Volume 107, Issue 13
Volume 107, Issue 13
Volume 107, Issue 13
. .
to reach compliance with all of labor costs, and improve the ef- performing support functions The Joseph Brown Whitehead Building is home to
its federally contracted workers. ficiency of contractors and sub- See BODY, page 18 Stamps Health Services, Tech’s healthcare hub.
Tech graduates win award technique
Andy Borst
Julia Balot
Two Tech graduates won a collegiate inven-
tors award for their recently developed medi- Friday,
cal device. 43 November 5, 2021
[email protected]
VACCINE FROM FRONT includes full and part-time em- “The corrective action path is More questions arose regarding These states argue that the fed-
ployees and student employees. still under discussion,” she said. what counted as being fully vac- eral government overstepped its
for those contracts and employees In total, Shannon said that “We’re still working through that; cinated against COVID-19 and authority in implementing this
that work in the same space as the there are “about 77% of the Insti- our focus as an Institute is work- when the final dose of a vaccine mandate, and have requested that
previous two groups but are not tute’s employees who are affected, ing for compliance.” must be received by. “You’re con- the order be struck down immedi-
federally contracted. so roughly about 15,600 of our The order gives the authority sidered fully vaccinated two weeks ately by the court system.
The Institute held a town hall over 20,000 employees.” for enforcing these penalties to after receiving the second dose of Tech joined many other USG
on Oct. 29 to better explain the Employees can request accom- the employer of those are choose a two dose series, which will in- schools in spreading word about
order’s effect on Tech employees modation for the order based on not to be vaccinated, and will clude Moderna and the Pfizer vac- the order last week, and intends to
and answer questions about the medical or religious reasons, or instead have the federal govern- cines, or two weeks after the only meet the Dec. 8 deadline regard-
vaccination requirements. These can opt to decline vaccination and ment directly fine the organiza- dose of a one dose [series]” said less of any pending challenges to
were intended to assuage any fears risk the consequences of noncom- tion that employees the indi- Benjamin Holton, senior director the mandate.
that employees have had about the pliance with the order. vidual until they either enforce a of Tech health services. At the end of the town hall,
unknown aspects of the bill, and While the former is available penalty themselves. “You are also considered fully Shannon reiterated the deadline
provide insight into the bill for to those who meet the require- Shannon and Harrington vaccinated if you have the com- of Dec. 8 for full vaccination and
the good of those it will be affect- ments without any consequence, stressed that Dec. 8 was the dead- plete series of a vaccine that is for affected employees to make
ing in the upcoming weeks and there will be potential penalties line for vaccine compliance as listed by the WHO for emergency their decision soon to schedule a
months to follow. for those who opt for the latter set by the Task Force, which is use,” Holton said about other vac- vaccine appointment, request an
“This federal order is very and choose to forgo the vaccine slightly different than the Nov. cines that are approved abroad. accommodation, or decline the
encompassing, it’s very wide- for none of the aforementioned 22 deadline set by the Biden ad- While Tech moves forward vaccine. He encouraged all em-
spread, and so it applies to us as reasons above. ministration, and recommended with achieving total compli- ployees to visit health.gatech.
a federal contractor,” said Mike When asked about the con- all unvaccinated workers to make ance with the order, Georgia and edu/vaccine-status to check
Shannon, deputy chief business sequences, Kim Harrington, as- their decision soon so they can multiple other states have filed their vaccination status with the
officer at Tech. sociate vice president of Human achieve full vaccination by that lawsuits against the federal gov- Institute, submit necessary docu-
Shannon better explained the Resources, admitted that the date, or have time to fill for ex- ernment over the executive or- ments for compliance, and find
three categories of affected work- Institute is still deciding what empt status should they meet ders, as reported by the Atlanta more information about the order
ers, and also noted that the order those will be. the requirements set forth. Journal-Constitution. and time lines for vaccination.
many on Capitol Hill were spec- Youngkin’s campaign focused Youngkin will be Virginia’s electorate. Others believe that this
ulating that the results of these on gaining back the votes of Re- first Republican governor since is too premature a judgment of
elections would indicate changing publicans who strayed from the 2009. what the electorate’s attitude will
patterns in the electorate. party in 2020. Virginia gubernatorial elec- be in a year.
Statewide elections are able Many of his statements toed tions have trended against the sit- For Republicans, Youngkin’s
to show which way voters may the line between the beliefs of ting President in terms of party decision to emphasize indepen-
swing next November when elect- the ‘Make America Great Again’ in every election since 1977, with dent, non-MAGA Republican
ing Congress, and early voting movement and moderate Republi- the exception of McAuliffe’s win ideology during his campaign
results began to show a tight race can beliefs. in 2013 during Former President could be an important strategy to
in Virginia. Terry McAuliffe, the He opposes mandates for Obama’s second term. use going into the midterms.
Democratic candidate, served as masks and vaccines, but he has en- Youngkin’s win aligns with the Fears from Democrats about
governor from 2014 until 2018, couraged vaccinations in his state. trend. the results of this race are supple-
making this a run for his second He condemns the Jan. 6 in- On the other hand, the results mented by the results of races in
JULIA BALOT non-consecutive term in office. surrection and the accusations of of gubernatorial elections do not other parts of the country.
ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Glenn Youngkin, the Repub- voter fraud in the 2020 election, always predict what will occur in New Jersey saw Democrat
lican candidate, is a former col- but he has also called for audits of the subsequent midterms. Phil Murphy win the gubernato-
The 2021 off-year United legiate basketball player and CEO Virginia voting machines. Following McAuliffe’s 2013 rial election against Republican
States elections took place this of the multinational private equity The polls opened early morn- win, Democrats lost control of the Jack Ciaterelli by a slim margin.
week, and all eyes were on the gu- firm, the Carlyle Group. ing Tuesday and closed at 7 p.m. Senate and could not take control Biden won New Jersey by an over-
bernatorial races in Virginia. Much of McAuliffe’s campaign Virginians cast their votes for of the House of Representatives whelming amount in 2020, but
With the elections coming depended on associating Young- governor, lieutenant governor, at- from Republicans. Murphy won by 1.2%.
up almost a year after Biden was kin with Donald Trump as well as torney general, and the House of Many theorize that this win As the United States adjusts to
declared President, attitudes sur- the Jan. 6 insurrection. Delegates. was anticipated by months of de- post-COVID, post-Trump Amer-
rounding him and the Democrat- According to CNN, in a speech Youngkin was projected to clining approval for Biden, stale- ica, the changes in the electorate
ic Party have changed across the to those who were going door to be the governor-elect late Tues- mates over large Democrat-pi- will be unpredictable.
country. door for his campaign, McAuliffe day night, winning 50.9% of the loted legislation, and Youngkin’s With midterm elections on
The opinion poll website said, “Trump wants to win here vote versus McAuliffe’s 48.4%. distance from Trump Republi- the horizon, only time will show
FiveThirtyEight found that Biden so he can announce for president The Republican candidates for canism. if Biden and Democrats will be
has an average approval rating of for 2024. That’s the stakes of this Lieutenant Governor and At- For Democrats, this win could able to reverse the trends that
42% as of Nov. 2. With the mid- election. He’s trying to get himself torney General also won their mean new insight into the effects appeared during this week’s
term elections coming in a year, off the map.” respective races. of intraparty disagreements on the gubernatorial races.
HOMECOMING FROM FRONT pretty hard to come by now. Tech of the Clough Undergraduate However, it is crucial that you travel some while I am young. Af-
is overall just a unique school, and Learning Commons, specifically be yourself. You are here at Geor- ter that I would like to start my
GT are really just here to help oth- that’s my favorite part about being the bench to the right of the stairs. gia Tech for a reason, and that is own non-profit focusing on home-
ers make their Tech experience ev- a student here. This is the place where I first told to explore and grow your passion. lessness and mental health issues
erything they want it to be. my dear friend Christina that I It doesn’t matter what everyone within the LGBTQIA+ commu-
How do you believe you em- was gay. She was the first person else is doing. It only matters that nity.
What drew you to apply for body the Tech spirit? I ever came out to, and that mo- you enjoy what you are doing. I believe that this position will
Mr./Ms. GT? Criswell: Georgia Tech’s motto ment and location will forever Fouts: It’s definitely okay to try help me keep a great network of
Criswell: Georgia Tech was not is ‘Progress and Service.’ I believe hold a special place in my heart. everything once, but you don’t hard-working people that will
my top college, but after my time I have tried my hardest to embody Fouts: My favorite spot on need to stick with something help me accomplish my goals in
here at Tech, I have absolutely that in everything I do. I try to campus is the Scheller Undergrad you’re not interested in just be- the future.
fallen in love with this school. make sure that all the things I Commons. cause it seems like you should or Fouts: After graduation, I will
The students, the professors, the have been involved with a[re] pro- It’s a newly renovated collabo- it’s a “good thing to do.” be working for Chick-fil-A in
faculty, the traditions and every- gressing society forward and serv- ration space only open to Scheller Being the most involved per- their Corporate Social Respon-
thing Georgia Tech amazes me. ing the community. I think my Undergrad students, so it’s always son on campus won’t make you sibility department on the Com-
I was drawn to apply to Mr. GT time on FASET exec is a perfect quiet and a good study spot. happy, and it will take away from munity Affairs team.
because I wanted to represent this example. I was able to progress the It also has TV screens that I can your ability to love on others and I’ve been working part-time
wonderful Institution. program forward by creating new connect to my laptop so everyone care for yourself. in this role since May, and I get
Fouts: Ms. Georgia Tech has events while also serving the stu- in my group can see what we’re Try to narrow down your in- to coordinate volunteerism ef-
always been on my mind ever dent body. working on. I’m also almost guar- volvements to a few things that forts between our staff and the
since I was a freshman. Several of Fouts: To me, Tech is unique anteed to see one of my friends you are really passionate about, Atlanta nonprofit community in
the Mr. & Ms. GT’s in my years and confident in the space it has there every time I go. Overall, best and dive deep into those things. the fields of hunger, homelessness
were personal mentors of mine carved out among other universi- study space on campus for business You will find that you are a bet- and education. It is absolutely my
in Scheller, so I deeply respected ties. It knows its strengths but is majors! ter participant, leader, and worker dream job, and I can’t wait to con-
them and knew how much they also honest about its weaknesses. in these things because your heart tinue with this group.
had poured into this school. They Its students work hard, play hard, What do you hope to do for is truly in them and you aren’t Being Ms. GT will help me
were always so kind and passion- and support each other along the the rest of this year in your role? spreading yourself too thin. show others that I meet in my job
ate about helping out others. way. They are resilient and strong Criswell: I hope I can be used as that Georgia Tech cares about its
I think looking up to them so but also compassionate and un- an ambassador for Georgia Tech[.] What are your plans after Atlanta community and is com-
much was the primary driver for derstanding. Our students have I want to be able to use this role college and how do you think mitted to the betterment of our
me to apply when I was eligible. big dreams but also have the work to help make this Institute even this position will help you in city through philanthropy and
ethic and dedication to make better and show other people just the future? service.
What has been your favorite these dreams a reality. I’ve tried how amazing our school is. Criswell: I have dual citizen- I am excited about the pos-
part about being a student at my very best to uphold the Tech Fouts: I really want to educate ship in Ireland, so after gradua- sibility of being the one who can
Tech thus far? tradition and spirit characterized the general student body about tion I hope to live in Ireland for a share Tech’s vision on service with
Criswell: The people here are by these things. the importance of philanthropy year or two. others who currently work in the
by far my favorite thing about and how to use your resources I want to work abroad and philanthropy space.
being a student. I love being sur- What is your favorite Tech to serve others in effective and
rounded by such motivated and sport and/or tradition? sustainable ways. I feel like that’s
determined people. It inspires me Criswell: My favorite Georgia been my soapbox since starting
to push myself to be my best self. I Tech tradition is the Mini 500. I at GT, and I really want to share
feel so lucky and honored to know don’t know who came up with a what I’ve learned with other stu-
the people that are going to go out tricycle race as a staple of Geor- dents. There’s a lot of need in our
and change the world. gia Tech traditions, but I want to Atlanta community, and Tech
I get to tell my kids one day meet them. students have the ability to meet
that I knew that person that I love seeing how excited we these needs.
found a cure for cancer, or made get to watch a bunch of people try However, not all philanthropy
it to Mars, or invented the next their hardest to get a tricycle up is good philanthropy, and I want
iPhone. We are all so fortunate Freshmen Hill. to help other Tech students know
to go to a school that encourages Fouts: I feel like I really the difference so that they can
us to pursue our dreams and give shouldn’t answer this because align themselves with organiza-
us the resources to make them given my role as a cheerleader, I tions that are serving others well.
reality. love all sports equally, but I will I also want to let students know
Fouts: My favorite part about say that I especially love Georgia that serving others is easier than
being a student here is that [it] is Tech volleyball. they may think, but it is crucial
an extremely unique experience Those women are amazing, for the continued development of
that none of my friends at other and the energy in O’Keefe dur- our cities.
schools can ever really under- ing their games is unmatched. If being Ms. GT is the plat-
stand. We have a very distinct cul- I’ve been able to cheer for vol- form from which I can share this
ture, we are extremely bright and leyball games for the past 3 years information, then I’m excited to
driven as students, but there isn’t and meet the team, and I am hard get started!
that cutthroat competitive energy pressed to find a more impressive
that you often see at other high- group of women on campus. They Is there any advice you would
achieving universities. We want to truly are role models, and I am like to share to incoming or
make an impact, but we don’t just so excited to cheer them on into younger Tech students?
talk about it. post-season. Criswell: Be yourself! It is easy
Students here are actually will- to look around and see what ev-
ing to put in the work to make What is your favorite spot on eryone else is doing and compare Photo by Ethan Vitak Student Publications
things better for ourselves and campus and why? yourself to them and feel that you Jolie Fouts poses with Buzz after being
our community, and I think that’s Criswell: Easily the fifth floor don’t belong. awarded the title of Ms. GT at the football game.
Racers in the Mini 500 line up at the start outside of Peter Parking Deck.
Each team must complete 8 laps around the deck on their tricycle.
This year’s winners of the Mini 500, Build a Tricycle and Make u(sic)ga Pay for It, celebrate Racers took advantage of Homecoming weekend falling
their victory after completing the last lap at the finish line with Buzz. close to Halloween to dress up in costumes.
Coach Nell Fortner and Luoluo Hong, Tech’s Vice President for A member of Delta Sigma Phi helps escort the organization’s fixed body around the pa-
Student Engagement and Well-Being, judge the Wreck parade. rade route. The Wreck Parade consists of classic cars, fixed bodies and contraptions.
“ 5
Even though you’re growing up, you
should never stop having fun.
—Nina Dobrev November 5, 2021
The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. Write to us: are responses to or commentaries on
content found within the pages of the
[email protected] Technique. Along with these letters,
On Slack
“Take a chance, listen to your under the fear of judgement
and can also become focused on
heart, explore beyond your the end results.
comfort zone and unlock new But, when we keep in mind I can’t be the only one who despises Slack.
our goals and why we are doing
pathways that you may not what we are in the first place, we
have known even existed.” can always walk away from our
experiences with full satisfaction
knowing that we got the most World Series
RISH DESAI out of each “mystery box” life
STAFF WRITER sent our way.
This is an idea that can be
Each day we make a countless As Tech students, we are translated in many areas whether All of Atlanta better knock on wood right now.
number of “choices.” surrounded by so many great it is performing, joining that club
These choices range from which opportunities to catalyze our you always wanted, or that new
pair of shoes to wear to am I going journeys towards reaching our sport you wanted to try.
to perform at this Open Mic Night goals whether that is growing College is an important time October Reflection
to what classes I am going to take as people while understanding where we get to explore a vast va-
next semester. more about the world around us, riety of new areas.
But as we grow older, the grav- learning more about our cho- In these years, take a chance,
ity of many of these “choices” sen fields, or simply building on listen to your heart, explore be-
gradually transform themselves our current strengths. yond your comfort zone and un- Why was October literally a fever dream.
into “decisions.” With the return of in-person lock new pathways that you may
Our college years are some of clubs, students are getting to be- not have known even existed.
our most transformational years. come more involved in more clubs When you do this, it can allow
They act as a bridge between and in a more consistent fashion. for the greatest growth to occur.
who we were yesterday and who As a result, many times I have I’ll leave with you with this: Not-So-Favorite Subject
we want to become tomorrow. found myself having conversa- Life moves fast.
Through this time, there are tions with my peers leading into At times, we can not wait for
so many avenues towards reach- questions about where we want to the perfect moment.
ing the one true goal: become continue to devote our time. We should seize the moment
the best versions of ourselves that When we simply think about and go for it. Math is kinda cringe.
we can become. the answer to this with only our This allows for us to truly grow
With so many possibilities, it minds, we find ourselves getting to help us reach who we want to
becomes easy to feel confused as more confused than when we first become tomorrow.
to which route to take. brought up the question. While we cannot totally elimi-
When encountering this ques- At times, there is only one nate the idea of “No Regrets,” That Time of the Year
tion, I recollect one of the best place that truly knows what when we listen to our hearts
pieces of advice that someone had we want in life and that is our and choose to take those risks,
given me “listen to your heart and source for where we should listen we hopefully get closer to walk-
do what your heart desires.” to: our heart. ing away from each experience Oh no! My GPA! It’s broken!
This phrase has guided me in When my mind is in conflict with no regrets; instead, we can
a multitude of areas and helped and I have chosen to listen to start to think like One Republic’s
me when it appears “choic- my heart, I have always walked lyric “I owned every second that
es” have elevated themselves away from my decisions satis- this world could give” and that’s
into “decisions.” fied. As we grow older, we fall what counts.
Emma Ryan
Isa Cardona Friday,
[email protected] November 5, 2021
14 • November 5, 2021• technique // ENTERTAINMENT
16 • November 5, 2021• technique // COMICS
Women’s basketball ready for season Fletcher will not be playing this in Tennessee and a top-100 recruit game of ACC play, at McCamish
WILL FUSS season due to a medical redshirt. by multiple sites. Joining the new Pavilion against Wake Forest on
SPORTS EDITOR Sophomore guard Loyal Mc- freshmen is grad transfer forward Dec. 19. The team takes on Bos-
queen and junior center Nerea Digna Strautmane, a four-year ton University at home two days
The Tech women’s basketball Hermosa were Tech’s other two starter at Syracuse. Strautmane later before entering strictly con-
team from last year’s Sweet 16 in starters and rounded out the start- is a good shooter, scoring at all ference play.
the NCAA Tournament is largely ing five well. McQueen was the three levels, and brings consistent Tech has home-and-home se-
back together for the 2021-22 sea- Jackets’ most efficient shooter rebounding and shot-altering to ries with Wake Forest, Florida
son. The Jackets went 17-9 last from deep, helping to stretch the Tech’s lineup. State, Miami and Clemson. The
year, and their 12-6 conference re- floor and allow Cubaj and Her- Tech opened their season with Jackets will face Pitt, Duke, Syra- STUDENT MEDIA POLL
cord was third in the ACC. After mosa to work inside. Hermosa an exhibition against Clayton cuse, NC State and Virginia Tech WEEK NINE
an overtime win over Stephen F. was an interior threat, leading the State, winning the game 74-53. on the road only and Louisville,
Austin and a blowout victory over team in shooting percentage and The first game of the regular sea- Virginia, North Carolina, Boston The Student Media Poll is the
West Virginia, Tech finally lost finishing second in blocks and of- son is Tuesday, Nov 9 at Central College and Notre Dame at home. product of dozens of college
to South Carolina, who tops this fensive rebounds behind Cubaj. Michigan before five games in The Jackets will be facing a sportswriters. Every FBS confer-
year’s preseason rankings. All five Senior guard Sarah Bates the Southeast. Home tilts against tough slate, with NC State, Lou- ence is represented. New polls
starters were set to return for this started 11 games and sophomore KSU and Belmont are followed by isville and Florida State all ranked can be found for college foot-
year, though Kierra Fletcher plans guard/forward Eylia Love was a trip to ETSU. Two more home in the top 16 of the preseason AP ball and basketball each week at
to redshirt for medical reasons as one of four players to play all 26 games against Hofstra and Au- poll. UConn is ranked narrowly studentmediapoll.com as well
announced on Wednesday. games for Tech, bolstering the burn come before the ACC/Big10 behind South Carolina in the poll as bios of many of the contribu-
The core of the team starts Jackets’ lineup beyond last year’s Challenge, when the Jackets will as well, and Belmont, Central tors, podcasts and other SMP
with star senior forward Lorela main starters. travel to face Purdue in West Michigan and several ACC teams related news.
Cubaj, who was the 2021 ACC New to Tech for this season are Lafayette, IN. made the tournament last season,
Co-Defensive Player of the Year. freshman guard Elizabete Bulane Tech travels up to Athens for contributing to the tough sched- Rank Team (First) Points
She paced the Jackets in rebounds and forward Camryn Harrison. the yearly rivalry game with Geor- ule. However, Tech is tied for 17th 1 Georgia (27) 699
and blocks and was second on the Bulane was a four-star European gia on Dec. 5, then faces perennial in the poll and weathered a tough 2 Cincinnati (1) 652
team in steals. Cubaj shone of- prospect and a member of the Lat- championship contender UConn season last year as well. Another 3 Alabama 615
fensively too, finishing third on vian U16 National Team. Harri- at home on Dec. 9. A home game year with a similar core could lead 4 Oklahoma 606
the team in points per game and son was a two-time all-state player against Furman precedes the first to another strong season for Tech. 5 Ohio State 598
assists. She averaged a double- 6 Michigan State 596
double on the season with 12.5 7 Oregon 540
points and 11.5 rebounds, and 8 Notre Dame 483
her play from last year earned 9 Wake Forest 475
her a spot on the Katrina Mc- 10 Michigan 453
Clain Award watch list as one of 11 Oklahoma State 385
the nation’s top power forwards. 12 Auburn 370
While she would’ve been eligible 13 Texas A&M 365
for the WNBA draft, she decided 14 Baylor 357
to come back for one more season 15 Mississippi 306
Senior guard Lotta-Maj La- 16 UTSA 233
htinen makes up half of the 17 BYU 197
backcourt duo that complements 18 Kentucky 163
Cubaj inside. Lahtinen averaged 19 Iowa 160
15 points per game, pacing the 20 Houston 143
Jackets, while also leading the 21 Coastal Carolina 126
team in steals, assists and min- 22 Pitt 77
utes. Lahtinen earned the ACC’s T-23 SMU 61
Most Improved Player award after T-23 Penn State 61
raising her totals in nearly every T-25 NC State 60
statistical category. T-25 Minnesota 60
Senior guard Kierra Fletcher
was the other half of the back- Receiving Votes: Fresno State
court duo and was a strong scorer (55), Louisiana (54), Wisconsin
and rebounder. She was second (44), San Diego State (28), Ar-
on the team in both points and kansas (28), Mississippi State (22),
rebounds per game, averaging 13 Appalachian State (11), Utah (5),
and five respectively. She is an effi- North Carolina (3), Iowa State
cient shooter from beyond the arc Photo by Tuna Ergan Student Publications (2), Clemson (2), Liberty (2),
and at the free throw line and led Senior guard Lotta-Maj Lahtinen dribbles around a Clemson defender in a 2021 game. Lahtinen Miami (FL) (1), Purdue (1), Air
starters in assist to turnover ratio. was the Jackets’ leading scorer last season and earned the ACC’s Most Improved Player award. Force (1)
// SPORTS technique • November 5, 2021 • 19
SPORTS EDITOR: Women’s basketball technique
Will Fuss
Jack Purdy
Preview the women’s basketball
season, featuring most of last year’s
Sweet 16 team back together. 418
[email protected] November 5, 2021