The Filipino Moral Development

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The Filipino Moral

Stage 1: Obedience-and-Punishment Orientation

almost all Filipino Individual was raised in a culture where children must
follow or obey the rules and set guidelines of elderly people. Children must
strictly obey their parents to avoid consequences that would damage the
reputation or image of the Family. a simple misconduct or misbehaviour
results to different punishments like : Pagluhod sa munggo, paghataw ng
Sintron, Walis, hanger and so many more.

Stage 2: Instrumental Orientation

In this stage, it is defined as the stage where a kid or child starts

thinking of what benefits would they receive after following the different
orders asked by the parents. In the Filipino Culture, the incentive that
most parents give is toys for children and sometimes money. These
mentality molds the child to focus more on what is being asked to her so
that she could get something in return.

Stage 3: Good Boy, Nice Girl Orientation

Everyone has experience this stage where we do everything to get the

approval of other people. We always shows our positive image so that
people would like us, disapproval from others would somehow makes us
feel uneasy.

Stage 4: Law-and-Order Orientation

This is the stage where every Filipino once followed. Following the
different rules and order is essential to us Filipino because we grew up
in a conservative country. There are a lot of limitations and restrictions
as to what we could do and how should we act. For most of us it is an
obligation to follow the rules that once we grew up with because it
makes us feel connected and one with the community.

Stage 5: Social-Contract Orientation

In this stage Filipino started to realize the importance of perspective and

different view points in life. In order to achieve a unified society one
must be willing to change his/her behaviour if it is unethical to the
community that he or she belongs. Respecting one's view point is a
must but if it does not promote for the better of well-being of others
then it has to be corrected,

Stage 6: Universal-Ethical-Principal Orientation

focus on ideas such as equality, dignity, or respect. Laws are valid only
insofar as they are grounded in justice, and a commitment to justice
carries with it an obligation to disobey unjust laws. People choose the
ethical principles they want to follow, and if they violate those principles,
they feel guilty. In this way, the individual acts because it is morally right
to do so. this is a stage where not so many people characterizes or
reaches this stage of Moral Development.

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