Volume 108, Issue 14
Volume 108, Issue 14
Volume 108, Issue 14
. .
and fourth-year EIA. Swift told at Tech, and oversees the STAR campus right now, crisis housing Members of WiMSE and SGA have been help-
the Technique more about STAR Services program. See HOUSING, page 15 ing to expand, clean and furnish new crisis housing.
Sustainability Next Plan technique
Tehreem Hussain
Morgan Whittemore
This new sustainability initiative created by
the Institute is in accordance with the priori- Friday,
ties set forth in the Strategic Plan. 44
[email protected] November 11, 2022
truck as shots were fired, also kill- impending assassination attempt GA GUBERNATORIAL RACE Abrams (D). As of Tuesday night,
ing a bystander in Gujranwala. after a video sent by an agency On Nov. 8, American citi- Abrams conceded to Governor
Khan was given proper treat- surfaced stating that Khan “was zens across the country flocked Kemp, as she failed to establish a
ment at a hospital in Lahore and accused of blasphemy.” Some to their precinct’s polling sites majority with only 45.8% of the
was in noncritical condition; he argued that Khan’s accusations to participate in an essential popular vote in comparison to
has been released since then. against the Pakistani government civic liberty: voting. Kemp’s 53.4%, according to the
According to Pakistani offi- were to help him get back into Two years after the nationwide Associated Press as of Nov. 9.
cials, the suspect of the shooting power. Khan combatted this ar- presidential election of 2020, While all votes have not been
was arrested the same day of the gument by stating “I don’t need to Democrats and Republicans are accounted for yet, projections
shooting. In a video released by accuse the government to get my- yet again vying to not only gain from The New York Times sug-
Pakistan’s Ministry of Informa- self back in power. 75% of elec- control of Congress but also to gest that, nationally, Congress
tion, an unidentified man admit- tions in Pakistan have been won dominate state legislatures. While may be split between the Demo-
ted to shooting Khan and stated by us,” and that “this is the most confirmed results for the 2022 crat and Republican parties.
TABIUS MCCOY he “wanted to kill [him].” Police powerful party.” As a result of his midterm elections are still roll- However, votes from key
CONTRIBUTING WRITER have identified Mohammad Nav- shooting, protests began in the ing in, there were some major counties in battleground states
eed as the primary suspect. streets of Islamabad and Peshawar. victories and upsets that were like Nevada might drastically
GTL BECOMES GT EUROPE In a recent interview with Crowds of Khan supporters bom- called as early as Tuesday night alter these predictions.
As of Oct. 24, the Institute an- CNN on Friday, Khan accused barded the streets and blocked this past week. Specifically for Georgia’s Sen-
nounced that the formerly known government officials Prime Minis- roads as they chanted statements 12 states had competitive gu- ate bid, a Senate run-off election
campus of Georgia Tech-Lorraine ter Shehbaz Sharif, Interior Min- of anger against the Pakistani bernatorial races: Arizona, Geor- has been called that will take
will now be referred to as Georgia ister Rana Sanaullah and Major government. Inter-Services Pub- gia, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, place in December.
Tech-Europe (GTE). General Faisal Naseer of being lic Relations (ISPR) released a Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Republican candidate Her-
The rebranding of the campus responsible for his shooting. statement, according to CNN, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas and schel Walker received 48.5% of
could be credited to the Institute’s Khan made claims that he responding to the assassination Wisconsin. For Tech students, the the vote, and Democrat can-
steady impact in Europe over the knew the shooting was going to accusations that stated that the Georgia gubernatorial race was didate Raphael Warnock re-
past 30 years. The rebranding occur and that it was “planned.” “Pakistan army prides itself for be- one of high magnitude. The race ceived 49.4% of the vote, ac-
will only make the campus im- He blamed the Pakistani military, ing an extremely professional and in Georgia was between incum- cording to polling statistics from
pact even stronger, as the change saying that they were aware of an well-disciplined organization.” bent, Brian Kemp (R) and Stacey the Associated Press as of Nov. 9.
enables Tech to extend its reach
well beyond France and expand
to the rest of Europe.
The campus opened in 1990
in Metz, France. Since then, GTE
has contributed to the city’s in-
novative environment and served
over 11,000 total students with
programs ranging from BA to
ME in both graduate and under-
graduate programs.
With its prime location of
Metz, France, the campus borders
Luxembourg, Germany and Bel-
gium. Students can benefit from
the partnership with European
institutions and connections,
whether that be the European
Parliament or possible connec-
tions in the growing engineering
industry in Germany.
The campus rebranding makes
these connections more feasible
than they might have been previ-
ously as GT Lorraine.
All I know is that I’m here. And I’m
alive. And I’m not alone. — Alice
November 11, 2022
Aanya Sawhney
Isa Cardona Friday,
[email protected] November 11, 2022
12 • November 11, 2022 • technique // ENTERTAINMENT
HOUSING FROM FRONT Swift said that SGA has been pressure to leave within a certain cess thus far, according to Swift, places like the Saint Mark United
able to gain valuable insight about number of days. has been that it is important for Methodist Church of Atlanta,
has around eight beds on small changes that can be added When Swift was shown around the student body at Tech to know which has offered four rooms in
West Campus which are re- to provide students in the program the crisis housing program space about STAR Services. It is criti- their basement level to be used by
served for people who need to with some additional resources. by Fazenbaker, she was able to cal to continue to promote the students in need.
seek this program. The changes recommended gain insight on the organizations programs which STAR Services Currently, these rooms at Saint
Swift explained that the num- by students who participated in which have been able to contrib- is able to provide for students on Mark United need to be refitted
ber of beds available fluctuates due the program were to provide resi- ute and help with the program. campus. into bedrooms, cleaned, painted
to the number of empty dorms dents with linens and toiletries, as She was able to meet volunteers There has been an increasing and furnished. Swift explained
on campus, but there is always a these are resources which make a who were helping with the space number of requests each year for that Tech set aside a budget for
minimum of eight beds which significant impact in improving from the organization Women in the crisis housing program, and STAR to use to be able to fund
alumni have donated to specifi- students’ overall experience. The Material Science and Engineering while no one has had to be turned the refitting, and SGA has worked
cally help aid those in need of the students who are participating (WiMSE) on campus. The vol- away yet, it is important that with STAR to order furniture and
crisis housing program. in the crisis housing program are unteers from WiMSE were using STAR continue to expand so that make the space comfortable.
Swift told the Technique also able to be put in contact with “power tools to take out shelves, they are able to continue to fa- “SGA also wants to make the
that the program has been Klemis Kitchen, which provides clean up the space and make the cilitate and help all students who spaces feel cheerful so people don’t
very effective from the student students in need with a reliable rooms suitable for becoming bed- come to them. In this past aca- feel saddened by the plain walls,
body perspective. food source. rooms,” according to Swift. demic year, STAR received double so we put out a call to student art-
“Dr. Fazenbaker has been According to Swift, students SGA also has a new committee the number of requests they had ists to see if anybody is interested
incredibly responsive whenever who were able to gain the sup- called the Student Needs Com- received in the previous academic in painting a mural on the walls,”
somebody fills out the crisis hous- port of STAR through this pro- mittee, which was created to ad- school year. This increase in re- Swift said.
ing petition, and people have been gram said that Fazenbaker was dress housing insecurity, food quests means it has been impor- Swift has been impressed with
able to get housing the night they “such a great help and amazing insecurity, financial insecurity tant to continue STAR as it is able the amount of student support for
submit the form if that is what resource during a time of crisis in and any other barriers to students’ to provide the resources necessary this initiative. People who want to
they need,” Swift said. their lives, and they are incredibly education. The chair of the com- to help aid the success of students be able to help have reached out to
SGA has been able to help the grateful for his generosity.” Addi- mittee is Harrison Baro, second- at Tech. aid in painting the walls, building
crisis housing program to learn tionally, crisis housing by STAR year ENVE, who has been an in- There has also been a positive furniture and making the rooms
about what areas of the program is very flexible with students who tegral part of the process helping outpour of support from the At- ready for the program. The pro-
can be improved upon through are using it. According to Swift, to facilitate the crisis housing ini- lanta community to help provide gram showcases the willingness
meeting with students who have past students using the program tiative. The most important learn- housing as an extension to Tech’s the student body has to help their
been through the program. have said that they do not feel any ing process for the program’s suc- crisis housing program from peers succeed at Tech.
TITLE IX FROM FRONT Moss said the program has definitely something that we have currently, members of the cheer FOOTBALL FROM PAGE 20
grown in their performance and to work towards keeping a good team must fundraise to pay their
we got to make sure we’re look- support throughout her time on reputation and maintaining that fees and sponsor themselves at ceiving yards, big runs from run-
ing at small changes that are hap- the team, but she also wishes for reputation because everything competitions each year. ning backs Hall and Smith, and
pening and appreciating those, upgrades in facilities and more that we have is a privilege to us.” Overall, student athletes and a similarly impressive defensive
and then continue to work on the prime television time, something Thom described the balance coaches in women’s sports feel performance. Douse’s 2.5 sacks,
things that we can control.” that she thinks other volleyball between fulfilling their duties as supported by the Athletics Associ- Powell-Lee’s clutch takeaways and
Collier described how the programs could benefit from entertainers at sporting events and ation and seem proud of the work Thomas setting a new career high
program has been rewarded as it across the nation. Moss was also contending with “the typical old Tech has done to uphold Title IX. in tackles with 16 played a huge
has improved and grown over the signed to a name, image and like- school view of cheerleading [that] As Akin noted, “part of [her] job role in limiting the Hokie offense
years. Volleyball has seen more ex- ness (NIL) agreement by Adidas kind of still exists.” The cheerlead- is to ensure that Title IX regula- to zero points in both the first and
posure through television broad- this year in celebration of the an- ing team is co-ed and Thom says tions are followed and that all fourth quarter. Pyron, Powell-Lee
casting and increased support niversary of Title IX and lauded it is very equal along gender lines, Title IX inquiries or complaints and Thomas all earned ACC rec-
from students and the Athletics that “it’s really great that [Adidas but understands how traditional are reviewed in accordance with ognition for their performances.
Association. She believes that the has] used NIL as a way to promote views of cheerleading may pri- Georgia Tech policy and federal Interim head coach Brent Key
team has everything they need to Title IX and to keep the conversa- oritize the appearances the team law, which we do.” will also have to make an impor-
succeed but noted that improve- tion going about women’s sports.” makes for other sports teams. Tech has shown that its female tant decision on the starting quar-
ments in their facilities and in- As the volleyball team has However, cheerleaders train student athletes feel equal to their terback next week. Hopefully,
creases in the number of chartered grown and observed some gaps and compete just like other ath- male peers, but there can always Sims will return fully healthy,
flights would be appreciated. in gender equality, other sports letes at the Institute. Between be room for improvement as Title but Pyron’s performance suggests
Collier’s statements on the im- at Tech have had similar expe- their multiple practices and ap- IX’s sixth decade continues. A that he might be a better option
provements were also echoed by riences. While not recognized pearances, Thom says the team shared belief between the women’s if Sims’ injury limits him in any
one of her players. officially by the NCAA, cheer- prepares for their own competi- sports programs is the pressure to way. The Jackets rebounded nicely
“The support, at least internal- leading is supported by the tions, which have a larger focus on prove themselves to earn recogni- as a team from a disappointing
ly, that you’re seeing given to the Tech Athletics Association and skills like tumbling and stunting. tion, something that fails to in- two-week stretch. If the Jackets
male student athletes, the female is subject to differing views of Altogether, Thom says the timidate them as they enter the can sustain this explosive offense
student athletes are also getting, the sport as a whole. treatment from the Athletics As- next decades of Title IX. and strong situational defense,
and I think that’s a testament to “I think, historically, we’ve sociation has made the cheerlead- “I think that women histori- they can make some noise in a
our staff,” said Erin Moss, fourth- kind of been always at the bot- ing squad feel equal to other pro- cally have had to prove them- weak ACC Coastal Division.
year CHBE and senior middle tom of the totem pole,” said Emily grams, but she still sees ways that selves,” said Collier. “It’s a battle Fans will be watching as the
blocker on the volleyball team. Thom, fourth-year IE and cap- would help affirm their status as a every single day, but I think that Jackets take on Miami in Bobby
“It’s taken us a few years to sort of tain of the Gold Squad of Tech sport at Tech. A potential change we know it’s bigger than us and I Dodd Stadium on Nov. 12 in
get our feet up underneath us and cheerleading. She explained that would be offering full athletic think that we know that we can hopes of capturing another im-
for us to be worthy of that respect the team has had to prove their scholarships for cheerleaders like be an example and we can help portant ACC win and moving
and that attention.” status as a sport, saying that “it’s NCAA-regulated sports receive; move the needle.” within a game of bowl eligibility.
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