Contoh Soal REPORT Text
Contoh Soal REPORT Text
Contoh Soal REPORT Text
Giraffe is the highest animal in the world. Its height can reach 4.8 to 5.5 meters and its weight about 1360 pounds. Giraffe has a
unique characteristic. They have a very long neck and two small horns on its head. Giraffes have big brown eyes and protected
by thick and long eyebrows. Her body is covered with a unique pattern that is attached by brown spots all over their body.
Just like camels, giraffes can survive without drinking for long time because giraffes can rely on the water contained in leaves
they eat. Giraffes are very selective in choosing food. They always eat young leaves that grow in the tree tops. Their tongue
shaped like a knife help them to cut branches which are very hard.
Female giraffes can start pregnant at the age of five years, with a gestation period of 15 months. Commonly female giraffe bear
one baby, but sometimes two babies at once. Giraffes bear its baby with a standing position. When the baby is about to be
born, they just drop it to the ground from a 1.5 meter of height. Baby giraffe can stand with about 20 minutes since being born,
and begin breastfeeding within an hour of birth.
a. Report text
b. Descriptive text
c. Narrative text
d. Spoof
e. News item
a. Giraffe’s reproduction
b. The strange animals
c. The highest animal
d. Baby giraffe
e. The heaviest animal
a. Giraffe’s food
b. Giraffe’s characteristic
c. Giraffe’s life
d. Giraffe’s reproduction
e. Giraffe’s baby
a. Neck
b. Horn
c. Baby giraffe
d. Food
e. Long period of pregnant
Antibiotic is kind of compounds both natural and synthetic, which has function to press or stop a process of organism’s growth,
particularly bacteria. Antibiotic is used to treat bacterial infections and used as a tool for genetic engineering in biotechnology.
Antibiotic works as pesticides by pressing or break the chain of bacteria’s metabolism. Nevertheless, antibiotic is different with
disinfectant in the process to kills bacteria. Disinfectant kills bacteria by creating an unnatural environment for germs to live.
In terms of treatment, antibiotics dubbed as “magic bullet “because antibiotic kills instantly without injuring its sufferers.
Although antibiotic is good for medication, it is not effective in handling infection caused by viruses, fungi, or other nonbacterial.
Antibiotic has diverse types based on their effectiveness against bacteria. There are antibiotics that target gram- negative or
gram- positive bacteria and some antibiotic has wider spectrum. The effectiveness depends on location of the infection and the
ability of antibiotic to reach location of the infection. Based on how to use, antibiotics are divided into two that are oral
antibiotics and antibiotic intradermal. An oral antibiotic is used by mouth while antibiotic intradermal used through anus.
Intradermal antibiotic is used for serious cases.
a. Work
b. Seen
c. Say
d. Like
e. Call
a. Antibiotic is a compound
b. Antibiotic is good for medication
c. Antibiotic is not good for fungi
d. Antibiotic kill without injuring its suffers
e. Antibiotic is magic bullet
Kunci jawaban:
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. E
9. A
10. B
Eagle is one of animals that exist in the whole country of Indonesia. In English, eagle refers to the large predators. Eagle is
known as a big predator which has strong capability to fly. It has wide wings, big and sharp beak, and tough nails. Eagle also
has sharp sight to see its prey from far distance. With this ability, eagle put itself on the peak of food chain in the ecosystem.
The size of an eagle depends of the species. Its size range is from 40cm until 1 meter. The wings can be twice wider than its
body. Most of eagles are the old resident of this world. All species of eagle include into Falconiformes ordo. Almost all of
Falconiformes are carnivore. Eagle has along life and low reproduction. All eagles are mating in monogamy.
The unique structure of its skeleton and muscle make this bird having the ability of long distance flying, Steppe eagle is able to
travel as far as 4000 miles from the area of Central Asia to Africa region. Bone in the eagles (and other big birds as albatross or
vulture) have the nature of pneumatic (the skeleton has a cavity filled by air). In addition to the nature of the bone, the ability to
fly long-distance is also supported by a modification of muscle and wings. Its muscle weight on the eagle is located at the
centre of its gravitation, super-sized wide wings to ease the flow of air raising his body. In addition it can also make an eagle
capable to fly without flapping their wings. We can see it when the eagle soaring in the air, stretches its wings widely without
flapping. It usually flaps its wings to increase the speed of flying, especially when they are hunting prey.
Eagle is warm-blooded animal. Its wings and body are filled by the midrib feathers. As bird, an eagle breed by means of eggs
that it has a hard shell in a nest he has made. She kept her child until it is able to fly.
An eagle is predator. Its main food is animals, like a rat, squirrel, lizards, fish and chicken, also of the kinds of insects
depending on the size of its body. Some of eagles catch fish as main meal. Those eagles usually live in the area of water. The
beak of eagle is not toothed but curved and strong to lacerate meat of its prey. This bird also has a pair of strong feet and nails
that are sharp and curved for gripping prey as well as capability of sharp vision in hunting the prey from a immeasurably long
The eagle has good respiratory system and it is able to equip the oxygen that is much needed during flight. The eagle’s heart
consists of four chambered like humans. Booth are known as the atrium, while those under are identified as ventricle.
Eagle is used as symbol of national flag in many countries in the world because eagle is believed as fortune of good fate.
Burung Elang
Elang adalah salah satu hewan yang ada di seluruh negara Indonesia. Dalam bahasa Inggris, elang mengacu pada predator
besar. Elang dikenal sebagai predator besar yang memiliki kemampuan yang kuat untuk terbang. Ia memiliki sayap yang lebar,
paruh besar dan tajam, dan kuku yang kuat. Elang juga memiliki pandangan yang tajam untuk melihat mangsanya dari jarak
jauh. Dengan kemampuan ini, elang menempatkan dirinya di puncak rantai makanan dalam ekosistem. Ukuran elang
tergantung dari spesies. Kisaran Ukurannya adalah dari 40cm sampai 1 meter. Sayap dapat menjadi dua kali lebih lebar dari
tubuhnya. Sebagian elang adalah warga lama di dunia ini. Semua spesies elang termasuk ke dalam ordo Falconiformes.
Hampir semua Falconiformes adalah karnivora. Elang memiliki umur yang panjang dan reproduksi yang rendah. Semua elang
kawin dalam bentuk monogami.
Struktur unik kerangka dan otot membuat burung ini memiliki kemampuan terbang jarak jauh. Mereka dapat melakukan
perjalanan sejauh 4.000 mil dari wilayah Asia Tengah ke wilayah Afrika. Tulang elang (dan burung besar lainnya seperti elang
atau burung bangkai) memiliki sifat pneumatik (kerangka memiliki rongga yang diisi oleh udara). Selain sifat tulang,
kemampuan terbang jarak jauh juga didukung oleh modifikasi otot dan sayap. Berat otot pada elang terletak di pusat gravitasi,
sayap lebar yang berukuran super dapat memudahkan aliran udara mengangkat tubuhnya. Selain itu juga bisa membuat elang
mampu terbang tanpa mengepakkan sayap mereka. Kita bisa melihatnya ketika elang melonjak di udara, membentang
sayapnya secara luas tanpa mengepakkan. Biasanya mereka mengepakkan sayapnya untuk meningkatkan kecepatan
terbang, terutama ketika mereka berburu mangsa.
Eagle adalah hewan berdarah panas. Sayap dan tubuhnya dipenuhi oleh pelepah bulu. Sebagai burung, elang berkembang
biak dengan cara bertelur dan memiliki lapisan keras di sarang yang telah dibuat. Elang terus menjaga anaknya sampai
mampu terbang.
Elang adalah predator. Makanan utamanya adalah hewan-hewan, seperti tikus, tupai, kadal, ikan dan ayam, juga dari jenis
serangga tergantung pada ukuran tubuhnya. Beberapa elang menangkap ikan sebagai makanan utama. Elang-elang
penangkap ikan tersebut biasanya hidup di daerah air. Paruh elang tidak bergigi tapi melengkung dan kuat untuk menyayat
daging mangsanya. Burung ini juga memiliki sepasang kaki yang kuat dan kuku yang tajam serta melengkung untuk
mencengkeram mangsa serta kemampuan penglihatan tajam dalam berburu mangsa dari jarak jauh yang tak terkira.
Elang memiliki sistem pernapasan yang baik dan mampu mengakomodasi oksigen yang sangat dibutuhkan selama
penerbangan. Jantung elang terdiri dari empat bilik seperti manusia. Bilik tersebut dikenal sebagai atrium, sementara di bawah
mereka diidentifikasi sebagai ventrikel.
Elang digunakan sebagai simbol bendera nasional di banyak negara di dunia karena elang diyakini sebagai keberuntungan
dan nasib baik.
Flooding is a natural phenomenon that is common in a region that is fed by many streams. Within the scope of comprehensive
talks, flooding is a part of the hydrologic cycle, that is on the water on Earth’s surface is moving into the sea. In the hydrologic
cycle it can be seen that the volume of water flowing on the surface of the Earth is predominantly determined by the rate of
rainfall, and the rate of water infiltration into the soil.
Rainwater reached the Earth’s surface and flows on the surface of the Earth, moving towards the sea to form the ravines.
Ravines have started in the area of the highest in a region, can be mountainous terrain, mountains or hills, and ended up on the
beach when the water flows into the sea. Flooding can also occur in rivers, when flow exceeds the capacity of the drains,
especially in the gutter of the river.
River flood can be caused by many factors. First, flood is caused by the duration. Deposition of rain or snow that is melt quickly
exceed the capacity of the river channel. Caused by torrential monsoon rains, hurricanes and tropical depressions, outdoor
wind and rain affect snow heat. Drainage unexpected obstacles such as landslides, ice, or debris can result in flooding slowly
upstream obstacles. Second, river flood is caused by the speed. Its is included inundation from convective precipitation (large
thunderstorms) or sudden release of upstream sediment that is formed behind the dam, landslide, or glacier.
There are two types of impact of flood. The first is the primary impact. It is the physical damage. Flood can damage various
types of structures, including bridges, cars, buildings, sewer systems, highways, and cannal. The second type of the secondary
impact. It is water supplies that flood may contaminate the water. Clean drinking water is scarce. Next, flood causes disease. It
is unsanitary conditions. The flood may spread water-borne diseases. Then, flood causes scarcity of agricultural produce that is
caused by crop failures. However, lowlands near rivers depend on the stream sediment due to flooding in order to increase
local soil minerals. Then, flood may cause the scarcity of species that can not afford to die because they can not breathe. After
that, floodmay cause transportation link broken so that it is difficult to send emergency aid to people in need. While the long
term of impact of flood is the economic difficulties. The flooding settlements cause damages; in the tourism sector, declining
interest of tourists; the cost of rebuilding; food shortages leading to higher prices, etc.
However, floods also can bring many benefits, such as replenishing groundwater, nourish and provide nutrients to the soil. The
flood waters provide enough water in the dry and semi-dry erratic rainfall throughout the year. The flood waters bargaining
plays an important role in balancing the ecosystem in the river corridor and a major factor in balancing the diversity of living
things on the plains. Flood adds a lot of nutrients to lakes and rivers which are increasingly promoting the fishing industry in the
coming years. It is also because it matches the flood plains for breeding fish (little predation and nutrients).
Preventing and combating floods can not be done by government alone or individual persons only. It takes commitment and
cooperation of various parties to avoid cities of the great flood. The actions that can be done including discard the water
absorption holes, increase the green open space, and change public behavior that no longer makes the river as a giant trash
bin. Elevating houses can indeed save our possessions when the flood happens. Human-induced floods, people also should be
together to save the city.
Participation of all elements of society must be done in organized and coordinated ways in order to be implemented effectively.
A community or organization should be established to take measures early and organize community participation in flood
prevention. Flood prevention is done gradually, from flood prevention before handling during floods, and recovery after the
flood. These stages are in a cycle of continuous activities for flood prevention. Flood prevention activities are followed a cycle
(life cycle), which starts from the flood, and examine these as inputs for flood prevention before going back. Prevention is done
thoroughly, in the form of physical activity, such as the construction of flood control in the basin until the flood plain areas and
non-physical activities, such as management of land, use the flood early warning system.
Doctor is a popular job. It takes a great responsibility to work as a doctor. Minor mistakes made by a doctor can bring the lost of a
There are a lot of jobs that doctors must do. They are expected to evaluate symptoms and run a test to determine what is wrong with a
patient. If a. doctor does not know off handedly what the diagnosis should be, it is his or her responsibility to do the necessary research.
Notes are kept on each patient to ensure that any medical professional can walk into a room and know what has been done in the past.
It is also a way to track the patients' progress during recovery.
Writing prescriptions is a major part of doctors' jobs. They must know how much medicine to prescribe based on the patient's history;
they also need to know how two drugs can interact with one another.
A doctor needs to know not only how to treat the current conditions, but also how to advise the patient on how to prevent another
Black Cat
Mrs. Andrews had a young cat and it was the cats’ winter. One evening, the cat was
outside when it began to snow heavily. Mrs. Andrews looked for it everywhere and
shouted its name, but she did not find it. So, she telephoned the police and said, “I have
lost a small black cat. Has anybody found one?”.
No, Mam, said the policeman at the other end. “But, cats are very strong animals.
They sometimes live for days in the snow and when it melts or somebody finds them,
they are quite all right.”
Mrs. Andrews felt happiest when she heard that,” I think you’re right, officer,” she
said, “and besides, our cat is very clever. She almost talks.”
The policeman was getting rather tired, ”well, then, ”he said, why don't you put your
telephoned down? Perhaps she is trying to telephone you now.”
Read the following text carefully!
Text for number 1-5.
For many years people believed that the cleverest animals after man were chimpanzees. Now, however, there is
proof that dolphins may be even cleverer than big apes. Although dolphins lives in the sea. It is not fish. It is mammal. It is in
many ways, therefore, like a human being.
Dolphins have a simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be possible for man to learn how to
talk to dolphins. But this will not be easy because dolphins cannot hear the kind of sounds man can make. If man wants to talk
to dolphins, therefore, he will have to make a third language which both he and the dolphins can understand.
Dolphins are also very friendly towards man. They often follow ships. There are many stories of dolphins guiding
ships through difficult and dangerous waters.