Volume 108, Issue 14

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November 11, 2022 • Volume 108, Issue 14 • nique.



. .

technique Sustainability Plan p4 ‘The Diviners’ play p11

News 2 Opinions 5 Entertainment 8 Life 14 Sports 20



This year, Tech has celebrated the

50th anniversary of the passage of
Title IX, a 1972 amendment to the
Higher Education Act that prohibited
discrimination based on sex in federal-
ly-funded colleges and universities. Its
37 words promise equitable treatment
to women in college sports, but dif-
ferences in recognition and resources
between men’s and women’s sports can
still persist.
According to the Athletics As-
sociation Title IX Coordinator, Jo-
eleen Akin, “Athletics departments
are assessed regarding the overall
women’s program and the overall
men’s program and not on a sport-by-
sport comparison.”
Differences between the popu-
larity of individual sports can have
a large impact on their presence on
campus, but Title IX demands that
gender does not contribute directly to
any discrepancies.
Tech boasts eight men’s and seven
women’s varsity sports with varying
sizes in teams and coaching staff. The
volleyball program is unique, because
it is the only sport at the Institute with
just a women’s team. The team is also
significant as it has seen the most suc-
cess out of any fall sport this year, cur-
rently ranked No. 13 in the nation.
Despite its performance, members of
the volleyball program admit that gen-
der plays a role in how they are treated
compared to other sports.
“We’re definitely very behind from
where we need to be from an equity
standpoint,” said Michelle Collier,
head coach of Tech volleyball, regard-
ing all levels of sports in America.
“Probably one of the main things is
just understanding that as much as we
Top L: Photo by Alex Dubé Student Publications; Top R: Photo by Caroline Betz Student Publications; Above: Photo by Josh Kim Student Publications See TITLE IX, page 18


SGA helps STAR expand crisis housing for students

and how the program has been The main goal of the crisis
SOPHIA ABEDI implemented to help students on housing program is to help serve
CONTRIBUTING WRITER campus. Tech students who become unex-
The STAR Services depart- pectedly displaced or put under
Tech has recently expanded ment is a network of programs financial stress. The program aims
its crisis housing program for which helps provide students with to provide temporary housing.
students, which is one of four the resources necessary to be suc- Swift told the Technique that
of the programs now a part of cessful at Tech. “students can go into crisis hous-
the Students’ Temporary As- The programs that STAR pro- ing for any reason — mold in
sistance and Resources (STAR) vides for students besides the cri- their dorms, a domestic violence
Services department. sis housing program include the dispute, feeling unsafe due to
The Technique talked about Campus Closet, Klemis Kitchen their identity, a natural disaster
this program with Grace Swift, and the Dean Griffin Hip Pock- like a flood, unexpectedly losing
vice president of the Student et Fund. Steve Fazenbaker is the their housing due to financial
Government Association (SGA) program director of Student Life reasons and other reasons.” On Photo courtesy of Grace Swift

and fourth-year EIA. Swift told at Tech, and oversees the STAR campus right now, crisis housing Members of WiMSE and SGA have been help-
the Technique more about STAR Services program. See HOUSING, page 15 ing to expand, clean and furnish new crisis housing.
Sustainability Next Plan technique
Tehreem Hussain
Morgan Whittemore
This new sustainability initiative created by
the Institute is in accordance with the priori- Friday,
ties set forth in the Strategic Plan. 44
[email protected] November 11, 2022

Tech launches D.C. study ‘abroad’ program

assistance of Tech staff; students sions into their program of study policy space — both domestic and of whom grew up in the D.C.
EMILY RUSSELL can take on unpaid internships and explore public service as a international,” Taylor said. area. Everyone is a transplant, and
STAFF WRITER at organizations like the Depart- possible career path.” He continued on to say that there is a lot to do.”
ment of State, the White House The two expressed sentiments “in order for STEM majors to ex- Similarly, Rubin says that
Tech presents its students with Office of Science and Technology regarding why they initiated the cel, they need to understand the “there are a lot of social, cultural
a plethora of study abroad op- Policy, the National Oceanic and development of the program. policy, regulatory and interna- and professional opportunities to
portunities. According to the Of- Atmospheric Administration, the “While spending a year in tional environments within which explore. If someone is interested
fice of International Education, International Institute for Strate- D.C. working at the Pentagon in firms operate these days. Building in public service of any sort, it is
the Institute sends more than gic Studies and more. 2017 and 2018, I was struck by a bridge, a car engine or a com- an essential place to get a jump on
2,000 students abroad annually Tech alumni have interned our lack of formal and institution- puter network is no longer just a a career. I encourage anyone look-
as part of study abroad and offers with companies like that of the al presence. I … began to explore technical task.” ing for a job in D.C. to spend time
more than 120 programs to do ones listed above, and thus the options about how to bring great- All in all, that is where GT@ there for all of these reasons.”
so. These opportunities account school has remained in contact er Tech presence opportunities in DC inspires furthering these abil- Applications for Fall of 2023
for nearly every continent and with these programs. D.C., focused around a semester in ities. Both professors exclaimed are available now.
academic track offered. In addition to taking courses the area,” Rubin said. how excited they were for students Space is limited to 17 stu-
Some of the school’s most pop- and completing an internship, the Taylor emphasized the im- to experience Washington, D.C. dents during the first semes-
ular programs include endeavors faculty intends on coordinating portance of both non-STEM Taylor says that there is a sense ter of the program, and no
in Metz, Barcelona and Oxford. extracurricular activities for those and STEM majors having some of excitement and empowerment fees or other commitments
In comparison, the most recently within the cohort. degree of understanding within in being around the city. are due at this time.
developed program is located do- According to the official flier the realm of policy. “The energy and excitement To find out more about the
mestically in Washington, D.C. for the program, this may look “[Employers and alumni] around solving the country’s program and application pro-
Proposed by professors Zak like “[participating] in guided were telling us that Tech stu- problems is just fantastic — stu- cess, students can contact Tay-
Taylor and Larry Rubin in tan- field visits to government of- dents were much more employ- dents will have a ball,” Taylor lor at [email protected] or
dem with the Sam Nunn School fices and also [touring] historic able when they could show real said. “D.C. is full of college stu- Rubin at lawrence.rubin@
of International Affairs (INTA) sites and museums around the experience and knowledge of the dents and 20-year-olds, very few inta.gatech.edu.
and the School of Public Policy Washington D.C. area.”
(SPP), the “GT@DC” venture As for the accommodations,
aims to offer a “pathways to pol- students will reside in double,
icy” program of courses, intern- triple or quadruple apartment
ships, research opportunities and complexes — similar to that of
extracurricular activities. the housing offered on Tech’s
The program will first take main campus. Attendees will
place over the duration of the Fall room with their fellow GT@
2023 semester. DC study abroad peers. Overall,
While “abroad,” students will GT@DC is set to cost $6,300
enroll in a full course load; they will plus in-state tuition.
be able to take six hours of academ- Taylor noted that they “are
ic credits along with six hours of doing everything to keep costs
professional internship credits. down. All students pay in-state
Though the course offerings tuition regardless of residency sta-
are still being decided upon, ad- tus. Thus, the total costs are close
ministration will plan according to — if not cheaper than — a se-
to the students needs. Empha- mester here in Atlanta.”
sis will be placed upon courses When asked about the pur-
that fulfill the humanities and pose of the program, Taylor and
ethics (Core Area C) require- Rubin said that “GT@DC pro-
ment as well as the social science vides an opportunity for Tech stu-
(Core Area E) requirement. dents to become connected with
For instance, students may important networks of policy
take classes related to INTA or and practice in D.C.”
PUBP, such as Global Citizen- They continued on to say that
ship (INTA 3050) or Political “students can create a strong and
Philosophy (PHIL 3050). More- enduring network outside of At- Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
over, the internship opportuni- lanta, gain work experience, inte- The new “study abroad” program in Washington D.C. will allow students from Tech to travel
ties are abundant thanks to the grate scholarly and policy dimen- to the nation’s capitol in order to take classes and pursue unique internship opportunities.

sliver // your thoughts

Why does Canvas send me 6 notifications for every submission
comment??? >:(
The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper
i’ve genuinely had a cough that simply won’t abate for 2 weeks
Andy Borst EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tehreem Hussain
Talented Ears Have Returning Earlobe Evaporation Methods
my entire family is leaving me to go on an international vacation Hope Williams MANAGING EDITOR OPINIONS EDITOR
How was everyone’s week?!? Yashvini Deva
my roomie and i made a publix run and then spent 3 hours looking LIFE EDITOR
at the nyt needle projections for the election Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the Georgia Jessamyn Lockett
I hope everyone has fun plans for the weekend :) Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of the Georgia ENTERTAINMENT
Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique publishes on EDITOR
hello mom
nothing has more control over my stress levels than miami dade
Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and monthly in the summer. Aanya Sawhney
How much do you guys think John King was paid on Tuesday? SPORTS EDITOR
ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at nique.net/ads. Will Fuss
the weather be craaaaaaazyyyyyy The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one week before PHOTO EDITOR
YUMBO publication. To place a reservation, for billing information or for any Joey D’Adamio
can’t wait to finish this and work on my cs problem set other questions please e-mail us at [email protected].
hey hey hey Clara Templin
Copyright © 2022, Andy Borst, Editor-in-Chief, and the Georgia Tech
ugh i literally have no thoughts or maybe too many thoughts
Board of Student Publications. No part of this paper may be reproduced ONLINE EDITOR
its my bestie’s bday tomorrow <3 in any manner without written permission from the Editor-in-Chief or Kristin Hsu
all i want is for chuck grassley to live to be a 100 from the Board of Student Publications. The ideas expressed herein are
Ok so! Hear me out -- the new TSwift album is growing on me TECHNOLOGY
those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views EDITOR
climate change and whatnot of the Board of Student Publications, the students, staff or faculty of the Rahul Deshpande
Who’s your favorite senator? Georgia Institute of Technology or the University System of Georgia.
print(“Technique staff is so slay”) HEAD COPY EDITOR
Emily Joe
im so good at python tbh i should teach the class at this point
have a splendid Friday !!
nique staff is awesome!
I just ate a pop-tart
// NEWS technique • November 11, 2022 • 3

truck as shots were fired, also kill- impending assassination attempt GA GUBERNATORIAL RACE Abrams (D). As of Tuesday night,
ing a bystander in Gujranwala. after a video sent by an agency On Nov. 8, American citi- Abrams conceded to Governor
Khan was given proper treat- surfaced stating that Khan “was zens across the country flocked Kemp, as she failed to establish a
ment at a hospital in Lahore and accused of blasphemy.” Some to their precinct’s polling sites majority with only 45.8% of the
was in noncritical condition; he argued that Khan’s accusations to participate in an essential popular vote in comparison to
has been released since then. against the Pakistani government civic liberty: voting. Kemp’s 53.4%, according to the
According to Pakistani offi- were to help him get back into Two years after the nationwide Associated Press as of Nov. 9.
cials, the suspect of the shooting power. Khan combatted this ar- presidential election of 2020, While all votes have not been
was arrested the same day of the gument by stating “I don’t need to Democrats and Republicans are accounted for yet, projections
shooting. In a video released by accuse the government to get my- yet again vying to not only gain from The New York Times sug-
Pakistan’s Ministry of Informa- self back in power. 75% of elec- control of Congress but also to gest that, nationally, Congress
tion, an unidentified man admit- tions in Pakistan have been won dominate state legislatures. While may be split between the Demo-
ted to shooting Khan and stated by us,” and that “this is the most confirmed results for the 2022 crat and Republican parties.
TABIUS MCCOY he “wanted to kill [him].” Police powerful party.” As a result of his midterm elections are still roll- However, votes from key
CONTRIBUTING WRITER have identified Mohammad Nav- shooting, protests began in the ing in, there were some major counties in battleground states
eed as the primary suspect. streets of Islamabad and Peshawar. victories and upsets that were like Nevada might drastically
GTL BECOMES GT EUROPE In a recent interview with Crowds of Khan supporters bom- called as early as Tuesday night alter these predictions.
As of Oct. 24, the Institute an- CNN on Friday, Khan accused barded the streets and blocked this past week. Specifically for Georgia’s Sen-
nounced that the formerly known government officials Prime Minis- roads as they chanted statements 12 states had competitive gu- ate bid, a Senate run-off election
campus of Georgia Tech-Lorraine ter Shehbaz Sharif, Interior Min- of anger against the Pakistani bernatorial races: Arizona, Geor- has been called that will take
will now be referred to as Georgia ister Rana Sanaullah and Major government. Inter-Services Pub- gia, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, place in December.
Tech-Europe (GTE). General Faisal Naseer of being lic Relations (ISPR) released a Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Republican candidate Her-
The rebranding of the campus responsible for his shooting. statement, according to CNN, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas and schel Walker received 48.5% of
could be credited to the Institute’s Khan made claims that he responding to the assassination Wisconsin. For Tech students, the the vote, and Democrat can-
steady impact in Europe over the knew the shooting was going to accusations that stated that the Georgia gubernatorial race was didate Raphael Warnock re-
past 30 years. The rebranding occur and that it was “planned.” “Pakistan army prides itself for be- one of high magnitude. The race ceived 49.4% of the vote, ac-
will only make the campus im- He blamed the Pakistani military, ing an extremely professional and in Georgia was between incum- cording to polling statistics from
pact even stronger, as the change saying that they were aware of an well-disciplined organization.” bent, Brian Kemp (R) and Stacey the Associated Press as of Nov. 9.
enables Tech to extend its reach
well beyond France and expand
to the rest of Europe.
The campus opened in 1990
in Metz, France. Since then, GTE
has contributed to the city’s in-
novative environment and served
over 11,000 total students with
programs ranging from BA to
ME in both graduate and under-
graduate programs.
With its prime location of
Metz, France, the campus borders
Luxembourg, Germany and Bel-
gium. Students can benefit from
the partnership with European
institutions and connections,
whether that be the European
Parliament or possible connec-
tions in the growing engineering
industry in Germany.
The campus rebranding makes
these connections more feasible
than they might have been previ-
ously as GT Lorraine.


On Nov. 3, former Pakistani
Prime Minister Imran Khan was
shot three times in his right leg.
Khan was summing up his seven-
day nationwide tour to promote
early voting action when the at- Photo courtesy of AP Photo Akili-Casundria Ramsess
tempted assassination occurred. Brian Kemp, who first became the governor of Georgia in 2019, won his re-election against Democratic nominee
He was riding in an open-topped Stacey Abrams on Tuesday in an important victory for his Republicans constituents in the battleground state.
4 • November 11, 2022 • technique // NEWS

Sustainability Next Plan begins work at Tech

sustainability at Georgia Tech The assembled team has ex- Tracking, Assessment and Rat- is a riff on Create-X,” Toktay said.
MORGAN WHITTEMORE over the next 10 years,” accord- perience in campus operations, ing System (STARS) report from “It’s going to be co-led by Create-
ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR ing to the Office of Campus research, education and external 2021, which many universities use X and the Ray [C.] Anderson
Sustainability (OCS) website. engagement and is supported to measure their sustainability. Center for Sustainable Business
Stemming from the Institute’s The current Task Force in- by more members beneath the “[STARS] served as a bench- … It’s basically trying to create
Strategic Plan, the Sustainabil- cludes four co-chairs: Maria co-chairs. Toktay says these mark report in [the] advance of this funnel where students inter-
ity Next Plan will guide Tech Cimilluca, Laura Taylor, Anne factors are brought in differ- our strategic, sustainability plan- ested in both entrepreneurship
throughout the next decade in Rogers and Beril Toktay. These ent proportions, but the Task ning work,” Rogers said. “We had and making a difference through
regards to campus sustainability. co-chairs brought together diverse Force is completed by their this report that allowed us to as- climate solutions or sustain-
Its executors, the Sustain- backgrounds in sustainability different perspectives. sess our current standing in these ability solutions can bring those
ability Next Task Force, recently to inform their plan and identi- “It takes everybody to be en- international rankings, and [there things together.”
announced the formal launch fied six focus areas to prioritize gaged and to see their role as were] some of the things that A short bootcamp for Sus-
of the plan and will begin its throughout the next decade. being critical to the success of came out that were clear identifi- tainable-X was hosted on Nov. 5
implementation soon. “We’ve done things in campus our charge,” said Rogers, associ- ers around how [we] can move the and 6 and introduced its attend-
The Tech Strategic Plan in- sustainability already,” said Tok- ate director of OCS. “I had the needle.” ees on to how to approach com-
cludes the Amplify Impact, Con- tay, professor of operations man- pleasure of facilitating this pro- The Task Force is launching plex sustainability problems and
nect Globally and Lead by Ex- agement in the Scheller College cess through to implementation, some of its initiatives this year, propose startup solutions.
ample focus areas that directly of Business. “But when we look and now we’re moving forward and its members are excited for The event also emphasized
informed the creations of the to the future, what should our as- through implementation.” the first steps in the implementa- the importance of aligning stu-
Sustainability Next Plan. pirations for the next 10 years be? Over the past year, the Task tion of the plan. One example is dent initiatives and ideas with the
In 2021, the Sustainabil- And what are some new things Force has collected data on cam- the unveiling of the Climate Ac- United Nations’ Sustainable De-
ity Next Task Force was formed that we should do to achieve pus sustainability to inform the tion Plan, which Rogers says is a velopment Goals (SDGs).
to address these specific areas those aspirations as well as what Sustainability Next Plan. Rog- long-awaited program. “What Sustainability Next
and to “propose a strategic plan are some things we should do to ers said much of this data came “Since 2008, Georgia Tech has found is that we could really tie
implementation roadmap for strengthen what we already have?” from the Institute’s Sustainability had a commitment to be carbon our education programs to the
neutral by 2050, but we never U.N. Sustainable Development
had a plan,” Rogers said. “It’s an Goals, and so there’s a real inten-
amazing opportunity for Geor- tion with the Sustainability Next
gia Tech to engage our campus Plan to do that,” Rogers said.
community to define one. How The SDGs focus on promoting
do we reach carbon neutrality? global development while preserv-
… The second component is that ing and protecting the planet, and
Georgia Tech has an opportunity the co-chairs feel that including
to elevate climate action within these in educational curricula
the mission of its role as a higher will shape students into better
[education] institution.” environmental stewards. Other
Rogers explained that the Cli- initiatives for the academic year
mate Action Plan expands climate include innovating undergradu-
solutions across educational cur- ate and graduate degrees around
riculums and research at the Insti- sustainability, providing fund-
tute, creating an appropriate road- ing for climate research at the
map to carbon neutrality. Institute and promoting living
She emphasized how the plan learning spaces on campus in
will work to include students in line with the SDGs. As Tech en-
these changes rather than just ters the next decade and enacts its
happening in the background of Strategic Plan, students may see
their time at the Institute. more focus on sustainability.
Toktay is looking forward to With the Task Force in place
some of the student programs and working to implement their
Photo by Alex Dubé Student Publications launching within the next year. goals, the Institute is entering a
The Molecular Science and Engineering Building is one of many LEED certified “We’re starting another pro- new era of committed work to-
buildings on Tech’s campus, showcasing the Institute’s commitment to sustainability. gram called Sustainable-X, which wards sustainability.
OPINIONS EDITOR: Yashvini Deva technique

All I know is that I’m here. And I’m
alive. And I’m not alone. — Alice
November 11, 2022

OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion

The classic “family man”
Tax breaks for places of worship
Weighing the pros and cons of implementing legislation in literature and media
being perceived outside of his
As the votes come in on many hotly de- its, only when they have been proven to NITHYA JAMESHENRY notion of a “man.”
STAFF WRITER This “family man” idea ex-
bated issues, we wanted to use this week to act like one. However, this highlights the tends even as far as well-known
focus on a topic that may not be as present important question of how we would mea- Strong, burly, command- celebrities and figures in internet
ing and unfaithful: all char- media and music.
in this year's election cycle, but is still im- sure the positive impact of an organization acteristics of the classic “fam- An example of this is
portant — the question of whether places on the community. ily man.” The character Adam Levine, lead singer of Ma-
depicted in literature and me- roon 5, also known as the band
of worship should be tax exempt. Placing the government in a position dia throughout history remains whose music plays at Target.
Before we even dive into the discus- to judge which organizations have made a unchanged and consistent. His visage depended on him
The dependable father figure being a family-focused person,
sion, it is important to recognize that significant contribution to the public good comes in different forms but at who puts his wife and daughter
the core, is the same person. first. His whole “schtick” was
the definition of what constitutes a place allows the government to yield tax exemp- The “family man” tends to being an easily digestible house-
of worship, for tax purposes at least, tions like a form of approval, blurring the care for his family and puts them hold name.
above all. He usually works hard Then, news breaks that he
is very vague. line between church and state and easily and quantifies his self-worth and cheated on his wife.
This point is exemplified by Our Lady allowing for discrimination. pride using his career and abil- Another similar instance is
ity to do unnecessary manual with Ned Fulmer, formerly of
of Perpetual Exemption, a legally recog- Moreover, it puts places of worship labor. This character derives it- The Try Guys, a YouTube-fa-
nized church created by comedian John that may serve lower socioeconomic com- self from gender roles dating mous group with a wide-reach-
from before 1900. ing platform. His entire internet
Oliver in 2015 solely to prove the point munities or organizations that do not ask The man was the head of the persona was sculpted around the
of how easy it was to create a church for donations in a position where they household and held all power in fact that he “loves his wife!”
a household dynamic. This is re- Then, videos emerge of him
with tax exemption status. Oliver created may be shut down due to an inability to flected in the characterization of fraternizing inappropriately
and disbanded the church within the span meet tax requirements. male figures in many television with an employee and eventu-
shows, movies and books, even ally, news of his affair goes viral.
of several months, showing how easy it was There are so many facets to a place of in contemporary media. These These are the “family men” in
to gain the benefit of tax exemption. worship that we at the Technique may not heteronormative “dudes” are the flesh (or through a computer
inescapable in any media. screen, naturally).
However, the definition of a church is even recognize factors that could be vital In Arthur Miller’s “Death Their public identities center
also increasingly broad since it covers such parts of the conversation. of a Salesman,” Willy Loman on their families and yet, their
laments his inadequacies in actions contradict this. The con-
a wide range of places of worship that serve In light of this, we encourage transpar- his workplace and issues with cept of the unfaithful husband is
a very diverse group of communities. Be- ency with finances in places of worship his family. He begins to no surprise to viewers and con-
cheat on his wife and all his sumers of mass media in today’s
cause of this, it is difficult to come to over- and if taxation is the decided upon path, we problems come to a head, driv- digitally connected world.
arching conclusion statements that would believe that a method of progressive ing him to suicide. The general sentiment of “I’m
He is an example of a “fail- not even surprised” floods social
suit a variety of churches. taxation may be useful. Progressive taxa- ure” in this trope but an appli- media in response to such events.
For example, many may point out tion could be more dynamic, rather than cable character all the same as he However, is it okay to normal-
functions on the same principles. ize these concepts just because
that larger places of worship have been concrete. Although not the perfect so- His sense of self-worth and his they are common?
mental health were obliterated Common and acceptable
very visibly shown to operate for profit lution, we believe that a progressive tax by his work failures and family are not the same, though the
and consequently should experience the could be one possible way of accounting issues. Without those successes, lines often blur.
he felt his life held no value. With the “family man” be-
same government oversight as a business. for the financial differences between vari- The television show "Bones" ing portrayed in all facets of
However, this does not account for count- ous places of worship. exhibits similar phenomena. media and literature consump-
The main male lead, FBI Spe- tion, it is hard to delineate the
less other smaller places of worship that Additionally, by having increased trans- cial Agent Seeley Booth in- issues with the trope.
help support impoverished communi- parency about the finances of places of cessantly emphasizes his However, the intrinsic issues
masculinity and heterosexuality. lying within the “family man”
ties or religions that do not place a focus worship, we hope to at least provide gov- He immediately shoots down concept make for a need to break
on monetary transactions. ernment oversight in preventing malicious any parallels made between him out of the status quo.
and femininity, and his reli- The idea that someone who
In that same line of thought, it may be financial behavior. gious and military backgrounds identifies as a man cannot exhib-
easy to offer tax exemption to places of wor- When faced with a question laced with are used as grounds to explain it conventionally accepted quali-
his insistence. This follows the ties of femininity and emotion-
ship that can be shown to contribute to the as much nuance as the question of exempt- same pattern of the “family ality is deeply antiquated.
common good. This may seem like a clear ing places of worship from taxation, we man” with Booth being a father Though male portrayals of
and family-oriented individual. the “family man” have steered
cut solution: we provide churches with the think the best option is to stay away from He, while never unfaithful to away from this convention, such
same tax exemption benefits as non-prof- conclusive, one-size-fit-all solutions. his partners, is commanding, as with Phil Dunphy of “Modern
strong and emotionally unavail- Family,” it is time to abolish the
able. He almost seems to fear tiresome, dated trope altogether.
The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors.
Write to us: are responses to or commentaries on
content found within the pages of the
[email protected] Technique. Along with these letters,
technique editorial board Got something to say? Then let
we are open to receiving letters that
focus on relevant issues that currently
Andy Borst EDITOR-IN-CHIEF your voice be heard with the Tech- affect Tech as an institute, including
nique. Sliver at Nique.net, tweet us its campus and student body.
Hope Williams MANAGING EDITOR @the_nique or check us out on Face- When submitting letters we ask
book at facebook.com/thenique. We that you include your full name, year
Tehreem Hussain NEWS EDITOR Kristin Hsu ONLINE EDITOR want to hear your opinion and want (first, second etc.) and major. We ask
to make it known to all of campus. that letters be thought provoking,
We also welcome your letters in well written and in good taste. We
Jessamyn Lockett LIFE EDITOR Clara Templin DESIGN EDITOR response to Technique content as well reserve the right to both reject or edit
Aanya Sawhney ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Joey D’Adamio PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR as topics relevant to campus. We will letters for length and style.
Will Fuss SPORTS EDITOR Emily Joe HEAD COPY EDITOR print letters on a timely and space- For questions, comments or con-
available basis. cern, contact the Opinions Editor at
Each week we look for letters that [email protected].
6 • November 11, 2022 • technique // OPINIONS

Unplugging for a day can change your life

the greater Institute community to only watching the football And so I ran. And kept run- But facing them head on, while
for almost three and a half years. game by myself. ning. For about two hours, challenging at first, served as a
That is, until for the first time After a few hours of this, I which was a record for me. And wake up call.
in quite a while, I decided to take found myself bored, sitting alone as I did, I was able to break I’m not one of those people who
a weekend to myself. in my room with my thoughts. down my thoughts one at a time, plans to preach complete isolation
There was no particular reason- For the first time, a feeling and reflect on them. from social media and friends to
ing as to why I made the choice. crept over me that I hadn’t felt be- The doubts truly know yourself.
As I’ve grown, I’ve found fore but really struck me as some- became less over- But I do find my-
myself making decisions based thing I should break down and whelming as I self much more con-
less on logic and tedious pro- analyze moving forward: I hated reasoned through "... is it just easier to scious of why I want
con lists and more on instinct being alone with my thoughts. them, and the to use my phone or
and gut feeling. As it turned out, being with- u n c e r t a i n t y ignore my problems by talk to someone.
ANDY BORST For the most part, it’s worked out friends to voice my thoughts faded as I reaf- numbing them with the Do I have a
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF well and has led to a life more in to or technology to ignore firmed my plans genuine issue that I
line with how I feel about myself. them was overwhelming. and goals for the interconnectedness we need advice on, or
Like many of my fellow Jack- So when the thought of tak- Thoughts that would have future in spite have at our fingertips?” want to plan some-
ets, my days are often spoken ing some time to myself — free drifted through in passing be- of not having thing with friends?
for weeks in advance, leaving of friends, classes, homework and came the focal point of my atten- every answer at Do I have some-
little room for personal time phones — popped into my head, I tion and served to magnify the the ready. thing in my mind
unless purposefully scheduled felt as though it would be just an- doubts and uncertainties that had As I finished, I felt better and that I want to watch and enjoy
into my Google Calendar. other decision that would be plac- been easy to hide from before. promptly ate and showered before after class to unwind?
In some ways, it’s ing me more in line with my own I don’t think I had been bed to put a close on an unpre- Or is it just easier to ignore my
rather comforting. goals and desires. alone like this since I got a dictably exhausting day. problems by numbing them with
You never have to worry about I wasn’t entirely wrong, but phone in eighth grade and was The next day was more the interconnectedness we have at
what you’ll be doing hour to hour, it proved to be more challenging a completely different person of the same, but I felt better our fingertips?
losing yourself in the rhythm of than I was suspecting it would after seven years. about myself. An important question that,
monotony makes the time pass be at first. As a result, sitting alone and As I completed chores and over the past few weeks, has
that much quicker. The first few reflecting, I had trouble rec- watched the football game, I helped me to focus more on my-
You can jump hours were nice. ognizing myself in this way. It found myself able to think much self while finding more enjoyment
from class to clubs, I read some was a part of me I really hadn’t more critically about the thoughts in friends and entertainment.
homework to din- “I don't think I had been books, practiced had to face until now. that seemed so overwhelming just For those who may feel as
ner with friends some drawing After a while, I reasoned that I a day before, and came to a con- though they’re numbing their
and have an in- alone like this since I got and generally en- needed to go on a run. I was cer- clusion about the events that had thoughts and emotions in the
credibly enjoyable, a phone in eighth grade joyed my time. tainly in danger of not completing transpired a day before. same way that I was, I would en-
if not predictable, I had told my goal for the weekend, and it For so long, I felt as though courage you to take a break, and
college experience. and was a completely myself I’d try was day one! I had been using my phone find time to really feel the magni-
Living like this
has been, for all in- different person ...” to avoid mind-
lessly scrolling
Running has always served as
a release for me. The act is rhyth-
and easy access to friends as a tude of them.
way to ignore my concerns and While they will almost cer-
tents and purposes, through my mic, and is something to clear numb my thoughts. tainly feel overwhelming at first,
the story of my col- phone or getting my head and focus my thoughts. They never went away, they over time, you’ll find a greater ap-
lege experience and sucked into a In the moment, that was exactly just became harder to hear, and by preciation for yourself and a better
has defined my interactions with YouTube black hole and resigned what I needed to take a step back. extension, easier to ignore. understanding of who you are.
// OPINIONS technique • November 11, 2022 • 7

Working a job in high school

school was lifeguarding, and the The experience of working late
CAROLINE BETZ experience that I gained at that at night after the pool closed, tak-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER job has been more valuable to me ing out the trash and cleaning the
than anything else I did prior to bathrooms taught me the value of
Of all the experiences that studying at Tech in terms of how the work that gets put into every-
go on a college application, high much the skills I gained have been thing that no one else sees. At the
school jobs are often prioritized transferable to my everyday life as time, this was just the daily pool
the lowest. These experiences a college student. maintenance that had to be done
are often put behind extracur- This skill has proved to be so to keep a pool functional, but
riculars and volunteer experi- critical to success in college where now in college, this is the hours
ence, but having a job in high all of your schedules for involve- spent on homework, personal
school can be what equips you ments somehow seem to over- projects and everything else that
with skills that are critical to your lap and where you are fully in has to get done.
success in college. charge of managing all of your I spent one summer in high
Experience in the high school time on your own. school as a manager at the pool Are you REDy Nicole Approaches
classroom prepares students for the As a lifeguard, I also learned I had lifeguarded at for the four The early hours of Tuesday saw Tropical Storm Nicole has
skills they are expecting to need in how to work with a variety of previous summers, which certain- the last total lunar eclipse until caused a surge of watches and
college, such as reading compre- coworkers in quite stressful emer- ly brought on its own challenges 2025. Coming out around 5 warnings on the east coast of
hension geared towards academic gency situations, which has made and lessons. In particular, learn- a.m. for states in the Eastern Florida and central Florida,
styles of writing or conducting sci- dealing with stressful situations in ing how to effectively manage a time zone, viewers were able where it made landfall on Nov.
entific experiments in a laboratory college (for example: a midnight team of people who had varying to watch the moon turn red. 9. Disaster management offi-
setting. However, the skills that roach stakeout, the time my toi- levels of enthusiasm about the task If you didn’t have a chance to cials are warning that Nicole
set college students up for success let overflowed at 3 a.m. or heated at hand has turned out to be in- watch it, don’t fret and check could be a dangerous storm
both within and beyond the class- roommate disputes about Brita fil- credibly useful in college. Wheth- out many of the amazing and urged residents to brace
room cannot be gained from the ters) much more manageable. er I’m the only person in a group images capturing the moment for the impact of the storm,
high school classroom. Had I not had experience project that seems to care about as it happened over campus. including strong winds.
To maintain a successful and working in situations where my their grade or the only person in a
fulfilling college experience, ability to work in a team was criti- group going out to dinner that is
students must master skills like cal to an outcome with greater willing to make a restaurant sug-
time management, prioritiza- stakes than a project grade, my gestion, being able to get a group of
tion, assertiveness and the ability conflict resolution skills would people to get things done, regard-
to be successful while working be much more limited. Limited less of varying levels of apathy, has
independently. These are skills conflict resolution skills can lead certainly been useful.
that are not explicitly taught to to very tense living situations in While academic skills are
young people, whose daily sched- college, particularly freshman obviously not unimportant to-
ules are prescribed to them by the year, when you are likely living in wards your success in college,
adults in their lives and whose much closer proximity to others as you cannot be successful at Voters Gonna Vote Time Change
daily experiences often discour- than you are used to. learning multivariable calculus Georgia voters have hit a re- On Sunday, Nov. 6, Daylights
age them from being assertive Learning how to be self-as- if you do not first know differ- cord-breaking turnout with Savings ended. The change in
or making decisions about their sertive through work experience ential and integral calculus, the more than 2.5 million ballots time ushers in it getting darker
own priorities. has also been incredibly useful as skills learned in the classroom being cast during early voting. earlier and the onset of winter.
However, the one part of the a college student. In order to get prior to college only really pre- The turnout for the first day of Although the extra hour of
life of a high schooler where these the help you need, more times pare student for a fraction of the early voting was almost twice sleep was much appreciated by
skills are taught, although indi- than not, you have to be the challenges they will encounter the turnout of the early vot- Tech students, adjusting sleep
rectly, is in the workplace. To be one to seek it out. Whether it is on a daily basis in college. ing in the 2018 midterms and routines and loosing hours
successful at that job, you must attending office hours or signing Meanwhile, my minimum recent polls have shown that of sunlight can be a difficult
be able to employ skills like pri- up for one-on-one tutoring or wage job that felt unimportant more Americans plan to vote transition. The Technique
oritizing tasks assigned to you by submitting a regrade request, it at the time taught me the skills early when compared with looks forward to more hours of
your boss and being assertive in is so important to be able to iden- that have helped me be success- previous midterms. sunlight in the spring.
situations where you have to stand tify what help you need and seek ful as not only a student in college
up for yourself. My job in high it out directly. but also as a person.

Minimalism is damaging for the world of design

was a staple of so many children’s clearly trying to give its apps I have found that the spaces of furniture flipping.
lunches while growing up. a consistent look while re- are very functional to work in, Furniture flippers will scour
But in 2021, Mr. P was rede- moving any unnecessary de- I do not think this function- flea markets and thrift stores for
signed for Pringles UK products, sign elements, but it only ality is inherently due to its old furniture in need of some re-
losing his hair, bowtie and detail- led to confusion. minimalist design. Compare pairs, and instead of simply giving
ing on his mustache. According Where its previous icons had the detailing (or lack thereof) in the furniture the TLC it needs,
to Pringles, Mr. P’s redesign is his not only unique colors but slight these buildings to other existing they instead gut the furniture and
“boldest look yet” and that the shading to give them a three-di- buildings on campus such as Tech make it more “modern.”
new logo simply modernized him. mensional shape, the new icons Tower. These spaces are still com- This includes sanding down
But were these changes really are oversimplified and too similar fortable to use and perfectly func- furniture and painting over the
necessary to make the brand more to easily distinguish. tional. Not only that, they take original wood beneath it, as well
distinct? The warm joy of Mr. P Looking outside of just the advantage of the fact that physi- as replacing the original handles.
HOPE WILLIAMS has been lost to an overly simpli- digital space, there are plenty cal spaces are full of opportuni- Little details that make furniture
MANAGING EDITOR fied emulation of a human face. of examples in architecture and ties to add little touches of char- unique are lost while being mod-
I know it may sound pointless, interior design of this trend acter, like in the shape and design ernized for a profit. We already
If you have looked at any com- overanalyzing the importance of towards minimalism. of windows, molding around have stores to purchase new fur-
pany’s logo recently, you have Mr. P’s hair, but bear with me. On Tech’s campus, the new the ceilings, and pattern and niture — why destroy a dresser
probably noticed something has Looking beyond the packaging on Student Center and Exhibi- material of floors. that has unique character so that
changed — or to be more precise, the shelves of grocery stores, what tion Hall were made with very Another good example of spac- it matches the same monochro-
something is missing. about design in the digital space? similar design choices: huge win- es that are functional while tak- matic products that are already
Modernized, minimalistic lo- Another example of oversim- dows with uninterrupted glass, ing advantage of opportunities for found everywhere? Seeing mini-
gos are all the rage. From Google plifying logos is the Google Work- bold solid colors on the walls, design is that of subway stations. malism dominate so many design
to MasterCard to Dunkin’, space icons, which encompasses concrete flooring and in some The New York City Subway fea- choices is very concerning to me.
the evidence that minimal- platforms such as Gmail, Google parts of the buildings, exposed tures beautiful artwork at many While I completely under-
ism has fully taken over the Drive and Google Calendar. piping on the ceilings. of its stations, such as vibrant, col- stand that for some, minimal-
world of design is clear. In 2020, Google released There is a lack of pattern used, orful mosaics at the 34th Street- ism may be a lifestyle that reso-
Small, unique details are be- new icons with the intent to and huge open layouts give the Hudson Yards Station and glass nates with their values, I cringe
ing lost in an abyss of bold fonts unify the colors and shapes buildings feelings of being airy artwork of the Broadway Station to think at how much richness
and basic shapes. Despite logos used in the icons. and fully connected. on the Astoria Line. Finally, what in design is being lost to primary
being the most important visual For instance, the Gmail icon, Display cases compartmental- about the furniture itself placed colors and basic shapes.
cue people have about a brand which was historically an envelope ize the decorations in the space in physical spaces? Even the smallest everyday
and what it stands for, they are in- with a red border, was redesigned and a few select murals are care- Again, I do not believe that things are opportunities for
creasingly becoming more simple to incorporate all of Google’s col- fully placed on walls. the functionality of an item creative designs. From lights
and similar, losing any originality. ors (red, blue, yellow and green) The spaces seem to use these (or in the digital space, the ef- switches to cutlery to doorknobs
Take Pringles, for example. along the edges. Google Calen- minimalistic design elements fectiveness of communication to buttons we click on an app,
Their iconic Pringles man dis- dar, which was originally a blue to create the sense of increased of logos or icons) is inherently our daily tasks can be enriched by
played on packaging (named “Mr. page of a calendar, became a rect- productivity — less distrac- tied to how simple it visually ap- the objects around us — why not
P”), with his bushy mustache, angular box with all four colors tions and more functionality pears. One of my least favorite make them visually interesting to
red bow tie and voluminous hair, along the border. Google was for various uses, right? While trends in interior design is that look at?

Aanya Sawhney
Isa Cardona Friday,
[email protected] November 11, 2022

The lack of Black love in film


“I’ve never auditioned to

be a love interest — never —
and I’ve been auditioning for
like four years. Not that I’m
the hottest person, but …
people date me,” said Phoe-
be Robinson, an actress and
New York Times best-selling
author, during a podcast in- A WREK and Technique collaboration
terview with actress Anna
Faris on her show “Anna Faris CALL ME WHEN AUTUMN IS NEAR
is Unqualified” back in 2016.
Robinson reflected on the
lack of films that showcased In Blue
Black love, saying “Why is Declan McKenna
that not in the realm of pos- we fell in love in october
sibility in Hollywood?” Photo courtesy of Nick Wechsler, Jeremiah Samuels girl in red
This poses the question Darius Lovehall (played by Larenz Tate) and Nina Mosley (Nia Long) fall in love Iceblink Luck
that has been a topic of discus- on screen in "Love Jones." The film received glowing reviews upon release. Cocteau Twins
sion and debate for decades Black is the Colour
amongst viewers and workers who has previously struggled ings for one another when For example, in “Love Cara Dillon
in the media industry: why with substance abuse, and Darius meets Nina at a po- & Basketball,” despite its Little Light
is there a lack of Black love throughout the film, Mal- etry club in Chicago after relatability, Gina Prince- Jack M. Senff
stories in film? colm would make fun of the Darius performs one of his Bythewood, the film’s play- If I Were
Actress Raven Goodwin, situation by reminding Marie written pieces. wright, struggled to find a Vashti Bunyan
known for her roles in shows of her troubled past and bouts However, their relation- production company that Something On Your Mind
such as Disney’s “Good Luck of substance addictions. ship is not smooth sailing would pick up the script for Karen Dalton
Charlie” and films such as The entirety of the film re- throughout the entire movie. almost three years; many Not My Baby
“The Clark Sisters: First La- volves around Malcolm and Darius and Nina go through companies deemed the script Alvvays
dies of Gospel,” expressed her Marie saying the most perni- ups and downs where they as “too soft,” according to Diamond Day
opinions on the matter in a cious things to one another. find themselves both strug- Prince-Bythewood. Vashti Bunyan
recent interview. Despite the success of gling to communicate their It wasn’t until globally- Runner
“There’s a lack of Black the two films, they both needs and wants out of the re- known filmmaker Spike Lee Alex G
people in power as it relates convey a negative perception lationship, which could pos- picked up the film in 1998 I’m No Superman
to the people who are writ- of a Black relationship. The sibly be credited to the char- when the production began. Lazlo Bane
ing and directing these mov- two films, like many others acters' young ages and simple Today the same question Shakes
ies, which could be one of in this category, share a sig- growth to understand their stands: what can be done Kid Fears
the reasons Black romance nificant similarity — their desires as young adults. right now to combat this Ode To My Family
movies aren’t very common,” screenplay was written by a The movie ends jubilantly, troubling phenomenon? The Cranberries
Goodwin told the Technique. white screenwriter. leaving some viewers with “The issue is not truly go- Ferris Bueller vs. William Faulkner
The first recollection of It poses the question: How tears of joy as the two confess ing to be fixed until you have Bearded Penguin
“Black love” on film dates could a white screenwriter their love for each other and more Black screenwriters, di- White Seal (Shell & Spine)
back to 1898 with the cre- truly depict what a healthy vow to make the relationship rectors and actors that are not Candy Claws
ation of “Something Good Black relationship looks like if work for better or for worse. afraid to tell a story that goes No One Thinks About You
— Negro Kiss.” Despite the they aren’t Black themselves? Darius’ and Nina’s love is against the norm,” Lewis said. R.O.A.R.
film’s Black cast, the film was “In reality they can’t,” something many young Black That is what makes the Picture Me Better
written and directed by white said actor Rege Lewis, who is couples are able to relate works of films like “Moon- Weyes Blood
filmmaker William Selig, known for his roles in CBS’s to in some aspect. light” so special. Bluebeard
owner of minstrel company, “FBI” and “The Inevitable The film “Love & Basket- The film, written by Tarell Cocteau Twins
“Selig and Johnson’s Colored Defeat of Mister & Pete,” ball” is also a common title McCraney and directed by Without You
Minstrels.” This questions in response to the question brought up in discussion of Barry Jenkins, won the Acad- Strawberry Guy
how genuine Selig's mo- asked in a recent sit-down “iconic” Black love. emy Award for Best Motion Space Cadet
tive in making the film was. with the Technique. The plot focuses on two Picture and accumulated over The Technicolors
Was he truly trying to con- The probability of finding young talented basket- 200 awards total. The movie La Vie En Rose
vey Black love in a positive a movie with a Black couple ball players, Monica and shocked film critics and view- Lucy Dacus
light or was it simply made to that does not revolve around Quincy, who are childhood ers alike, as it was produced Call It Fate, Call It Karma
parody Black love? domestic violence, mental friends and share a common by a Black crew and con- The Strokes
Flash forward over 120 abuse or promote a mes- passion for basketball. tained mostly all Black actors. Boyish
years; the list of Black screen- sage of misogyny and that is The two grow love for It told the realistic and Japanese Breakfast
writers is few to none com- also written and directed by each other, but are faced with compelling story of a young Can’t Love You Anymore
pared to their white coun- a Black person is rare. This challenges just like any other Black man from childhood IU, Oh Hyuk
terparts. As of 2022, Black could possibly be why mov- relationship, as their goals to adulthood and the chal- Baby in Blue
people account for less than ies such as "Love Jones" and of playing professional bas- lenges he faces with accepting Madisenxoxo
6% of professional screenwrit- "Love & Basketball" are ketball threatens their bond his sexuality. Chinatown
ers according to recent studies typically recurring names through phases of their life The film challenged the Barrie
by career company Zippia. brought up in the discussion such as college. The two re- media’s norm of a roman- Fade Into You
Take a look at some criti- of "healthy" Black love mov- kindle their love for each oth- tic movie and unraveled the Mazzy Star
cally-acclaimed films such as ies, Lewis explained. Mov- er later in the movie. issue of Black love from a Space Song
“The Color Purple,” where ies like “Love Jones” and One might simply argue different perspective. Beach House
the main character Celie Har- “Love & Basketball” are ac- that Black actors don’t want Despite the success of It Just Comes and Goes
ris is a Black teenage girl in an tually written and directed to act in Black love movies, Black love movies such as Old Man Canyon
abusive relationship with a by Black screenwriters and but that isn’t the case. “Moonlight” in recent years, Venus Flytrap
Black adult man. directors respectively. “Black actors simply are there is still work to be done Feng Suave
In the 2021 two-hander “Love Jones,” a romance paid less for their roles in in relation to creating more My Jinji
film, “Malcolm & Marie,” film produced in 1997, was Black rom-coms compared realistic Black love movies. Sunset Rollercoaster
starring award winning ac- written by Theodore Witcher. to other roles, because peo- The Black actors that have INC.
tors Zendaya Maree Stoermer The film is often well-respect- ple typically don’t want to power and experience in the Dori Valentine
Coleman and John David ed by many — even 20 years see Black romance movies,” game have to start standing Aging out of the 20th Century
Washington, the two are in a later — due to its authen- Goodwin told the Technique. up and saying “No, I will not Trash Panda
relationship that is fueled by tic portrayal of what young This signifies that pro- accept this role as it does not Who?
verbal and emotional abuse. Black love truly entails. duction companies often depict Black people in a posi- Rina Sawayama
The film is played by a married The film focuses on a don’t view Black romance tive outlook,” said Lewis. Duvet
Black couple Malcolm (John) Black couple Darius (Larenz and love movies as necessary, Will Hollywood eventual- Bôa
and Marie (Zendaya). In the Tate) and Nina (Nia Long). or it might simply be seen ly open up their eyes and be-
film, Marie is a 23 year-old The two develop mutual feel- as too vulnerable. come educated on the matter? nique.net + wrek.org
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • November 11, 2022 • 9

Sam Austins captivates the Vinyl as opener

for the first time in his life, he was
KAUSHIKA MOHAN on stage in Atlanta on tour.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER It felt surreal to witness such
a significant moment, the in-
Last Thursday night, Sam timate size of the venue only
Austins graced the Vinyl with adding to and emphasizing the
his charming performance when energy of the audience.
he opened for Dora Jar. The lim- Austins’ songs oozed with
ited capacity of the venue made Detroit influence through and
the performance all the more en- through, both in the R&B flair in
thralling and personal. his music and in his life story he
From his entrance to his exit, expressed so vividly. Aside from
it all felt unreal, as nowhere in the musicality of his songs and
any moment of his performance performance, the lyrics them-
could the audience predict what selves also portrayed feelings of
his next moves would be. After ambiguity and angst as they de-
the anticipation of his entrance af- scribed topics of the struggles one
ter minutes of watching the band faces while growing up and pursu-
set up and tune their instru- ing their dreams. With the addi-
ments, he finally quietly walked tion of immersive and genre-fluid
on stage, with the audience’s ex- instrumentals, Austins intensely
citement at an ever high. expressed his life stories about
The quiet anticipation greatly growing up in both Detroit and
contrasted with Austins’ strong the suburbs of Michigan.
beginning with his powerful The most captivating feature
voice and the dynamic instru- of Austins’ performance was the
mentals. Immediately, from the way his music visibly resonated
first beat of the song, it was clear through his whole body. Austins Photo by Kaushika Mohan Student Publications
how entranced the audience was, not only vocalized his emotions Sam Austins opened for Dora Jar at the Vinyl. Featuring R&B tones and powerful vocals,
as every single person in the crowd with his singing, but he also add- his set detailed emotion from his upbringing and the struggles of growing into himself.
was moving along to the mu- ed detail to the music through his
sic — jumping, singing, dancing facial expressions and rhythm, as With the last song of the final moments of his performance world: this bubble he artistically
and feeling the music in every he danced along, feeling the music night and the singer's latest with the audience before leaving and carefully crafted. And despite
inch of their souls. and the energy from the audience. single, “Matador,” Austins’ power- with a swift goodbye. that realm being temporary, in the
After a couple of songs, Aus- The band certainly did a phenom- ful voice reverberated through Austins poured out his feel- midst of it all, it felt so raw — so
tins took a moment to talk to the enal job in this aspect by comple- the stage along with the hype ings and his life story and com- long-lasting. Even after the per-
fans, mentioning who he was and menting Austins’ aura and vocals and dramatic instrumentals pav- municated with the audience in formance, the aura lingered above
a little bit of his music history with live instrumentals, which en- ing the way for a memorable exit. a manner only he could, alluring all, and the effects of the perfor-
leading up to this moment where tranced the audience. Austins grooved and moved to the his audience as guests inside of his mance still resonated within.

ITZY is ‘not shy’ at first show in Atlanta

mances with energy and inspiring MIDZY, wanted to have a incredible stamina to be able to ing with Chaeryeong’s take on
ISA CARDONA levels of stamina. memorable and welcoming first perform with so few breaks. They Ariana Grande’s “bloodline.” It
ASSISTANT ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Though it was a seated event, concert with the girls. then performed some fan favorites was a powerful and energetic
long lines zig-zagged around the Once inside as the concert like “ICY” and “#Twenty” which performance that showcased ev-
The beautiful and historic Fox venue as fans anxiously waited to started, it did not take too long brought a refreshing sunny vibe ery aspect of her talent and so-
Theatre was the place to be this see their beloved idols. Unfortu- for ITZY members to captivate to the rainy autumn day. Yuna lidified her position as one of the
past Saturday, as the global K-pop nately, it did rain during the wait, the audience. As the barrier be- and Lia were up next for solo best dancers in fourth-generation
girl group sensation ITZY came but that did not damper the ex- tween the group and the crowd performances and they stunned K-pop. This solo highlighted
to Atlanta on their first world citement or friendliness, as many lifted, it revealed a chess game the audience with their covers the confident Chaeryeong that
tour titled “CHECKMATE.” The fans would share umbrellas and set design and the girls adorned of Conan Gray’s “Maniac” and MIDZYs love to see.
sold-out show was a jam-packed laugh at the situation. in dazzling gem-encrusted white Taylor Swift’s “Red.” The final solo belong to the
two-and-a-half-hour event filled After all, this would be ITZY’s outfits meant to match their roy- Yuna emerged riding a bicycle group leader Yeji. She wowed the
with joy, fan chants, community first time in the United States alty concept. This concept was while singing, before abruptly crowd with Dua Lipa’s “Hot-
and most importantly, incredible since their 2019 showcase tour further pushed with the leader, kicking it over to match the frus- ter Than Hell.” While she did
performances. The five members when they had just debuted. It Yeji, pushing over a human-sized tration of Gray’s lyrics. With not perform a lot of choreogra-
of the group performed 20 songs was also the group’s first time chess piece, signifying the start of somewhat angry lyrics about phy like many were expecting,
and prepared five encore perfor- in Atlanta, and fans, also called the show as she had just achieved being hurt by a former lover ac- she captured the attention of the
the position of checkmate, thus companied by a joyful beat, Yuna thousands in the venue with her
ending the game. perfectly captured the energy of charisma. She roamed around the
The show began with some the song. She would switch from stage and interacted with fans,
beloved B-side tracks that fans a Cheshire-like smile to an angry all while belting out impressive
highly anticipated hearing live expression to her genuine grin all high notes with ease.
such as “Sorry Not Sorry” and in a matter of seconds. The show ended with some
“SHOOT!” ITZY’s live locals Lia was up next for her solo of their most popular songs
were unparalleled and it was in- performance and she slowed like “Not Shy” and “LOCO,”
credible to hear them sound nearly things down with a beautiful ren- and the group was definitely not
identical to their recordings, espe- dition that would make a loyal shy as they wowed the crowd
cially since they were also dancing Swiftie proud. At first, she stood with their performance, especially
at the same time. After a few group still in the center of the stage, with with their iconic dance breaks.
songs, the night moved onto solo a single spotlight lighting up the It seemed like every MIDZY
stages, which entailed each mem- venue. As the song progressed, was on their feet and singing
ber covering a song of their choice. she moved across the stage as blue along, causing the whole venue
Ryujin was the first member and red strobe lights switched to shake and fill with joyful
to take on the stage alone, and on and off depending on the lyr- melody. Following these songs
she covered Doja Cat's track, ics. MIDZYs raised their arms were the encore performances,
“Boss Bitch,” with some lyrical and light rings to sway along with which were very cute and allowed
changes to make the song more her melodic voice. the group to show their apprecia-
personal to her. Dressed up in The quintet came back out tion for their fans through their
a large faux fur coat, Ryujin ex- for the third set of the night with lyrics and fan interactions.
uded boss energy as she captured outfit changes to perform “WAN- “CHECKMATE” was an
the attention of everyone in the NABE.” They were dressed bright- unforgettable show and it was
audience with her excellent ly and colorfully to match the con- a joy to see these talented girls
rapping and dancing. cept of the next set of songs which doing what they enjoy and gain-
The other members came back included their self-love debut ing so much success and love
to talk to the crowd and take a song, “DALLA DALLA” and their globally. ITZY is special and they
short breather before moving on recent song “SNEAKERS.” Both have only just gotten started. If
to the next stage. The girls looked songs are very bouncy, fun and this first tour is any indication
Photo by Isa Cardona Student Publications like they were barely breaking a unapologetically ITZY. of what they are capable of, it is
The ITZY members took the stage during their “CHECKMATE” sweat, and only had a few “talk” The final two solo perfor- clear that there is a bright future
tour. The show featured multiple outfit changes between songs. times, showing that they have mances were right after, start- ahead for the group.
10 • November 11, 2022 • technique // ENTERTAINMENT

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// ENTERTAINMENT technique • November 11, 2022 • 11

DramaTech explores trauma in ‘The Diviners’

town, Buddy Layman.
CAROLINE BETZ His need for salvation is two-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER fold; as a small child, his mother
died saving him from drowning
Editor's Note: This article con- in the river so Buddy developed a
tains spoilers for "The Diviners." crippling fear of water that seem-
ingly prevented him from bathing
Employing unconventional properly since the incident with
advertising techniques such as his mother. In turn, this lack of
asking those passing by on Tech proper bathing led to a generic
Green if they like feet or hinting skin affliction that leads to the
at "business beans" on their ad- character suffering from constant
vertisement board near Kaldi’s, itching throughout the play.
DramaTech’s performance of After being hired by Buddy’s
"The Diviners" sets itself apart father as help at his garage, C.C.
through its clever use of humor commits himself to helping heal
and unique interpretation of the Buddy of his affliction. He tries to
historical fiction genre. help Buddy’s father and sister con-
The play tells the story of a vince him to bathe to aid in the
small town in the 1930s, as a mys- healing of his skin problem, but
terious man comes into town. The Norma is convinced that C.C.,
town soon discovers that this mys- having previously been a preacher,
terious man, C.C., was a preacher is instead committed to Buddy’s
for the last 12 years of his life but spiritual salvation (as he is the Photo by Caroline Betz Student Publications
in the past three months, he has only member of the town who has DramaTech is currently featuring their adaptation of “The Diviners,” an existential examination of
decided to cast off this previous not been baptized). trauma and death. The DramaTech adaptation is humorous and plays on the themes of the original.
profession in search of a new life. The show culminates in C.C.
The town members have a va- successfully getting Buddy to misinterpreting the situation, but While DramaTech’s rendition irony, signaling to watchers to not
riety of reactions to this develop- bathe in the river, the result of before he has the chance to suc- of the play maintains the same take the show too seriously and
ment. One family, the Laymans, his commitment to earning Bud- cessfully correct them, Buddy falls themes and tone as the original, to enjoy the comedy throughout
hires him as a helping hand at dy’s trust throughout the story. into the deepest part of the river. they take a few small artistic lib- the play without getting too
their repair garage. Other town However, when Jennie Mae (Bud- C.C. immediately dives in after erties from the original script to weighed down with the heavy
members, namely some of the dy’s sister) is sent by C.C. to find him, but he was moments too late. make the play more entertaining themes of religion and death.
women in town who run a dry their father to inform him of the This particular moment gets to their collegiate audience. One DramaTech’s performance of
goods store and a diner, take him amazing development, Norma to the meaning of the play, the of the primary plots of the show "The Diviners" is comedic with-
to be the answers to their decade concludes that Jennie Mae is deeper conversation about the role surrounds Buddy Layman’s rejec- out taking away from the show’s
of praying since the town’s church speaking of Buddy’s impending of religion, salvation and family. tion of both shoes and bathing, or themes of religion, salvation, life,
burned down. In particular, Nor- baptism, not bathing. The play compels the audience water in any form. death and healing. The show
ma Henshaw speaks to how much The show then cuts to C.C. to ask themselves what Buddy re- Throughout the DramaTech leaves audiences considering their
she misses the role that the old successfully convincing Buddy to ally must be healed from: what is performance, Buddy refers to his notions of spiritual salvation,
church had played in her life. enter the river, but soon the wom- the real solution to his struggles? feet, more specifically his toes, as their relationship with the role
Throughout the play, Norma en of the town descend onto the The audience must ask themselves his "dogs," a clear reference to the that death plays in such matters
alludes to the fact that she had moment singing traditional bap- what they believe constitutes recent online trend of doing just and whether a figurehead like a
been praying for such a miracle tism hymns. C.C. does his best salvation, and who they think the same. Additionally, the play preacher is necessary for meaning-
to save one of the boys in the to tell the women that they are needs or deserves it. is performed with a thin layer of ful religious worship.


Apply to be an RA
Resident Assistants (RAs) are students who serve in the residence halls as
a resource for their residents. The main function of an RA is to build community
and relationships with residents in an effort to provide programming, individualized
support, campus resource information, and academic encouragement.



12 • November 11, 2022 • technique // ENTERTAINMENT

DRX makes 'League of Legends' History

three lanes and a meandering
AANYA SAWHNEY jungle separating the lanes. The
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR jungle is clouded by the “Fog
of War,” which prevents players
Can a promise stand the test from seeing into the jungle and
of time? Can it take on a form of the dangers within. The playable
its own and reshape itself? During characters in the game are called
the 2022 League of Legends (LoL) “champions” that fall into five
World Championships, these different roles — top laner, mid
questions governed the minds of laner, bottom laner, support play-
eager spectators. Two years ago, er and jungler. The support player
two old high school friends and and bottom laner share the bot-
teammates on DRX, a Korean tom lane, and the jungler traverses
League of Legends team, shared the Fog of War throughout the
a promise. DRX Keria (Ryu Min- jungle, killing jungle monsters to
seok) promised his then teammate level up and “ganking” enemy lan-
DRX Deft (Kim Hyuk-kyu): I will ers — bursting out of the jungle in Photo courtesy of Riot Games
help you win Worlds. Keria vowed a surprise attack to kill the enemy. DRX holds the championship trophy high after taking the title of World Champions in
to be Deft's sword and shield — The game starts with a laning one of the biggest and most popular League of Legends championships in recent years.
to be the reason that DRX would phase, in which the laners attempt
reign as world champs one day, to outscale each other by killing the neutral objective all the way Caitlyn and Aatrox who were itously stumble into Worlds. This
with the expectation that he and minions. Simply put, killing more down to low health and mistimed really strong picks.” year, DRX was indeed considered a
Deft would be on the same team minions helps you get more gold, the final kill on the objective, al- Other fans of LoL also agreed mediocre team; they needed more
when the day finally came. buy more items and become more lowing for T1 steal the kill on it. DRX's win was impressive. than just luck to win. The teams
This is the promise that fol- powerful than your opponent. Stealing the kill on the objective “As the fourth seed of Korea’s they faced in LCK (a last chance
lowed him — that came to frui- As the game progresses, neu- grants the thief’s team all the LCK [League of Legends Cham- qualifier for Worlds) held impres-
tion even as Keria had transferred tral objectives become available buffs that the original team was pions Korea], DRX began their sive reputations under their belt
teams to the indomitable T1, leav- around the map. Neutral objec- working so hard to get. Despite gauntlet run in the Last Chance as DRX had to face Mid-Season
ing Deft still playing on DRX. tives are those that either team having five objectives stolen from Qualifier, meaning they played Invitational title holders, Euro-
The championships in a way were can take in order to buff their them, DRX pushed on and waited the most games out of any team at pean Championship summer title
a reunion as well as a face-off — stats and oppress the enemy team; for T1 to make a fatal error. By Worlds,” said Evan Nutsugah, AD holders and Worlds title holders
one which seemed to be set in these objectives are giant monsters around midnight, the scoreline major at SCAD. “Following this, on their journey to qualify. They
stone as votes on Twitch revealed that often require multiple players was 2-2. The last match would be every team they eliminated was a had to win it all and against a
only 27% of the audience expect- to kill them — the Baron Nashor the decider for world champs. former world champion, bringing plethora of skilled Worlds Cham-
ing DRX to win, speaking to how and Dragons are some examples Champions for each team are them to their absolute peak con- pionships contenders. For these
unyielding T1’s track record is. of these neutral objectives. The selected right before the game dition. Once they arrived at the reasons the 2022 finals broke all
In a shocking turn of events, T1 overall aim of the game is to press begins in a period called “draft,” finals stage, solo laners Zeka and viewership records, peaking at
lost to the underdogs — first-time through the lanes, destroy enemy where opposing teams play tournament MVP Kingen each 5.15 million viewers.
winners DRX — in LoL Worlds towers and finally, kill the enemy mind games and try to outsmart made huge plays on multiple oc- In a pre-match conference,
this past weekend in one of the “Nexus” which ends the game. and counter each other’s cham- casions that were able to turn the Deft ruminated on that moment
most exciting League champion- During the finals, DRX was pions and team compositions. tables on T1, who had relied heav- that Keria promised him the
ships ever played. particularly derided due to their Champion bans are also allowed ily on team fighting and group World Championship. Against all
"League of Legends" is a 5v5 misplays around objectives. Time during this time. coordination to cinch their leads.” presumptions, he faced the world
MOBA (Multiplayer Online over time, objectives were stolen “One of the reasons T1 lost Many online viewers are ad- and viewers betting on DRX’s
Battle Arena) game in which two from them by T1 due to lapses was in draft pick,” said third- ditionally calling DRX’s win a downfall: “Keria once promised
teams (red versus blue) face off on in judgment or indecisiveness on year BMED Ibrahim Mahmood. “Cinderella story,” insinuating a that he’ll help me win Worlds,”
a map called Summoner’s Rift. DRX’s part. Objectives were sto- “They misplayed the draft by “rags to riches” archetypal victory. he said. “It’s time for him to
Summoner’s Rift features len often when DRX would get allowing DRX to pick both However, DRX did not just fortu- keep that promise.”

‘Jeopardy!’ season of champions kicks off

To match an already unprece-
MARGARET KHAYAT dented season, the contestants the
CONTRIBUTING WRITER two hosted proved to be some of
the fiercest competition the show
Nov. 11 is the first day of finals had seen since Ken Jennings’ 74-
in the “Jeopardy! Tournament of game run in 2004.
Champions” for season 38. The It started with the “Amodio
championship pits the 21 top Rodeo,” the nickname given to
players of the season against each Ph.D. student Matt Amodio’s 38-
other in a series of games to deter- game streak. Amodio is known
mine the ultimate winner. The top for his extremely strategic play,
three players after quarter- and such as beginning all his respons-
semi-finals play will go head-to- es with “what’s” to save time.
head in up to seven finals games. Amodio came away with the high-
The first competitor to come est single-game winnings that sea-
out on top in three games will son ($83,000) and the most cor-
win a $250,000 prize. rect responses in the game (42).
Although this tournament oc- When his run ended, he was sec-
curs at the end of every season, ond in consecutive games won in
this last season of the game show the history of the show, only be-
was uniquely historic. It was the hind Ken Jennings.
first season since famed host Alex Amodio’s performance on the
Trebek’s passing, which also show would have been season-
meant that it was the first sea- defining any other year. Howev-
son of the show since 1984 that er, in keeping with a remarkable
Trebek did not host. season, Amy Schneider, an engi- Photo courtesy of Jeopardy
It is a near impossible task neering manager, would clench The new season of "Jeopardy!" (season 38) features winners of previous seasons in order to
to fill the shoes of a great the number two spot. Her 40- determine the ultimate winner of them all. Fans have claimed that the lineup is “stacked.”
like Trebek, however, “The game run was the longest win
Big Bang Theory” and “Blos- streak by a female contestant on half the top ten list. consecutive wins. The second is quarterfinal match on Oct. 31,
som” actor Mayim Bialik and the show. Even more impressive One is Mattea Roach, a Ryan Long, a rideshare driver but his time on “Jeopardy!” was
the longest winstreak “Jeop- than that, however, is her 95% ac- 23-year-old tutor from Nova whose 16-game streak was enough memorable nonetheless.
ardy!” champion in history, curacy in responses and $1.3 mil- Scotia whose 23-day run is the to give him the number nine At this time, the semi-finals
Ken Jennings, filled the job. lion in cash winnings. longest of any Canadian on the spot on the “Jeopardy!” all-time are underway. Amodio, Schneider
The two alternated hosting du- Although nobody snatched show. “Jeopardy!” questions tend leaderboard, and nearly $300,000. and Roach immediately qualified
ties every few weeks. Each took Schneider’s spot on the lead- to cater to an older, American Only Amy Schneider rivaled for a spot in the semi-finals as the
on a tournament, with Bialik erboard, two contestants from audience, making her success on Long’s ability to run entire top three players from the season.
hosting “Jeopardy! College season 38 would also make the the show all the more impres- categories with both run- Six other competitors will join
Championship” and Jennings top ten list of “Jeopardy!” champs. sive. She left the show with over ning a record-setting three them in the semi-finals after their
hosting the “Jeopardy! Tourna- That means competitors from $500,000 in cash winnings and categories in a single game. quarter-final wins. Among them
ment of Champions.” this season alone comprise nearly the fifth spot on the list of most Unfortunately, Long lost his are many fan favorites.
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • November 11, 2022 • 13

Jake Scott brings ‘Lavender Tour’ to Atlanta

Sam paused for short intermis- his name that night in the venue.
SWATI MURUGAPPAN sions but favored clever quips and Throughout the night he oozed
CONTRIBUTING WRITER one-liners over stories. The lyrics confidence, masterfully control-
in “How Do You Dress for the ling the stage and the audience
It was 7:00 p.m. on a Thursday Rain” caught the ear. like a puppeteer. When he reached
night and campus was scrambling. “How do you dress for the another fan favorite, “She,” cou-
After a long hell week filled with rain? How do you ask her to stay?” ples with arms wrapped around
exams, milestone deadlines, team he crooned. His lavender illu- each other swayed in place as the
meetings and sleepless nights, the minated skin paired with a soft music vibrating deep within our
evening ahead was almost daunt- voice humming about love and bones. He played Lavender, the
ing. However, the allure of the heartbreak was so uniquely hu- namesake of his upcoming release
concert experience pulled thou- man, captivating the audience in from his first studio album and
sands of fans to Variety Playhouse the moment. This was the vulner- the lyrics sunk deep into the au-
that night, even in the middle of ability of live music. He reached dience. He told the audience that
the oppressive school week. deep within our rib cages, draw- every love song he has ever writ-
After waiting through the ing out the emotions within. The ten is about his wife Rachel and
lines embracing the venue, the pit started to fill up as he reached the sweetness of the songs teased
bar at the entrance within called his final song, Last Minute, about a cavity. He sang like it was all
the fans forth, adorned with his long-distance relationship he has left, like his every breath
various crewnecks and sweat- with a girl from his hometown was meant to be a song. When he
shirts. Small pieces of familiarity that started right before he left reached more upbeat tunes like
within the waiting period inside for LA. Right person, wrong “Good Day, Green Eyes, Texas
brought the growing audience time. He left us with a somber fin- Girl” the crowd jumped in the
to bob their heads along to the ish, the atmosphere dampening pit, getting lost in the melody.
Jeremy Zucker and Lauv songs just to lighten up in the anticipa- He made a sudden exit and
playing in the background as Photo by Swati Murugappan Student Publications tion of the headliner. thanked everyone for their at-
they meandered their ways over to The stage lighting glowed alongside the aura of Jake Scott’s The audience waited for 20 tendance, only to be lured back
a seat or to the pit. set list, immersing the audience in the lyrical experience. minutes, the excitement peaking with the echoing chant of “En-
The audience’s discomfort and the crowd growing restless core! Encore! Encore!”
from waiting in line quickly heart. In between songs like “If As he continued, the audience and quelled with soft pop anthems He jumped back on stage to
turned to excitement and shy- I Make It,” “Mexico” and “Gold let the bittersweet acoustic mu- like “Anyone” by Justin Beiber, finish out the night with “Fa-
ness transformed to boldness. Digger,” Collazo invited us into sic tear a hole in their hearts and “i’m so tired..” by Lauv and “Cir- vorite T-Shirt,” one of his most
All of a sudden, 10 minutes had his head, telling us stories of his sew it back up again on its own. cles” by Post Malone. When Jake popular releases and the song that
passed and the lights dimmed. move to Atlanta, the pain of his His set ended all too soon and Scott entered the room, all else first introduced many fans to
Dentist-turned-musician and recent divorce and how he found was followed by the bold, bright, faded to the darkness. His name him. He ran out into the crowd
Atlanta-dweller Austin Collazo solace in music which encouraged booming thunder and red lights glowed in lights, a purple halo of and wrapped his arms around
entered the stage with a bleach him to make the career change. In that preceded Sam MacPher- fog appeared and he jumpstarted enlivened fans, the energy in
blonde buzzcut and a guitar in his front of Austin Collazo, dreams son. His style started off edgier the crowd with “CWJBHN, Can the room coming to a steady de-
hands. The purple smoke in the are for the taking, for the mak- and more energetic, as he set the We Just Be Happy Now?” The cline. We were left in awe of it all
background exuded a dreamlike ing, and for the actualizing. He tone as a risk-taker. crowd favorite that had everyone — of live music at its finest. The
sequence. The audience mirrored made the air comfortable, telling In the midst of his songs “For- on their feet. songs don’t sound the same on
his easy energy — the lazy smile the audience stories like they were get I Exist,” “How Do You Dress Gone was the soft, somber at- headphones when you’ve heard
that took over his face when he children fighting away sleep in the for the Rain” and his most recent mosphere of the openers as Jake them live. Live music, you’ve sto-
closed his eyes and sang from the faint glow of a nightlight. single, “Backseat (All I Got),” Scott announced a celebration in len our hearts yet again.

Stormy Cat by AmAndA RolAn, Student PublicAtionS SUDoKU PUZZLE

XKCD by RAndAll munRoe

Jessamyn Lockett Sparks fly at the GT Night Market technique
Anoushka Mehrotra
Worlds collide at the market as cultures celebrate and
share their unique differences with the campus.. 416
[email protected] November 11, 2022

Annual Tour of Asia event hosted by AASA

along with AAPI Month are in These included the Pakistani
KYNDALL BURNES the spring. The Tour of Asia took Student Association, Filipino Stu-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER place this past weekend in the Ex- dent Association, Chinese Stu-
hibition Hall from 6-9 p.m.. dent Association, Sikh Students,
Tech’s Asian American Stu- It was a collaborative event Seoulstice Kpop Club, Taiwanese
dent Association (AASA) is held by all of the Asian-interest American Student Association
an organization that is dedicated organizations on Tech’s campus. and Origami Club.
to three core values: commu- In the main room of the Ex- Rameez Raoof, first-year
nity, social change and cultural hibition Hall, tables were spread BMED, attended the Tour of Asia
awareness. Being one of the throughout with QR codes taped as a volunteer with the Pakistani
largest multicultural groups on on top that led students to a digi- Student Association.
Tech’s campus, they are success- tal menu when scanned. When asked about his
ful in being drivers of change The menu named each dish thoughts on the importance of
as they promote awareness that was being served on the out- cultural events like Tour of Asia,
through different events, projects skirts of the room along with the Raoof said, “Tech is a cultural
and collaborations. origin of the food items. Appetiz- hub in Atlanta, and we are a
AASA unites various clubs ers, entrées, desserts and drinks melting pot of all these different
and programs across campus and were all available for students to cultures. We need to promote
provides students with chanc- partake in to their liking. awareness so people can be more
es to learn about networking, One could have papaya salad understanding and capable of
leadership, engagement at Tech from Thailand as an appetizer or treating others respectfully.”
and more. They hold meetings tofu and tempeh orek from In- The turnout of the event Photo by Tyler Parker Student Publications
along with workshops where donesia as an entrée. The desserts was quite large as students Members of Tekstyles show off their skills. Groups pre-
students can hear more about and drinks looked just as deli- enjoyed performances, food, pare for months for their moment at the big event.
Asian American and Pacific Is- cious, such as baklava from West- games, photo booths and other
lander (AAPI) culture. ern and Central Asia or the sweet fun activities throughout the
Throughout these workshops, rice drink, sikhye, from Korea. three-hour event.
students also learn about the While enjoying the food Students were able to make
AAPI history, identity and issues. provided, students also had the connections with others as they
The organization has multiple opportunity to watch a Tech free- learned more about AAPI culture,
committees that students at Tech style dance club, Tekstyles, per- and members of AASA were able
can get involved with. These in- form on stage. Some club mem- to watch their hard work pay off.
clude Activism, Photography, De- bers spun on their heads while If you did not get to attend
sign and Marketing. breakdancing and others indulged the Tour of Asia, there is no need
AASA has several ways one can in classic hip-hop. to fear. The Asian American
get engaged with the organiza- While there were many other Student Association will have
tion. If interested, all information performances, such as Tech Tae two more large events before the
can be found on their website at Kwon Do and Seoulstice, there school year is over.
aasa.gatech.edu. were sights to see upstairs as well. Educational Summit, an event
Each year, AASA holds three On the second floor of the full of workshops and speakers,
large events to promote social and Exhibition Hall, other cultural will be held in the spring along
cultural awareness on campus. organizations from Tech set up with other social events through- Photo by Tyler Parker Student Publications
The Tour of Asia is held in the various activities and booths for out the month of April for AAPI A solo act performs her routine. Dance is one
fall, and Educational Summit students to visit. Heritage Month. of the beloved attractions at Tour of Asia.
// LIFE technique • November 11, 2022 • 15

HOUSING FROM FRONT Swift said that SGA has been pressure to leave within a certain cess thus far, according to Swift, places like the Saint Mark United
able to gain valuable insight about number of days. has been that it is important for Methodist Church of Atlanta,
has around eight beds on small changes that can be added When Swift was shown around the student body at Tech to know which has offered four rooms in
West Campus which are re- to provide students in the program the crisis housing program space about STAR Services. It is criti- their basement level to be used by
served for people who need to with some additional resources. by Fazenbaker, she was able to cal to continue to promote the students in need.
seek this program. The changes recommended gain insight on the organizations programs which STAR Services Currently, these rooms at Saint
Swift explained that the num- by students who participated in which have been able to contrib- is able to provide for students on Mark United need to be refitted
ber of beds available fluctuates due the program were to provide resi- ute and help with the program. campus. into bedrooms, cleaned, painted
to the number of empty dorms dents with linens and toiletries, as She was able to meet volunteers There has been an increasing and furnished. Swift explained
on campus, but there is always a these are resources which make a who were helping with the space number of requests each year for that Tech set aside a budget for
minimum of eight beds which significant impact in improving from the organization Women in the crisis housing program, and STAR to use to be able to fund
alumni have donated to specifi- students’ overall experience. The Material Science and Engineering while no one has had to be turned the refitting, and SGA has worked
cally help aid those in need of the students who are participating (WiMSE) on campus. The vol- away yet, it is important that with STAR to order furniture and
crisis housing program. in the crisis housing program are unteers from WiMSE were using STAR continue to expand so that make the space comfortable.
Swift told the Technique also able to be put in contact with “power tools to take out shelves, they are able to continue to fa- “SGA also wants to make the
that the program has been Klemis Kitchen, which provides clean up the space and make the cilitate and help all students who spaces feel cheerful so people don’t
very effective from the student students in need with a reliable rooms suitable for becoming bed- come to them. In this past aca- feel saddened by the plain walls,
body perspective. food source. rooms,” according to Swift. demic year, STAR received double so we put out a call to student art-
“Dr. Fazenbaker has been According to Swift, students SGA also has a new committee the number of requests they had ists to see if anybody is interested
incredibly responsive whenever who were able to gain the sup- called the Student Needs Com- received in the previous academic in painting a mural on the walls,”
somebody fills out the crisis hous- port of STAR through this pro- mittee, which was created to ad- school year. This increase in re- Swift said.
ing petition, and people have been gram said that Fazenbaker was dress housing insecurity, food quests means it has been impor- Swift has been impressed with
able to get housing the night they “such a great help and amazing insecurity, financial insecurity tant to continue STAR as it is able the amount of student support for
submit the form if that is what resource during a time of crisis in and any other barriers to students’ to provide the resources necessary this initiative. People who want to
they need,” Swift said. their lives, and they are incredibly education. The chair of the com- to help aid the success of students be able to help have reached out to
SGA has been able to help the grateful for his generosity.” Addi- mittee is Harrison Baro, second- at Tech. aid in painting the walls, building
crisis housing program to learn tionally, crisis housing by STAR year ENVE, who has been an in- There has also been a positive furniture and making the rooms
about what areas of the program is very flexible with students who tegral part of the process helping outpour of support from the At- ready for the program. The pro-
can be improved upon through are using it. According to Swift, to facilitate the crisis housing ini- lanta community to help provide gram showcases the willingness
meeting with students who have past students using the program tiative. The most important learn- housing as an extension to Tech’s the student body has to help their
been through the program. have said that they do not feel any ing process for the program’s suc- crisis housing program from peers succeed at Tech.

S.H.E table talk on reproductive health

Some of the most effective While very effective at prevent- control and their benefits and to share their difficulties in
NOEMI CARILLO forms of contraception are IUDs ing pregnancy, some older forms drawbacks. Many people in the finding the right birth control
CONTRIBUTING WRITER and birth control implants. These of pills are very time sensitive and crowd also had an opportunity method for them.
are 99% effective at preventing require strict schedules for doses.
As part of Tech’s Support, pregnancies. In terms of mechan- However, most modern pills with
Health and Education (S.H.E.) ics, there are two types of IUDs, the newer forms of progestin have
for Women’s Love Your Body hormonal and copper. longer half-lives and the window
week, the organization held a The copper IUD is a bit more of time in which taking the pill is
women’s health panel discus- particular about who can qualify still effective is longer.
sion, inviting the Stamps Health for its use because it has pretty Part of the reason all these
Services to answer various ques- strict uterus size requirements. If forms of birth control are less
tions the audience may have a uterus is not the right size, the effective is because they require
and providing useful informa- IUD is not going to be as effective the individual to be routine with
tion for all students, regard- at preventing pregnancies. whatever it is they choose, partic-
less of gender. Additionally, the copper IUD ularly with the pill and the ring.
This panel in particular fo- does not address heavy blood Both require, or at least imply,
cused on contraceptive meth- flows during periods and in fact, a week of no treatment with
ods such as intrauterine devices may increase it. However, it is three weeks of treatment, in
(IUDs) and various forms of free of any hormones and for that contrast to the IUD, which is
birth control pills. reason, some may choose that in- constant and does not require
The two doctors provided de- stead of the other IUD or birth taking something out or taking
tailed information summarized control options. something everyday.
below about the various forms of The second form of IUDs is During the panel, the patch
contraception that can be used in hormonal and there are two op- and shot were not talked about
order of most to least effective. tions offered at Stamps. Both much, but they imply much lower
But first, a brief discussion forms of IUD provide long-term maintenance and reduce possible
of what goes in these forms of protection, though the hormonal human error in comparison to the
birth control. forms also can provide benefits pill and ring.
The key element in all forms of like less heavy periods and are The final effective form of birth
hormonal birth control is proges- more accessible due to the lack of control talked about, briefly, was
tin. Its synthetic form is what tells strict uterus size standards. condoms. A sample of female
the body to prepare the uterus for The next most effective birth and male condoms were passed
the egg when it is released each control method that Stamps offers around and plastic models were
month in a menstrual cycle. This are the pills, including patches, used to demonstrate proper use.
is what pads up the walls to cre- shots, and rings. They are the Overall this was an interest-
ate an environment for a fertilized most commonly used forms of ing opportunity for students to Photo courtesy of S.H.E
egg. While it is not in all forms of hormonal birth control, but hu- ask questions and have a forum S.H.E members host an affirmations tabling event on Tech
birth control, it is in most. man error can be an issue. to discuss different forms of birth Green. This was one of several events they hosted this past week.
16 • November 11, 2022 • technique // LIFE

GTIA Night Market: A spark in the dark

During the event, attend- we can teach them something that
ASHIKA SRIVASTAVA ees were given “passports” that comes out of this.”
CONTRIBUTING WRITER were stamped as they completed The Office of International
various activities at the booths Education also operated a booth
Rows of tables illuminated in which different booths rep- at the event where they provided
by twinkling string lights lined resented different countries interested students with infor-
the Tech Green walkways as the and organizations. mation related to pursuing an
International Ambassadors at These passports could be education abroad.
Georgia Tech (GTIA) held their exchanged for unique sweet and “We cover study abroad, in-
annual Night Market this past savory treats towards the end ternational internships and then
Thursday, Nov. 3. Students en- of the event. international student services. …
joyed a night of global food, mu- “It’s been really nice. We were What we’re focusing on, is giving
sic, performances and activities here last year, but it’s been better out some information for students
as they celebrated the diversity of this year, and it felt more orga- who want to go global or make
Tech’s student body. nized. It was interesting to visit their resumes more global as well
“Georgia Tech has a very di- all these countries, and the whole as International Education Week.
verse community, both with in- concept of passports and getting That’s coming up November 14
ternational students, but also sec- stamps was cool,” said Rehmah through the 18 in which we have
ond-generation domestic students Firoz, CRP graduate student. events for the whole week that are
and just a variety of diverse popu- Jose Avila, fourth-year AE, global centered,” Patton said.
lations across campus who are thoroughly enjoyed all parts of In addition, members and vol-
domestic students. And so having the event, especially visiting the unteers from GTIA enjoyed in-
events where people can come cel- different booths. teracting with the attendees and Photo by Ashika Srivastava Student Publications
ebrate those differences of culture “I’ve had a lot of fun going contributing to the event Seoulstice take the center stage to wow onlookers.
really communicates a lot about to all the stalls, doing all the “Going around and seeing This was one of the many Night Market performances.
Georgia Tech’s value of that di- activities and trying to look at everyone engaging in the event
versity as well as just the different all the flags that are hung around has been fun. And being at the
cultures that are present,” said Ka- to figure out which ones I know,” check-in table looking at everyone
tie Patton, international student Avila said. “My favorite [booth] who comes and interacting with
and scholar advisor at the Office has been the Georgia Tech them, even if it’s just a small
of International Education (OIE). Spanish Speaking Organiza- interaction, it just feels fulfilling
GTIA aims to foster com- tion. They had a Jeopardy game that you’re doing something to
munity within Tech’s inter- about Spanish-speaking countries enrich the culture and the cam-
national student population that was fun.” pus,” Alsaeed said.
through club meetings and vari- The booths were run by All in all, the GTIA Night
ous cultural events open to the several of Tech’s cultural clubs Market proved to be a success
Tech community. and organizations often look- as students ended the night
“We have a lot of events like ing to bring awareness to their with a taste of all the differ-
Night Market. We have the cul- respective cultures. ent cultural backgrounds that
ture showcase in the spring, and “Every year, [GTIA] do[es] this make up Tech.
there are a lot of events hosted event and they ask a bunch of cul- “Being an international stu-
around the year that showcase the tural organizations to be a part of dent myself, I feel like we need
culture on campus. Within the it. So I believe we participated in people to know more about where
club, we have meetings that we at- this event last year, and I think it’s we’re coming from and know
tend in which we get to know each just a thing we do every year,” said more about the diversity of cul-
other. We’re like kind of a family Brittany Lu, fourth-year BA and tures and backgrounds they are
to each other, so it’s really fun to member of the Chinese Student coming from. Once people find
see the culture on the campus and Association. “For our booth, it’s out more about these countries,
also to have it in one club,” said really fun watching people try to interacting with people from Photo by Ashika Srivastava Student Publications
AB Alsaeed, second-year ARCH guess the Chinese characters, and those cultures is more interesting Intrigued students gather around an informa-
and GTIA member. they’re really into it. It’s nice that and fun,” Firoz said. tion table to learn more about other cultures.

Design • Photography • Writing

Tuesdays • 7pm • Student Center 2150
// LIFE technique • November 11, 2022 • 17

Tips & Tricks: Navigating the finals exam season

They are passionate about
the material they teach and
want their students to succeed.
If you’ve never been to of-
fice hours, we suggest doing so
during this finals season. Do
not wait until the last minute
though — professors do not
appreciate a flood of students
knocking at their doors the
evening before a big exam. Stay
ahead of the curve and reach
out for help well in advance.
ANOUSHKA MEHROTRA With the high-pressure envi-
ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR ronment, the worst part of finals
week is the fact that you are tak-
As finals season approaches, ing so many cumulative exams at
students here at the Institute are the same time.
cracking down on their studying Time management during the
and are hoping to finish off the weeks leading up to finals week
fall semester strong. is crucial. It is impossible to cram
Campus is bustling with stu- for three to five exams the night
dents rushing to class, working before and still expect to be on
on group projects and studying your A game.
for midterms. It is much more feasible to Photo by Alex Dubé Student Publications
Even finding a prime spot split up your time and spend days Students prepare for upcoming exams in groups on the seventh floor of the Cro-
at Price Gilbert is becoming in- and weeks in advance preparing. sland Tower Library. This space is specifically designated for quiet study.
creasingly difficult. The Technique’s advice is to go
Grab a cup of Blue Donkey through all the content that will thought, “boy, I sure am glad I COLLABORATION runs after your late nights end,
coffee and take these tips and be covered on an exam well in didn’t start this project earlier”? What is better than one having friends with you helps get
tricks into consideration as you advance and figure out what you Tech student’s brain? Two Tech you through the upcoming weeks.
prepare for the demanding finals are struggling with and what you CAFFEINATE students’ brains.
season ahead. need to review. To get through the long Getting together with students While the thought of pre-
Notes and study guides are a nights, caffeine is a college stu- in your classes and studying for fi- paring for finals can be scary,
OFFICE HOURS good place to start. dent’s best friend. Although we nals together allows you to share there are many ways to alleviate
The Technique cannot stress From there, spend your re- do not encourage caffeine ad- ideas, help each other and lift spir- the stress and anxiety that ac-
this one enough. Ask for help. maining time working on your diction-level coffee drinking, it its during the difficult weeks. company it. The Technique’s final
Professors are here to help you sore spots to perfect your knowl- comes in handy during finals sea- There may be a formula you piece of advice for students: do
succeed (and they don’t bite). edge. It is a fail-proof plan that son when you are up late studying just cannot crack but your class- not procrastinate.
Attend office hours. leaves you with a lot less anxiety at the CULC. mate is a master at and vice ver- Studying is not something
Go prepared with ques- compared to if you would have A stop at Blue Donkey, the sa. Students can help each other that can be rushed. The feeling
tions and concerns you have saved your studying for the night Tech Square Starbucks or even through collaborative studying. of walking into an exam woefully
about material. before. a local gas station for an energy Having others around you unprepared and walking out with
It makes all the difference Cramming never leaves stu- drink is never a bad idea when you helps lighten the mood and keeps a sinking feeling knowing you
if you do. Professors are more dents feeling good about their have two finals the next morning. you entertained. Whether you could have done much better if
than willing to assist and actu- readiness for an exam. Think In moderation, caffeine can help crack jokes during your study you had simply studied earlier is
ally get excited to help students. about it, when have you ever power you through a busy night. breaks or go on Insomnia Cookie not worth procrastinating.
18 • November 11, 2022 • technique // SPORTS

Volleyball falls to Miami, beats Seminoles

though the Jackets were able to tie a 7-1 lead. Although the Jackets lead in the third set. With a 6-3 a reverse sweep opportunity for
LOIS PARK the game back up at 21, the Hur- fired back with a four-point streak, lead, the Jackets were able to find the Jackets.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ricanes took the final three points the Seminoles answered back in their rhythm. The Jackets were Coming back from a 2-0 set
that they needed to win the set 25- return with a six-point streak to then able to widen the gap to 15-8 score, the Jackets entered the
With a six-game winning 22 and the match 3-1. widen the gap to 13-5. Again, the and later to 21-12. However, the fifth and final set with the goal
streak, the Jackets traveled down Although the six-game win- Jackets gained six out of the next Seminoles went on a four-point of completing the reverse sweep.
south to face the Miami Hurri- ning streak was snapped, the Jack- seven points to close the gap to 15- streak to shorten the gap to 21-16, The fifth set started with the Jack-
canes at the Knight Sports Com- ets played a hard-fought game. 12. However, the Seminoles went but the streak was not enough to ets taking the first lead with a 3-1
plex on Nov. 4. Senior Julia Bergmann finished on an eight-point streak to reach overturn the lead. After keeping start. The Jackets widened the gap
As the first set started, the the night with 16 kills, which set point and took one final point the lead throughout the set, the even more to 7-3, but the Semi-
Jackets were the first to gain the moved her to eighth in program to win the first set 25-14. Jackets were able to keep the game noles continued to follow closely.
lead after a four-point run to make history for career kills. Junior After a tough first set, the Jack- going by winning the set 25-19. Although Florida State kept it
the score 8-5. Miami was quick to Tamara Otene joined Bergmann ets entered the second set trying to Keeping the rhythm from the close, the Jackets gained the last
follow and took back the lead, 11- with 10 kills, while junior Isabella find their rhythm. The two teams third set, the Jackets took the lead two points of the set to win 15-10
10. As Miami took the lead, they D’Amico ended the night with rallied, with the biggest gap be- by gaining the first three points and take home the win.
continued the momentum and 40 assists. Senior Erin Moss also ing just two points. However, the of the set. With an 8-3 lead, the Bergmann ended the after-
carried the lead until the Jack- helped the team with six blocks Seminoles were the first to take off Jackets made sure to keep the lead noon once again with a career
ets fired back. The Jackets scored for the night. with a five-point streak to take the and later extended the lead to 18- high of 38 kills and 77 attacks,
eight straight points to gain the The Jackets stayed south and lead, 13-10. The Jackets did not 7. However, Florida State did not followed by sophomore Bianca
lead back, 21-16. The Jackets held faced the Florida State Seminoles back down and came back with back down and fired back with Bertolino with 14 kills, 33 attacks
onto the lead to win the set 25-18 on Nov. 6 at Tully Gym, hoping five straight points to overturn the a massive 10-point streak to cut and 20 digs. D’Amico also led the
and take the first set. to bounce back after a tough loss lead, 15-13. After rallying again, the 11-point lead to a one -point team with 43 assists, while gradu-
However, Miami did not back against the Miami Hurricanes. the Seminoles took back the lead lead. Although the Seminoles ate Breland Morrissette led the
down and entered the second set The first set started with the and won the set 25-21. were quick to follow, the Jackets team with five blocks.
fiercer than ever. The two teams Seminoles taking off quickly with With the Seminoles being one were able to find their rhythm The Jackets come back home to
rallied and continued to keep the the first four points. Florida State set away from winning the game, once again, win the set 25-20 and play against the Louisville Cardi-
lead under two points. Miami continued to widen the gap with the Jackets were quick to take the tie the set score at 2-2, setting up nals on Nov. 11 at 7 p.m.
was the first to take a wide lead
by scoring four straight points to
make the score 18-14. The Jackets
fired back to shorten the gap to
23-22; however, the Hurricanes
took the next two points to win
the second set and tie the match
score at 1-1.
Entering the third set, the
Jackets struggled to take the
lead as Miami showed no signs
of backing down. With Miami
taking the first wide lead, the
Jackets followed quickly, catch-
ing up and taking the lead
16-15. Once again, the Hur-
ricanes took the lead and wid-
ened the gap further to 22-19
after gaining five out of the last
six points. Although the Jackets
tied the game back up at 22-22,
the Hurricanes took the final
three points to win the third
frame and be one set away from
beating the Jackets.
With Miami just one set away
from winning, the Jackets fought
to keep the game alive by taking a
12-10 lead. However, Miami fired Photo courtesy of Tyler Rover GTAA
back with four straight points Sophomore Bianca Bertolino (5) records a dig during Tech’s loss to Miami. Senior Julia Bergmann (17),
to gain the lead back, 19-15. Al- also pictured, had 16 kills to lead the Jackets and moved to eighth in program history for career kills.

TITLE IX FROM FRONT Moss said the program has definitely something that we have currently, members of the cheer FOOTBALL FROM PAGE 20
grown in their performance and to work towards keeping a good team must fundraise to pay their
we got to make sure we’re look- support throughout her time on reputation and maintaining that fees and sponsor themselves at ceiving yards, big runs from run-
ing at small changes that are hap- the team, but she also wishes for reputation because everything competitions each year. ning backs Hall and Smith, and
pening and appreciating those, upgrades in facilities and more that we have is a privilege to us.” Overall, student athletes and a similarly impressive defensive
and then continue to work on the prime television time, something Thom described the balance coaches in women’s sports feel performance. Douse’s 2.5 sacks,
things that we can control.” that she thinks other volleyball between fulfilling their duties as supported by the Athletics Associ- Powell-Lee’s clutch takeaways and
Collier described how the programs could benefit from entertainers at sporting events and ation and seem proud of the work Thomas setting a new career high
program has been rewarded as it across the nation. Moss was also contending with “the typical old Tech has done to uphold Title IX. in tackles with 16 played a huge
has improved and grown over the signed to a name, image and like- school view of cheerleading [that] As Akin noted, “part of [her] job role in limiting the Hokie offense
years. Volleyball has seen more ex- ness (NIL) agreement by Adidas kind of still exists.” The cheerlead- is to ensure that Title IX regula- to zero points in both the first and
posure through television broad- this year in celebration of the an- ing team is co-ed and Thom says tions are followed and that all fourth quarter. Pyron, Powell-Lee
casting and increased support niversary of Title IX and lauded it is very equal along gender lines, Title IX inquiries or complaints and Thomas all earned ACC rec-
from students and the Athletics that “it’s really great that [Adidas but understands how traditional are reviewed in accordance with ognition for their performances.
Association. She believes that the has] used NIL as a way to promote views of cheerleading may pri- Georgia Tech policy and federal Interim head coach Brent Key
team has everything they need to Title IX and to keep the conversa- oritize the appearances the team law, which we do.” will also have to make an impor-
succeed but noted that improve- tion going about women’s sports.” makes for other sports teams. Tech has shown that its female tant decision on the starting quar-
ments in their facilities and in- As the volleyball team has However, cheerleaders train student athletes feel equal to their terback next week. Hopefully,
creases in the number of chartered grown and observed some gaps and compete just like other ath- male peers, but there can always Sims will return fully healthy,
flights would be appreciated. in gender equality, other sports letes at the Institute. Between be room for improvement as Title but Pyron’s performance suggests
Collier’s statements on the im- at Tech have had similar expe- their multiple practices and ap- IX’s sixth decade continues. A that he might be a better option
provements were also echoed by riences. While not recognized pearances, Thom says the team shared belief between the women’s if Sims’ injury limits him in any
one of her players. officially by the NCAA, cheer- prepares for their own competi- sports programs is the pressure to way. The Jackets rebounded nicely
“The support, at least internal- leading is supported by the tions, which have a larger focus on prove themselves to earn recogni- as a team from a disappointing
ly, that you’re seeing given to the Tech Athletics Association and skills like tumbling and stunting. tion, something that fails to in- two-week stretch. If the Jackets
male student athletes, the female is subject to differing views of Altogether, Thom says the timidate them as they enter the can sustain this explosive offense
student athletes are also getting, the sport as a whole. treatment from the Athletics As- next decades of Title IX. and strong situational defense,
and I think that’s a testament to “I think, historically, we’ve sociation has made the cheerlead- “I think that women histori- they can make some noise in a
our staff,” said Erin Moss, fourth- kind of been always at the bot- ing squad feel equal to other pro- cally have had to prove them- weak ACC Coastal Division.
year CHBE and senior middle tom of the totem pole,” said Emily grams, but she still sees ways that selves,” said Collier. “It’s a battle Fans will be watching as the
blocker on the volleyball team. Thom, fourth-year IE and cap- would help affirm their status as a every single day, but I think that Jackets take on Miami in Bobby
“It’s taken us a few years to sort of tain of the Gold Squad of Tech sport at Tech. A potential change we know it’s bigger than us and I Dodd Stadium on Nov. 12 in
get our feet up underneath us and cheerleading. She explained that would be offering full athletic think that we know that we can hopes of capturing another im-
for us to be worthy of that respect the team has had to prove their scholarships for cheerleaders like be an example and we can help portant ACC win and moving
and that attention.” status as a sport, saying that “it’s NCAA-regulated sports receive; move the needle.” within a game of bowl eligibility.
// SPORTS technique • November 11, 2022 • 19

Baseball shows depth at two exhibition games

ing the game. Smith gave up one ets, giving up a combined three tive sign for Tech to see both the mer Tech baseball catcher, Matt
ANNA ABERNATHY hit, two walks and three runs in hits and recording six strikeouts veterans and freshmen producing Wieters, as a student-assistant
CONTRIBUTING WRITER the top of the seventh where the against the Gamecocks. Hill gave runs and getting outs. After eight coach while he finishes his un-
Gamecocks tied the game at five. up two earned runs in the sev- Tech players were drafted in the dergraduate degree. Wieters was
Tech baseball has returned to The Jackets did not answer in the enth, but that was all Jacksonville 2022 MLB draft, there were big the recipient of four All-Star se-
Mac Nease Field at Russ Chandler bottom of the inning, ending the State could manage. After the top holes to fill in the Jackets roster. lections and two Gold Glove
Stadium in preparation for the game in a tie. of the seventh the score was 4-2, The 17 freshmen currently on the awards during his over 10 years
2023 season. The Jackets played The positive news for the Jack- Tech, but the bottom of the in- roster seem like they are adjusting in the MLB.
two seven-inning exhibition ets is that their veteran players ning was played because it was an just fine to collegiate baseball, but Most recently, Tech an-
games against Jacksonville State proved why they were the vet- exhibition game and the Jackets that is to be expected as they were nounced the full schedule for the
on Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022. The erans. Senior infielder Angelo sent another run across the plate, the third ranked recruiting class 2023 season which will start at
first game ended with the Jackets Dispigna tallied two hits and an making the final score 5-2. in the country. home on Friday, Feb. 17, 2023 as
and Gamecocks tied at five, but RBI, while junior infielder John Although the two games were Other notable news from the they kick off a three-game series
the Jackets pulled out the win in Giesler and junior outfielder Ste- only exhibition games, it is a posi- baseball team is the hiring of for- versus Miami (OH).
the second game, downing the phen Reid each had one hit and
Gamecocks 5-2. two RBIs. Junior outfielders
Redshirt sophomore pitch- Drew Compton and Jake De-
er Jackson Finley started the Leo also recorded hits in the first
first game for the Jackets. He exhibition game.
looked sharp for the two in- The second game lineup looked
nings he pitched, striking out very different for Tech. Six of the
three and only giving up one hit players in the starting lineup were
and one walk. Sophomore Logan freshmen and the other three were
McGuire was the next pitcher, sophomores. The young stars cer-
and he left a few too many pitches tainly proved why they were on
in the strike zone. In two innings the team with a combined eight
of work, he struck out four batters hits and three walks.
but gave up two hits, one earned Sophomore infielder Nicholas
run and one unearned run in the Romano, Finley and freshman
top of the fourth inning. JSU infielder Carsten Sabathia led the
starter AJ Causey no-hit the Jack- charge with two hits apiece. Ro-
ets through three innings. Jake mano and Sabathia each earned
Peppers came into the game for two RBI on the day. Possibly the
the Gamecocks in the fourth and most exciting sign for Tech fans
gave up one run. After the fourth was the monster solo home run
inning, Tech was down 2-1. to center field by Sabathia in his
Freshman pitcher Luke first collegiate at bat. Not only
Schmolke took the mound for the did the young Jackets produce at
next two innings and had a nice the plate, but they also dominat-
outing against the Gamecocks in- ed on the mound. The score was
cluding four strikeouts. Peppers 4-0 in favor of the Jackets after
stayed in the game for the Game- six innings.
cocks and left the game with Sophomore pitcher Terry
one out in the sixth after giving Busse started the game for the
up a total of five hits and five Jackets and pitched two innings
earned runs. Four of the runs were with five strikeouts, one hit and
scored in the sixth inning, mak- one walk. Freshman Noah Samol,
ing the score lopsided in favor of redshirt sophomore Ben King and
the Jackets at 5-2. sophomores Aeden Finateri, Cody Photo courtesy of GTAA
Dalton Smith, a junior pitcher Carwile and Camron Hill each Freshman infielder Carsten Sabathia (24) was one of six freshmen in the starting
for Tech, was tasked with clos- pitched one inning for the Jack- lineup for the second game, hitting a home run in his first at bat for the Jackets.
Volleyball splits weekend technique
Will Fuss
Julia Balot
Tech narrowly loses to Hurricanes, but
prevails over Florida State in five sets
[email protected] after 2-0 deficit. 418 November 11, 2022

Jackets roar back, stun Virginia Tech 28-27

first quarter, which was encourag- six that put the Hokies up 16-27. only five plays, the Jackets scored tunately, on their next possession,
ROHAN RAMAN ing to see from a defense that had The 11-point deficit seemed like on a 56-yard touchdown pass the Virginia Tech offense got hot
CONTRIBUTING WRITER struggled the week before. too much for the offense to over- from Pyron to sophomore wide and advanced to their own 42.
Both offenses then traded come, as the next two offensive receiver Nate McCollum. However, senior linebacker Char-
Coming into Blacksburg, the punts to open the second quar- drives did not get a first down. Down five, the pressure then lie Thomas had other ideas, team-
Jackets did not appear to be at the ter until the Hokies got into the The third quarter ended with the fell on the Jackets defense to hold ing up with Powell-Lee to force
top of their game. They followed end zone on a 3-yard touchdown Jackets looking lost and defeated. the Hokies in check. Once again, another fumble on Wells that of-
up a heartbreaking 16-9 loss to run by Wells. The Jacket offense However, the Jackets came they came up big. A deflection ficially ended the game.
Virginia with a 41-16 drubbing by was not able to respond, punting alive in the fourth quarter and by redshirt junior defensive back Statistically, this was the Jack-
FSU. For most of the week, it was on consecutive drives while the essentially closed out a victory in Zamari Walton ended up in the ets best offensive performance of
not clear if sophomore quarter- defense allowed Virginia Tech the last 10 minutes of play. It be- hands of freshman safety Clayton the year as they amassed a season-
back Jeff Sims would be able to re- running back Keshawn King to gan with a game-changing forced Powell-Lee for the timely inter- high of 463 yards to capture the
turn from a foot injury sustained score a 1-yard touchdown run fumble by redshirt sophomore de- ception. Starting from their own important ACC win. While the
in the Virginia game. Ultimately, to take the lead. Down by three fensive lineman D’Quan Douse 27, Pyron showed some clutch Virginia Tech pass defense was
freshman quarterback Zach Pyron points due to a blocked Virginia who also blocked the point-after ability, erasing the deficit himself not particularly imposing, Pyron
was named to his first career start. Tech extra point attempt, Pyron try earlier in the game. On the on a nine-yard touchdown run to performed well in a big spot and
Against FSU, Pyron performed was sacked on first down, setting Tech 10-yard line, Pyron took ad- put the Jackets up, 28-27. Feeding recovered nicely from his pick-six.
well in relief of redshirt sopho- the Jackets too far back to con- vantage of the redemption oppor- off the momentum, the Tech de- Pyron was aided by McCollum
more quarterback Zach Gibson, vert. Unfortunately, Hokies kick tunity to engineer one of the best fense forced another punt, thanks setting a new career high of 103 re-
but it was anyone’s guess whether returner Tucker Holloway tore offensive drives of the season. In to a key third down sack. Unfor- See FOOTBALL, page 18
Pyron — and the Jackets — could through the Jackets punt cover-
capture a much-needed ACC win. age team and returned sophomore
Tech’s first drive was far from punter David Shanahan’s punt
encouraging. They gave up a 90 yards for the score, putting
five-yard sack on the very first the Hokies up 20-10 late in the
play from scrimmage and went second quarter. A rumbling 28-
three-and-out. However, when yard run from Smith set up a
the Jacket defense forced a punt 27-yard field goal in the final sec-
on Virginia Tech’s first drive, the onds of the second quarter, but
offense capitalized with a 70-yard the Jackets were still down 13-20
drive punctuated by a 29-yard heading into halftime.
touchdown run from redshirt ju- The Tech defense was able to
nior running back Dontae Smith. sack Wells on the first drive of
The opportunistic Tech defense the second half and bring the of-
kept rolling by forcing Virginia fense quickly back on the field.
Tech quarterback Grant Wells to Some big runs from senior run-
fumble, which sophomore defen- ning back Hassan Hall and timely
sive lineman Noah Collins recov- throws from Pyron to senior wide
ered. Starting from their own 24, receiver Malachi Carter allowed
the offense was able to drive into Stewart to convert another field
field goal range and set up an easy goal to make the score 16-20.
19-yard field goal for sophomore However, the next offensive
kicker Gavin Stewart, thanks to drive saw Pyron make his biggest
a 45-yard connection between mistake of the day. Rolling out of
Pyron and redshirt senior wide re- the pocket, his pass was picked off Photo courtesy of GTAA
ceiver E.J. Jenkins. Tech was able by Virginia Tech linebacker Keli Redshirt junior running back Dontae Smith (4) carries the ball for a score in the
to shut out Virginia Tech in the Lawson and returned for a pick- first quarter. He totaled 85 yards during Tech’s comeback win over the Hokies.

Demand for Formula One growing in America

on Sargeant meeting the necessary greater than it has ever been and helping to produce it. Pitt, in Overall, the United States
JOE HENDERSON requirements including an FIA Formula One has rewarded that order to gain a greater under- Grand Prix was a massive
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Super License. The announce- increased interest. standing of the sport, was seen success both in terms of view-
ment of Sargeant might further Alongside more races being on both the pit lane as well as ership and potential growth of
On Oct. 23, the United States increase the impressive growth awarded to the United States, For- the starting grid prior to the race Formula One as a sport in the
Grand Prix kicked off for the of Formula One in America and mula One as a whole is trying to starting. Pharrell Williams, Will United States. With three more
10th consecutive year at the Cir- bring even more eyes to the sport. break more into the mainstream. Arnett and other celebrities were races next season, Formula One
cuit of the Americas just outside Over the course of the whole A Formula One movie starring seen walking around the paddock, will likely only become more
of Austin, Texas. weekend, the United States Grand Brad Pitt is in the process of be- further pushing the sport into popular in the United States in
The actual race was similar Prix welcomed 440,000 fans, ing made, with Lewis Hamilton the U.S. mainstream. the near future.
to most other races this season, which is the most fans to ever at-
with Max Verstappen speeding tend a U.S. Grand Prix weekend.
off into the distance but featured On top of the impressive
an exciting end. After a late safe- attendance, the race was aired
ty car, Lewis Hamilton got the on ESPN with a peak of 1.6 mil-
lead of the race after the second lion people watching the race.
set of pit stops due to an extremely The figure of 1.6 million people
slow stop from Red Bull on Ver- watching becomes even more im-
stappen. This put Verstappen pressive when taking into account
third on track, behind Charles that NASCAR, NFL and the
Leclerc and Hamilton, but with MLB playoffs were all airing at
a faster tire. Verstappen quickly the same time.
moved past Leclerc and with The United States Grand Prix
six laps remaining, Verstappen, attracted a lot of eyes for Formula
breezed past Hamilton and ended One, but this growth is only the
up winning the race by over five beginning. On the 2023 Formu-
seconds. The action on track was la One calendar, there are three
thrilling, but the growth of For- races that are scheduled to be in
mula One in the United States the United States: Miami, Austin
was most notable. and Las Vegas.
Starting off the weekend, the The 440,000 tickets for the
Williams Formula One team an- U.S. Grand Prix sold out in min-
nounced Logan Sargeant to join utes. The first batch of tickets for
Alexander Albon for the 2023 the Las Vegas Grand Prix also
Formula One season. Sargeant sold out despite the steep $2,000 Photo by Joe Henderson Student Publications
will be the first full-time Ameri- price tag. The demand for For- A car speeds by at the Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas. Max Verstappen
can driver since 2007, contingent mula One in the United States is cruised to a more than five-second lead as thousands of fans watched.

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