03b.magnetism (202 - 222)

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9. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M is bent

LEVEL - I ( C.W ) in ‘ ’ shape such that all the parts are of
equal lengths. Then new magnetic moment
1) M/3 2) 2M 3) 3M 4) 3 3 M
1. The geometric length of a bar magnet is
10. A thin bar magnet of length ' l ' and magnetic
24 cm. The length of the magnet is moment 'M' is bent at the mid point so that the
1) 24cm 2) 28.8cm 3) 20cm 4) 30cm two parts are at right angles. The new magnetic
2. The magnetic moment of a bar magnet is length and magnetic moment are respectively
3.6x10-3 A.m2 . Its pole strength is 120 milli l M M l
amp. m. Its magnetic length is 1) 2l , 2M 2) 2 , 2 3) 2l, 2 4) , 2M
1) 3cm 2) 0.3cm 3) 33.33cm 4) 3x10−2 cm 11. The resultant magnetic moment for the following
3. Two magnets have their lengths in the ratio arrangement is
2 : 3 and their pole strengths in the ratio 3 : 4. M
The ratio of their magnetic moment is 60
1) 2 :1 2) 4 :1 3) 1 : 2 4) 1 : 4 M
4. The length of a magnet is 16 cm. Its pole 60 M

strength is 250 milli. amp. m. When it is cut M

into four equal pieces parallel to its axis, the
magnetic length, pole strength and moments 1) M 2) 2M 3) 3M 4) 4M
12. Three magnets of same length but moments
of each piece are: (respectively) M,2M and 3M are arranged in the form of an
1) 4 cm; 62. 5 milli Am; 250 milli amp. cm2 equilateral triangle with opposite poles nearer,
2) 8 cm ; 500 milli Am; 400 milli amp. cm2 the resultant magnetic moment of the arrangement
3) 16 cm; 250 milli Am; 4000 milli amp. cm2 is
4) 16 cm; 62.5 milli Am; 0.01 A.m2 3
5. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M1 is 1) 6M 2) zero 3) 3M 4) M
axially cut into two equal parts. If these two 13. A bar magnet of moment M is cut into two
pieces are arranged perpendicular to each identical pieces along the length. One piece is
other, the resultant magnetic moment is M2 . bent in the form of a semi circle. If two pieces
M1 are perpendicular to each other, then resultant
Then the value of M is (2007M) magnetic moment is
2 2 2
 
 
 M  M 
1 1 M M 2)   +  
  + 
1) 2) 1 3) 4) 2 π
    2 π   2 
2 2 2
6. The resultant magnetic moment for the 2
M  M 
following arrangement (non coplanar vectors) 3)   −   4) +
π   2  π 2
14. A magnetic pole of pole strength 9.2 A m. is
600 M placed in a field of induction 50x10-6 tesla.
M The force experienced by the pole is
1) M 2) 2M 3) 3M 4) 4M 1) 46N 2) 46x10-4N 3) 4.6x10-4N 4) 460N
7. Two magnets of moments 4Am 2 and 3Am 2 15. The magnetic induction at distance of 0.1 m
are joined to form a cross (+), then the from a strong magnetic pole of strength
magnetic moment of the combination is 1200 Am is
1) 12x10-3 T 2) 12x10-4 T
1) 4Am 2 2) 1Am 2 3) 7Am 2 4) 5Am 2 -3
3) 1.2x10 T 4) 24x10-3 T
8. A magnet of magnetic moment M and length
2l is bent at its mid-point such that the angle 16. If area vector A = 3i + 2 j + 5k m flux

of bending is 600 . The new magnetic moment density vector B = 5i + 10 j + 6k ( web / m2 ) . The
is. magnetic flux linked with the coil is
M M 1) 31Wb 2) 9000Wb
1) M 2) 3) 2M 4) 3) 65Wb 4) 100Wb
2 2
17. P and Q are two unlike magnetic poles. 25. A bar magnet is at right angles to a uniform
Induction due to ‘P’ at the location of ‘Q’ is magnetic field. The couple acting on the
B, and induction due to ‘Q’ at the location of magnet is to be one fourth by rotating it from
P is B/2. The ratio of pole strengths of P and the position. The angle of rotation is
Q is 1) Sin-1(0.25) 2) 900 -Sin-1(0.25)
1) 1 : 1 2) 1 : 2 3) 2 : 1 4) 1 : 2 3) Cos-1(0.25) 4) 900 - Cos-1(0.25)
18. Two north poles each of pole strength m and ∧
26. A bar magnet of moment M = ∧i + j is placed
a south pole of pole strength m are placed at
the three corners of an equilateral triangle ur ^ ^ ^
in a magnetic field induction B = 3i + 4j + 4k .
of side a. The intensity of magnetic induction
field strength at the centre of the triangle is The torque acting on the magnet is

µ m µ 6m µ 9m µ m 1) 4 ∧i -4 j + k∧ 2) ∧i + k∧
1) 0 2 2) 0 2 3) 0 2 4) 0
4π a 4π a 4π a 4π 2a
∧ ∧
19. The pole strength of a horse shoe magnet is 3) ∧i - j 4) ∧i + j + k∧
90 Am and distance between the poles is 6 27. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 1.5 J/T is
cm. The magnetic induction at mid point of aligned with the direction of a uniform
the line joining the poles is, magnetic field of 0.22 T. The work done in
1) 10 −2 T 2) Zero 3) 2 × 10 −2 T 4) 10 −4 T turning the magnet so as to align its magnetic
20. The force acting on each pole of a magnet moment opposite to the field and the torque
when placed in a uniform magnetic field of 7 acting on it in this position are respectively.
A/m is 4.2x10-4 N. If the distance between the 1) 0.33J, 0.33N-m 2) 0.66J, 06.66N-m
poles is 10 cm, the moment of the magnet is 3) 0.33J, 0 4) 0.66J, 0
15 π 28. The work done in turning a magnet of
1) π 2) 2
15 Am magnetic moment M by an angle of 900 from
3) 7.5 x 10-12 Am 2 4) 6x10-6 Am 2 the meridian is n times the corresponding
21. An iron specimen has relative permeability work done to turn it through an angle of 600 ,
of 600 when placed in uniform magnetic field where n is given by
of intensity 110 amp /m. Then the magnetic 1 1
flux density inside is....... tesla. 1) 2) 2 3) 4) 1
2 4
1) 18.29 x 10-3 2) 8.29 x 10-2
3) 66 x 10 3
4) 7.536 x 10-4 29. A bar magnet of moment 4Am 2 is placed in a
nonuniform magnetic field. If the field
strength at poles are 0.2 T and 0.22 T then
22. A magnetic needle of pole strength 'm' is pivoted
the maximum couple acting on it is
at its centre. Its N-pole is pulled eastward by a
string. Then the horizontal force required to 1) 0.04Nm 2) 0.84Nm3) 0.4 Nm 4) 0.44Nm
produce a deflection of θ from magnetic 30. A magnet of length 10 cm and pole strength
meridian (B H horizontal componet of earths 4x10-4 Am is placed in a magnetic field of
magnetic field) induction 2x10-5 weber m-2, such that the axis
1) mBcos θ 2) mBsin θ 3) 2 mBtan θ 4) mBcot θ of the magnet makes an angle 300 with the
23. Two identical bar magnets are joined to form a lines of induction. The moment of the couple
cross. If this combination is suspended freely in acting on the magnet is
a uniform field the angles made by the magnets 1) 4x10-10 Nm 2) 8x10-10 Nm
with field direction are respectively
1) 60°, 30° 2) 37°, 53° 3) 45°, 45° 4) 20°, 70° 3) 4x10-6 Nm 4) 3 x10-11 Nm
24. A bar magnet of length 16 cm has a pole 31. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 2 Am 2 is
strength of 500 milli amp.m. The angle at free to rotate about a vertical axis passing
which it should be placed to the direction of through its center. The magnet is released
external magnetic field of induction 2.5 gauss from rest from east - west position. Then the
so that it may experience a torque of 3 x10- KE of the magnet as it takes N-S position is
( BH = 25µT )
Nm is
1) π 2) π / 2 3) π / 3 4) π / 6
1) 25 µ J 2) 50µ J 3) 100µ J 4) 12.5µ J


32. A bar magnet of length 10cm and pole 40. A short magnetic needle is pivoted in a
strength 2 Am makes an angle 600 with a uniform magnetic field of induction 1T. Now,
uniform magnetic field of induction 50T. The simultaneoulsy another magnetic field of
couple acting on it is induction 3T is applied at right angles to
1) 5 3Nm 2) 3Nm the first field; the needle deflects through an
3) 10 3Nm 4) 20 3Nm angle θ where its value is (EAM 2010)
FIELD OF A BAR MAGNET 1) 30 0 2) 45 0 3) 90 0 4) 60 0
33. The magnetic induction field strength due to 41. Two magnetic poles of pole strengths 324 milli
a short bar magnet at a distance 0.20 m on amp.m. and 400 milli amp m are kept at a
the equatorial line is 20x10 -6 tesla. The distance of 10 cm in air. The null point will be
magnetic moment of the bar magnet is at a distance of ...... cm, on the line joining
1) 3.2Am2 2) 6.4Am2 3) 1.6Am2 4) 16Am2 the two poles, from the weak pole if they are
34. The magnetic induction field strength at a like poles.
distance 0.3 m on the axial line of a short bar 1) 4.73 2) 5 3) 6.2 4) 5.27
magnet of moment 3.6 Am2 is TIME PERIOD OF SUSPENDED
1) 4.5 × 10-4 T 2) 9 × 10-4 T MAGNET IN THE UNIFORM
3) 9 × 10 T-5
4) 2.6 × 10-5 T
35. A magnet of length 10 cm and magnetic MAGNETIC FIELD
moment 1Am 2 is placed along the side of an 42. With a standard rectangular bar magnet, the
equilateral triangle of the side AB of length time period in the uniform magnetic field is 4
10 cm. The magnetic induction at third vertex sec. The bar magnet is cut parallel to its length
C is into 4 equal pieces. The time period in the
1) 10 -9 T 2) 10 -7 T 3) 10-5 T 4) 10 -4T uniform magnetic field when the piece is used
36. The length of a magnet of moment 5Am2 is (in sec) (bar magnet breadth is small)
14 cm. The magnetic induction at a point, 1) 16 2) 8 3) 4 4) 2
equidistant from both the poles is 3.2x10-5 Wb/ 43. A bar magnet of moment of inertia
m2 . The distance of the point from either pole 1×10-2 kgm 2 vibrates in a magnetic field of
is induction 0.36 × 10 -4 tesla. The time period of
1) 25 cm 2) 10 cm 3) 15 cm 4) 5 cm vibration is 10 s. Then the magnetic moment
37. A pole of pole strength 80 Am is placed at a of the bar magnet is (Am2 )
point at a distance 20cm on the equatorial line 1) 120 2) 111 3) 140 4) 160
from the centre of a short magnet of magnetic 44. Two bar magnets are placed together
moment 20Am2 . The force experienced by it suspended in the uniform magnetic field
is vibrates with a time period 3 second. If one
1) 8 x 10-2 N 2) 2 x 10-2 N magnet is reversed, the combination takes 4s
3) 16 x 10 N 4) 64 x 10-2 N for one vibration. The ratio of their magnetic
38. A short bar magnet produces magnetic fields moments is
of equal induction at two points one on the 1) 3 : 1 2) 5 : 18 3) 18 : 5 4) 25 : 7
axial line and the other on the equatorial line. 45. A bar magnet of length ‘l’ breadth ‘b’ mass
The ratio of their distances is ‘m’ suspended horizontally in the earths
1) 2:1 2) 21/2 :1 3) 21/3 :1 4) 21/4 :1 magnetic field, oscillates with period T. If ‘l’,
SUPERPOSITION OF MAGNETIC FIELDS m, b are doubled with pole strength remaining
39. Two short bar magnets with magnetic the same, the new period will be
moments 8Am2 and 27Am2 are placed 35cm 1) 8T 2) 4T 3) T/2 4) 2T
apart along their common axial line with their 46. The time period of a suspended magnet is T0 .
like poles facing each other. The neutral point Its magnet is replaced by another magnet
is whose moment of inertia is 3 times and
1) midway between them magnetic moment is 1/3 of that of the initial
2) 21 cm from weaker magnet magnet. The time period now will be
3) 14 cm from weaker magnet
4) 27 cm from weaker magnet To T
1) 3To 2) To 3) 4) o
3 3
47. A magnetic needle is kept in a uniform LEVEL - I (C. W ) KEY
magnetic field of induction 0.5 x 10-4 tesla. It 1) 3 2) 1 3) 3 4) 4 5) 4 6) 2
makes 30 oscillations per minute. If it is kept 7) 4 8) 2 9) 1 10)2 11) 2 12) 3
in a field of induction 2 x 10-4 tesla. Then its 13) 2 14) 3 15)1 16) 3 17) 3 18) 2
frequency is 19) 3 20) 1 21) 2 22) 3 23) 3 24) 3
1) 1 oscillation/s 2) 60 oscillations/s 25) 2 26) 1 27) 4 28) 2 29) 2 30) 1
3) 15 oscillations/min 4) 15 oscillations/s 31) 2 32) 1 33) 3 34) 4 35) 4 36) 1
48. A magnet is suspended horizontally in the 37) 2 38) 3 39) 3 40) 4 41) 1 42) 3
earth’s field. The period of oscillation in the 43) 2 44) 4 45) 4 46) 1 47) 1 48) 4
place is T. If a piece of wood of the same 49) 1 50) 3 51) 2 52) 4 53) 1 54) 2
moment of inertia as the magnet is attached
to it, the new period of oscillation would be LEVEL-I (C. W ) HINTS
2) T/2 3) T/3 4) 2T 1. 2l = [ geometriclength]
2 6
49. A magnet freely suspended makes 30 M
vibrations per minute at one place and 20 2. 2l =
vibrations per minute at another place. If the
value of BH at first place is 0.27 tesla. The M 1 m1 ( 2l )1
= ×
value of BH at other place is 3. M 2 m2 ( 2l )2
1) 0.12 T 2) 2.1 T 3) 5.4 T 4) 0.61 T 4. Magnetic length remains same
Pole strength m =

50. A magnet has a dimensions of 4

25 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm and pole strength of M
Magnetic moment = M =
200 milli ampm The intensity of magnetisation
due to it is
M1 M
1) 6.25A/m 2) 62.5A/m 3) 40A/m 4) 4A/m
5. =
51. The mass of iron rod is 110g, its magnetic M2 M / 2
moment is 20 Am2 . The density of iron is 8g/
( )
cm3 . The intensity of magnetization is nearly 6. M res = 3M +M2
1) 2x105 Am-1 2) 2.26x106 Am-1
3) 1.6x10 Am -1
4) 1.4 x 106 Am-1 7. M = M 12 + M 22
52. Relative permeability of iron is 5500, then its
magnetic susceptibility will be: 8. M 1 = M sin
1) 5500 × 107 2) 5500 × 10 −7
M 1 = m× ( 2 l ) , ( 2l ) =
1 1
3) 5501 4) 5499 9.
53. A specimen of iron is uniformly magnetised 3
θ θ
by a magnetising field of 500Am −1 . If the 10. M = M sin , 2l = ( 2l ) sin
1 1

magnetic induction in the specimen is 0.2 2 2

Wbm −2 . The susceptibility nearly is 11. M R = M 12 + M 22 + 2 M 1M 2 cosθ
1) 317.5 2) 418.5 3) 217.5 4) 175
12. M R = M 12 + M 22 + 2 M 1M 2 cosθ
54. The magnetic susceptibility of a rod is 499.
The absolute permeability of vacuum is 2M  M
13. M 1 =  , M 2 =
4π × 10−7 H / m . The absolute permeability of π 2  2
the material of the rod is
M 1 = M 12 + M 22
1) π ×10 −4 H / m 2) 2π × 10−4 H / m
14. F = mB
3) 3π × 10−4 H / m 4) 4π × 10−4 H / m

µ0 m 40. B = BH Tanθ
15. B =
4π d 2 m m
41. x 2 = ( d − x ) 2
1 2

16. φ = B.A
17. B ∝ m
µ m
42. T = 2π
, I=
m 2
l + b2 ( )
B= 0
= 2 B where 4π a / 3
( )
18. Bres 2 I
43. M = 4π 2

µ0 8m M 1 T22 + T12
19. B = =
4π d
M 2 T22 − T12
20. F = ( µ0 H )
21. B = µ 0 µr H
45. T = 2π
, I=
m 2
l + b2 )
22. τ = MB sin θ I
46. T ∝
23. τ = MB sin θ ,τ1 = τ 2 M
24. C = MB sinθ 47. nα B
25. C = MB sinθ 48. T α I
r uur ur
26. τ = M ×B 49. n ∝ B
27. τ = MB sin θ , W = MB(cosθ1 − cosθ 2 )
28. W = MB(cosθ1 − cosθ 2 )
M m
29. Cmax = MB avg 50. I = =
V a
30. C = MB sinθ M
51. I = ; Mass = dV
31. W = MB ( cos θ1 − cos θ 2 ) V
52. χ = µ r − 1
32. C = MB sinθ
µ M 53. B = µ H = µ0 µ r H ; χ = µ r − 1
33. B = 0 3
4π d 54. µ = µo [1 + χ ]
µ 2M
34. Ba = 0 3 LEVEL - I (H.W)
4π d
35. Be = where x = d 2 + l 2 MAGNETIC MOMENT
4π x3
1. If a bar magnet of pole strength ‘m’ and
µ0 M
36. Be = magnetic moment ‘M’ is cut equally 4 times
where x = d 2 + l 2
4π x3 parallel to its axis and 5 times perpendicular
µ M to its axis then the pole strength and magnetic
37. Be = 0 3 , F = mBe moment of each piece are respectively
4π d
m M m M m M m M
3 1) , 2) , 3) , 4) ,
B1 d  20 20 4 20 5 20 5 4
38. = 2 2  2. Three identical bar magnets each of
B2  d1 
magnetic moment M are arranged in the form
d of an equilateral triangle such that at two
 M2 
1/3 vertices like poles are in contact. The
39. from weaker pole   +1 resultant magnetic moment will be
 M1 
1) Zero 2) 2M 3) 2 M 4) M 3
3. If two identical bar magnets, each of length 11. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 300
‘l’, pole strength ‘m’ and magnetic moment with a uniform external magnetic field of 0.16
‘M’ are placed perpendicular to each other T experience a torque of magnitude 0.032 N
with their unlike poles in contact, the magnetic m. If the bar magnet is free to rotate, its
moment of the combination is potential energies when it is in stable and
unstable equilibrium are respectively
2) lm ( 2 ) 3) 2lm ( 2 )
1) 4) 2M 1) -0.064J, +0.064J 2) -0.032J, +0.032J
2 3) +0.064J, -0.128J 4) 0.032J, -0.032J
4. A magnetised wire of magnetic moment ‘M’ 12. When a bar magnet is placed at 900 to uniform
and length ‘ l ’ is bent in the form of a magnetic field, it is acted upon by a couple
semicircle of radius ‘r’. The new magnetic which is maximum. For the couple to be half
moment is of the maximum value, it is to be inclined to
the magnetic field at an angle is
M 2Mr M M
1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 300 2) 450 3) 600 4) 900
π l 2π 4π 13. A magnet of moment 4Am 2 is kept suspended
5. A long thin magnet of moment M is bent into
in a magnetic field of induction 5 ×10-5T . The
a semi circle. The decrease in the Magnetic
moment is workdone in rotating it through 1800 is
1) 2M/ π 2) π M/2 1) 4 ×10 −4 J 2) 5 ×10 −4 J 3) 2 ×10 −4 J 4) 10−4 J
3) M( π -2) / π 4) M(2- π )/2 14. The work done in rotating the magnet from
6. A magnet of magnetic moment M is in the the direction of uniform field to the opposite
form of a quadrant of a circle. If it is direction to the field is W. The work done in
straightened, its new magnetic moment will rotating the magnet from the field direction
be to half the maximum couple position is



1) 2 W 2)
2 − 3 4) ) W
1− 3 )
2 2 π 2 2 2 4 2
7. A bar magnet of moment 'M' is bent into a 15. The work done in rotating a magnet of pole
strength 1 A-m and length 1 cm through an
shape' '. If the length of the each part is angle of 600 from the magnetic meridian is
same, its new magnetic moment will be (H=30 A/m)
M M M 2 1) 9.42 x 10-8 J 2) 3.14 x 10-8 J
1) 2) 3) 4) M 3) 18.84 x 10 J-8
4) 10 x 10-8 J
3 5 2 3 16. The work done in turning a magnet normal to
8. Four magnets of magnetic moments M, 2M, field direction from the direction of the field
3M and 4M are arranged in the form of a is 40x10-6 J. The kinetic energy attained by it
square such that unlike poles are in contact. when it reaches the field direction when
Then the resultant magnetic moment is released is
1) 2 2M 2) 2M 3) 10M 4) 2M 1) Zero 2) 30 x 10-6J
3) 10 x 10 J 4) 40 x 10-6 J
17. A magnet is parallel to a uniform magnetic
9. A torque of 2 x 10-4 Nm is required to hold a
field. The work done in rotating the magnetic
magnet at right angle to the magnetic through 600 is 8x10-5 J. The work done in
meridian. The torque required to hold it at rotating through another 300 is
300 to the magnetic meridian in N-m is 1) 4 x10-5J 2) 6 x10-5J
1) 0.5 x 10-4 2) 1 x 10-4 3) 4 x 10-4 4) 8 x 10-4 -5
3) 8 x 10 J 4) 2 x 10-5J
10. A bar magnet of 5 cm long having a pole FIELD OF A BAR MAGENT
strength of 20 A.m. is deflected through 300 18. The magnetic induction field strength at a
from the magnetic meridian. If distance 0.2 m on the axial line of a short
H = 320 A/m, the deflecting couple is bar magnet of moment 3.6Am 2 is

1) 1.6 x 10-4 Nm 2) 3.2 x 10-5 Nm 1) 4.5 ×10−4 T 2) 9 × 10−4 T
3) 1.6 x 10 Nm 4) 1.6 x 10-2 Nm 3) 9 × 10−5T 4) 4.5 ×10−5 T



19. A short bar magnet produces magnetic fields 25. A bar magnet has a magnetic moment equal
of equal induction at two points on the axial to 5 x 10-5 weber x metre. It is suspended in a
line and the other on the equatorial line. Then magnetic field which has a magnetic induction
(B) equal to 8π ×10−4 tesla. The magnet
the ratio of the distance is
1) 1 : 21 / 3 2) 1 / 2 3) 21/3 : 2 4) 21 / 3 :1
vibrates with a period of vibration equal to
SUPERPOSITION OF MAGNETIC FIELDS 15 seconds. The moment of inertia of the
20. A short bar magnet of magnetic moment magnet is:
1.2Am 2 is placed in the magnetic meridian 1) 9 × 10− 13 kg m2 2) 11.25 x 10−13 kg m2
with its south pole pointing the north. If a 3) 5.62 x 10−13 kg m2 4) 0.57 x 10−13 kg m2
neutral point is found at a distance of 20 cm 26. Two bar magnets are suspended and allowed
from the centre of the magnet, the value of to vibrate. They make 20 oscillations /minute
the horizontal component of the earth’s when their similar poles are on the same side
magnetic field is and they make 15 oscillations per minute with
1) 3×10-5T 2) 3×10-4T 3) 3×103 T 4) 3×10-2T their opposite poles lie on the same side. The
ratio of their moments
21. A very long magnet of pole strength 4 Am is
1) 9:5 2) 25:7 3) 16:9 4) 5:4
placed vertically with its one pole on the
table.The distance from the pole, the neutral TYPES OF MAGNETIC MATERIALS
27. The variation of magnetic susceptibility ( χ )
point will be formed is ( BH = 4 × 10− 5 T )
with temperature for a diamagnetic substance
1) 0.5 m 2) 0.1 m 3) 0.15 m 4) 6.66 m is best represented by
1) x 2) x
22. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M and
moment of inertial I is freely suspended such
that the magnetic axis is in the direction of
magnetic meridian. If the magnet is displaced
by a very small angle (θ ) , the angular
3) x 4)
acceleration is (Magnetic induction of earth’s
horizontal field = BH )

MB H? IB H? M? I? T
1) 2) 3) IB 4) MB 28. The magnetic induction and the intensity of
magnetic field inside an iron core of an
23. If the moments of inertia of two bar magnets
are same, and if their magnetic moments are electromagnet are 1Wbm−2 and 150Am−1
in the ratio 4 : 9 and if their frequencies of respectively. The relative permeability of iron
oscillations are same, the ratio of the induction is : ( µ 0 = 4π×10−7Henry/m)
field strengths in which they are vibrating is
1) 2 : 3 2) 3 : 2 3) 4 : 9 4) 9 : 4 106 106 10 5 10 5
1) 2) 3) 4)
24. If the strength of the magnetic field is 4π 6π 4π 6π
increased by 21% the frequency of a magnetic 29. The mass of an iron rod is 80 gm and its
needle oscillating in that field. magnetic moment is 10 Am2 . If the density of
1) Increased by 10% iron is 8gm c.c. Then the value of intensity
2) Decreases by 10% of magnetisation will be
3) Increases by 11% 1) 106 A m 2) 104 A m
4) Decreased by 21%
3) 102 A m 4) 10 A m



30. A rod of cross sectional area 10cm 2 is placed 10. C = M µo H sin θ

with its length parallel to a magnetic field of
11. P.E = −M .B
intensity 1000 A/M the flux through the rod is
104 webers. Then the permeability of material 12. Cα sin θ
of rod is
13. W = MB [ cos θ1 − cos θ 2 ]
1) 104 wb Am 2) 103 wb Am
3) 102 wb Am 4) 10wb Am 14. W = MB [ cos θ1 − cos θ 2 ]
31. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 10Am 2 has 15. W = m× 2l B [ cos θ1 − cos θ 2 ]
a cross sectional area of 2.5 ×10−4 m2 .If the 16. K . E = Work done
17. W = MB [ cos θ1 − cos θ 2 ]
intensity of magnetisation of the magnet is
106 A m , then the length of magnet is
1) 0.4m 2) 0.04cm 3) 0.04m 4) 40 cm µo 2M
18. B =
4π d

LEVEL - I (H. W ) - KEY 2M M

1) 3 2) 2 3) 2 4) 2 5)3 6) 4 19. 3
= 3
d1 d2
7) 2 8) 1 9) 2 10)3 11) 1 12) 1
13) 1 14) 3 15)3 16) 4 17) 3 18)3 µ o 2M
19) 4 20) 1 21) 2 22) 1 23) 4 24) 1 20. BH =
4π d
25) 1 26) 2 27)2 28) 4 29) 1 30) 1
31) 3 µo m
21. BH =
4π d
LEVEL - I ( H. W ) - HINTS
22. I α = MBH θ
m M
1. m = , M1 =
1 23. MB = constant
5 5×4 24. nα B
2. M R = M 12 + M 22 + 2 M 1M 2 cosθ  B2 
 n2 
 − 1  × 100 =  − 1 ×100
3. M R = M 12 + M 22  n1   B1 
2M MBT 2
For semi circle , M = 25. I =
4. here l = π r
π 4π 2

For semi circle , M =

1 2M M 1 n12 + n22
5. =
π 26.
M 2 n12 − n22
decrease in M , ∆M = M − M 1 27. For diamagentic material
θ π χ is - ve & independent of temperature
6. M θ = 2M 1 sin ; θ =
2 2 B
28. µr = µ H
( 2l ) =
1 o
5 M mass
29. I = ,V =
M V density
M1 =
5 φ
30. µ =
8. M R = M 12 + M 22 + 2M 1M 2 cos θ
9. C = MBH sin θ 31. ( 2l ) =
I× A



7. Two identical north poles each of strength m

LEVEL - II (C.W ) are kept at vertices A and B of an equilateral
triangle ABC of side a. The mutual force of
MAGNETIC MOMENT AND repulsion between them has a magnitude of
RESULTANT MAGNETIC MOMENT F. The magnitude of magnetic induction at C
1. A magnetised wire is bent into an arc of a is
circle subtending an angle 600 at its centre. 1) F/m 2) F/ 3m 3) F/3m 4) 3F/m
Then its magnetic moment is X. If the same
wire is bent into an arc of a circle subtending COUPLE ACTING ON THE BAR
an angle 900 at its centre then its magnetic MAGNET
8. Two magnets of magnetic moments M and
moment will be
3M are joined to form a cross +. The
x 2 x (2 2) x 3x
1) 2) 3) 4) combination is suspended freely in a uniform
3 3 3 2 2 magnetic field. In the equilibrium position, the
2. A magnet of length 2L and moment ‘M’ is angle between the magnetic moment 3 M
axially cut into two equal halves ‘P’ and ‘Q’. and the field is
The piece ‘P’ is bent in the form of semi circle 1) 30o 2) 45o 3) 60o 4) 90o
and ‘Q’ is attached to it as shown. Its moment 9. The rate of change of torque ‘τ ’ with
deflection θ is maximum for a magnet
suspended freely in a uniform magnetic field
N Q S of induction B when θ is equal to
1) 0o 2) 45o 3) 60o 4) 90o
M M M (2 + π ) Mπ 10. The couple acting on a bar magnet of pole
1) 2) 3) 4) ( 2 + π ) strength 2 Am when kept in a magnetic field
π 2π 2π of intensity 10 A/m, such that axis of the
3. A bar magnet of magnetic moment ‘M’ is bent magnet makes an angle 300 with the direction
in the form of an arc which makes angle 600 .
The percentage change in the magnetic of the field is 80 × 10−7 Nm . The distance
moment is between the poles of the magnet is
1) 9% Increase 2) 9% Decrease 2 π 1
3) 4.5% Decrease 4) 4.5% Increase 1) m 2) m 3) 63.36m 4) m
π 2 2π
MAGNETIC FIELD 11. A bar magnet with poles 25cm apart and pole
4. At two corners A and B of an equilateral strength 14.4 Am rests with its center on a
triangle ABC, a south and north pole each of frictionless pivot. If it is held in equilibrium
strength 30Am are placed. If the side of the at 600 to a uniform magnetic field on induction
triangle is 1m. The magnetic induction at C is 0.25 T by applying a force F at right angles to
1) 3 x 10-6 T 2) 4 x 10-6 T its axis 10cm from the pivot, the value of F in
3) 8 x 10-6 T 4) 2 x 10-6 T newton is (nearly)
5. A bar Magnet of Magnetic Moment 3.0 1) 3.9N 2) 7.8N 3) 15.6N 4) 31.2N
amp.m2 is placed in a uniform Magnetic 12. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M is
induction field 2x 10-5 T. If each pole of the suspended by a wire in a magnetic field. The
magnet experience a force of 6x 10 N, the top of the wire is twisted through 1800 , then
length of the magnet is the magnet is rotated through 450 . Under
1) 0.5 m 2) 0.3 m 3) 0.2 m 4) 0.1 m similar conditions another magnet of magnetic
6. The magnetic induction at a distance ‘d’ from
moment M2 is rotated through 300 , the ratio
the magnetic pole of unknown strength ‘m’ is
B. If an identical pole is now placed at a M 1 :M 2 is
distance of 2d from the first pole, the force 1) 9 : 1 0 2 2) 1: 2 3) 1 : 1 4) 1:3
between the two poles is 13. Two magnets of moments M1 and M2 are
mB mB rigidly fixed together at their centres so that
1) mB 2) 3) 4) 2mB their axes are inclined to each other. This
2 4 system is suspended in a magnetic field of



induction 'B' so that M1 makes an angles θ 1


( )M
. 2 3

( )M
. 3 3
and M2 makes an angles θ 2 with the field
4) 4πo .( 5 ) d3
µ M µ M
direction and unlike poles on either side of 3) 4πo . d 3
the field direction. The resultant torque on 19. Magnetic induction at a point on the axial line
the rigid system is of a short bar magnet is B towards east. If
1) B ( M1 sin θ 1 + M 2sin θ 2) the magnet is turned through 900 in clock wise
direction, then magnetic induction at the same
2) B ( M1 cos θ 1 + M 2 cos θ 2 ) point is (Neglect earth’s magnetic field)
3) B ( M1 sin θ 2 + M 2 sin θ1 ) 1) B/4 towards east 2) B/2 towards west
3) B/2 towards north 4) B/2 towards south
4) B ( M1 cos θ 2 + M 2 cos θ 1) 20. Two short bar magnets of equal dipole
14. A short magnet placed with its axis making moments ‘M’ each are fastened perpendicular
an angle with a uniform external magnetic at their centers as shown in figure. The
magnitude of the magnetic field at ‘P’ at a
field of induction B experiences a torque (τ ) . distance d from their common center as shown
If the magnet is free to rotate, which in figure is
orientation would correspond to its stable and P
unstable equilibrium.
1) θ = 0 0 , θ = 90 0 2) θ = 0 0 , θ = 1800
3) θ = 450 , θ = 1350 4) θ = 00 , θ = 2700
45 0
15. Two short magnets each of moment 10
A-m 2 are placed in end - on position so that
their centres are 0.1m apart. The force
between them is µ0 M µ 2 2M
1) 0.4N 2) 0.5N 3) 0.6N 4) 0.8N 1) 2) 0
16. The ratio of magnetic fields on the axial line 4π d 3
4π d 3
of a long magnet at distances of 10cm and µ 0 2M µ0 M
20cm is 12.5:1. The length of the magnet is 3) 4)
1) 5cm 2) 10cm 3) 10m 4)15 m 4π d 3
2π d 3
17. Two short magnets AB and CD in the X-Y SUPERPOSITION OF MAGNETIC
plane and are parallel to X-axis and the FIELDS
co-ordinates of their centres respectively are 21. A magnetic dipole is under the influence of
(0,2) and (2,0). Line joining the North - South two magnetic fields having an angle of 1200
poles of CD is opposite to that of AB and lies between them. One of the fields has a
along the positive X-axis. The resultant field magnitude 1.2 × 10 −2 T . If the dipole comes to
induction due to AB and CD at a point P(2,2) stable equilibrium at an angle of 300 with this
is 100×10-7T . When the poles of the magnet field, then magnitude of the other field is
CD are reversed, the resultant field induction 1) 8.484x10 −2 T 2) 0.6 x10-2 T
is 50×10-7T . The values of magnetic moments 3) 4.242x10 T 4) 4.242x10-5T
22. A short bar magnet is placed with its south
of AB and CD are (in Am2 ) pole facing geographic south and the distance
1) 300:200 2) 400:600 between the null points is found to be 16 cm.
3) 200:100 4) 300:100 When the magnet is turned pole to pole at
18. Two identical bar Magnets each having the same place then the distance between the
Magnetic Moment of ‘M’ are kept at a null points will be
distance of 2d with their axes perpendicular 1) will be same , along the axial line
to each other in a horizontal plane. The 2) will be same , along the equatorial line
Magnetic induction at midway between them 3) will be 16 × 21/3 , on the axial line
is 4) will be 16 × 21/3 , on the equatorial line



23. A bar magnet is placed with its North pole 30. A bar magnet suspended freely in uniform
pointing North. Neutral point is at a distance magnetic field is vibrating with a time period
‘d’ from the center of magnet. The net of 3 seconds.If the initial field strength is 2T,
magnetic induction at the same distance on then the final field strength, for which time
the axial line of the magnet is period becomes 4 seconds is
1) 2BH 2) 3BH 3) BH 4) 7BH 1) 1.125Tesla 2) 0.625Tesla
24. A bar magnet is placed with its North pole 3) 3.55 Tesla 4) 0.75 Tesla
pointing North. Neutral point is at 12 cm. 31. A short bar magnet of magnetic moment 2Am2
and moment of inertia 6x102 kgm2 is freely
Another magnet is now placed on the first
suspended such that the magnetic axial line
magnet, then the neutral point is found to be
is in the direction of magnetic meridian. If the
at 8 cm. The ratio of their magnetic moments
magnet is displaced by a very small angle (30 ),
the angular acceleration is –– x10–6 rad/sec2
1) 3:2 2) 27:19 3) 9:4 4) 9:5 (Magnetic induction of earth's horizontal field
THE UNIFORM MAGNETIC FIELD 1) π /20 2) π /45 3) π /60 4) π /75
25. The period of a thin magnet in a magnetic 32. The period of oscillation of a magnet at a
field is 2s. It is cut into four equal parts by place is 4 seconds. When it is remagnetised,
cutting it along length and breadth. The so that the pole strength becomes 1/9th of
period of each of them in the same field is initial value, the period of oscillation in
1) 1 s 2) 2 s 3) 3 s 4) 4 s seconds is
26. A bar magnet suspended in magnetic meridian 1) 3 2) 12 3) 5 4) 4
executes oscillations with a time period of 2 33. The magnetic needle of a vibration
sec in the earth’s horizontal magnetic field magnetometer makes 12 oscillations per
of 24 microtesla. When a horizontal field of minute in the horizontal component of earth’s
18 microtesla is produced opposite to the magnetic field.When an external short bar
earth’s field by placing a current carrying magnet is placed at some distance along the
wire, the new time period of magnet will be: axis of the needle in the same line it makes 15
1) 1s 2) 2s 3) 3s 4) 4s oscillations per minute.If the poles of the bar
27. Two bar magnets are bound together side by magnet are inter changed , the numbe r of
side and suspended. They swing in 12s when oscillations it takes per minute is
their like poles are together and in 16s when 1) 61 2) 63 3) 65 4) 67
their unlike poles are together, the magnetic 34. The magnetic needle of a V.M.M completes
moments of these magnets are in the ratio 10 oscillations in 92seconds. When a small
1)27:5 2)25:7 3)7:25 4)24:7 magnet is placed in the magnetic meridian
28. A short bar magnet is oscillating in a magnetic 10cm due north of needle with north pole
field and its time period is 2 seconds . If towards south completes 15 oscillations in
another piece of brass of double moment of 69seconds. The magnetic moment of magnet
inertia be placed over that magnet the time ( BH = 0.3G ) is
period of that combination in that field is
1) 4.5 Am 2 2) 0.45Am 2
1) 2 3 S 2) 2 2 S 3) 2 S 4) 1 2 S
3) 0.75 Am2 4) 0.225Am 2
29. When two identical bar magnets placed one 35. A magnetic needle has a frequency of 20
above the other, such that they are mutually oscillations per minute in the earth’s
perpendicular and bisect each other. The time horizontal field. when the field of a magnet
period of oscillation in a horizontal magnetic supports the earths horizontal field, the
field is 4 seconds. If one of the magnets is frequency increases to 30 oscillations per
removed the time period of the other in the minute. The ratio of the field of the magnet
same field (21/4 =1.189) to that of the earth is
1)1.34sec 2) 2.34sec 3) 3.36sec 4) 4.34sec 1)4:7 2)7:4 3)5:4 4)4:5

TYPES OF MAGNETIC MATERIALS 42. The real angle of dip, if a magnet is suspended
36. A thin iron rod is cut into 10 equal parts at an angle of 300 to the magnetic meridian
parallel to its length. The intensity of and the dip needle makes an angle of 450 with
magnetisation of each piece will be.... horizontal is
1  3
th of initial value 2) 10 times initial value −1
1) tan  2 
 
2) tan −1 ( 3)
3) does not change 4) become half
37. The dipole moment of each molecule of −1
 3 −1  2 
3) tan  2  4) tan  
paramagnetic gas is 1.5 ×10 −23 Am 2 .The    3
temperature of gas is 27 0 C and the number 43. At a place the value of BH and BV are
of molecules per unit volume in it is 0.4 ×10−4 T and 0.3 ×10 −4T respectively. The
−3 . The maximum possible intensity
2 ×10 m
resultant earth’s magnetic field is
of magnetisation in the gas will be ( in A/m) is 1) 0.5 × 10−4 T 2) 10−4 T
1) 3 ×103 2) 4 ×10−3 3) 5 ×10 5 4) 6 ×10−4 3) 2 ×10−4 T 4) 5 ×10 −4T
38. A paramagnetic sample shows a net LEVEL - II ( C. W ) KEY
magnetisation of 8 A/m when placed in an 1) 3 2) 3 3) 3 4) 1 5) 4 6) 3
external magnetic field of 0.6T at a tempera- 7) 4 8) 1 9) 1 10) 1 11) 2 12) 1
ture of 4K.When the same sample is placed 13) 1 14) 2 15) 3 16) 2 17) 1 18) 4
in an external magnetic field of 0.2T at a tem- 19) 3 20) 2 21) 2 22) 3 23) 2 24) 2
perature of 16K , the mangnetisation will be: 25) 1 26) 4 27) 2 28) 1 29) 3 30) 1
31) 2 32) 2 33) 2 34) 3 35) 3 36) 3
32 2
1) A / m 2) A / m 3) 6 A / m 4) 2.4 A / m 37) 1 38) 2 39) 4 40) 4 41) 2 42) 4
3 3 43) 1
39. The angle of the dip at a place is 40.6 and 0
θ 
2M sin  
the vertical component of the earths magnetic 1. M1 = 2
field BV = 6 x 10 T.. The total intensity of the θ
2. In the arrangement magnetic moment of P is
earth's magnetic field at this place is
M π
(sin40.60 = 0.65) M1 = 2
2 sin
2 = M and magnetic moment
1) 7 x 10-5T 2) 6 x 10-5T π π
3) 5 x 10 T 4) 9.2 x 10-5T. M
of Q is M 2 = ∴ Resultant magnetic moment
40. The correct value of dip angle at a place is 2
450 . If the dip circle is rotated by 450 out of M M M (π + 2 )
Mr = M 1 + M 2 = + =
the meridian, then the tangent of the angle π 2 2π
of apparent dip at the place is
2M sin ( θ2 )
1) 1 2) 1/2 3) 1/ 2 4) 2 3. M'=
41. A compass needle oscillates 20 times per Percentage change in the magnetic moment
minute at a place where dip is 450 and 30 M '−M
= ×100
times per minute where dip is 300 . The total M
magnetic field of earth at second to first µ m
places is 4. B= 0 2
4π d
1) 1.51 2) 1.83 3) 1.63 4) 1.23
5. F = mB



M = m x 2l µo 2M cos45
µ m 20. B = ×2

6. B = o 2 and d
4π d 21. B1 sin30 0 = B2 sin900
µ mm µ m m Bm
F= 0 = o 2× = µ 2M µ0 M
4π ( 2d ) 4π d 22. BH = Be = 4π d 3 B H = Ba =
2 0
4 4 4π d 23

µ0 m µ 0 m1m2 23. Be = BH and B = Ba + BH = 2 Be + BH

7. B= , F =
4π d 2 4π d 2 = 2 BH + BH = 3BH
µo M1 µ ( M1 − M 2 )
8. 3MB sin θ = MB sin ( 90 − θ ) 24. = BH and o = BH
4π 12 4π
⇒ tan θ = ⇒θ = 300 I I
3 25. T = 2π MB and T α

9. = MB cos θ
dθ 1
26. T∝
10. C = MB sinθ B
11. MBH sin θ = Fr I T1 M1 − M 2
12. C × (1800 − 45o ) = M 1 B sin45 0 27 T = 2π and =
MBH T2 M1 + M 2
C × (180 0 − 30 o ) = M 2 B sin30 0
13. Net torque I T1 I1 I 1
28. T = 2π MB and T = = =
B H 2 I2 3I 3

29. T = 2π MB
θ1 θ2 H

T1 I1 M 2 2I M
and T = × = × = 21 / 4
2 I2 M1 I 2M

I 1
N S 30. T = 2π and T α
τ = M 1 B sin θ1 + M 2 B sin (180 − θ 2 )  MBH 
31. α = −  θ
14. In stable equlibrium PE is minimum and in  I 
unstable equilibrium PE is maximum and τ 1
is zero in both cases 32. T α and M = m× 2 l
µ 6M 1 M 2
15. F = o
4π d
1 MB H 1 M ( BH + B )
33. n1 = , n2 =
µ 0 2 Md 2π I 2π I
16. Baxial = 4π 2 2 2
(d − l ) 1 M ( BH − B )
17. BR = B1 + B2 ; BR = B1 − B2 and n3 =
1 2 2π I
where B is field strength due to external magnet
18. B = Baxial
+ Beq2
at the site of magnetic dipole .
µ 0 2M µ0 M
19. Ba = ; Be = T1 B2
4π d 3 4π d 3 34. T1 = 9.2S , T2 = 4.6 S and T =
2 B1



9.2 B − BH LEVEL - II (H.W)

⇒ = −4
4.6 BH ⇒ B = 5BH = 1.5 ×10 T
M o 2M
⇒ = 1.5 ×10 −4 ⇒ M = 0.75 Am2 RESULTANT MAGNETIC MOMENT
4π d
1. Three identical thin bar magnets each of
20 BH 5 moment M are placed along three adjacent
35. nα B ⇒ 30 = ⇒ B = BH sides of a regular hexagon as shown in figure.
B + BH 4
The resultant magnetic moment of the system
36. I is independent of dimensions is
nM N
37. I =
38. As I = χ m H and χm = ( Curie law),

CH I CH 3 / T1  H 1   T2 
I = or 1 = =   S
T I 2 CH 2 / T2  H 2   T 1  S N
or 1) M 2) M 3 3) M 2 4) 2M
 H2  T1  2. The magnetic moment of a bar magnet is 0.256
 0.2T   4 K 
M 2 = M1    = 8 ( A / m)  amp.m2 . Its pole strength is 400 milli amp. m.
 H1  T2   0.6T  16 K  It is cut into two equal pieces and these two
pieces are arranged at right angles to each
= A/ m other with their unlike poles in contact (or
3 like poles in contact). The resultant magnetic
BV moment of the system is
39. BV = B sin θ ⇒ B =
sin θ 1) 2 × 256 ×10 −3 Am2 2) 250 x 10-3Am2
BV 256 128
40. tan δ = B and 3) × 10− 3 Am2 4) ×10−3 Am2
H 2 2
BV1 BV 3. A bar magnet is suspended in a uniform
tan δ = 1 =

BH BH cos45 0 magnetic field in a position such that it

experiences maximum torque. The angle
tan δ
tan δ 1 = through which it must be rotated from this
cos45 position such that it experiences half of the
maximum troque is
BH 2 T12 B2 cos δ 2 T12
41. B = ⇒ = 1) 60° 2) 30° 3) 45° 4) 37°
H1 T2 2 B1 cos δ1 T22 4. If the maximum couple acting on a magnet in
a field of induction 0.2 tesla is 10 Nm, what is
B2 T12 cos δ1 its magnetic moment ?
∴ = 1) 50 Am2 2) 2 Am2 3) 5 Am2 4) 20 Am2
B1 T22 cos δ 2
5. A bar magnet of length 10 cm experiences a
tan δ torque of 0.141 N-m in a uniform magnetic
42. tan δ ' =
cos α field of induction 0.4 wb/m2 , when it is
δ =true dip, δ ' = dip with the field suspended making an angle 450 with the field,
α = angle made by the meridian the pole strength of the magnet is
1) 5 A-m 2) 2.5 A-m
43. B = BH + BV
2 2

3) 10 A-m 4) 15 Am


6. A bar magnet of pole strength 2 A-m is kept in 13. Two north poles each of pole strength 8Am
a magnetic field of induction 4 ×10 −5wbm −2 are placed at corners A and C of a square
such that the axis of the magnet makes an ABCD. The pole that should be placed at B
angle 300 with the direction of the field. The to make D as null point is
couple acting on the magnet is found 1) North pole of pole strength 8 2Am
80 ×10 −7 N-m . Then the distance between the 2) North pole of pole strength 16 2Am
poles of the magnet is 3) North pole of pole strength 8 2Am
1) 20 m 2) 2m 3) 3cm 4) 20 cm
7. A magnet of magnetic moment 20 k̂ Am2 is 4) North pole of pole strength 16 2Am
placed along the z - axis in a magnetic field 14. Two short bar magnets of magnetic
r moments 0.125 Am2 . and 0.512 Am 2 are
B = (0.4jˆ + 0.5k)
ˆ T. The torque acting on the
magnet is placed with their like poles facing each
other . If the distance between the centres
1) 8 î N-m 2) 6 ĵ N-m3) – 8 î N-m4) – 6 ĵ N-m of the magnet is 0.26m. The distance of
8. The torque required to keep a magnet of neutral point from the weaker magnet is
length 10cm at 450 to a uniform magnetic field 1) 0.13 m 2) 0.2 m 3) 0.26 m 4) 0.1 m
is 2 × 10−5 Nm . The magnetic force on each TIME PERIOD OF OSCILLATION
pole is 15. A bar magnet of moment of inertia I is
vibrated in a magnetic field of induction
1) 0.2mN 2) 20 µN 3) 0.02N 4) 2N
9. A bar magnet of moment 40 A-m2 is free to 0.4 ×10−4 T . The time period of vibration is
rotate about a vertical axis passing through 12 sec. The magnetic moment of the magnet
its centre. The magnet is released from rest is 120Am 2 . The moment of inertia of the
from east west direction. The kinetic energy magnet is (in kgm2 ) approximately
of the magnet as it takes north-south 1) 1728 ×10 −2 2) 172.8 ×10 −4
direction is (B H = 30µT ) 3) 2.1π 2 4) 1.5 ×10 −2
1) 0.6 mJ 2) 1.2 mJ 3) 2.4 mJ 4) 0.3 mJ 16. A bar magnet has moment of inertia
10. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M is
divided into 'n' equal parts cutting parallel to 49x10−2 kgm 2 vibrates in a magnetic field of
length. Then one part is suspended in a induction 0.5 x10−4 Tesla. The time period of
uniform magnetic field of strength 2T and held vibration is 8.8sec . The magnetic moment of
making an angle 600 with the direction of the the bar magnet is (2007E)
field. When the magnet is released the K.E 1) 350Am 2 2) 490 Am 2
of the magnet in the equilibrium position is
3) 490 Am 2 4)500Am2
M M 17. A thin rod 30 cm long is uniformly magnetised
1) J 2) Mn J 3) J 4) Mn2 J
n n2 and its period of oscillation is 4 s. It is broken
FIELD OF A BAR MAGNET into three equal parts normal to its length.
11. A short bar magnet of magnetic moment The period of oscillation of each part is
1)12 s 2)6 s 3)1.33 s 4)2.66 s
12.8 ×10−3 Am 2 is arranged in the magnetic 18. The moment of inertia as well as the
meridian with its south pole pointing frequencies of two magnets are in the ratio
geographic north. If BH = 0.4 gauss, the 3:4 the ratio of their magnetic moments is
distance between the null points is 1) 27 : 64 2) 64 : 27 3) 9 : 16 4) 16 : 9
1) 4cm 2) 8cm 3) 12cm 4) 16cm 19. A magnet freely suspended in a vibration
12. The magnetic field strength at a point a magnetometer makes 40 oscillations per
distance ‘d’ from the centre on the axial line minute at a place A and 20 oscillations per
of a very short bar magnet of magnetic min at a place B. If the horizontal component
moment ‘M’ is’B’.Then magnetic induction of earth’s magnetic field at A is 36 ´10-6 T ,
at a diatance 2d from the centre on the then its value at ‘B’ is
equatorial line of a magnetic moment 8M will 1) 36 ´10-6 T 2) 9´10- 6 T
1) 4B 2) B/2 3) B/4 4) 2B 3) 144 ´10- 6 T 4) 288´10- 6 T


20. A magnetic needle pivoted through its centre LEVEL - II ( H. W ) - HINTS
of mass and is free to rotate in a plane 1. M net = M 1 + M 2 + M 3
containing uniform magnetic field 200 x 10-4T.
When it is displaced slightly from the M
2. M1 = M2 =
equilibrium it makes 2 oscillations per second. 2
If the moment of inertia of the needle about
the axis of oscillation is 0.75 x 10–5 kg m2 , the M net = M 12 + M 22
magnetic moment of the needle is 3. τ max = MB
1) 0.06 J/T 2) 0.03 J/T 4. τ = MB sin θ
3) 0.12 J/T 4) 0.6 J/T
5. τ = MB sin θ
21. The magnetic susceptibility of a medium is
0.825.Its relative permeability is
8. τ = MB sin θ
1)1.825 2)825 3)285 4)1825 9. K .E = W = MB (1 − cos θ )
22. A magnetic field strength (H) 3x103 A m M
10. M =
, W = MB (1 − cos θ )
produces a magnetic field of Induction (B)of n
12π telsa in an iron rod.The relative µ 2M
permeability of iron is 11. BH = 0 3
4π d
1) 105 2) 104 3) 103 4) 102 µ 2M µ M
23. The magnetic moment of magnet of mass 75 12. Ba = o 3 ; Be = o 3
4π d 4π d
gm is 9 ´10 - 7 Am 2 . If the density of the 13. Fnet = 0
material of magnet is 7.5 × 10
3 d
then x=
m3 1
intensity of magnetisation will be
( M 2 / M1 )3 + 1
1) 0.9 A m 2) 0.09 A m 3) 9 A m 4) 90 A m
24. A magnetising field of 5000 A m produces a 15. T = 2π
magnetic flux of 5´10-5 weber in an iron rod. I
If the area of cross section of the rod is 16. T = 2π
0.5 cm 2 , then the permeability of the rod will
be I
17. T = 2π
1) 1´10-3 2) 2´10-4 3) 3´10-5 4) 4´10-6 MB
25. A short bar magnet of magnetic moment 1 MB
20Am2 has a cross sectional area of 18. f =
2π I
1.5´10-4 m2 . If the intensity of magnetisation
of the magnet is 105 A/m. The length of magnet 19. T = 2π
is MB
1) 0.33m 2) 0.13cm 3) 1.33m 4) 1.33cm 1 MB
LEVEL - II ( H. W ) - KEY 20. f =
2π I
21. µr = (1 + χ )
1) 4 2) 3 3) 1 4) 1 5) 1 6) 4
7) 3 8) 1 9) 2 10) 1 11) 2 12)2
13) 4 14) 4 15) 2 16) 4 17) 3 18) 1 B µ
19) 2 20) 1 21) 1 22) 2 23) 2 24) 2 22. µ = H & µ r = µ
25) 3



M much should we rotate the wire in order to twist

23. I = the magnet through 45 0 from its original
V position
24. φ B = B. A 1) 2570 2) 2520 3) 2750 4) 1270
6. A magnetic dipole is under the influence of
M m
25. I = = two magnetic fields. The angle between the
V A field directions is 600 and one of the fields
has a magnitude of 1.2x10–2 T. If the dipole
LEVEL - III comes to stable equilibrium at angle of 150
with this field, then the magnitude of the other
MAGNETIC MOMENT field (sin150 = 0.2588)
1. A cylindrical rod magnet has a length of 5.0 1) 1.39x10–3 T 2) 2.39x10–3 T
cm and a diameter of 1.0 cm . It has a unifrom 3) 3.39x10 T 4) 4.39x10–3 T
magnetisation of 5.3 ×103 A / m What is its 7. Two small magnets X and Y of dipole moments
M 1 and M2 are fixed perpendicular to each
magnetic dipole moment ? other with their north poles in contact. This
1) 20.8mJT −1 2) 10.8mJT −1 arrangement is placed on a floating body so as
3) 5.8mJT −1 4) 30.8mJT −1 to move freeely in earth's magnetic field as
2. Find the resultant magnetic moment for the shown in figure then the ratio of magnetic
following arrangement moment is B


1) 2M 2) ( )
2 +1 M
1) 1: 3 2) 2 : 3
N2 N1

3) ( )
2 −1 M 4) M
3) 4)
30 0 60

3:2 3:1 S1 S2
3. A bar magnet with poles 25.0 cm apart and of 8. Two magnets A and B are identical and these
pole strength 14.4 Am rests with its centre are arranged as shown in the figure. Their
on a friction less point. It is held in equilibrium length is negligible in comparision with the
seperation between them. A magnetic needle
at 60 0 to a uniform magnetic field of induction is placed between the magnets at point P
0.25 T by applying a force F at right angle to which gets deflected through an angle θ
the axis, 12 cm from its pivot. The magnitude under the influence of magnets. The ratio of
of the force is distances d1 and d2 will be
1) 15 3N 2) 75 3N 3) 3.75 3N 4) 25 3 N B
4. A magnet is suspended in the magnetic
meridian with an untwisted wire. The upper
end of the wire is rotated through 1800 to θ
deflect the magnet by 300 from magnetic
meridian. Now this magnet is replaced by d 1d 2

another magnet. Now the upper end of the

2. (2tan θ )−13
wire is rotated through 2700 to deflect the 1. (2cot θ ) 3
magnet 300 from the magnetic meridian. The −1 1
ratio of the magnetic moments of the two 3. (2cot θ ) 3 4. (2tan θ ) 3
1) 3 : 4 2) 1 : 2 3) 4 : 7 4) 5 : 8 IN THE UNIFORM MAGNETIC FIELD
5. A magnet is suspended in a uniform magnetic 9. When a bar magnet is placed at some distance
field by a thin wire. On twisting the wire along the axis of the magnetic needle of an
through half revolution, the magnet twists oscillation magnetometer located in earth’s
through 300 from the original position. How
magnetic field, the needle makes 14 make 15 osillations per minute when their
oscillations per minute. If the bar magnet is opposite poles lie on the same side. The ratio
turned so that its poles exchange their of their magnetic moments is
positions, the needle makes 20 oscillations per (Eamcet (M) 2008, E(2009)
minute. If the magnet is completely removed, 1) 7 : 25 2) 25 : 7 3) 25 : 16 4) 16 : 25
15. With a standard rectangular bar magnet the
the frequency of the needle is nearly (assume
time period of a vibration magnetometer is 4
B>BH at needle) seconds. The bar magnet is cut parallel to its
1) 20 oscillations/minute length into four equal pieces. The time period
2) 15 oscillations/minute of vibration magnetometer when one piece is
3) 5 oscillations/minute used (in seconds) (bar magent breadth is
4) 10 oscillations/minute small.) is ( E-2008)
10. A vibration magnetometer consists of two 1) 16 2) 8 3) 4 4) 2
identical bar magnets placed one over the TYPES OF MAGNETIC MATERIALS
other such that they are mutually 16. The relation between µ and H for a specimen
perpendicular and bisect each other. The time
 0.4 −4 
period of oscillations of combination in a of iron is µ =  + 12 ×10  henry/metre.
horizontal magnetic field is 4s. If one of the H 
magnets is removed, then the period of The value of H which produces flux density
oscillations of the other in the same field is of 1 tesla will be
1) 2 1 4 sec 2) 2 5 4 sec 3) 2 7 4 sec 4) 2 3 4 sec 1) 250 A / m 2) 500 A / m
3) 750 A / m 4) 103 A / m
11. A magnet is suspended in such a way that it
oscillates in the horizontal plane. If it makes 17. The mass of a specimen of a ferromagnetic
material is 0.6kg. and its density is
20 oscillations per minute at a place
where dip angle is 30 and 15 oscillations per
0 7.8 × 103 kg / m3 . If the area of hysteresis loop
of alternating magnetising field of frequency
minute at a place where dip angle is 600 .The 50Hz is 0.722 MKS units then the hysteresis
ratio of total earth’s magnetic field at the two loss per second will be
places is 1) 277.7 ×10 −5 Joule 2) 277.7 ×10 −6 Joule
1) 3 3 : 8 2) 16:9 3 3) 4 : 9 4) 2 3 : 9 3) 277.7 ×10 −4 Joule 4) 277.7 ×10 −3 Joule
12. A thin rectangular magnet suspended freely 18. 300 turns of a thin wire are uniformly wound
has a period of oscillation equal to T. Now it on a permanent magnet shaped as a cylinder
is broken into two equal haves (each having of length 15cm. When a current 3A is passed
half of the original length) and one piece is through the wire, the field outside the magnet
made to oscillate freely in the same field. If disappears. Then the coercive force of the
material is
its period of oscillation is T ' then is 1) 2 kNm −1 2) 4 kNm −1 3) 5 kNm −1 4) 6 kNm −1
19. At a temperature of 300 C , the susceptibility
1 1 1 of ferromagnetic material is found to be ‘ χ ’.
1) 2) 3) 4) 2
4 2 2 2 Its susceptibility at 3330 C is
13. A compass needle makes 10 oscillations per χ
minute in the earths horizontal field.A bar 1) χ 2) 3) 2 χ 4) 11.1χ
magnet deflects the needle by 600 from the 2
20. What will be the energy loss per hour in the
magnetic meridian. The frequency of iron core of a transformet if the area of its
oscillation in the deflected position in
oscillations per minute is (field due to magnet hysteresis loop is equivalent to 2500erg/cm 3 .
is perpendicular to BH) The frequency of alternating current is 50 Hz.
The mass of core is 10 Kg and the density of
1) 5 2 2) 20 2 3) 10 2 4) 10
iron is 7.5gm/cm 3 .
14. Two bar magnets are placed in vibration
magnetometer and allowed to vibrate. They 1) 2 ×102 Joule 2) 4 ×103 Joule
make 20 oscillations per minute when their 3) 6 ×104 Joule 4) 8 ×105 Joule
similar poles are on the same side, while they



21. Find the percentage increase in the mag netic 27. If δ1 and δ 2 be the angles of dip observed in
field B when the space within the current
carrying toroid is filled with aluminium. The two vertical planes at right angles to each
susceptibility of aluminium is other and δ is the true value of dip then
2.1 ×10−5 1) tan 2 δ = tan 2 δ1 + tan 2 δ 2
1) 3.1×10 −3 2) 1.1×10 −3
2) c o t 2 δ = c o t 2 δ1 + c o t 2 δ 2
3) 2.1 ×10−3 4) 2.1 ×10−5
tan 2 δ 1 + t a n 2 δ 2
tan 2 δ1 tan 2 δ 2
22. A rod of ferromegnetic material with
dimensions 10cm x 0.5cm x 2cm is placed in a 4) cot 2 δ = 1 + cot 2 δ 1 cos 2 δ 2
magnetising field of intensity 2x10 A/m. The
28. A magnet makes 10 oscillations per minute
magnetic moment produced due it is 6
at a place where the angle of dip is 450 and
amp − m 2 . The value of magnetic induction
the total intensity is 0.4 gauss. The number
will be-----10–2 T.
1)100.48 2)200.28 3)50.24 4)300.48 of oscillations made per sec by the same
magnet at another place where the angle of
23. A magnetic material of volume 30cm 3 is
placed in a magnetic field of intensity 5 dip is 600 and the total intensity 0.5 gauss is
oersted.The magnetic moment produced due approximately.
it is 6 amp − m 2 .The value of magnetic 1
1) 6Hz 2) 1.06× 6 Hz
induction will be.
1)0.2517 Tesla 2)0.025 Tesla 1
3)0.0025 Tesla 4)25 Tesla 3) 6 ×1.06 Hz 4) 6 Hz
24. The total magnetic flux in a material, which
produces a pole of strength mp when a 29. The horizontal component of earth’s magnetic
magnetic material of cross- sectional area A field at place is 0.36x10−4 weber m2 . If the angle
is placed in a magnetic field of strength H, of dip at that place is 60o then the value of
will be
1) µ 0 AH + m p ) 2) µ 0 AH
vertical component of earth’smagnetic field
will be (in wb m2 )
3) µ 0m p ( )
4) µ 0 m p AH + A
1) 6 x10 −5 T 2) 6 2 x10 −5 T
25. Relative permittivity and permeability of a
material are er and mr , respectively. Which of 3) 3.6 3 × 10 −5 T 4) 2 x10 −5 T
the following values of these quantities are 30. An iron rod is subjected to cycles of magnetisation
allowed for a diamagnetic material ? at the rate of 50Hz. Given the density of the rod
(AIE 2008) is 8 × 103 kg / m3 and specific heat is 0.11 × 10–3
1) er = 0.5, mr = 1.5 2) er = 1.5, mr = 0.5 cal / kg0 C. The rise in temperature per minute,
if the area enclosed by the B – H loop
3) er = 0.5, mr = 0.5 4) er = 1.5, mr = 1.5
corresponds to energy of 10–2 J is (Assume
TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM there is no radiation losses)
26. The angle of dip at a place is δ . If the dip is 1) 780 C 2) 880 C 3) 8.10 C 4) none of these
measured in a plane making an angle θ with LEVEL - III - KEY
the magnetic meridian, the apparent angle of
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 5) 1 6) 4
dip δ1 will be
7) 4 8) 1 9) 4 10) 3 11) 2 12) 3
1) tan − 1 ( tan δ ) 2) tan −1 ( tan δ cos θ ) 13) 3 14) 3 15) 3 16) 2 17) 1 18) 1
19) 2 20) 3 21) 3 22) 1 23) 1 24) 1
3) tan −1 ( tan δ sec θ ) 4) 0 25) 3 26) 3 27) 2 28) 2 29) 3 30) 3

m 11. T1 = 2π MB cos30 = 3
1. M = or m = MV 1
or m = M × ( π r 2l )
and T2 = 2π MB cos60 = 4

= ( 5.3 ×103 ) ( 3.14) (5 ×10−3 ) (5 ×10−2 ) J / T


mass× ( length)

= 20.8 ×10 −3 J / T = 20.8mJ / T 12. Moment of inertia =

2. M 2+M = M ( 2 +1) When magnet is divided into two equal halves,
mass is reduced by a factor of 2 and length is
3. Anticlockwise torque = clockwise torque. also reduced by factor of 2. S new moment of
F = 0.12 = MB sin θ
3.6 × 0.25 × 3 / 2 inertia is th of the initial moment of inertial.
F= = 3.75 3N 8
0.12 Also, magnetic moment = pole strength × length
C (180 − 30 ) = M 1 BH Sin30 − (1)
Pole strength is unchanged and the length is
halved. So, new magnetic moment is one-half
C ( 270 − 30 ) = M 2 BH Sin30 − ( 2 ) of the intial magnetic moment.
Divide I'
T ' = 2π
M1 5
= M 'B
M2 8
I /8 T T
5. C (180 − 30 ) = M 1 BH Sin30 − (1) = 2π = =
Now, M 4 2
C (θ − 45 ) = MBH Sin 45 − ( 2 ) 2

C1 T' 1
Divide C T 2

6. MBSin150 = MB2Sin450 1 M BH
13. n1 = ________ (1)
−2 2π I
B1 = 1.2 ×10
7. M 1B Sin300 = M 2 BSin 60 0 1 M BH2 + B 2
n2 = ______ (2)
2π I
M1 3 B =B H Tan60
M2 1 B = 3 BH _________ (3)
8. BA = BH tanθ Solving n2 = 2 n1
n1 = K ( B − BH )
9. n2 = 10 2
n2 = K ( B + BH )

1 m BH
14. n =
n3 = KBH
2π I
10. T =
I1 M 2
× 20 = 2π
( M 1 +M 2 ) B H
2 I 2 M1 2I



21. In the absence of A1, B0 = µ 0 H and in the

15 = 2π
( M1 − M 2 ) B
H presence of A1
B = µ H = µ0 (1 + χ ) H
4 M1 + M 2
= % age increase
3 M1 − M 2
M 1 25 B − B0 µ χH
= ×100 = 0 ×100
Solving M = 7 B0 µ0 H

I = χ × 100 = ( 2.1×10 −5 )100 = 2.1 ×10−3

15. T = 2π =4
22. I = = −6
V 10 × 0.5 × 2 ×10
I /4
T 1 = 2π =4 H = 2 ×105 A / M
M /4. BH
16. B = µ H B = µ0 ( H + I )
23. H = 50 ersted
 0.4 −4 
B = + 12 x10  H 103 M 6
H  = 5× AM −1 ; I = = −6
4π V 30 ×10
17. WH = VAft
B = µ0 ( H + I )
= Aft 24. φ = BA
0.6 B = µ0 ( H + I )
WH = × 0.722 × 50
7.8 ×103 25. for diamagnetic ∈r > 1
= 277.7 ×10−5 Joule µr < 1
18. The magnetic field at the centre of a long straight
conductor, whose cross section is in the form of a 26. tan δ = V and tan δ1 = V
thin half ring is H H cos θ
µ I
B = 20 → (1) V V
π R 27. tan δ1 = H cos α ⇒ cos α = H tan δ ....(1)
So the force per unit length of the wire carrying 1
current I and placed on the axis of the first V V
conductor is tan δ 2 = ⇒ sin α = ...(2)
H sin α H tan δ 2
F = BI × l
Squaring and adding Equations (1) and (2)
µ0 I 2
= 2 (for unit length) → ( 2)
π R 1 n12 B1 cos θ1
28. T ∝ ; n ∝ B and 2 =
1 B n2 B2 cos θ 2
19. χ ∝
T 29. BH = 0.36 ×10 −4 T
20. Total energy loss E = nAVt = nA t B
d Tan δ = V
= 50 × 2500 × 10−1 × × 3600 30. 50 × 60 ×10−2 = d × 0.11× 10−3 × 4.2 × ∆ l
7.5 ×103
= 6 × 104 Joule

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