Vocabulary list
observation : pengamatan region : wilayah
general : umum primary : utama
sequence : urutan provide : menyediakan
feature : ciri-ciri average : rata-rata
edible : dapat dimakan nutritious : bergizi
Cross A, B, C, or D on the correct answers.
Text 1
Ants are small insects. Like all insects, ants have six legs. The smallest
ants are 0,7 millimeters long. Therefore they are hard to see. The biggest ants
are almost 1 inch (3 centimeters) long.
Ant’s body seems to have a very thin waist. The narrow waist lets the ant
bend when it goes around turns in underground tunnels. Male ants and young
queen ants have wings. The workers of many species of ants have a stinger for
fighting against enemies.
An ant has a mouth with three parts. The most important part is jaws. The
jaws can be used for carrying things, collecting food, building nests, fighting
and cutting. Ants use their lower jaws for chewing and their tongues for
sucking up liquids.
Adult ants can swallow only liquid foods, but some ants can chew solid
foods by making the foods into liquid forms.
Taken from Soal UN 2016
4. The underlined word in “Ant’s body seems to have a very thin waist,” is similar
in meaning to ….
A. big
B. skinny
C. slim
D. long
Text 2
Butterflies are a type of insect with large and often colorful wings. They start out
as eggs. They lay their eggs on leaves. The eggs hatch into caterpillars with tubular
body. The caterpillar eats leaves, buds, or flowers of plants.
When a caterpillar is full sized, it goes into another stage called chrysalis.
Caterpillars attach themselves to something solid before becoming a chrysalis. The
caterpillar inside the chrysalis changes into a butterfly. Some butterflies make the
change in one week. Some others take years to change.
When the change is complete, the adult butterfly splits the chrysalis. The insect
unfolds its wings and pumps blood and air into them. It spreads out the wings until
they become dry and harder. The beautiful butterfly then flies to get nectar from
flowers. Most butterflies live only for one or two weeks.
Taken from Soal UN 2016
5. What is the text mostly about?
A. Butterflies’ life stages.
B. How a caterpillar lives.
C. How butterflies lay their eggs.
D. Physical characteristics of butterflies.
8. The underlined word in “The insect unfolds its wings …” is closest in meaning to
A. opens
B. closes
C. flies
D. eats
Text 3
The stick is a type of insect that actually looks like a stick. It uses camouflage to
look like a stick or branches of the trees where it lives. There is also a leaf type bug
that looks like leaves. Together they make up the order of insect called Phasmatodea.
There are around 3,000 species of insect in this order.
Stick bugs vary in size. Some are as small as half in inch long while others can
grow to just over a foot long. Counting their outstretched legs, the longest females
can reach up to 22 inches long!
Stick bugs are some of the best camouflaged animals in the animal kingdom.
Some can change colors to match the tree or leave in the background. Others not only
look like sticks but have other features that mimic the branches of trees. Many also
look like a twig blowing in the wind.
Some stick bugs have wings. They may be bright colored. When a predator
comes near the stick bugs they may open their bright wings and then close them again
to confuse the predator.
Taken from Soal Un 2016
12. “…but have other features that mimic the branches of trees.” The underlined
word in is closest in meaning to ….
A. look like
B. use for
C. follow to
D. borrow from
Vocabulary list
Hard : sulit chrysalis : kepompong
seem : terlihat change : berubah
waist : pinggang split : membelah
tunnel : terowongan unfold : membuka
enemy : musuh outstretch : membentang
jaw : rahang bug : serangga
nest : sarang match : menyesuaikan
chew : mengunyah stick : batang
hatch : menetas bright : cerah
caterpillar : ulat confuse : membuat bingung
Synonym Antonym
Enemy = foe Hard >< easy
Change = alter = convert = amend = Unfold >< fold
transform Bright >< blur
Bug = insect
Text 4
Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their
role in pollination and for producing honey and beeswax. There are nearly 20,000
known species of bees in nine recognized families though many are indescribable and
the actual number is probably higher. They are found on every continent except
Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet that contains insect-pollinated flowering
Bees have a long proboscis (a complex "tongue") that enables them to obtain the
nectar from flowers. They have antennae almost universally made up of 13 segments
in males and 12 in females, as is typical for the super family. Bees all have two pairs
of wings, the hind pair being the smaller of the two; in a very few species, one sex or
caste has relatively short wings that make flight difficult or impossible, but none are
The smallest bee is Trigona minima, a sting less bee whose workers are about 2.1 mm
(5/64") long. The largest bee in the world is Megachile Pluto, a leaf cutter bee whose
females can attain a length of 39 mm (1.5"). Members of the family Halictidae, or
sweat bees, are the most common type of bee in the Northern Hemisphere, though
they are small and often mistaken for wasps or flies.
Text 5
Firefly or Lightning Bug Photinus pyralis
The Pyralis firefly also known as the lightning bug is a common firefly in
North America. This partly nocturnal, luminescent beetle is the most common
firefly in the USA.
At night, the very end (the last abdominal segment) of the firefly glows a
bright yellow-green color. The firefly can control this glowing effect. The
brightness of a single firefly is 1/40 of a candle. Fireflies use their glow to
attract other fireflies. Males flash about every five seconds; females flash
about every two seconds. This firefly is harvested by the biochemical industry
for the organic compunds luciferin which is the chemical the firefly uses for
its bioluminescence.
This flying insect is about 0.75 inch (2 cm) long. It is mostly black, with
two red spots on the head cover; the wing covers and head covers are lined in
yellow. Like all insects, it has a hard exoskeleton, six jointed legs, two
antennae, compound eyes, and the part of firelfy body are the head, thorax,
and abdomen.
Both the adults and the larvae are carnivores. They eat other insects
(including other fireflies), insect larvae, and snails.
Text 6
Grasshoppers are insect that can hop, walk and fly. Many male
grasshoppers make noise by rubbing their back legs together. There are about
10.000 different species of grasshoppers.
Grasshoppers undergo simple (or incomplete) metamorphosis. It
consists of 3 stages; eggs hatch into nymphs, which look like little adults
without wings and reproductive organs. Nymphs molt many times as they grow
to be adults.
Like all insects, the grasshoppers have a three-body (head, thorax and
abdomen), six jointed legs, two pairs of wings and two antennae. Their bodies
are covered with a hard exoskeleton. Grasshoppers breathe through a series of
holes called spiracles; they are located along the sides of the body. Most
grasshoppers are green, brown and olive-green. The biggest ones are about 4.5
inches (11.5 cm) long. The long hind legs are used for hopping. The short front
legs are used to hold prey and to walk.
Grasshoppers eat plants. Their predators include birds, nettles rodents,
reptiles and spiders. Flies also eat grasshoppers’ legs.
Text 7
Mosquitoes are insects in the family Culicidae. They have a pair of scaled
wings, a pair of halteres, a slender body, and long legs. The females of most
mosquito species suck blood (hematophagy) from other animals, which has
made them the most deadly disease vector known, killing millions of people
over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions per year by
the spread of diseases.
Length varies but is rarely greater than 16 mm (0.6 inch), and weight up
to 2.5 mg (0.04 grain). A mosquito can fly for 1 to 4 hours continuously at up
to 1–2 km/h travelling up to 10 km in a night. Most species are nocturnal or
crepuscular (dawn or dusk) feeders. During the heat of the day most
mosquitoes rest in a cool place and wait for the evenings. They may still bite
if disturbed. Mosquitos are adept at infiltration and have been known to find
their way into homes via deactivated air conditioning units.
Synonym Antonym
nearly = almost hind >< front
recognize = know cover >< uncover
obtain = get prey >< predator
hind = back = rear adept >< amateur
glow = shine
Defisi :
Text report adalah jenis teks yang menggambarkan sesuatu seperti benda, manusia,
tumbuhan, hewan dan lain sebagainyasecara umum.
Biasanya report text menggambarkan sesuatu dengan sudut pandang ilmiah. Sehingga
biasanya akan diikuti dengan penjelasan tentang hasil penelitian atau observasi
terhadap objek yang sedang dibicarakan tersebut.
Tujuan :
Tujuan komunikatif Report text adalah untuk menggambarkan tentang sesuatu secara
umum apa adanya yang merupakan hasil observasi atau penelitian dan analisa secara
sistematis. Intinya text Report berisi fakta-fakta sebuah objek yang bisa dibuktikan
secara ilmiah.
Text 9
Orange has some kinds of names. Then , it has fresh color. It usually has sweet taste
and sometimes it is not sweet or sour. There are some names or kind of orange, such
as,orange Bali (citrus maxima),palembang orange Mandarin orange, purut orange
(kaffirlime), lemon orange and etc. Everyone can buy orange in market or fruit seller.
Many people just know that orange fruit use for orange juice or fresh drink. Then,
almost people just understand that orange only has vitamin C.Whereas, orange is not
just only for those. However orange has more 51 calorie energy for our body, protein
0,9 gr and any fat 0,2 gr. It is also for health, beauty and food material. Orange for
health can make medicine. It likes cough and fever medicine for one of kinds orange.
It takes from orange juice. Thus, about orange of beauty, clear face ,and makes fresh
face because orange has vitamin A (beta caroten), vitamin C and many other. Orange
can use also for embellish food for more delicious and it gives good smell to food.
There are some advantages of kinds orange fruit. Thus we can understand about many
advantages of orange fruits.
Text 10
Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya or strawberry pear, is a fruit of growing
popularity. The fruit has been referred to as the most beautiful in the cactus family. It
is cultivated in the subtropical and tropical regions of Central Mexico, Central
America, and South America, Southeast Asia. Each stem segment of the plant can
grow up to 20 feet long. Flowering occurs during warm months taking approximately
45 to 150 days for fruit to develop depending on species. Upon reaching maturity, the
dragon fruit reaches its optimal sweetness. If not harvested immediately the fruit will
continue to grow in size but will not increase in sugar content.
The fruit varies in size between 0.5 to 3 pounds. The fruit has a hot pink or
reddish skin with greenish scales. The inner flesh is white, pink, or red with
numerous small black seeds. Compared to the bright, vibrant skin, the juicy flesh is
actually quite mild in flavor, similar to a melon or pear. It is slightly sweet with acidic
undertones. Its texture is a cross between a kiwi and a firm pear.
Dragon fruit is very appealing to consumers due to its exotic nature. It can be
used in tropical drinks, smoothies, yogurt, ice creams, sherbet, tarts, jellies, syrups,
sauces, and cocktails. It blends well with most fruits including banana, guava,
coconut cream, pineapple, papaya and mango. The dragon fruit’s mild flavor makes it
a unique ingredient to give special taste to many kinds of food.
42. From the text we know to get the best taste of the dragon fruit we have to ……
A. Wait until the fruit very big in size
B. Pick the fruit upon its reaching maturity
C. Wait the fruit continue to grow in size
D. Know when the fruit develop
43. “Dragon fruit is very appealing to consumers due to its exotic nature”. The
underlined word means ….
A. Attractive
B. Important
C. Unique
D. Delicious
Text 12
The tawny owl is nocturnal, so you are more likely to hear its hooting
call than to actually see the bird. It lives mainly in woodland and farmland, but
can also be found in parks and cities.
The tawny owl hunts at night. Its excellent hearing means it can locate
prey in complete darkness. Using sound, the owl slowly turns its head to detect
the position of the prey before swooping down and catching it with sharp
talons. The owl uses its sharp beak to tear up the food.
Owls eat lots of different food, depending on where they live. Those
living in woodland areas tend to eat small rodents, worms and beetles. Nearer
towns and cities, owls will eat small birds and have been known to take fish
from garden ponds.
The female tawny owl lays two to five eggs. She sits on the eggs one at
a time, which means that they hatch at intervals. Once they have hatched, the
female sits on the chicks whilst the male brings food.
(taken from All About Animals, page 19)
1. nocturnal : aktif di malam hari
2. likely : mungkin (synonym : possible)
3. hooting : suara burung hantu
4. woodland : tanah berhutan
5. farmland : tanah pertanian
6. find – found : menemukan / ditemukan
7. hunt : berburu
8. excellent : bagus sekali
9. hearing : pendengaran
10. locate : menemukan
11. prey : mangsa
12. complete : total
13. darkness : kegelapan
14. detect : mendeteksi
15. swooping down : menyambar / menukik ke bawah
16. talon : cakar (synonym : claw)
17. beak : paruh
18. tear up : merobek-robek
19. depending on : bergantung pada
20. tend : cenderung
21. rodent : hewan pengerat
22. worm : ulat, cacing
23. beetle : kumbang
24. pond : kolam (ikan)
25. lay egg : bertelur
26. sit on eggs : mengerami telur
27. hatch : menetas
28. at intervals : sewaktu-waktu
29. chick : anak burung
30. whilst : sementara
50. How does the owl detect the position of its prey?
A. By using its beak.
B. By using its head.
C. By using its hearing.
D. By using its talons.
51. “… and catching it with sharp talons.” (par 2) What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
A. The owl’s beak..
B. The owl’s head.
C. The owl’s hearing.
D. The owl’s prey.
Text 13
The Kookaburra is the word’s largest kingfisher and is found only in
Australia. It is often called the laughing kookaburra because of its unusual
Kookaburras hunt during the day. They look for food from their perch
high in the branches of trees. Their diet includes insects, crabs and small
reptiles, such as snakes. From its position in the trees, the kookaburra waits for
suitable prey to pass beneath before swooping down to grasp it in its sharp bill.
Kookaburras make nests in holes, mostly in trees and sometimes in the
holes of walls or buildings. The female lays two or three eggs. When the
young chicks hatch, they rely on their parents to bring them food.
(taken from All About Animals, page 74)
1. kingfisher : burung pekakak
2. laughing : tertawa
3. unusual ; tidak umum (synonym : strange) (antonym : common)
4. during the day : pada siang hari
5. look for : mencari
6. perch : bertengger
7. branch : cabang
8. diet : makanan (synonym : food)
9. include : termasuk
10. crab : kepiting
11. reptile : reptil
12. suitable : sesuai, cocok
13. grasp : menyambar
14. bill : paruh (synonym : beak)
15. nest : sarang (burung)
16. chick : anak burung
17. rely on : bergantung pada (synonym : depend on )
54. “ …., they rely on their parents to bring them food.” (par 3) What does the underlined
word refer to?
A. The chicks of Kookaburra.
B. The eggs of Kookaburra.
C. The holes of Kookaburra.
D. The males of Kookaburra.
58. “ … and roost in trees at night.” (par 2) The underlined word can be best replaced by
the word …..
A. hide
B. perch
C. sit
D. walk
1. Destination : tujuan
2. Progress : kemajuan
3. Prerequisite : prasyarat
4. Advantage : manfaat / kelebihan
5. Shortage : kekurangan
6. Stuck :terjebak
7. Mass(es) : masa / orang banyak
8. Affordable : terjangkau
9. Cruise : pelayaran
10. Cover : menempu
Text 13
Transportation is a familiar thing in our ears. Because since a long time people
in the world have used them to get to their destination. Along with advances in
technology, transportation continues to grow and progress. Transportation is an
important prerequisite for economic growth in the developing world. There are three
types of transportation in the world. Those three type are land transportation, sea
transportation and air transportation.
There are many kinds of land transportation, such as of motorcycles, cars,
buses, and trains. Each of these have advantages and shortage. For example, a
motorcycle,with a motorcycle we can be more free to go anywhere with a faster time
because it is not stuck in traffic. But motorcycles can only be used for one or two
people. If we want to land transportation who can for the masses, we can use a car or
Next is a sea transportation. Sea transportation that is commonly used is the
ship. Ships become alternative choice for those who must cross the ocean to get to the
destination. Besides that, the boat ticket price is also affordable. But not for a cruise.
If we want to get to a destination that is so far with a short time then air
transport is the answer. With air transportation such as airplanes we can cover long
distances with a faster time than the use of transportation by land or sea.
62. Why do not people use motorcycles for the masses transportations?
A. They can not go anywhere with affordable tickets
B. They can not go anywhere with a faster time
C. They are not effective transportation
D. They will cause traffic jam
63. ”… price is also affordable…” ( third paragraph).
The underlined word means….
A. Give opportunity to be sold
B. Give opportunity to be bought
C. Can not be bought because of it price
D. Can not be bought because of it quantity
1. Appear : muncul
2. Grassroot : akarrumput
3. Entrepreneur : pengusaha
4. Spare :cadangan
5. Congregate :berkerumun
6. Bargain :menawar
7. Payment :pembayaran
8. Couple of years :duatahun
9. Pick up :mengambil
10. Reduce :berkurang
Text 14
Ojek “motorcycle taxis” began appearing after becak were banned in the early
1990s. Ojek service began as grassroots entrepreneurs saw an opportunity to provide
a transportation options for people who used to use becak from main roads into
housing complexes.
By law all motorcycle passengers should wear helmets, so ojek drivers should have a
spare for you to wear. Ojek tend to congregate at intersections on main roads and near
smaller roads that are not serviced by bus routes. Ladies have a careful balancing act
if wearing a dress and must sit sidewise on the back of the vehicle. Bargain before
you get on - ask a local what the price should be first. Payment is in cash and the
drivers won't have change for larger bills.
Over the last couple of years as the traffic situation,Ojek has become extremely
challenging.A modern, more professional alternative to the individual ojek has
appeared. Companies such as is Go-Jek, Grab Bike and Yellow Bike have developed
an organized Ojek network that allows you to order an Ojek from your phone. They
can be ordered to transport yourself, pick up a meal from a restaurant or deliver goods
and documents. Their computerized system uses transparent pricing which reduces
the uncertainty of the costs involved. Many people are using these services as
transportation time is greatly reduced.
Text 15
Trains are very important to transportation. Trains carry freight and people to places
all over the world .Freight trains haul goods. Passenger trains carry people. All trains
run on tracks.
A train made up of railroad cars hooked together and pulled by a locomotive.
Locomotives are sometimes called engine. Locomotives push or pull railroad cars.
They have powerful motors. The motors turn locomotive wheels that run on railroad
tracks. All trains run on tracks. Freight trains haul goods. Passenger trains carry
. Some locomotives get their power from electricity. The electricity comes from
wire above the track or from a special third rail next to the track. Other locomotives
get their power from diesel fuel, which is similar to the gasoline that most cars use.
The kind of locomotive engines most used today are diesel-electrics. Engines that
burn diesel fuel drive generators that make electricity. Powerful electric motors turn
the wheels of a diesel-electric locomotive.
A freight car is part of a train which carries goods. A freight train can have as
many as 200 cars hooked together. There are special railroad cars for different kinds
of freight.
The boxcar has four sides, a floor, and a root. It looks like a box on wheels.
Boxcars carry freight that has to be kept clean and dry such as radios, television sets,
and boxes of cereal.
Refrigerator cars work like your home refrigerator. They are boxcars that are
cold inside. Refrigerator cars carry meat, fruit, frozen dinner, and other food that must
be kept cold.
The hopper car is open on the top. Hopper cars carry coal, sand, gravel, and ore
(rocks that contain metals). Hopper cars are easy to unload because they have doors
on the bottom. The doors open and the coal, sand, or gravel pours out.
A flatcar has no top or sides. It has a floor on wheels. Flat cars carry lumber,
steel beams, huge pieces of machinery, and other big items. Lifting machines called
cranes load cargo onto flat cars. Special flatcars carry cars, boats, and trucks.
A tank car carries liquids or gases in a big, round tank that is lying on its side.
Tank cars can carry milk, gasoline, or oil. Some tank cars carry dangerous chemicals.
Passenger cars have seats in rows along each side. Some passenger cars are
made for long trips. They have seats that can be made into beds at night. Trains that
carry passengers over long distances have special baggage cars it carry suitcases.
They have dining cars where people can sit down and eat.
69. What is the aim of the text intended ?
A. To describe train in general
B. To describe kinds of train
C. To persuade people to travel by train
D. To force people to gather in railway station
70. "Trains carry freight and people….”
What does the underlined mean?
A. People who travel by train all over the world
B. Container kept in the train for passengers baggage
C. Boxes which are loaded onto the train in the railway station
D. Goods that are carried from one place to another
71. “They have powerful motors.” (Paragraph 2)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Passenger trains.
B. Railroad tracks.
C. Freight trains.
D. Locomotives
72. According to the text, how many sources of power can locomotive get?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
73. Petroleum can be carried in ….
A. Tank car
B. Boxcar
C. Flat car
D. Hopper car
By ........................................ SMP ....................................
Tulips are spring-blooming perennials that grow from bulbs. The tulip’s large
flowers usually bloom on scopes. Most tulips produce only one flower per stem,
but a few species bear multiple flowers on their scopes.
The showy, generally cup- or star-shaped tulip flower has three petals and
three sepals, which are often, termed petals because they are nearly identical.
Tulip plants can grow as short as 10 cm or as high as 71 cm. Tulip flowers
come in a wide variety of colors, except pure blue. Tulip stems have few leaves.
Plants typically have 2 to 6 leaves, with some species having up to 12. The tulip’s
leaf is strap-shaped, with a waxy coating, and leaves are alternately arranged on
the stem.
During the Ottoman Empire, the tulip became very popular in Ottoman
territories and was seen as a symbol of abundance. In fact, the era during which
the Ottoman Empire was wealthiest is often called the Tulip era or LaleDevri in
Turkish. In classic and modern Persian literature, special attention has been given
to these beautiful flowers.
o spring : musim semi o identical :mirip
o blooming : mekar o pure : murni
o perennials :tetaphijau o strap-shaped :berbentuklilitan
o bulbs :umbi o waxy coating :lapisanlilin
o produce : menghasilkan o arranged : tersusun
o stem : batang o territories : wilayah
o bear : menghasilkan o abundance : berlimpahruah
o showy : menarik o wealthiest : terkaya
o petals : daunbunga o literature : sastra
o underlined : bergarisbawah
o replaced : digantikan
o conclude : simpulkan
Text 17
79. What do the people in China use orchids for? They use it for….
A. perfumes
B. ornament
C. food scent
D. traditional medicine
80. Paragraph 3 tells about….
A. the physical features of orchid
B. the environment of orchid
C. the habitat of orchid
D. the usage of orchid
82. “Many others now grow in the green houses for sale to public” (paragraph 4).
The underlined word refers to…
A. orchids
B. trees
C. rocks
D. Houses
83. “…orchids have been used in traditional medicine in an effort…” (Paragraph 4).
The antonym of the underlined word is….
A. old
B. dated
C. modern
D. Moment
o tells about : menceritakantentang
o refers : merujuk
o antonym : lawan kata
Text 18
85. Which parts of daffodils are usually attacked by insect and disease pests?
A. Flowers.
B. Leaves.
C. Petals.
D. Bulbs.
87. “It consists of a central whorl of tepals (the corona) surrounded by a ring of
petals” (paragraph 3). The underlined word is closest in meaning wit the word….
A. spiral
B. tubular
C. circular
D. Spherical
o social function : fungsi social/tujuan
o discusses : membahas
o closest in meaning : padan kata
o infer : menyimpulkan