Volume 107, Issue 18

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February 4, 2022•Volume 107, Issue 18•nique.



. .

technique StarTech Debut p15 Women’s basketball p20

News 2 Opinions 5 Life 8 Entertainment 12 Sports 20



The sculpture of the “Three Pio-

neers,” standing in the shadow of Tech
Tower in Harrison Square is a poignant
reminder of the Institute’s history with
integration and race relations.
On Sep. 27, 1961, three black stu-
dents attended classes at the Institute,
making Tech the first higher education
institution to integrate in the Deep
South. Peaceful integration without a
court order was unprecedented at the
time; black students were often met
with violence, and civil unrest ensued
throughout college campuses across
the South.
In recognition of their roles as trail-
blazers and pioneers, Tech’s first black
students, Ford Greene, Ralph Long
Jr. and late Lawrence Williams, along
with the first black graduate, Ronald
Yancey, have been named as the recipi-
ents of the 2022 Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for
Social Courage.
The Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social
Courage was established in 2010 in
honor of beloved Tech alumnus and
former Atlanta mayor, Ivan Allen Jr.
The award’s foundation is
rooted in the rhetoric surround-
ing Tech’s core principle: better-
ing the human condition through
progress and service.
Much like Mayor Allen, recipients
of the award have dedicated their lives
to supporting a moral principle, despite
risks to their careers and lives.
Alongside the accolade of the pres-
tigious award, an on-campus event is
held to commemorate the recipients’
work, and recipients are provided with
a $100,000 stipend from the Wilbur
and Helda Glenn Family Foundation.
While nominations for the award are
received from around the world, a
See IVAN, page 4
Top L: Photo by Dani Sisson Student Publications; Top R: Photo by Alex Dubé Student Publications; Above: Photo by Dani Sisson Student Publications


Media Bridge showcases student, staff creativity

ship and creativity using the
ANOUSHKA MEHROTRA capabilities of digital media.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER The on-screen display con-
sists of short, visually compel-
The recent introduction of ling motion graphics that allow
the Media Bridge, located on on-lookers to gather information
the crosswalk between Crosland and resources or even look at dis-
Tower and Price Gilbert Memo- plays of artwork and creativity
rial Library, has attracted the at- sent in by students themselves.
tention of students and staff alike. “Long thought of as merely
While walking, members of repositories for the physical stor-
the Tech community get glimpses age of knowledge, libraries have
of artwork and information have evolved in this new century to be
been seen flashing across the screen. engines of creation and discovery,
The large-scale digital screen hubs of human connection and Photo by Alex Dubé Student Publications

was designed to showcase Tech’s ingenuity,” said Jason Wright, The Media Bridge, a new project between Crosland Tower and Price Gilbert
culture of research, scholar- See BRIDGE, page 11 Memorial Library, features artwork and graphics from the Tech Community.
NEWS EDITOR: Tuberculosis concerns technique
Andy Borst
Tuberculosis cases have been found on
ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR: campus. The Institute has alerted exposed
Julia Balot Friday,
individuals to test as soon as possible. 42 February 4, 2022
[email protected]

Black Media Studies minor coming to Tech

crafting the mission statement for and how to produce media,” said know, because now we do have created to divide us. And through
TAYLOR GRAY the minor proposal. Morris. “We’re not just teaching some things that are interdisci- the Black Media Studies lens,
MANAGING EDITOR “The beauty of this minor is traditional literary analysis. We’re plinary and humanities focused, we’re able to have those conversa-
that it gave us an opportunity to having them do all kinds of dif- and that you can actually minor tions.”
Black Twitter, the art of Hip- really carve out what Black Media ferent writing, producing, and all in even if you’re an engineering The founding faculty mem-
Hop, the O.J. Simpson trial and Studies means, what it is, how you different kinds of end products. major.” bers of the BMS minor hope they
documentary film techniques are practice it, and how you under- There’s lots of things that students Dr. Wilson believes that the have created a strong, sustainable
just some of the subjects students stand it,” said Wilson. “We want- can expect, but it’s hopefully minor will be especially beneficial foundation for the future of inter-
can learn about while earning a ed to first answer the question that learning that will translate to the for engineering students who may sectional education at Tech for all
Black Media Studies (BMS) mi- we were being asked. Well, what is boardroom, the operating room, never interact with these topics in students.
nor at Tech. The minor, which Black Media Studies? We were be- the classroom, the courtroom..all their major course work. While the classes featured in
was recently approved by the Aca- ing asked that by colleagues. We the rooms.” “I have found that when stu- the minor have been available to
demic Faculty Senate, is housed were being asked that outside of The establishment of the BMS dents take the courses and they’re LMC students for the past couple
in the school of Literature, Media, the school, and we wanted to let minor at Tech joins just a handful coming out of engineering, it real- years, the minor opens up the op-
and Communication (LMC). folks know okay, this is what it of other similar collegiate academ- ly changes their perspective. Even portunity to learn from Tech’s
The founding faculty mem- is. This is why we’re here…so we ic programs in the United States, in just that moment, it gives them premier Black Media Studies aca-
bers behind the minor include were able to draw our description helping to pioneer and promote an opportunity to think about the demics to all majors.
Dr. Joycelyn Wilson, Dr. Susana in that proposal, fielding all of the field. Dr. Morris explained world in a more expansive way,” “That’s really what’s so fas-
Morris, Dr. André Brock and Pro- the questions that we were being that she hopes the minor will help said Wilson. “They don’t leave our cinating about the minor is it’s
fessor John Thornton. The group asked and then just kind of tossed bring in more students from the classes the way that they came in, not just LMC students, this is
has worked together for the past it amongst the four of us. We city of Atlanta, as well as students so imagine if it’s a full-on minor. something that’s available now,
few years to help bring the minor were all just kind of wordsmith- who are looking for a more hu- That’s why I was saying this is way institute wide, and we wanted to
to life. Dr. Wilson explained that ing and making sure that the con- manities based education. bigger than the CRT argument make sure that if by chance we all
the minor was initially backed by tent was accurate, making sure “I think the Black Media Stud- that’s been created and that’s been ended up going somewhere else or
the support of Dean Jacqueline we created a proposal that was ies, along with a lot of other great politicized for an agenda that has retiring or whatever, that we put
Royster, the former Dean of the damn near bulletproof because majors and programs at Georgia absolutely nothing to do with something in place that has the
Ivan Allen College, and Dr. Rich- we were writing this in the midst Tech, could be a way to bring in what we do. I want to make that legs for other professors and schol-
ard Utz, the former LMC depart- of this anti-racism movement and students from the local area who very clear. What we do is really ars to take it to the next level,”
ment chair, who helped bring in in the midst of the critical race might be looking like ‘well, I about moving in a direction where said Wilson.
Dr. Wilson, Dr. Morris and Dr. theory debacle. You know, we’re was gonna go to Morehouse, but all of us can see ourselves in these Students interested in minor-
Brock to join Professor Thornton still moving forward amongst maybe I’ll consider Georgia Tech.’ very humanistic ways beyond ing in BMS will tentatively be able
in increasing the BMS scholar all of the stuff that’s happening We could get students who might race, beyond culture, beyond the to declare their minor as early as
presence at Tech. around Black studies and race and be thinking UGA over Tech, you social constructs that have been May 2022.
“This effort is happening at an racial inequities.”
institute college and school level,” With the approval from the
said Wilson. “Institute level in the Academic Faculty Senate, support
sense that Georgia Tech, as part from Dean Husbands Fealing
of the strategic plan, has been and fellow LMC faculty members
strengthening its diversity, equity along with the behind the scenes
and inclusion model in tangible leg work done by the Registrar’s
ways. Not just in pamphlets or office and other administrative
just in February or anything like offices, the BMS minor is now a
that, but in this industry, which reality. Dr. Morris explained that
is a lot of hard work. Part of that students taking classes toward the
work is presence and presence BMS minor can expect to learn
in spaces that offer opportuni- how to see the world through a
ties to not only talk about diver- new critical lens that can be ap-
sity, inclusion and equity, but plied to their future careers.
also do it through research and “We’ve really emphasized
we are scholars who do that in critical thinking. We give a lot
different ways.” of different perspectives and it’s
Once the group of founding really about being armed with
faculty came together, the next the knowledge and being able to Photo courtesy of iac.gatech.edu
step was to define what Black Me- think critically about media his- The founding faculty members of the Black Media Studies minor. From left
dia Studies was while carefully tory, about race, class and gender to right: Susana Morris, Joycelyn Wilson, André Brock and John Thornton.

sliver // your thoughts

We STILL want the old logo back!!
Join Phi Sigma Pi!
The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper
lukie poooooookkkiiiieeee is good
schlunks of boba is where its at Janat Batra EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
whether I mean boba tea or boba fett is up to you Andy Borst
andy stop misquoting me on sliver Taylor Gray MANAGING EDITOR
pts needs to get kicked off campus Yashvini Deva
I, Maya Torres, would like to coin the phrase “schlonk” Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the LIFE EDITOR
lmao i just schlonked some boba Georgia Institute of Technology and is an official publication of Hope Williams
death by a thousand cuts is the best song ever written the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique ENTERTAINMENT
go greek, rush pi kapp publishes on Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in
i am president of the Hope Williams fan club the summer.
Maya Torres
stop hating on starbucks it’s kinda bussin
fuss is a girlboss minus the girl and the boss ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at nique.net/ SPORTS EDITOR
business majors will give out career advice as if they actually have ads. The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one Will Fuss
any internship prospects this summer week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor- PHOTO EDITOR
my head is literally empty all the time mation or for any other questions please e-mail us at ads@nique. Dani Sisson
doughnuts do be delicious net. You may reach us at 404-894-2830, Monday through Friday DESIGN EDITOR
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
I miss the mountains in Tennesse so much!!! Brendan Oshida
Whats finishing my work on time, couldn’t be me Copyright © 2022, Janat Batra Editor-in-Chief, and the Georgia ONLINE EDITOR
quant lab is literally the worst thing ever like fuuuuu Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this paper may be Kristin Hsu
I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold. reproduced in any manner without written permission from the
Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publications. The TECH EDITOR
Speaking of which, Book of Boba Fett is unbelievable Rahul Deshpande
do y’all have a favorite singer ideas expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do
nav is on the come up for real not necessarily represent the views of the Board of Student Pub- HEAD COPY EDITOR
Should i go to galaway lications, the students, staff or faculty of the Georgia Institute of Avni Shridhar
Technology or the University System of Georgia. First copy free;
I would like to start a youtube channel! for additional copies call 404-894-2830.
// NEWS technique • February 4, 2022• 3

TB on campus raises concern from Stamps

He also said that latent TB “is class with the individual. Thurber under the guidance of their health four months, but they can pre-
MORGAN WHITTEMORE more of an inconvenience rather got a QuantiFERON blood test professionals. vent the development of active TB
STAFF WRITER than a true threat” because it done last week at Stamps, which Treatment of active TB, in- cases, which can be both painful
causes no symptoms or transmis- he described as an easy process. cluding rigorously following med- and life threatening. Although
On Jan. 24, all students re- sion and is easy to treat. “I do worry about testing posi- ication instructions given by doc- students may be frightened by the
ceived an email from Vice Presi- Holton also mentioned that tive,” Thurber said. “If I were to tors, is essential to ensuring that TB case, Holton reiterated that
dent Luoluo Hong about an active TB cases occur on Tech’s be positive there would be a lot cases do not lead to serious com- TB is treatable and its risk to cam-
individual at Tech having been campus every few years, although of people that I could have po- plication, or in some cases, death. pus is reduced by the joint actions
diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB). this instance has a larger im- tentially given it to [and] I would If someone has latent TB, they of Stamps Health Services and the
With the risk that this poses to pact than a previous case a few never want to infect someone can decline treatment and risk GCHD.
the rest of the Tech community, years ago. around me,” he said, adding developing an active form later; Luckily, TB is significantly
Stamps Health Services has part- Students that came in close that he is anxious to receive his those with active TB are required harder to transmit than other
nered with the Gwinnett County contact with the individual were screening results. to be treated under Georgia law. diseases, such as COVID-19, so
Health Department (GCHD) to notified of their possible exposure Treatment for TB depends on Alternatively, they can opt to its risk to students is significantly
address its impact on campus. and were required to get tested for the type, with latent TB having receive treatment for the disease, minimized as a result.
The GCHD provided infor- TB. GCHD determined that the a shorter and more lax treatment which involves receiving pro- Students can direct any ques-
mation in the email and on a individual was contagious while schedule. phylactic antibody and antibi- tions they have to Stamps Health
public forum with Stamps about at Tech from Aug. 23 to Sept. Active TB cases can have year- otic medications similar to those Services and can request screening
the symptoms, transmission and 27 of last year and may have ex- long treatment plans and those pa- taken by active TB patients over for TB if they believe they may
types of TB infection. posed their close contacts during tients must report to the GCHD a shorter period of time. These have been exposed and have any
According to the CDC, TB this time. every day to take their medication treatments typically last three to symptoms.
is caused by Mycobacterium tu- The department also identified
berculosis which can attack any situations for possible exposures
part of the human body, although and Tech provided information
the disease is known for infecting pertaining to those circumstanc-
the lungs. An active TB infection es, such as the classes and public
can cause a myriad of symptoms spaces where the individual fre-
which depend on the part of the quented. Altogether, 430 people
body that is infected, and infec- were contacted to come in for
tion in the lungs or throat can al- TB testing.
low airborne transmission of the TB screenings were held at
TB bacteria to others. Stamps Health Center for those
People can also have a latent contacts, with the GCHD pro-
TB infection where the bacteria is viding the screening staff, and
in the body, but it is not making tests are being processed at the
one sick or contagious. State Health Department labs free
While TB infections are un- of charge.
common in the United States, GCHD is also managing fol-
Dr. Ben Holton, Senior Director low-up for those who were noti-
of Stamps Health Services, noted fied and got tested. Holton said
that this was not the first time that Stamps will work with the
someone at Tech has had TB. GCHD for those who test positive
“We have [students] who test for either type of TB.
positive for latent TB because TB Justin Thurber, BMED ’23,
is endemic in the countries from was contacted to come in for TB
which they come,” Holton said screening. He says that he is not Photo by Dani Sisson Student Publications
about testing international stu- sure where he got exposed, but he A picture of Stamps Health Services. As the Institute’s main health center,
dents upon their arrival at Tech. thinks it might have been during a Stamps is leading the way in assisting with the detected TB cases on campus.

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4 • February 4, 2022• technique // NEWS


nominating committee examines each
of the candidates, prior to Georgia Tech
L.O.V.E. GT releases survey
President, Ángel Cabrera, choosing the The 15-minute survey offers an anony- culture and how Tech can better incor-
final winner. TEHREEM HUSSAIN mous platform for members of the Tech porate changes that better adhere to the
This year’s recipients were also honored at CONTRIBUTING WRITER community to give input regarding the outlined values.
the 2019 11th Annual Diversity Symposium improvement of campus culture to better Following data collection, the cam-
dedicated to “Georgia Tech’s Racial Diversity Tech’s reputation as a premier public encompass the values that are most impor- paign will eventually provide a high-level
Journey: Recognizing Our Past, Acknowledg- research university is centered around the tant to the Institute. dashboard on the LOVE-GT website for
ing Our Present, and Charting Our Future.” motto, “progress and service.” The questionnaire focuses on people’s the campus community to access the re-
At the symposium, Greene, Long Jr., Wil- Whether it isserving the greater At- experiences at Georgia Tech and whether sults.
liams and Yancey discussed the integration of lanta and Georgia communities or sup- those experiences align with the intended L.O.V.E. GT is hopeful that soliciting
the Institute, the former students’ personal porting groundbreaking research that will values the university promotes. feedback from students, faculty and staff
experiences and the continued struggle for ra- ultimately better the human condition, The first part of the survey asks ques- through the survey will be instrumen-
cial equity and inclusion at higher education the Institute’s leadership is guided by prin- tions regarding a community member’s tal in understanding the current culture
institutes across the nation. The symposium ciples that encompass students, faculty, daily interactions and his or her impres- at the Institute, so that every member of
event also presented the alums with bronze staff, alumni and affiliates under nine core sion of campus culture; the second part the Tech community can participate in a
sculptures to enshrine their courage and ser- values. of the survey is targeted towards gauging shared mission to develop leaders who ad-
vice towards the cause of racial equity. Living Our Values Every Day (L.O.V.E. whether students see other members of vance technology and improve the world
In the panel, the four former students GT) is an on-campus campaign initiative the community practicing the Institute’s around them.
recounted their experiences with rac- centered around promoting the Institute’s values. The expectation is that these responses
ism, even though a facade of peaceful primary values: student prioritization, Additionally, there is a written portion will allow the Institute to identify which
integration was present. Despite feeling social- excellence, diversity, collaboration, in- of the survey which allows students to resources and programs have fallen astray
ly and intellectually isolated from a majority of novation, freedom of inquiry and expres- respond to questions about the Institute. from its primary values.
the student body, the pioneers embodied the sion, community well-being, ethicality There are various prompts that facilitate Students can access the survey at news.
essence of social courage during their time at and responsibility. dialogue on the improvement of campus gatech.edu or strategicplan.gatech.edu.
Tech. The campaign was launched as part of
Previous recipients of the Ivan Allen Jr. the new strategic plan for bettering orga-
Prize for Social Courage include Chief Medi- nizational culture, centered around the
cal Advisor to the President Dr. Anthony behaviors, beliefs, assumptions, priorities
Fauci, late Georgia Congressman of the U.S. and experiences of the campus commu-
House of Representatives John Lewis, and nity at the Institute.
former U.S. President and Tech alumnus In order to assess the efficacy and merit
Jimmy Carter, to name a few. While it is a of the campaign, along with the Institute’s
bit unconventional for the nomination com- progress in upholding the aforementioned
mittee and Tech President to award the prize keystone values, L.O.V.E. GT is offering a
to a student of the Institute, it is a timely survey to students and faculty.
decision marking 60 years of Black student According to Sonia Alvarez-Robinson,
matriculation at Tech. executive director of Strategic Consulting
The Institute recognizes that its diversity is in Georgia Tech’s Office of Strategic Con-
its strength. Ford Greene, Ralph Long Jr., late sulting, “The results from this survey will
Lawrence Williams and Ronald Yancey made provide the administration with a clear
great strides during their time at Tech, and baseline on where we are succeeding ver-
their social courage is reflected in the campus sus where we have opportunities for im-
atmosphere to this day. Their contributions provement based upon the demonstration
have paved the way for generations of Black of our Institute values.”
Yellow Jackets. Faculty and staff were able to provide
The award symposium honoring the four their input through the survey in Decem-
pioneers will be held on Apr. 20, 2022 from ber, and students now have the opportu- Photo by Tuna Ergan Student Publications
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Biltmore Ballroom in nity to partake in the survey until the end The L.O.V.E. GT Survey provides key information for Tech administration
Tech Square. of the business day on Feb. 4. to target areas for improvement which matter to students.
LIFE EDITOR: technique
Hope Williams Fitting exercise into your day
Natalie Boutwell
Follow these tips and tricks to start and stick 8
to working out and staying healthy as a
[email protected] college student. 410 February 4, 2022

Increasing sustainable investing practices with ASI

sity Presidents’ Climate Com- “At the Georgia Tech Founda-
HOPE WILLIAMS mitment (ACUPCC) in 2007, an tion, we review and consider man-
LIFE EDITOR agreement to focus educational agers with a focus on clean energy
resources on combating climate investments while recognizing
Sustainable investment and change and reducing greenhouse the near-term reality of the need
fossil fuel divestment by colleges gas emissions. However, the Geor- for base load energy sources from
and universities have received in- gia Tech Foundation (GTF) still traditional sources. Significantly,
creasing attention as the climate invests in fossil fuel companies. we formally include ESG (Envi-
crisis continues to worsen. Fossil As of June 30, 2021, 3% of the ronment, Social, & Governance)
fuel divestment refers to the pro- Georgia Tech Foundation’s (GTF) risk factors in our investment de-
cess of institutions and organiza- investment portfolio was allocated cisions when reviewing new and
tions divesting money from fossil to energy investments, and ac- existing manager relationships,”
fuel companies and has been a cording to the GTF in a statement said the GTF.
largely student-run movement. to the Technique, this “includes Esslinger noted Tech’s 2021
In fall 2021, students looking historical and alternative fuels Sustainability Tracking, Assess-
to enact change at Tech began sources.” ment & Rating System report as
the Association for Sustainable According to the 2020 GTF a revealing resource about Tech’s
Investment (ASI), whose goals Annual Report, Tech had -29.5% commitments to sustainability.
include fossil fuel divestment, global market returns in the oil This score, based on self-reported
sustainable finance learning and and gas category. facts, rates colleges and universi-
increasing related educational op- The GTF has refrained from ties on their sustainability prac-
portunities for students. making a public statement tices in a variety of areas, such as Photo courtesy of ASI
“This organization provides about divesting from fossil fuel building and grounds operations, The Association for Sustainable Investment was founded
students with an avenue to learn companies. academic curriculum and sustain- in Fall 2021 with a focus on fossil fuel divestment.
more about and act on finance- “While Georgia Tech has made able research.
related climate justice concerns, significant progress in sustain- Earning 58.19 points, Tech re- portunities there are for student sists of four committees: commu-
develop their leadership skills and ability in recent years, including ceived zero out of seven possible involvement. nications, membership, research
meet other sustainability-minded opening the Kendeda Building points for the investment and “We are fortunate to interact and programming. Members of
students,” said Thiago Esslinger, for Sustainable Innovative De- finance category — notably, re- and benefit from Georgia Tech these committees work on proj-
fourth-year BCHM and EAS ma- sign, launching the EcoCommons ceiving zero points for investment student contributions and efforts. ects beyond just focusing on fossil
jor and ASI founder. Project and firmly establishing the disclosure, sustainable investment Our committees receive regular fuel divestment.
Although Tech has made Serve-Learn-Sustain initiative, and a lack of a committee for in- reports from the Student Founda- “We also strive to implement
sustainability one of its central it has not done enough to finan- vestor responsibility. This was due tion, the largest student run in- other lasting changes at the Geor-
values and made numerous com- cially address the urgency of the to a lack of the minimum infor- vestment fund of any university, gia Tech Foundation that better
mitments to being green, many climate and ecological crisis,” Es- mation needed to award points for on their strategies and investment serve students and our Institute
students have pointed out the fail- slinger said. this section. priorities,” said the GTF. “We such as developing stronger sus-
ings of the Institute in following Esslinger compared the in- Esslinger pointed out that also include student interns in our tainable and responsible invest-
through on these promises. vestment decisions of GTF to there are numerous examples of business teams, and they contrib- ment practices and metrics, and
“While Georgia Tech has those made by other universities’ other colleges finding ways to en- ute significant work in reviewing increasing educational and stu-
made significant progress in sus- endowments. gage students with how endow- the effectiveness of our investment dent involvement opportunities
tainability in recent years, includ- “Whereas other top-tier insti- ments are invested. programs.” on the topic,” Esslinger said.
ing opening the Kendeda Build- tutions, like Harvard University, “Georgia Tech Foundation’s While it is easy to focus only One of the ways to increase ed-
ing for Sustainable Innovative Oxford University and the Uni- lack of significant student involve- on Tech’s campus and sustainabil- ucation opportunities is focused
Design, launching the EcoCom- versity of California, have publicly ment and public commitments to ity efforts close to home, Esslinger around sustainable finance.
mons Project and firmly estab- committed to divesting their en- sustainability is noticeable when emphasized that it is important “We are hosting speaker events
lishing the Serve-Learn-Sustain dowments from fossil fuels, Geor- compared to the Arizona State to consider that financial deci- with professional leaders in the
initiative, it has not done enough gia Tech and the Georgia Tech University Foundation which sions made in Atlanta can impact sustainable investment field and
to financially address the urgency Foundation have refrained from publicly supports environmental communities across the country working with other organiza-
of the climate and ecological cri- doing so,” said Esslinger, who initiatives and allows students and world. tions and departments to imple-
sis,” Esslinger said. defines fossil fuel divestment as a to engage with companies they “If we look at where fossil fuel ment sustainable investment as
For example, former Tech Pres- switch to values-based investing. invest in through shareholder plants are located, they are often part of existing investment-related
ident Wayne G. Clough signed The GTF explained their deci- meetings,” Esslinger said. The disproportionately in close prox- courses and the Vertically Inte-
the American College & Univer- sions regarding investments. GTF explained what existing op- imity to low-income and/or mi- grated Project (VIP) Program for
nority communities,” Esslinger undergraduate students interested
said. “Climate change, driven in this type of research,” Esslinger
mostly by the burning of fossil said.
fuels, has also had a significant ASI has so far encountered
impact on the communities that roadblocks from the GTF.
contribute least to total green- “The Institute and the Founda-
house gas emissions. Divestment tion both proved initially receptive
from fossil fuel companies is an to discussion, yet the Foundation’s
act of protest against this indus- status as a separate legal entity,
try that has fueled climate change that has remained relatively quiet
and continually denied environ- on investment topics throughout
mental justice.” its history, has delayed significant
During his time at Tech, Es- progress in terms of public com-
slinger has worked with numerous mitments and increased transpar-
organizations focusing on climate ency,” Esslinger said.
action. After initially discussing Despite these challenges, Es-
fossil fuel divestment with his slinger and his peers remain op-
peers through a group chat, Es- timistic that change can and will
slinger worked to create organiza- occur. He believes that switching
tional change. to investments in renewable ener-
“Following the failed fossil fuel gy would be a clear commitment
divestment resolution (8:7:8) from to Tech’s motto of Progress and
Georgia Tech’s Student Govern- Service.
ment Association’s Undergradu- “With continued student sup-
ate House of Representatives in port and conversations with the
spring 2020, I launched the GT Foundation, we can and will
Divest initiative to raise awareness make positive change together,”
of this concern and gather support Esslinger said.
from the Georgia Tech commu- To learn more about ASI and
nity through a petition,” Esslinger their efforts, stop by the Win-
said. “We grew from a group chat ter Organization Fair on Feb.
to a team over the summer.” 10 anytime between 11 a.m.
Photo courtesy of ASI GT Divest has now transi- - 1 p.m. at Tech Green, visit
ASI held a member mixer last fall at the Kendeda Building to learn more about its sustainable tioned into the Association for linktr.ee/asi.gatech or follow
features. ASI is working to increase sustainable educational opportunities for students. Sustainable Investment. ASI con- @asi.gatech on Instagram.
// LIFE technique • February 4, 2022• 9

Annual Sibs Day scratched for a second year

The day-long event has
NATALIE BOUTWELL proved effective at accom-
ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR plishing its mission of helping
siblings and family members un-
For the second year in a derstand more about their rela-
row, Sibs Day at Tech has been tive’s life as a Tech student.
cancelled. “In our survey after Sibs Day
The event, first created in the 2019, when asked if, ‘As a result
spring of 2015, typically hosts of attending Sibs Day, my fam-
siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews ily member(s) has/have a better
and family friends for a day full of understanding of Georgia Tech
fun and educational activities that campus life and my student’s col-
allow participants to experience lege experience’ (Yes/No), almost
life at Tech. Sibs Day is organized all parents (96.43%) reported that
by Parent and Family Programs, a their younger child had a better
division of Student Life. idea of what their older sibling was
Laci Weeden, director of Par- doing at college,” Weeden said.
ent and Family Programs, recently In the past, Sibs Day also
discussed the reasoning behind helped to encourage younger stu-
this year’s Sibs Day cancellation dents to start thinking about their
with the Technique. future in college and create oppor-
“Early trends in registra- tunities for bonding experiences
tion showed the number of and lasting memories among
participants would outpace family members.
capacity for venues in the “I think, in general, it was just
manner we typically use them, es- nice to show my sister what kinds
pecially in order to provide physi- of stuff we get to do around cam-
cal distancing while responding to pus,” said Ashley Thomas, fourth-
the pandemic,” Weeden said. year BIO, who attended Sibs Day
“Extra staffing, transporta- in 2019. “Whether it was a men’s
tion and logistical support for basketball game, meeting the K-9
events and meals meant the pro- units or even walking to Tech
gram would exceed budget to Square, she had a great time see-
provide close to the same level of ing what I do when I am not at
interaction and engagement as in home. Your sibs can visit you at
past years.” any time, but there’s something
Typical events for Sibs Day in special about showing off the best
previous years included meals at that campus has to offer.”
Tech’s dining halls, campus tours, Sibs Day’s popularity made the
basketball games in McCamish choice to cancel very difficult.
Pavilion and different options for “It was disappointing
interacting on campus. to need to make this deci-
“[Participants were previously sion,” Weeden said. “We know
able to] choose from a variety of it’s popular for families, and
educational and engaging work- it’s popular among staff members Photos courtesy of parents.gatech.edu
shops such as how to make and as well, so we did not make the de- Sibs Day, a popular event in previous years in which siblings get to spend a
launch your own bottle rock- cision lightly.” weekend around campus, has been cancelled for the second year in a row.
et or construct a container to For students and siblings still
protect an egg in an egg drop or looking to connect this semester, dents during this time. So even “Set up a time to video chat very busy, but that doesn’t mean
check out the Invention Studio or Parent and Family Programs is though they don’t get a formal with your sibling and check in that they don’t think about you
Robotarium. planning alternative activities. program, and this will not replace with them,” Weeden said. “Send and miss you, too!”
The afternoon [typi- “Time connecting Sibs Day, they will and should postcards or cards to each other Additional tips for connecting
cally wrapped] up with with students and fam- have a chance to connect in a fun, — it is nice to get sweet notes in with siblings will be shared on the
fun activities like bowling, mov- ily is important, so we will be meaningful way,” Weeden said. the mail. Care packages are always Sibs Day website (parents.gat-
ies, dinner and a community ser- sharing a list of ways families can Weeden shared some of appreciated, as well. Remember ech.edu/sibs-day/sibs-day) and
vice project,” Weeden said. connect on their own with stu- these tips. that your Georgia Tech student is social media.
10 • February 4, 2022• technique // LIFE

Tips and tricks for finding time to exercise

physically while fitting it all into 30 minutes to an hour of physi- Many people will attempt time is free and more so like it
your busy schedule. cal activity and work your to squeeze in a workout with- is a part of your daily activities.
way up from there. out having a solid idea of
SET REALISTIC GOALS If you feel like you can do where it should go in their day. GET A WORKOUT BUDDY
The biggest thing you can more, then you can certainly ad- This typically leads to pro- Try and get a friend to join you
do, quite honestly, is to set just the times as you feel is nec- crastination as you fill the time on your workouts. It is definitely
realistic goals for yourself. essary. It is certainly easier to with other activities and ul- possible to have a solid workout
If you have never run be- add some more commitment timately can result in missed routine on your own, but having
fore, it would very clearly after improving or finding you workouts and potentially a friend can truly heighten the
be a bad idea to aim for 20 can do more than you thought, feelings of guilt and shame. experience and allow you to have
miles of running every week. than it is to be overwhelmed and None of these are great results fun during your workouts while
But sometimes, even a com- burnt out after a week or two. but can be prevented by plan- holding you accountable to keep-
mitment to go to the gym It’s a marathon, not a ning ahead with specific times ing the habit.
ANDY BORST every day during the week sprint, and small, progressive during which you will work out. Many will show up to workout
NEWS EDITOR can seem easy at first, but goals will serve you bet- Make sure to generously a simply because they know their
quickly become a bigger chal- ter in the long run! lot time, potentially an hour or friend will be there and don’t want
February is finally here, and lenge than you anticipated. two depending on your work- to disappoint them.
with its arrival comes a sacred Instead, the Technique SCHEDULE YOUR TIME out length and type, to account In this same regard, intramu-
tradition for many on this cam- would recommend starting Secondly, try and plan out for walking back to your dorm rals or any sport with friends is an
pus and around the country: small, perhaps aiming for two definite times for your work- and taking a shower. This way, excellent way to get a great work-
the abandonment of New Year’s or three days a week of about out that fit into your schedule. you will feel less as though the out in while getting to know peo-
resolutions. ple and can be a more laid back
If January is the month of re- way of keeping active.
newal and change for the resolu-
tionist, then February is surely its MULTI-TASK
foil. We begin to lose sight of our While running or going to the
initial goals and slip back into our gym is a great way to stay active
comfortable, if slightly problem- and fit, even adjusting some of
atic, habits. your daily activities can lead to a
A workout regimen is espe- more active life!
cially susceptible during this Instead of taking the bus, try
time. While it seems appealing to walking or biking. Instead of tak-
begin working out the first week ing the elevator in your building,
back at Tech, as study sessions go take the stairs. Try walking to
later and commitments begin to Tech Square with your friends to
pile up, it becomes less and less get dinner instead of driving or
appealing to drag yourself to the ordering Uber Eats. Staying in
gym, go on a run or even move shape is, like we have said before,
an extra couple of feet more than about consistency, and by incor-
you must. porating these smaller activities
While this fate is typical of into your day, you can take tiny
most people on a fitness journey, it steps to keep improving through-
doesn’t mean you have to fall into out the week!
the same trap! Photo by Dani Sisson Student Publications Remember, there’s no one right
In fact, there are quite a few Going on a run, heading to the gym or playing an intramural are all ways to stay way to stay active, so simply find
things you can do to improve active in college. Follow these tips to make time to exercise in your busy days. a system that works best for you!
// LIFE technique • February 4, 2022• 11


plexity of the project makes fine
tuning necessary in order to achieve
communications man- a smoothly running screen. The
ager for the Tech Library. bridge is set to officially launch the
“Media Bridge will demon- week of Feb. 7.
strate this active role, highlight- In hopes of making the project
ing the research and scholarship interactive and allowing the Tech
of our faculty and students.” community to contribute to the
Wright mentioned that bridge, Stuart Romm, professor of
there is more than just STEM- the practice in the School of Ar-
themed content being featured. chitecture, and Hunter Spence,
“Through the visualization of data lecturer in the School of Industrial
and information, the Library will Design, recently began teaching
curate content emphasizing the a grant-funded class this semester
creative culture of campus, fea- called Library Interactive Media
turing not only innovations in Workshop 4833/8833 which is
science and technology, but also held in the library.
the human stories of our scholarly “Those students are being
community engaged in making tasked with creating material for
the connections between innova- the bridge and increasing its inter-
tion, inspiration and understand- activity … The course is designed
ing,” Wright said. as a pilot program where students
With the idea for the Media can begin creating content for the
Bridge project originating back in bridge,” Wright said.
2017, it took a total of four years The goal is that eventually, stu-
to reach completion. dents, researchers and staff will all Photos by Alex Dubé Student Publications
The bridge installation official- be able to seamlessly build and The Media Bridge, shown above, will be officially launched on Feb. 7. It will fea-
ly began in August of 2020 and contribute content to be displayed ture content classified in six areas, including research and ambiance.
was completed on Sept. 16, 2021. on the bridge.
The timeline of the project was The bridge consists of six dif- mode would allow for the flow of “I think that it’s great how in- With the help of the en-
affected by the pandemic due to ferent established content modes real-time data onto the screen as teractive they are making this proj- tire Tech community, the Me-
supply chain shortages. including The Whistle, Art/Am- well as creating iterative public art. ect. dia Bridge project team hopes
The delays ended up pushing bience, Events, Research and The Interactive aspect of the “It’s always a great idea to launch a successful bridge
back the launch date as well as the Researchers, Places and Data in project, while still in produc- to involve students and that allows for the distribu-
construction of the bridge. which content can be divided into tion, is being perfected and ex- allow them to express themselves tion of information as well as
While the bridge itself has been when being displayed. panded on through the course through means that can be pre- an enhancement of and an empha-
installed, the technology is still in The Interactive content mode that is being taught by both sented to others on campus,” said sis on creativity seen within Tech’s
its testing stages. The size and com- is still in the works. This content Romm and Spence. Kaitlyn Bagnoni, first-year AE. students and staff.

01 02 03 04 05
Lunar New Year Tapping Circle for Stress Piano Forte Visit to the
and Calm Atlanta Symphony
Artist in Residence 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Workshop Series
Price-Gilbert Library, Room 2222
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

06 07 08 09 10 11 12
The New Jim Code: A Note from Me to You Black History Month A Note from Me to You
Reimagining the Default Lecture
Rising Roll Rising Roll
Settings of Tech+Society 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Wellness + Stress Public Night at Georgia
Management Series Tech Observatory
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Valentine’s Day A Note from Me to You 2022 IBB Antiracism Artist in Residence
Distinguished Lecture Workshop Series
Rising Roll
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Crosland Tower, 2nd Floor
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Wellness + Stress
Management Series
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Spring 2022 Grad Fest Week, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tribute Concert Learn to make Origami Rare Book Spotlight

Pikachu and Succulents
Ferst Center for the Arts Price-Gilbert Library, Room 1280
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

GT Jazz Performance

West Village, Room 175

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

27 28
OPINIONS EDITOR: Yashvini Deva technique

“” 5
To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is
akin to choosing immobility as a means
of transpportation” Friday,
— Yann Martel February 4, 2022

OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion The STEM-based liars

Monitoring motorized micromobility devices “There is
nothing quite like being a
Making campus safer for riders, drivers and pedestrians humanities major at a STEM-
Recently campuses have seen an influx of regarding devices, personal and rented. First focused school. ”
e-scooters, dockless bikes and e-skateboards, and foremost, we urge Tech to release a com-
more generally referred to as motorized mo- prehensive set of rules governing the use of mo-
bility devices. As hearing about near-misses, torized personal mobility devices along with
collisions and reckless riders becomes more methods of enforcement. While certain rules,
commonplace, we at the Technique, believe that such as no riding on sidewalks, are far more
there is a necessity for change in the realm of enforced than others, we encourage GTPD to There is nothing quite like ing skill sets. Some students
personal electric transportation devices in the extend this attitude towards traffic violations. being a humanities major are simply good at STEM. It is
at a STEM-focused school. easy to go through life pursu-
interest of the safety of all students on campus. Furthermore, in crafting these rules, we be- Whether it be the culture of ing success at a collegiate level
Walking and driving on campus, especially lieve that taking into account various facets of teasing business majors for and mistaking skill for enjoy-
near Tech Square, is far more hazardous with campus is very important. For example, certain having no work or feeling jeal- ment. Both high school and
ous of students who do not college are structured in such
the presence of micro-mobility devices — both parts of campus have much steeper elevation have to take Physics, Georgia a way that students seek high
on the road and on the sidewalk. Since their than others, so it would be reasonable for these Tech is chock–full of these GPAs and equate achievement
“friendly” comparisons. to good grades, as opposed to
introduction, these devices have been respon- areas to have stricter rules as well. When a game of “Hot Seat” learning and understanding.
sible for countless injuries as inexperienced Another important concern is the parking results in the question, “Who Due to this, students who
riders zone out, speed through high-risk areas of these devices, especially in a way that blocks has the higher GPA” or “Who succeed in STEM-based class-
does more work on a group es may confuse their high
like Freshman Hiil, and refuse to follow traffic important ADA pathways. Certain areas, such project,” the academic focus grades and accolades for inter-
laws — placing riders at risk of serious injury as parking lots, are demarcated as red zones and rigor of the school are hard est and passion in a subject. Al-
and even death. and cannot be accessed by rental e-devices, to ignore. However, these cat- ternatively, there is a subset of
egories often forget about a students who are keenly aware
Even though scooters seem to be a catalyst but further actions should be taken to limit large group living, sometimes of this phenomenon, myself
for danger, especially on a college campuses, the areas where these devices can be parked. in secret, among their STEM- included. We are aware of our
their recent development means that legisla- This is especially important since often these loving peers: the humanities- ability to do well in STEM-
oriented students in STEM. based classes; in fact, on pa-
tion around scooters is incredibly variable devices are parked in such a way that it blocks You may be wondering: If per, we appear to be some of
and incomplete. Multiple metro Atlantic cities ADA pathways for people who rely on them for a person hates STEM, why in the most passionate and driven
the world would they pursue it students. However, we are not
have already taken steps towards limiting e- transportation throughout campus. A possible for their degree? blind to our boredom and
scooters. Campuses have taken it even further solution would be the enactment of impound- There is no simple answer distaste for the subject mat-
as colleges like UGA have completely barred ing policies where improperly parked bikes are to this question. One possible ter. There is a reason you see
reason is the cultural impli- me here, writing this article
Birds on campus after facing numerous viola- immediately impounded and can only be re- cation of going into STEM. instead of studying for my Or-
tions of campus policy within the first week of trieved by students and companies by paying Children of immigrants face ganic Chemistry II exam.
their introduction. an impounding fee. familial obligations and the All of this boils down to a
weight of their expectations single question: is it important
In light of these numerous safety concerns On a larger scale, general issues of city plan- often affects them when choos- to be passionate about your
and issues, we also recogonize the importance ning make personalized mobile devices more ing a career path. It is no secret career, or is this a westernized
that parents are comforted by myth society has trained us
of these e-devices for many students. Students dangerous. Many areas in Atlanta do not have engineering and other STEM to believe?
living off campus may rely on their personal bike lanes, which makes the experience far degrees, especially since the in- My mother would say the
motorized micromobility devices as their sole more dangerous for bikers. As we move towards dustry is booming and the job latter. She sees a job as a means
market is vast. to money and benefits and
method of getting on and off campus — a need a more sustainable future, we encourage cities In their eyes, with the sac- places importance on using
that is further heightened by the inconsistency to move away from their car-centered policy rifices they made to leave their free time to pursue passions
of the Atlanta public transport. Moreover, for and look to other options. lives behind to seek a future and hobbies. Meanwhile, my
in the United States, the least sister believes that if her 9-5
people in low-income areas who may not have The issue of motorized micro-mobility de- their children could do is pur- is something she despises, her
access to cars or be able to afford consistent use vices reflects a larger issue of technology law. sue a career where there is job mental health will diminish,
security, good pay and benefits. rendering her disinterested and
of ride sharing services, electronic micro-mo- Technology often evolves too fast for legisla- To my own parents, for exam- unable to spend time on hob-
bility devices may be the one of the best options tion to accommodate it, leaving many new in- ple, any career in humanities bies. One can only imagine
for day to day transportation. novations in a dangerous gap in the law. We other than law seems like a their intensive debates over
risk. Even so, they are liberal in the dinner table. However, in
Taking into account the good, the bad and know what scooters, bikes, and skateboards are what they allow my sister and truth, there may not be a right
the dangers of motorized micro-mobility devic- and we know how to truly regulate them, but me to pursue, but other family answer. While this does not
es, we encourage the implementation of updat- as they get faster and passing legislation gets situations and dynamics are far resolve my (or anyone else’s)
more rigid. mid-college existential aca-
ed safety protocols and infrastructure changes slower, the future looks uncertain. Another possible explana- demic crisis, there is comfort
tion could be based on exist- in knowing we are not alone.

The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the Write to us: are responses to or commentaries on
content found within the pages of the
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. [email protected] Technique. Along with these letters,
we are open to receiving letters that
Got something to say? Then let focus on relevant issues that currently
technique editorial board your voice be heard with the Tech-
nique. Sliver at Nique.net, tweet us
affect Georgia Tech as a university, in-
cluding its campus and student body.
@the_nique or check us out on Face- When submitting letters we ask
Janat Batra EDITOR-IN-CHIEF book at facebook.com/thenique. We that you include your full name, year
Taylor Gray MANAGING EDITOR want to hear your opinion and want (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. We ask that
to make it known to all of campus. letters be thought provoking, well
Hope Williams LIFE EDITOR Yashvini Deva OPINIONS EDITOR We also welcome your letters in written and in good taste. We reserve
Dani Sisson PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Maya Torres ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR response to Technique content as the right to both reject or edit letters
well as topics relevant to campus. for length and style.
Rahul Deshpande TECHNOLOGY EDITOR Kristin Hsu ONLINE EDITOR We will print letters on a timely and For questions, comments or con-
Will Fuss SPORTS EDITOR Andy Borst NEWS EDITOR space-available basis. cern, contact the Opinions Editor at
Avni Shridhar HEAD COPY EDITOR Brendan Oshida DESIGN EDITOR Each week we look for letters that [email protected].
6 • February 4, 2022• technique // OPINIONS

Looking for life on campus

Talking to people on a one-to- have been able to build stronger
one basis opens the door to a con- relationships with former pro-
versation that builds connections fessors and acquaintances, learn
and understanding. more about the stories of my class-
During the hustle and bustle mates and even experience other
of a day of classes during the se- facets of Tech I probably wouldn’t
mester at Tech, it’s sometimes have been exposed to.
difficult to think about students All of these opportunities have
and faculty members as other in- taught me that Tech is full of
dividuals with needs and desires life: students who are innovative
just like you. and supportive of others (not just
As terrible as it sounds, it’s of- someone who took the last ticket
NATALIE BOUTWELL ten too easy to think about others for the volleyball game) as well as
ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR as just an ob- professors who are pas-
Meatless Mondays ArmRobbed Hall ject that adds
West Village announces that This past Tuesday, an I love being the Assistant to your wait
“But sitting down to sionate about learning
and student develop-
on Feb. 7 the dining hall will unidentified stranger entered Editor for the Life Section of for coffee at interview someone is ment (not just some-
serve exclusive vegan and Armstrong Hall and knocked the Technique. Blue Don- one who assigns too
vegetarian options, including on girls’ doors, entered their Don’t worry — this is not an key or takes an easy reaminder that much homework).
but not limited to Buffalo rooms, made inappropriate advertisement to convince you to the last good everyone at Tech has Not everyone has
Cauliflower, Coconut Braised comments, and stole personal write for the Technique (although study room
Butternut Squash and an items. The suspect escaped on you should). I love working for in the library their own passions, to be a writer for the
Life Section or con-
assortment of vegan desserts. a skatebpard before he could the Life Section because it al- or messes struggles, goals, stories duct formal interviews
be apprehended by GTPD. lows me to get to know people up the grad- to see differing sides of
around campus that I normally ing curve for and hopes.” campus – all it takes
wouldn’t have met. Quotes are your class. is opening up a simple
the basis of journalism; finding But sitting down to interview conversation with someone else.
individuals to interview for an someone is an easy reminder that It can be easy to feel lonely
article is one of the most com- everyone at Tech has their own or disconnected on Tech’s cam-
mon ways journalists discover passions, struggles, goals, stories pus (especially during the nearly
information to write. and hopes. two-year COVID-19 pandemic
Because of this, whenever I In this way, working for when social distancing and mask
Reaching New Highs Winter is Coming write an article, I often have to the Life Section kind of wearing has often made it dif-
Clough Undergraduate Beauregard Leem the find several individuals to inter- humanizes campus. ficult to socialize and make
Learning Commons has offical Georgia groundhog view. During my time at the Tech- When I hear about a clubs’ ini- new friends).
reopened its scenic roof from did not see his shadow — nique, I have talked to students tiative, I think about the students However, starting conversa-
the hours of 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. predicting an early spring. about their experiences with cam- behind the club and what moti- tions with those around you is the
every Tuesday and Thursday However, his northern cousin, pus traditions, involvement with vated them to try something new. one of the best ways to learn about
unti the end of March. As of Punxsutawney Phil, did see clubs and even more personal top- When I hear about a new study life on campus and build deeper
now, plans are unconfirmed his shadow. Whether spring ics such as religion. abroad program to Spain, I think connections with others.
for April and May, but is finally coming or the winter Whenever you sit down to about the professor who is leading Even a simple greeting or small
students remain hopeful for its may last longer, we’ll just have talk to someone about a subject the program and why they wanted interaction can help avoid neigh-
continued opening. to wait and see. they are passionate about, you not to create that specific experience bors feeling like strangers.
only learn a lot about that topic, for their students. The key is taking the initiative
but you also learn a lot about Because of my time interview- to reach out and say hello (or may-
that individual. ing others for the Technique, I be joining the Technique).

northavereview.com READ.

// OPINIONS technique • February 4, 2022• 7

Social media and consent in a newly digital world

technological evolution is far off all engagement proved to can be overcome with enough of unintentionally optimiz-
outpacing our legislative ability be unsustainable. individual will, this is espe- ing users’ attention, especially
to introduce restrictions, this Through resources such as cially a falsehood in the sphere teenagers, towards disordered
is a false presumption, and it the “Center for Humane Tech- of social media and direct eating and body dysmorphia
is one with which I was forced nology,” I learned more about marketing campaigns. content is a known and not un-
to reconcile with over the past how the algorithms I was inter- As an individual experienc- common phenomenon.
two years. acting with were designed and ing a barrage of annoying ads, While we can certainly ask
Through the COVID-19 how sheer force of will would you may be prone to thinking ourselves what we can person-
pandemic, I noticed my intake likely not be enough to re- that you are immune to such be- ally do to create more inten-
of social media (and media in structure my relationship with nign tactics; you’re never going tional relationships with so-
general) dramatically increased these platforms, so I began to to buy that juice press that re- cial media, it is pertinent that
DANI SISSON as I attempted to fill time with try to disincentivize myself quires you to keep buying their we also demand more from
PHOTOGRAHY EDITOR pseudo-social interaction and from mindlessly interacting specific fruit packets. However, the large social media moguls
parasocial relationships that with them. getting you to buy that juice that now govern the largest
I am addicted to my phone. may have otherwise been filled I started to create roadblocks press isn’t really the point of communication platforms of
Chances are, so are you. with in-person activities. for myself. I removed the apps the advertisement. today’s world.
Based on various surveys At the same time, with in- from my phone so that I had to While a small percentage of Unfortunately, the fight for
conducted between 2020 and creased anxiety from world intentionally engage with these people may buy a product that greater focus on sustainable
2021, 40-60% of participants events and obsessive engage- platforms on a web browser is being directly marketed to ethics and consent against large
self-reported being addicted to ment with the news, I noticed rather than rhythmically tap- them, a much larger percent- media companies will likely be
their cell phones. Of the time my mental health taking a ping through an ingrained se- age of people are just having a decades long struggle.
spent on their phones, the ma- turn for the worse. Whether quence. I began only logging their brains shifted ever so With the pace of the leg-
jority reported that it was spent on Instagram, Facebook or on through private browsers, slightly into the direction of islative process as well as the
using social media. Youtube, false idealizations of so I couldn’t just “one-click” the marketing and social me- capital interests invested in
In an age where many pro- my peers’ lives and algorithms return to the social media sites. dia companies’ choosing. The companies such as Meta, there
fessional and social interactions that pushed me towards hateful I enabled two-factor authen- real power of marketing on will likely be a long uphill
take place through a digital content began to wear on me tication so that the process of social media is not in its im- battle towards transparency
medium, avoiding the use of daily until I hit a point where I logging on became so tedious mediate consequences but and accountability.
some form of social media is decided I had had enough. that it wouldn’t justify the mi- rather in the small incremental While our individual wills
like neglecting to use roads I wanted to regain control crodosed levels of dopamine changes to our brains that take may not be as strong as we
for transportation. of my interactions with social the platforms were designed to place everyday. would like to believe them to
This new frontier, exacer- media and create a relationship dole out. Whether it is weight loss be, it does not mean that we are
bated by the necessary isolation that was based around inten- Over time, my relation- supplements pushing you to be entirely helpless to the whims
caused by the pandemic, has tion and consent. ship with online media be- more self conscious over time of corporations whose only
led most people to spend up- However, like with any ad- gan to shift, but like with or Instagram “likes” condition- current moral obligations are
wards of three hours per day on diction, cutting it out com- every difficult obstacle to ing you to receive validation to capitalist shareholders.
their phones. pletely turned out to be ex- overcome in life, I was only from meaningless interactions, For more information on
While many of us may be- tremely difficult. able to restructure my habits the power of these influences is how you can begin to restruc-
lieve that we can adequately My brain had become through small, but consistent, immense and often insidious. ture your relationship with
insulate ourselves against any structured to receive dopa- incremental changes. As exemplified by the Wall social media, visit the “Cen-
possible negative side effects mine through interactions While our culture often Street Journal’s coverage of the ter for Humane Technology”
that come from a world where on social media, and cutting holds dear the idea that all “Facebook Files,” instances at  www.humanetech.com.

Maya Torres
Isa Cardona Friday,
[email protected] February 4, 2022

This weekend: StarTech’s ‘Trail to Oregon’

“The Trail to Oregon” is a com-
MAYA TORRES edy musical originally performed
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR and produced by Team StarKid,
an American musical theatre com-
Picture this: you’re exiting your pany founded by Darren Criss,
linear algebra class with a note- Brian Holden, Matt Lang and
book full of matrices and an ach- Nick Lang. The company is best
ing brain. As you exit Skiles in the known for their production “A
direction of the CULC to begin Very Potter Musical.”
your eight hours of homework, “I chose a StarKid show be-
you spot a poster. cause their troupe has a writing
Six actors have donned fake style that is great for low budget
beards and cowboy hats, posing productions, and their shows are
with a bright logo: “The Trail to so wonderfully silly and ridicu-
Oregon!” lous,” Kutsche said. “It just seemed
You dismiss the poster — there like the perfect reprieve from the
are hours of studying ahead of current state of the world.”
you, and you do not have time Kutsch was inspired to
to spare. bring StarTech to life during
Except this has been your rou- an arts shortage brought on by
tine for weeks; every day is a cycle the pandemic.
of work and classes with no escape “Sometime last summer, I real-
in between. ized that it’s been years since I’ve Photo courtesy of Evalyn Edwards
This is precisely the reason performed in a show,” she said. Cast members of StarTech Players’ debut production of ‘Trail to Oregon’ pose with
that third-year ID major Hope “Musicals used to be my life, but the Ramblin’ Reck outside of DramaTech Theatre during one of their rehearsals.
Kutsche, co-founder of StarTech then the pandemic hit. After talk-
players and director of “The Trail ing with some friends, I realized members of DramaTech’s im- in which to rehearse without This emphasis on fun brought
to Oregon,” wanted to bring this we all felt the same way — we prov troupe. Every production overlapping other productions. forth not only a uniquely strong
production to campus. really missed opportunities to cost came out of the troupe “When I decided to try and pro- bond among the cast mem-
“It’s jam-packed full of good perform for an audience.” members’ own pockets. duce a musical, DT also had not bers, but also an engaging and
laughs, which I know everyone Kutsch partnered with her Despite the shared members yet set in stone whether or not exciting show to watch. “Trail
could use right now, and, for a friend Harper Roberts, who and venue, StarTech is not at all the spring musical would hap- to Oregon” involves the audience
couple hours, we’ll take you out had originally introduced her to affiliated with Tech’s primary pen, and I wanted my friends and in a unique capacity that will
of the 21st century to a simpler StarKid musicals. Roberts is a theatre troupe. I to have the opportunity with leave viewers delighted, relaxed
time,” she told the Technique. third-year biology major at Geor- “We aren’t DramaTech, and or without DT.” and ready to return to their linear
“We as a cast really do just gia State University but has been we aren’t competing with Dra- Unlike other productions algebra homework.
love doing this musical to- involved with DramaTech since maTech,” Kutsche said. “This on campus, the primary inten- “The Trail to Oregon” is play-
gether, and I feel like it re- her freshman year. year, DT decided to only do two tion of “The Trail to Oregon” ing Feb. 4 and 5 at 8 p.m. in
ally shines through in Together, the pair bought shows instead of our usual three, was the enjoyment of the cast the DramaTech Theatre. Tickets
the performance and fills the rights to the show and which gave us a perfect No- and crew, rather than to put on a are $10 sold at the door. All at-
the whole space.” put together a cast from vember to January time frame high quality show. tendees must be 18+.

Iann Dior is back to mediocre things

MUSIC his earlier SoundCloud work, just
polished. The Lil Uzi Vert and
On To Better Things The Kid LAROI influences can be
LABEL: 10K Projects found here.
The central part of the album
GENRE: Hip-hop, Emo rap revolves around his pop-punk
TRACK PICKS: “dark angel phase. He considers Machine
(interlude),” I might” Gun Kelly a mentor.
He tries throughout the al-
««« bum to imitate what was done
on Kelly’s “Tickets to My
Downfall,” going so far as to
ANUSH SINGHAL feature Barker on several tracks.
STAFF WRITER Ultimately, the imitation was
okay at best since the
Iann Dior’s sophomore effort, lack of emotions and
“On To Better Things,” (OTBT) interesting concepts saw Dior
was released January 21 by add nothing to what was an
10K Projects and demonstrates amazing production.
an evolution in his sound. The final part of the album
Dior entered the industry was a fusion between the two
through SoundCloud in 2019 genres, but rather than the sum
and blew up with the emo-rap being greater than any individual,
wave at the time. the combination reduced the
His work inspired a con- effectiveness of both.
nection with the hip- It is safe to say that this al-
hop production collective bum had a very small chance
Internet Money, growing his to be as cohesive as it was pre-
circle to the likes of Juice Photo courtesy of Ryan Allen sented. The production, spear-
WRLD and Trippie Redd. Album art from Iann Dior’s newest album “On To Better Things.” Dior rose to headed by Internet Money’s
Inspiration from the col- fame as a SoundCloud rapper specializing in the intersection of emo and hip-hop. Taz Taylor, keeps Dior in mind
lective could be seen in the while switching genres.
music that Dior was releasing “I’m picking up where Juice what he is doing, jump- nothing more to provide than The production allows for
towards the end of 2019 with WRLD left off,” Iann Dior ing from emo trap to pop- mentioning the fact that he is a more focused Dior and en-
his first album “Industry told NME, setting a very high punk to trap, there are a lot of sad in passing. joyable song, even when Dior
Plant,” which was named as a bar for himself. different flushed out sounds It is a quick listen, adding up vocally falters.
response to the accusa- Over the course of the album, but Iann Dior sounds out of to a little over 35 minutes, but it Iann Dior may have steered
tions that Dior was a the listener hears Dior experiment place on most. sounds even shorter since several clear of industry plant rumors, but
product of the industry. with new songs; however, the On OTBT, Dior faces his fame songs flow right into the next. after this project it is clear he is an
His popularity blew up with thesis that he is sad does not and fortune and hits all the tropes There were two interludes on industry analyst, keeping track
his feature on 24kGoldn’s change. required for a hit emo track. For the album which indicated a sonic of the hottest trends to
“Mood” in 2020, being a There are parts where someone who is so tortured, on change. He had started with the emulate and the largest
popular TikTok sound bite. Dior sounds confused about most tracks, it feels like he has melodic emo-rap reminiscent of audiences to hunt.
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • February 4, 2022• 13

‘How I Met Your Father’ forgets the comedy

fans will recognize: the acciden-
TELEVISION tal phone switch (a la “Stuck In
The Suburbs”).
How I Met Your Father They quickly befriend each
NETWORK: Hulu other and bring with them their
RELEASED: Jan. 18 own respective friend groups that
then combine.
STARRING: Hilary Duff, Chris These quirky characters round
Lowell, Kim Cattrall out the ensemble, and their clas-
sic hang-out spot of the bar satis-
«« fies the last requirement for a sit-
com about friendship. The show
BILLIE O’BRYANT so far follows the antics of this
CONTRIBUTING WRITER group trying to make their way in
the city.
“How I Met Your Father” “How I Met Your Father” has
came out to mixed to negative all the framework for a success-
reviews in late January. The show, ful sitcom, and yet, it is missing
a spin-off of “How I Met Your the mark.
Mother,” depicts a woman telling The at-times cringey hu-
her children the story of how she mor is a symptom of the show’s
met their father in a series of flash- underlying problem of underde-
backs. Like many sitcoms, the first velopment. There are no inside
few episodes show evidence of the jokes or comfortable rapport to
creators stumbling to find what walk in on.
the show’s tone will be. Instead of viewing the dynam-
“How I Met Your Father” ics and charm of a fully formed
stars Hilary Duff (“Younger”) friend group that has known
as a young Sophie; her character each other for years, the audience Photo courtesy of Hulu
is a photographer in New York has the uncomfortable role of The cast of “How I Met Your Father” stars former Disney channel star Hilary
City, hopelessly romantic but watching this group form. Duff. The spin-off of “How I Met Your Mother” has been met with mixed reviews.
also tired of the dating scene. Critics of the show in the You-
Playing Sophie’s “will they won’t Tube comment section of clips ing to unrealistic circumstances es will stick around to see this er for shows to be condensed and
they’’ counterpart is Chris Low- from the show voice an opinion (as seen in “the Office”) or hav- redirection remains to be seen. thought out.
ell (“Promising Young Wom- that the show is “pretty people ing more eccentric characters The show’s predecessor, HI- The show earns three stars. It
an”) as Jesse, a former musician failing to be relatable.” in realistic circumstances (as seen MYM, came out on a time is a comfortable show to play
and current music teacher and However, most shows cast in “New Girl”), each character of cable television; the act of while trying to study or when
Uber driver. pretty people; the difference has an uncomfortable balance changing the channel at 8:45 p.m. very tired, but it does not
So far, Sophie’s role as naive is that most shows also pres- of relatability and caricature to watch the latest episode of a yet have the quality that would
over-optimist counters Jesse’s ent these characters in a state of that reminds the viewer how more popular series coming on make it suitable to watch in
cynical moral compass, but as the suspension of disbelief that unrealistic this situation at 9 p.m. would naturally lead groups, rewatch or quote.
show progresses, these character- allows audiences to for- and dynamic is. viewers to give shows multiple While “How I Met Your
izations will likely grow beyond get that they are These flaws of underdevel- tries. This practice allowed for Father” has potential, the
these typical tropes of the genre. pretty. “How I Met Your Father” opment are common to the sitcoms to find their footwork. creators are so focused on
In the pilot, Sophie meets Jesse fails to do this task. first season of many success- With the interface of stream- it becoming a classic that they
in the first episode through a plot Instead of splitting the cast ful series and can be resolved ing and the plethora of options forget they first need to make
device many romantic comedy into relatable characters react- in time, but whether audienc- available, the expectation is high- it a comedy.
14 • January 4, 2022• technique // ENTERTAINMENT

Scream welcomes fifth movie to the franchise

Scream 5

GENRE: Horror

DIRECTOR: Matt Bettinelli-

Olpen, Tyler Gillett
STARRING: Jenna Ortega,
Courteney Cox, Dylan




For over twenty years, Scream

has made a name for itself as an
iconic slasher franchise. At a time
when horror movies were declin-
ing, 1996 introduced the first
Scream movie. This marked a new
revival of the slasher era and has
continued to influence the hor-
ror scene throughout the years.
However, there comes a point in Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures
every horror franchise when it is The Ghostface mask returns to the screen in Scream’s fifth installment to their franchise. With a new
time to turn in the mask and let killer donning the iconic costume, the 2022 film updates classic tropes for the current generation.
go of the story, which is hopefully
the writer’s plan with the newest Cox and David Arquette reprise face would follow her and no lon- suspense and not let the R-rating As a Scream fan, I watch the
Scream movie. their roles for the fifth time as ger wants help protecting Tara. go to waste. franchise for the slasher thriller
Rather than continuing the ti- the legendary Sydney Prescott, This made no sense, especially The best parts of the movie, and am not looking for a comedy
tle trend with Scream 5, this new Gale Weathers and Dewey Riley since she was the reason Dewy, deemed ‘the best’ by the amount movie that has a side of horror.
film is titled Scream, just as the to help face off against Ghostface. Sydney, and Gale traveled back of cheering from the audience, This film also seems to continu-
original. The new Scream movie is I was shocked, though, to see the to Woodsboro. were in the gruesome Ghostface ously break the fourth wall. The
the franchises’ “requel,” meaning secret return of one of the fran- Ghostface’s reveal and motives attacks. These scenes were full of new characters are a group of teen-
the sequel that is meant to con- chise’s most notorious characters are one of the worst in Scream’s stab wounds, graphic knife at- agers just as they were in the origi-
tinue the storyline while revisiting This surprising appearance history, just above the horren- tacks, and pools of blood; the per- nal movie. However, these teenag-
and resembling the first movie. explains the reason for Ghost- dous season 3 ending of MTV’s fect recipe for a slasher. ers mock the horror movie logic,
Just as the original did, Scream face’s return; and, as the storyline series. It felt rushed and point- As there has been a rise in verbally questioning each other’s
begins with Tara (Jenna Ortega), a unravels, the audience is drawn less. I understand that the end- comedy throughout the film in- motives and analyzing how every
parody of the first-ever Ghostface deeper into the web of lies spun ing is meant to signify how fan- dustry, Scream adopted its own action and word could explain
victim Casey (Drew Barrymore), by Ghostface while experiencing doms can become outrageous and form of dark humor to satirize its how they are the killer. This type
answering a call asking the iconic the twists that built Scream into unreasonable, but it is also the storyline. Within the franchise, of commentary was effective in
line, “what’s your favorite scary the iconic slasher franchise it is ending of a slasher that deserves Scream created “Stab” as the fic- making me question every char-
movie?” Soon after, Ghostface known as today. some creativity. tional movie depicting Sydney acter, but also left the script bare
appears and chaos ensues as Tara The biggest problem I found Compared to more recent hor- Prescott’s face-off with Ghostface. of any substance. While long-time
becomes Ghostface’s first victim. with the movie was in its twisted ror films, Scream consists of a cli- “Stab” and its many sequels have fans of the franchise, like me, will
The film follows Sam (Melissa logic and sloppy conclusion. As che slasher storyline. Rather than appeared in Scream sequels since enjoy this requel, it definitely will
Barrera) and her boyfriend Richie everyone knows, horror movies competing to become elevated its second film. not be on the top of any must-see
(Jack Quaid) as she returns to are known for their own form of horror, meaning horror with un- I loved how the writers ac- lists. Having an overused sto-
Woodsboro after learning Tara ‘logic.’ Scream is no exception. derlying themes and social com- knowledge how their movie is ryline, rushed ending and poor
was attacked by Ghostface. As Sam, however, was one of the mentary, Scream sticks to the unnecessary and take a chance character craftsmanship, Scream’s
Ghostface continues to terrorize first characters who showed a dif- simple whodunnit scenes that it to mock the franchise, but the film seems more like a last-minute
the town, Sam calls upon famil- ferent type of logic. She went and is known for. Horror fans of all constant jokes are a stark contrast decision than a planned out mov-
iar faces to help protect her family found the Scream veterans and kinds can appreciate the level of from the ominous atmosphere ie. Hopefully, this will be the final
and end the killing spree. asked them to help her protect her bloody gore brought into the film. horror films thrive on. Because curtain for Scream, and the town
As a Scream fan, I was happy family. One scene later, though, By sticking with a simple story- of this, the movie felt more like a of Woodsboro, along with horror
to see Neve Cambell, Courtney she decides there’s no way Ghost- line, Scream is able to perfect the project than a theater film. fans, can see the end of Ghostface.
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • February 4, 2022• 15

‘Return to Hogwarts:’ castle inhabited again


Harry Potter: 20th

Anniversary: Return to
STARRING: Daniel Radcliffe,
Emma Watson, Rupert Grint




Two decades after the release

of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone (2001), many of the origi-
nal cast members gathered for a
reunion special. The iconic and
magical movie based on J.K. Row- Photo courtesy of Hulu
ling’s bestselling book series is Emma Watson, known her iconic role as Hermione Granger, shares a heart-to-heart with Robbie
the first of eight films in the Coltrane, who plays Hogwarts’s beloved Hagrid, during the Hulu special ‘Return to Hogwarts’ on Jan. 1.
franchise that spawned an eter-
nal fanbase. Harry Potter 20th “They probably made their with Radcliffe even describing tunately, the genuine support potentially contributed to her ab-
Anniversary: Return to Hog- jobs harder for themselves by let- the film as “peak hormone” for of the fans led Watson to stay sence from the reunion.
warts premiered on Jan. 1, ting us have as much fun as we him. The entrance to the Yule with the series. Still, the films have become
on HBOMax. had because it distracted us from Ball was Hermione’s “duckling- Jason Isaacs (Lucius Mal- a home for whimsy, friendship
Over the years, the starring the work we were supposed to be becomes-a-swan moment,” foy) originally auditioned for a and growing up. They remain
children Daniel Radcliffe (Har- doing,” Radcliffe said. according to Watson. different role. After being Cap- a comfort for those that don’t
ry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron Highly anticipated by fans “There was just like all of this tain Hook in Peter Pan (2003), feel they belong.
Weasley) and Emma Watson were the unheard stories from pressure suddenly,” Watson said. Isaacs was against playing another “The movies kind of gave
(Hermione Granger) have grown the Harry Potter set. In the spe- She even tripped on the stairs dur- children’s villain. people permission to accept
up, and some of the beloved Hog- cial, Radcliffe recalled when the ing the entrance. “I’m convinced I ended up parts of themselves,” Evanna
warts School of Witchcraft and floating candles in the Great Hall Watson admitted to having a playing Lucius because I didn’t Lynch, who plays the wispy and
Wizardry teachers have passed began to burn through the clear crush on Tom Felton (Draco Mal- want to,” Isaacs said. “They asked quirky Luna Lovegood, said.
away. The special featured an fishing wire they were originally foy) early on and would look for me to play Lucius, and thank “So it was quite liberating to see
in memoriam celebrating the hung from and fell to the ground his number on the call sheet when god they did.” your oddness as a superpower
lives of Alan Rickman (Severus as one of his “favorite moments filming. Felton, who is three years Felton, who played Isaacs’ on- represented on-screen.”
Snape), Richard Griffiths (Ver- on set ever.” older than Watson, was protective screen son, saw that Isaacs was Its celebration of outli-
non Dursley), Helen McCrory Many fans feel they grew up of her and has “always had a soft able to quickly transform into ers, imagination and limit-
(Narcissa Malfoy), Richard Har- with the films and the charac- spot for her.” his dark character. less possibilities is the true
ris (Albus Dumbledore) and Sir ters, but so do the actors. Bon- “Nothing has ever ever ever “He’d be this evil father and magic that makes the franchise
John Hurt (Garrick Ollivander), nie Wright (Ginny Weasley) said ever happened romantically then they’d say cut, and he’ll so personable and easy to
among others. that Harry Potter and the Gob- with us,” Watson said regarding come and give you a cuddle,” indulge in. Robbie Coltrane
Unsurprising given the young let of Fire (2005) was “all about their relationship. “We just love said Felton. (Hagrid) knows the sto-
cast, there were lots of antics on teenagers having crushes for the each other.” The author of the “Harry Pot- ry of Harry Potter
set seen in behind-the-scenes first time.” Watson revealed that she ter” books, J.K. Rowling, was will endure.
footage. Luckily, according to She shared that there were contemplated leaving the fran- featured in the special via clips “People will be watching
Radcliffe in the reunion special, crushes and relationships on set, chise after the first four movies. from 2019 interviews. in 50 years time, yes,” Col-
director Chris Columbus was making Goblet of Fire very re- The depths of young fame made Her controversial comments trane said. “I’ll not be here
“terrific with [kids].” latable for the cast at the time, her feel lonely and scared. For- regarding transgender rights sadly … but Hagrid will.”
16 • January 4, 2022• technique // COMICS

Sarah’s Scribbles by Sarah Ander- Lio by Mark Tatulli

In the Bleachers by Steve

SMBC by Zach Weinersmith


TECH TALES by Taylor Gray
// COMICS technique • February 4, 2022• 17

Blondie by Chic Young

Pearls before Swine by Stephen Pas- LunarBaboon by Christopher Grady

XKCD by Randall Munroe

18 • February 4, 2022• technique // SPORTS

Tech men’s hoops beats FSU, falls to Miami

(19 points) sealed the Seminoles they could not contain the Hur- lation before they could mount The loss dropped the Jackets’
MICAH MAXIE fate, with freshman Deebo Cole- ricanes consistent scoring pace. In a rally from behind. The game record to 9-11 as the team hopes
CONTRIBUTING WRITER man also contributing 14 points addition, Tech struggled through- ended as a 73-62 Hurricanes win. to get back on track on Wednes-
from off the bench. Florida State’s out the game from the free throw Khalid Moore led the way in scor- day, Feb. 2 when they will travel
On Wednesday, Jan. 26 Tech late game rally was stifled by the line. The Jackets converted only ing with 19 while Usher recorded to compete against the Virginia
men’s basketball (8-10) hosted Jackets, and the Tech victory was 30 percent of their free throws and a double-double with 15 points Tech Hokies followed by a home
their ACC opponent, Florida capped off by a highlight ankle- ultimately ran out of time in regu- and 10 rebounds. game against Clemson.
State Seminoles at McCamish breaking play from junior guard,
Pavilion. The Florida State men’s Kyle Sturdivant, who finished the
basketball team (13-5) was en- game with 12 points. This was a
joying a six-game winning streak significant win for the men’s bas-
heading into this matchup while ketball team, who looked to con-
the Tech team has struggled in tinue their streak Saturday against
conference play this season. Nev- the Miami Hurricanes.
ertheless, the Jackets pulled out The Tech men’s basketball
a decisive 75-61 victory against team (9-10) fell short on Saturday
the Seminoles. in their contest against the 15-5
Florida State began to pull Miami Hurricanes. The Jack-
away early on after dominating ets hosted this matchup at Mc-
the boards in the first half and Camish Pavilion but trailed much
capitalizing on multiple easy put of the game against their ACC
backs. However, once Tech got opponents, who were coming off
settled in on defense, the team a recent victory against Virginia
narrowed the deficit with a col- Tech. Tech was able to maintain
lection of forced turnovers and an competitive intensity throughout
offensive surge. the game as they narrowed the
Eventually, the gap was closed gap to within five before a Miami
with Tech leading 44-33 at half- three-pointer at the end of the first
time after shooting 42% from half extended the Hurricane lead
three. Scoring from team lead- to 36-28. Photo by Tuna Ergan Student Publications
ers senior Michael Devoe (15 The Jackets’ defensive struggles Sophomore guard Deivon Smith (5) drives inside during the loss to Miami. The Jackets came off of
points) and senior Jordan Usher continued into the second half as their third straight win versus FSU but could not overcome shooting woes against the Hurricanes.

SHORTS FROM 20 5000m, while Moore once again tional and Doc Hale Elite Meet, light with her program-record 50 and 100 free while senior Clark
won the pole vault. The men’s taking place in Winston Salem, setting 200 IM time, a 1:59.79 Wakeland won the 200 free. Se-
finishing first in the men’s 5000m and women’s distance medley NC and Blacksburg, VA respec- time that also qualified her for an niors Morgan Johnson, Jami Wil-
and second in the women’s relay teams both finished in the tively. Both meets will be held on NCAA B cut. Campbell also won liams and Emily Graham won
5000m respectively. top three as well, with the men Feb. 4-5. the 200 fly. Joining her in win- the 1000 free, 100 back and 100
Tech headed to Clemson, SC finishing second and the women ning multiple events was junior breast respectively to round out
for the Bob Pollock Invitational taking third. SWIM AND DIVE Brooke Switzer, who won the 200 the senior top finishers.
the next weekend. Senior Nicole In a quieter final day, Tech Tech swimming and diving fi- and 500 free. Senior Camryn Hi- Tech’s next event is the Yellow
Fegans rewrote her own school re- had three top-ten finishers on the nally got their spring slate started dalgo was the star for Tech diving, Jacket Invitational, taking place
cord for women’s mile time with a track. Sophomore Alex Thom- on Jan. 28 after multiple canceled winning the 1-meter board event. at home on Feb. 11-12. The ACC
4:37.88 time, besting her old mark as secured fifth in the men’s events. The women’s team faced The Jackets hosted Gardner- Championships are at McAu-
by over three seconds en route to a 800m and seniors Liz Galarza Tulane and Arkansas in a dual Webb the following day as the men ley Aquatic Center as well on
fourth place finish. The mile time and Claire Moritz were seventh meet and split the event, beat- kicked off their spring. The team Feb. 15-19.
is one of eight school track re- and eighth respectively in the ing Tulane but narrowly falling celebrated senior day, and several Tech men’s swim is cur-
cords she holds. Sophomores Katy women’s 3000m. to Arkansas. seniors helped both the men’s and rently ranked No. 21 in the
Earwood and Kenzie Walls took The next meets for the Jackets Junior McKenzie Campbell women’s teams beat the Bulldogs. CSCAA poll, one of a handful of
the top two spots in the women’s are the JDL Camel City Invita- provided the day’s biggest high- Senior Tyler Branscombe won the ACC squads.
// SPORTS technique • February 4, 2022• 19

Rams, Bengals win conference championships

The following week, both teams Evan McPherson with a long with a dump off pass from Joe up no points the entire half and
JOSHUA SEXTON continued their journey towards game winning field goal attempt Burrow turning into a 41 yard the team had just taken a 24-21
CONTRIBUTING WRITER the super bowl with thrilling vic- from 52 yards out. McPherson touchdown scored by backup lead after a McPherson field goal
tories in their divisional round made the difficult kick and sent running back Samaje Perine. The with about six minutes left to play.
The stage is set for Super Bowl games. The Rams were given the the Bengals into the AFC cham- Chiefs had another opportunity The Chiefs weren’t done yet
LVI. The AFC champs Cincin- task of trying to upset quarter- pionship game. to score right before halftime and though. They drove down the
nati Bengals will take on the back Tom Brady and the Tampa This past Sunday, Jan. 30, both got all the way down to the Ben- field, wasted the clock, and set up
Los Angeles Rams of the NFC Bay Buccaneers. The Rams caught teams had strong showings yet gal one-yard line, but after failing former Tech kicker Harrison But-
in Sofi Stadium on Sunday, Feb. fire quickly, leading the defending again in the entertaining confer- to score on the previous play, with ker with a 44 yard field goal to tie
13. Both teams were able to suc- Super Bowl champions 20-3 at ence championship games. The no timeouts, and five seconds on the game. Just as Butker used to
cessfully navigate the ups and the halftime. The Rams further ex- Rams were put to the test against the clock, the Chiefs took a risk do as a student athlete at Tech, he
downs of the playoffs and have tended their lead halfway through another division rival, the Jimmy and opted to not take the field drilled the kick and sent the game
reached the ultimate goal for ev- the third quarter with a rushing Garoppolo led San Francisco goal. They drew up a play to at- to overtime.
ery NFL franchise. touchdown by quarterback Mat- 49ers. The pace of the game was tempt a touchdown that fell just The Chiefs won the coin toss
During the NFL Wild Card thew Stafford from a yard away slow and methodical as both de- short, but they had a 21-10 lead and the fans erupted as though
round of the playoffs, the Los to bring the score to 27-3. From fenses were able to stifle the op- going into the half. they had already won, but the
Angeles Rams were slated to play then on it was Brady and the Buc- posing offenses. The Rams put In the second half, Joe Bur- Bengals defense had other plans.
against division rivals, the Ari- caneers who came roaring back, together a long 20 play drive that row and the Bengals were not to Four plays into the first over-
zona Cardinals. The Rams easily scoring 24 unanswered points of ended in a Kupp touchdown re- be denied. Burrow threw another time drive, the defense forced a
beat the Cardinals after jumping their own and tying the game up ception early in the second quar- touchdown, this time to Ja’Marr Mahomes interception and set
out to a 21-0 halftime lead. The with 46 seconds left in the contest. ter but were down 10-7 at half- Chase, and the offense was able to the Bengals up in prime field
Rams found success in their rush- The Rams finally broke through time with momentum favoring score 14 points in the second half. position. A few plays later, Evan
ing attack where running backs in crunch time with two massive the 49ers. San Francisco then ex- Defensively, the Bengals had im- McPherson hit a chip shot field
Cam Akers and Sony Michel pass completions to NFL-leading tended their lead to ten points af- proved drastically from their first goal to win the game and send the
rushed for 113 combined yards receiver, Cooper Kupp, setting up ter a touchdown pass to tight end half performance. They had given Bengals to the Super Bowl.
along with 22 more yards and a their kicker Matt Gay with a 30 George Kittle.
rushing touchdown from quar- yard game winning field goal. As At the end of the third quarter
terback Matthew Stafford. The time expired, Gay snuck the field the Rams were losing 17-7. Staf-
Cardinals picked up steam in the goal inside the left upright for the ford began the Rams comeback by
second half and finally scored, but Rams to stun the Bucs and move engineering another drive which
their efforts were not enough. The on to the NFC Championship. led to a second Kupp touchdown
final score of the game was 34-11 The Bengals had their hands reception. The Rams were able to
after the Rams shut down any full in their divisional matchup as take a lead in the fourth with two
hopes of a Cardinal comeback. well as they had to play the Ten- field goals from Gay. Now it was
The Bengals had a tougher nessee Titans coming off a first the 49ers quarterback, Garrapo-
time with their wildcard oppo- round bye. The Bengals offense lo’s turn to attempt a comeback.
nent, the Las Vegas Raiders. The was able to move the ball with The Rams gave him no chance
Bengals were unable to get a lot help from rookie wide receiver though, and All-Pro defensive
going on offense but found them- Ja’Marr Chase, with an impressive tackle Aaron Donald forced an
selves with a seven point lead at 109 receiving yard performance, errant throw three plays into the
halftime in large part due to a but they were only able to score drive which turned into the game
strip sack of the Raiders’ quarter- one touchdown the entire game sealing interception for the Rams
back by Trey Hendrickson, the and relied on field goals for most with just over a minute left on the
Bengals star defensive end. The of their points. The Titans defense clock. Stafford took a kneel three
game came down to the wire late was also giving the Bengals fits, times and the Rams punched a
in the fourth quarter as Derek sacking quarterback Joe Burrow ticket to the Super Bowl in their
Carr, Las Vegas’ quarterback, led nine times throughout the game. home stadium.
the Raiders inside the Bengals’ The Bengals defense created havoc The Bengals had the privilege
ten-yard line with 30 seconds left of their own though as they were of traveling to Kansas City where
on the clock and a chance to tie able to intercept three passes from they would take on All-Pro quar-
the game with a touchdown. The Titans quarterback Ryan Tanne- terback Patrick Mahomes and the
Bengals defense mustered a goal hill. The final interception forced Chiefs. The Chiefs dominated the
line stand though, intercepting was during an attempted game Bengals early and had a 21-3 lead
Carr on fourth down and ulti- winning drive with 28 seconds late in the second quarter. With
mately winning the game for the left and the game knotted at 16- just under five minutes left on the Photo courtesy of Christian Petersen Getty Images
team as the Bengals held off the 16. The Bengals quickly gained clock, Cincinnati drove down the Rams quarterback Matthew Stafford celebrates after
Raiders 26-19. 19 yards and set up rookie kicker field and finally broke through leading Los Angeles to the Super Bowl against the Bengals.
SPORTS EDITOR: MBB vs. FSU, Miami technique
Will Fuss
Jack Purdy
Men's basketball wins their third
straight game matchup with the Semi-
[email protected] February 4, 2022

Tennis, track and field, swim pick up wins

pra won their doubles match for The men’s and women’s es by Jackets across both track and Jumpers led Tech on day two,
Tech’s only doubles win of the teams’ next opponent is Auburn field events. Senior Olivia Moore with three top-five finishers in the
day. Tech won the matchup de- on Feb. 4 at the Ken Byers Ten- had the highest finish of any Tech women’s long jump, including se-
spite forfeit losses in the bottom nis Complex. The women begin athlete with her second-place pole nior Taylor Grimes’ 5.84m leap
slot for both singles and doubles. play at 4pm followed by the men vault effort at a height of 4.05m. for first place. Sophomore Shanty
The Jackets then traveled to at 5pm.SS Junior Lydia Troupe was Tech’s Papakosta was third overall and
Charlottesville for the ITA Kick- other podium finisher with her second among attached athletes
off Weekend starting on Jan. 29, TRACK AND FIELD third place finish in the 400m for high jump with her 1.78m
where they opened with a win Tech track and field traveled with a 57.45 time. Senior William mark. Freshman Ethan Curnow
against MTSU. Martin once to Columbia, SC for the Carolina O’Reilly was the men’s top fin- and senior Clay McKnight led the
again handled his singles oppo- Challenge on Jan. 21-22. Day one isher, taking fourth in the 3000m distance runners for the Jackets,
nent in straight sets, and sopho- saw nearly a dozen top-ten finish- at 8:36.19. See SHORTS, page 18
more Chen Dong pulled off the
win over a ranked opponent for
one of Tech’s four singles wins.
WILL FUSS Martin and McDaniel continued
SPORTS EDITOR their success with Tech’s doubles
win for the day.
TENNIS Tech could not get past the
Tech men’s tennis has started Cavaliers to finish the weekend,
off the season hot, winning their suffering a 4-0 loss. Virginia’s five
first three matchups following the ranked singles players proved a
MLK Invitational before a loss to tough matchup, but Tech headed
sixth ranked Virginia. Their first home with a 3-1 team record.
match was against nearby Georgia Women’s tennis faced two
State on Jan. 21, where the Jackets tough opponents at home on Jan.
won 4-3. Singles play was high- 29-30, narrowly losing to both.
lighted by redshirt sophomore Tech faced Old Dominion first
Andres Martin, who is ranked and swept doubles play, with
ninth nationally among singles sophomore Carol Lee and fresh-
players, defeating his opponent in man Kate Sharabura only drop-
straight sets. ping a single game. ODU nar-
Redshirt sophomore Kes- rowly won the day on singles play,
hav Chopra and redshirt junior taking four of six matches, but
Pablo Schlechler each collected with only one of the wins coming
singles wins of their own. Tech in straight sets.
took the team win on the day by Tech faced No. 14 Michigan
sweeping their doubles matches, the next day and once again swept
including the first win of the doubles play. The 12th ranked
year for the third ranked duo of pairing of freshman Kylie Bilchev
Martin and redshirt sophomore and sophomore Ava Hrastar beat
Marcus McDaniel. their opponent without dropping
Two days later, the Jackets a game. Singles once again sank
took down The Citadel 5-2 on the the Jackets though, as Lee and Photo by Alex Dubé Student Publications
back of singles wins in spots one Sharabura were Tech’s only two Swimmers dive into the pool in unison during Tech’s meet with Tulane and
through five. Martin and Cho- solo victors. Arkansas on Jan. 28. Tech swim beat Tulane but fell to Arkansas in the dual meet.

Women’s basketball extends win streak

Eagles had made a couple buckets This game was heavily led by It was not a great night defen- They still hold the top spot in the
JACK PURDY to bite into the Jackets’ lead. senior sixth man Sarah Bates, sively for the Jackets, as this game NCAA for that ranking, but Al-
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR The Jackets had a slight scoring who put up 16 points to lead increased their scoring defense bany (NY) has closed the gap to
drought during the third quarter the Jackets, 12 of which came in average to 47.2 points per game. within two points.
The No. 14 Jackets were back that was quenched with a Cubaj the first half. All of her jumpers
at it in McCamish Pavilion on layup. Tech finished the third came from three point buckets.
January 27 for the next round of quarter with a 52-34 lead, and Her only non-three point attempt
ACC play against Boston College. comfortably held through the rest came at the free throw line in the
Sophomore Eylia Love led the of the game. second half.
charge in the first half, scoring 14 Coach Fortner brought in the The game ended up being an
points on 6-of-10 shooting, in- second unit with five minutes left offensive shootout, a kind of game
cluding one three pointer. in the game, which allowed the the Jackets tend to not try to play
By no means was it a clean Eagles to climb back enough to with Fortner’s defensive strategy.
half, as the Jackets did struggle where the first team came back Tech shot at least 50% in three of
with turnovers, ending the first in to put the final stamp down on four quarters, the only off quarter
half with eight, three of which by the game. Tech won 68-49. being the second when they shot
fifth-year Digna Strautmane. She “We really stuck to the scout- 36%. The Jackets only missed
was the only starter to play the ing report, and our coaches do three field goals in the entire sec-
entire half. a good job preparing us for the ond half.
Senior Lotta-Maj Lahtinen games,” said Love after her career While Clemson only held the
was given more rest time in the night, scoring 20 points. lead for five minutes in the first
first half, allowing freshman Eliz- About the defense, Fortner said half, they kept it close through-
abete Bulane to get some home post game “I think Boston Col- out the whole game. Tech was up
court minutes, recording two as- lege is really good about getting seven at halftime, and both teams
sists and a three pointer. downhill with the ball. We were scored 40 points in the second
Tech was up 35-20 at halftime, really concerned about that… half. The Tigers did cut the lead to
which all but effectively for the At the end of the day I think our one during the third quarter, but
Jackets was enough to win. It was size was something that had a wall Cubaj again came through with a
just a matter of how large they kind of feature as [Boston Col- clutch layup near the end of the
would expand the lead in the sec- lege] tried to attack the basket.” quarter to keep Clemson at bay.
ond half, and possibly even lower The Jackets then began a four- Tech pulled away with a 69-
their scoring defense number. game road trip at the Littlejohn 62 win. Cubaj finished with a 12
Senior Lorela Cubaj reached 10 Coliseum to visit Clemson on Jan. point, 10 rebound double-double.
rebounds before the third quarter 30, the first of two games Tech No other Jacket had more than Photo by Alex Dubé Student Publications
was half over. A Lahtinen three plays against the Tigers within a three rebounds. Both squads also Lotta-Maj Lahtinen launches from deep in the Jackets’ win over
pushed the lead to 15 after the month-long span. scored 32 points in the paint. Boston College, their third win in an active five-game win streak.

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