How To UnClog Your SoftTop Drains

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How to UnClog your SoftTop Drains

The data and pictures were originally from the old Z4UM website. SixSpeed had
an old WebCache of the site and posted it originally on I have just
cleaned it up and made it more presentable.

There are quite a few zzzz with a faulty soft top hydraulic system out there. The reason for the problem: WATER!
The soft top motor is rapped in an insulating foam and is located in the area where the soft top folds down.

There is a water drain on each side. The drain

on the right side (side of the fuel filler cap) is
only visible if you watch closely between the
soft top mechanism (top down) with a

The drain on the left side is not visible because

the soft top motor blocks the view.
Now what happens: these drains get clogged,
water can't get away and gets absorbed by the
insulating foam. Result: soft top motor fails.
(pic courtesy of !!!)

The repair is pretty difficult as the complete top
needs to be removed to access the soft top
motor (and we all know what can happen when
your skilled dealer needs to do that kind of

So, lets get to work!! The goal is to unclog the drains so the water can run away freely.

You need:
1 flat screwdriver
1 8mm spanner
1 10mm spanner
1 vacuum cleaner
1 tube inner diameter 6mm or 4mm
1 or more jack stand(s)
1 jack

Let’s start at the RIGHT side. You can see the

inlet of the drain if you peek with your flashlight
in the space where my finger is:

You could remove the wheel, but that is not

Remove the wheel arch cover by removing the

2 8mm bolts (part 51718204807) and the 1
plastic 10mm nut (part 51711958025) together
with the splash thingy by removing 2
expanding rivets (part 51118174185), 1 8mm
bolt and 1 plastic 10mm nut.

The rivets are a pain in the a$$.... I broke them so I replaced them with new ones.
The splash thingy and the wheel arch cover come off as one piece.

Make sure to unclip the ABS/DSC sensor that is clipped

onto the splash thingy:

Cover and splash thingy removed. Now, get
UNDER your car and you will see the drain!!

Drain removed from the car:

Whoever designed this should be shot or at least fired! The

drain hole is about 8 mm in diameter, but the Internal tubing
of the drain is only 5mm in diameter. Must get clogged
I used compressed air from THE TOP and flushed to system
with some Evian mineral water:

Here is a small example of the crap that came out (a lot more was flushed out with the compressed air)

Put everything back and get to work on the

other, more important side (because the soft
top motor is
located on that side).

Same as on the right side, only here I didn't use compressed

air, as the system is only accessible from the
bottom. Instead, I modded my vacuum cleaner somewhat.
A 6mm tube goes into 4mm tube... and that tube goes into
the bottom of the drain:

The "problem" is that you can't be 100% sure the left drain
isn't clogged anymore because you can't verify it by flushing
the system. But, judging by the amount of crap that came
out of the drains it looks like this will be a recurring DIY Smile
Don't forget to put everything back and... DONE!


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