2 Pre Start Meeting Form

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Minutes of Meetings with

Date of Meeting

Section 1: Introduction – Person’s Present

Accelerate Developments QS Hayley Whitworth

Name and Contact
Accelerate Developments Site Hayley Whitworth
Manager and Contact Details
Accelerate Developments Hayley Whitworth
Contract Manager and Contact
Attendee 1
Contact Number
Attendee 2
Contact Number
Attendee 3
Contact Number
Attendee 4
Contact Number

Section 3: Description of the Subcontract Works

Section 4: Details of Order and Contract Requirements

Maintenance/Defects Liability Period

The Defect Liability Period shall commence on Main Contract practical completion. The Defects Liability
Period is 12 months

Relevant Insurances have been obtained

PQQ has been completed and contractors are on our system
Sample health and safety documentation have been provided and signed off

Value of Subcontract £
Sub Contract rates are to be fixed price for
duration of contract ☐ Yes ☐ No
Sub Contract works are not re-measurable ☐ Yes

Additional Documents forming part of this Subcontract

Specification / Employer’s Requirements

Schedule of Works Provided
The Project drawings Available in the office
These Pre-contract Meeting Minutes scanned copy provided

The Sub Contractor must immediately advise the Site manager and QS should they consider that works
are to be carried out on a day work basis. If applicable, all instructions to carry out day works will be
given in writing only.

Accelerate Developments must also be advised of the commencement and completion of the operation
to enable them to verify the resources employed. Day works sheets must be completed and presented
to Site Manager and QS at the end of the appropriate working day for approval / signature.

All Daywork must be approved by Team Manager and Quantity Surveyor to facilitate payment with full
back up evidence / data.

Day works will not be considered for payment if the above requirements are not adhered to.

Daywork Rates: Must be agreed with the QS before words are started

The Subcontractor must immediately advise the Site Manager and/or QS of any variation to the works
following subsequent transmittal of drawings, specifications or instructions, giving notification of any
financial and programming implications. This requirement applies equally to comments marked on Sub-
Contractor drawings, submitted for review and which are considered to cause a variation to the works.

Instructions and variation to the works will be approved by Team Manager and/or QS and evidence will
need to be available and advised within the Application for Payment. No other form of instruction will
be recognised.

Any unauthorized work carried out by the subcontractor will be valued at £ nil.

Section 5: Materials
Delivery sequence – to comply with the programme requirements.

Items stored on site are the responsibility of the subcontractor

Section 6: Programme
The Works shall be carried out in accordance with Accelerate Developments programme of works in
whole or in part as required and in accordance with any alterations to that programme that may from
time to time be reasonably required by Accelerate Developments. No additional payments will be
made in respect of any out of sequence working that may arise.

The site manager will issue all contractors with a short duration programme on a weekly basis. Any
amendments required to the short duration programme should be notified to the site manager with 48
hours or the time parameters are deemed accepted.


Any delays imposed on Accelerate Developments due to the subcontractor will be deducted from the
said contractors final account.

Accelerate Developments will notify the Sub-contractor if they:

- fail to maintain reasonable progress or causes delay to Accelerate Developments operations; or
- fail to complete the Sub-Contractor works within the Sub-Contract Period, or Periods or by the
date(s) fixed for completion.
Then Accelerate Developments may notify the Sub-Contractor in writing within a reasonable time of
the period/extent of the delay. The Sub-Contractor shall allow the additional resource that is required
to mitigate the delay. Any costs imposed on Accelerate
Developments due to the performance of a Sub-Contractor will be deduced from said Sub-Contractors

Sectional Completion Dates (if any) ☐ Yes ☐ No

Sub-Contract Commencement (Provisional date)11th Jan 21
Sub-Contract Programme (insert programme and attach as appendices)

Brief description of the Key Commencement Date Completion Date


Notice required commencing on site 2 weeks

Number of Visits

Site Hours
Accelerate Developments site hours will be 8 to 4 , 5 days per week, however, there
will be no restriction on working hours if Accelerate Developments are informed of the subcontractor’s
hours and that provision for suitable supervision has been arranged. It was confirmed that the
subcontractor would work the hours necessary to ensure completion in accordance with the contract
programme and the contract completion date.

Holiday Periods
The site will be closed during normal builder’s holiday periods. (Easter, Mayday & August Bank

Site Access, Sequence and Proposed Method of Work

All operatives will be required to undertake a site induction during which site restrictions and site-
specific rules will be explained. Compliance with these rules and restrictions will be mandatory when
carrying out works on the site.

The works are to be sequenced to suit the programme of the works.

Section 7: Drawings
Drawings – A full set of construction issue drawings and
specifications applicable to the sub-contractor’s works packages will be issued within 5 working days
by the QS or Site Manager.

On receipt, the subcontractor is to check that the information corresponds with the scope of work in
the subcontract package and notify site manager or QS if there is any further information they require
as well as any time or cost implications.

Accelerate Developments will have a hard copy of the drawings on site. These drawings are not to
leave the site office. Any drawings required by the sub contractor must be provided by themselves.

Section 8: Site Safety

All the subcontractors site personnel will familiarise themselves with Accelerate Developments full
Safety Policy which is available for scrutiny both on site and at Head Office.

The site is designated a hardhat area the Sub Contractor must supply their own PPE and all personnel
should report for work with the minimum of CSCS card, hard hat, high visibility vests and safety boots.
Operatives will not be allowed to work on the site without the requisite PPE and relevant CSCS card.

Accelerate Developments to receive a details Method Statement and Risk Assessments from the Sub
Contractor before work can commence on site. To be sent to the Site Manager electronically minimum
of 1 week before commencement. Operatives are to bring a hard copy to site on the first day of works.

A copy of the Subcontractors test certificate for operator driven plant where necessary is required.
Operators of plant should all hold a current operating certificate, as required, which should be
available for inspection always.

All portable appliances used by the Sub Contractor will be subject to a combined inspection and test
prior to initial use on site and thereafter every 3 months. The Sub Contractor must provide Accelerate
Developments with details of such plant prior to commencement on site.

The Sub Contractors’ operatives must be fully trained in the use of any plant and equipment while
carrying out their Sub Contract works. Copies of appropriate Certificates must be provided to the Site
Manager prior to commencement. This applies to the erection of mobile access towers, scaffolding,
scissor lifts and all mechanical plant.

Section 9: Emergency Call Outs

Emergency Call Out Contact: Hayley Whitworth 07534221903
Face Fits will be submitted

Subcontractors will be required to submit all necessary COSHH and Risk Assessments as discussed
during meeting.

Should the Sub Contract works include the provision of any specific safety netting / scaffolding this
must be carried out by an appropriate specialist contractor. Details to be provided to Accelerate
Developments for approval prior to commencement of the works on site and should be included in the
sub-contractors Method Statement.

CDM Regulations
To ensure compliance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015, all
information required for inclusion in the Health and Safety File must be provided promptly.

To this end, all necessary information must be provided in full no later than two weeks prior to
completion of the sub contract works of Practical Completion of the Main Contract works (whichever is

Until all such information is provided to Accelerate Developments, the sub contract works will be
incomplete and liquidated damages may apply.

Section 10: Quality Assurance

Accelerate Developments is actively involved in a Quality Assurance Management System. The
subcontractor will be expected to play his part to ensure compliance with the Quality Requirements of
the contract.

NB - Accelerate Developments will not issue a final payment until the quality of the works has been
approved by the site team and the client.

Section 11: Warranties

Is the Sub Contractor required to enter Deeds of Collateral Warranties with the Employer and the

☐ Yes ☐ No

Does the Sub Contractor agree to enter the Warranty agreement as described above?
☐ Yes ☐ No

Payments on the sub contract account will be withheld until above Warranties have been duly
completed and returned by the sub-contractor and has been approved by both Accelerate
Developments and the client.

Section 12: General

The Sub Contractor is to arrange for a competent member of staff to visit the site before
commencement of the Sub Contract Works to ensure that the site conditions are satisfactory for the
execution thereof. No claims will be accepted for lack of knowledge of prevailing site conditions. The
Sub Contractor confirmed that he had visited the site.

Accelerate Developments stressed the site will be the subject of intense scrutiny relative to safety and
cleanliness and required the highest standard from all Sub Contractors working on the site.

Accelerate Developments will not provide labour to clean Sub Contractor’s waste. In the interests of a
sale working environment, it is the Sub Contractor’s responsibility to instruct their operatives to
remove their waste daily to a skip. Should the Site Manager locate any of the Sub Contractor’s waste
he will employ labourers to clear the waste on their behalf, notifying them of the occurrence. Labour
costs will be offset from the Sub Contractors account at a rate of £30.00/hour, in conjunction with an
administration charge of £50.00 for each notification.

Accelerate Developments will not release final payment or agree Final Account until all necessary
O&M Manual information is received.

Sub Contract Term & Conditions listed in quotation is superseded by Accelerate Developments Terms
& Conditions and any agreements outlined in these minutes.

Section 13: Additional Notes Taken at Meeting

Trade Specific notes

● Quality - inspected thoroughly using different

● Mess - Cleaning charge - caber floor protection

● Loading out - We are unable to provide guaranteed labour however, if available we

will help.

● Access - Limited amount of towers onsite - priority is given to AD workers.

● Task lighting - We can guarantee festooned hallways and 1 stand light to your team,
additional lighting will need to be provided by yourself.

By Signing the below all parties agree and expect the contents of the above.

Signed on behalf of Accelerate Developments

Print Name

Signed on behalf of (Subcontractor name)

Print Name

Signed on behalf of (Subcontractor name)

Print Name

Signed on behalf of (Subcontractor name)

Print Name

Signed on behalf of (Subcontractor name)

Print Name

Signed on behalf of (Subcontractor name)

Print Name

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