Volume 103, Issue 14

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November 10, 2017 Volume 103, Issue 14 nique.



. .

technique Mental Health Summit p3 Tax bills effects p6

News 2 Opinions 6 Life 10 Entertainment 14 Sports 24


know Mr. &
Ms. GT 2017

So you went to Techs 2017 Home-

coming game and watched the half-
time show. You know Sam Medinger
and Renee Copeland as the students
who were crowned Mr. & Ms. GT at
Techs 2017 Homecoming game, but
who are they really? The Technique
had the opportunity to ask them about
their background and the roles they
hope to play on campus.
Technique: Tell us about yourselves.
Copeland: Im from Kennesaw,
Georgia. I never really knew much
about Tech until high school beyond
driving past it when I drove through
Atlanta. However, I did a campus
tour and fell in love. Meeting Geor-
gia Techs students and learning about
the resources Tech had to offer like
OMED: Educational Services sold me
on coming here.
I knew that Tech would give me the
resources that I needed to be success-
ful as a student and in the real world.
While on campus, I have served on
the executive board of the Black Stu-
dent Recruitment Team, Georgia Tech
Society of Black Engineers, Omicron
Delta Kappa, Womens Club Soc-
cer and the Biomedical Engineering
Student Advisory Board. I have been
a Challenge Counselor and EDGE
Leader for OMED: Educational Ser-
vices. Through my extracurriculars, I
really discovered what I am passionate
about, retention and inclusion of mi-
nority groups and increasing diversity
on campus, and how that will pertain
to my career in medicine after I gradu-
ate this December.
See MR.&MS., page 12
Top L: Photo by Casey Gomez Student Publications; Top R: Photo by Stephen Marek Student Publications; Above: Photo by Casey Gomez Student Publications


Okogie, Jackson mired in NCAA violations

State two weeks ago. Both will Bizarre and rapidly developing
HARSHA SRIDHAR be suspended indefinitely until as this story has been so far, there
SPORTS EDITOR the NCAA reaches a disciplinary are a number of questions that
decision. must be answered in order to un-
On the evening of Nov. 2, the In the past week, the story has derstand the scope of Tech Ath-
Georgia Tech Athletic Association broadened to include Ron Bell, letics involvement, the serious-
admitted in a press release that a former friend of Pastner and ness of the underlying violations
two players from the mens bas- the individual who allegedly ad- and the consequences the Jackets
ketball program had accepted a ministered these benefits. In an might face.
combined maximum of $1,275 in interview with CBS Sports, Bell
impermissible benefits, a violation claimed that Pastner was 100 Did Tech give us the full story
of NCAA regulations. The play- percent aware of these violations or is there more to it?
ers, sophomore guard Josh Okogie as they happened and that the The advantage of self-reporting
and senior guard Tadric Jackson, Athletic Association underreport- violations, rather than others find-
were both projected as starters ed the gifts that Okogie and Jack- ing them, is more lenient treat- Photo by Casey Miles Student Publications

before Okogie dislocated a finger son received when self-reporting ment, at least in theory. Tech basketball coach Josh Pastner patrols the sideline. Past-
in an exhibition versus Georgia its violations to the NCAA. See BENEFITS, page 21 ners program has been implicated in a recent benefits scandal.
Living Building Launch technique
Casey Miles
Jonathan Jeffrey
This past week Tech launched construction
the Kendeda Building for Innovative Friday,
Sustainable Design.44 November 10, 2017
[email protected]
then escaped by running out of tigate the incident, and after a to the attorney representing the One student, who gave a false
the house. license search through a crime student and also to the Dean of name and date of birth, was issued
The student was caught in database, the vehicles owner was Students office. an additional Student Code of
front of Klaus by a security guard identified and determined to be a Conduct violation for giving false
hired by Phi Kappa Theta. Tech student. MY NAME IS JEFF information to an officer.
When the GTPD officer ar- A reviewal of videotape re- On Friday, Nov. 3 at 12:48
rived, he photographed the sus- vealed that the vehicle left the a.m., two GTPD officers respond- FRESHMAN FIFTEEN
pects hands and the damage to parking area at 10:34 a.m., after ed to a noise complaint originat- On Sunday, Oct. 29 at 3:15
the wall, which he described as a the booted tire was removed and ing from North Avenue South. a.m., a GTPD officer responded
small indentation in the drywall replaced with a spare. When the officers arrived on to a student passed out in a rest-
about 4 inches by 3 inches. After the GTPD officer left a scene, they observed a large group room in Hopkins Residence Hall.
The fraternity house manager message on the parking offenders of people leaving an apartment The student told the officer
completed a handwritten state- voicemail, an attorney represent- that was hosting a loud party. that he drank approximately 15
ment that said Phi Kappa Theta ing the student contacted the in- Upon entering the room, the shots while he was drinking with
declined to pursue prosecution vestigating officer, inquiring what officers found that five individu- friends at the Towers Residence
JONATHAN JEFFREY against the offender. parking fines the student owed als remained one of whom was Hall, and that he had thrown up
ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR and whether the student would be pretending to be asleep. However, before the officer arrived.
BOOT BREAKER prosecuted criminally. the student pretending to be asleep The student repeatedly stated
PUNCH OUT On Friday, Oct. 27, at 8:33 The GTPD officer then fol- gave up and cooperated with the that this was only his second time
On Saturday, Oct. 28, at 12:59 a.m., a PTS employee placed a lowed up with PTS, who advised police, sharing that she and all of drinking ever.
a.m., a GTPD officer was dis- parking boot on a grey car to pre- that the student owed $660 and her roommates had hosted a party After Grady EMS arrived on
patched to the Klaus Advanced vent its movement, and placed the that they did not want to pursue that evening. scene and performed a medical
Computing building in order to car on schedule to be towed. criminal charges because the of- GTPD found several plastic check of the student, they advised
respond to an offender who dam- However, when the employee fender was a student. Additionally cups and shot glasses throughout that he did not need to be trans-
aged property at Phi Kappa Theta returned in the afternoon at 3:45, if the student did not damage the the room, as well as an empty ported to a hospital.
fraternity. the car and the $125 parking boot, he could return it for no fee wine bottle and a malt beverage, The student was given a Stu-
Earlier in the night during a boot attached to it were no- and only pay the $435 in parking which were disposed of. dent Code of Conduct violation
party, a student punched a hole in where to be seen. fines. Each student received a stu- for Possession of Alcohol under
the wall in the second floor of the A GTPD officer was dis- The investigating officer for- dent code of conduct for the pres- 21, was cleaned up and released to
Phi Kappa Theta fraternity and patched at 4:12 p.m. to inves- warded the requested information ence of alcohol while underage. the care of roommates.

ach week, this section of BRIEF BUDGET WORRIES We have this issue when we FRENCH DAY FUNDING
News will include coverage The Undergraduate House of overspend and then panic and we For the first year, French club
of different aspects of bills Representatives had a brief scare cut whatever we think we can, he asked for funding from SGA for
and resolutions that have passed regarding its budget this year. said. These two bills are program their French Day event. The day
through Student Government. This
Experienced reps were not phased and travel fees. If you cut these, includes speakers and films from
when Carson Silbert, VP of Fi- we will have to cut everybodys students, an Eiffel Tower art con-
will include the Undergraduate
nance, mentioned that UHR was because we have to treat orgs test and cultural food. The organi-
House of Representatives, Graduate currently over budget. the same. zation was asking for funding for
Student Senate and the Executive The comments came on a bill Following Smith, Rep Luehm, cultural food, decorations, flyers,
Branch of both government bodies. for the MBA Net Impact/Philan- one of the newer reps, made his chalk and Facebook ads.
thropy St. Bernard Project trip, confusion with the budget clear. Much of the debate surround-
GRANT LARKIN an annual trip to New Orleans, I am new here and I am not ing the bill came around whether
SGA CORRESPONDENT LA to help with rebuilding homes sure how this whole budget thing UHR should cut the Facebook
destroyed in Hurricane Katrina. works, he said, ... I was just ads from the bill. Rep Scott mo-
BILL SUMMARY Rep Luehm wanted to pull the bill
from fast track to talk about the
trying to find a way to keep us
on track.
tioned for the cutting of the ads.
This is a new thing, funding
BILL AMOUNT GSS UHR amount of spending on the bill. After that, the discussion re- for Facebook ads, said Rep Siel-
Rep. Sieling raised concerns- sumed and nothing was done ing. I think they have been really
French Day $527.63 n/a 34-0-0 about the amount of money being about removing the bill from the successful in the past. I am against
St Bernard Project Trip $1,506.20 23-0-0 37-0-0 spent per student on the bill. new fast track. this motion.
Shaam E Rang Performance $1,888.88 23-0-0 35-0-0 We are over budget, but I just Im sorry I scared you guys, If weve already funded a
Dance Company Ferst Center Rental $1,439.25 25-0-1 34-0-1 wanted you to be aware, Silbert Silbert said. We have money Facebook ad in the past, could
2017 GT Korea Week $1,700 26-0-0 35-0-0 said. We usually spend more in that we recapture when orgs dont we get in trouble with precedent?
GT Off Road $9,302.47 26-0-0 35-0-1
the Fall ... I think it would be spend some of the money. If an org asked Rep Thomson.
very unfair to this org if we were doesnt spend it, it comes straight Yes. ... We have funded three
Berry College Horse Leases $400 23-0-0 35-0-0 to cut it down to a per person cap back to us. We have a cushion. We of these this Fall, the VP of Fi-
ATL Tanishq Fall Competitions $2,262.72 22-3-1 34-2-1 of $40. dont want to rely on this cushion nance said.
AASU: Black Leadership Conference $2,500 18-0-0 36-0-0 Rep Smith was unconcerned so we have to be fiscally respon- After coming to the consensus
Speed reading workshop $1,500 23-0-0 15-20-1 and tried to make clear what the sible, but SGA is not going to be that this would go against prec-
best course of action would be. like, Sorry were closed. edent, the motion failed.

sliver // your thoughts

nique.net NEWS EDITOR
tbh the biggest not of this year is selena gomez & the weeknd Casey Miles
The Souths Liveliest College Newspaper Zahra Khan
Go Jets!
Congratulations to all of the DEPLORABLES and the mil- Brighton Kamen EDITOR-IN-CHIEF LIFE EDITOR
lions of people who gave us a MASSIVE (304-227) Electoral Samira Bandaru
College landslide victory! David Raji MANAGING EDITOR
Looking forward to a full day of meetings with President Xi and EDITOR
our delegations tomorrow. THANK YOU for the beautiful wel- Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the Monica Jamison
come China! @FLOTUS Melania and I will never forget it! Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of SPORTS EDITOR
NoKo has interpreted Americas past restraint as weakness. This the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique Harsha Sridhar
would be a fatal miscalculation. Do not underestimate us. AND publishes on Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in
DO NOT TRY US. the summer.
The U.S., under my administration, is completely rebuilding its Casey Gomez
military, and theyre spending hundreds of billions of dollars to ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at nique.net/
the newest and finest military equipment anywhere in the world, ads. The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one
Megan Eberle
being week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor-
The Fake News Is going all out in order to demean and denigrate! mation or for any other questions please e-mail us at ads@nique. LAYOUT EDITOR
Such hatred! net. You may reach us at 404-894-2830, Monday through Friday Beatrice Domingo
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monica is a wellness enzyme
O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo AAE- Copyright 2017, Brighton Kamen, Editor-in-Chief, and the ONLINE EDITOR
O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-JO-ooo-oo- Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this Zoie Konneker
oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA paper may be reproduced without written permission from the WEB DEVELOPER
If youre reading this, youve been in coma for almost 20 years Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publications. The Tristen Allen
now. Were trying a new Technique. We dont know where this ideas expressed herein are those of the individual authors and
message will end up in your dream, but we hope it works. Please do not necessarily represent the views of the Board of Student Elizabeth Sit
Publications, the students, staff or faculty of the Georgia Institute
wake up, we miss you. of Technology or the University System of Georgia. First copy
Slow and steady wins the race, mods cant ban me at this pace. EDITOR EMERITUS
free for additional copies call 404-894-2830.
Vidya Iyer
// NEWS technique November 10, 2017 3

Summit for mental health TEDx holds third

The Mental Health Summit,
held on Saturday, Nov. 4, opened
The next events of the morn-
ing were small breakout ses-
student speaker salon
STAFF WRITER with remarks from Stacy Connell, sions, where participants formed Many folks might not see the
the senior director of health ini- groups and talked with different JONATHAN JEFFERY connection between sustainabil-
For the third year, the Men- tiatives. She spoke candidly about on-campus experts on a variety ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR ity and profit, Courreges-Clercq
tal Health Student Coalition her own personal experiences and of topics. Each 20-minute session said, but his team proved other-
held their annual Mental Health mental health struggles as well prompted thoughtful discussion On Tuesday, Nov. 7, TEDx@ wise. Their proposed reductions
Summit, this year themed Daily as why she finally decided to get of concerns such as academics, GeorgiaTech held its third annual to SunTrust employee travel could
Wellness. The discussion at the help. This background is why she sexual violence, diversity, hous- Student Speaker Salon at The Ga- save 1.9 million pounds of CO2
conference-style event focused recently took up her job at Tech ing communities and student rage in Tech Square. Six student and $2.1 million over five years,
around the ways to improve the that deals with the wellbeing of engagement. speakers delivered speeches, craft- numbers that led the team to win
general well-being of Tech stu- each and every student. Following these sessions was ed from their personal stories, to a first place in the CR Challenge.
dents and how to do so. I love people, Connell said. another presentation on I Feel live audience of 100 members who Azra Ismail, a fourth-year
Emily Hale, third-year AE I am a people person through Safe When, a campus-wide were treated to food and coffee. CMPE, explored how socioeco-
and executive director of the and through, and I want to share collaboration focused on is- Andrew Hanus, a Masters stu- nomic issues impeded delivery of
Mental Health Student Coali- with you all that we want every- sues surrounding feelings of dent in PUBP and CRP and a vet- healthcare across Indias poorer re-
tion (MHSC), spearheaded the one. Here at Georgia Tech, we personal safety. eran of the US Air Force, shared gions, and how innovators should
organization of the event. She dont want people to fall through After receiving insight into the takeaways from years serving as identify community needs before
said that it has been in the works the cracks. mental health challenges of those a military working dog (MWD) developing new technology.
since February. In addition, she educated at- who occupy Techs campus, at- handler, where he and his team We are working on building
Last year our theme was sui- tendees about the various dimen- tendees were organized into teams needed to be constantly in sync the future, and technology forms
cide prevention, Hale said. That sions of wellness and how Techs and allowed time to come up with with their MWDs. Hanus said a large part of this. But it is impor-
was a really great day and we got existing services attempt to serve ideas for beneficial programs or the most valuable thing learned tant to remember that, finally, it is
a lot of great conversations out of each need. She gave attendees a initiatives in a session dubbed during his time handling military people who are inhabiting that fu-
that. When we started looking at sneak preview of what is to come brainswarming. Afterwards, dogs was the virtue of patience. ture, Ismail said. Understanding
it in February, we wanted to make next from Stamps Health Initia- people were asked to share their Karima Alkhalid, third-year how solutions fail within certain
sure we were doing something tives, such as life skill develop- thoughts with the room of around IE, described feeling out of place contexts can help create solutions
different this year so that we can ment programs, expansion of 100 people. due to her mixed Mexican and that are relevant and sustainable.
have some more conversations online resources, peer health edu- According to Hale, this por- Arab ancestry, creating a feeling Ive spent so much of my life
and get people thinking about cator programs and increasing the tion of the summit has produced of otherness that pervaded when trying to be happy, said Suraj
different things. utilization of pet therapy. some actionable ideas in the past. she filled out other for her eth- Sehgal, a fourth-year IE. After
A few years ago, plans for the nicity on standardized tests. reciting his poem Posters, that
KNIT mentorship program were And I thought to myself: wow, related the pursuit of happiness to
discussed. am I other? Alkhalid said. Is running on an endless treadmill,
Hopefully out of it will come that really what people think of Sehgal offered meditation as a so-
some ideas that can be implement- me? To remedy her sense of isola- lution to allow anyone to step off
ed on campus, Hale said. Were tion, Alkhalid actively tried to en- that treadmill and begin a more
lucky that we have a real variety gage with people around her who fulfilled life.
of people who have come to be in had different backgrounds, lead- The last speaker, Indra Sofian,
this room today. Were trying to ing to several positive experiences. a fourth-year BA, explained how
take all those perspectives to cre- Were taught to befriend peo- to overcome personal inertia to
ate some new ideas. ple who are similar to us but reach ones full potential.
The summit drew to a close thats precisely whats disconnect- Personal inertia is being un-
with remarks from Dr. Mack ing us from people who arent, able to change your behavior
Bowers, the interim director of Alkhalid said. due to mental and psychological
the Tech Counseling Center. William Courreges-Clercq, factors, Sofian said. After read-
Hale says that in future years, the fourth-year BA and participant ing productivity research, Sofian
MHSC hopes to accommodate in the 2017 Co-op and Internship developed a method of asking
even more individuals who want Carbon Reduction Challenge (CR himself questions about his mo-
Photo by Casey Gomez Student Publications to learn how to better the men- Challenge), showed how small tivations for a project, and found
Speakers from the Mental Health Student Coalition pres- tal health of themselves and their sustainability fixes to a large com- the questions let him complete his
ent at the Mental Health Summit on Saturday, Nov. 4. community. pany can produce big impacts. tasks more efficiently.
4 November 10, 2017 technique // NEWS

Living building begins construction at Tech

The weather is a little nicer
CASEY MILES today than it was on the date that
NEWS EDITOR we originally planned, Peterson
said. I have to tell you, Im a little
Thursday, Nov. 2 saw the of- overwhelmed with the response. I
ficial launch of The Kendeda think its just one example of how
Building for Innovative Sustain- important this type of project is to
able Design (KBISD), formerly the people of the city of Atlanta,
known as the Living Building at to the people here in the South-
Georgia Tech. east, and people across the coun-
In keeping with the spirit of try and, in fact, around the world.
what the building will be, instead The KBISD aims to be the
of breaking ground, President first Living Building Challenge
G.P. Bud Peterson and a group 3.1-certified facility of its size in
of others associated with the the Southeast. The Living Build-
launch planted seeds of black-eyed ing Challenge 1.0 was officially
Susans and various other flowers launched to the public in 2006. In
and plants. its current state, the challenge has
Additionally, all in attendance 20 imperatives ranging from lim-
were given a packet of seeds and its to growth to inspiration and
encouraged to spread them over education.
the grassy area bordering the park- From the Living Building
ing lot at the corner of Ferst Dr. Challenge 3.1 document, the dif-
and State St., where the KBISD ference between this new version
will eventually be located. and past are changes to ten of the
In lieu of traditional shovels imperatives. Among these chang-
and hard hats to celebrate begin- es are clarifications, inclusion of Photo by Casey Miles Student Publications
ning construction, said Michael new resources and removal of cer- Earlier this month, President G.P. Bud Peterson grabs seeds from a basket to be
Bryan II, second-year ENVE and tain requirements depending on planted as a way of launching the Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design.
GT Office of Campus Sustain- the classification of the building.
ability Materials Management Following President Peterson demonstrate how Georgia Tech As one of the worlds ing Building Challenge enthusi-
Intern, we would like the entire was Steve Swant, executive vice practices thoughtful stewardship preeminent engineering univer- astically, and they are already us-
community to take part in the president for Administration and of all of our resources and how in- sities, Georgia Tech is the ideal ing it as a springboard to examine
launch of the living building, and Finance. novative thinking can transform partner to help The Kendeda other projects around campus.
so, we have packets of seeds that Georgia Tech is honored to the way we think about and inter- Fund prove that regenerative de- According to the timeline
are going to be passed out and we partner with the Kendeda Fund act with the built environment. sign can and will work in the given by livingbuilding.gatech.
will be planting them. to develop one of the most envi- The Kendeda Fund is provid- Southeast, said Dena Kimball, edu, the construction on the
President Peterson opened the ronmentally advanced buildings ing 100 percent of design and executive director of The Kend- building is scheduled to finish in
ceremony, welcoming everyone in this region, he said. This proj- construction cost, amounting to eda Fund. Together, we hope to Jan. 2019. However, certification
to the event, which had been re- ect supports our longstanding vi- $25 million. Additionally, they transform how the region thinks, for the Living Building Challe-
scheduled to Nov. 2 due to Hur- sion for the campus and provides a will provide $5 million to support builds, lives, and learns. From day nege 3.1 is not expected until the
ricane Irma. unique opportunity to physically activities and programming. one, Tech has embraced the Liv- Summer of 2020.
// NEWS technique November 10, 2017 5


On Wednesday, Nov. 1, the Mental Health, SHORT-TERM LONG-TERM
LGBTQIA+ and Campus Culture Action Teams In the short term, the Men- Long term, a large goal is to
submitted their proposals to President G.P. Bud tal Health Action Team wants to look at and adopt quality prac-
Peterson. The proposals were reviewed by the create a Mental Health Advisory tices from peer institutions.
Council to coordinate mental The examples provided are
president on Wednesday and Thursday before being health support on campus. the iCARE Gatekeeper training
posted online for the public to see on Friday. Each Additionally, they recommend- and Wellness Partners and Well-
teams proposal was written in a different format and ed that the interim status of the ness Ambassadors at UPenn, the
director of the GT Counseling Cornell Air Force Model, Purdues
involved varying levels of short-term and long-term Center (GTCC) be addressed, in- police crisis intervention team,
goals for the Institute to achieve. All information is crease staffing in the GTCC and UT-Austins embedded counsel-
available online, and these blurbs are simply short resolve inadequate staffing in the ing model, Cornells counseling
Office of Disability Services. center triage system and MITs
summaries of topics covered by each teams report. These short term goals are Mind-Hand-Heart Initiative and
meant to set a solid foundation. CARE Teams.


With perhaps the most chang- The long term goals for the In true Campus Culture fash- The long-term goals for the
es suggested, the LGBTQIA+ LGBTQIA+ focus on gradually ion, their report was centered Campus Culture Action Team
action team had thorough short- changing policy. around an acronym: TECH. were mainly focused on the last
term goals. First, their report stated that Their short term goals were letter in the acronym: Holistic Val-
The first goal revolves around Tech needs to lead conversation centered on the first three let- ues and Promotion.
bathroom changes and expan- with the USG office on policy re- ters in the acronym: Transition Among these long-term rec-
sions, specifically related to sin- lating to employee and student and Integration, Engagement and ommendations are recommenda-
gle stall bathrooms on campus. health care plans. Alignment and Classroom, Cur- tions to use more qualitative and
Along with the suggestion came Second, more training for staff riculum and Labs. quantitative data to understand
phases of implementation. in health care and HIV/AIDS pre- These recommendations campus culture, a reassessment
Other suggestions included a vention is needed. ranged from changes to FASET of campus culture every five years
more inclusive housing policy for Third, resources for the LG- to integrating design into more and further focus on removing the
students and better healthcare BTQIA+ community should be ex- classes to sharing some CIOS re- need for comparison, moving to-
for the community on campus. panded to match current needs. sults with the Tech community. wards peer learning.

Story by Casey Miles, Design by Megan Eberle Student Publications


The vision of The GT Diversity Ambassadors is to connect all
people in order to cultivate an inclusive community that
educates, collaborates, and advocates together.
OrgSync application due Jan.26,2018 https://goo.gl/k1ZMgH
Questions? Contact Karen Liu ([email protected])
OPINIONS EDITOR: Zahra Khan technique

Do you think that doing alcohol
is cool?
Michael Scott Friday,
November 10, 2017

OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion YOUR VIEWS | Online Comments

New tax bills toll on higher ed Deans duties

Tuition waivers will no longer be scholarships In 1964 it was easy to see what Dean Dull did ... he was pacing
The new tax bill, introduced as the Tax courage students from pursuing research his office floor trying to figure what we were going to do next on
Cuts and Jobs Act in Congress, is por- and reduce the socioeconomic diversity of the Technique.
trayed as reform that would benefit the av- the graduate programs that are currently
erage American. However, there are some in place. It will deter international stu-
clear losers. In most universities, graduate dents from coming to the United States to Deloye Burrell
students receive a tuition waiver from their pursue their education and in some ways,
institutions. They also commonly receive may shift how the world views the United
a living stipend to allow them to continue States as a place to further their educa- Techs subpar housing
performing research in their labs. Since tion and research. It means resources will
the stipend is a form of income, it is taxed. be taken away from research programs at Yall know the heating/AC doesnt really work in all the
However, the tuition waiver is considered universities, with fewer graduate students dorms and several of then have janky elevators, right? One
a scholarship. Under the new tax bill, tu- than they may be able to afford to accept. of my friends freshman year took freezing showers ALL YEAR
ition waivers will become taxable income. With undergraduate education being because for some reason theirs didnt heat up. It snowed that
The United States, as a country, is home debt-ridden as it is, graduate programs year (remember the snowpocalypse?).
to inclusive institutions. The administra- should not be made to suffer the same ills.
tive and lawful structures encourage and Instead of making undergraduate pro- If the schools going to put money into updates, it should
reward knowledge and creativity. Gradu- grams more affordable and inclusive, law- place the students dorms at a relatively high priority. Just
ate and Ph.D. students rely on the waiver makers efforts like these further impede because older generations had less doesnt mean that newer
to afford their education and research, as the education system. generations should settle for what they were given. Buildings
stipends are often less than $30,000 a year. Although it is possible that universities have to be updated with the times and I dont think proper AC/
Having to pay taxes on their tuition means will find ways to continue waiving tuition, heating, working elevators, actual counters in the kitchen, etc.
many of the students will no longer be able they should not have to commit resources is too much to ask.
to afford their programs. It would both dis- to fend off extractive institutions.
I spent the last 2 years living at Tenside (now Arium Westside)
The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the paying just under the cost/month I would have had to pay for
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. student apartments on campus and got so much more in terms
of amenities etc out of it (tons of counter space, 16x16 living
technique editorial board room, my own room/bathroom/walk-in-closet, etc), so its
Brighton Kamen EDITOR-IN-CHIEF really not that ridiculous to expect more for the amount of
David Raji MANAGING EDITOR money students pay per term to live on campus.
Casey Miles NEWS EDITOR Harsha Sridhar SPORTS EDITOR
Samira Bandaru LIFE EDITOR Monica Jamison ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Trishna Chandarana
Elizabeth Sit HEAD COPY EDITOR Beatrice Domingo LAYOUT EDITOR
My first dorm room at tech was in the building the one pictured
replaced. In 1984, Techwood dorm had pretty much none of the
amenities that the dorms today do. It did have a 10 foot fence
surrounding it, however.

Roy Paul

Suffering 2017 style builds character. - ex-Techwood

dorm alum

Raul Pino

Write to us: are responses to or commentaries on

content found within the pages of the
[email protected] Technique. Along with these letters,
we are open to receiving letters that
Got something to say? Then let focus on relevant issues that currently
your voice be heard with the Tech- affect Georgia Tech as a university, in-
nique. Sliver at Nique.net, tweet us cluding its campus and student body.
@the_nique or check us out on Face- When submitting letters we ask
book at facebook.com/thenique. We that you include your full name, year
want to hear your opinion and want (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. We ask that
to make it known to all of campus. letters be thought provoking, well
We also welcome your letters in written and in good taste. We reserve
response to Technique content as well the right to both reject or edit letters
as topics relevant to campus. We will for length and style.
print letters on a timely and space- For questions, comments or con-
available basis. cern, contact the Opinions Editor at
Each week we look for letters that [email protected].
// OPINIONS technique November 10, 2017 7

Does overexposure to news

ROUNDTABLE desensitize us to tragic events?
Its been a year since the election, and the medias
treatment of the news has often come under fire.
the investigation between Unfortunately, that cen- events for the victims and of growing unease among
WILL FINCH Russia and the president, let sure can be flawed at times. VIVIAN WANG families involved. This kind Americans today.
STAFF WRITER alone anything else in the Consider the numerous oc- CONTRIBUTING WRITER of traditional media cover- Look at any modern
media. casions where well-estab- age is harmful to the col- psychology textbook, and
Bad news it does not Michael Flynns resig- lished media outlets snatch Harvey, Irma, Maria, lective psyche our minds you will find an abun-
matter if it comes before or nation as national security up the first chance they get Orlando, Las Vegas. As begin to tune out the yelling dance of statistics pointing
after good news. No one en- adviser for lying to the vice to report a possible connec- the tragedy count in recent and screeching headlines to all-time highs of anxi-
joys it. president, reports of Rus- tion to President Trump memory climbs, people after a certain threshold. ety, PTSD and depression
We may live in the In- sian interference in the 2016 and Russia. The articles ini- seem increasingly unfazed There needs to be serious due to the rise of terrorism
formation Age, but to be election, Trumps firing of tially explode in popularity, as new tragedies surface. changes and forethought and gun violence. The rea-
well-informed today is to FBI Director James Comey, but because of flimsy con- This a problem amplified dedicated to making media sonable conclusion, then,
sacrifice any sense of sanity. the Obama wiretap claims; nections, they end up fall- by both the way we cover more fair and personalized is that even if we are con-
News feeds everywhere are the list goes on. Not even ing apart. tragedy in the news and by to the victims and actual sciously being desensitized,
now supersaturated with fully into a quarter into the A lack of evidence in the current White House events, rather than fueling unconsciously, we are still
headlines ranging from the mainstream journalism administration. feeling its effects.
absurd to the outrageous, makes some of the most Regardless of which side But the blame cannot
and keeping up with it all viewed sources of informa- of debates you may be on, be fully placed on a callous
is just exhausting. I am ... actual skepticism tion end up crying wolf. everyone can agree that the administration and press.
speaking, of course, about While none of this means way the press operates is In our current political Some of the blame falls on
the constant coverage of and critique are that every Russia claim is problematic. Trump sup- us, as readers and consum-
climate, every tweet
President Trump, and this undermined in favor of false, it makes it difficult porters wax lyrical about ers of news.
bombardment of infor- to find solid accusations the prevalence of fake and squabble is I recently attended a
mation creates an apathy innumerous bombastic amidst what are little more news, while liberals decry talk by a professor research-
breaking news...
that only normalizes the or damning headlines. than conspiracy theory conservative media with ing the neuroscience of ex-
exasperating. blog posts. Retractions in equal passion to some treme violence and shoot-
This week marked one the news happen, but fewer degree they are all correct. ing perpetrators. As the
year since Donald Trump people read the retraction In our current politi- family of one of the victims
was elected President. The presidency, there has been than saw the original head- cal climate, every tweet misconception, stigma and of the Sandy Hook Elemen-
further we progress into his enough drama to last a life- line, and actual skepticism and squabble is breaking animosity. tary shooting, he encour-
term, the more I struggle to time, and I am not the only and critique are under- news, aided by the the- Even as this opinion aged people to stop using
remember a time before a one tired of it. mined in favor of innumer- atre of the administration, piece is being written, two the trite saying: I cant
new headline every day over At this stage of the presi- ous bombastic or damning which dilutes the efficacy of tragedies have occurred imagine ...
a potential scandal the cur- dency, Trumps approval headlines. actual news. within the same week, in Part of the problem, he
rent administration could ratings are the lowest of any Bad news about Trump Following the lead of the Texas and NYC, both of contends, is that people are
be entangled in. president since Harry Tru- and his administration is President, many stories are which were subject to hor- not trying hard enough to
To be brief: President man. While his actions def- almost impossible to avoid. covered in a way that will rific displays of violence. imagine, choosing the
Trump is exhausting. Be- initely speak for themselves, While government critique boost ratings tragedies There are few other times in easy way out rather than
ing up to date on the state mainstream media can take is healthy for a democracy, are reported by record- history that come to mind trying to truly empathize
of him and his cabinet is a some responsibility for the the influx of its supply in breaking death counts and when the prevalence of with those affected. If only
full-time job there is not publics attitude with their most media outlets news discussion panels reminis- mass shootings and target- people could start imagin-
enough time in the day to constant coverage of the ad- coverage is depreciating its cent of NFL broadcasters ed violence has been so dis- ing that may be a step in
read all the articles pub- ministration and unrelent- value, further enabling a on split screens in the wake proportionately high. This the right direction for com-
lished on every finding in ing criticism. sense of societal apathy. of a life-shattering turn of reflects a general sentiment batting desensitization.




8 November 10, 2017 technique // OPINIONS

It is dark, and America is hot

About a year ago, I wrote an With the populace distracted at
... Americans seem to
editorial on the dire need for a each others throats for a myriad
return to civil discourse in this largely be more worried of trivial reasons, the rich and
country. It was right around about their preconceptions powerful are more free than ever
that time that Former Reality to enact and impose their will.
TV Star Donald J. Trump was being validated than Truly, if Trumps election has
elected to the office of president anything else. surely meant anything, it is the
Whats one issue that of the U.S. opposite of returning the U.S. to
Since then, the vitriolic rhet- the common people. Whether
you believe hasnt gotten oric, the heat generation has
DAVID RAJI intentionally or no, the common
enough attention over only been ramped up. Instead
of making any meaningful at-
people have been whipped into
a frenzy unseen since the late
the past year? tempt to moderate the hatred of Trump or his administration choose their behavior out of ego- 1960s and early 70s.
of our fellow countrymen, we with the slurs cuckservative tism. Many have probably been Regardless, it needs to end
as Americans have chosen the and libtard. trained by the dull constant roar now. If ever there was a need
steep, slippery path downward, The intolerance in our of our media today. for a greater level of human un-
one surely filled with darkness. country is flagrant. For one It is certainly worth point- derstanding to be achieved, it is
The chief issue at hand is no reason or another, Americans ing out that the financial carrots certainly the present moment
longer anything to do with the seem to largely be more worried and sticks are definitely aligned rather than any later.
economy or corruption. The about their preconceptions in such a way to make intense, No matter what the cause
only concern now is whether being validated than anything angry arguments on hot-button is, a solution to the condi-
Americans can be made to live else. No one wants to learn issues with red-faced and shout- tions it brings about needs
peacefully in the same country anything or be challenged by ing panelists the preferable con- identification.
as their ideological adversaries. intrepid or foreign ideas. tent for network shareholders. If you recognize yourself
Many among us these days The de-evolution of human The casual viewer is drawn to or your behavior in any of the
are willing to dispense with any communication is further seen this type of news, as it borders aforementioned descriptions,
SAVANNAH HORNER type of meaningful conversation in the meteoric rise of meme on entertainment. And of course please make an effort to listen
in order to express how strongly culture. While a fun distrac- other stations have to compete to those who might think
SECOND-YEAR ECON they feel on a certain issue. tion in small doses, the fact that with that magnetic reach. differently than yourself.
Instead of debating ideas on some of my friends seem to com- So maybe it is no wonder it Letting intense passion on
I think the fact that tax merits, the individuals purport- municate solely through tagging seems that so many among us a subject overwhelm rational
cuts are going to affect busi- ing them are attacked them- others in memes can get kind of these days seem to only want thought and conversation might
selves by their opposition. depressing. Not only are we for- to get angry and stay angry be tempting. But stop and
nesses as opposed to mid- On the left, calls for restraint getting how to civilly converse when introduced to any sort of make to effort to ask yourself:
dle-income families, which on Russian-investigation hysteria our society is losing its grasp disagreement. It is what is being what does it achieve to scream
are met with the McCarthyist on conversation altogether. fed to us. your opinion at a dissenter? In
they claim to be helping. labels of collaborator and Perhaps some who exhibit If this has all been a plot on a discussion between equals,
Russian agent. The right slams such disdain for perspectives some level by the powers that has hostility from one ever won
those who oppose the agenda dissimilar to their own do not be, I extend my congratulations. the other?

The schism between Keeping up with yourself

design and engineering through journaling
Ah. The toilet. The por- Yet, despite our top programs Just recently I turned twenty. When you can learn not only
celain throne. That sacred and emphasis on research and Everyone says it is a big stepping from mistakes but also take
place to deposit your personal innovation, design is not incor- stone to finally being accepted them and apply them to the fu-
LILY SANDLER bodily waste. porated in the Institutes engi- as someone with full adult cred- ture, you can help yourself to a
SECOND-YEAR EAS Imagine your pants down neering curriculum and culture. ibility. I am thinking that it is better place.
around your knees. Youre vul- Tech engineers do not know less about other people treat- Let me stop babbling and get
Human rights. nerable. Suddenly, the sen- how to design for people.
sor goes off, and the toilet you We, as a university, need
ing you with respect and more to something interesting. When
about how you learn and grow I was younger, it would take me
trusted flushes without warning, more inter-major interaction. to earn it. multiple times of failing to learn.
exposing your body to an un- The combination of our bril- The day of my birthday, I I do not know what doctors call
wanted spray of liant engineers went out and it but I call it be-
delightful toilet and computer bought myself ... what I can learn ing dumb.
water. Tech engineers do not scientists mixed a journal. This During this
Now, youre with our design journal will be about myself over a period in my
moist in places know how to design for majors would my year as a year can help me grow life, a journal
you dont want produce incred- twenty-year-old was not some-
to be and youre
people. ible results. in recap, which ... thing I thought
cursing out your Howe ver, sounds corny of as a tool. Due
toilet for never ELIZABETH SIT the opportuni- but is some- NOAH BRYANT to that oversight,
flushing at the HEAD COPY EDITOR ties arent there. thing that I can ASSISTANT PHOTOGRAPHY I would continue
right time. But, Programs that learn from. EDITOR to misstep and
VENKATESH MUPPANENI wait. Dont encourage the Each day, I make the same
SECOND-YEAR MSE blame the toilet. Blame John T. intermingling of ideas and con- am writing about how that day mistakes left and right.
Barrett, the creator of automatic cepts between majors are few went and what happened. High- Of course, after a while
Probably the EPA and the toilets. and poorly advertised. lights, thorns, annoyances, joys, I would definitely see that I
Just like most things, auto- For example, allowing engi- happenings and general overall needed to change something,
stuff they should be doing. matic toilets are designed with neering and computer science updates. In my mind, this is but sometimes it would be too
the idea that everyone goes to students to take an architecture something that will be extreme- late. This is what sparked my
the bathroom in the exact same or industrial design studio and ly insightful to look back on, decision now to journal through
way, which is anything but true. vice versa increases awareness and I will be able to learn from my year as a twenty-year-old just
We are not all the same. and communication between my younger self. to see how it goes. Hopefully,
We are different. Engineering the fields down the road and This idea came to me what I can learn about myself
and mass production rely on a also opens up the opportunities randomly when I was thinking over a year can help me grow
simple concept repetition is for unique projects to develop. back to times in high school I in the years to come. Without
efficiency. Repetition implies Another possibility is requiring used to journal. I always seemed consistent continuous learning
uniformity. Efficiency implies a project-oriented class for relat- to find that when I did, I felt in our lives, we tend to fall to
compromise. We should not ed majors, such as ARCH and better and could decompress the wayside.
have to compromise the user CE students. after a long day. Going forward, I want to
when creating the product. No offense, but if youre not a Also, I looked back to see learn all that I possibly can
The way our world is created design student, you dont know how silly I was for thinking from life to be able to grow into
BITLEIGH VU does not reflect diversity in peo- how to design. And in the same something was as big of a deal a better person. I will continue
FIRST-YEAR BCHM ple. A schism exists between the way, I, as an architecture stu- as I thought it was at the time. to write and update you with
engineering and design fields. dent, would never presume to As silly as some people think how it is going. Wish me luck,
Suicide and mental health Here, at Tech, we are an know as much as an engineering
engineering school first, and it student. We need to respect each
journaling is, for me, I have de- because remembering to write
cided to put any pre-conceived journals each day is proving to
awareness. shows. Almost two-thirds of other and work together. Only notions to the side and dive in. be a bigger challenge than I had
students enrolled at Tech are en- then can Tech truly call itself A life lived without retro- previously thought.
Photos by Zahra Khan Student Publications rolled in engineering programs. innovative. spection is a life half lived. Stay classy, Georgia Tech.
// OPINIONS technique November 10, 2017 9

Inequality in online learning

While every child has an vantage of the resources provided
by the school.
equal opportunity to attend Why does this matter? Our
school, not all schools are education system relies heavily
upon GPAs and class rank. These
created equal. numbers play a large part in deter-
mining the colleges that students
VIDYA IYER get into and scholarship eligibility.
EDITOR EMERITUS For example, several colleges,
including Georgia Tech and the
University of Georgia, offer vale-
dictorians and salutatorians auto-
matic admission. Other schools
We should always be in pursuit of attending lecture for one pe- give preference to students who Basketball Abroad Midtown Brownout
of knowledge, and from the age riod, students taking courses from rank in the top X% of their school. The Tech Mens Basketball On Monday, Midtown ar-
of five we embark on this jour- GaVS typically get a period off to There are an endless number of team had the opportunity of a eas near Northside and 14th
ney through a formalized process complete the online course. Once merit-based scholarships that are lifetime this week in being able were hit by a sudden power
known as education. Living in completed, the class will be added solely awarded based on these two to go to China and open their outage during rush hour. As if
the United States, we have access to the students transcript and the statistics. This could determine if new season in a game against traffic wasnt bad enough with
to a really good public education grade will be averaged into the a student can afford to go to col- UCLA. The venture will take power, roads near west cam-
system; however, it is certainly far students GPA. lege or not. players to the cities of Hang- pus grinded to a halt without
from perfect. What about students who Not only does this system screw zhou and Shanghai. No mat- functioning traffic lights at
While every child has an equal want to take courses in addition over students from low-income ter the outcome of the game, busy intersections. A Georgia
opportunity to attend school, not to their normal course load? These homes, but it changes the overall getting to be on the other side Power spokesperson attributed
all schools are created equal. There students are also permitted to take culture of a school. Students must of the planet is something that the power outage to a dropped
is a disparity between the quality GaVS courses. The only differ- become ultra competitive in or- anyone can enjoy, especially dumpster a fitting cause for
of education in wealthy and poor ence is that the student must bear der to stay up in the ranks. This when they have the chance to what anyone on the roads con-
districts. Through this system, the cost of the course as opposed trivializes learning into a race for go to Shanghai Disney. sidered a garbage situation.
however, it can be guaranteed that to the school. This difference is the numbers instead of the pursuit
all students attending the same where things become unfair with- of knowledge, which is an insult
school have access to the same in the school level and should be to education.
materials, resources and oppor- cause for concern. There is a solution to the
tunities that is until the intro- Students at the same school problem. Rather than including
duction of online courses. no longer have access to the same online courses into a students
Established in 2005, the Geor- materials, resources and opportu- GPA, they should just appear on
gia Department of Education nities because a student who can- transcripts as pass/fail credits.
developed a program known as not afford to take online courses These courses are not worthless
Georgia Virtual School (GaVS), can no longer compete with the just because there is no numeric Beltline Budget Voting Woes
which provides accredited middle students that can. grade. Instead, it shows colleges This past week, the mayor On Tuesday, Atlanta held
and high school courses through- To put it plainly, students now that a student went above and of Atlanta promised to allocate its Municipal General Elec-
out the state. GaVSs intention is have the opportunity to buy their beyond to seek out classes of in- $60 million toward purchasing tion, though to the disdain of
to ensure students opportunities GPAs. Yes, additional work is in- terest. Furthermore, if students the remaining land needed for many Tech students, the poll-
are not limited by the school dis- volved because grades must be take a courses corresponding AP the Beltline. A project turning ing station in the Student Cen-
trict that they attend. earned. But the opportunity to exam then they can still get col- a former railway corridor into ter was relocated. No matter
Georgia is taking a step in the earn these grades can only happen lege credit. a multi-purpose trail, the the purpose, the sudden move
right direction to make public if money is involved. It is not a perfect solution, and Beltline had previously only inadverdently disenfranchised
education more accessible. Now, Consider two students, A and yes, wealthier students still reap half of the land it needed to any Tech students unable to
students who want to take classes B, who take the same classes and the benefits. But, it levels the play- complete the 22-mile vision. go to the new location. A few
not offered by their school can do earn the same grades. If student ing field for admissions and schol- These steps toward finishing it were able to vote, but unfortu-
so. As long as the course is part A is also able to take an online arships while maintaining the in- should be exciting for anyone nately, some had difficulty due
of the students regular school course, they are able to have a tegrity of education, which should looking for a chance to get to not being able to reach the
day, the school will incur the higher GPA and rank higher than be pursued not for the grades, but outside and explore the city. new location in time.
cost of tuition and fees. Instead student B who could only take ad- for the love of learning.

Join the

Flags Bldg 137 Writers, Designers, Photographers
LIFE EDITOR: technique
Samira Bandaru Thanksgiving Break
Hanna Warlick
Sometimes you can't go home for the three days of break
right before finals season starts. Read on to find things to
[email protected] do if you're stuck on campus. 411 November 10, 2017

Engineering workshop for researchers

ing his or her work to the broader to NPR to Discovery Channel. It My background includes a
SAMIRA BANDARU public. The problem is that this has been a long-time goal for Hu Ph.D. from Emory focused on
LIFE EDITOR skill is not taught in any course. to establish a science communica- literature and feminist studies,
After intending to pursue cre- tion course at Tech. teaching technical communica-
Verbal communication is often ative writing after graduating From the School of Materials tion in several capacities at Geor-
an underrated skill in industry from MIT, Hu earned a Ph.D in Science and Engineering, Aman- gia Tech over a number of years,
and academia. So much so, that Mechanical Engineering instead. da Gable is a second co-instructor teaching writing and literature at
three professors came together From there, he has been work- for the Science Communication other universities and experience
to create a workshop that seeks ing in the fields of engineering, workshop, teaching technical as a novelist, Gable said.
to strengthen students com- biology and robotics, earning communication within the un- Jeffrey Donnell, the Frank
munication skills, whether in a world-wide recognition for his dergraduate and graduate engi- K. Webb Academic Professional
media interview, communica- work from The New York Times neering curriculum. See SCI-COM, page 13
tion through website design and
the development of a press kit or Getting ready
simply through the publication
of articles. for final exams
The course is called Commu-
nicating Science to the Public: A HANNA WARLICK
Workshop of Engineering Re- ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR
searchers, commonly abbreviated
to Sci-Com, and is comprised With the finals beginning in
of seven one-hour sessions over less than a month (Dec. 7), it is
the course of the semester. This time to get down to business to
has been the second year that the defeat those exams and finish the
course was taught and has been semester strong.
catered to graduate students and Use these tips and tricks to
post-docs who want to make an guide you through the last month
impact through the press. of classes and get those As (or at
The goal of this course is to least passing grades) in all of your
prepare students for the inevitable classes this year.
and necessary communication
skills that come with any job in GO TO THE GROCERY STORE
science and engineering, whether Something about studying
it is industry or academic position, in the CULC for hours screams
and to help these students achieve snacks. Go ahead and prepare
national recognition, said David your cabinets now for when you
Hu, a professor in the School of become a zombie who lives off of
Mechanical Engineering and one coffee and sugary treats.
of the three co-founders of this Photo by Mitch Williams Student Publications While you are at the store, it is
course. One of the most impor- Dr. Amanda Gable, one of three instructors, speaks at one of the earlier classes of the Sci-Com a good idea to stock up on granola
tant skills for a scientist is explain- workshop. The course is comprised of seven one-hour sessions over the course of the semester. bars or another healthy snack with
a longer shelf life.

Thoughts of a prospective Tech student You can keep a few of these in

your bag for when that sudden
studying hunger hits you.
Finals are a stressful time and
what would Mr. Peterson think of AP classes do you think theyll After being shown many state sometimes comfort food can help
BOBBY GUILD me if I did, you wonder. be a sophomore by credit hours? of the art academic buildings dilute the stress, be it chocolate
STAFF WRITER You then walk down Fresh- Your guide responds with an em- and laboratories, you arrive at the chip cookies or a container of
man Hill. Once at the bottom phatic yes and you cant help but Campus Recreation Center. Snapple. Make sure to have what-
You arrive in Atlanta, and you walk back up, and can barely allow the largest smile to grace The pictures and stories did ever comforts you on hand.
amid the bustle of the big city you contain your excitement. your face. not do it justice, and you are
find yourself within the relatively This hill is what will kick start As if the day couldnt be any blown away by just the sight of it. GET ORGANIZED
peaceful confines of Tech. my day and get me ready for my 8 better, you are then taken to the You walk in and see all the active Remember how for most of the
Like everyone else on campus, am classes next year! you think Clough Undergraduate Learning people lifting weights, running, semester youve just been shov-
you are full of joy and excitement, with excitement. Commons, where your guide re- swimming and rock climbing. ing papers into your backpack or
not because you are excited to go gales you with stories about labs You desperately want to join them throwing them onto your desk?
to class, but rather because today and studying and finals. How- and get your swole on, but you Now is the time to start com-
is the day you have had on your ever, what excites you the most know the crowned jewel of the piling all of your notes and espe-
calendar for months: the day you is the fact that a scene from The tour awaits. cially those old exams. Previous
get to tour the Georgia Institute of Internship was filmed on the As your guide walks you to exams are one of the best re-
Technology. very steps upon which the windows, you know what is sources to use while preparing for
Youve heard all the stories coming. You turn the corner, and your finals.
about it; being walked around there it is the waterslide. If only Going through old notes and
campus by guides who are fonts you could ride it now, but alas, homework is also a good idea
of pertinent information, parents youll have to wait until you get when studying for finals.
asking definitely necessary, totally into Tech. If you get everything organized
not embarrassing questions and You are then brought back to now, youve got one less thing to
everyone watching you, hoping Tech Tower where your great day do when youre frazzled right be-
you will choose to enroll. began, but theres just one more fore an exam. Plus, having every-
The makings of a perfect day thing you need to do before you thing organized will help in later
are at hand. are sure that Tech is for you: ride semesters if you need to review
The tour starts at Tech Tow- the Tech Trolley. You hustle to something youve done before.
er, and you are overcome by the the nearest stop only to realize
beauty of the freshly mown grass, that you just missed it, but thats CLEAN UP
and the grandeur of the historic okay you want the anticipation Theres nothing like a clean
buildings. You think to yourself, to build. Once the next one ar- home to clear your mind. While
Ill definitely be spending all of rives you eagerly board. The next youve got a little bit of time before
my time here! You even whisper seven minutes of sliding around as the last round of exams and proj-
to your father, I bet all of my the trolley aggressively stops and ect due dates, take a few hours to
classes will be here. starts are amazing, like a Tech- clean your apartment.
You have heard from friends themed roller coaster. Go ahead and wipe everything
who have gone to Tech about the You get off where you parked down with some Clorox wipes so
legend of stealing the T, but you Design by Brighton Kamen Student Publications you stand. You are giddy with ex- and head back to your car. As you that you dont do it later in an at-
know youd never even try to do No sooner do you think this citement as you anticipate joking drive away you mark on your cal- tempt to procrastinate your study-
such a thing. than your mother asks a question with your friends on these very endar the start of classes next year, ing. Especially take some time to
Who would want to take such thats been bugging you for days. steps just like Owen Wilson and you are sure that Tech is the place focus on your desk area so youve
a beautiful part of Tech? Plus, If my child has 60 credits from Vince Vaughn. for you and cant wait to start. See TIPS, page 13
// LIFE technique November 10, 2017 11

Making the most of Thanksgiving break on campus

Stone Mountain, where a quick delivering meals with either Meals plenty more which can serve as a tions that will connect you to this
BOBBY GUILD hike presents breathtaking views. on Wheels or Kashi Atlanta. day of fun all on their own. great city.
STAFF WRITER Stop by the Wilderness Outpost If these do not quite fit what It can be easy to dismiss all the If the sheer idea of planning
at ORGT to rent gear, or look at you are looking for, check out typical Atlanta tourist spots, espe- these adventures stresses you out,
Thanksgiving invokes thoughts maps and guidebooks for ideas. www.handsonatl.org to find on- cially if you have never been, but or even thinking about leaving
of spending time with family and While you are outside, it is going projects in the area. many of them are worth visiting your room over break irks you,
friends, sharing meals, watching a good idea to get moving. The Sometimes you just need to do at least once. then have no shame in keeping
football games and leaving Tech semester might have thrown a something fun to relax and get Places like the World of Coke, activity to a minimum.
for just a few short days. wrench in your perfectly planned away from Tech for a little bit. If the Georgia Aquarium or the Head to nearby Atlantic Sta-
For some, however, leaving workout schedule, but now is the you are not familiar with the At- College Football Hall of Fame are tion to watch a movie or stay in-
Tech just is not a possibility. With perfect time to get back on track. lanta area, Thanksgiving break is classics that will surely impress. side and finish your favorite televi-
most people gone and so much The CRC will only be open on a great time to acquaint yourself. Additionally, the High Art sion show. Take the time to make
free time, someone in this situa- Wednesday and Sunday of break While all the previously men- Museum, the Atlanta History a home-cooked meal. You could
tion might be wondering what to so be sure to check out some of tioned activities will get you out Center and the Atlanta Botanical always just catch up on sleep, too.
do around Atlanta to have some the wonderful options here in At- and about in Atlanta, there are Gardens are all close by attrac- You earned every second of it.
fun and to relax during this time lanta. If you are looking to stretch
off school. out, King of Pops hosts free yoga
Fear not, the Technique has every Sunday in the Old Fourth
compiled a list of fun activities for Ward Skate Park at 7 p.m.
you to do over the break that will For those looking to be able to
help you fall in love with being at eat all the Thanksgiving food they
Tech for Thanksgiving. want, the Atlanta Track Club will
One of the easiest things to do be hosting the annual Thanksgiv-
is to just get outside. The beautiful ing Day Half Marathon & 5K.
North Georgia fall weather means Even if you do not want to race,
it is the perfect time to head out- you can cheer on runners as they
doors. The changing leaves and speed right past campus on Thurs-
cooler temperatures will make it day morning.
worthwhile, and the extra time Maybe the outdoors and exer-
over break means you cannot use cise are not your cup of tea and
studying as an excuse. you would rather stay inside and
Explore somewhere close to help those less fortunate. The sea-
home by going to nearby Pied- son of giving is the perfect time
mont Park, only a few blocks to give back to the community.
away, or the Morningside Nature Take some time out of your break
Preserve, a nearby park with plen- to find a way to get involved and
ty of fun trails to follow. help spread some joy.
If you are looking for some- Nearby options include volun-
thing more adventurous, head teering at the Clarkston or Grace
north to the Chattahoochee community food pantries, work- Photo by Samta Brahmbhatt Student Publications
National Forest, west to nearby ing with seniors at A.G. Rhodes Traditionally seen as a time to spend with family, some students will spend their Thanks-
Sweetwater State Park or east to Health and Rehab or making or giving on Techs campus. Despite this, there are a plethora of activities at and around Tech.
12 November 10, 2017 technique // LIFE


Technique: What role do you classroom, I have gotten involved how Georgia Tech can impact the Georgia Tech was my opportu-
think Mr. & Ms. GT play on with organizations across cam- surrounding communities. nity to serve as the president of
Medinger: My journey to campus? pus that have given me the op- Medinger: My favorite spot on the Scheller Business Ambassa-
Tech is a little different from other Copeland: Sam and I have portunity to work with so many Georgia Techs campus is sitting at dors. After meeting these ambas-
students after my first campus talked about coming up with an incredible students and leaders. I the tables in the gravel just off the sadors during my senior year of
tour at Georgia Tech, I honestly initiative or something that we have been able to serve the Geor- Skiles walkway near Tech Green high school ... I knew that when I
was not sold on coming here. I can contribute to campus as Mr. gia Tech and Atlanta community, ...It is the central place on campus came to Tech, I had to be apart of
was looking for a big business pro- and Ms. Georgia Tech. It has yet giving back, and through that where you can observe the beauti- that organization.
gram and on the tour. I did not to be decided what that will be, learning more about myself. Each ful diversity that is Georgia Tech. During my first semester, I
even have the opportunity to see but that is the hope. and every day at Georgia Tech, I Technique: What has been was admitted to the club and was
the business school and thus ruled For now, I just hope that we am challenged to be the best that your most meaningful experience thrilled to help host events for
out coming to Tech. can continue to inspire students to I can be, and I love that about our at Tech? prospective students. Two short
Spring of my senior year, I was want to come to what truly is the school. I could not be more proud Copeland: When I first came years later, I was elected Presi-
invited to the Deans Scholarship greatest school in the world, and to be a Ramblin Wreck from to Georgia Tech, I participated in dent of the very club that helped
event at the Scheller College of show our love for Georgia Tech to Georgia Tech and a Helluva Busi- the OMED Challenge Program. I change the course of my life, and
Business. Going into the event I prospective and current students ness Major. like to attribute a lot my success I was thrilled. This experience as
had already pretty much made up and alumni. Technique: Whats your favor- as a Georgia Tech student to this president gave me the opportunity
my mind that I was going to U(sic) Medinger: The role more than ite spot on campus and why? program and office. Challenge to serve others, work on public
GA to study finance, but it was at anything when you become Mr. Copeland: Anywhere with as well as the OMED office has speaking, learn how to be a leader,
that scholarship event that I fell in or Ms. Georgia Tech is to con- a great view of the Atlanta sky- given me some of my best friends make meaningful changes and be
love with the business school and tinue to show school spirit, be a line! I love that Georgia Tech is [and] greatest mentors. They are pushed out of my comfort zone.
Georgia Tech. driving force on our campus and in the middle of a huge city, yet the people who have motivated Without Georgia Tech and
I heard from the Undergradu- make an impact. I know that one it has a campus feel. It is a con- and challenged me as a student those ambassadors, I would not
ate Programming office about of my biggest goals coming into stant reminder that while there is and a leader. have been given a chance to grow
the incredible opportunities the Tech was to leave this Institute a so much for us to do on campus, Medinger: I think that my myself in such a great way, and for
school and Atlanta has to offer better place than when I entered. there are so many possibilities for most meaningful experience at that I am forever grateful.
and met incredible Scheller Busi- Becoming Mr. Georgia Tech is a
ness Ambassadors who made me platform in which I can continue
feel at home. Now, I could not be to do that by working with the
happier that I had the opportunity various organizations that I am
to attend that event and with my involved in on campus to make a
decision to come to Tech. positive difference in the student
On campus, I am in a frater- experience, to give each student
nity, FIJI, where I have served the opportunity to grow and to
in multiple leadership positions achieve their dreams.
including recruitment chairman Technique: How do you em-
and most recently on the execu- body the Tech spirit?
tive board as Treasurer. Copeland: Georgia Tech,
Last year, I was the president has for me, like so many others,
of Scheller Business Ambassadors, allowed me to discover and em-
and I am so thankful to have had brace who I truly am. As a black
an opportunity to lead an organi- woman, and a member of two mi-
zation that had such an impact on norities groups on campus, I have
my life. been able to use my experiences
I am currently the president and growth in moving the cam-
of a program called GOALSoc- pus forward in terms of diversity.
cer which teaches elementary to Georgia Techs motto of progress
middle school aged kids with spe- and service is really just a lifestyle,
cial needs from the Atlanta area and I hope to exemplify progress
how to play soccer with the goal and service in my career.
of bringing them to the Summer Medinger: As a business stu-
Special Olympics of Georgia at dent at an engineering-dominated
Emory to show off their skills. university, it is easy to feel like you
I am also currently a Scheller dont exactly fit in to the culture of
College of Business Representa- the school, but I think that dur- Photo by Samuel Stewart Student Publications
tive within SGA, a member of ing my time here I have worked to Pictured above are Renee Copeland and Sam Medinger, Mr. and Ms. GT for the 2017-2018
ODK and a GT1000 TL. break that stigma. Outside of the year. Copeland and Medinger are both highly involved on campus and share a love of Tech.
// LIFE technique November 10, 2017 13


office hours can also be extremely SCI-COM FROM PAGE 10 pertise, Hu continued. The idea This workshop series is one
helpful for getting personalized is that the attendees would have a among many efforts of faculty
got a good space to work during attention in a subject. Chair in Communication Skills is swiss army knife of communica- and our colleagues in technical
those long evenings. the third co-instructor of the Sci- tion at the end of the workshop. communication across the Col-
STAY HEALTHY Com workshop and holds a Ph.D. The experts include Eric Sem- lege of Engineering to help all
MAKE A PLAN Eating well, exercising and get- from Emory University. brandt, the maker of the COE students communicate clearly to
Sit down with a calendar and ting enough sleep are always im- Ive always thought scientific webpage; Kim Cobb, an expert other scientists and to the public,
all of your syllabi. Make sure portant. These are also the things writing should be clear, direct on social media for scientists; Ja- Gable said.
youve got all of your finals writ- that tend to fall by the wayside and accessible; Georgia Tech has son Maderer on speaking to the The ability to communi-
ten down on the calendar and during final exam time. been a great place to teach that, media, making research results cate effectively always makes a
then decide how many hours you Its not that you can get extra he said. accessible and conducting mock difference, Gable said. If
need to commit to studying for sleep now to make up for later, but The class is comprised of a interviews; Candler Hobbs, a sci- scientists and engineers clear-
each subject. you can make sure youre keeping series of guest lecturers that are ence photographer and Stephen ly convey their results to col-
The last day of classes is Dec. 5 yourself healthy (and try to avoid scheduled over the course of the Norris on social media. leagues, others can build on
and the next day is a reading day. getting sick). semester, speaking on topics from The team hopes to expand their work, which advances sci-
While it may be tempting to go Walk to class instead of tak- mock interviews to photography. the program across the Institutes ence. But if they also can explain
out and celebrate the end of class- ing the bus to get some fresh air. Experts from Georgia Tech departments and have it run as a the big picture of their research
es, its probably a better idea to Eat fruits and veggies to keep generously lecture and review the regular offering with a wide par- to the public, then science is
save the celebration for after finals your body up to speed in the final work of the participants, Don- ticipation of graduate students advanced further by having
and plan out your reading day. stretch before the semester is over. nell said. and post-docs, and possibly ex- more people excited about how
If an hour-by-hour schedule They will give short acceler- pand the program to undergradu- research is done and what it can
works best for you, make one FIND YOUR STUDY SPACE ated courses on their area of ex- ate students in the future. accomplish.
that looks like that. If you need While the semester is still rela-
a detailed task list for each class, tively relaxed, go ahead and scope
decide exactly what you need to out study spots.
study for each class. If youre a first-year, you likely
Once you know your schedule have a natural draw to Clough
at the end of the semester, you can (and in particular those comfort-
make an action plan in order to able booths). If youre in your
give yourself the best chance of upper level courses, you might
finals success. be more at home in your majors
building. If youre on the execu-
GO TO OFFICE HOURS tive board for an organization,
Ideally, you have already built there might be a quiet office you
a relationship with your profes- can claim to do your studying.
sor by going to them for help and Wherever you decide, make
questions throughout the semes- sure you know ahead of time that
ter. But thats not always the case. its a place you can get work done.
Now is a good time to pull that And make sure it has an outlet.
syllabus back up and see exactly The worst thing is to get your-
when and where your professor self mentally and physically ready
will be in their office. to study and then realize that
This is especially helpful when theres no way to charge your de-
you end the year with a 79.7 and vices. Avoid this last-minute prob- Photo by Michael Schneider Student Publications
really need that B. While not as lem by knowing where youre go- The workshop Communicating Science to the Public aims to develop communication skills in
involved with your final grade, TA ing to sit and work. presenting research to industry and media. It is available to graduate students and post-docs.

Sushi Happ y Hou r


Monday+ Wednesday
5 P. M . - 7 P. M .


4 0 4 . 5 0 0 . 2 3 8 3

Monica Jamison
Joshua Trebuchon Friday,
[email protected] November 10, 2017

Humorous Thor fails to break Marvel mold

FILM memorable. There is little direct- themselves lost on the planet of
ing style; the soundtracks are ut- Sakaar, a trash planet ruled by the
Thor: Ragnarok terly forgettable and the conflicts Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum,
GENRE: Action blur into one another. Jurassic Park).
Marvel is starting to wisen After being enslaved by the
STARRING: Chris up to the popular sentiment sur- Grandmaster, Thor is forced to
Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, rounding their films. Yes, Marvel fight in gladiator matches for the
Cate Blanchett films are still massively successful, planets entertainment. There,
DIRECTOR: Taika Waititi but one must ask: for how much Thor finds allies in the Hulk
longer? So Marvel has been trying (Mark Ruffalo, Shutter Island)
to diversify by employing more and an alcoholic former Valkyrie
RELEASE DATE: Nov. 3 outlandish stories and characters (Tessa Thompson, Westworld)
and by recruiting notable indie di- as he works to escape and save As-
OUR TAKE: rectors to add spark to their films. gard from Hela.
To a limited extent, it has worked. Waititi works intensely to use
MOHAR KALRA Thor: Ragnarok is the most comedy to subvert the tropes of
CONTRIBUTING WRITER recent attempt by Marvel to diver- the Marvel movies. Villainous
sify their portfolio. Marvel tapped monologues, epic sacrifices, heroic
At this point, most moviegoers New Zealander director, Taika exits and entrances are all under-
should be familiar with the term Waititi (Hunt for the Wilder- cut by sharp quips and jokes as
Marvel fatigue. Almost a decade people and What We do in the the films heroes literally fall flat
since the first Iron Man movie, Shadows), to direct this film, and on their faces several times.
the Marvel cinematic universe his influence is certainly welcome. But it feels like Waititi has
(MCU) is steaming onwards, Waititi is known for his quirky, made two movies: one generic
consistently raking in several hun- deadpan humor that brought him Marvel movie where a hero must
dreds of millions of dollars with success with his first two films. defeat a villain and the other, an
each release. His sense of humor makes Thor: immensely fun romp through
Despite this success, most Ragnarok one of the most fun space with Jeff Goldblum and
viewers would agree that though films to come out of the MCU. a Hulk.
Marvels films are consistently The movie, which is the third Every scene on Sakaar is so in-
passable, they are uncomfortably in the largely forgettable Thor se- credibly fun. Chris Hemsworth
formulaic at this point. ries, is both a reinvention of Thor has added pathos, vulnerabil-
The hero is established; he or and an attempt to reinvent the ity and wackiness to the blond- Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios
she has some big bad villain to de- Marvel movie. haired, blue-eyed Ken doll that Chris Hemsworth reprises his role as Thor in the latest
feat; the hero struggles, gangs up Similar to James Gunns efforts used to be Thor. He plays off his installment of the trope-following Marvel Cinematic Universe.
with a couple of quirky sidekicks, on Guardians of the Galaxy, costars superbly.
cracks many jokes along the way Waititi takes Thor, previously the Each interaction reads like a scenes distract from the fact that for viewers to take the main con-
and defeats the villain in a ballis- blandest character in the Aveng- scene out of buddy-cop comedy there is yet another cheesy bad guy flict with Hela seriously. Blanchett
tic, CGI final act. ers, and sends him on a wild space as he riffs with a childish Hulk, waiting in the Asgard plotline. does her best with the character,
Everything is tied up in a neat adventure where his character can a cynical Valkyrie and a sensitive, For all of his efforts to infuse but Hela is still little more than
little bow. Every character gets a fill himself out. whiny Bruce Banner. To add to humor, Waititis humor simply another Marvel villain who de-
tidy character arc. The villain is The film follows Thor (Chris the entertainment, Jeff Goldblum cannot work in a Marvel movie cided that she wanted to simply be
destroyed, and a seed is planted Hemsworth, The Huntsman) has a wonderfully humorous pres- if it must also integrate with the evil when she grew up.
for the next film in the MCU. So and Loki (Tom Hiddleston, The ence as a nonchalant, oblivious generic Marvel Big Bad plotline Ultimately, Waititis film falls
it goes. Night Manager) as they are cast authoritarian who steals every that dominates the scenes with flat not because of his humor but
On top of the marked famil- out of Asgard after their impris- scene he is in. Hela and Asgard. because Marvel still refuses to
iarity that viewers experience be- oned sister Hela (Cate Blanchett, Sakaar has color and feels The humor feels immensely relinquish its formula and let the
tween films, most MCU films are Im Not There) conquers Asgard different from the other Marvel out of place every time the audi- humor, style and vision of direc-
bland, colorless and otherwise un- for herself. Thor and Loki find worlds because of it. The Sakaar ence returns to Asgard; it is hard tors like Waititi breathe.

The Moth events celebrate true, live storytelling

storytellers prepare to share dur- years ago as a volunteer at a Moth
MONICA JAMISON ing the Mainstage shows. She Mainstage show. In these early
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR often finds people to coach at days, only a few people were on
StorySLAMs. Hixson also is one staff, and the slam events had not
In March, the Moth returned of the hosts of the radio hour, yet begun.
to its Georgia roots by spread- which is aired on over 450 stations. An overwhelming number of
ing its popular StorySLAMs to Stories for the podcast and the stories were being pitched for the
Atlanta. True stories, performed radio hour are chosen from the Mainstage event, so they began
without notes in front of live audi- StorySLAMs. StorySLAMs, involving the audi-
ences, are the focus of the Moth, Hixson and her team came ence in the decisions. While the
which now includes a podcast, to Georgia less than a year ago Moth staff will listen to stories
radio hour, two books and educa- to meet with Meredith Wil- that do not win, there is a beauty
tion programs. liams, who produces the Atlanta in seeing peoples different favor-
St. Simons Island native StorySLAMs, and auditioned ites, according to Hixson.
George Dawes Green, a novelist hosts. They found John Good to Transferring the live, spoken
and poet, began the Moth in 1997 guide the monthly events, held at stories to print for the two Moth
after moving to New York City. Dads Garage. books was an interesting pro-
He missed swapping stories on the With the theme of First, the cess. Some stories work better
back porch with his friends, who inaugural StorySLAM included on the page than they do live, and
called themselves The Moths stories of a man on a waterski who some we love live its so much
after the insects that shared the was terrified of the aquatic ani- the persons personality carrying
porch with them. mals around him, which turned the story. Without their inflection
The main events of the Moth out to be dolphins not sharks; a and their vibrancy, it didnt trans-
today are Mainstage and Sto- kid who shared his spelling bee late well, Hixson said.
rySLAMs. The slams are open mic failure with the word garage and The ideal way to see a Moth
nights of five-minute stories on a a womans experience of death in story is to hear it live in a room,
certain theme. A host keeps the the family and coming out. The if you can. If you cant, then I
unpredictable night flowing, and last story, shared by Theresa Da- think you should hear it [on the
the audience votes on the win- vis, won the night. podcast or radio hour]. Because a
ner. Mainstage events feature five You have a great talent pool persons voice brings so much ex-
curated speakers who have been in Atlanta, said Hixson. She at- tra to a story, Hixson added. The
coached by Moth staff to shape tended the first Atlanta slam and medium of live storytelling has a
Photo courtesy of Denise Ofelia Mangen their stories. left impressed by the heartfelt, documentary quality, and the lack
A storyteller shares at a StorySLAM while the audience looks Senior Director Jenifer Hix- funny and sad stories. She be- of notes removes a potential filter.
on. Mainstage performers are often chosen from StorySLAMs. son is one of the people who helps came involved with the Moth 18 See MOTH, page 16
// ENTERTAINMENT technique November 10, 2017 15

Adult Swims Squidbillies writers talk origins

werent buddy-buddy then or any- Willis: Well, primarily, we laughed. Blazo told us to make a just making fun of the South. The
ZAFIR SHARIF thing. We had a few of the same havent gone to New York or LA show out of it, so we did. show is only 85 percent mocking
CONTRIBUTING WRITER classes, but we didnt know that because we havent been invited Fortier: Not only that, I re- and 13 percent reference.
we were going to be writing to- there yet. member we got the inspiration Technique: Which is 98
Squidbillies, which airs on gether. Everyone changes out of Fortier: LA and New York are from Squiddly Diddly, an ani- percent.
Sundays at midnight on Adult high school. Once we both found mainstream and uninvolved! mated squid created by Hanna- Willis: I know. You guys over
Swim, entered its eleventh season out that writing was an interest we Willis: I think the main thing Barbera a long time ago. at Tech will like that formula
earlier this year and has released shared, we teamed up. is that we only had a few dollars in Willis: Thats how a lot of right there.
four episodes of nine planned Technique: A lot of the cast is our pocket when we first started, shows get made here. Someone Technique: What episodes
so far. Both the success of the very tight knit, and Squidbillies and when we began producing says a title and it happens. I re- can we look forward to seeing on
show and its improvement over has brought on new actors that content locally, we decided to just member after we finished work- the new season?
the course of time is mainly due you both knew from high school. stay that way. And really, were ing on Space Ghost, one night Willis: The Christmas special,
to the devotion of the writers, Is this the case for the majority of here for the same reason everyone we went to a bar, and I found premiering on Dec. 10, ignites
Dave Willis (Aqua Teen Hun- the cast? else is the sweet tax break [for this redneck soap opera. That was the War on Christmas. As part
ger Force) and Jim Fortier (The Willis: I dont think so. Some film and TV in Georgia]. something like ten years ago. of the War, everyone must say
Brak Show). of our cast just happens to be Technique: How did you get Fortier: Then Blazo said Merry Christmas, and Happy
Technique: This next season of friends of ours like Daniel McDe- the idea for the name of the show, Squidbillies, and the show Holidays is no longer allowed.
Squidbillies is the eleventh season, vitt, the voice of Rusty. When we and what is the significance be- was born. Fortier: It launches an insur-
and I saw online that Squidbil- were choosing voices for the show, hind squids? Willis: When we created this gency on the holiday.
lies is the fourth longest running we really just wanted actors that Willis: I remember it as Mike show, we made it authentic. We Willis: Our finale episode will
show on Adult Swim. could pull off an authentic South- Blazo walking down the hall, are all from the South; the actors also be one to watch and premieres
Willis: Well, I know we are the ern accent, not like Forrest Gump. and he said squidbillies, and we are from the South. So we arent the week after on Dec. 17.
longest running show for animat- For example, the star of the show,
ed squids. But, we also just broke Unknown Hinson [who plays
through to being the third longest Earlie Cuyler] was just some ran-
running show on Adult Swim. dom guy.
Technique: How did your pre- Jim Fortier: In some sort of
vious experience on other shows the word, Daniel [McDevitt] was
lead to the creation of Squidbil- a last resort. I remember when we
lies, and how is this work different were going through the auditions
from your past work? for the role [of Rusty Cuyler], and
Willis: Well before this, Jim at one point Dave was just like,
and I were writing Space Ghost you remember that voice that
Coast to Coast and through the Daniel used to do? Im going to
show we learned how to produce get some voiceovers from him and
good content with a very small lets see what happens.
staff. Because Space Ghost Coast Technique: Do you have a fa-
to Coast was funded so little, vorite character on the show?
us writers had to learn how to Willis: I dont necessarily have
wear different hats. You know, a favorite, but Rusty was a charac-
were editing, were writing, ter that we ended up changing to
were producing. have a stronger role in the show.
Squidbillies is a little differ- Initially, he was just this BMX
ent because when we wrote Space madman to the voice of reason
Ghost Coast to Coast, we had because our show needed one at
no money. Now, we have a little that point.
money. Technique: One big plus is that
Technique: How long have this show is vertically integrated
you guys known each other, and all within Atlanta. The writing,
how did you know you wanted to the filming and the producing all
work together? happens here. What does Atlanta Photo courtesy of Adult Swim
Willis: We went to the same provide that other hotspots like Squidbillies airs on Sundays on Adult Swim and is currently on its eleventh season. The
high school, Heritage High. We New York and LA do not? show follows the Cuyler family of squids, who live in the Georgia Blue Ridge Mountains.

FLAG 137
- Tuesdays -
AT 7:00 P.M.
No Experience


16 November 10, 2017 technique // ENTERTAINMENT

Dark comedy Hand to God delights MOTH FROM PAGE 14

Of course, someone could
read a story to you, but it really
SHOWS colorful paper shirts, the show believable. Dripping in sweat, he ally charged performance was feels different when they dont
mocked saccharine Christian cul- impressively navigated even fight nearly stressful during the second have the piece of paper there.
Hand to God ture with cutting accuracy. scenes with his second self. act, but the payoff was all worth Even if theyre stumbling through
WRITER: Robert Askins Before the play began, audi- The climax of the first act was it. The blend of physical comedy it, it feels more like a conversation.
ence members were invited to join so powerful that the audience whether bloody injuries or the Though the audience isnt saying
DIRECTOR: Mark Masterson the mission crusade and asked would not have been disappointed moves of Margerys suitors much back, they are with their
PERFORMERS: Wendy to turn to their neighbors and if the play had ended right then. with the verbal humor kept the presence, with their laughter, with
Melkonian, Ben Thorpe hold hands. Pastor Greg faithfully However, as the audience returned show from becoming too heavy. their silence, Hixson explained.
used fake curse words like darn to the Cypress, Texas church for The change of transition music Hixson, herself, has experi-
LOCATION: Alliance Theatre in contrast to the vulgarity spewed the second act, the set had been from Veggie Tales and Christian enced storytelling on a Moth
DATE: Oct. 20-Nov. 12 by the puppet and others. Hal- hilariously ravaged by the poten- rock in the first act to punky stage. Telling a deeply personal
lelujahs were dotted throughout tially possessed puppet. tunes in the second complement- story was scary, but it felt good to
OUR TAKE: the performance, most hilariously From defaced Barbies and ed the heightened mood. Special share the story. She felt so much
during a sex scene. stuffed animals to the rearrange- effects, especially in the car scene, love from the audience, appreci-
Like many self-aware commen- ment of the Scrabble letters punctuated the acting well. ating their silence. She stayed in
MONICA JAMISON taries on Christianity, the show Welcome Hello to We come The larger-than-life ending the character she was at the time
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR opened with the line In the be- to Hell, the drastic and detailed came full circle. Even if the audi- of the storys events, hoping that
ginning ... . The puppet Tyrone change fit the productions ability ence was not moved by the exam- someone will recognize their for-
As the Alliance Theatres lo- delivered a hilarious reconstruc- to keep surpassing expectations. ination of internal demons or the giving feeling towards someone
cation in the Woodruff Arts tion of human history, prepping Just when one thought the puppeteering of society at large, who was wronging them.
Center on Peachtree St. is being the audience for a night of laugh- show could not get any weirder, they left with a few new catchy In todays troubled times, sto-
renovated, venues across Atlanta out-loud vulgarity and absurdity any more passionate, any more phrases: Youre so in the closet, ries play an important role in
have hosted the companys perfor- rooted in a deeper message. vulgar, the bar was raised yet youre in Narnia, balls deep in building empathy. Stories help
mances this season. Tucked away As puppet practices progress, it again. The increasingly emotion- love, extracurricular f*******. us connect the dots between each
on a quiet residential street, Dads becomes clear that Tyrone is not other. I feel like were at a rift right
Garage occupies a renovated under Jasons control. The puppet now; the country doesnt under-
church. The setting was fitting for speaks without a filter, revealing stand each other, Hixson said.
the Alliance Theatres latest pro- quiet, well-behaved Jasons re- Hearing a story coming from
duction, Hand to God. pressed thoughts that he wants someone else, you can think some-
The dark puppet comedy near- to sleep with Jessica, that he feels thing about a group this group
ly defies explanation but certainly unloved by his mother who has is like that but then when you
exceeds expectations. A recently been focusing on her own loss. hear a story directly from that per-
widowed mom, Margery (Wendy While representing that darker son, its a gamechanger. Ive had
Melkonian) leads the puppet min- side all people have, the puppet my mind changed a lot by stories,
istry Christcateers at a Lutheran also proves a positive force in Ja- Hixson added.
church in a Texas town. sons life at times: his assertive To participate in the magic of
Her students include the actions defend Jason from Timo- live storytelling, on stage or in the
troubled bully Timothy (Patrick thys bullying. audience, attend the next Moth
Wade), the girl-next-door Jessica Insightful commentary on StorySLAM at Dads Garage on
(Alexandra Ficken) and her own family dynamics and loss is tucked Monday, Nov. 27. at 7:30 p.m.
son Jason (Ben Thorpe). Jason below the surface of the sassy pup- Tickets for the event go on sale
struggles to overcome his fathers pets rants and the humans who a week before at 3 p.m. and typi-
death as he struggles with his pup- interact with him. As Margery cally sell out quickly.
pet Tyrone, who begins to take on processes her grief in an uncon- The slams theme is control.
a life of his own. The small, tal- ventional, shocking way, Wendy For aspiring storytellers, Hixson
ented cast is rounded out by Pas- Melkonian makes her characters suggested considering why the
tor Greg (Allan Edwards). pain relatable. story is important for you to get
From the introduction of the Ben Thorpe executed both out into the world. More than
performance by Allan Edwards mental and physical gymnastics Photo courtesy of Alliance Theatre just an anecdote, most stories in-
to the sets bulletin board of Je- in his dual performance, which Ben Thorpe stars as Jason the boy and Tyrone the puppet in the clude a realization or catharsis,
sus washes our sins away! above made Tyrones independence seem irreverent but deep Hand to God, playing through Nov. 12. without being formulaic.

professional artists series

Adam Ben Ezra

Thursday, Nov. 16 7:30 pm
Double-bass phenomenon, multi-
instrumentalist, and YouTube sensation
Adam Ben Ezra brings the double bass
from its status as a background note to a
dominant front presence.
Performance location: West Village, Room 175
Details at arts.gatech.edu/engage

in Human
Friday, November 17 8:00pm
The company co-founded by choreographer
and Georgia Tech student Raianna Brown
explores Black culture through spoken word,
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Tickets on sale now at

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arts.gatech.edu 404-894-9600
// ENTERTAINMENT technique November 10, 2017 17

ARTlanta Fest highlights local arts community

SCPC and Art Matters co-hosted ARTlanta, which featured
student artists and Atlanta artists. The event included art for
sale, henna, printing demonstrations and projects students
could contribute to, like decorating the big T (bottom right)
and cutting out butterflies for the Migration is Beautiful
collaborative art installation (bottom left).
Photos by Casey Gomez Student Publications
18 November 10, 2017 technique // COMICS




// COMICS technique November 10, 2017 19






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*Gift not redeemable night of event.

// SPORTS technique November 10, 2017 21

BENEFITS FROM PAGE 1 But the more evidence that How trustworthy is Ron Bell? headed thousands of miles east to Tech, the complexion of the last
comes to light, the less likely it The perspective on Bells claims Memphis. In an unlisted YouTube week changes altogether. Bell goes
Programs hope that being seems that Tech reported the full likely depends on whether one video posted by Bell, Pastner calls from a difficult-to-believe former
forthcoming will ease the brunt of extent to which the players re- believes the narrator. Bell has Bell and his girlfriend part of our friend of Techs head coach with
the NCAA when its evaluation is ceived benefits from Bell. A WSB- certainly been unequivocal in his family. All the Tigers, we love a grudge to a whistleblower. Past-
complete. If Tech was forthcom- TV report from this past week, statements, and none of the alle- you both, he adds. Other videos ners reputation would be devas-
ing in its report to the NCAA and which included an interview with gations he makes are directly dis- show Bell watching the handshake tated if he is a compliant coach.
the players in fact only received Bell, claimed that the benefits puted by evidence that has been line from nearby after a game and
around $1,200 in benefits com- could range as high as $2,500, released (although many, such attending Pastners practices. What are the reverberations?
bined, the organization would double that original figure. as his statement that Pastner was In terms of access, Bell is vir- For obvious reasons, Pastner
likely recommend a maximum Bell provided receipts of plane complicit, are yet to be affirma- tually unimpeachable. But he and his staff will be at the center of
suspension of 30 percent of the tickets for Okogie and Jackson, tively supported). was clearly emotionally turbulent the upcoming investigation. Since
season, according to myAJC.com. not included in Techs report. If Bell also clearly has a close re- enough to be angered by Past- Bell claims that his relationship
That would be painful but ul- authentic, these receipts throw a lationship with Pastner, which ner neglecting to call him on his with Pastner long outlives Past-
timately bearable for the Jackets; wrench into Tech athletics story reportedly stretches back to Past- birthday. There is a credibility is- ners time at Tech (and given that
Okogie and Jackson would be able and will rightly draw the question ners time as a player at the Uni- sue at stake, and it will color the he claims that he performed simi-
to play most, if not all, of the con- of whether Tech was forthright or versity of Arizona. His support way that fans and investigators lar acts for players at Memphis),
ference schedule. not in its report. remained unwavering as Pastner view the scandal. the Tigers may also find their past
under increased scrutiny.
What did the administration Bell himself may not go un-
know? When did they know it? scathed. In 2015, the Georgia state
The answer to this question is legislature passed House Bill 3.
perhaps the most important deter- The bill, which passed with broad
minant of how severely Tech is hit bipartisan support, says that no
by sanctions. If Pastner and the person shall give, offer, promise,
Tech administration had no idea or attempt to give any money or
that Bell was providing benefits other thing of value to a student-
to Okogie and Stephens, the situ- athlete ... to induce, encourage,
ation looks more like negligence or reward the student-athletes
on the Jackets behalf than active participation in an intercollegiate
noncompliance. It would certain- sporting event.
ly play better to the NCAA. The law makes such a viola-
But Bell claims not only that tion punishable by up to one year
Pastner was aware but also that he in prison and offers academic in-
explicitly asked Bell to compen- stitutions recourse to recover any
sate players, according to CBSS- lost revenue from sanctions im-
ports.com. In fact, one of his posed as a result of such conduct.
primary grievances with Pastner It is unlikely that Bell will face jail
is that he felt that he should have time that would be a bad look
been compensated for his work. if the claims he made in fact turn
Logically, the recent report out to be substantial but he
that Bell also paid for plane tick- will likely face some sort of con-
ets for Okogie and Jackson makes sequence for inducing Okogie and
it difficult to believe that the Jack- Jackson to skirt the rules.
ets were fully aware of the extent Friday nights basketball game
of Bells work. After all, the most in China will pit a Tech team
strategic move (assuming that without Okogie and Jackson
they had all necessary informa- against a UCLA team missing
tion) would have been to admit to three of its top players, who were
all payments in the original self- arrested for shoplifting in a Louis
report, those tickets included. Vuitton store in Shanghai. Both
But if these claims are actually stories will certainly outlast the
Photos by Casey Miles Student Publications true, and if Pastner and his team game. Techs will define the direc-
Guards Josh Okogie (left) and Tadric Jackson (right) play against Florida State. Okogie and worked to recruit players or keep tion of the basketball program in
Jackson have both been implicated in an impermissible benefits claim submitted to the NCAA. players happy once they were at the Pastner era.
22 November 10, 2017 technique // SPORTS

Womens basketball readies for season


Coming off a tremendous

win over the Union Lady Bull-
dogs, Tech womens basketball is
prepared to build on the perfor-
mances that led them to last years
Womens National Invitational JOHN EDWARDS
Tournament finals. Although ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR
the official 201718 season will
not begin until Nov. 10 at Ap- BUMP, SET, SPIKE
palachian State, Tech competed Tech volleyball officially signed
abroad in Italy over the summer four high school recruits to Tech
and has begun preparation for on National Signing Day, Nov.
tough competition within the At- 8. Mikaila Dowd, Kayla Kaiser,
lantic Coast Conference (ACC). Breland Morrissette and Maddie
The Jackets lost four players Tippett all committed to join the
after the 201617 season Kata- Jackets for the 20182019 volley-
rina Vuckovic, ChaRon Sweeney, ball season.
Simina Avram and Chelsea Gui-
maraes but are reloading with FALL CLASSIC
the talent of powerful freshmen Techs annual baseball intra-
and a star transfer for the new squad scrimmage, the White
season. As head coach MaChelle vs. Gold Series, takes place this
Joseph enters her fifteenth sea- weekend. Game one is Nov. 10 at
son with the Jackets, she begins Photo courtesy of Danny Karnik 5 p.m., followed by game two on
another season of introducing Womens basketball players cheer on the team from the bench as they defeat Washington State Nov. 12 at 1 p.m. and game three
youngsters to the realm of college in the NIT Semifinals. Much of the team returns as the Jackets vie for conference relevance. on Nov. 17 at 4 p.m. All games
ball while building on her history take place at Russ Chandler
as the all-time winningest wom- sports are played at a quicker pace, with the two other Italian women Pan, Seniors Zaire ONeil and Stadium.
ens basketball coach at Tech. but she is ready to attack the game who play the same position se- Imani Tilford and Junior Kay-
Four freshmen are on the move along with her teammates. nior Antonia Peresson and sopho- lan Pugh each averaged nine or BRINGING IT BACK
to make their mark on the court: Kierra Fletcher, who stands at more Francesca Pan. more points per game, and ONeil Director of Athletics Todd
guards Taja Cummings and Ki- 59, led her high school in Michi- The most versatile of the new and Pugh posted five or more re- Stansbury is still attempting to
erra Fletcher and forwards Lorela gan to three district champion- faces, Daijah Jefferson hails from bounds per game. Pan is also the schedule a twelfth game for Tech
Cubaj and Daijah Jefferson were ships and one state championship Virginia and can be expected to reigning ACC Freshman of the football this season, according to
ranked as the twelfth best recruit- during her junior year. Coach play an essential role in the defen- Year and looks to improve on her Kelly Quinlan of jacketsonline.
ing class in the country by Pros- Joseph sees Fletcher growing into sive portion of the Jackets game. already stellar 201617 campaign. com. Tech was forced to cancel
pectsNation.com. The freshmen the shoes of senior Imani Tilford Like Cubaj, Jefferson was ranked The exhibition game hosted their game against UCF due to
were praised by Joseph and their next season, after Tilford moves highly amongst her peers and will Sunday, Nov. 5 created a positive Hurricane Irmas impacts earlier
teammates for their positive at- on from Tech. strive to live up to the expectations feeling for the Jackets moving into this season.
titudes and bountiful energy, as Lorela Cubaj is a 64 guard her coach and teammates hold. the 201718 season. While the Tech football is currently 43
well as the accomplishments and hailing from Italy with vast in- But Tech is more than its re- media anticipates that Tech will on the season. Not having that
work ethic that they bring. ternational playing experience, cruiting class. The Jackets are finish a modest No. 9 in the con- game in Orlando looms large for
Taja Cummings is a 56 player including playing time with the merely reinforcing the foundation ference standings at the end of the Tech, who must now win two of
from nearby Alpharetta with state Italian National Team. Cubaj was that they built up last season in season, the teams fresh talent and three games versus No. 17 Virgin-
championships from her last two ranked as the second-best interna- their deep postseason run. Re- cumulative experience could lead ia Tech, Duke and No. 2 Georgia
years of high school under her tional prospect by ProspectsNa- turning for this season is the core to a more impressive season than in order to reach bowl eligibility
belt. She understands that college tion.com and makes an impact of the Jackets success last season: has been predicted. for a second straight year.
// SPORTS technique November 10, 2017 23

In todays day and age, we con- So, we are confronted with the are rewarded handsomely, and whether or not the payouts, the
sider the practices of the Romans dilemma: what can we do with they can walk away at any time fame and the fortune are worth
using slaves and prisoners to the sport that so many enjoy so indeed, many have. Ravens line- the long-term risks.
stage mock battles to the death for much? Fall Saturdays in the South man John Urschel once said that, When bowl season rolls around
entertainment as nothing short are based almost ritualistically despite the dangers football poses this year, well be watching. From
of barbaric. But given footballs around football. The Super Bowl to him, that he played because the GOBUYMEFLOWERS.com
brutal history, perhaps assuming is the most watched sporting [he] loves the game in an op-ed Pink Carnation Bowl (were only
such a stance makes us nothing event in the United States every at ThePlayersTribune.com. slightly kidding) to the national
but hypocrites. single year, without fail. Entire Theres a rush you get when championship, we will witness ev-
In spite of advancements of television networks have round you go out on the field, lay every- ery moment.
technology in safety equipment the clock coverage of nothing but thing on the line, and physically We will cheer for the insane
for football players since the sport football. But we cannot, try as we dominate the player across from catches, we will groan as we watch
began, football is still deadly to might, have football without the you, Urschel wrote. That is why safeties lay crushing hits on re-
those who play it. Players dont die traumas that players must incur. many still play today (though Ur- ceivers who have the temerity to
a brutal, gory death on the battle- But football differs greatly schel retired earlier this year after cross the field, we will laugh as
field, as in Roman times; instead, from the gladiatorial sports of the another CTE report emerged). red-faced coaches sputter out ar-
they succumb quietly to neurolog- past in that the players willingly Its a risk that players assume, guments with nonplussed referees.
ical trauma years afterward. participate in this activity. They and they must ask themselves But maybe we will watch it all
JOHN EDWARDS, with a heightened sense of appre-
HARSHA SRIDHAR ciation for the sacrifice these play-
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR, ers are making not just of time
SPORTS EDITOR and opportunity cost but of their
bodies. Maybe we will remem-
Theres this old, maybe apocry- ber that the athletes we chide for
phal story about men sentenced to dropping passes (or lambast for
die by combat in Roman times. In missing a key block) are doing us
the center of the arena, they would a great service.
look up to the emperor, who was After all, no one is forcing you
watching the proceedings, and to turn the channel to ESPN or
they would say, Ave Imperator, spend hours watching highlights.
morituri te salutant. In the case of college football, the
Hail, Emperor. Those about to 22 men on the field at any given
die salute you. point are earning a combined zero
We are surely not the first to dollars for their play. The least we
compare American football to the can offer them is some gratitude,
sport of gladiator fighting, and we isnt it?
will not be the last, but the com- Morituri te salutant. Those
parison is still striking. Both are about to die salute you.
(or were) violent, brutish sports, No, football players are not
captivating a national audience, gladiators, no matter how many
with the competitors putting their are knocked unconscious on the
bodies and lives on the line to earn field of play, how many suffer
fame and fortune. from brain injuries or how many
In the wake of evidence that give up their physical primes for
football is inextricably linked to their dreams of being great and for
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopa- our entertainment. Its a voluntary
thy (CTE), a degenerative brain pursuit in which these young men
disease, one must question the Photo by Samuel Stewart Student Publications so boldly partake.
ethics of allowing athletes to put B-back KirVonte Benson is tackled by a Wake Forest defender during Techs homecoming game. But in the ways that matter,
themselves in such harm. Football is a brutal sport, and recent studies have demonstrated the effects of the violence. how big is the difference, really?



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SPORTS EDITOR: Under the Radar technique
Harsha Sridhar
John Edwards
Tech women's basketball isn't project-
ed as a conference contender. They're
looking to change that.422 November 10, 2017
[email protected]

Jackets. Hokies.
gt factor vt
The Jackets running game Statistically speaking, the
continues to be the bright Hokies offense is like the
spot of their offense as they Jackets offense: Virginia Tech
average 332 rushing yards scores only 0.6 more points
per game, ranking third in the per game (32.6) and goes
nation. They will need to rely for about 15 more yards per

on it to move the chains and game (430). But Virginia Tech
dominate in time of posses- runs a more traditional offen-
sion to win the game rather sive style than the Jackets.
than force throwing the ball in The Hokies feature quarter-
inopportune situations as they back Josh Jackson, throwing
have done recently. for about 260 yards per game
What is arguably more im- (almost triple Techs passing
portant, however, is Tech average), and running back
maintaining momentum late in Travon McMillian, who has
games. In losses to Miami and posted 405 rushing yards this
Virginia, Techs offense came season. But turnovers and big
out dominating in point differ- outputs against weak teams
ential in the first two to three mean that these gaudy num-
quarters but lost steam late. bers are not all they seem.

Techs defense shows flash- Virginia Techs defense

es of brilliance but not con- ranks as one of the best in the
sistency. They played a great country, averaging 13.3 points
first half last week, only allow- per game (tied for fourth best

ing six points (not accounting in the nation) and 122 rushing
for the kickoff return touch- yards allowed per game (sev-
down). After halftime, Tech al- enteenth in the country). The
lowed multiple long run plays Hokies front seven can hold
up the middle and blew cov- back Techs rushing offense,
erage deep. These errors cost and if they stack the box, its
them dearly as Virginia scored over for Tech. Despite the
three crucial 25+ yard touch- Jackets bread and butter,
downs in the second half. Tech Brad Stewart and Ricky Jeune
cannot repeat those mistakes. may need good games.

Tech needs to get off to a For VT, the key to winning is

hot start in order to take this sticking with their style of play:
one. The triple option offense relying on defense to cause
works best when playing from three-and-outs and securing
ahead so that Tech can have good field position for their

the key
control over the tempo of the well-balanced offense. When
game. The Jackets have had they try to change things to
turnover issues in the past, and play up to their opponents like
while they have earned a +1 they did against Miami and
ration in the last two games, Clemson, it backfires. In ad-
they need to sustain that level dition, racking up early stops
of improved play. Defensively, would force the Jackets to
the Jackets need to tighten up play one-dimensional football
in the red zone. VT will score; and would also ease the pres-
holding them to field goals sure on the Hokies freshman
can win the game. quarterback.
Story by Rohan Kansara Student Publications

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