Volume 103, Issue 14
Volume 103, Issue 14
Volume 103, Issue 14
. .
before Okogie dislocated a finger son received when self-reporting ment, at least in theory. Tech basketball coach Josh Pastner patrols the sideline. Past-
in an exhibition versus Georgia its violations to the NCAA. See BENEFITS, page 21 ners program has been implicated in a recent benefits scandal.
Living Building Launch technique
Casey Miles
Jonathan Jeffrey
This past week Tech launched construction
the Kendeda Building for Innovative Friday,
Sustainable Design.44 November 10, 2017
[email protected]
then escaped by running out of tigate the incident, and after a to the attorney representing the One student, who gave a false
the house. license search through a crime student and also to the Dean of name and date of birth, was issued
The student was caught in database, the vehicles owner was Students office. an additional Student Code of
front of Klaus by a security guard identified and determined to be a Conduct violation for giving false
hired by Phi Kappa Theta. Tech student. MY NAME IS JEFF information to an officer.
When the GTPD officer ar- A reviewal of videotape re- On Friday, Nov. 3 at 12:48
rived, he photographed the sus- vealed that the vehicle left the a.m., two GTPD officers respond- FRESHMAN FIFTEEN
pects hands and the damage to parking area at 10:34 a.m., after ed to a noise complaint originat- On Sunday, Oct. 29 at 3:15
the wall, which he described as a the booted tire was removed and ing from North Avenue South. a.m., a GTPD officer responded
small indentation in the drywall replaced with a spare. When the officers arrived on to a student passed out in a rest-
about 4 inches by 3 inches. After the GTPD officer left a scene, they observed a large group room in Hopkins Residence Hall.
The fraternity house manager message on the parking offenders of people leaving an apartment The student told the officer
completed a handwritten state- voicemail, an attorney represent- that was hosting a loud party. that he drank approximately 15
ment that said Phi Kappa Theta ing the student contacted the in- Upon entering the room, the shots while he was drinking with
declined to pursue prosecution vestigating officer, inquiring what officers found that five individu- friends at the Towers Residence
JONATHAN JEFFREY against the offender. parking fines the student owed als remained one of whom was Hall, and that he had thrown up
ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR and whether the student would be pretending to be asleep. However, before the officer arrived.
BOOT BREAKER prosecuted criminally. the student pretending to be asleep The student repeatedly stated
PUNCH OUT On Friday, Oct. 27, at 8:33 The GTPD officer then fol- gave up and cooperated with the that this was only his second time
On Saturday, Oct. 28, at 12:59 a.m., a PTS employee placed a lowed up with PTS, who advised police, sharing that she and all of drinking ever.
a.m., a GTPD officer was dis- parking boot on a grey car to pre- that the student owed $660 and her roommates had hosted a party After Grady EMS arrived on
patched to the Klaus Advanced vent its movement, and placed the that they did not want to pursue that evening. scene and performed a medical
Computing building in order to car on schedule to be towed. criminal charges because the of- GTPD found several plastic check of the student, they advised
respond to an offender who dam- However, when the employee fender was a student. Additionally cups and shot glasses throughout that he did not need to be trans-
aged property at Phi Kappa Theta returned in the afternoon at 3:45, if the student did not damage the the room, as well as an empty ported to a hospital.
fraternity. the car and the $125 parking boot, he could return it for no fee wine bottle and a malt beverage, The student was given a Stu-
Earlier in the night during a boot attached to it were no- and only pay the $435 in parking which were disposed of. dent Code of Conduct violation
party, a student punched a hole in where to be seen. fines. Each student received a stu- for Possession of Alcohol under
the wall in the second floor of the A GTPD officer was dis- The investigating officer for- dent code of conduct for the pres- 21, was cleaned up and released to
Phi Kappa Theta fraternity and patched at 4:12 p.m. to inves- warded the requested information ence of alcohol while underage. the care of roommates.
ach week, this section of BRIEF BUDGET WORRIES We have this issue when we FRENCH DAY FUNDING
News will include coverage The Undergraduate House of overspend and then panic and we For the first year, French club
of different aspects of bills Representatives had a brief scare cut whatever we think we can, he asked for funding from SGA for
and resolutions that have passed regarding its budget this year. said. These two bills are program their French Day event. The day
through Student Government. This
Experienced reps were not phased and travel fees. If you cut these, includes speakers and films from
when Carson Silbert, VP of Fi- we will have to cut everybodys students, an Eiffel Tower art con-
will include the Undergraduate
nance, mentioned that UHR was because we have to treat orgs test and cultural food. The organi-
House of Representatives, Graduate currently over budget. the same. zation was asking for funding for
Student Senate and the Executive The comments came on a bill Following Smith, Rep Luehm, cultural food, decorations, flyers,
Branch of both government bodies. for the MBA Net Impact/Philan- one of the newer reps, made his chalk and Facebook ads.
thropy St. Bernard Project trip, confusion with the budget clear. Much of the debate surround-
GRANT LARKIN an annual trip to New Orleans, I am new here and I am not ing the bill came around whether
SGA CORRESPONDENT LA to help with rebuilding homes sure how this whole budget thing UHR should cut the Facebook
destroyed in Hurricane Katrina. works, he said, ... I was just ads from the bill. Rep Scott mo-
BILL SUMMARY Rep Luehm wanted to pull the bill
from fast track to talk about the
trying to find a way to keep us
on track.
tioned for the cutting of the ads.
This is a new thing, funding
BILL AMOUNT GSS UHR amount of spending on the bill. After that, the discussion re- for Facebook ads, said Rep Siel-
Rep. Sieling raised concerns- sumed and nothing was done ing. I think they have been really
French Day $527.63 n/a 34-0-0 about the amount of money being about removing the bill from the successful in the past. I am against
St Bernard Project Trip $1,506.20 23-0-0 37-0-0 spent per student on the bill. new fast track. this motion.
Shaam E Rang Performance $1,888.88 23-0-0 35-0-0 We are over budget, but I just Im sorry I scared you guys, If weve already funded a
Dance Company Ferst Center Rental $1,439.25 25-0-1 34-0-1 wanted you to be aware, Silbert Silbert said. We have money Facebook ad in the past, could
2017 GT Korea Week $1,700 26-0-0 35-0-0 said. We usually spend more in that we recapture when orgs dont we get in trouble with precedent?
GT Off Road $9,302.47 26-0-0 35-0-1
the Fall ... I think it would be spend some of the money. If an org asked Rep Thomson.
very unfair to this org if we were doesnt spend it, it comes straight Yes. ... We have funded three
Berry College Horse Leases $400 23-0-0 35-0-0 to cut it down to a per person cap back to us. We have a cushion. We of these this Fall, the VP of Fi-
ATL Tanishq Fall Competitions $2,262.72 22-3-1 34-2-1 of $40. dont want to rely on this cushion nance said.
AASU: Black Leadership Conference $2,500 18-0-0 36-0-0 Rep Smith was unconcerned so we have to be fiscally respon- After coming to the consensus
Speed reading workshop $1,500 23-0-0 15-20-1 and tried to make clear what the sible, but SGA is not going to be that this would go against prec-
best course of action would be. like, Sorry were closed. edent, the motion failed.
Do you think that doing alcohol
is cool?
Michael Scott Friday,
November 10, 2017
Roy Paul
Raul Pino
8 November 10, 2017 technique // OPINIONS
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// COMICS technique November 10, 2017 19
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BENEFITS FROM PAGE 1 But the more evidence that How trustworthy is Ron Bell? headed thousands of miles east to Tech, the complexion of the last
comes to light, the less likely it The perspective on Bells claims Memphis. In an unlisted YouTube week changes altogether. Bell goes
Programs hope that being seems that Tech reported the full likely depends on whether one video posted by Bell, Pastner calls from a difficult-to-believe former
forthcoming will ease the brunt of extent to which the players re- believes the narrator. Bell has Bell and his girlfriend part of our friend of Techs head coach with
the NCAA when its evaluation is ceived benefits from Bell. A WSB- certainly been unequivocal in his family. All the Tigers, we love a grudge to a whistleblower. Past-
complete. If Tech was forthcom- TV report from this past week, statements, and none of the alle- you both, he adds. Other videos ners reputation would be devas-
ing in its report to the NCAA and which included an interview with gations he makes are directly dis- show Bell watching the handshake tated if he is a compliant coach.
the players in fact only received Bell, claimed that the benefits puted by evidence that has been line from nearby after a game and
around $1,200 in benefits com- could range as high as $2,500, released (although many, such attending Pastners practices. What are the reverberations?
bined, the organization would double that original figure. as his statement that Pastner was In terms of access, Bell is vir- For obvious reasons, Pastner
likely recommend a maximum Bell provided receipts of plane complicit, are yet to be affirma- tually unimpeachable. But he and his staff will be at the center of
suspension of 30 percent of the tickets for Okogie and Jackson, tively supported). was clearly emotionally turbulent the upcoming investigation. Since
season, according to myAJC.com. not included in Techs report. If Bell also clearly has a close re- enough to be angered by Past- Bell claims that his relationship
That would be painful but ul- authentic, these receipts throw a lationship with Pastner, which ner neglecting to call him on his with Pastner long outlives Past-
timately bearable for the Jackets; wrench into Tech athletics story reportedly stretches back to Past- birthday. There is a credibility is- ners time at Tech (and given that
Okogie and Jackson would be able and will rightly draw the question ners time as a player at the Uni- sue at stake, and it will color the he claims that he performed simi-
to play most, if not all, of the con- of whether Tech was forthright or versity of Arizona. His support way that fans and investigators lar acts for players at Memphis),
ference schedule. not in its report. remained unwavering as Pastner view the scandal. the Tigers may also find their past
under increased scrutiny.
What did the administration Bell himself may not go un-
know? When did they know it? scathed. In 2015, the Georgia state
The answer to this question is legislature passed House Bill 3.
perhaps the most important deter- The bill, which passed with broad
minant of how severely Tech is hit bipartisan support, says that no
by sanctions. If Pastner and the person shall give, offer, promise,
Tech administration had no idea or attempt to give any money or
that Bell was providing benefits other thing of value to a student-
to Okogie and Stephens, the situ- athlete ... to induce, encourage,
ation looks more like negligence or reward the student-athletes
on the Jackets behalf than active participation in an intercollegiate
noncompliance. It would certain- sporting event.
ly play better to the NCAA. The law makes such a viola-
But Bell claims not only that tion punishable by up to one year
Pastner was aware but also that he in prison and offers academic in-
explicitly asked Bell to compen- stitutions recourse to recover any
sate players, according to CBSS- lost revenue from sanctions im-
ports.com. In fact, one of his posed as a result of such conduct.
primary grievances with Pastner It is unlikely that Bell will face jail
is that he felt that he should have time that would be a bad look
been compensated for his work. if the claims he made in fact turn
Logically, the recent report out to be substantial but he
that Bell also paid for plane tick- will likely face some sort of con-
ets for Okogie and Jackson makes sequence for inducing Okogie and
it difficult to believe that the Jack- Jackson to skirt the rules.
ets were fully aware of the extent Friday nights basketball game
of Bells work. After all, the most in China will pit a Tech team
strategic move (assuming that without Okogie and Jackson
they had all necessary informa- against a UCLA team missing
tion) would have been to admit to three of its top players, who were
all payments in the original self- arrested for shoplifting in a Louis
report, those tickets included. Vuitton store in Shanghai. Both
But if these claims are actually stories will certainly outlast the
Photos by Casey Miles Student Publications true, and if Pastner and his team game. Techs will define the direc-
Guards Josh Okogie (left) and Tadric Jackson (right) play against Florida State. Okogie and worked to recruit players or keep tion of the basketball program in
Jackson have both been implicated in an impermissible benefits claim submitted to the NCAA. players happy once they were at the Pastner era.
22 November 10, 2017 technique // SPORTS
In todays day and age, we con- So, we are confronted with the are rewarded handsomely, and whether or not the payouts, the
sider the practices of the Romans dilemma: what can we do with they can walk away at any time fame and the fortune are worth
using slaves and prisoners to the sport that so many enjoy so indeed, many have. Ravens line- the long-term risks.
stage mock battles to the death for much? Fall Saturdays in the South man John Urschel once said that, When bowl season rolls around
entertainment as nothing short are based almost ritualistically despite the dangers football poses this year, well be watching. From
of barbaric. But given footballs around football. The Super Bowl to him, that he played because the GOBUYMEFLOWERS.com
brutal history, perhaps assuming is the most watched sporting [he] loves the game in an op-ed Pink Carnation Bowl (were only
such a stance makes us nothing event in the United States every at ThePlayersTribune.com. slightly kidding) to the national
but hypocrites. single year, without fail. Entire Theres a rush you get when championship, we will witness ev-
In spite of advancements of television networks have round you go out on the field, lay every- ery moment.
technology in safety equipment the clock coverage of nothing but thing on the line, and physically We will cheer for the insane
for football players since the sport football. But we cannot, try as we dominate the player across from catches, we will groan as we watch
began, football is still deadly to might, have football without the you, Urschel wrote. That is why safeties lay crushing hits on re-
those who play it. Players dont die traumas that players must incur. many still play today (though Ur- ceivers who have the temerity to
a brutal, gory death on the battle- But football differs greatly schel retired earlier this year after cross the field, we will laugh as
field, as in Roman times; instead, from the gladiatorial sports of the another CTE report emerged). red-faced coaches sputter out ar-
they succumb quietly to neurolog- past in that the players willingly Its a risk that players assume, guments with nonplussed referees.
ical trauma years afterward. participate in this activity. They and they must ask themselves But maybe we will watch it all
JOHN EDWARDS, with a heightened sense of appre-
HARSHA SRIDHAR ciation for the sacrifice these play-
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR, ers are making not just of time
SPORTS EDITOR and opportunity cost but of their
bodies. Maybe we will remem-
Theres this old, maybe apocry- ber that the athletes we chide for
phal story about men sentenced to dropping passes (or lambast for
die by combat in Roman times. In missing a key block) are doing us
the center of the arena, they would a great service.
look up to the emperor, who was After all, no one is forcing you
watching the proceedings, and to turn the channel to ESPN or
they would say, Ave Imperator, spend hours watching highlights.
morituri te salutant. In the case of college football, the
Hail, Emperor. Those about to 22 men on the field at any given
die salute you. point are earning a combined zero
We are surely not the first to dollars for their play. The least we
compare American football to the can offer them is some gratitude,
sport of gladiator fighting, and we isnt it?
will not be the last, but the com- Morituri te salutant. Those
parison is still striking. Both are about to die salute you.
(or were) violent, brutish sports, No, football players are not
captivating a national audience, gladiators, no matter how many
with the competitors putting their are knocked unconscious on the
bodies and lives on the line to earn field of play, how many suffer
fame and fortune. from brain injuries or how many
In the wake of evidence that give up their physical primes for
football is inextricably linked to their dreams of being great and for
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopa- our entertainment. Its a voluntary
thy (CTE), a degenerative brain pursuit in which these young men
disease, one must question the Photo by Samuel Stewart Student Publications so boldly partake.
ethics of allowing athletes to put B-back KirVonte Benson is tackled by a Wake Forest defender during Techs homecoming game. But in the ways that matter,
themselves in such harm. Football is a brutal sport, and recent studies have demonstrated the effects of the violence. how big is the difference, really?
Jackets. Hokies.
gt factor vt
The Jackets running game Statistically speaking, the
continues to be the bright Hokies offense is like the
spot of their offense as they Jackets offense: Virginia Tech
average 332 rushing yards scores only 0.6 more points
per game, ranking third in the per game (32.6) and goes
nation. They will need to rely for about 15 more yards per
on it to move the chains and game (430). But Virginia Tech
dominate in time of posses- runs a more traditional offen-
sion to win the game rather sive style than the Jackets.
than force throwing the ball in The Hokies feature quarter-
inopportune situations as they back Josh Jackson, throwing
have done recently. for about 260 yards per game
What is arguably more im- (almost triple Techs passing
portant, however, is Tech average), and running back
maintaining momentum late in Travon McMillian, who has
games. In losses to Miami and posted 405 rushing yards this
Virginia, Techs offense came season. But turnovers and big
out dominating in point differ- outputs against weak teams
ential in the first two to three mean that these gaudy num-
quarters but lost steam late. bers are not all they seem.
ing six points (not accounting in the nation) and 122 rushing
for the kickoff return touch- yards allowed per game (sev-
down). After halftime, Tech al- enteenth in the country). The
lowed multiple long run plays Hokies front seven can hold
up the middle and blew cov- back Techs rushing offense,
erage deep. These errors cost and if they stack the box, its
them dearly as Virginia scored over for Tech. Despite the
three crucial 25+ yard touch- Jackets bread and butter,
downs in the second half. Tech Brad Stewart and Ricky Jeune
cannot repeat those mistakes. may need good games.
the key
control over the tempo of the well-balanced offense. When
game. The Jackets have had they try to change things to
turnover issues in the past, and play up to their opponents like
while they have earned a +1 they did against Miami and
ration in the last two games, Clemson, it backfires. In ad-
they need to sustain that level dition, racking up early stops
of improved play. Defensively, would force the Jackets to
the Jackets need to tighten up play one-dimensional football
in the red zone. VT will score; and would also ease the pres-
holding them to field goals sure on the Hokies freshman
can win the game. quarterback.
Story by Rohan Kansara Student Publications