’re really excited to keep
that truly embodies its moto of Through the USPTO ac- Bladder Management System is received a $5,000 cash award and pushing forward with our mission
“progress and service.” celeration certificate, young in- a bladder sensor that fits within a USPTO patent acceleration cer- to bring improved peace of mind
Tech graduates have, and con- ventors can fast-track patent a catheter device and alerts us- tificate, which will be instrumen- and quality of life to the people
tinue to, innovate in ways that applications for their specific ers when the bladder is full us- tal in aiding them in taking their we serve, as we work to bring our
change the way we go about our products and begin marketing ing notifications that sync to invention to the next level. product to market.”
lives, and continue to impress them to investors, which is essen- smart watches and phones. At Tech, the students were Visit bme.gatech.edu to
with their capabilities and skills. tial for advancing their products The product is mainly mar- under the guidance of Marty Ja- learn more about Meyers and
Tech’s inventive spirit does not in the industry. Kalinsky and Mey- keted towards individuals who cobsen, a medical device design Kalinky’s win.
go unnoticed; the U.S. News 2022
rankings placed the Institute as
the fourth most innovative school
in the nation. And recently, keep-
ing with this inventive spirit, two
students took home the second
place award at the national Colle-
giate Inventors Competition in the
undergraduate division.
Students, Stephen Kalinsky
and Jared Meyers, are both recent
graduates of the Wallace H. Coul-
ter Department of Biomedical
Engineering and took part in the
2021 Collegiate Inventors Com-
petition (CIC). Entrepreneurial
spirit is a focus of the BME de-
partment here at the Institute, and
continues to allow tech grads to
do great thing with their talents.
The competition has an initial
application process where stu-
dents from across the nation are
instructed to submit an abstract
of their invention, letters of rec-
ommendation from their faculty
advisors, literature and patent
search synopses, and relevant sup-
plementary items.
After the first application cy-
cle, students and their projects un- Photo courtesy of bme.gatech.edu
dergo review and finalists for the Jared Meyers (left) and Stephen Kalinsky (right) participated in the 2021 Collegiate Inventors Competition. The two are graduates
national competition are chosen. of the Wallace H. Coulter School of Biomedical Engineering, and were recognized for their bladder management device.
LIFE EDITOR: technique
Hope Williams Mini 500 & Wreck Parade
Natalie Boutwell
This year’s annual Homecoming festivities were celebrated 8
by alumni, students and the Tech community. 410
[email protected] November 5, 2021

TEDxGeorgiaTech shares ideas worth spreading

to network, some food and drinks and how both of those led me part of what makes involvement “This year, although I don’t
NATALIE BOUTWELL and of course, four amazing talks.” to create a YouTube channel.” with the organization valuable. have a new idea to give a TED
ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR Das highly encourages stu- Khader discussed his “I think one of the things that talk, I can certainly still help
dents to attend. RSVP links memory of the event. drew me to this organization out. I am on the speakers re-
TEDxGeorgiaTech pro- for the event will be available “The experience was extremely was how close knit a large group cruitment team to help this
vides a platform for individu- on TEDxGeorgiaTech’s so- uplifting as I was able to cre- of 30 people were,” Das said. year’s speakers refine and per-
als to share their ideas and sto- cial media and website soon. atively express myself and inspire “I have made some life- fect their speeches,” Khader said.
ries to spark deep discussion Putting together events, in others,” Khader said. “After my long friendships through “Even if I’m unable to im-
and connection among others. particular the past Sustain- talk, many people discussed with this organization.” pact others directly through
Srujani Das, fourth-year BME ability SSS, is one of the most me how my speech really opened Giving back to the Tech com- my own speech, I can still
and executive director of TEDx- memorable experiences Das has their eyes and motivated them munity by providing an opportu- have an indirect impact
GeorgiaTech, explained in a re- had with TEDxGeorgiaTech. to excel in their own pursuits.” nity for open conversation is also through helping the speakers.”
cent interview with the Technique “We had worked tirelessly with This semester, Das and what makes involvement with Das echoed simi-
how the organization relates to the speakers the previous night other members of TEDxGeor- TEDxGeorgiaTech worthwhile. lar ideas about giving back
the larger TED Conferences. till 3 a.m. and then the next day, giaTech are excited to host “I have been blessed all of with TEDxGeorgiaTech.
“TEDx is a program of lo- spent a lot of time decorating the fully in-person events again. my life in terms of education, “Our purpose is to showcase
cal, self-organized events that theater to match the theme. We “I would like to applaud the opportunities, and nurturing. ideas from our own community
bring people together to share ordered specialty popcorn, hot team for doing such an amazing With all these blessings and that inspire change on Georgia
a TED-like experience,” Das chocolate, cookies and other little job during the pandemic to en- coming into a college as presti- Tech campus and beyond. We
said. “These local, self-organized snacks. We had activities for the sure that we were still fulfilling gious as Georgia Tech, I want- have had our own students and
events, such as ours, are branded audience members to participate our purpose,” Das said. “While ed to give back,” Khader said. professors as speakers, as well as
TEDx, where x equals indepen- in while they waited,” Das said. the virtual events were a success “Therefore, I started search- people beyond the GT community
dently organized TED event.” Das continued about in their own terms, we all are ing for platforms where I could come out and use our platform to
At Tech, TEDx is run the impact of the event. looking forward to the events motivate and inspire oth- share their stories
by a team of 35 students. “Our speakers did an amazing we have coming up in-person to ers, and, after talking to a few and ideas,” Das said.
“We have an executive direc- job, and at one point, there was really get that face-to-face com- friends, TEDxGeorgiaTech “We are an organization
tor and six directors, one for each not a single dry eye in the room,” munication going once again.” seemed like the perfect choice.” that welcomes diversity, creativ-
team: programming, production, Das said. “It was in a moment Connecting with members in Khader explained how he gives ity and innovation, and we will
community, finance, speakers and where I stopped running around and out of TEDxGeorgiaTech is back through TEDxGeorgiaTech. continue to do so in the future.”
media. Each team has anywhere to look around, that I realized just
from three to eight people,” Das how many people we had touched.
said. “We have biweekly full team At the end of the event, our team
meetings in which all the teams was so excited to have orga-
come together to share their prog- nized such a successful event.”
ress, get questions answered, plan Planning for TEDxGeorgiaT-
for upcoming events and just start ech events can take anywhere
‘knitting’ together all the work.” from two weeks to three months,
Throughout the year, TEDx- depending on the size of the
GeorgiaTech plans several events event. Last year, the pandemic
with opportunities for indi- forced TEDxGeorgiaTech to
viduals to share their voices. move its events to a virtual format.
“This year, we have the … Stu- “Our events are usually in-per-
dents Speaker Salon, ConnecT- son which allows people to easily
ED and our annual big confer- network and make new friends.
ence in April,” Das said. “About The COVID-19 pandemic really
two weeks ago, we had our first put us in a challenging position;
ever Open Mic Night which was however we were able to make
a huge success. We were able to the most out of the virtual expe-
reach some amazing talents out- rience,” Das said. “We continued
side of the GT community as to organize smaller events while
well. Overall, it was a very suc- providing the GT community
cessful night with diverse talents.” ways to interact with us virtually.”
Currently, operations are un- Sajjaad Khader, CS graduate
derway for the Student Speak- student, spoke virtually at a TEDx-
er Salon (SSS) on Nov. 19. GeorgiaTech event last November.
“This year, we have four amaz- “My speech was titled ‘How
ing speakers who will be speaking a Global Pandemic Helped Me
about some thought-provoking Start My YouTube Channel,’”
topics, although we can’t give Khader said. “I talked about my Photo by Tuna Ergan Student Publications
away the topics just yet,” Das said. experiences during quarantine, A speaker at a TEDxGeorgiaTech event presents their talk. These events give an
“We will provide time for people my drive to make an impact, opportunity to share stories and start discussions among the Tech community.

How to make the most of autumn in Atlanta

the brightly colored foliage of the sive tree canopy that gives Atlanta almost enticing enough to dis- has an overwhelming selection of
ABIGAIL SARA MATHEWS over 3,000 Japanese maple trees, the moniker “city in a forest.” tract from the gentrification apple orchards to choose from.
STAFF WRITER or rainbow-colored rolling hills The Kennesaw Mountain Trail of a once richly diverse city. The B.J. Reece Orchard was
of the fall wildflower meadow. is also the most challenging of the Gather all your friends for selected as one of the best apple
It is autumn in Atlanta. An Gibbs Gardens spans over park trails, deemed a “moderately fun and a fall-themed photo- picking spots by Explore Geor-
uncharacteristically cold year has 300 acres and offers 16 differ- difficult, but relatively short hike” shoot at the Buford Corn Maze. gia. Visitors are welcome to
brought chilly weather and au- ent gardens, so it offers some- by Trailful Outdoor, because of Get lost in the corn maze, or walk the over-120 acre grounds
tumn leaves earlier than usual in thing for everyone to enjoy. its mildly steep and rocky slopes. engage in other corn-themed ac- with some apples still avail-
the state of Georgia, so Atlanta has While the city of Atlanta For the less adventurous, tivities such as the Cornball Slider. able for limited picking and a
more time to take in the grace of does not have many hiking op- Kennesaw Mountain also of- Beyond corn, the maze of- fresh market that offers a vari-
fall. Make the most of the season tions, the metro Atlanta area fers historical, environmental fers farm animal petting zoos, ety of local, in-season produce.
with these cozy autumn activities. has hiking trails and parks ga- and scenic trails suitable for a pumpkin patch and hayrides, For those looking to stay
If you are looking to get out- lore for the adventurous type. casual rambles and jogging. and they have an antique tractor closer to campus, you can wit-
side and enjoy the rich colors of Kennesaw Mountain Na- If you dream of experienc- designated specifically for photos. ness the change of the seasons on
fall, Gibbs Gardens offers an tional Battlefield Park offers sce- ing autumn as a character for While apple picking season has full display in Harrison Square.
immersive nature experience. nic views of forest and mountain Gilmore Girls, you should get to come to a close, plenty of apple The red, orange and yel-
Red, yellow and orange leaves across over 15 miles of trails. know Decatur Square, located orchards remain open for visits low colors in the heart of Old
paint the scenery of the Monet The park’s main feature is the fifteen minutes away from Tech. and continue to sell homemade Campus create a picturesque
Bridge, bringing to life the fa- Kennesaw Mountain trail — a This suburb of Atlanta of- products and fresh produce all break from the monotonous mo-
mous Water Lilies painting of hike to the peak of Kennesaw fers the aesthetics of small town season. The city of Ellijay, known dernity of the rest of campus.
its namesake. Stroll through the Mountain that overlooks Atlanta, Americana in a new way. The as the Apple Capital of Georgia,
picturesque forest and take in Stone Mountain and the expan- indie stores and restaurants are See AUTUMN, page 9
// LIFE technique • November 5, 2021• 9

HOMECOMING FROM FRONT pretty hard to come by now. Tech of the Clough Undergraduate However, it is crucial that you travel some while I am young. Af-
is overall just a unique school, and Learning Commons, specifically be yourself. You are here at Geor- ter that I would like to start my
GT are really just here to help oth- that’s my favorite part about being the bench to the right of the stairs. gia Tech for a reason, and that is own non-profit focusing on home-
ers make their Tech experience ev- a student here. This is the place where I first told to explore and grow your passion. lessness and mental health issues
erything they want it to be. my dear friend Christina that I It doesn’t matter what everyone within the LGBTQIA+ commu-
How do you believe you em- was gay. She was the first person else is doing. It only matters that nity.
What drew you to apply for body the Tech spirit? I ever came out to, and that mo- you enjoy what you are doing. I believe that this position will
Mr./Ms. GT? Criswell: Georgia Tech’s motto ment and location will forever Fouts: It’s definitely okay to try help me keep a great network of
Criswell: Georgia Tech was not is ‘Progress and Service.’ I believe hold a special place in my heart. everything once, but you don’t hard-working people that will
my top college, but after my time I have tried my hardest to embody Fouts: My favorite spot on need to stick with something help me accomplish my goals in
here at Tech, I have absolutely that in everything I do. I try to campus is the Scheller Undergrad you’re not interested in just be- the future.
fallen in love with this school. make sure that all the things I Commons. cause it seems like you should or Fouts: After graduation, I will
The students, the professors, the have been involved with a[re] pro- It’s a newly renovated collabo- it’s a “good thing to do.” be working for Chick-fil-A in
faculty, the traditions and every- gressing society forward and serv- ration space only open to Scheller Being the most involved per- their Corporate Social Respon-
thing Georgia Tech amazes me. ing the community. I think my Undergrad students, so it’s always son on campus won’t make you sibility department on the Com-
I was drawn to apply to Mr. GT time on FASET exec is a perfect quiet and a good study spot. happy, and it will take away from munity Affairs team.
because I wanted to represent this example. I was able to progress the It also has TV screens that I can your ability to love on others and I’ve been working part-time
wonderful Institution. program forward by creating new connect to my laptop so everyone care for yourself. in this role since May, and I get
Fouts: Ms. Georgia Tech has events while also serving the stu- in my group can see what we’re Try to narrow down your in- to coordinate volunteerism ef-
always been on my mind ever dent body. working on. I’m also almost guar- volvements to a few things that forts between our staff and the
since I was a freshman. Several of Fouts: To me, Tech is unique anteed to see one of my friends you are really passionate about, Atlanta nonprofit community in
the Mr. & Ms. GT’s in my years and confident in the space it has there every time I go. Overall, best and dive deep into those things. the fields of hunger, homelessness
were personal mentors of mine carved out among other universi- study space on campus for business You will find that you are a bet- and education. It is absolutely my
in Scheller, so I deeply respected ties. It knows its strengths but is majors! ter participant, leader, and worker dream job, and I can’t wait to con-
them and knew how much they also honest about its weaknesses. in these things because your heart tinue with this group.
had poured into this school. They Its students work hard, play hard, What do you hope to do for is truly in them and you aren’t Being Ms. GT will help me
were always so kind and passion- and support each other along the the rest of this year in your role? spreading yourself too thin. show others that I meet in my job
ate about helping out others. way. They are resilient and strong Criswell: I hope I can be used as that Georgia Tech cares about its
I think looking up to them so but also compassionate and un- an ambassador for Georgia Tech[.] What are your plans after Atlanta community and is com-
much was the primary driver for derstanding. Our students have I want to be able to use this role college and how do you think mitted to the betterment of our
me to apply when I was eligible. big dreams but also have the work to help make this Institute even this position will help you in city through philanthropy and
ethic and dedication to make better and show other people just the future? service.
What has been your favorite these dreams a reality. I’ve tried how amazing our school is. Criswell: I have dual citizen- I am excited about the pos-
part about being a student at my very best to uphold the Tech Fouts: I really want to educate ship in Ireland, so after gradua- sibility of being the one who can
Tech thus far? tradition and spirit characterized the general student body about tion I hope to live in Ireland for a share Tech’s vision on service with
Criswell: The people here are by these things. the importance of philanthropy year or two. others who currently work in the
by far my favorite thing about and how to use your resources I want to work abroad and philanthropy space.
being a student. I love being sur- What is your favorite Tech to serve others in effective and
rounded by such motivated and sport and/or tradition? sustainable ways. I feel like that’s
determined people. It inspires me Criswell: My favorite Georgia been my soapbox since starting
to push myself to be my best self. I Tech tradition is the Mini 500. I at GT, and I really want to share
feel so lucky and honored to know don’t know who came up with a what I’ve learned with other stu-
the people that are going to go out tricycle race as a staple of Geor- dents. There’s a lot of need in our
and change the world. gia Tech traditions, but I want to Atlanta community, and Tech
I get to tell my kids one day meet them. students have the ability to meet
that I knew that person that I love seeing how excited we these needs.
found a cure for cancer, or made get to watch a bunch of people try However, not all philanthropy
it to Mars, or invented the next their hardest to get a tricycle up is good philanthropy, and I want
iPhone. We are all so fortunate Freshmen Hill. to help other Tech students know
to go to a school that encourages Fouts: I feel like I really the difference so that they can
us to pursue our dreams and give shouldn’t answer this because align themselves with organiza-
us the resources to make them given my role as a cheerleader, I tions that are serving others well.
reality. love all sports equally, but I will I also want to let students know
Fouts: My favorite part about say that I especially love Georgia that serving others is easier than
being a student here is that [it] is Tech volleyball. they may think, but it is crucial
an extremely unique experience Those women are amazing, for the continued development of
that none of my friends at other and the energy in O’Keefe dur- our cities.
schools can ever really under- ing their games is unmatched. If being Ms. GT is the plat-
stand. We have a very distinct cul- I’ve been able to cheer for vol- form from which I can share this
ture, we are extremely bright and leyball games for the past 3 years information, then I’m excited to
driven as students, but there isn’t and meet the team, and I am hard get started!
that cutthroat competitive energy pressed to find a more impressive
that you often see at other high- group of women on campus. They Is there any advice you would
achieving universities. We want to truly are role models, and I am like to share to incoming or
make an impact, but we don’t just so excited to cheer them on into younger Tech students?
talk about it. post-season. Criswell: Be yourself! It is easy
Students here are actually will- to look around and see what ev-
ing to put in the work to make What is your favorite spot on eryone else is doing and compare Photo by Ethan Vitak Student Publications
things better for ourselves and campus and why? yourself to them and feel that you Jolie Fouts poses with Buzz after being
our community, and I think that’s Criswell: Easily the fifth floor don’t belong. awarded the title of Ms. GT at the football game.

AUTUMN FROM PAGE 8 ics, Dancing Goats has plenty

of space to study and hang
As the chaos of finals ap- out with friends over coffee.
proaches, it is important to Students who are unfamil-
remember to take a break, iar with Atlanta can also get
get outside and breathe to see more of the city out-
in some fresh air. side of Tech Square without
Autumn in Atlanta also straying too far from campus.
brings brightly colored sun- Fall is also flu season. Noth-
sets, which can be best ing says cozy autumn vibes
viewed from Piedmont Park. more than immunizations.
Just a five minute drive from Flu shots are available
Tech, Piedmont Park offers the at Stamps Health Service,
perfect view of the city against as well as local pharmacies
the bright pink, purple and such as CVS and Walgreens.
orange skies of fall evenings. Some stores, such as Tar-
Bring some friends and get and Publix, offer coupons
take in the beauty of the and other incentives when you
Empire City of the South. get a flu shot at select locations.
When you need a pick-me-up Fall in Atlanta brings plenty
after a long day of fall-themed of seasonally-themed fun, but
fun, Dancing Goats, located it is also a great time to take a
across from the Midtown MAR- break from campus and explore.
TA station, offers a wide selection Whether you enjoy spooky
of coffee, tea and baked goods. season or Christian girl au- Photo by Caitlin Aycock Student Publications
Known for their special- tumn, autumn in Atlanta Trees around campus begin to lose their leaves as fall weather sets in.
ty blends and indie aesthet- has something for everyone. Enjoy fall both on and off-campus with these tips.
10 • November 5, 2021• technique // LIFE

Tech’s annual Mini 500 & Wreck Parade

Racers in the Mini 500 line up at the start outside of Peter Parking Deck.
Each team must complete 8 laps around the deck on their tricycle.

This year’s winners of the Mini 500, Build a Tricycle and Make u(sic)ga Pay for It, celebrate Racers took advantage of Homecoming weekend falling
their victory after completing the last lap at the finish line with Buzz. close to Halloween to dress up in costumes.

Coach Nell Fortner and Luoluo Hong, Tech’s Vice President for A member of Delta Sigma Phi helps escort the organization’s fixed body around the pa-
Student Engagement and Well-Being, judge the Wreck parade. rade route. The Wreck Parade consists of classic cars, fixed bodies and contraptions.

Photos by Taylor Gray Student Publications

// LIFE technique • November 5, 2021• 11
OPINIONS EDITOR: Emily Schroeder technique

“ 5
Even though you’re growing up, you
should never stop having fun.

—Nina Dobrev November 5, 2021

OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion

Beauty in autumn’s leaves
Anonymous posts gone wrong Not to say that we do not have
Unpacking the toxic YikYak culture on Tech’s campus ANDY BORST
those trees here, but we tend to
have more oak and sweetgum
trees that, frankly, are way less
YikYik, the anonymous community- able or even unsafe. interesting than anything the
Fall has once again rolled former locations have to offer.
based messaging app that was taken off the YikYak has become an easy way to around, and with it we find our- In addition to color, I would
App Store four years ago, is back and con- target groups of people without getting selves fully immersed in the sea- argue that shape also plays an
son of pumpkin spice. integral role in the overall beau-
troversial as ever. caught, which not only brings the ethics And while many may look ty of this ideal grove that I’ve
This app has become immensely pop- of the app into question but also the un- forward to fall fits or Thanks- been ranting about.
giving, I often find myself in Some leaves are simply more
ular on Tech’s campus, as well as many derlying reason for why people feel com- awe of the beauty mother na- ideal than others, which can be
other college campuses across the US, as pelled to say such things when given an ture has provided for us in attributed almost entirely to the
changing tree colors. overall symmetry and propor-
a way to anonymously write your inner anonymous identity. Trees are of course beauti- tionality of the leaves.
thoughts, opinions and start drama. With that being said, we do not think ful year round, but something Take, for instance, the maple
about their changing colors in leaf — this is, in many people’s
The premise of YikYak started as a way that the app itself is all to blame. the months leading up to winter mind, the quintessential leaf.
to anonymously connect with your com- The creators definitely need to improve just makes the world seem that It has three distinct points,
much easier to deal with. which happens to be a number
munity within a five-mile radius. It is simi- their algorithm to weed out harmful posts, It is this change in color that that we like to see in any kind of
lar to Twitter in its posting, commenting but at the end of the day it is the individual contributes to everybody’s “ide- object or situation.
alized” fall grove. It’s about as wide as it is
and scrolling features, but a major differ- messages that are causing problems that You know the one: the trees are long, which plays perfectly into
ence is that unlike Twitter where every user need to be addressed. perfectly lined up along a wind- its proportionality.
ing forest path with the colorful And it’s perfectly sym-
has a traceable username and account, no The act of posting on YikYak feels leaves littering the ground, not metrical on both sides de-
one knows who exactly is making the posts like screaming into the void as a way to yet trodden upon and dimmed spite its offshoots from the
by the mud. three main points.
and comments on YikYak. get attention, which definitely needs some It is the absolute perfect fall I would have to agree with
scene, and is completely made those arguing in favor of this
This has made YikYak a prime breeding further unpacking. by the presence of the perfect, leaf being quintessential, be-
ground for drama, bullying, false infor- Maybe it helps some users feel less alone color changing tree. cause it frankly is.
And this leads perfectly to my This shaping also contrib-
mation and discriminatory posts that are or perhaps some people find it relieving or point about finding the ideal fall utes to why the northern areas
harmful to the Tech community. exciting to anonymously post their inner grove: while every type of tree tend to have this ideal grove in
always catches my eyes during higher numbers.
Going on YikYak is like playing a big thoughts — whatever the case may be, the fall in their own way, it would The shapes of our big trees,
game of “Telephone” to get news about activity on this app has something to say be foolish to suggest that they mainly oaks, are, while well
are all, in any way, at the same shaped, not very proportional,
what’s happening on campus. about the reality of the internal struggles level of beauty. and tend to stick out lengthwise
Facts can easily get misconstrued and and lack of support systems that students In fact, I would argue that it far more than they are wide.
is quite the opposite. You may be This leads to a strangely
spread like wildfire across the feeds of any- feel at Tech to be able to be open and talk thinking to yourself that this is shaped leaf to our eyes, and con-
one with the app depending on how many about certain things. an absurd notion. tributes to detracting from the
Trees are trees and there is beauty of whatever orchard it
upvotes or downvotes the post gets. While many problems arose because of definitely not enough of a dif- finds itself in.
While some of the posts are funny or this app, the reason it initially got taken ference between them to justify Diversity of trees is of course
this absurd level of rankings. important, and this isn’t to say
relatable, a lot of the posts are insulting, down wasn’t because of the harmful com- In response, I would point that we should completely elimi-
concerning, defamatory or a combination ments made but lack of user engagement. to the vast difference in fall nate oaks from my vision of the
colors between different areas perfect fall orchard.
of all three. Even though not having to make an ac- of the US. All sorts of trees should be in-
Greek life appears to be the most popu- count is great for short-term user engage- There is no doubt that the cluded; including the oaks and
fall season brings beautiful other trees of lesser quality in
lar target of posts on Tech’s YikYak, with ment, this has also turned into the Achilles trees in Georgia. a majority, though, is when we
many of the claims posted being unjustifi- heel of the app’s long-term success because But if you go further towards start to detract from the overall
New Hampshire, Vermont and level of beauty.
able or seeming to come out of nowhere as people have no lasting ties to the app. Upstate New York, the array of Ultimately, you’ll be hard
a way to negatively affect the reputation of People are bound to get bored, colors and gradients is almost pressed to find a fall orchard
unfathomably beautiful. that isn’t a thing of beauty.
a particular fraternity of sorority. and just like any fad, the app will It is not as though these trees They come along with a
are being tended to any differ- time of year that’s equally in-
It is disturbing reading the things that probably fade away. ently than the trees in Georgia. credible, and despite their
are posted on that app and then realizing But in the meantime, please be mindful It instead points to an abun- difference across the United
dance of trees such as maple, States, all contribute to a sea-
that they were made by your peers, which of what you post and the potential harms hickory and cherry that tend son that is, frankly, as beauti-
has caused some to feel very uncomfort- and impact it will have on others. to pop all that much more ful as the trees that characterize
in the fall. as such.

The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. Write to us: are responses to or commentaries on
content found within the pages of the
[email protected] Technique. Along with these letters,

technique editorial board Got something to say? Then let

we are open to receiving letters that
focus on relevant issues that currently
your voice be heard with the Tech- affect Georgia Tech as a university, in-
Janat Batra EDITOR-IN-CHIEF nique. Sliver at Nique.net, tweet us cluding its campus and student body.
Taylor Gray MANAGING EDITOR @the_nique or check us out on Face- When submitting letters we ask
book at facebook.com/thenique. We that you include your full name, year
want to hear your opinion and want (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. We ask that
Avni Shridhar HEAD COPY EDITOR Dani Sisson PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR to make it known to all of campus. letters be thought provoking, well
Andy Borst NEWS EDITOR Rahul Deshpande TECHNOLOGY EDITOR We also welcome your letters in written and in good taste. We reserve
Will Fuss SPORTS EDITOR Emma Ryan ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR response to Technique content as well the right to both reject or edit letters
as topics relevant to campus. We will for length and style.
Hope Williams LIFE EDITOR Emily Schroeder OPINIONS EDITOR
print letters on a timely and space- For questions, comments or con-
Sarah Miller ONLINE EDITOR Amanda Wang DESIGN EDITOR available basis. cern, contact the Opinions Editor at
Each week we look for letters that [email protected].
6 • November 5, 2021• technique // OPINIONS

COP26 summit: too little, too late

“Biden’s climate summit ing the problem it helped cause? policy, but their partners on the tries that contribute heavily to
Can it not see the value of other side of the aisle often fall climate change.
nap is the perfect symbolism spending more now to mitigate well short as well. Tech has an active campaign,
for his treatment of the issue.” costs later on, not just for itself but Even with Democrats suppos- known as ASI Georgia Tech, that
for the rest of the world? edly being a party of progress and focuses on divestment alongside
WILL FUSS By no metric should the fight science, many prominent ones sustainable investment, a move-
against climate change be any- stall or oppose progress. ment that I heartily endorse.
SPORTS EDITOR thing but a top priority. From Biden’s confusing en- Tech should divest, and the
Scientists are more unified over dorsement of fracking during the sooner campus leaders embrace
the dangers than almost every 2020 election to Joe Manchin’s ASI, the better the world will be.
other issue. refusal to cooperate to pass a bill One more campus divest-
Economic analysis of climate with any significant climate pack- ing, while good, is only one
policy shows unequivocal benefit age to Nancy more small step
As images of Biden nodding ing bill currently working its way before even factoring the human Pelosi’s “green in the fight.
off at the COP26 show up on my through Congress has been cut toll of inaction. dream or what- National and
feed, I cannot help but be infuri- in half, with more cuts possibly Still, many world leaders refuse ever they call “I want those with the i n t e r n a t i o n a l
ated about the disdain for the cli- to come, and devotes barely half to give the issue the attention it so it” comments in authority to make change m o v e m e n t s
mate crisis. a trillion dollars to combating cli- desperately needs. 2019 to Diane like the Sunrise
The crisis is not a future prob- mate change over the next decade. Changes, incremental changes, Feinstein’s dis- at Tech, in the United Movement, Fri-
lem. It is quickly passing the point According to the NOAA, cli- have been made, which I can ad- missal of youth days for Future,
of being a current problem as mate events over just the past five mit is a start. activists to so States and around the Extinction Re-
continued lack years have caused However, current policy puts many other ex- world to take climate bellion and other
of action leads around $640 bil- the world on pace to warm around amples, a bi- organizations are
to irreversible lion of damage. three degrees Celsius, double partisan effort change as seriously as it good places to
damage. Events in 2017 the maximum number before to slow mean-
It is a prob- deserves.” getMy involved.
“Can the wealthiest alone caused potentially irreversible climate ingful climate anger is
lem that can over $300 billion effects take place. policy stifles shared by many,
no longer be country in the world not in damages. All current future pledges and my faith in the but until leaders
ignored, a These figures goals for carbon reduction put vast majority of the American take notice, the issue will continue
problem that put more into solving the are for the United together still pace the world for political scene. to worsen.
has long been problem it helped cause?” States alone. a two-degree increase over pre- While the problem is global, it I do not want to be angry. I do
critical and D a m a g e s industrial levels, meaning that all can begin to be addressed at low- not want to worry about my fu-
one that is ap- around the world promises made, fulfilled or other- er-scale levels. ture and the future of the planet.
parently not total far higher, wise, would still not be enough to Divestment from fossil fuels I want those with the author-
worth the at- and the United reach the 1.5 degree threshold. is a growing campaign that has ity to make change at Tech, in the
tention of the States’ role in the Despite the shortcomings, moved amounts of money esti- United States and around the world
president of the world’s second problem is outsized, as we pro- leaders, especially in America, re- mated to be up to $40 trillion to take climate change as seriously
largest polluter. duce nearly one-seventh of the fuse to acknowledge the gravity away from that industry. as it deserves.
Biden’s climate summit nap world’s emissions. of the issue. College campuses have faced I hope for a carbon neutral fu-
is the perfect symbolism for his Can the wealthiest country in Republicans by and large re- divestment campaigns and ture and that COP26 is not truly
treatment of the issue. The spend- the world not put more into solv- fuse to even consider climate cut ties to research and indus- too little, too late.
// OPINIONS technique • November 5, 2021• 7

NaNoWriMo isn’t just for writers

YASHVINI DEVA NaNoWriMo and to be honest, NaNoWriMo has an extensive
STAFF WRITER it’s already pretty intimidating. In online network, filled with fo-
true Georgia Tech fashion, I spent rums and planned writer meetups
Writing a novel in a month hours on Reddit, reading through in local cafe.
seems impossible, but that’s what subreddits about how feasible it With events like Virtual Write-
nearly 40,000 writers do every was for a college student to try Ins or Writer Yoga, NaNoWriMo
year in November. and do NaNoWriMo and what I works to build a community of
National Novel Writing found surprised me. people, who just like you, are try-
Months (usually shortened to Contrary to Reddit’s usual ing to meet a seemingly impos-
NaNoWriMo) is a month-long negativity, nearly every single re- sible deadline.
challenge where writers from sponse I read said that it was more Even if you aren’t a writer, try
around the world try to write than possible for a student to do it. setting out a hour a day to do
Mint Condition Metaverse 50,000 words for a single project. From first-year undergrads to something you love — revisiting
Good news everyone: it’s Last week, Mark Zucker- With a nearly 40% success last-year grad students, there was an old hobby or trying a new one
peppermint milkshake season berg announced that Face- rate, NaNoWriMo forces writers an oupouring of positive sup- — this month.
at Chick-fil-A! Topped with to finally set aside time in their port, all with a common message: Just by trying to make the ef-
book is changing its name to
day to sit down and work on proj- NaNoWriMo is possible to any- fort to set aside time, you’ll be sur-
whipped cream and a cherry, Meta as a way to “encompass ects they are passionate about but one as long as you choose to make prise how much time you actually
this handspun and festive everything we do.” Some be- never have time for. time for it and you’re not alone in have in a day and how many peo-
milkshake is a limited time lieve that the rebrand is a ploy Setting an average pace of doing it. ple you’ll meet through hobbies.
offer, so make sure to grab one to distract from the recent crit- 1667 words a day, NaNoWriMo That simple takeaway is why If you are a writer, I strongly
while they are still in season. cisms the company has faced. sets a grueling pace and it is just as I think everyone encourage that
much a testament to the hardwork should do NaNoW- you do NaNoW-
behind writing as it the actual art riMo, or something “Even if you aren’t a riMo, even if it’s not
of writing a novel. similar, at least once this year.
At the end of the month, if in their life. writer, try setting out To sign up,
you are successfully able to com- N a N oWr i M o an hour a day to do all you have to
plete the challenge, you will get a asks you to set aside do is go nanow-
certificate and a banner, certify- a hour everyday to something you love rimo.org and
ing your completion, and more make time for writ- create an account.
this month. ” At the end of the
importantly, the draft to a brand ing and your con-
Campanile Camps Out Squid Scam new novel. tinuous choice to month, you’ll up-
Tech’s beloved campanile is The cryptocurrency known Great books, like Rainbow do this for a whole load your novel to
back in its rightful home after as “Squid” rose in popularity Rowell’s “Fangirl” and Marissa month teaches you discipline the website to verify that it’s reached
being moved due to construc- after its release in late October Meyer’s “Cinder,” have come out and commitment in a way the word count.
tion of the Student Center. only to then lose all of its value of NaNoWriMo, but the process little else can. On Nov. 30, maybe you won’t
The campanile has long been Monday morning. Thousands to get there was far from easy. You’re not alone in making have finished your novel or even
an important symbol in Tech’s of investors lost money when Fitting in the time to write over this choice. gotten close to the 50,000 word
culture, so it is good to see it the project’s unknown creators a thousand words everyday is dif- From adults with kids to stu- count, but you’ll have the start
back in its place. Though it appeared to cash out Squid ficult and for a college student, it dents like us, we’re all making of a great novel and a new com-
may be gone from our logo, it tokens worth over $3 million may seem impossible, but I believe sacrifices to meet that 50,000 mitment to making time for the
is not gone from our hearts. and take down the website. that is exactly why it’s important word deadline and nothing builds things that matter, and what else
to do it. This is my first year doing community better than sacrifice. could you ask for.

Follow your heart; no regrets YOUR VIEWS | YikYak Comments

On Slack
“Take a chance, listen to your under the fear of judgement
and can also become focused on
heart, explore beyond your the end results.
comfort zone and unlock new But, when we keep in mind I can’t be the only one who despises Slack.
our goals and why we are doing
pathways that you may not what we are in the first place, we
have known even existed.” can always walk away from our
experiences with full satisfaction
knowing that we got the most World Series
RISH DESAI out of each “mystery box” life
STAFF WRITER sent our way.
This is an idea that can be
Each day we make a countless As Tech students, we are translated in many areas whether All of Atlanta better knock on wood right now.
number of “choices.” surrounded by so many great it is performing, joining that club
These choices range from which opportunities to catalyze our you always wanted, or that new
pair of shoes to wear to am I going journeys towards reaching our sport you wanted to try.
to perform at this Open Mic Night goals whether that is growing College is an important time October Reflection
to what classes I am going to take as people while understanding where we get to explore a vast va-
next semester. more about the world around us, riety of new areas.
But as we grow older, the grav- learning more about our cho- In these years, take a chance,
ity of many of these “choices” sen fields, or simply building on listen to your heart, explore be-
gradually transform themselves our current strengths. yond your comfort zone and un- Why was October literally a fever dream.
into “decisions.” With the return of in-person lock new pathways that you may
Our college years are some of clubs, students are getting to be- not have known even existed.
our most transformational years. come more involved in more clubs When you do this, it can allow
They act as a bridge between and in a more consistent fashion. for the greatest growth to occur.
who we were yesterday and who As a result, many times I have I’ll leave with you with this: Not-So-Favorite Subject
we want to become tomorrow. found myself having conversa- Life moves fast.
Through this time, there are tions with my peers leading into At times, we can not wait for
so many avenues towards reach- questions about where we want to the perfect moment.
ing the one true goal: become continue to devote our time. We should seize the moment
the best versions of ourselves that When we simply think about and go for it. Math is kinda cringe.
we can become. the answer to this with only our This allows for us to truly grow
With so many possibilities, it minds, we find ourselves getting to help us reach who we want to
becomes easy to feel confused as more confused than when we first become tomorrow.
to which route to take. brought up the question. While we cannot totally elimi-
When encountering this ques- At times, there is only one nate the idea of “No Regrets,” That Time of the Year
tion, I recollect one of the best place that truly knows what when we listen to our hearts
pieces of advice that someone had we want in life and that is our and choose to take those risks,
given me “listen to your heart and source for where we should listen we hopefully get closer to walk-
do what your heart desires.” to: our heart. ing away from each experience Oh no! My GPA! It’s broken!
This phrase has guided me in When my mind is in conflict with no regrets; instead, we can
a multitude of areas and helped and I have chosen to listen to start to think like One Republic’s
me when it appears “choic- my heart, I have always walked lyric “I owned every second that
es” have elevated themselves away from my decisions satis- this world could give” and that’s
into “decisions.” fied. As we grow older, we fall what counts.

Emma Ryan
Isa Cardona Friday,
[email protected] November 5, 2021

Harry Styles’ two night stand at State Farm Arena

campaign than the United States with. Styles also clearly knew his
TAYLOR GRAY government. crowd and took every chance he
MANAGING EDITOR There is no doubt that coming got to say “how ‘bout them Braves
out of one of the biggest boy bands last night though?” referencing
After two years of anticipation of the century cemented Styles to the Braves win against the Astros
since announcing his stateside have a massive dedicated fanbase in Game 1 of the World Series and
lineup of “Love on Tour” con- once his solo career began, but extracting massive cheers from the
certs, Harry Styles finally touched the deep, idolic dedication is awe- crowd who were excited to have
down in Atlanta to perform two inspiring. Fans hoping to get as Styles acknowledge their beloved
nights at the State Farm Arena on close to Harry as possible in the home team.
Oct. 27 and Oct. 28. The tour, pit started lining up the night be- Outside of the unexpected
which was postponed a year due fore the concert, braving the cold Braves shoutout, perhaps the most
to COVID-19 concerns, is Styles’ of the night outside of State Farm beautiful thing about Harry Styles
second concert tour for his sopho- Arena. is that he is undeniably a maestro
more album “Fine Line.” Once Harry graced the stage, of performance. Listening to his
Like many touring artists accompanied by his back up band, music is one thing, but watching
this year, Styles’ team made the it was clear the audience was in for him perform live in his element is
decision to require proof of CO- an amazing night with the artist. another. No matter if you would
VID-19 vaccination or a negative Styles showed up on stage donned call yourself a Styles fan or not,
COVID-19 test result in order to in high-waisted pants, suspenders it is completely enthralling to
gain entry to the show. Once in and a color coordinated button up watch how much fun he has on
the stadium, masks were required that has now become his signa- stage interacting with fans while
at all times unless actively eating ture uniform for the tour. The set bellowing out his alternative rock
or drinking. opened with the wistful sounds of anthems. Even the boyfriends and
A pre-recorded public service “Golden,” the first track off of the dads, who were clearly dragged
announcement came over the are- album. into the arena by their superfan
na’s speakers ahead of the show, The tour setlist continued on loved ones, were dancing around
with Styles reminding fans to with a good mix of songs from and smiling by the end of the
keep their mask on and thanking “Fine Line” as well as his self-ti- show and pulling out their phones
them for taking safety measures tled debut album “Harry Styles.” to document the moment.
so he can continue to perform Styles also surprised fans with a For those fans who spent their
for millions of fans around the solo cover of “What Makes You adolescence purchasing teeny-
world. This announcement and Beautiful,” which was arguably bopper magazines from the gro-
the incredible compliance with the song that got Harry to where cery store and ripping out its pages
the mask mandate highlighted he is today. While Styles has to plaster Harry Styles upon their
the “you say jump, we say how managed to make a tremendous bedroom walls, finally getting to
high” mentality of Styles’ fans, name for himself during his solo see him nearly a decade later was a
with a majority of his fanbase career, outselling all of his boy cathartic experience for most.
dutifully following him since his band counterparts, it is nice to While his time in Atlanta
2010 One Direction days. Look- see him continue to acknowledge was limited to a two night stand,
ing around the crowd and seeing his roots. Perhaps the most iconic Styles left it all out on the stage
custom made vaccine card holders part of the show was when a fan and left his Georgia fans thirst-
and “Treat People with Kindness” from the crowd pulled out an old ing for a new album, a new tour Photo by Bethany McMorris Student Publications
masks, it seemed Harry Styles had Harry Styles cardboard cut-out and the hopes of a return back Harry Styles points to the crowd during his live set. Styles
run a more effective COVID-19 and he brought it on stage to pose to the city. performed two shows at the State Farm Arena in late October.
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • November 5, 2021• 13

Third season of Netflix’s ‘You’ digs its own grave

GENRE: Psychological thriller
STARRING: Penn Badgley,
Victoria Pedretti



With the arrival of Halloween,

the infamous Netflix show “You”
returned on Oct. 15 for its third
— and not final — season. Even
before this release, the “Hidden
Bodies” adaptation confirmed the
coming of its fourth season. But Photo courtesy of Netflix
one has to ask whether or not this Penn Badgley and Victoria Pedretti star in the third season of ‘You,’ which gained instant popularity when season one was released
is a good thing. in 2018. Despite excellent performances from both actors, season three descends into little more than a murderous reality show.
There is no questioning the
captivation of the first season of continues to share in Joe’s obses- maybe three times, Ellie’s name is murders in order to sustain her The dynamic between Love and
‘You,’ but after a shaky storyline sion with killing. As a demon- dropped from the rest of the sea- zombie cravings. Similarly, Joe Theo versus Joe and Marianne
in the second season, the third stration of her love, Love mur- son as if she had been forgotten seems to be simply forced to clean kept a sense of intrigue, although
season continues this decline. Un- ders Candace (Ambyr Childers, about. up all of Love’s murderous mis- brief. Despite its predictability,
like the first season, Penn Badgley “Aquarius”) to protect her future This new season is separated takes but without the cushion of the ending to the tenth and final
(“Gossip Girl”) returns as a co-star with Joe and her baby. As the from the other two in its focus comedy that “Santa Clarita Diet” episode of season three was beau-
in his role as Joe rather than the loose ends of season two are tied on Joe and Love creating relation- thrived on. tiful. As wrap-ups go, this one
main character. Reprising her role up, Joe and Love elude the cops, ships while becoming first-time Joe, who had previously been was clean. The true beauty in this
as Love from the second season, and the murders are pinned on parents — along with the casual seen as charming in his own episode is seen in the strength of
Victoria Pedretti (“The Haunting Forty (James Scully, “Heathers” ) murder and frame jobs of course. twisted way, became an annoy- Joe’s parental love, which has been
of Hill House”) becomes one of after his death The season begins with high ing counterpart to Love’s unstable strong throughout the entire sea-
the main focuses, starting in the However, season three begins hopes and an intriguing storyline personality. Although both char- son.
first episode. with these ends unraveling. A as psychopathy meets cookie-cut- acters were portrayed beautifully Based on the extended story-
With the addition of Love, the common factor in every “You” ter suburbs. by Badgley and Pedretti, the writ- line within the third season, one
audience no longer follows Joe’s season is Joe’s fatherly instinct to However, as more characters ten characters made finishing the can only assume the writers were
internal narration. The perspec- protect a child: first Paco, then El- are introduced and developed, the season difficult. At each murder- scraping together anything they
tive shifts to both Joe and Love’s lie (Jenna Ortega, “Jane the Vir- show turns from a psychoanalyti- ous turn, there was less of a sur- could. These ideas are still able
internal dialogue, which distracts gin”) and finally his son, Henry. cal romantic thriller to a murder- prise and the routine of murder- to captivate audiences and create
from their character development While Paco was beautifully writ- ous reality show starring residents suicide became so frequent in new perspectives in the thriller
the previous seasons built. This ten out, the writers hit a snag of every stereotype. the series that the season lost its genre.
personal perspective was one of when finishing Ellie’s character. Oddly enough, the third sea- shock effect. Even as an easy binge, “You”
the unique draws of “You,” but With only a few mentions, El- son of “You” can be compared to While the third season has its Season Three would not be a top
the transition away from it de- lie is expected to live dependent the Netflix series “Santa Clarita flaws, some moments remind the pick to watch; however, psycho-
tracts from the coherence of the on Joe’s book-selling profits with Diet.” This comedy horror show audience why they started watch- logical thrillers are “in” now, so
show’s storyline. the knowledge that he and his follows a wife who becomes a ing. In returning to his stalker no one will be surprised when the
The second season ended with friends are her friends’ and sister’s zombie and her husband who roots, the audience gets a glimpse next season of “You” reaches the
the epiphany that Love has and murderers. After being mentioned helps her hide their consistent at Joe’s dark charm once again. Top 10 on Netflix.

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14 • November 5, 2021• technique // ENTERTAINMENT

Sheeran follows his own formula with ‘Equals’

Songs like “Bad Habits” and
“Overpass Graffiti” clearly draw
= inspiration from the 80’s synth-
pop that has recently made a re-
ARTIST: Ed Sheeran surgence thanks to artists like The
GENRE: Pop Weeknd and Dua Lipa. But in
comparison to these other artists,
TRACK PICKS: “Joker and
Sheeran’s songs feel void of iden-
The Queen,” “Visiting Hours”
tity. The content of the song fol-
RELEASE DATE: Oct. 29 lows Sheeran’s emotional formula
without any adjustments for the
«« 80’s instrumentals, which sound
as if they were stripped straight
from a-ha.
As a songwriter and new fa-
ANUSH SINGHAL ther, it was a requirement that
STAFF WRITER Lyra, Sheeran’s daughter, would
receive a lullaby. Though “Sand-
Ed Sheeran’s fourth solo album man” presents Sheeran’s raw vo-
“=,” released on Oct. 29, is his first cals and emotions, in comparison
in four years. to Billy Joel and Elton John, it
After his “Divide” tour ended feels like a cheap imitation piece.
in 2019, Sheeran was unsure of his But just because it does not hold
future in music. He had settled up in front of the best, does not
down and became a husband and mean it is bad.
a father. He wanted to commit “Joker and The Queen” pres-
time to his daughter and wife. ents Sheeran in his element, with
However, Sheeran told Sirius beautiful storytelling and sad
XM Radio that at some point, he guitar sounds that are bound to
realized that “It is more important Photo courtesy of Dan Martensen be joining “Thinking Out Loud”
for my daughter to grow up know- British pop artist Ed Sheeran has made a name for himself with heartfelt ballads and some and “Perfect” on every wedding
ing that her parents have work of the most iconic love songs of his generation. His latest project, “=,” takes the same tack. tracklist. “Visiting Hours” and
ethic and her parents love working “Love In Slow Motion” round off
hard and love creating and enjoy cent of the “÷” Sheeran: a singer of the sounds Sheeran had experi- changed/But I am still the same the album with authentic, beau-
their jobs, and seeing that rather and songwriter who has a pulse on mented with in “÷,” focused on somehow,” on “Tides,” which is tiful odes to Sheeran’s late friend
than looking at your dad as tech- the heartbeat of pop. the experiences that have domi- an apt description of the realm and mentor Michael Gudinski
nically unemployed.” In contrast, the promotional nated his life for the last few years. in which this album exists, noth- and wife Cherry Seaborn.
Sheeran started the promotion single on “=,” “Visiting Hours” With its balance of pop with more ing bad but nothing we haven’t Similar to “÷,” “=” has some-
for “=” with singles “Bad Habits” introduces the other more intro- mature themes of family and heard before. thing for everybody but is better
and “Shivers,” which both domi- spective, emotion-driven themes homemaking, Sheeran had aptly As much as one searches, it is structured and more cohesive. It
nated the charts, sitting at num- present in the album. What many named the project “=.” hard to find a flaw in his album, offers an entertaining listen, but
ber one on the UK charts for a critics call maturity, however, Sheeran starts the album by but it is equally as hard to find an chances are that it is not the al-
combined total of 15 weeks. These sounds more like “+” than ever. stating “I have grown up/I am authentic genre-pushing pop song bum where you will find your next
dance-pop anthems are reminis- This album is a polished derivative a father now/Everything has or the most introspective song. favorite Ed Sheeran song.
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • November 5, 2021• 15

Taylor-Joy dazzles in ‘Last Night in Soho’

FILM The 1960s are heavily refer-
Last Night in Soho enced throughout the film as
Eloise, who was already inspired
GENRE: Psychological horror by the time period, becomes even
STARRING: Anya Taylor Joy, more infatuated when her dreams
Thomasin Mckenzie focus on a wannabe singer named
Sandie (Taylor Joy) and talent
DIRECTOR: Edgar Wright manager Jack (Matt Smith, “The
RATING: R Crown’’). It is then that Sand-
ie’s past starts to affect Eloise’s
RELEASE DATE: Oct. 29 present life.
The ‘60s even inspired the
OUR TAKE: ««««
« name of the film itself, as the title
originates from a 1968 single by
the English pop band Dave Dee,
ISA CARDONA Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich. It
ASSISTANT ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR was also inspired by a conversa-
tion Wright had with filmmaker
Edgar Wright, a director Quentin Tarantino, who was told
known for works like “Shaun of by director Allison Anders that
the Dead” and “Scott Pilgrim “Last Night in Soho’’ was the
vs. the World,” tells a dark and “best title music for a film that’s
dazzling tale with “Last Night never been made.” The soundtrack
in Soho,” starring Anya Taylor- continues with the 60s theme
Joy (“The Queen’s Gambit”) and both in the present day, as Eloise
Thomasin Mckenzie (“Leave No is a fan of older music, and in the
Trace”). past, as Sandie is an aspiring sing-
“Last Night in Soho” closely er from that time period.
resembles a modern day Alfred The true gems of “Last Night
Hitchcock thriller. Just as Hitch- in Soho” are the camera work and Photo courtesy of Focus Features
cock’s signature was to build up costumes. The visual effects and In ‘Last Night in Soho,’ Thomasin Mckenzie (right) plays Eloise, a fashion student in London. She
suspense, “Last Night in Soho” is editing help blur the line between slowly becomes infatuated with Anya Taylor-Joy’s Sandie (left), an aspiring singer in ‘60s Soho.
a slow burning but exhilarating the past and present in an energet-
watch. As the narrative progress- ic way. The camera works to make ise’s fashion evolves from a con- at photos of historic Soho in order Edward Wright is known for
es, it transitions from a coming of the setting feel both based in real- servative and floral-heavy style to learn about people dressed for his fast paced and witty dialogue
age film and descends into a tale ity and other worldly depending into full-blown ‘60s meets mod- the nightlife. but at times it moves too quickly,
of mind games and paranoia that on the mood of the protagonist. ern Londoner as she incorporates Anya Taylor-Joy was a perfect which can be difficult for some
keeps the audience at the edge of It is also a point to mention that more bold elements into her fash- choice for Sandie and she was viewers, especially given the dif-
their seats. there are various dance scenes in ion. However, Taylor-Joy’s Sandie mesmerizing to watch as she seam- ferent accents of the cast. Another
“Last Night in Soho” is about the movie that were all filmed in is the true star when it comes to lessly switched from free spirited potential downside is the film’s
a young fashion student named one take. This is especially impres- costume design, as she represents and spunky to something much pacing. Most of the film’s action
Eloise who leaves her rural home sive with the complex choreogra- the various ‘60s fashion trends darker as the plot progressed. takes place towards the final 40
in Cornwall and moves to London phy and the switching between with her iconic blonde beehive Thomasin McKenzie did a minutes, but the wait helps to
for school. Both her life and fash- dance partners that were seam- hairdo and peach chiffon dress. great job of showing a huge build up suspense.
ion are heavily influenced by the lessly captured on camera. The film’s costume designer​​ range of emotions from na- Overall, while the film is a
1960s, which is evident visually As for the costuming, the ‘60s Odile Dicks-Mireaux said she ivety to paranoia; and Matt little slow-paced, the ride is very
throughout the film. It is at fash- were full of bright colors, mini studied dozens of films from the Smith was suave and charming. much worth it in the end, es-
ion school where Eloise discovers dresses, dapper suits and sleek 60s to understand the vibe and Overall the cast worked well to- pecially with all the twists and
the nightlife in Soho and the story hairdos, and these aesthetics are was also influenced by the styles gether and it felt very fresh and turns. “Last Night in Soho” is an
takes the viewer into a world of all reflected in “Last Night In of Brigitte Bardot, Julie Christine natural to see these characters on interesting and unique take on the
both dreams and nightmares. Soho.” As the film goes on, Elo- and Cilla Black. She also looked screen together. psychological thriller genre.


Showcase, Present, and Inspire


16 • November 5, 2021• technique // COMICS

SMBC by Zach Weinersmith Lio by Mark Tatulli

In the Bleachers by Steve Moore

// COMICS technique • November 5, 2021• 17

Lunar Baboon by Christopher Grady XKCD by Randall Munroe


Pearls before Swine by Stephen Pastis

18 • November 5 , 2021 • technique // SPORTS

Women’s basketball ready for season Fletcher will not be playing this in Tennessee and a top-100 recruit game of ACC play, at McCamish
WILL FUSS season due to a medical redshirt. by multiple sites. Joining the new Pavilion against Wake Forest on
SPORTS EDITOR Sophomore guard Loyal Mc- freshmen is grad transfer forward Dec. 19. The team takes on Bos-
queen and junior center Nerea Digna Strautmane, a four-year ton University at home two days
The Tech women’s basketball Hermosa were Tech’s other two starter at Syracuse. Strautmane later before entering strictly con-
team from last year’s Sweet 16 in starters and rounded out the start- is a good shooter, scoring at all ference play.
the NCAA Tournament is largely ing five well. McQueen was the three levels, and brings consistent Tech has home-and-home se-
back together for the 2021-22 sea- Jackets’ most efficient shooter rebounding and shot-altering to ries with Wake Forest, Florida
son. The Jackets went 17-9 last from deep, helping to stretch the Tech’s lineup. State, Miami and Clemson. The
year, and their 12-6 conference re- floor and allow Cubaj and Her- Tech opened their season with Jackets will face Pitt, Duke, Syra- STUDENT MEDIA POLL
cord was third in the ACC. After mosa to work inside. Hermosa an exhibition against Clayton cuse, NC State and Virginia Tech WEEK NINE
an overtime win over Stephen F. was an interior threat, leading the State, winning the game 74-53. on the road only and Louisville,
Austin and a blowout victory over team in shooting percentage and The first game of the regular sea- Virginia, North Carolina, Boston The Student Media Poll is the
West Virginia, Tech finally lost finishing second in blocks and of- son is Tuesday, Nov 9 at Central College and Notre Dame at home. product of dozens of college
to South Carolina, who tops this fensive rebounds behind Cubaj. Michigan before five games in The Jackets will be facing a sportswriters. Every FBS confer-
year’s preseason rankings. All five Senior guard Sarah Bates the Southeast. Home tilts against tough slate, with NC State, Lou- ence is represented. New polls
starters were set to return for this started 11 games and sophomore KSU and Belmont are followed by isville and Florida State all ranked can be found for college foot-
year, though Kierra Fletcher plans guard/forward Eylia Love was a trip to ETSU. Two more home in the top 16 of the preseason AP ball and basketball each week at
to redshirt for medical reasons as one of four players to play all 26 games against Hofstra and Au- poll. UConn is ranked narrowly studentmediapoll.com as well
announced on Wednesday. games for Tech, bolstering the burn come before the ACC/Big10 behind South Carolina in the poll as bios of many of the contribu-
The core of the team starts Jackets’ lineup beyond last year’s Challenge, when the Jackets will as well, and Belmont, Central tors, podcasts and other SMP
with star senior forward Lorela main starters. travel to face Purdue in West Michigan and several ACC teams related news.
Cubaj, who was the 2021 ACC New to Tech for this season are Lafayette, IN. made the tournament last season,
Co-Defensive Player of the Year. freshman guard Elizabete Bulane Tech travels up to Athens for contributing to the tough sched- Rank Team (First) Points
She paced the Jackets in rebounds and forward Camryn Harrison. the yearly rivalry game with Geor- ule. However, Tech is tied for 17th 1 Georgia (27) 699
and blocks and was second on the Bulane was a four-star European gia on Dec. 5, then faces perennial in the poll and weathered a tough 2 Cincinnati (1) 652
team in steals. Cubaj shone of- prospect and a member of the Lat- championship contender UConn season last year as well. Another 3 Alabama 615
fensively too, finishing third on vian U16 National Team. Harri- at home on Dec. 9. A home game year with a similar core could lead 4 Oklahoma 606
the team in points per game and son was a two-time all-state player against Furman precedes the first to another strong season for Tech. 5 Ohio State 598
assists. She averaged a double- 6 Michigan State 596
double on the season with 12.5 7 Oregon 540
points and 11.5 rebounds, and 8 Notre Dame 483
her play from last year earned 9 Wake Forest 475
her a spot on the Katrina Mc- 10 Michigan 453
Clain Award watch list as one of 11 Oklahoma State 385
the nation’s top power forwards. 12 Auburn 370
While she would’ve been eligible 13 Texas A&M 365
for the WNBA draft, she decided 14 Baylor 357
to come back for one more season 15 Mississippi 306
Senior guard Lotta-Maj La- 16 UTSA 233
htinen makes up half of the 17 BYU 197
backcourt duo that complements 18 Kentucky 163
Cubaj inside. Lahtinen averaged 19 Iowa 160
15 points per game, pacing the 20 Houston 143
Jackets, while also leading the 21 Coastal Carolina 126
team in steals, assists and min- 22 Pitt 77
utes. Lahtinen earned the ACC’s T-23 SMU 61
Most Improved Player award after T-23 Penn State 61
raising her totals in nearly every T-25 NC State 60
statistical category. T-25 Minnesota 60
Senior guard Kierra Fletcher
was the other half of the back- Receiving Votes: Fresno State
court duo and was a strong scorer (55), Louisiana (54), Wisconsin
and rebounder. She was second (44), San Diego State (28), Ar-
on the team in both points and kansas (28), Mississippi State (22),
rebounds per game, averaging 13 Appalachian State (11), Utah (5),
and five respectively. She is an effi- North Carolina (3), Iowa State
cient shooter from beyond the arc Photo by Tuna Ergan Student Publications (2), Clemson (2), Liberty (2),
and at the free throw line and led Senior guard Lotta-Maj Lahtinen dribbles around a Clemson defender in a 2021 game. Lahtinen Miami (FL) (1), Purdue (1), Air
starters in assist to turnover ratio. was the Jackets’ leading scorer last season and earned the ACC’s Most Improved Player award. Force (1)
// SPORTS technique • November 5, 2021 • 19

Braves clinch World Series, Tech students celebrate

his own no-doubt home run to Price Gilbert Library and exiting the foam protection at the base of real attempts, resulting in a most-
JACK PURDY extend the lead to 5-0. Soler then at the top of Freshman Hill. An- the north end zone field goal post. ly static crowd at the intersection
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR also walked and was driven in by other massive throng of students Mosh pits came and went before of Ferst and Fowler. One more big
Freddie Freeman on a long double merged with the library group and campus police showed up at the mosh pit occurred once there was
In what was almost too easy of to the left-center field gap which proceeded down the hill, banking gates of the stadium, which natu- no traffic at the intersection.
a game for Atlanta fans to ratio- bounced off the fencing. a right at the closest entrance to rally prompted the exit of every- A smaller crowd than before
nalize as it went on, the Atlanta Freddie would hit a solo home Bobby Dodd Stadium. one from the stadium. eventually made their way to
Braves clinched their first World run to the same part of the park Students were climbing over The crowd then shifted again Tech Tower, but by then most of
Series since 1995, winning 7-0 at in his next at-bat during the sev- the fencing, and those inside in front of Peters to witness an- the people of the original crowd
Minute Maid Park. enth inning to make it 7-0, and managed to open a locked gate other couch being burned. Some had gone to where they started
Game six began similarly to that was more than enough for to let the crowd into the stadium. attempted to get into Russ Chan- the evening, where they had
game one, with Jorge Soler de- the Braves to put it away. Fried The crowd went straight to the dler Stadium, but the police pres- watched the Braves end their 26-
stroying a baseball to give Atlanta finished after six shutout innings, football field, at worst removing ence was enough to ward off any year drought.
a 3-0 lead in the third inning. paving the way for Tyler Matzek
His homer had an expected bat- and Will Smith to finish the sev-
ting average of 1.000, and left enth, eighth and ninth innings.
the bat at 109.6 miles per hour, Yuli Gurriel hit a ground ball
finally landing 446 feet from to lifelong Atlantan Dansby
home in the Houston sky. It took Swanson with two outs in the
Houston starter Luis Garcia out bottom of the ninth on an 0-2
of the game, who was the first of count, who threw a perfect throw
four Astro pitchers that would be to Freddie at first to end the 2021
scored on throughout the game. MLB season as champions.
Max Fried delivered his best At the Institute, the celebra-
outing of the entire postseason, tions ensued immediately. Crowds
going six innings after letting the of students began forming be-
first two hitters he faced reach tween Tech Green and Techwood
base. In Michael Brantley’s first Drive, eventually merging in front
at-bat, he stepped on Fried’s right of Peters parking deck where a
ankle as he missed trying to cover couch was set on fire in the front
the bag. While it looked danger- yard of a fraternity. With a po-
ous in the moment, Fried had no lice presence to ensure everyone’s
apparent pain after a couple test safety, the crowd proceeded in a
pitches. He went on to retire the parade-like fashion down Fowler
next six Astros batters, includ- Street towards McCamish and
ing throwing his quickest fastball turned right towards the I-75/85
strike of his career to strike out Connector. At all points, students
Yuli Gurriel swinging to finish the had speakers blasting the music of
first inning (98.4 mph). the Braves’ tomahawk chop.
The rest of the game was re- After crossing the bridge (and
markably quick by the standard becoming an alert on the At-
set in the first few games of the se- lanta Police Department scan-
ries. The game lasted three hours ners), the crowd turned right on
and twenty-two minutes, in part Williams St. back towards Tech
because of how efficient Fried was Square, and were routed back to
getting through batters in the ear- Techwood Drive where the crowd
ly innings. Houston could not get originally formed.
solid contact all night long. From there, the mass kept go-
In the fifth inning, Albies ing towards Tech Green, with
walked to start the inning and many going into the Clough
reached second on a Cristian Javier Undergraduate Learning Com- Photo courtesy of John Bazemore AP Photo
wild pitch. After Travis d’Arnaud mons (CULC) building, going up World Series MVP Jorge Soler watches his game four home run against the
struck out, Dansby Swanson got the main staircase, entering the Astros. All three of Soler’s home runs in the World Series gave the Braves a lead.

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SPORTS EDITOR: Women’s basketball technique
Will Fuss
Jack Purdy
Preview the women’s basketball
season, featuring most of last year’s
Sweet 16 team back together. 418
[email protected] November 5, 2021

Men’s basketball prepares to defend ACC title

the potential to become big-time season with their battle to defend All-ACC second team. Addition- bounce back years, Tech will be
RISH DESAI playmakers in Pastner’s scheme their conference title in one of ally, the Jackets stuck with their right there in the thick of confer-
STAFF WRITER this year. the nation’s toughest conferences identity of playing tough defense ence contention as they look to
From the transfer portal, the filled with numerous blue bloods. and converting turnovers into repeat as conference champions.
The Jackets are coming off of Jackets are bringing in Devion In preparation for the season, scoring opportunities. Usher and Devoe along with Kha-
one of their most successful sea- Smith from Mississippi State. the Jackets hosted Morehouse in After a strong showing in pre- lid Moore, Kyle Sturdivant and
sons in recent years. A year ago, He is a former four-star recruit an exhibition match and com- season, Tech looks to hold onto Parham will be bringing back
they had wins over basketball’s point guard from Georgia. With pletely looked the part as defend- the momentum and start the sea- their experience from a year ago
biggest blue bloods: Kentucky, the departure of Alvarado, Smith ing conference champions as they son strong. A year ago, they start- and look to build an even deeper
North Carolina and Duke. Their can add important depth at the came away with the win 89-52. ed the season off 0-2, but were run in the NCAA tournament.
historic season included be- point guard position. Although They got contributions from each able to bounce back strong the rest Pastner and his crew are ready
ing crowned ACC Champions Tech will be without the reigning of their expected stars as well as of the way. to show that last year was not just
and earning an NCAA tourna- ACC Player of the Year and ACC their incoming players. Devoe led While some of the perennial a one-time occurrence but rather
ment bid, each for the first time Defensive Player of the Year, the the way for the Jackets on both big names of the ACC such as a byproduct of the culture he has
in ten years. veteran leadership paired with the sides of the ball. He showed why Duke, North Carolina, Syracuse developed at the program and will
However, last year’s team was incoming talent for this season he was named to the Preseason and Virginia are expected to have be here for years to come.
led by Jose Alvarado and Moses will allow the team to continue
Wright, each of whom moved to their success from last season. This
the NBA following the season. will be especially important as the
This has opened the door for team is also going to be without
younger players such as Michael returning senior Bubba Parham
Devoe, who has already been a for an undisclosed time to begin
leader for the team, as well as the season as he continues to re-
some of the returning seniors, like turn from a meniscus injury that
Bubba Parham and Jordan Usher, required surgery. Even without
to take on an even bigger role his on-court presence, his veteran
this season. leadership and energy will be able
Tech’s roster will be bringing to help contribute in large ways
in several key additions to the to the team.
roster through both the recruit- In addition to the usual con-
ing class and the transfer portal. ference schedule, the Jackets
The Jackets had a top-30 recruit- have multiple big non-conference
ing class as they brought in three matchups. They begin their season
top 150 players, consisting of two on Nov. 9 at home. In this year’s
four-star shooting guards and one edition of the annual Big 10/
three-star small forward. Outside ACC Challenge, Tech hosts Wis-
of center Moses Wright, Tech’s of- consin on Dec. 1. Days later on
fense and defense was powered by Dec. 11, the Jackets host LSU in
their guards and through their es- State Farm Arena as a part of the
tablishment of small ball. Adding four-game event, Holiday Hoops-
both Dallan “Deebo” Coleman giving. Following their matchup
and Miles Kelly will continue to against the Tigers, the Jackets take
play this scheme. Coleman and the trip cross country to take on
Kelly along with fellow incom- USC as part of the two-day Jerry Photo by Josh Kim Student Publications
ing freshman Jalon Moore have Colangelo Classic in Phoenix. Af- Sophomore guard Deivon Smith launches a free throw in Tech’s exhibition win over
incredible offensive abilities and ter that, the Jackets continue the Morehouse. Smith is one of three new players who should make an impact this season.

Jackets fall to Virginia Tech in close game

with Virginia Tech quarterback for what would be their only conversions. As the half made its As the momentum looked to
GRAHAM LEWIS Braxton Burmeister finding re- touchdown for the half. way to a close, Sims found Adoni- be shifting, Virginia Tech’s next
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ceiver Tre Turner for a 69-yard A quick response from Virginia cas Sanders for what seemed to be drive ended with a punt and Tech
touchdown on their second drive. Tech made the game 14-7, which a 52-yard play, which was called found themselves at the 12-yard
Tech came up short in its Tech responded with a nine- was followed a few drives later by back by an offensive pass interfer- line, but were unable to convert
homecoming game against Vir- play, 75-yard touchdown drive of a Virginia Tech field goal. Tech’s ence penalty. The half ended after on fourth down. The Virginia
ginia Tech last Saturday for its their own, ending with a 26-yard offense continued to struggle to another field goal by the Hokies Tech offense proceeded to march
fifth loss of the season. The game touchdown pass from Jeff Sims to gain yardage, they would end the put Tech down 17-7. downfield, taking valuable time
started slow for the Jacket defense, Kyric McGowan on fourth down day going just 3-12 for third down The Tech looked to be gaining off the clock in a seven-minute,
momentum on their first drive of 12-play drive that ended with a
the second half. Sims found Jack field goal.
Coco in the endzone, but the The drive left Tech with just
touchdown play was called back 4:17 on the clock. As pressure
by a holding penalty on the of- from both the defensive line and
fense, which would have to settle moving clock started to mount,
for a field goal. The next drive for Sims heaved the ball downfield on
Tech ended any momentum they fourth down out of desperation,
had, with pressure from the Vir- which ended with an interception,
ginia Tech defensive line causing his second turnover on the day.
a turnover from Sims, giving Vir- The game was sealed, ending with
ginia Tech the ball on the Tech Virginia Tech running out the
22-yard line. The defense was clock with a final drive.
able to stop what looked to be an As the season rolls on, Tech’s
almost certain touchdown with offensive line struggles continue
help from a sack by Jared Ivey and to plague the offense, with Sims
the Hokies settled for a field goal. having just a moment to throw
A drive later Tech offense the ball before being forced out of
found themselves with the ball the pocket by oncoming defend-
at their own 36-yard line after a ers. The loss puts Tech second to
missed field goal by Virginia Tech. last in the ACC, followed only
Sims started the drive with a 20- by Duke.
yard pass to Sanders, followed by As the Jackets travel next week
a 21-yard pass to Kyric McGowan, to face Miami, they will face a
which was capped off a play later defense that has allowed 30.6
by a 23-yard touchdown pass to points per game in what could
Photo by Ethan Vitak Student Publications Sanders, bringing the Jackets to be an opportunity for the offense
Quarterback Jeff Sims attempts to shed a tackle during Tech’s loss to Virgnia Tech on a 23-17 deficit. The whole drive to correct itself as the end of the
Oct. 30. Both defenses played well as the teams only scored a combined 43 points. took just 51 seconds. season approaches.

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