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Surat (Letter) Adalah pesan tertulis dari salah satu pihak lain yang mengandung informasi.
Fungsinya mencakup lima hal: sarana pemberitahuan, permintaan, buah pikiran, dan gagasan; alat
bukti tertulis; alat pengingat; bukti historis; dan pedoman kerja.

Bagian surat pribadi adalah:

1. Tempat, tanggal,bulan,tahun penulisan surat

2. Alamat surat
3. Salam pembuka
4. Kalimat pembuka
5. Isi surat
6. Kalimat penutup
7. Salam Penutup
8. Tanda tangan
9. Nama pengirim

Example of letter
Dear Aflah,
I was so sorry to hear about your recent accident. I just wanted to reach
and let you know that I'm here for you. If you want to talk about it, I'd love to
get together with you so you can really let me know how you're feeling. If you
don't want to talk about it, that's fine too and I won't bring it up again.
I know I may not be the person you want to talk to because I couldn't
possibly understand your loss, having never experienced it myself. However, I
do have another friend who also experienced a lossing pet. If you'd like to talk
to her about your experience, her name is Lucky and I've included her contact
information below. I mention this because she told me that talking to other
women really helped her to deal with her grief.
Really, I just want to say how sorry I am for your loss. I hope you will
let me know if there is any way I can help.

Your friend,


a) Struktur teks
• Opening (greeting)
Dear, to, my beloved
• Content (maksud dan tujuan)
I was so sorry to hear about your recent accident. I just wanted to reach and let you know that I'm
here for you. If you want to talk about it, I'd love to get together with you so you can really let me
know how you're feeling. If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine too and I won't bring it up
I know I may not be the person you want to talk to because I couldn't possibly understand your loss,
having never experienced it myself. However, I do have another friend who also experienced a
lossing pet. If you'd like to talk to her about your experience, her name is Lucky and I've included
her contact information below. I mention this because she told me that talking to other women really
helped her to deal with her grief.
• Clossing (penegasan)
Really, I just want to say how sorry I am for your loss. I hope you will let me know if there is any
way I can help.

b) Unsur kebahasaan
• Rujukan kata/ kata kunci
Recipient (penerima): dear (kepada)
Sender (pengirim): Your friend
• Simple present tense
I know I may not be the person you want to talk to because I couldn't possibly understand your loss,
having never experienced it myself.
c) Fungsi sosial
Menjalin hubungan antar teman

Text for questions 1 to 3

January 12th, 2016

Hi Martina,

How are things? I am very glad to read your last letter telling that you spent your holiday in Spain. Now I
want to tell you about my holiday, too.
It was an exciting holiday. I spent the holiday with my family. We went to Huatulco, Iceland and New
York. We chose those places since the climate and the tourist spots are different very much from the others.
In Huatulco, the climate is very hot because it is on the Pacific coast. Completely different with Huatulco,
Iceland has cold climate. There are many lands covered with ice. While in New York, the climate is between the
other two.
For tourist objects, Huatulco and Iceland have fewer interesting places that can attract tourists compared to
New York. We saw many beautiful places, like volcanos, geysers, etc. While in New York, there are many
amazing skyscrapers buildings.
I hope we can visit them together on our next holiday, can't we?

Miss you much,

Vocabularies List:

a. choose – chose = memilih
b. cover – covered = menutup, tertutup
c. attract = menarik
d. compared = membandingkan, dibandingkan
e. ask = meminta
f. invite = mengundang
g. lead = memimpin
h. responsible = bertanggungjawab
i. wish = mengharap, menginginkan
a. place = tempat
b. volcanoe = gunung berapi
c. geyser = air mancur panas
d. skysraper building = gedung pencakar langit
1. What does the letter tell us about?
tell : menceritakan
us : kita
A. The writer wishes to go with her friend.
B. Spending holiday in three places.
C. The Iceland climate during winter.
D. The hot Pacific coast of Mexico.

2. Where did the writer's friend spend the holiday?

where : dimana
spend : menghabiskan/melewatkan
holiday : liburan

A. In Huatulco.
B. In New York.
C. In Iceland.
D. In Spain.

3. Why did the writer and her family go to the three places?
why : mengapa
place : tempat

A. The climate of the places are hot.

B. The three places have many deserts.
C. There are many lands covered with ice.
D. They have different climates and tourist objects.

Text for questions 4 to 5

Bali, February 2nd, 2016

Dear Novita,
I am so happy reading every letter you send me. In your last letter you told me about your visit to Bunaken Sea
Park. It must be very interesting, right?
Now I am going to tell you about my vacation last month. You know, I really like going to beach, and last
month I went to Kuta beach. It was really wonderful. I went there with my brothers, Rudi and Arnas. We swam
there and then we saw the beautiful sunset. At 7 p.m. we went home.
When will you visit me? I will take you to Kuta Beach and Tanah Lot. They are not so far from my house. You
will have fun there. Please write me back and tell me about your plan of visiting me.
Vocabularies List:

a. Tell – told = menceritakan
b. Visit = mengunjungi
c. Swim – swam = berenang
d. See – saw = melihat
e. Take = membawa, mengantar

a. Vacation = liburan
b. Sunset = matahari terbenam
c. Beach = pantai
d. Fun = kegembiraan
e. Plan = rencana
f. Trip, journey = perjalanan
g. Holiday = liburan

a. Interesting = menarik
b. Wonderful = sangat bagus
c. Far = jauh

4. Who went to Bunaken Sea Park?

go – went : pergi

A. Novita
B. Rena
C. Rudi
D. Arnas

5. Now, I am going to tell you about my vacation last month. (p. 2)

What does the underlined word mean?
underlined : garis bawah
mean : arti

A. Trip
B. Journey
C. Activity
D. Holiday
Text for question 6 to 8

Jl. Mangga16 Jakarta

October 10th , 2016

Dear Lila,
I'm sorry, I haven't written for so long. My family and I have just returned from an interesting holiday at Lake
Maninjau near Padang. The lake was a crater surrounded by dense forests and rice fields. We swam in the lake, ate
fish from the lake and enjoyed the cool breezes.
After that, we had a two hour trip to Bukit Tinggi, a small hill top town which was clean, cool and friendly. Our
trip around the hill took us to the coffee, clove and cinnamon plantation. The traditional Minangkabau houses, with
the roof shaped like a buffalo's horn can be seen everywhere.
I really enjoy my vacation. Do come over and have a look sometime.


a. Return = kembali
b. Enjoy = menikmati
c. Shaped = berbentuk
d. Surrounded = dikelilingi

a. Lake = danau
b. Crater = kawah
c. Dense forest = hutan rimba
d. Ricefield = sawah
e. Breeze = angin sepoi
f. Hill = bukit
g. Clove = cengkih
h. Cinnamon = kayumanis
i. Roof = atap
j. Horn = tanduk
k. Buffalo = kerbau

a. Far = jauh
b. Near = dekat
c. Clean = bersih
d. Cool = sejuk
e. Friendly = ramah

6. From the text we know that Rita sent the letter from ... .
send : mengirim
A. Padang
B. Jakarta
C. Bukit Tinggi
D. West Sumatera
7. What place did the writer and her family visit before they go to Bukit Tinggi?
what place : tempat apa
before : sebelum
A. Lake Maninjau.
B. West Sumatra.
C. Country side.
D. A small hill.

8. “After that, we had a two hour trip to Bukit Tinggi, ...”

What does the word we in the sentence refer to?
refer : merujuk
A. Rita and Lila
B. Rita and her family
C. Lila and her family
D. Lila and the writer

Text for questions 9 and 10

To : [email protected]
Cc :
Sub : Responding Invitation

Dear Mr. Michel Gordon,

I am writing this letter to express our respect and announce that we accept your invitation on 2nd April, 2016 at 10
am in your company.
With optimism, we expect a good cooperation relationship will be created with you in the future as we move to go
doing business together.
Thank you and see you.

Best Regards,
Managing Director PT. Angsa
Jalan Pemuda, no.19

Vocabularies List :
a. Responding : balasan
b. Express : mengungkapkan
c. Respect : menghormati
d. Accept : menerima
e. Company : perusahaan
f. Future : masadepan

9. Who responses the email above?

A. The company
B. The director
C. Michel Gordon
D. Noegraha
10. “With optimism, we expect a good cooperation… .”
The underlined word has the closest meaning with the word … .
underline word = kata yang digaris bawah
closest meaning = arti yang sama
A. bring
B. give
C. hope
D. have

Text for number 11 to 13

Dear Amy,

Hi Amy! It is nice of you to reply my e-mail so soon. Thank you for

sending me some photos of you and your brother, Tony. You look cute in that
red jacket. Tony looks great too.
Now I can see that Tony is an animal lover, as you told me. In that photo,
he is holding his dog lovingly. My sister Sarah is an animal lover, too. She
has a cat and a fish. Her cat's name is Pretty and she calls her fish "Wanda".
Unfortunately, since two days ago Pretty hasn't come home yet. I am afraid
the cat is lost. Sarah has tried searching it everywhere but she couldn't find
her up to now. Sarah is very upset now. That's too bad, right?

OK. Amy. I think it's all for now. I will write again next week. See you.


Vocabularies List:
a. reply : membalas
b. lose – lost : kehilangan
c. everywhere: kemanapun
d. find up : menemukan
e. upset : gelisah

f. reply : membalas
g. lose – lost : kehilangan
h. everywhere: kemanapun
i. find up : menemukan
j. upset : gelisah

11. Why is Sarah upset now?

Why : mengapa
A. She lost her cat.
B. She only has two pets.
C. She couldn't find her fish.
D. Her dog hasn't come home yet.
12. From the text, we can conclude that Sarah and Tony… .
Conclude : menyimpulkan

A. are good friends

B. have the same hobby
C. keep the same animals
D. are Rian's brother and sister

13. What does the writer tell about in the letter?

A. His pets
B. His hobby
C. His friend
D. His sister

Text for questions 14 and 15

L5 Sumatra Straat
Amsterdam, Netherland.
24 January 2016

Dear Edo,
Thanks for your letter. How`s everything going? The schoolhere has begun and I miss my summer.
I spent my summer holiday at a camp. There was nothing interesting at home so I went to the beach
with friends. We had a wonderful time there. We played volleyball, went swimming, and sunbathed.
We had various programmes at the beach camp. I met a lot of friend there. Well, I want to know about
about your summer holiday, too. Tell me about it. I am looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes,


Vocabulary List
Begun : dimulai interesting :menarik
Summer :musimpanas wonderful : sangatbagus
Spent :menghabiskan sunbathed : berjemur

14. Why was Julia happy at the beach?

Why :mengapa
Happy :senang
A. She met Edo at the beach camp.
B. There was nothing to do at home.
C. She did many activities at the beach.
D. She planned many programmes at the beach.

15. From the text above we can conclude that Julia ....
Conclude :menyimpulkan
A. had a holiday with Edo.
B. spent her holiday at home
C. enjoyed her summer holiday
A. asked Edo to spend a holiday together

Text for quetions 16 and 17

89 Riverview street
Dakeith, W.A.6009

14 March 2016

Dear Parto,
Thank you for your letter. I`m really sorry to hear that illegal logging and forest destructions are still
happening in your country. That`s why I`m not surprised to see the news on TV. Flood and landslides are
happening everywhere in your country. I really hope that the government and all the people will take good
care of this immediately.


Vocabulary List :
Sorry : sedih landslides :tanahlongsor
Illegal logging :penebangan liar government : pemerintah
Forest : hutan immediately :dengansegera
Destruction :menghancurkan

16. What causes floods and landslides in Parto`s country?

What :apa country : negara
Cause :penyebab

A. Government prohibition for people to take care of the problem.

B. Government`s tough rules about forest destructions.
C. Illegal logging and forest destructions
D. The surprising news on TV.

17. From the text we learn that ....

Learn :mempelajari
A. Patrick knows nothing about the problems in Parto`s country.
B. illegal logging, flood, and landslides are not interrelated.
C. illegal logging has made prosperous government.
D. Patrick shows his sympsthy to Parto.

Text for quetions 18 and 19

Dear Una,
Hi honey, I hope you are doing well. How is school? I hope you can cope with your study.
I am writing to tell you that Uncle Hasan has just come. He informed that Nana is going to get
married next month. You know we have to prepare the gowns. I really want to know whether you
can go home this weekend so that we can buy the fabric and send it to the tailor immediately.
Remember we only have limited time to prepare the gowns.
OK dear, let me know as soon as possible. I am looking forward to seeing you



Vocabularies List
Cope : menguasai
Informed : menginformasikan
Married : menikah
Prepare : mempersiapkan
18. What does Mom want Una to do?
What :apa
Want :ingin
Do :lakukan
A. Buy the fabric by herself.
B. Wear a new gown soon.
C. Get married soon.
D. Go home soon.

19. The text suggests that Mommy is afraid that ....

Afraid :takut
Suggest : member kesan

A. The gowns are not ready in time.

B. The marriage will be cancelled.
C. Una will not buy the fabric
D. Una will go home
Text for question 20

Jl. Merpati 56 Jakarta

January 10th, 2013

Dear Mely,
I’m sorry, I Haven’t written for so long. My Family and I have just returned from an
interesting holiday at Lake Maninjau near Padang. The lake was a crater surrounded by densed
forests and rice fields. We swam in the lake, ate fish from the lake and enjoyed the cool breezes.
After that, we had a two hour trip to Bukit Tinggi, a small hill top down which was clean,
cool and friendly. Our trip around the hill took us to the coffee, clove and cinnamon plantation.
The traditional Minangkabau houses, with the roof shaped like a buffalo’s horn can be seen
I really enjoy my vacation. Do come over and have a look sometime.


Vocabularies List :
Long : lama surrounded : dikelilingi vacation :liburan
Returned :kembali densed forest : hutanlebat
Lake : danau cool breees : anginsepoisepoi
Crater : kawah trip : perjalanan

20. What does the text tell you about ?

what :apa
tell :menceritakan
a. Traditional Minangkabau houses
b. Travelling guidance for visitors
c. The amazing view of West Sumatra
d. A Trip throughout West Sumatra

The following text is for questions 21 to 24

Yogyakarta, 21 November 2015

Dear Tantri,
Nowadays, it’s difficult to find a true friend like you. I sometimes think I
very lucky to get you as my friend. Without you, my life would have been very
boring. I still remember the first day of school when we were young. You called
me and gave me a seat. That moment is not easy to forget. It is the beginning of
our long friendship. You even often shared some of your food when my mother
forgot to give me pocket money. You also lent me a dictionary when I forgot to
bring it. It’s almost 15 years we have been shared problems and fun together.
Now, you’re not here anymore. I would like to thank you for being there for me
for the ups and downs of my life.
It’s time for us to be apart. You have to move to Surabaya. I just want to
say that you are my best friend. It is difficult for me to say goodbye. I don’t want
you to leave me but I know that moving to Surabaya is very important for your
future. I only hope that you will get everything that you dream of in your new
city. One thing that I want to tell you, please don’t forget me. Keep in touch.
Send me an email and tell your activities there. Don’t make the distance break
our relationship.
It is hard for me to stay away from you. I can’t wait to meet you soon.
With best wishes,
Truly yours,

Vocabulries List :
Difficult :sulit apart : terpisah
Find : menemukan important : penting
True friend :temansejati future : masadepan
Lucky :beruntung keep in touch : jagahubunganberhubungan
Boring :membosankan distance : jarak

21. What is the writer’s intention to write the letter?

Intention :tujuan
A. To give information about the writer’s past experience.
B. To ask Tantri if she can meet the writer soon.
C. To remind her friend to visit her.
D. To say goodbye to her friend.

22. The unforgettable moment with Tantri that Veny always remembers is when she ....
Unforgettable :tidakterlupakan
Remembers :ingat
A. lent her a dictionary in the English class
B. gave her a seat on the first day of school
C. shared food with her
D. gave her some money

23. Why did the writer say “thank you” to her best friend via letter?
Why :mengapa
Say :mengatakan
A. Tantri was her true friend.
B. She wants Tantry so send her an email
C. Tantri does not live close to the writer anymore.
D. Veny was very lucky to have a friend like Tantri.

24. From the text we can conclude that Tantri....

Conclude :menyimpulkan
A. has moved to Surabaya
B. is about to move to Surabaya
C. moved to Surabaya several months ago
D. will move to Surabaya anytime in the futur
The following text is for 25 to 27

Dear Hendra,
Hi.... I hope this letter finds you well. Do you remember today is a friendship day. In this occasion I
want to express my deep feeling of gratitude to you for being my best friend. You know for me you’re the
one and the only best friend ever. You are humorous in nature. And I love it. You make me laugh all time
with your clever jokes. I want to be a humorist like you, but unfortunately, I can’t.
The moment we have shared so far is unforgettable. Remember when I wanted to borrow a book
from the library for my project and my library ID-card was left you lent me your ID-card even though you
needed it to borrow some books for your own project. It was really touching. That showed how kind you
are. Moreover, many times, you brought me some novels although I knew you didn’t like reading such kind
of books. Furthermore, you always helped me with my tasks whenever I found difficulties in my maths
problems. You are very brilliant in maths. I really thank you very much for all those things you have done to
Finally, I want to say that I intend to express this feeling for a long time but I can’t. On this
friendship day, through this letter, let me show my appreciation for becoming my good friend. May
you always be my good friend forever.

Your best friend,


Vocabularies List
Occasion :kesempatan feeling : perasaan
Gratitude :terimakasih express : mengekspresikan
Intend :bermaksud found : menemukan
Through :lewat

25. The text is written to....

Written :ditulis
A. tellHendra that he is still her best friend.
B. tellHendra her past experience in borrowing a book.
C. askHendra to teach her how to be a humorist person.
D. express the writer’s gratitude to Hendra for the friendship.

26. What did Hendra do when the writer got a trouble in borrowing a book?
When :ketika
Got :mendapatkan
Problem :masalah
A. Lending his books to her.
B. Lending his ID-card to her.
C. Helping her make a new ID-card.
D. Accompanying her to go to the library.

27. Which of the following touches Santi’s feeling?

Which : yang mana
Feeling :perasaan
Touches :menyentuh
A. He was very humorous so that many people liked him.
B. He lent her some good novels which he didn’t read anymore.
C. He was very brilliant in math so that Santy was proud of him.
D. He was willing to lend his ID-card though he needed it for himself

Text for question 28 t0 29

To : [email protected]
cc :
subject : Plan to visit

Dear Inten.
How are you ?what about Salsa, Aunt Susi and our grandparents?
Hope you are all fine in Yogya. I’d like to tell you great news and I am so
happy with that. Do you know why ? Let me tell you then.
Father and mother have decided that we will visit you and
grandparents during the next Lebaran holiday. We will leave five days before
Lebaran day. We’ll go by train since I can’t go by bus because of my motion
I am sure we’ll have a nice Lebaran day. I can’t wait to go there.

See you soon


VocabulariesList :
Decided : memutuskan
During : selama
Since : sejak
Sickness : kesakitan

28. Rafi feels happy because he will

Feels :merasa
A. Visit inten and her family in Yogya
B. Decide to go by bus to Yogyakarta
C. Leave for Yogya after Lebaran
D. Bo by train alone

29. From the text we know that …

A. Salsa will celebrate Lebaran with her cousin’s family
B. Salsa and her parents will go to grandparents house
C. Rafi and his family have booked airplane tickets
D. Rafi cannot celebrate Lebaran in his hometown
This text is for questions 30 to31.

25 Halgania Way Duncraig

Western Australia

Dear Austin,
It has been a long time not get in touch with you. How are you? I feel very guilty not
sending you a letter, so I am making up for it with this letter and all my news.
I went to the Big Day out in Melbourne on January 27th. It was big music festival with
some of the greatest Aussie Bands and a few from overseas. I never really liked any of their
music but they were fantastic and really got the crowd going. They played hip hop, funk, rock,
and many others styles too!
Another favorite was “ The Vines”. They are great rock band.
The festival was really huge. More than 250.000 people attended in each stage to see the
bands in Australia and New Zealand. There were 7 different stages and a huge tent with some
of the best DJ’s inside. It was a massive day and I was exhausted at the end of it.
By the way, when will you come to my house and pay a visit many places in Melbourne?.
I’ll be glad hearing you tell about festival in your country.

Vocabularies List :
Guilty :bersalah stage : panggung
In touch :berhubungan huge :sangatbesar
Overseas :luarnegri exhausted : kelelahan
Attended :menghadiri

30. The letter above talks about…

Talk :membicarakan
A. to tell the writer’s experience of seeing a big music festival
B. to ask the writer’s friend to join a celebration
C. to tell the writer’s favorite rock band
D. to describe the writer’s city

31. Which of the following is true according to the text ?

Which : yang mana
Following :berikut
According :berdasarkan

A. all of the bands come from Australia

B. Nicky and Austin live in the same country
C. Nicky likes the music of Aussie Bands very much
D. There were many kinds of music performed in the festival

1. B
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. A
13. D

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