in ®
BAR MAGNET AS AN EQUIVALENT SOLENOID Two equal and opposite forces acting at the two ends
of the dipole constitutes a torque.
4 π2 I
magnetic field at a place by B= Dipole moment p m
mT 2
Axial Field for a short 1 2m μ 0 2m
dipole 4 πε0 x 3 4 π x3
3 . Magnetic potential energy
Magnetic potential energy, U m= work done
Equatorial Field for a −1 m −μ0 m
U m=−m B cos θ=−⃗
B short dipole 4 πε0 x 3 4 π x3
equilibrium) B.⃗
ϕ B =∮ ⃗ ds=0
Note: The RHS of the above equation is zero as there
is no magnetic monopole exist.
A magnetised needle in a uniform magnetic field
experiences a torque but no net force. An iron nail
near a bar magnet, however, experiences a force of
attraction in addition to a torque. Why?
No force if the field is uniform. The iron nail
➢ The process of bringing up magnetism in a
experiences a non- uniform field due to the bar
material is called magnetization
magnet. There is induced magnetic moment in the
nail, therefore, it experiences both force and torque.
Intensity of magnetization (M)
The net force is attractive because the induced south
➢ It is the net magnetic dipole moment induced
pole (say) in the nail is closer to the north pole of
per unit volume when the sample is subjected
magnet than induced north pole.
to magnetizing field.
➢ It is a vector quantity
Example 5.2 mnet m
A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30 o with an ➢ M= , In vector form ⃗ M=
external field of 800 G experiences a torque of 0.016 V V
Nm. p2l P
(a) What is the magnetic moment of the magnet? (or) M= = , where P – Pole strength
A 2l A
(b) What is the work done in moving it from its most
stable to most unstable position? ➢ Unit: A/m Dimension: L-1A
(c) The bar magnet is replaced by a solenoid of ➢ It depends on the material property
Ferromagnetic materials
(A) μ 0=2.4 π× 10−7 T m A−1
−4 −1
1. Substances which experience a very strong (B) μ 0=2.4 π× 10 T m A
force of attraction from a magnet are called −5
(C) μ 0=8.0 ×10 T m A
ferromagnetic substances. −5 −1
2. In a non uniform magnetic field , it tend to move (D) μ 0=2.4 π× 10 T m A
from a region of weaker field to a region of Solution
stronger field. μ r=1+ χm =1+ 599=600 T m A −1
3. On rising the temperature, ferromagnetic
behaviour decreases and above a certain μ=μ 0 μ r =4 π ×10−7 x 600=2.4 π× 10−4 T m A−1
temperature(Curie point,TC) the ferromagnetic Ans : (B)
behaviour vanish and the substance attain
paramagnetic behaviour.
The susceptibility above the curie PREVIOUS QUESTIONS
temperature, TC ( ie, in paramagnetic phase) is
given by 1. A magnetised needle in uniform magnetic field
C experiences a torque but no net force. An iron nail
χ= for T >T C near a bar magnet, however, experiences a force of
T −T C
attraction in addition to a torque. Why ? (2)
4. Individual atoms have permanent magnetic [MAR 2020]
dipole moments just like in paramagnetic 2. (a) The figure below shows a bar of --------------------
material. But the neighbouring atoms material placed in an external magnetic field (1)
interact with one another and align
themselves along a common direction
spontaneously. This alignment extends over
small regions called domains. There is no bulk
magnetisation, since the domains are randomly
aligned . In an external magnetic field (b) Give any two properties of this material (2)
domains align in the direction of the field. [IMP 2020]
5. When freely suspended in a magnetic field
aligns in the direction of the field.
6. 'M' is large and positive, χ m is large and 3. The expression ∑ B̄ . ds=0
¯ is (1)
positive , μ r is large and positive (i) Gauss Law in Electrostatics
(ii) Gauss Law in Magnetism
χ m ≫1 μ r ≫1 μ≫μ0 (iii) Ampere’s circuital law
(iv) Lenz’s law [MAR 2021]
7. Behaviour of magnetic field lines in a 4. An air cored solenoid has 1000 turns per metre and
paramagnetic material is shown carries a current of 2A. Calculate the magnetic
intensity (H). (2)
[MAR 2021,IMP2022]
5. The behaviour of magnetic filed lines near two
magnetic substances P and Q are shown below.
8. Eg : Steel, Alnico, soft iron, nickel, cobalt