- A juvenile delinquent is a person who has
not yet reached the age of maturity, and
Juvenile Delinquency and Crime Prevention, Dean whose behavior has been labeled
delinquent by a court.
Ricardo M. Guevara and Dean Felipe S. Bautista,
Page 9. - It may be grouped in three ways:
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In 1704 in Rome, established the Hospital of St. minor, he shall be proceeded against in
Michael’s, the first institution for the treatment of juvenile accordance with the provisions of Article 80
offenders. The stated purpose of the hospital was to (now Article 192, PD 603) xxx.’ This means
correct and instruct unruly youth so they might become that the minor offender who is under 18 is
useful citizens. entitled to special privileged mitigating
circumstances, hence cannot be offset by
ROBERT YOUNG aggravating circumstances. Under Article 68 of
In 1788 established the first private, separate the RPC, a minor who is over nine but under
institution for youthful offenders in England. The goal of 15 is entitled to a penalty two degrees lower
the institution was to educate and instruct in some useful than that provided by law; while a minor who is
trade or occupation the children of convicts or such other over 15 but under 18 is entitled to a penalty
infant poor as engaged in a vagrant and criminal course one degree lower than that provided by law.
of life.
B. Presidential Decree No. 603 - The Presidential
ALBERT K. COHEN Decree (PD) 603 is known as the Child and Youth
The first man who attempted to find out the process Welfare Code. The Decree was signed by his
of beginning of the delinquent subculture. Excellency President Ferdinand Marcos on
December 10, 1974 and took effect on June 10,
This was established for the confinement of the
“hordes of unruly children who infested the streets of Objectives of Presidential Decree No. 603
new industrial towns” of England. 1. To promote the child’s welfare and enhance
the opportunities for a useful and happy life.
NEW YORK COMMITTEE ON PAUPERISM 2. To guarantee or ensure that the child’s
In 1818, the committee gave the term “Juvenile individual traits and aptitudes should be
Delinquency” Its first public recognition by referring it as cultivated to the utmost as long as they do not
a major cause of pauperism. come in conflict with the general welfare.
3. To encourage attachment to the home and
HOUSE OF REFUGE, 1825 strong family ties.
This was established for juvenile, which was the 4. To aid and support the natural right and duty of
predecessor of the American Reformatory of this parents in the rearing of the child for civic
movement had co-incident with humanitarian outlook of efficiency.
the western world at the time, and it emphasized that
juveniles should be reformed instead of punishment. Who is a Filipino child under Presidential Decree No.
1899 – The first Juvenile or “family” court was A minor or youth; any person below 18 years old, a
established in Cook County Illinois. boy or a girl at any age between infancy and
adolescence; However, the law includes infants and
1899 – 1967 – This has been referred to as the era of even unborn children.
“socialized juvenile justice”.
Who is a youthful offender under Presidential Decree No.
PHILIPPINES A youthful offender is a child, minor or youth,
including one who is emancipated in accordance with
A. Act No. 3815 - Revised Penal Code of the law, who is over nine years but under eighteen years of
Philippines (RPC) age at the time of the commission of the offense. A child
a. The provision of Article 189 on the exemption nine years of age or under at the time of the offense shall
of liability is the same as Article 12, par.2 and 3 be exempt from the criminal liability and shall be
of the Revised Penal Code: “The following are committed to the care of his father or mother, or nearest
exempt from criminal liability: xxx… person relative or family friend in the discretion of the court and
under 9 years of age ; person over 9 years and subject to its supervision. The same shall be done for a
under 15 unless he acted with discernment, child over nine years and under fifteen years of age at
which case he shall be proceeded against in the time of the commission of the offense, unless he
accordance with Article 80 of this Code (now acted with discernment, in which case he shall be
Article 192 of PD 603) xxx…” proceeded against in accordance with Article 192. The
provision of Article 80 of the Revised Penal Code is
b. Article 13 of the Revised Penal Code also repealed by the provision of this chapter (as amended by
states: “The Following are mitigating PD 1179, August 15, 1977).
circumstances: xxx 2. That the offender is
under 18 years of age, or over 70 years. In the
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C. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7610 – It is otherwise known known as Anti-Violence against Women and thier
as Child Abuse Law of the Philippines. It is an act Children.
providing stronger deterrence and special protection
of children against child abuse, exploitation, and K. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9344 – It is known as Juvenile
discrimination and providing penalties on its Justice and Welfare Act of 2006.
violation and other purposes. It was Approval date
June 17, 1992. The following are the salient features of R.A 9344;
As can be gleaned from the title, the objective 1. Increasing the age of irresponsibility from nine
of the law is for the protection of the becoming a (9) years to fifteen (15) years of age.
VICTIM of the child abuse, exploitation and 2. Creation on the wheel on justice.
discrimination. It does not speak of the child or 3. Establishing of the (a) youth detention home
minor as offender. However, it does not mean to (b) youth rehabilitation center, managed by the
preclude the possibility that the minor is not capable DSWSD and accredited non-government
of committing the acts prohibited by the law. It is organization.
fact that sometimes, minor conceal their true age in 4. Creation of the juvenile justice and welfare
order to be able to avail for themselves some council (JJWC) Chairman undersecretary of
activities only adults are supposed to do. But what the DSWD members:
is important is that, we the adults in our family a. Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC)
and/or community should be vigilant in the b. Department of Education (DepEd)
protection of our youths against abuse, exploitation c. Department of Interior and Local
and discrimination, more particularly child Government (DILG)
prostitution and other sexual abuse; child trafficking; d. Public Attorney’s Office (PAO)
obscene publication and indecent shows; acts of e. Bureau of Correction (BUCOR)
abuse such as neglect, cruelty and other conditions f. Parole and Probation Administration
prejudicial to the child’s development, and (PPA)
circumstances which endanger child survival and g. National bureau of Investigation (NBI)
normal development. h. Philippine National Police (PNP)
i. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
D. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6809 - An Act Lowering the (BJMP)
Age of Majority from Twenty One (21) to Eighteen j. Commission of Human Rights (CHR)
(18) Years Amending for the Purpose E.O. No. 209, k. Technical Education and Skills
and for other purposes. Development Authority (TESDA)
l. National Youth and Commission (NYC)
E. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8396- It is otherwise known as and
the Family courts act of 1997. It was approve on m. Others Institutions focused on Juvenile
October 28, 1997. It is an act establishing Family and Intervention Programs.
Courts, granting them Exclusive Original
Jurisdiction over Child and Family Case, Amending F. Pertinent Laws To Children
BP Blg. 129, as amended, otherwise Known as the
Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, appropriating A. Health Laws:
funds therefore and for other purposes.
1. E.O No. 51- National Code of Marketing of
F. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7658 - An act prohibiting the Breast milk Substitutes, Breastmilk
employment of children below 15 yrs. of age in Supplement and Other Related Products.
public and private undertaking.
2. R.A. No. 7600 – The Rooming-In and
G. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9231 – An act providing for Breastfeeding Act of 1992. Child to be placed
the elimination of the worst forms of child labor and on the side of the mother for better
affording stronger protection for the working child. relationship.
H. ORDER NO. 56, Series of 1989 – It took effect on 3. R.A. No. 7846 – An Act of Requiring
November 6, 1986. Authorized the DSWD to take Compulsory Immunization against Hepatitis-B
protection custody of the child prostitutes and for Infants and Children Below Eight years old.
sexually exploited and other purposes.
4. R.A. No. 8172 – An Act for Salt Iodization
I. EXECUTIVE ODER NO. 209 - The family code of Nationwide (ASIN)
the Philippines
5. R.A. No. 8370 – Children’s Television Act of
J. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9262 - An act defining 1997 (violent x-rated films)
violence against women and children. It is otherwise
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6. R.A. No. 8504 – Philippine AIDS Prevention 4. R.A. No. 7624 – An Act Integrated Drug
and Control Act of 1998 Prevention and Control in the Intermediate
Secondary Curricula as well as the Nonformal.
7. Proclamation no. 46 - Reaffirming the Informal and Indigenous Learning System and
Commitment to the Universal child and mother for Other Purposes
immunization goal by launching the polio
eradication project. 5. R.A. No. 8353 – Anti-rape Law of 1997.
people. The treatment and policy implications of - It is the conscious and rational part of the
psychoanalytical theory and directed and obvious. mind, and it usually grows from the ID.
Criminal and delinquent offenders should be treated not - It is part of the personality that must deal with
as evil but as stick persons who are not basically conflicting demands of the SUPEREGO.
responsible for their actions in any rational or controllable - It also represents problem-solving dimensions
sense. Therefore, punishment of offenders will be of the personality.
ineffective and will only provoke more guilt and unhealthy - It deals with reality because it can differentiate
psychological reactions. Delinquents and criminals, the reality from fantasy.
theory contends, need treatment for underlying
emotional disturbance. Cure that problem, and the 3. The SUPEREGO
problem of crime will be remedied. A group of theory that - It is the conscience and moralizing part of the
assumed that: mind.
a. Delinquency is a result of internal, underlying - It grows out from ego, and represents the
disturbances. moral code and the norms and values the
b. These disturbances develop in childhood and tend individual has acquired and the superego is
to become permanent features of individuals also responsible for feelings of guilt and
character. shame.
c. Since the individual has problems, he or she must - If the parts of the human psyche co-exist in
be the focus of attention if the problem is to be unified and harmonious way, the person is
solved. mentally healthy, but when the human psyche
comes into conflict, the person is maladjusted
1.1. FREUDIAN PSYCHOANALYTICAL THEORY and there is a high probability that he will
It focuses on abnormalities or disturbances in the commit delinquent acts.
individual’s emotional development from early childhood.
Crime, according to Freud, is a symbolic expression of MAL-ADJUSTMENT- a condition experienced
inner tension that each person has but fails to control. It by a person when he is not well adjusted to his
is an out expression of having learned self-control own circumstances and environment.
improperly. He believes that people develop in a series PSYCHOPATH - a person without conscience
of stages. When abnormalities occur, the person is more (superego) and thus, without control over his or
likely to experience conflict. Conflict arises from the her behavior.
person’s basic drive and controls. Because conflict is
painful to confront, people tend to push into their 1.2. THE LOW IQ THEORY - Wilson and Herrnstein
unconscious mind, thus, experience that produce suggested that low IQ is associated with one’s
conflict. Finally, people use defense mechanisms to inability to reason morally, re - establishing the
handle personal conflicts. The three (3) parts of the notion that it represents not only a cognitive but
Human Psyche (Personality) according to Freud are the also a moral backwardness. Accordingly, the
following : theory believes that the higher the IQ scores, the
lower the probability that the adolescent will
1. The ID commit delinquent acts. Some of the
- It is the unconscious seat of irrational, inflammatory claims of the low IQ theory are:
antisocial, and instinctual impulses, which must 1. People with low intelligence are unable to
be controlled and shaped for social adaptation realize that committing offenses in a
to life in society. certain way often to getting caught and
- It is the original system of personality present eventual punishment.
at birth. 2. People with low intelligence are easily led
- It consists of blind unreasoning, instinctual into law-breaking activities by the wiles of
desires and motives. more people.
- It represents all of a person’s basic biological
and psychological drives including LIBIDO. 1.3. ATTENTION DEFICIENT HYPERACTIVITY
- It was fuelled by the pleasure principles: I THEORY - Immaturity and hyperactivity cause
WANT WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT IT! Juvenile Delinquency. Grade schools usually
- It is also anti-social and knows no rules, any experience attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
boundaries or limitations and if left unchecked, which is characterized by:
it may destroy the person. 1. Short attention span
- It is the unconscious portion of the personality, 2. Day dreaming
the innate part of the personality dominated by 3. Sluggishness
the drive (cravings) for pleasure and by inborn 4. Preoccupation
sexual and aggressive impulses. 5. Impulsiveness
2. The EGO
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are known as double failure, thus retreating argue. When it is not in place, delinquents will drift.
into a world of sex, drugs, and alcohol. The following are the Techniques of Neutralization:
E. CLASS CONFLICT THEORY- According to Richard propose that he/she is pushed or pulled into
Quinney and William Chambliss, conflict theory is situations beyond his/her control.(“It wasn’t my
based upon the view that the fundamental causes fault!”)
of crime are the social and economic forces
operating within the society. The criminal justice 2. DENIAL OF INJURY-Delinquent supposes
system and criminal law are thought to be operating that his/her acts really do not cause any harm,
in behalf of rich and the powerful social elites, with or that the victim can afford the loss or
resulting policies aimed at controlling the poor. The damage.(“Why is everyone making a big deal
criminal justice establishment aims at imposing about it; they have money!”)
standards of morality and good behavior created by
the powerful on the whole of society. Focus is on 3. DENIAL OF VICTIM-Delinquent views the act
separating the powerful from have nots who would as act being wrong, that the victim deserves
steal from others and protecting themselves from the injury, or that there is no real victim.(“They
physical attacks. In the process the legal rights of had it coming to them!”)
poor folks might be ignored. The middle class are
also co-opted; they side with the elites rather than 4. CONDEMNATION OF THE CONDEMNERS-
the poor, thinking they might themselves rise to the Condemners are seen as hypocrites, or are
top by supporting the status quo. reaching out of personal spite, thus they shift
the blame to others, being able to repress the
F. DIFFERENTIAL OPPRESSION THEORY- John D. felling that their acts are wrong.(“They probably
Hewitt and Robert Regoli proposed that much did worse thing in their day!”)
serious juvenile delinquency is a product of the
oppression of children by adults, particularly w/in 5. APPEAL TO HIGHER LOYALTIES- The rules
the context of family. The maltreatment of children of the society often take a back seat to the
has been found to be highly correlated with both demands and loyalty to important others.(“My
serious and moderate delinquency as well as other friends depended on what was I going to do!”)
problem behaviors. Differential oppression Theory
argues that adult perception of children force youths J. LABELLING THEORY - This theory views that
into socially defined and controlled inferior roles, youths may violate the law for a variety of reasons,
including the socially constructed “juvenile including poor family relations, peer pressure,
delinquency” role that separates youthful and adult psychological abnormality, and pro-delinquent
offenders for treatment and control. learning experiences. Regardless of the cause of
individuals’ delinquent behaviors are detected, the
G. DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION THEORY – Asserts offenders will be given a negative label that can
that criminal behavior is learned primarily w/in follow them throughout life. These label include
interpersonal groups and youths will become “troublemaker”, “juvenile delinquent”, “mentally ill”,
delinquent if definitions they have learned “junkie” and more.
favourable to violation the law exceed definitions
favourable to obeying the law w/in the group. This K. SOCIAL CONTROL THEORY (TRAVIS HIRSCH) –
theory was introduced by Edwin Sutherland. This perspective states that members in society
forms with in society or institution in society such as
H. SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY –This theory view parents, pro-social friends, churches, schools and
that behavior is modeled through observation, either teacher.
directly through intimate contact with others, or
indirectly through intimate contact with others, or L. SELF-DEROGATION THEORY- Introduced by
indirectly through media; interactions that are Kaplan states that all motivated to maximize our
rewarded are copied, where as those that are self-esteem, motivation to conform will be minimized
punished are avoided. The family may serve as a by family, school and peer interactions that devalue
training ground for violence since the child perceive our sense of self, interactions and behavior may be
physical punishment as the norm during conflict self-defacing or self-enhancing.
situations with others.
I. DRIFT THEORY (NEUTRALIZATION THEORY) - Terrence Thornberry, he viewed that weakening of
Proposed that juveniles sense a moral obligation to a child’s social bond as the fundamental cause of
be bound by the law. Such a bind bet. A person and delinquency. The theory examined the changing
the law remain in place most of the time, they nature of relationships over the life course. It
emphasized the reciprocal nature between many of offender in the crime process. Criminal opportunity
the variables used to explain delinquency. is significantly influenced by the victim’s lifestyle
and behavior. The greater the opportunity for
N. SELF-CONTROL THEORY - In short, self-control criminals and victims to interact, the greater the
theory suggests that deviance simply results from probability of crime; reduce.
the individual’s inability to effectively control his/her
impulses. Self-control theory argues that it is the S. LEARNING THEORY - Posits that delinquency is
absence of self-control rather than the presence of learn through close relationships with others; it
some force or factor such as poverty, anomie, asserts that children are born ”good” and learn to
opportunities for deviance, delinquent peers, be “bad” from others. Learning theories hold that
exposure to definitions favorable to deviance, etc. children living in even the most deteriorated areas
that leads to deviance. can resist inducements to crime if they have
learned proper values and behavior. Delinquency,
O. CULTURE DEVIANCE THEORY - Links delinquent by contrast, develops by learning the values and
acts to the formation of independent subcultures behavior associated by criminal activity.
with a unique set of values that clash with the main
stream culture. This theory argue that children
learn deviant behavior socially through exposure to
others and modeling of others action.
c. The age of ordinary contracts is the age of crew members may also be solemnized
majority; for marriage the age varies. not only while the ship is at sea or the
plane in flight, but also during stopovers at
d. An ordinary contract may end either thru ports of call.
express provision of the law, thru h. Any military commander of a unit to which
expiration of the term for which the a chaplain is assigned, in the absence of
contract was agreed upon, thru fulfillment the latter, during a military operation. A
of the purpose for which the contract was military commander of a unit who is a
entered into, or thru mutual agreement by commissioned officer, shall likewise have
the parties concerned. In marriage, only the authority to solemnize marriages in
death or annulment for legal causes articulo mortis between persons within the
dissolves the marriage contract. zone of military operation, whether
members of the armed forces or civilians.
ESSENTIAL REQUISITES OF MARRIAGE i. Any consul-general, consul or vice-consul.
1. Legal capacity of contracting parties who must Marriages between Filipino citizens abroad
be male and a female. may be solemnized and the issuance of
a. This means that the parties must have the the marriage license and the duties of the
necessary age or the necessary consent local civil registrar and the solemnizing
of parents in certain cases. officer with regard to the celebration of
Age 18-21 – Needs parental consent marriage shall be performed by said
Age 22-25 – Needs parental advise consular official.
b. There must be no impediment caused by a j. Under the Family Code, governors,
prior existing marriage or by certain mayors and ambassadors are not
relationships by affinity or consanguinity. authorized to perform marriages. However,
under the Local Government Code,
2. Consent freely given in the presence of the mayors are now authorized to perform
solemnizing officer. marriages within their jurisdiction.
1. Consent refers to the consent of the
contracting parties, not parental consent. 2. Valid marriage license
2. Consent is required because marriage is a - The license shall be valid in any part of the
contract, a voluntary act. Philippines for a period of one hundred
3. If there is a consent, but it is vitiated by twenty days from the date of issue, and
error, fraud, intimidation, force, etc., the shall be deemed automatically cancelled
marriage is not void; it is merely voidable, at the expiration of said period if the
which is valid until annulled. contracting parties have not made use of
4. If there is no absolutely no consent, or it.
when the parties did not intend to be - No marriage license shall be issued to a
bound, the marriage is void. widow after three hundred days following
the death of her husband, unless in the
Formal Requisites of Marriage meantime she has given birth to a child. he
1. Authority of Solemnizing Officer purpose ids to prevent doubtful paternity.
e. Any incumbent member of the judiciary
within the court’s jurisdiction. The following cases are exception from having a
f. Any priest, rabbi, imam or minister of any license:
church or religious sect duly authorized by 1. Marriage in Articulo Mortis. In case either or
his church or religious sect and registered both of the contracting parties are at the point
with the civil registrar general, acting within of death, the marriage may be solemnized
the limits granted to him by his church and without the necessity of a marriage license and
provided that one of the contracting parties shall remain valid even if the ailing party
belongs to the solemnizing officer’s church subsequently survives.
or religious sect. 2. Marriage in remote places. If the residence of
g. Any ship captain or airplane chief only in either party is so located that there is no means
cases of articulo mortis. A marriage in of transportation to enable such party to appear
articulo mortis between passengers or personally before the local civil registrar.
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3. Marriage of people who have previously 1. Those contracted by any party below eighteen
cohabited for at least 5 years. No license shall years of age even with the consent of parents
be necessary for the marriage of a man and a or guardians.
woman who have lived together as husband 2. Those solemnized by any person not legally
and wives for at least five years and without authorized to perform marriages unless such
any legal impediment to marry each other. The marriages were contracted with either or both
contracting parties shall state the foregoing parties believing in good faith that the
facts in an affidavit before any person solemnizing officer had the legal authority to do
authorized by law to administer oaths. so.
4. Marriages between pagans or Muslims, who 3. Those solemnized without a license
live in non-Christian provinces, and who are 4. Those bigamous or polygamous marriage
married in accordance with their customs. 5. Those contracted through mistake of one
contracting party as to the identity of the other.
3. A marriage ceremony. It shall be held with the 6. Those subsequent marriage that are void.
appearance of the contracting parties before A marriage by any party who, at the time of
the solemnizing officer and their personal celebration, was psychology incapacitated to
declaration that they take each other as comply with the essential marital obligations of
husband and wife in the presence of not less marriage, shall likewise be void even if such
than two witnesses. incapacity becomes manifest only after its
- The absence of any of the essential or solemnization.
formal requisites shall render the marriage
void ab initio. By reason of Public Policy
- A defect in any of the essential requisites a. Between collateral blood relatives, whether
shall render the marriage voidable. legitimate or illegitimate, up to the fourth
- An irregularity in the formal requisites shall civil degree
not affect the validity of the marriage but b. Between step-parents and step-children
the party or parties responsible for the c. Between parents-in-law and children-in-
irregularity shall be civilly, criminally and law
administratively liable. d. Between the adopting parent and adopted
Some Other Consequences of Marriage e. Between the surviving spouse of the
1. Marriage emancipates a person from parental adopting parent and adopted child
authority as to person. As to property, there is f. Between the surviving spouse of the
an incomplete emancipation. adopted child and the adopter
2. A husband and a wife can chastise or g. Between an adopted child and a legitimate
reprimand each other, but may not inflict force, child of the adopter
except when either catches the other in the act h. Between adopted children of the same
of sexual intercourse with a stranger. adopter
3. The Marriage Privilege Rule. A husband cannot i. Between parties where one, with the
be examined for or against his wife without her intention to marry the other, killed the other
consent; or the wife against her husband person’s spouse, or his own spouse.
without his consent, except in civil cases by
one against the other, or in a criminal case for Other Void marriage
a crime committed by one against the other. a. Marriages in play, drama or movie
4. The Marital Communication Rule. The husband b. Marriages between two boys and two girls
or wife during the marriage or afterwards, c. Marriages in jest
cannot be examined without the consent of the d. Common law marriages.
other as to any communication received in
confidence by one from the other during the Impediments in marriage
marriage. a. Diriment Impediment. They make the
5. A wife should use the husband’s surname. marriage void.
1. Close blood relationship
Void and Voidable Marriage 2. Prior existing marriage.
b. Prohibitive Impediment. They do not affect 4. Final judgment sentencing the respondent
the validity of marriage, but criminal to imprisonment of more than six years,
prosecution may follow. even if pardoned.
c. Absolute Impediment. Here the person 5. Drug addiction or alcoholism of the
cannot marry at all. respondent
1. When one is below the required age 6. Lesbianism or homosexuality of the
of 18 respondent
d. Relative Impediment. Here the prohibition 7. Contracting by the respondent of a
is only with respect to certain persons. subsequent bigamous marriage, whether
in the Philippines or abroad
8. Sexual infidelity or perversion
Annulment and Legal Separation 9. Attempt by the respondent against the life
1. Non-age of the petitioner
2. Unsoundness of mind. That either party 10. Abandonment of the petitioner by
was found unsound mind, unless such respondent without justifiable cause for
party, after coming to reason, freely more than one year.
cohabitated with the other as husband and
wife. Annulment Legal Separation
3. Fraud. There is fraud when, thru insidious a. the marriage is a. there was no
words or machinations of one of the defective at the defect in the
contracting parties, the other is induced to very beginning marriage at the
enter into a contract which, without them b. the cause for beginning
he would have not have agreed to. annulment must b. the cause for
4. That the consent was obtained by force, be already legal separation
intimidation or undue influence. existing at the arises after the
5. That either party was physically incapable time of marriage
of consummating the marriage with the marriage celebration
other, and such incapacity continues and c. there are seven c. there are ten
appears to be incurable grounds for grounds for
6. That either party was afflicted with a annulment legal separation
sexually transmissible disease found to be d. annulment d. the marriage
serious and incurable. dissolves the remains
marriage bond;
Legal Separation the parties are
free to marry
Two kinds of Divorce again
1. Absolute divorce – Marriage is dissolved.
2. Relative divorce or Legal Separation – Family Home
Marriage is not dissolved; here, the parties The family home, constituted jointly by the
are merely separated from bed and board husband and wife or by unmarried head of the
family, is the dwelling house where they and their
Grounds for legal Separation family reside, and the land on which it is situated.
1. Repeated physical violence or grossly 1. Beneficiaries of a family home
abusive conduct directed against the a. The husband and wife, or an unmarried
petitioner, a common child, or a child of head of the family
the petitioner. b. Their parents, ascendants, descendants,
2. Physical violence or moral pressure to brothers and sisters, whether the
compel the petitioner to change religious relationship be legitimate or illegitimate,
or political affiliation. who are living in the family home and who
3. Attempt of the respondent to corrupt or depend upon the head of the family for
induce the petitioner, a common child, or a support.
child of the petitioner, to engage in
prostitution, or connivance in such Family home shall be exempted from execution,
corruption or inducement. forced sale or attachment, except:
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a. For non payment of taxes - An illegitimate child who has given the
b. For debts incurred prior to the constitution rights of a legitimate child, provided the
of the family home following requisites are present:
c. For debts secured by mortgages on the a. Conceived and born outside wedlock of
premises before or after the constitution parents who at the time of the conception
d. For debts due to laborers, mechanics, of the child, were not disqualified by any
architects builders, material men and impediment to marry each other.
others who have rendered service or b. A subsequent valid marriage between
furnished materials for the construction of parents. If a marriage is voidable but
the building. subsequently annulled, the legitimation
remains valid, for after all, a voidable
marriage is valid until annulled.
Paternity and Filiations Adoption
Filiations is the judicial determination of Adoption is defined as the process of making a
paternity which is the relation of child to father. The child, whether related or not to the adopter, possess
filiations of children may be by nature or by in general, the rights accorded to a legitimate child.
adoption. Natural filiations may be legitimate or Generally, only minors are adopted, except in
illegitimate. cases when the adoption of a persons of majority
Distinction between Paternity and Filiations age is allowed.
While paternity is the civil status relationship of
the father to the child, filiations is the civil status or Qualification of an Adopter
relationship of the child to the father. a. A person of age and in possession of full
civil capacity and legal rights may adopt,
Legitimate Child provided he is in the position to support
One conceived or born during the and care for the children in keeping with
marriage of the parents. Legitimacy of a child may the means of his family
be impugned only on the following grounds: b. He must be at least 16 years older than
a. That it was physically impossible for the the person to be adopted, unless the
husband to have sexual intercourse with adopter is the parent by nature of the
his wife within the first 120 days of the 300 adopted.
days which immediately preceded the birth
of the child because of: The following persons may not adopt
1. the physical incapacity of the husband a. The guardian with respect to the ward prior
to have sexual intercourse to the approval of the final accounts
2. the fact that the husband and wife rendered upon termination of their
were living separately that sexual guardianship status.
intercourse is impossible b. Any person who has been convicted of a
3. serious illness of the husband, which crime involving moral turpitude
absolutely prevented sexual c. An alien, except:
intercourse. d. A former Filipino citizen who
b. That it is proved that for biological or other seeks to adopt a relative by
scientific reasons, the child could not have consanguinity.
been that of the husband. e. One who seeks to adopt
c. That in case of children conceived through legitimate child of his or her
artificial insemination, the written Filipino spouse; or
authorization or ratification of either parent f. One who is married to a Filipino
was obtained through mistake, fraud, citizen and seeks to adopt jointly
violence, intimidation or undue influence. with his or her spouse a relative
by consanguinity of the latter.
Illegitimate Child
- One who was conceived and born outside Husband and wife must jointly adopt, except in
a valid marriage. following cases:
a. When one spouse seeks to adopt his own
Legitimated Child illegitimate child
22 Juvenile Delinquency Instructional Material Criminal Justice Education
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b. When one spouse seeks to adopt the b. The parental authority of the parents by
legitimate child of the other. nature over the adopted shall be
terminated and be vested in the adopters,
In case husband and wife jointly adopt or one except that if the adopter is the spouse of
spouse adopts the illegitimate child of the other, the parents by nature of the adopted,
joint parental authority shall be exercised. parental authority shall be exercise jointly
Joint parental authority is exercised if the by both spouse;
husband and wife jointly adopts and one spouse c. The adopted shall remain intestate heir of
adopts the legitimate child of the other. In case his parents and other blood relatives.
there is a disagreement in the exercise of such
joint parental authority, the father’s decision shall Legitime
prevail, unless there is a judicial order to the a. The legitime of each legitimate child is half
contrary. of the parents state divided by the number
of children. The legitime must always be
The following may not be adopted given unless the child is validly disinherited
a. A person of legal age, unless he or she is for a legal cause. The free portion of the
the child by nature of the adopter or his or property may also be given to the children
her spouse, or prior to the adoption, said to any of them.
person had been consistently considered b. If the child dies ahead of his father, the
and treated by the adopter as his or her heir of the child can get the child’s legitime
own child during minority; from the father’s estate in the testamentary
b. An alien with whose government the succession.
Republic of the Philippines has no
diplomatic relations; Parental Authority (Patria Potestas)
c. A person who has already been adopted It is the sum total of the right of parents over
unless such adoption has been previously the persons and property of their children. Children
revoked or rescinded shall always observe respect and reverence
towards their parents and are obliged to obey them
The written consent of the following to the adoption as long as the children are under parental authority.
shall be necessary - In case of absence or death of either
a. The person to be adopted, 10 years of age parent, the parent present shall continue
or over. exercising parental authority.
b. The parents by nature of the child, the - In case of separation of parents, parental
legal guardian, or the proper government authority shall be exercised by the parent
instrumentality; designated by the court. The Court shall
c. The legitimate and adopted children, 10 take into account all relevant
years of age or over, of the adopting consideration, especially the choice of the
parents; child over seven years of age, unless the
d. The legitimate children, 10 years of age or parent chosen is unfit.
over, of the adopting parents, if living with - In case of death, absence or unsuitability
said parent and the latter’s spouse if any; of the parents, parental authority shall be
and exercised by the following in the order
e. The spouse, if any of the person adopting indicated: 1) the surviving grandparent; 2)
or to be adopted. The oldest brother or sister, over twenty-
one years of age, unless unfit or
Effects of Adoption disqualified; and 3) the child’s actual
a. For civil purposes, the adopted shall be custodian over twenty-one years of age,
deemed to be legitimate child of the unless unfit of disqualified.
adopters and both shall acquire the
reciprocal rights and obligations arising II. SCHOOL AND DELINQUENCY - School have
from the relationship of parents and child, become territory contested by juvenile members
including the right of the adopted to use and organized drug dealing gangs. Misbehavior
the surname of the adopters; students defy teachers and refuse to be corrected.
The school should encourage parents for school
visits, involve parents in fund raising events, host
23 Juvenile Delinquency Instructional Material Criminal Justice Education
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who shall be responsible for the appearance in (b) the right not to be imposed a sentence of
court of the child in conflict with the law, when capital punishment or life imprisonment,
required. without the possibility of release;
(q) "Restorative Justice" refers to a principle which (c) the right not to be deprived, unlawfully or
requires a process of resolving conflicts with arbitrarily, of his/her liberty; detention or
the maximum involvement of the victim, the imprisonment being a disposition of last resort,
offender and the community. It seeks to obtain and which shall be for the shortest appropriate
reparation for the victim; reconciliation of the period of time;
offender, the offended and the community; and (d) the right to be treated with humanity and
reassurance to the offender that he/she can be respect, for the inherent dignity of the person,
reintegrated into society. It also enhances and in a manner which takes into account the
public safety by activating the offender, the needs of a person of his/her age. In particular,
victim and the community in prevention a child deprived of liberty shall be separated
strategies. from adult offenders at all times. No child shall
(r) "Status Offenses" refers to offenses which be detained together with adult offenders.
discriminate only against a child, while an adult He/She shall be conveyed separately to or
does not suffer any penalty for committing from court. He/She shall await hearing of
similar acts. These shall include curfew his/her own case in a separate holding area. A
violations; truancy, parental disobedience and child in conflict with the law shall have the right
the like. to maintain contact with his/her family through
(s) "Youth Detention Home" refers to a 24-hour correspondence and visits, save in exceptional
child-caring institution managed by accredited circumstances;
local government units (LGUs) and licensed (e) the right to prompt access to legal and other
and/or accredited nongovernment appropriate assistance, as well as the right to
organizations (NGOs) providing short-term challenge the legality of the deprivation of
residential care for children in conflict with the his/her liberty before a court or other
law who are awaiting court disposition of their competent, independent and impartial
cases or transfer to other agencies or authority, and to a prompt decision on such
jurisdiction. action;
(t) "Youth Rehabilitation Center" refers to a 24- (f) the right to bail and recognizance, in
hour residential care facility managed by the appropriate cases;
Department of Social Welfare and (g) the right to testify as a witness in hid/her own
Development (DSWD), LGUs, licensed and/or behalf under the rule on examination of a child
accredited NGOs monitored by the DSWD, witness;
which provides care, treatment and (h) the right to have his/her privacy respected fully
rehabilitation services for children in conflict at all stages of the proceedings;
with the law. Rehabilitation services are (i) the right to diversion if he/she is qualified and
provided under the guidance of a trained staff voluntarily avails of the same;
where residents are cared for under a (j) the right to be imposed a judgment in
structured therapeutic environment with the proportion to the gravity of the offense where
end view of reintegrating them into their his/her best interest, the rights of the victim
families and communities as socially and the needs of society are all taken into
functioning individuals. Physical mobility of consideration by the court, under the principle
residents of said centers may be restricted of restorative justice;
pending court disposition of the charges (k) the right to have restrictions on his/her
against them. personal liberty limited to the minimum, and
(u) "Victimless Crimes" refers to offenses where where discretion is given by law to the judge to
there is no private offended party. determine whether to impose fine or
imprisonment, the imposition of fine being
preferred as the more appropriate penalty;
LESSON 2 (l) in general, the right to automatic suspension of
JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE (m) the right to probation as an alternative to
imprisonment, if qualified under the Probation
SEC. 5. Rights of the Child in Conflict with the Law. - Law;
Every child in conflict with the law shall have the (n) the right to be free from liability for perjury,
following rights, including but not limited to: concealment or misrepresentation; and
(a) the right not to be subjected to torture or other (o) other rights as provided for under existing
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or laws, rules and regulations.
27 Juvenile Delinquency Instructional Material Criminal Justice Education
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The State further adopts the provisions of the United discernment an intervention
Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration program
of Juvenile Justice or "Beijing Rules", United Nations Above 15 but below 18, Not exempt Such child shall
Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency or who acted with be subjected to
the "Riyadh Guidelines", and the United Nations Rules discernment the appropriate
for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of Liberty. proceedings in
accordance with
SEC. 6. Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility. - A R.A. 9344
child fifteen (15) years of age or under at the time of the
commission of the offense shall be exempt from criminal Note: The child in conflict with the law shall enjoy the
liability. However, the child shall be subjected to an presumption of minority. He/she shall enjoy all the rights
intervention program pursuant to Section 20 of this Act. of a child in conflict with the law until he/she is proven to
A child above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen (18) be 18 years old or older.
years of age shall likewise be exempt from criminal
liability and be subjected to an intervention program, SEC. 7. Determination of Age. - The child in conflict with
unless he/she has acted with discernment, in which the law shall enjoy the presumption of minority. He/She
case, such child shall be subjected to the appropriate shall enjoy all the rights of a child in conflict with the law
proceedings in accordance with this Act. until he/she is proven to be eighteen (18) years old or
The exemption from criminal liability herein established older. The age of a child may be determined from the
does not include exemption from civil liability, which shall child's birth certificate, baptismal certificate or any other
be enforced in accordance with existing laws. pertinent documents. In the absence of these
documents, age may be based on information from the
Legal effects of various ages of offenders: child himself/herself, testimonies of other persons, the
7. 15 and below - Exempting physical appearance of the child and other relevant
8. Above 15 but under 18 years of age, also an evidence. In case of doubt as to the age of the child, it
exempting circumstance, unless he acted with shall be resolved in his/her favor.
discernment (Art. 12, par. 3 as amended by RA Any person contesting the age of the child in conflict with
9344). the law prior to the filing of the information in any
9. Minor delinquent under 18 years of age, the appropriate court may file a case in a summary
sentence may be suspended. (Art. 192, PD proceeding for the determination of age before the
No. 603 as amended by PD 1179) Family Court which shall decide the case within twenty-
10. 18 years or over, full criminal responsibility. four (24) hours from receipt of the appropriate pleadings
11. 70 years or over – mitigating, no imposition of of all interested parties.
death penalty; if already imposed. Execution of If a case has been fiied against the child in conflict with
death penalty is suspended and commuted. the law and is pending in the appropriate court, the
person shall file a motion to determine the age of the
Exemption from criminal liability child in the same court where the case is pending.
(1) 15 yrs old or below at the time of commission Pending hearing on the said motion, proceedings on the
of offense: absolutely exempt from criminal main case shall be suspended.
liability but subject to intervention program In all proceedings, law enforcement officers, prosecutors,
(2) Over 15 yrs old but below 18: exempt from judges and other government officials concerned shall
criminal liability & subject to intervention exert all efforts at determining the age of the child in
program conflict with the law.
If acted w/ discernment subject to
diversion program How can the age be determined?
(3) Below 18 yrs are exempt from: A: The age of a child may be determined from the child's:
(1) Status offense 1. Birth certificate
(2) Vagrancy and Prostitution 2. Baptismal certificate
(3) Mendicancy (PD1563) 3. Any other pertinent documents
(4) Sniffing of Rugby (PD 1619) Note: In the absence of these documents, age
may be based on information from the child
AGE BRACKET CRIMINAL TREATMENT himself/herself, testimonies of other persons,
LIABILITY the physical appearance of the child and other
15 years old or below Exempt The child shall relevant evidence. In case of doubt as to the
be subjected to age of the child, it shall be resolved in his/her
an intervention favor.
Above 15 but below 18, Exempt The child shall Discernment – mental capacity to understand the
who acted without be subjected to difference between right and wrong as determined by the
child‘s appearance , attitude, comportment and behavior 2. Offenses not applicable to children (Sec. 58)‐
not only before and during the commission of the offense Persons below eighteen (18) years of age shall be
but also after and during the trial. It is manifested exempt from prosecution for the crime of:
through: c. Vagrancy and prostitution under
(1) Manner of committing a crime – Thus, Section 202 of RPC
when the minor committed the crime d. Sniffing of rugby under Presidential
during nighttime to avoid detection or took Decree No. 1619
the loot to another town to avoid
discovery, he manifested discernment. Ratio: Such prosecution being inconsistent with the
(2) Conduct of the offender – The accused United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:
shot the victim with his sling shot and Provided, That said persons shall undergo appropriate
shouted ―Putang ina mo‖. counseling and treatment program.
Note: The exemption from criminal liability shall not Under Sec 59 with regard to exemption from the
include exemption from civil liability. application of death penalty.
(k) To perform such other functions as may be 5. Properly exercise parenting skills
necessary to implement the provisions of this 6. Exercise parental authority
Act. 7. Inculcate in the minds of children to
respect, to obey and have reverence.
SEC. 10. Policies and Procedures on Juvenile Justice
and Welfare. - All government agencies enumerated in B. ROLE OF THE SCHOOL OR EDUCATIONAL
Section 8 shall, with the assistance of the JJWC and SYSTEM: The school is responsible to:
within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, draft 1. Identifying the youngsters needing help in the
policies and procedures consistent with the standards classroom
set in the law. These policies and procedures shall be 2. Providing help within the classroom
modified accordingly in consultation with the JJWC upon 3. Providing help through curriculum adjustment
the completion of the national juvenile intervention 4. Integrated special services
program as provided under Section 9 (d). 5. Providing help through special classes
6. Working within the family
SEC. 11. Child Rights Center (CRC). - The existing Child 7. Working with in law enforcers and court
Rights Center of the Commission on Human Rights shall personnel
ensure that the status, rights and interests of children are 8. Working with community agencies
upheld in accordance with the Constitution and Educational institutions shall work with families,
international instruments on human rights. The CHR community organizations and agencies in the prevention
shall strengthen the monitoring of government of juvenile delinquency and in the rehabilitation and
compliance of all treaty obligations, including the timely reintegration of child in conflict with the law. Schools
and regular submission of reports before the treaty shall provide adequate, necessary and individualized
bodies, as well as the implementation and dissemination educational schemes for children manifesting difficult
of recommendations and conclusions by government behavior and children in conflict with the law. In cases
agencies as well as NGOs and civil society. where children in conflict with the law are taken into
custody or detained in rehabilitation centers, they should
be provided the opportunity to continue learning under
LESSON 4 PREVENTION OF JUVENILE an alternative learning system with basic literacy
DELINQUENCY program or non-formal education accreditation
equivalent system. (Section 13, Republic Act No. 9344).
To prevent and control juvenile delinquency the - Crime prevention and control of delinquency are
government should focused on the following: considered basic responsibilities of a police
a. Education department. These functions are the most
b. Recreation effectively carried out by working with youth, and
c. Community involvement must be based on sound policies and integration of
d. Creation of special programs all department units. It is the purpose here to outline
the policies upon which well planned policies for
A. ROLE OF THE FAMILY - The family shall be juvenile may be developed and to suggest
responsible for the primary nurturing and rearing of organizational principle and structure for juvenile
children which is critical in delinquency prevention. control and prevention.
As far practicable and in accordance with the
procedures of this act, a child in conflict with the law D. THE ROLE OF MASS MEDIA. – The mass media
shall be maintained in his/her family (Section 12, shall play an active role in the promotion of child
Republic Act No. 9344). Executive order No, 209, rights, and delinquency prevention by relating an
the Family code of the Philippines, provides that the active message through a balanced approach.
family being foundation of the nation is basic Media practitioners shall, therefore, have the duty to
institution that the public policy cherishes and maintain the highest critical and professional
protects or agreement of the family shall be standards in reporting and covering cases of
recognized or given effect. (Art.149). Children children in conflict with the law. In all publicity
should always observe respect and reverence concerning children, the best interest of the child
towards their parents and are obliged to obey them should be the primordial and paramount concern.
as long as the children under parental authority. Any undue, inappropriate and sensationalized
(Art.211). The following are the responsibilities of publicity of any case involving a child in conflict with
parents/guardians the law is hereby declared a violation of the child’s
1. Provide the basic needs of the family rights. (Section 14, Republic Act No. 9344).
2. Extend consistent discipline
3. Love all members of the family E. ESTABLISHMENT AND STRENGTHENING OF
4. Be a good model or leader to children LOCAL COUNCILS FOR THE PROTECTION OF
CHILDREN – Local Councils for the Protection of implementation of the comprehensive juvenile
Children (LCPC) shall be established in all levels of intervention program shall be reviewed and assessed
local government, and where they have already annually by the LGUs in coordination with the LCPC.
been established, they shall be strengthened within Results of the assessment shall be submitted by the
one (1) year from the effectively of this Act. provincial and city governments to the JJWC not later
Membership in the LCPC shall be chosen from than March 30 of every year. (Section 18, Republic Act
among the responsible members of the community, No. 9344).
including a representative from the youth sector, as
well as representatives from government and COMMUNITY-BASED PROGRAMS ON JUVENILE
private agencies concerned with the welfare of JUSTICE AND WELFARE
children. Community-based programs on juvenile justice and
The local council shall serve as the primary welfare shall be instituted by the LGUs through the
agency to coordinate with and assist the LGU LCPC, school, youth organizations and other concerned
concerned for the adoption of a comprehensive plan agencies. The LGUs shall provide community-based
on delinquency prevention, and to oversee its services which respond to the special needs, problems,
proper implementation. interests and concerns of children and which offer
One percent (1%) of the internal revenue appropriate counseling and guidance to them and their
allotment of barangays, municipalities and cities families. These programs shall consist of three levels:
shall be allotted for the strengthening and (a) Primary intervention includes general
implementation of the programs of the LCPC: measures to promote social justice and equal
provided that the disbursement of the fund shall be opportunity, which tackle perceived root
made by LGU concerned. (Section 15, Republic Act causes of offending;
No. 9344). (b) Secondary intervention includes measures to
assist children at risk; and
(c) Tertiary intervention includes measures to
F. APPOINTMENT OF LOCAL SOCIAL WELFARE avoid unnecessary contact with the formal
AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICER justice system and other measures to prevent
All LGUs shall appoint a duly licensed social re-offending. (Section 19, Republic Act No.
worker as its local social welfare and development officer 9344).
tasked to assist children in conflict with the law. (Section
16, Republic Act No. 9344).
LESSON 4.2. COMPREHENSIVE JUVENILE Children Below the Age of Criminal Responsibility
INTERVENTION PROGRAM If it has been determined that the child taken
into custody is fifteen (15) years old or below, the
DEVELOPMENT OF A COMPREHENSIVE JUVENILE authority which will have an initial contact with the child
INTERVENTION PROGRAM has the duty to immediately release the child to the
A Comprehensive juvenile intervention custody of:
program covering at least a 3-year period shall be 1. his/her parents or guardian
instituted in LGUs from the barangay to the provincial 2. in the absence thereof the child's nearest
level. relative.
The LGUs shall set aside an amount Said authority shall give notice to the local social
necessary to implement their respective juvenile welfare and development officer who will determine the
intervention programs in their annual budget. appropriate programs in consultation with the child and
The LGUs, in coordination with the LCPC, shall to the person having custody over the child.
call on all sectors concerned, particularly the child- If the parents, guardians or nearest relatives cannot
focused institutions, NGOs, people's organizations, be located, or if they refuse to take custody, the child
educational institutions and government agencies may be released to any of the following:
involved in delinquency prevention to participate in the 2. a duly registered nongovernmental or religious
planning process and implementation of juvenile organization;
intervention programs. Such programs shall be 3. a barangay official or a member of the
implemented consistent with the national program Barangay Council for the Protection of Children
formulated and designed by the JJWC. The (BCPC);
4. a local social welfare and development officer; examination results shall be kept confidential
or when and where appropriate, the DSWD. unless otherwise ordered by the Family Court.
If the child referred to herein has been found by the Whenever the medical treatment is required,
Local Social Welfare and Development Office to be steps shall be immediately undertaken to
abandoned, neglected or abused by his parents, or in the provide the same;
event that the parents will not comply with the prevention (k) Ensure that should detention of the child in
program, the proper petition for involuntary commitment conflict with the law be necessary, the child
shall be filed by the DSWD or the Local Social Welfare shall be secured in quarters separate from that
and Development Office pursuant to Presidential Decree of the opposite sex and adult offenders;
No. 603, otherwise ,known as "The Child and Youth (l) Record the following in the initial investigation:
Welfare Code". (Sec. 20 of Republic Act No. 9344) 3. Whether handcuffs or other instruments of
restraint were used, and if so, the reason
for such;
4. That the parents or guardian of a child,
LESSON 5.2. the DSWD, and the PA0 have been
INITIAL CONTACT WITH THE CHILD informed of the apprehension and the
details thereof; and
PROCEDURE FOR TAKING THE CHILD INTO 5. The exhaustion of measures to determine
CUSTODY the age of a child and the precise details
From the moment a child is taken into custody, the of the physical and medical examination
law enforcement officer shall: or the failure to submit a child to such
(a) Explain to the child in simple language and in a examination; and
dialect that he/she can understand why he/she (m) Ensure that all statements signed by the child
is being placed under custody and the offense during investigation shall be witnessed by the
that he/she allegedly committed; child's parents or guardian, social worker, or
(b) Inform the child of the reason for such custody legal counsel in attendance who shall affix
and advise the child of his/her constitutional his/her signature to the said statement.
rights in a language or dialect understood by A child in conflict with the law shall only be
him/her; searched by a law enforcement officer of the same
(c) Properly identify himself/herself and present gender and shall not be locked up in a detention cell.
proper identification to the child; (Sec. 21 of Republic Act No. 9344)
(d) Refrain from using vulgar or profane words and
from sexually harassing or abusing, or making SEC. 22. Duties During Initial Investigation. - The law
sexual advances on the child in conflict with enforcement officer shall, in his/her investigation,
the law; determine where the case involving the child in conflict
(e) Avoid displaying or using any firearm, weapon, with the law should be referred.
handcuffs or other instruments of force or The taking of the statement of the child shall be
restraint, unless absolutely necessary and only conducted in the presence of the following: (1) child's
after all other methods of control have been counsel of choice or in the absence thereof, a lawyer
exhausted and have failed; from the Public Attorney's Office; (2) the child's parents,
(f) Refrain from subjecting the child in conflict with guardian, or nearest relative, as the case may be; and
the law to greater restraint than is necessary (3) the local social welfare and development officer. In
for his/her apprehension; the absence of the child's parents, guardian, or nearest
(g) Avoid violence or unnecessary force; relative, and the local social welfare and development
(h) Determine the age of the child pursuant to officer, the investigation shall be conducted in the
Section 7 of this Act; presence of a representative of an NGO, religious group,
(i) Immediately but not later than eight (8) hours or member of the BCPC.
after apprehension, turn over custody of the After the initial investigation, the local social worker
child to the Social Welfare and Development conducting the same may do either of the following:
Office or other accredited NGOs, and notify the (a) Proceed in accordance with Section 20 if
child's apprehension. The social welfare and the child is fifteen (15) years or below or
development officer shall explain to the child above fifteen (15) but below eighteen (18)
and the child's parents/guardians the years old, who acted without discernment;
consequences of the child's act with a view and
towards counseling and rehabilitation, (b) If the child is above fifteen (15) years old
diversion from the criminal justice system, and but below eighteen (18) and who acted
reparation, if appropriate; with discernment, proceed to diversion
(j) Take the child immediately to the proper under the following chapter.
medical and health officer for a thorough
physical and mental examination. The LESSON 6
JUVENILE DIVERSION, PROSECUTION AND COURT 7. Diversion is viewed as any process that is
PROCEEDING used by components of the criminal justice
system whereby youths avoid formal juvenile
LESSON 6.1. court processing and adjudication.
A. JUVENILE DIVERSION defined 1. Diversion efforts are aimed to reduce the
Juvenile diversion programs have been created to state’s control over youth offender by reducing
divert youth from their early encounters with juvenile the number of juvenile processed through
court system. These programs involve a suspension of official justice channels.
formal criminal or juvenile justice proceedings against an 2. To provide beneficial services such as:
alleged offender, and the referral of adolescent to a b. Employment counseling
treatment or care program. c. Family counseling
The juvenile court system was created in the early d. A requirement for restitution
19th century in an effort to humanize criminal procedures e. A relationship on an elder sister or brother
for children. The primary goal has been to help young f. Substance abuse education
people avoid criminal procedures for children. The g. Psychotherapy
contemporary (like U.S.) juvenile justice system still on
b. Children , because of their minor status, should DIVERSION?
not be held accountable as adults; 1. Diversion program reduce the stigma
c. The objective of the juvenile justice system is associated with a court conviction, thereby
to treat and rehabilitate rather than to punish; reducing the chances for future criminal
d. The special circumstances and needs of youth involvement and allowing youth to actively
should be considered throughout the judicial choose alternatives to criminal activity.
process; 2. Diversion programs aims to reduce recidivism
e. The system should avoid the punitive, by improving the youth’s social adjudication –
adversarial and formalized procedures for example, by strengthening family
associated with adult criminal court. relationship, enhancing self-esteem, or
improving decision-making skills.
B. DIVERSION defined 3. Diversion programs reduce the costs of
Diversion is a term used to describe disposition country court and improve the juvenile justice
prior to involving the juvenile justice system, but it is also system’s efficiency. Specially, a sizeable
commonly used to describe the process whereby cases percentage of local law enforcement financial
are removed from the juvenile justice system (JJS) after costs come from juvenile crime:
they have been admitted to it. b. Not just arrest, but the costs involved
in taking juvenile to court;
C. CONCEPTUALIZED OF JUVENILE DIVERSION c. Not just taking juvenile to court, but
1. Diversion is a process of referring youths to an the costs of recidivism (repeated
existing community treatment program in lieu crime):
of further juvenile justice processing at any d. Not just the costs of trying juveniles
point between apprehension and adjudication. for second or third offenses.
2. Diversion is designed to suspend or
termination juvenile justice processing of youth - Juvenile Diversion programs include youth who
in favor release or release or referral to have been arrested, or in some cases youth
alternative services. who been referred to the program by parents,
3. It is simply a means of informal processing of teachers, or police because they appear to be
youth who have committed acts of at-risk for criminal involvement. These
delinquency. programs give youth an opportunity for youth
4. It is exercised by discretionary authority to to work through problems outside the juvenile
substitute to an informal disposition prior to court system.
formal hearing on an all edge violation.
5. It is the substitution of an alternative to further
processing in the justice system for an alleged
6. It is the return of the young offender by the THE UNITED STATES)
police to the community (the family or the 1. Project Cross Roads
referral agency) rather than referral to an - program by Department of
official sanctioning agency, such as the Labor
probation department and juvenile court.
desirable, the following factors shall be taken into (c) At the level of the law enforcement officer and
consideration: the prosecutor:
(a) The nature and circumstances of the offense (1) Diversion programs specified under
charged; paragraphs (a)(1) to (a)(9) herein; and
(b) The frequency and the severity of the act; (2) Confiscation and forfeiture of the
(c) The circumstances of the child (e.g. age, proceeds or instruments of the crime;
maturity, intelligence, etc.); (d) At the level of the appropriate court:
(d) The influence of the family and environment on (1) Diversion programs specified under
the growth of the child; paragraphs(a)and (b) above;
(e) The reparation of injury to the victim; (2) Written or oral reprimand or citation;
(f) The weight of the evidence against the child; (3) Fine:
(g) The safety of the community; and (4) Payment of the cost of the proceedings;
(h) The best interest of the child. or
(5) Institutional care and custody.
SEC. 30. Formulation of the Diversion Program. - In
formulating a diversion program, the individual LESSON 6.2.
characteristics and the peculiar circumstances of the PROSECUTION
child in conflict with the law shall be used to formulate an
individualized treatment. SEC. 32. Duty of the Prosecutor's Office. - There shall
The following factors shall be considered in formulating a be a specially trained prosecutor to conduct inquest,
diversion program for the child: preliminary investigation and prosecution of cases
b. The child's feelings of remorse for the offense involving a child in conflict with the law. If there is an
he/she committed; allegation of torture or ill-treatment of a child in conflict
c. The parents' or legal guardians' ability to guide with the law during arrest or detention, it shall be the duty
and supervise the child; of the prosecutor to investigate the same.
d. The victim's view about the propriety of the
measures to be imposed; and SEC. 33. Preliminary Investigation and Filing of
e. The availability of community-based programs Information. - The prosecutor shall conduct a preliminary
for rehabilitation and reintegration of the child. investigation in the following instances: (a) when the
SEC. 31. Kinds of Diversion Programs. - The diversion child in conflict with the law does not qualify for diversion:
program shall include adequate socio-cultural and (b) when the child, his/her parents or guardian does not
psychological responses and services for the child. At agree to diversion as specified in Sections 27 and 28;
the different stages where diversion may be resorted to, and (c) when considering the assessment and
the following diversion programs may be agreed upon, recommendation of the social worker, the prosecutor
such as, but not limited to: determines that diversion is not appropriate for the child
(b) At the level of the Punong Barangay: in conflict with the law.
(1) Restitution of property; Upon serving the subpoena and the affidavit of
(2) Reparation of the damage caused; complaint, the prosecutor shall notify the Public
(3) Indemnification for consequential Attorney's Office of such service, as well as the personal
damages; information, and place of detention of the child in conflict
(4) Written or oral apology; with the law.
(5) Care, guidance and supervision orders; Upon determination of probable cause by the prosecutor,
(6) Counseling for the child in conflict with the information against the child shall be filed before the
the law and the child's family; Family Court within forty-five (45) days from the start of
(7) Attendance in trainings, seminars and the preliminary investigation.
lectures on:
(I) anger management skills; LESSON 6.3.
(II) problem solving and/or conflict COURT PROCEEDINGS
resolution skills;
(III) values formation; and SEC. 34. Bail. - For purposes of recommending the
(IV) other skills which will aid the child amount of bail, the privileged mitigating circumstance of
in dealing with situations which minority shall be considered.
can lead to repetition of the
offense; SEC. 35. Release on Recognizance. - Where a child is
(8) Participation in available community- detained, the court shall order:
based programs, including community (a) the release of the minor on recognizance to
service; or his/her parents and other suitable person;
(9) Participation in education, vocation and (b) the release of the child in conflict with the law
life skills programs. on bail; or
(c) the transfer of the minor to a youth detention The discharge of the child in conflict with the law shall
home/youth rehabilitation center. not affect the civil liability resulting from the commission
The court shall not order the detention of a child in a jail of the offense, which shall be enforced in accordance
pending trial or hearing of his/her case. with law.
SEC. 36. Detention of the Child Pending Trial. - Children SEC. 40. Return of the Child in Conflict with the Law to
detained pending trial may be released on bail or Court. - If the court finds that the objective of the
recognizance as provided for under Sections 34 and 35 disposition measures imposed upon the child in conflict
under this Act. In all other cases and whenever possible, with the law have not been fulfilled, or if the child in
detention pending trial may be replaced by alternative conflict with the law has willfully failed to comply with the
measures, such as close supervision, intensive care or conditions of his/her disposition or rehabilitation program,
placement with a family or in an educational setting or the child in conflict with the law shall be brought before
home. Institutionalization or detention of the child the court for execution of judgment.
pending trial shall be used only as a measure of last If said child in conflict with the law has reached eighteen
resort and for the shortest possible period of time. (18) years of age while under suspended sentence, the
Whenever detention is necessary, a child will always be court shall determine whether to discharge the child in
detained in youth detention homes established by local accordance with this Act, to order execution of sentence,
governments, pursuant to Section 8 of the Family Courts or to extend the suspended sentence for a certain
Act, in the city or municipality where the child resides. specified period or until the child reaches the maximum
In the absence of a youth detention home, the child in age of twenty-one (21) years.
conflict with the law may be committed to the care of the
DSWD or a local rehabilitation center recognized by the SEC. 41. Credit in Service of Sentence. - The child in
government in the province, city or municipality within the conflict with the law shall be credited in the services of
jurisdiction of the court. The center or agency concerned his/her sentence with the full time spent in actual
shall be responsible for the child's appearance in court commitment and detention under this Act.
whenever required.
SEC. 42. Probation as an Alternative to Imprisonment. -
SEC. 37. Diversion Measures. - Where the maximum The court may, after it shall have convicted and
penalty imposed by law for the offense with which the sentenced a child in conflict with the law, and upon
child in conflict with the law is charged is imprisonment of application at any time, place the child on probation in
not more than twelve (12) years, regardless of the fine or lieu of service of his/her sentence taking into account the
fine alone regardless of the amount, and before best interest of the child. For this purpose, Section 4 of
arraignment of the child in conflict with the law, the court Presidential Decree No. 968, otherwise known as the
shall determine whether or not diversion is appropriate. "Probation Law of 1976", is hereby amended
SEC. 38. Automatic Suspension of Sentence. - Once the
child who is under eighteen (18) years of age at the time LESSON 6.4.
of the commission of the offense is found guilty of the CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS AND
offense charged, the court shall determine and ascertain PROCEEDINGS
any civil liability which may have resulted from the
offense committed. However, instead of pronouncing the SEC. 43. Confedentiality of Records and Proceedings. -
judgment of conviction, the court shall place the child in All records and proceedings involving children in conflict
conflict with the law under suspended sentence, without with the law from initial contact until final disposition of
need of application: Provided, however, That suspension the case shall be considered privileged and confidential.
of sentence shall still be applied even if the juvenile is The public shall be excluded during the proceedings and
already eighteen years (18) of age or more at the time of the records shall not be disclosed directly or indirectly to
the pronouncement of his/her guilt. anyone by any of the parties or the participants in the
Upon suspension of sentence and after considering the proceedings for any purpose whatsoever, except to
various chcumstances of the child, the court shall impose determine if the child in conflict with the law may have
the appropriate disposition measures as provided in the his/hes sentence suspended or if he/she may be granted
Supreme Court Rule on Juveniles in Conflict with the probation under the Probation Law, or to enforce the civil
Law. liability imposed in the criminal action.
SEC. 39. Discharge of the Child in Conflict with the The component authorities shall undertake all measures
Law. - Upon the recommendation of the social worker to protect this confidentiality of proceedings, including
who has custody of the child, the court shall dismiss the non-disclosure of records to the media, maintaining a
case against the child whose sentence has been separate police blotter for cases involving children in
suspended and against whom disposition measures conflict with the law and adopting a system of coding to
have been issued, and shall order the final discharge of conceal material information which will lead to the child's
the child if it finds that the objective of the disposition identity. Records of a child in conflict with the law shall
measures have been fulfilled. not be used in subsequent proceedings for cases
involving the same offender as an adult, except when SEC. 50. Care and Maintenance of the Child in Conflict
beneficial for the offender and upon his/her written with the Law. - The expenses for the care and
consent. maintenance of a child in conflict with the law under
A person who has been in conflict with the law as a child institutional care shall be borne by his/her parents or
shall not be held under any provision of law, to be guilty those persons liable to support him/her: Provided, That
of perjury or of concealment or misrepresentation by in case his/her parents or those persons liable to support
reason of his/her failure to acknowledge the case or him/her cannot pay all or part of said expenses, the
recite any fact related thereto in response to any inquiry municipality where the offense was committed shall pay
made to him/her for any purpose. one-third (1/3) of said expenses or part thereof; the
province to which the municipality belongs shall pay one-
LESSON 6.5. third (1/3) and the remaining one-third (1/3) shall be
REHABILITATION AND REINTEGRATION borne by the national government. Chartered cities shall
pay two-thirds (2/3) of said expenses; and in case a
SEC. 44. Objective of Rehabilitation and Reintegration. - chartered city cannot pay said expenses, part of the
The objective of rehabilitation and reintegration of internal revenue allotments applicable to the unpaid
children in conflict with the law is to provide them with portion shall be withheld and applied to the settlement of
interventions, approaches and strategies that will enable said obligations:Provided, further, That in the event that
them to improve their social functioning with the end goal the child in conflict with the law is not a resident of the
of reintegration to their families and as productive municipality/city where the offense was committed, the
members of their communities. court, upon its determination, may require the
city/municipality where the child in conflict with the law
SEC. 45. Court Order Required. - No child shall be resides to shoulder the cost.
received in any rehabilitation or training facility without a All city and provincial governments must exert effort for
valid order issued by the court after a hearing for the the immediate establishment of local detention homes for
purpose. The details of this order shall be immediately children in conflict with the law.
entered in a register exclusively for children in conflict
with the law. No child shall be admitted in any facility SEC. 51. Confinement of Convicted Children in
where there is no such register. Agricultural Camps and other Training Facilities. - A child
in conflict with the law may, after conviction and upon
SEC. 46, Separate Facilities from Adults. - In all order of the court, be made to serve his/her sentence, in
rehabilitation or training facilities, it shall be mandatory lieu of confinement in a regular penal institution, in an
that children shall be separated from adults unless they agricultural camp and other training facilities that may be
are members of the same family. Under no other established, maintained, supervised and controlled by
circumstance shall a child in conflict with the law be the BUCOR, in coordination with the DSWD.
placed in the same confinement as adults.
The rehabilitation, training or confinement area of
children in conflict with the law shall provide a home SEC. 52. Rehabilitation of Children in Conflict with the
environment where children in conflict with the law can Law. - Children in conflict with the law, whose sentences
be provided with quality counseling and treatment. are suspended may, upon order of the court, undergo
any or a combination of disposition measures best suited
SEC. 47. Female Children. - Female children in conflict to the rehabilitation and welfare of the child as provided
with the law placed in an institution shall be given special in the Supreme Court Rule on Juveniles in Conflict with
attention as to their personal needs and problems. They the Law.
shall be handled by female doctors, correction officers If the community-based rehabilitation is availed of by a
and social workers, and shall be accommodated child in conflict with the law, he/she shall be released to
separately from male children in conflict with the law. parents, guardians, relatives or any other responsible
person in the community. Under the supervision and
SEC. 48. Gender-Sensitivity Training. - No personnel of guidance of the local social welfare and development
rehabilitation and training facilities shall handle children officer, and in coordination with his/her parents/guardian,
in conflict with the law without having undergone gender the child in conflict with the law shall participate in
sensitivity training. community-based programs, which shall include, but not
limited to:
SEC. 49. Establishment of Youth Detention Homes. - A. Competency and life skills development;
The LGUs shall set aside an amount to build youth B. Socio-cultural and recreational activities;
detention homes as mandated by the Family Courts Act. C.Community volunteer projects;
Youth detention homes may also be established by D.Leadership training;
private and NGOs licensed and accredited by the E. Social services;
DSWD, in consultation with the JJWC. F. Homelife services;
G.Health services; .
H.Spiritual enrichment; and
I. Community and family welfare services. because of good behavior as per recommendation of the
In accordance therewith, the family of the child in conflict DSWD social worker and/or any accredited NGO youth
with the law shall endeavor to actively participate in the rehabilitation center shall be provided after-care services
community-based rehabilitation. by the local social welfare and development officer for a
Based on the progress of the youth in the community, a period of at least six (6) months. The service includes
final report will be forwarded by the local social welfare counseling and other community-based services
and development officer to the court for final disposition designed to facilitate social reintegration, prevent re-
of the case. offending and make the children productive members of
If the community-based programs are provided as the community.
diversion measures under Chapter II, Title V, the
programs enumerated above shall be made available to LESSON 7
the child in conflict with the law. EXEMPTING PROVISIONS
SEC. 53. Youth Rehabilitation Center. - The youth SEC. 57.Status Offences. - Any conduct not considered
rehabilitation center shall provide 24-hour group care, an offense or not penalized if committed by an adult shall
treatment and rehabilitation services under the guidance not be considered an offense and shall not be punished
of a trained staff where residents are cared for under a if committed by a child.
structured therapeutic environment with the end view of
reintegrating them in their families and communities as SEC. 58.Offenses Not Applicable to Children. - Persons
socially functioning individuals. A quarterly report shall below eighteen (18) years of age shall be exempt from
be submitted by the center to the proper court on the prosecution for the crime of vagrancy and prostitution
progress of the children in conflict with the law. Based on under Section 202 of the Revised Penal Code, of
the progress of the youth in the center, a final report will mendicancy under Presidential Decree No. 1563, and
be forwarded to the court for final disposition of the case. sniffing of rugby under Presidential Decree No. 1619,
The DSWD shall establish youth rehabilitation centers in such prosecution being inconsistent with the United
each region of the country. Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Provided,
That said persons shall undergo appropriate counseling
SEC. 54. Objectives of Community Based Programs. - and treatment program.
The objectives of community-based programs are as
follows: SEC. 59.Exemption from the Application of Death
(a) Prevent disruption in the education or means Penalty. - The provisions of the Revised Penal Code, as
of livelihood of the child in conflict with the law amended, Republic Act No. 9165, otherwise known as
in case he/she is studying, working or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, and
attending vocational learning institutions; other special laws notwithstanding, no death penalty
(b) Prevent separation of the child in conflict with shall be imposed upon children in conflict with the law.
the law from his/her parents/guardians to
maintain the support system fostered by their LESSON 8
relationship and to create greater awareness of PROHIBITED ACTS
their mutual and reciprocal responsibilities;
(c) Facilitate the rehabilitation and mainstreaming SEC. 60. Prohibition Against Labeling and Shaming. - In
of the child in conflict with the law and the conduct of the proceedings beginning from the initial
encourage community support and contact with the child, the competent authorities must
involvement; and refrain from branding or labeling children as young
(d) Minimize the stigma that attaches to the child criminals, juvenile delinquents, prostitutes or attaching to
in conflict with the law by preventing jail them in any manner any other derogatory names.
detention. Likewise, no discriminatory remarks and practices shall
be allowed particularly with respect to the child's class or
SEC. 55. Criteria of Community-Based Programs. - ethnic origin.
Every LGU shall establish community-based programs
that will focus on the rehabilitation and reintegration of SEC. 61. Other Prohibited Acts. - The following and any
the child. All programs shall meet the criteria to be other similar acts shall be considered prejudicial and
established by the JJWC which shall take into account detrimental to the psychological, emotional, social,
the purpose of the program, the need for the consent of spiritual, moral and physical health and well-being of the
the child and his/her parents or legal guardians, and the child in conflict with the law and therefore, prohibited:
participation of the child-centered agencies whether (b) Employment of threats of whatever kind and
public or private. nature;
(c) Employment of abusive, coercive and punitive
SEC. 56. After-Care Support Services for Children in measures such as cursing, beating, stripping,
Conflict with the Law. - Children in conflict with the law and solitary confinement;
whose cases have been dismissed by the proper court
(d) Employment of degrading, inhuman end cruel SEC. 65. Children Detained Pending Dial. - If the child is
forms of punishment such as shaving the detained pending trial, the Family Court shall also
heads, pouring irritating, corrosive or harmful determine whether or not continued detention is
substances over the body of the child in necessary and, if not, determine appropriate alternatives
conflict with the law, or forcing him/her to walk for detention.
around the community wearing signs which If detention is necessary and he/she is detained with
embarrass, humiliate, and degrade his/her adults, the court shall immediately order the transfer of
personality and dignity; and the child to a youth detention home.
(e) Compelling the child to perform involuntary
servitude in any and all forms under any and SEC. 66. Inventory of "Locked-up" and Detained
all instances. Children in Conflict with the Law. - The PNP, the BJMP
and the BUCOR are hereby directed to submit to the
LESSON 9 JJWC, within ninety (90) days from the effectivity of this
PENAL PROVISION Act, an inventory of all children in conflict with the law
SEC. 62.Violation of the Provisions of this Act or Rules under their custody.
or Regulations in General. - Any person who violates any
provision of this Act or any rule or regulation SEC. 67. Children Who Reach the Age of Eighteen (18)
promulgated in accordance thereof shall, upon conviction Years Pending Diversion and Court Proceedings. - If a
for each act or omission, be punished by a fine of not child reaches the age of eighteen (18) years pending
less than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) but not diversion and court proceedings, the appropriate
more than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) or suffer diversion authority in consultation with the local social
imprisonment of not less than eight (8) years but not welfare and development officer or the Family Court in
more than ten (10) years, or both such fine and consultation with the Social Services and Counseling
imprisonment at the discretion of the court, unless a Division (SSCD) of the Supreme Court, as the case may
higher penalty is provided for in the Revised Penal Code be, shall determine the appropriate disposition. In case
or special laws. If the offender is a public officer or the appropriate court executes the judgment of
employee, he/she shall, in addition to such fine and/or conviction, and unless the child in conflict the law has
imprisonment, be held administratively liable and shall already availed of probation under Presidential Decree
suffer the penalty of perpetual absolute disqualification. No. 603 or other similar laws, the child may apply for
probation if qualified under the provisions of the
LESSON 10 Probation Law.
SEC. 63. Appropriations. - The amount necessary to SEC. 68. Children Who Have Been Convicted and are
carry out the initial implementation of this Act shall be Serving Sentence. - Persons who have been convicted
charged to the Office of the President. Thereafter, such and are serving sentence at the time of the effectivity of
sums as may be necessary for the continued this Act, and who were below the age of eighteen (18)
implementation of this Act shall be included in the years at the time the commission of the offense for which
succeeding General Appropriations Act. they were convicted and are serving sentence, shall
An initial amount of Fifty million pesos (P50,000,000.00) likewise benefit from the retroactive application of this
for the purpose of setting up the JJWC shall be taken Act. They shall be entitled to appropriate dispositions
from the proceeds of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes provided under this Act and their sentences shall be
Office. adjusted accordingly. They shall be immediately
released if they are so qualified under this Act or other
LESSON 11 applicable law.
SEC. 64. Children in Conflict with the Law Fifteen (15)
Years Old and Below. - Upon effectivity of this Act, cases LAW ENFORCER OF PD 603
of children fifteen (15) years old and below at the time of 1. DSWD - It provides shelter and food needs by
the commission of the crime shall immediately be children that includes the custody of these
dismissed and the child shall be referred to the youthful offenders.
appropriate local social welfare and development officer.
Such officer, upon thorough assessment of the child, 2. DILG/PNP - It protects and provides physical
shall determine whether to release the child to the security.
custody of his/her parents, or refer the child to prevention
programs as provided under this Act. Those with 3. DOJ - It corrects and rehabilitates delinquent
suspended sentences and undergoing rehabilitation at children and youthful offenders.
the youth rehabilitation center shall likewise be released,
unless it is contrary to the best interest of the child. 4. DOH - It provides medical services.
RIGHTS OF THE FILIPINO CHILD (PD 603, ARTICLE eventual placement by DSWD. The number of
3) children in a receiving home shall not at any
2. Right to be born well time exceed nine (9).
3. Right to a wholesome family life that will
provide him love, care and understanding, 5. Nursery. A child-caring institution that provides
guidance and counseling, a moral and material care for six or more children below six years of
security. age for all or part of a twenty-four hour day,
4. Right to well0rounded development of his except those duly licensed to offer primary
personality. medical and educational services.
5. Right to a balanced diet, adequate clothing,
sufficient shelter, proper medical attention, and 6. Maternity Home. An institution or place of
all the basic physical requirements of healthy residence whose primary function is to give
and vigorous life. shelter and care to pregnant women and their
6. Rights to be brought up in an atmosphere of infants before, during and after delivery.
morality and rectitude for the enrichment and
the strengthening of his character. 7. Rehabilitation center. An institution that
7. Right to an education. receives and rehabilitates youthful offenders or
8. Right to full opportunities for safe and other disturbed children.
wholesome recreation and activities.
9. Right to protection against exploitation, 8. Reception and study center. An institution that
improper influences and hazards. receives for study, diagnosis and temporary
10. Right to live in a community and society. treatment, children who have behavioral
11. Right to care, assistance and protection of the problems for the purpose of determining the
State. appropriate care for them or recommending
12. Right to an efficient and honest government. their permanent treatment or rehabilitation in
13. Right to grow up as a free individual. other child welfare agencies.
parents and other adults may abuse children as a an open mind and a willingness to
result of mental disturbance, sexual perversion and believe them
those under the influence of alcohol and prohibited 2. Indirect Disclosure – sometimes
drugs. These are the three factors leading to the children do not tell others directly but
occurrence of abuse and neglect: use indirect methods of
f. Parent Factors- characteristics of communicating about their abuse or
parents that increase likelihood of neglect. These includes their
abuse. behaviors, emotions, art, writing,
g. Child Factors - characteristics in the appearance, inquiries, discussion of
child that increase likelihood of fears, concerns or relationship.
abuse. Children also divulge information
h. Environment Factors - refers to the through indirect statements, made
physical, social, economic conditions with conditions or third party
creating crisis situation that statements.
increases likelihood of abuse.
D. CHILD ABUSER - A child abuser is any person some ways, this is the simplest yet the most urgent
regardless of age, sex, race, creed or color who aspect of responding to child abuse or neglect. If
deliberately commits or perpetuates any acts you have reason to believe a child has been or is
defined as constituting child abuse. A child abuser likely to be abused, neglected or need protection
is usually a person known or trusted by the child – you must report the matter immediately.
can be a family member, a relative, neighbor, friend,
teacher, baby sitter or child care giver. He or she H. CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION
may also be a stranger to the child. Study shows 1. Primary Prevention – refers to program aimed
that most child abusers have been victim of child at eliminating the root causes of abuse and
abuse. violence within our society.
2. Secondary Prevention – refers to
E. EFFECTS OF CHILD ABUSE - Child abuse step/measures to keep a child safe from abuse
adversely affects the normal, physical and and exploitation.
psychological growth and development of the child. 3. Tertiary Prevention – refers to the actions to be
It may vary depending on the degree of abuse on taken in a situation where a child has already
the child. been abused to prevent the recurrence of the
j. Physical Effects - Malnutrition, sexually same acts.
transmitted diseases, AIDS, unwanted
pregnancy, permanent physical I. LAW ON CHILD ABUSE IN THE PHILIPPINES
disabilities, drug addiction and death. The law on child abuse in the Philippines is
k. Psychological and Social Effects - Republic Act no. 7610 otherwise known as Special
Withdrawal syndrome, extreme Protection of Children against Child Abuse, Exploitation
depression, sense of alienation, and Discrimination Act. It was approved on June 17,
suicidal/self destructive tendencies, 1992.
emotional breakdown, aggressive The following are the other laws protecting the
behavior, low self image relationship rights of children against abuse, violence and
problems, rejection, fear, confusion maltreatment:
1. Republic Act no. 9262 - it is otherwise known
F. DISCLOSURE OF ABUSE AND NEGLECT - as Anti-Violence against Women and Their
Sometimes children will tell you directly that they Children Act of 2004.
are being abused or neglected. Sometimes they use 2. Republic Act no. 7658 - An Act Prohibiting the
indirect ways to tell you, through art, writing or hints Employment of Children below 15 years of age
which is known to be as disclosures. The following in Public and Private Undertakings.
are the two ways of Disclosure: 3. Republic Act No. 9208 - An act to institute
1. Direct Disclosure – sometimes policies to eliminate trafficking in persons
children tell others directly that they especially women and children, establishing
are being abused and neglected. the necessary institutional mechanisms for the
They will start with an example and protection and support of trafficked persons,
watch how you react. Research providing penalties for its violations, and for
indicates that children tell their story other This Act shall be known as the "Anti-
many times before action is taken. Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003".
You should respond to a child’s 4. Republic Act No. 9775 – An act defining the
disclosure of abuse or neglect with crime of child pornography, prescribing
penalties therefor and for other purposes. This
J. SALIENT FEATURES OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. (b) "Circumstances which gravely threaten or
7610 endanger the survival and normal development
of children" include, but are not limited to, the
It is hereby declared to be the policy of the (1) Being in a community where there is
State to provide special protection to children from all armed conflict or being affected by
firms of abuse, neglect, cruelty exploitation and armed conflict-related activities;
discrimination and other conditions, prejudicial their (2) Working under conditions hazardous
development; provide sanctions for their commission and to life, safety and normal which
carry out a program for prevention and deterrence of and unduly interfere with their normal
crisis intervention in situations of child abuse, development;
exploitation and discrimination. The State shall intervene (3) Living in or fending for themselves in
on behalf of the child when the parent, guardian, teacher the streets of urban or rural areas
or person having care or custody of the child fails or is without the care of parents or a
unable to protect the child against abuse, exploitation guardian or basic services needed
and discrimination or when such acts against the child for a good quality of life;
are committed by the said parent, guardian, teacher or (4) Being a member of a indigenous
person having care and custody of the same. cultural community and/or living
It shall be the policy of the State to protect and under conditions of extreme poverty
rehabilitate children gravely threatened or endangered or in an area which is
by circumstances which affect or will affect their survival underdeveloped and/or lacks or has
and normal development and over which they have no inadequate access to basic services
control. needed for a good quality of life;
The best interests of children shall be the (5) Being a victim of a man-made or
paramount consideration in all actions concerning them, natural disaster or calamity; or
whether undertaken by public or private social welfare (6) Circumstances analogous to those
institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities, and abovestated which endanger the life,
legislative bodies, consistent with the principle of First safety or normal development of
Call for Children as enunciated in the United Nations children.
Convention of the Rights of the Child. Every effort shall
be exerted to promote the welfare of children and (c) "Comprehensive program against child abuse,
enhance their opportunities for a useful and happy life. exploitation and discrimination" refers to the
(Section 2, Republic Act no. 7610) coordinated program of services and facilities
to protected children against:
DEFINITION OF TERMS (1) Child Prostitution and other sexual
"Children" refers to person below eighteen (18) abuse;
years of age or those over but are unable to fully take (2) Child trafficking;
care of themselves or protect themselves from abuse, (3) Obscene publications and indecent
neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because of shows;
a physical or mental disability or condition; (4) Other acts of abuses; and
(a) "Child abuse" refers to the maltreatment, (5) Circumstances which threaten or
whether habitual or not, of the child which endanger the survival and normal
includes any of the following: development of children. (Section 3,
(1) Psychological and physical abuse, Republic Act no. 7610)
neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse and
(2) Any act by deeds or words which DISCRIMINATION
debases, degrades or demeans the There shall be a comprehensive program to be
intrinsic worth and dignity of a child formulated, by the Department of Justice and the
as a human being; Department of Social Welfare and Development in
(3) Unreasonable deprivation of his coordination with other government agencies and private
basic needs for survival, such as sector concerned, within one (1) year from the effectivity
food and shelter; or of this Act, to protect children against child prostitution
(4) Failure to immediately give medical and other sexual abuse; child trafficking, obscene
treatment to an injured child resulting publications and indecent shows; other acts of abuse;
in serious impairment of his growth and circumstances which endanger child survival and
normal development. (Section 4, Republic Act no. 7610)
When a child travels alone to a foreign country (g) To recruit, hire, adopt, transport or abduct a
without valid reason therefor and without clearance person, by means of threat or use of force,
issued by the Department of Social Welfare and fraud, deceit, violence, coercion, or intimidation
Development or written permit or justification from the for the purpose of removal or sale of organs of
child's parents or legal guardian; said person; and
(a) When a person, agency, establishment or (h) To recruit, transport or adopt a child to engage
child-caring institution recruits women or in armed activities in the Philippines or abroad.
couples to bear children for the purpose of (Section 4, Republic Act no. 9208)
child trafficking; or
(b) When a doctor, hospital or clinic official or
employee, nurse, midwife, local civil registrar Acts that Promote Trafficking in Persons
or any other person simulates birth for the The following acts which promote or facilitate
purpose of child trafficking; or trafficking in persons, shall be unlawful:
(c) When a person engages in the act of finding (a) To knowingly lease or sublease, use or allow to
children among low-income families, hospitals, be used any house, building or establishment
clinics, nurseries, day-care centers, or other for the purpose of promoting trafficking in
child-during institutions who can be offered for persons;
the purpose of child trafficking. (b) To produce, print and issue or distribute
A penalty lower two (2) degrees than that prescribed unissued, tampered or fake counseling
for the consummated felony under Section 7 hereof shall certificates, registration stickers and
be imposed upon the principals of the attempt to commit certificates of any government agency which
child trafficking under this Act. (Section 8, Republic Act issues these certificates and stickers as proof
no. 7610) of compliance with government regulatory and
pre-departure requirements for the purpose of
Acts of Trafficking in Persons. promoting trafficking in persons;
It shall be unlawful for any person, natural or (c) To advertise, publish, print, broadcast or
juridical, to commit any of the following acts: distribute, or cause the advertisement,
(a) To recruit, transport, transfer; harbor, provide, publication, printing, broadcasting or
or receive a person by any means, including distribution by any means, including the use of
those done under the pretext of domestic or information technology and the internet, of any
overseas employment or training or brochure, flyer, or any propaganda material
apprenticeship, for the purpose of prostitution, that promotes trafficking in persons;
pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor, (d) To assist in the conduct of misrepresentation
slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage; or fraud for purposes of facilitating the
(b) To introduce or match for money, profit, or acquisition of clearances and necessary exit
material, economic or other consideration, any documents from government agencies that are
person or, as provided for under Republic Act mandated to provide pre-departure registration
No. 6955, any Filipino woman to a foreign and services for departing persons for the
national, for marriage for the purpose of purpose of promoting trafficking in persons;
acquiring, buying, offering, selling or trading (e) To facilitate, assist or help in the exit and entry
him/her to engage in prostitution, pornography, of persons from/to the country at international
sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, and local airports, territorial boundaries and
involuntary servitude or debt bondage; seaports who are in possession of unissued,
(c) To offer or contract marriage, real or simulated, tampered or fraudulent travel documents for
for the purpose of acquiring, buying, offering, the purpose of promoting trafficking in persons;
selling, or trading them to engage in (f) To confiscate, conceal, or destroy the
prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, passport, travel documents, or personal
forced labor or slavery, involuntary servitude or documents or belongings of trafficked persons
debt bondage; in furtherance of trafficking or to prevent them
(d) To undertake or organize tours and travel from leaving the country or seeking redress
plans consisting of tourism packages or from the government or appropriate agencies;
activities for the purpose of utilizing and and
offering persons for prostitution, pornography (g) To knowingly benefit from, financial or
or sexual exploitation; otherwise, or make use of, the labor or
(e) To maintain or hire a person to engage in services of a person held to a condition of
prostitution or pornography; involuntary servitude, forced labor, or slavery.
(f) To adopt or facilitate the adoption of persons (Section 5, Republic Act No. 9208)
for the purpose of prostitution, pornography,
sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, Qualified Trafficking in Persons
involuntary servitude or debt bondage; The following are considered as qualified trafficking:
(a) When the trafficked person is a child; (a) Any person who shall commit any other acts of
(b) When the adoption is effected through child abuse, cruelty or exploitation or to be
Republic Act No. 8043, otherwise known as responsible for other conditions prejudicial to
the "Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995" and the child's development including those
said adoption is for the purpose of prostitution, covered by Article 59 of Presidential Decree
pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor, No. 603, as amended, but not covered by the
slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage; Revised Penal Code, as amended, shall suffer
(c) When the crime is committed by a syndicate, the penalty of prision mayor in its minimum
or in large scale. Trafficking is deemed period.
committed by a syndicate if carried out by a (b) Any person who shall keep or have in his
group of three (3) or more persons conspiring company a minor, twelve (12) years or under
or confederating with one another. It is deemed or who in ten (10) years or more his junior in
committed in large scale if committed against any public or private place, hotel, motel, beer
three (3) or more persons, individually or as a joint, discotheque, cabaret, pension house,
group; sauna or massage parlor, beach and/or other
(d) When the offender is an ascendant, parent, tourist resort or similar places shall suffer the
sibling, guardian or a person who exercises penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period
authority over the trafficked person or when the and a fine of not less than Fifty thousand
offense is committed by a public officer or pesos (P50,000): Provided, That this provision
employee; shall not apply to any person who is related
(e) When the trafficked person is recruited to within the fourth degree of consanguinity or
engage in prostitution with any member of the affinity or any bond recognized by law, local
military or law enforcement agencies; custom and tradition or acts in the performance
(f) When the offender is a member of the military of a social, moral or legal duty.
or law enforcement agencies; and (c) Any person who shall induce, deliver or offer a
(h) When by reason or on occasion of the act of minor to any one prohibited by this Act to keep
trafficking in persons, the offended party dies, or have in his company a minor as provided in
becomes insane, suffers mutilation or is the preceding paragraph shall suffer the
afflicted with Human Immunodeficiency Virus penalty of prision mayor in its medium period
(HIV) or the Acquired Immune Deficiency and a fine of not less than Forty thousand
Syndrome (AIDS). (Section 5, Republic Act No. pesos (P40,000); Provided, however, That
9208) should the perpetrator be an ascendant,
stepparent or guardian of the minor, the
OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS AND INDECENT SHOWS penalty to be imposed shall be prision mayor in
its maximum period, a fine of not less than Fifty
OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS AND INDECENT SHOWS thousand pesos (P50,000), and the loss of
Any person who shall hire, employ, use, parental authority over the minor.
persuade, induce or coerce a child to perform in obscene (d) Any person, owner, manager or one entrusted
exhibitions and indecent shows, whether live or in video, with the operation of any public or private place
or model in obscene publications or pornographic of accommodation, whether for occupancy,
materials or to sell or distribute the said materials shall food, drink or otherwise, including residential
suffer the penalty of prision mayor in its medium period. places, who allows any person to take along
If the child used as a performer, subject or with him to such place or places any minor
seller/distributor is below twelve (12) years of age, the herein described shall be imposed a penalty of
penalty shall be imposed in its maximum period. prision mayor in its medium period and a fine
Any ascendant, guardian, or person entrusted of not less than Fifty thousand pesos
in any capacity with the care of a child who shall cause (P50,000), and the loss of the license to
and/or allow such child to be employed or to participate operate such a place or establishment.
in an obscene play, scene, act, movie or show or in any (e) Any person who shall use, coerce, force or
other acts covered by this section shall suffer the penalty intimidate a street child or any other child to;
of prision mayor in its medium period. (Section 9, (1) Beg or use begging as a means of
Republic Act no. 7610) living;
(2) Act as conduit or middlemen in drug
trafficking or pushing; or
(3) Conduct any illegal activities, shall
OTHER ACTS OF ABUSE suffer the penalty of prision
correccional in its medium period to
EXPLOITATION AND OTHER CONDITIONS For purposes of this Act, the penalty for the
PREJUDICIAL TO THE CHILD'S DEVELOPMENT commission of acts punishable under Articles 248, 249,
or secondary education. Such course design shall cultural communities are given equal attention. In the
integrate the learning process deemed most effective provision of health and nutrition services to children of
under given circumstances. (Section 13, Republic Act indigenous cultural communities, indigenous health
no. 7610) practices shall be respected and recognized. (Section
19, Republic Act no. 7610)
No person shall employ child models in all Discrimination
commercials or advertisements promoting alcoholic Children of indigenous cultural communities
beverages, intoxicating drinks, tobacco and its shall not be subjected to any and all forms of
byproducts and violence. (Section 14, Republic Act no. discrimination.
7610) Any person who discriminate against children
of indigenous cultural communities shall suffer a penalty
DUTY OF EMPLOYER of arresto mayor in its maximum period and a fine of not
Every employer shall comply with the duties less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000) more than Ten
provided for in Articles 108 and 109 of Presidential thousand pesos (P10,000). (Section 20, Republic Act no.
Decree No. 603. (Section 15, Republic Act no. 7610) 7610)
PENALTIES Indigenous cultural communities, through their
Any person who shall violate any provision of duly-designated or appointed representatives shall be
this Article shall suffer the penalty of a fine of not less involved in planning, decision-making implementation,
than One thousand pesos (P1,000) but not more than and evaluation of all government programs affecting
Ten thousand pesos (P10,000) or imprisonment of not children of indigenous cultural communities. Indigenous
less than three (3) months but not more than three (3) institution shall also be recognized and respected.
years, or both at the discretion of the court; Provided, (Section 21, Republic Act no. 7610)
That, in case of repeated violations of the provisions of
this Article, the offender's license to operate shall be
revoked. (Section 16, Republic Act no. 7610)
barracks, detachments, and supply depots; the reports and recommendations of the Department of
and Social Welfare and Development or the agency or
(f) All appropriate steps shall be taken to facilitate responsible individual under whose care he has been
the reunion of families temporarily separated committed.
due to armed conflict. (Section 22, Republic The aforesaid child shall subject to visitation
Act no. 7610) and supervision by a representative of the Department of
Social Welfare and Development or any duly-licensed
agency or such other officer as the court may designate
subject to such conditions as it may prescribe.
Evacuation of Children During Armed Conflict The aforesaid child whose sentence is
Children shall be given priority during suspended can appeal from the order of the court in the
evacuation as a result of armed conflict. Existing same manner as appeals in criminal cases. (Section 25,
community organizations shall be tapped to look after the Republic Act no. 7610)
safety and well-being of children during evacuation
operations. Measures shall be taken to ensure that Monitoring and Reporting of Children in Situations of
children evacuated are accompanied by persons Armed Conflict
responsible for their safety and well-being. (Section 23, The chairman of the barangay affected by the
Republic Act no. 7610) armed conflict shall submit the names of children
residing in said barangay to the municipal social welfare
Family Life and Temporary Shelter and development officer within twenty-four (24) hours
Whenever possible, members of the same from the occurrence of the armed conflict. (Section 26,
family shall be housed in the same premises and given Republic Act no. 7610)
separate accommodation from other evacuees and
provided with facilities to lead a normal family life. In
places of temporary shelter, expectant and nursing
mothers and children shall be given additional food in
proportion to their physiological needs. Whenever REMEDIAL PROCEDURES
feasible, children shall be given opportunities for physical
exercise, sports and outdoor games. (Section 24, Who May File a Complaint?
Republic Act no. 7610) Complaints on cases of unlawful acts
committed against the children as enumerated herein
may be filed by the following:
Rights of Children Arrested for Reasons Related to (a) Offended party;
Armed Conflict (b) Parents or guardians;
Any child who has been arrested for reasons related (c) Ascendant or collateral relative within the third
to armed conflict, either as combatant, courier, guide or degree of consanguinity;1awphi1@ITC
spy is entitled to the following rights; (d) Officer, social worker or representative of a
(a) Separate detention from adults except where licensed child-caring institution;
families are accommodated as family units; (e) Officer or social worker of the Department of
(b) Immediate free legal assistance; Social Welfare and Development;
(c) Immediate notice of such arrest to the parents (f) Barangay chairman; or
or guardians of the child; and At least three (3) concerned responsible
(d) Release of the child on recognizance within citizens where the violation occurred. (Section 27,
twenty-four (24) hours to the custody of the Republic Act no. 7610)
Department of Social Welfare and
Development or any responsible member of Protective Custody of the Child
the community as determined by the court. The offended party shall be immediately
If after hearing the evidence in the proper placed under the protective custody of the Department of
proceedings the court should find that the aforesaid child Social Welfare and Development pursuant to Executive
committed the acts charged against him, the court shall Order No. 56, series of 1986. In the regular performance
determine the imposable penalty, including any civil of this function, the officer of the Department of Social
liability chargeable against him. However, instead of Welfare and Development shall be free from any
pronouncing judgment of conviction, the court shall administrative, civil or criminal liability. Custody
suspend all further proceedings and shall commit such proceedings shall be in accordance with the provisions of
child to the custody or care of the Department of Social Presidential Decree No. 603. (Section 28, Republic Act
Welfare and Development or to any training institution no. 7610)
operated by the Government, or duly-licensed agencies
or any other responsible person, until he has had Confidentiality
reached eighteen (18) years of age or, for a shorter
period as the court may deem proper, after considering
At the instance of the offended party, his name disbursed for the rehabilitation of each child victim, or
may be withheld from the public until the court acquires any immediate member of his family if the latter is the
jurisdiction over the case. perpetrator of the offense. (Section 31, Republic Act no.
It shall be unlawful for any editor, publisher, 7610)
and reporter or columnist in case of printed materials,
announcer or producer in case of television and radio TYPES OF VIOLENCE UNDER REPUBLIC ACT NO.
broadcasting, producer and director of the film in case of 9262
the movie industry, to cause undue and sensationalized
publicity of any case of violation of this Act which results 1. Physical Violence - refers to acts that include
in the moral degradation and suffering of the offended bodily or physical harm;
party. (Section 29, Republic Act no. 7610) 2. Sexual violence - refers to an act which is
sexual in nature, committed against a woman
Special Court Proceedings or her child. It includes, but is not limited to:
Cases involving violations of this Act shall be a. rape, sexual harassment, acts of
heard in the chambers of the judge of the Regional Trial lasciviousness, treating a woman or
Court duly designated as Juvenile and Domestic Court. her child as a sex object, making
Any provision of existing law to the contrary demeaning and sexually suggestive
notwithstanding and with the exception of habeas remarks, physically attacking the
corpus, election cases, and cases involving detention sexual parts of the victim's body,
prisoners and persons covered by Republic Act No. forcing her/him to watch obscene
4908, all courts shall give preference to the hearing or publications and indecent shows or
disposition of cases involving violations of this Act. forcing the woman or her child to do
(Section 30, Republic Act no. 7610) indecent acts and/or make films
thereof, forcing the wife and
COMMON PENAL PROVISIONS mistress/lover to live in the conjugal
home or sleep together in the same
Common Penal Provisions room with the abuser;
(a) The penalty provided under this Act shall be b. acts causing or attempting to cause
imposed in its maximum period if the offender the victim to engage in any sexual
has been previously convicted under this Act; activity by force, threat of force,
(b) When the offender is a corporation, partnership physical or other harm or threat of
or association, the officer or employee thereof physical or other harm or coercion;
who is responsible for the violation of this Act c. Prostituting the woman or child.
shall suffer the penalty imposed in its
maximum period; A. Psychological violence - refers to acts or
(c) The penalty provided herein shall be imposed omissions causing or likely to cause mental or
in its maximum period when the perpetrator is emotional suffering of the victim such as but not
an ascendant, parent guardian, stepparent or limited to intimidation, harassment, stalking,
collateral relative within the second degree of damage to property, public ridicule or
consanguinity or affinity, or a manager or humiliation, repeated verbal abuse and mental
owner of an establishment which has no infidelity. It includes causing or allowing the
license to operate or its license has expired or victim to witness the physical, sexual or
has been revoked; psychological abuse of a member of the family
(d) When the offender is a foreigner, he shall be to which the victim belongs, or to witness
deported immediately after service of sentence pornography in any form or to witness abusive
and forever barred from entry to the country; injury to pets or to unlawful or unwanted
(e) The penalty provided for in this Act shall be deprivation of the right to custody and/or
imposed in its maximum period if the offender visitation of common children.
is a public officer or employee: Provided,
however, That if the penalty imposed is B. Economic abuse - refers to acts that make or
reclusion perpetua or reclusion temporal, then attempt to make a woman financially dependent
the penalty of perpetual or temporary absolute which includes, but is not limited to the
disqualification shall also be imposed: following:
Provided, finally, That if the penalty imposed is 1. withdrawal of financial support or
prision correccional or arresto mayor, the preventing the victim from engaging in
penalty of suspension shall also be imposed; any legitimate profession, occupation,
and business or activity, except in cases
A fine to be determined by the court shall be wherein the other spouse/partner objects
imposed and administered as a cash fund by the on valid, serious and moral grounds as
Department of Social Welfare and Development and defined in Article 73 of the Family Code;
Furthermore, an ISP shall preserve such evidence for such internet address, to the proper
purpose of investigation and prosecution by relevant authorities; and
authorities. (d) Preserve such evidence for purposes of
An ISP shall, upon the request of proper investigation and prosecution by relevant
authorities, furnish the particulars of users who gained or authorities.
attempted to gain access to an internet address which An internet content host shall, upon the request of
contains any form of child pornography. proper authorities, furnish the particulars of users who
All ISPs shall install available technology, gained or attempted to gain access to an internet
program or software to ensure that access to or address that contains any form of child pornography.
transmittal of any form of child pornography will be An internet content host who shall knowingly,
blocked or filtered. willfully and intentionally violate this provision shall
An ISP who shall knowingly, willfully and be subject to the penalty provided under Section
intentionally violate this provision shall be subject to the 15(j) of this Act: Provided, That the failure of the
penalty provided under Section 15(k) of this Act. internet content host to remove any form of child
The National Telecommunications Commission pornography within forty-eight (48) hours from
(NTC) shall promulgate within ninety (90) days from the receiving the notice that any form of child
effectivity of this Act the necessary rules and regulations pornography is hitting its server shall be conclusive
for the implementation of this provision which shall evidence of willful and intentional violation thereof.
include, among others, the installation of filtering (Section 11, Republic Act No. 9775)
software that will block access to or transmission of any
form of the child pornography. (Section 9, Republic Act Authority to Regulate Internet Café or Kiosk
No. 9775) The local government unit (LGU) of the city or
municipality where an internet café or kiosk is located
Responsibility of Mall Owners/Operators and Owners or shall have the authority to monitor and regulate the
Lessors of Other Business Establishments establishment and operation of the same or similar
All mall owners/operators and owners or establishments in order to prevent violation of the
lessors of other business establishments shall notify the provisions of this Act. (Section 12, Republic Act No.
PNP or the NBI within seven (7) days from obtaining 9775)
facts and circumstances that child pornography is being
committed in their premises. Provided, That public Confidentiality
display of any form of child pornography within their The right to privacy of the child shall be
premises is a conclusive presumption of the knowledge ensured at any stage of the investigation, prosecution
of the mall owners/operators and owners or lessors of and trial of an offense under this Act. Towards this end,
other business establishments of the violation of this the following rules shall be observed:
Act: Provided, further, That a disputable presumption of (e) The judge, prosecutor or any officer of the law
knowledge by mall owners/operators and owners or to whom the complaint has been referred to
lessors of other business establishments should know or may, whenever necessary to ensure a fair and
reasonably know that a violation of this Act is being impartial proceeding and after considering all
committed in their premises. circumstances for the best interest of the child
Photo developers, information technology conduct a closed-door investigation,
professionals, credit card companies and banks and any prosecution or trial;
person who has direct knowledge of any form of child (f) The name and personal circumstances of the
pornography activities shall have the duty to report any child, including the child's immediate family, or
suspected child pornography materials or transactions to any other information tending to establish
the proper authorities within seven (7) days from his/her identity shall not be disclosed to the
discovery thereof. public;
Any willful and intentional violation of this (g) Any record regarding a child shall be
provision shall be subject to the penalty provided under confidential and kept under seal. Except upon
Section 15(l) of this Act. Section 10, Republic Act No. written request and order of the court, a record
9775) shall be released only to the following:
(1) Members of the court staff for
Duties of an Internet Content Host administrative use;
An internet content host shall: (2) The prosecuting attorney;
(b) Not host any form of child pornography on its (3) Defense counsel;
internet address; (4) The guardian ad litem;
(c) Within seven (7) days, report the presence of (5) Agents of investigating law enforcement
any form of child pornography, as well as the agencies and
particulars of the person maintaining, hosting, (6) Other persons as determined by the court.
distributing or in any manner contributing to
(h) Any form of child pornography that is part of million pesos (Php2,000,000.00) but not more
the court records shall be subject to a than Five million pesos (Php5,000,000.00);
protective order that provides as follows: (k) Any person found guilty of violating Section
(1) Any form of child pornography may be 4(a), (b) and (c) of this Act shall suffer the
viewed only by the parties, their counsel, penalty ofreclusion temporal in its maximum
their expert witness and guardian ad period and a fine of not less than One million
litem; pesos (Php1,000,000.00) but not more than
(2) Neither form of child pornography nor any Two million (Php2,000,000.00);
portion thereof shall be divulged to any (l) Any person found guilty of violating Section
other person, except as necessary for 4(d), (e) and (f) of this Act shall suffer the
investigation, prosecution or trial; and penalty ofreclusion temporal in its medium
(3) No person shall be granted access to any period and a fine of not less than Seven
form of child pornography or any part hundred fifty thousand pesos
thereof unless he/she signs a written (Php750,000.00) but not more than One
affirmation that he/she has received and million pesos (Php1,000,000.00);
read a copy of the protection order; that (m) Any person found guilty of violating Section
he/she submits to the jurisdiction of the 4(g) of this Act shall suffer the penalty
court with respect to the protective order; of reclusion temporalin its minimum period
and that, in case of violation thereof, and a fine of not less than Five hundred
he/she will be subject to the contempt thousand pesos (Php500,000.00) but not
power of the court; and more than Seven hundred thousand pesos
(i) In cases when prosecution or trial is conducted (Php700,000.00);
behind closed doors, it shall be unlawful for (n) Any person found guilty of violating Section
any editor, publisher and reporter or columnist 4(h) of this Act shall suffer the penalty
in case of printed materials, announcer or of prision mayor in its maximum period and a
producer in case of television and radio, fine of not less than Three hundred thousand
producer and director of a film in case of the pesos (Php300,000.00) but not more than
movie industry, or any person utilizing the tri- Five hundred thousand pesos
media facilities or information technology to (Php500,000.00);
publish or broadcast the names of the victims (o) Any person found guilty of violating Section
of any case of child pornography. 4(I) of this Act shall suffer the penalty
Any violation of this provision shall be subject to the of prision mayor in its minimum period and a
penalty provided for under Section 15(m) of this Act. fine of not less than Three hundred thousand
(Section 13, Republic Act No. 9775) pesos (php300,000.00) but not more than
Five hundred thousand pesos
Care, Custody and Treatment of a Child Victim (Php500,000.00);
The DSWD shall ensure that the child who is a (p) Any person found guilty of violating Section
victim of any form of child pornography is provided 4(j) of this Act shall suffer the penalty
appropriate care, custody and support for their recovery of prision correccionalin its maximum period
and reintegration in accordance with existing laws. and a fine of not less than Two hundred
The child and his family shall be entitled to thousand pesos (Php200,000.00) but not
protection as well as to the rights and benefits of more than Three hundred thousand pesos
witnesses underRepublic Act No. 6981, otherwise known (Php300,000.00);
as "The Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Act". (q) Any person found guilty of violating Section
The child shall also be considered as a victim 4(k) of this Act shall suffer the penalty
of a violent crime defined under Section 3(d) of Republic of prision correccionalin its medium period
Act No. 7309, otherwise known as "An Act Creating a and a fine of not less than One hundred
Board of Claims under the Department of Justice for thousand pesos (php100,000.00) but not
Victims of Unjust Imprisonment or Detention and Victims more than Two hundred fifty thousand pesos
of Violent Crimes and for Other Purposes", so that the (php250,000.00);
child may claim compensation therein. (Section 14, (r) Any person found guilty of violating Section
Republic Act No. 9775) 4(l) of this Act shall suffer the penalty
of arresto mayor in its minimum period and a
Penalties and Sanctions fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos
The following penalties and sanctions are (Php50,000.00) but not more than One
hereby established for offenses enumerated in this Act: hundred thousand pesos (Php100,000.00);
(j) Any person found guilty of syndicated child (s) Any person found guilty of violating Section
pornography as defined in Section 5 of this 11 of this Act shall suffer the penalty
Act shall suffer the penalty of reclusion of prision correccional in its medium period
perpetua and a fine of not less than Two and a fine of not less than One million pesos
(Php1,000,000.00) but not more than Two shall have knowingly permitted or failed to
million pesos (Php2,000,000.00) for the first prevent its commissions;
offense. In the case of a subsequent offense, (c) If the offender is a foreigner, he/she shall be
the penalty shall be a fine not less than Two immediately deported after the complete
million pesos (Php2,000,000.00) but not more service of his/her sentence and shall forever
than Three million pesos (Php3,000,000.00) be barred from entering the country; and
and revocation of its license to operate and (d) The penalty provided for in this Act shall be
immediate closure of the establishment; imposed in its maximum duration if the
(t) Any ISP found guilty of willfully and knowingly offender is a public officer or employee.
failing to comply with the notice and (Section 16, Republic Act No. 9775)
installation requirements under Section 9 of
this Act shall suffer the penalty of a fine of not Confiscation and Forfeiture of the Proceeds, Tools and
less than Five hundred thousand pesos Instruments Used in Child Pornography
(Php500,000.00) but not more than One In addition to the penalty imposed for the
million pesos (Php1,000,000.00) for the first violation of this Act, the court shall order the confiscation
offense. In case of subsequent offense, the and forfeiture in favor of the government of all the
penalty shall be a fine of not less than One proceeds, tools and instruments used in the commission
million pesos (Php1,000,000.00) but not more of the crime, unless they are the property of a third
than Two million pesos (Php2,000,000.00) person not liable for the unlawful act; Provided, however,
and revocation of its license to operate; That all awards for damages shall be taken from the
(u) Any mall owner-operator and owner or lessor personal and separate properties of the
of other business establishments including offender; Provided, further, That if such properties are
photo developers, information technology insufficient, the deficiency shall be taken from the
professionals, credit card companies and confiscated and forfeited proceeds, tools and
banks, found guilty of willfully and knowingly instruments.
failing to comply with the notice requirements All proceeds derived from the sale of
under Section 10 of this Act shall suffer the properties used for the commission of any form of child
penalty of a fine of not less than One million pornography shall accrue to the special account of the
pesos (Php1,000,000.00) but not more than DSWD which shall be used exclusively for the
Two million pesos (Php2,000,000.00) for the implementation of this Act.
first offense. In the case of a subsequent When the proceeds, tools and instruments
offense, the penalty shall be a fine of not less used in the commission of the offense have been
than Two million pesos (Php2,000,000.00) but destroyed diminished in value or otherwise rendered
not more than Three million pesos worthless by any act or omission, directly or indirectly, of
(Php3,000,000.00) and revocation of its license the offender, or it has been concealed, removed,
to operate and immediate closure of the converted or transferred to prevent the same from being
establishment; and found or to avoid forfeiture or confiscation, the offender
(v) Any person found guilty of violating Section 13 shall be ordered to pay the amount equal to the value of
of this Act shall suffer the penalty of arresto the proceeds, tools and instruments used in the
mayor in its minimum period and a fine of not commission of the offense. (Section 17, Republic Act No.
less than One hundred thousand pesos 9775)
(Php100,000.00) but not more than Three
hundred thousand pesos (Php300,000.00). Mandatory Services to Victims of Child Pornography
(Section 15, Republic Act No. 9775) To ensure recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration
into the mainstream of society concerned government
Common Penal Provisions agencies and the LGUs shall make available the
(a) If the offender is a parent, ascendant, following services to victims of any form of child
guardian, step-parent or collateral relative pornography:
within the third degree of consanguinity or (a) Emergency shelter or appropriate housing;
affinity or any person having control or moral (b) Counseling;
ascendancy over the child, the penalty (c) Free legal services, which shall include
provided herein shall be in its maximum information about the victim's rights and the
duration; Provided, That this provision shall procedure for filing of complaints, claims for
not apply to Section 4(g) of this Act; compensation and such other legal remedies
(b) If the offender is a juridical person, the penalty available to them in a language understood by
shall be imposed upon the owner, manager, the child;
partner, member of the board of directors (d) Medical or psychological services;
and/or any responsible officer who (e) Livelihood and skills training; and
participated in the commission of the crime or (f) Educational assistance.
Sustained supervision and follow through 11. Three (3) representatives from children's
mechanism that will track the progress of recovery, nongovernmental organizations. These
rehabilitation and reintegration of the child victims shall representatives shall be nominated by the
adopted and carried out. (Section 18, Republic Act No. government agency representatives of the
9775) Council for appointment by the President
for a term of three (3) years and may be
Programs for Victims of Child Pornography renewed upon renomination and
The Inter-Agency Council Against Child reappointment by the Council and the
Pornography created under Section 20 of this Act shall President respectively.
develop and implement the necessary programs that will The members of the Council mat designate
prevent any form of child pornography, as well as their permanent representatives, who shall have a rank
protect, heal and reintegrate the child into the not lower than assistant secretary or its equivalent, to
mainstream of society. Such programs shall include beat meetings and shall receive emoluments as may be
but not limited to the following: determined by the Council in accordance with existing
(a) Provision of mandatory services including budget and accounting rules and regulations.
counseling free legal services, medical or The DSWD shall establish the necessary
psychological services, livelihood and skills Secretariat for the Council. (Section 20, Republic Act No.
training and educational assistance to the child 9775)
pursuant to Section 18 of this Act;
(b) Sponsorship of a national research program on Functions of the Council
any form of child pornography and other acts Council shall have the following powers and
covered by the law and the establishment of a functions:
data collection system for monitoring and (a) Formulate comprehensive and integrated plans
evaluation purposes; and programs to prevent and suppress any
(c) Provision of necessary technical and material form of child pornography;
support services to appropriate government (b) Promulgate rules and regulations as may be
agencies and nongovernmental organizations: necessary for the effective implementation of
(d) Sponsorship of conferences and seminars to this Act;
provide venue for consensus building amongst (c) Monitor and oversee the strict implementation
the public, the academe , government, of this Act;
nongovernmental and international (d) Coordinate the programs and projects of the
organizations and various members agencies effectively address
(e) Promotion of information and education the issues and problems attendant to child
campaign. (Section 19, Republic Act No. 9775) pornography;
(e) Conduct and coordinate massive information
Inter - Agency Council against Child Pornography disseminations and campaign on the existence
There is hereby established an Inter-Agency of the law and the various issues and problems
Council against Child Pornography to be composed of attendant to child pornography;
the Secretary of the DSWD as chairperson and the (f) Direct other agencies to immediately respond
following as members: to the problems brought to their attention and
1. Secretary of the Department of Justice: report to the Council on the action taken;
2. Secretary of the Department of Labor and (g) Assist in the filling of cases against individuals,
Employment agencies, institutions or establishments that
3. Secretary of the Department of Science violate the provisions of this Act;
and Technology (h) Formulate a program for the reintegration of
4. Chief of the Philippine National Police; victims of child pornography;
5. Chairperson of the Commission on (i) Secure from any department, bureau, office,
Information and Communications agency or instrumentality of the government or
Technology; from NGOs and other civic organizations such
6. Commissioner of the National assistance as may be needed to effectively
Telecommunications Commission; implement this Act;
7. Executive Director of the Council for the (j) Complement the shared government
Welfare of Children; information system relative to child abuse and
8. Executive Director of the Philippine exploitation and ensure that the proper
Center for Transnational Crimes; agencies conduct a continuing research and
9. Executive Director of the Optical Media study on the patterns and schemes of any form
Board; of child pornography which form basis for
10. Director of the National Bureau of policy formulation and program direction;
Investigation; and
(k) develop the mechanism to ensure the timely, representation of the parties or coalitions therein with the
coordinated and effective response to cases of Chair of the House of Committee on Welfare of Children
child pornography; and at least one (1) member representing the Minority
(l) Recommend measures to enhance The Committee shall be headed by the
cooperative efforts and mutual assistance respective Chairs of the Senate Committee on Youth,
among foreign countries through bilateral Women and Family relations and the House of
and/or multilateral arrangements to prevent Representatives Committee on Justice. The Secretariat
and suppress any form of child pornography; of the Congressional Oversight Committee shall come
(m) Adopt measures and policies to protect the from the existing Secretariat personnel of the
rights and needs of the victims of child Committees of the Senate and the House of
pornography who are foreign nationals in the Representatives concerned.
Philippines; The Committee shall monitor and ensure the
(n) maintain a database of cases of child effective implementation of this Act, determine inherent
pornography; weakness and loopholes in the law. Recommend the
(o) Initiate training programs in identifying and necessary remedial legislator or administrative measures
providing the necessary intervention or and perform such other duties and functions as may be
assistance to victims of child pornography. necessary to attain the objectives of this Act. (Section
(p) Submit to the President and the Congressional 24, Republic Act No. 9775)
Oversight committee credited herein the
annual report on the policies, plans, programs
and activities of the Council relative to the K. REPUBLIC ACT 7658 - known as an Act Prohibiting
implementation of this Act; and the Employment of Children below 15 years of age
(q) Exercise all the powers and perform such other in Public and Private Undertakings. This law was
functions necessary to attain the purposes and approved on November 9, 1993 and took effect on
objectives of this Act. (Section 21, Republic Act November 24, 1993. This law specifically emended
No. 9775) Section 12, Article VIII of RA 7610. Children below
fifteen (15) years of age shall not be employed
Child Pornography as a Transnational Crime except:
Pursuant to the Convention on transnational e. When a child works directly under
Organized Crime, the DOJ may execute the request of a the sole responsibility of his parents
foreign state for assistance in the investigation or or legal custodian and where only
prosecution of any form of child pornography by: (1) members of the employer’s family
conducting a preliminary investigation against the are employed. Provided however,
offender and, if appropriate, to file the necessary charges that his employment neither
in court; (2) giving information needed by the foreign endangers his life, safety, health and
state; and (3) to apply for an order of forfeiture of any morals, nor impair his moral
proceeds or monetary instrument or properly located in development. The parent or legal
the Philippines used in connection with child guardian shall provide that said child
pornography in the court; Provided, That if the DOJ with the prescribed primary and/or
refuses to act on the request of for delaying the secondary education.
execution thereof: Provided, further, That the principles f. Where a child’s employment or
of mutuality and reciprocity shall, for this purpose, be at participation in public entertainment
all times recognized. (Section 22, Republic Act No. 9775) or information through cinema,
theater, radio or television is
Extradition essential but the employment
The DOJ, in consultation with the Department contract is concluded by the child’s
of Foreign Affairs (DFA), shall endeavor to include child parent or legal guardian, with the
pornography among extraditable offenses in future express agreement of the child
treaties. (Section 23, Republic Act No. 9775) concerned, and if possible the
approval of Department of Labor and
Congressional Oversight Committee Employment (DOLE).
There is hereby created a Congressional In addition, it the following requirements in
Oversight Committee composed of five (5) members all instances are strictly complied with:
from the Senate and five (5) members from the House of 1. The employer shall ensure the protection,
Representatives. The members from the Senate shall be health, safety, morals and normal
appointed by the Senate President based on proportional development of the child.
representation of the parties or coalition therein with at 2. The employer institute measures to
least one (1) member representing the Minority. The prevent the child’s exploitation or
members from the House of Representative shall be discrimination taking into account the
appointed by the Speaker, also based on proportional system and level of remuneration and the
duration and arrangement of working 8. Petitions for the constitution of the family
hours home;
3. The employer shall implement, subject to 9. Cases against minor cognizable under
the approval and supervision of Dangerous Drugs Act as amended;
competent authorities, a continuing 10. Violations of RA 7610, otherwise known as the
program for training and skills acquisition Special Protection of Children Against Child
of the child. Abuse , Exploitation and Discrimination Act as
amended by RA 7658; and
If the above exceptional cases where any 11. Cases of Domestic violence against:
such child may be employed, the employer a. Women – which are acts of gender
shall first secure, before engaging the child, a based violence that result, or are
work permit from the Department of labor and likely to result in physical, sexual or
Employment which ensure observance of the psychological harm or suffering to
above requirements. women, and other forms of physical
abuse such as battering or threats or
L. REPUBLIC ACT 8369 - known as the Family Court coercion which violate a woman’s
Act of 1997. This is an Act establishing Family personhood, integrity and freedom of
Courts, granting them exclusive original jurisdiction movement; and
over child and family cases. b. Children – which include the
commission of all forms of abuse,
JURISDICTION OF FAMILY COURTS neglect, cruelty, exploitation,
The Family Courts shall have the exclusive violence, and discrimination and all
original jurisdiction to hear and decide the following other conditions prejudicial to their
cases: development.
1. Criminal cases where one or more of the INSTANCES WHEN FAMILY COURT MAY ISSUE
accused is below 18 years of age but not less SPECIAL PROVISIONAL REMEDIES
than 9 years of age, or where one or more of 1. In cases of violence among immediate family
the victims is a minor at the time of the members living in the same domicile or
commission of the offense. Provided, that if the household, the Family Court may issue a
minor is found guilty, the court shall restraining order against the accused or
promulgate sentence and ascertain any civil defendant upon a verified application by the
liability which the accused may have incurred. complainant or the victim for relief from abuse.
The sentence, however, shall be suspended 2. The court may order the temporary custody of
without need of application pursuant to PD 603 children in all civil actions for their custody. The
otherwise known as the Child and Youth court may also order support pendente lite,
Welfare Code. including deduction from the salary and use of
2. Petitions for guardianship, custody of children, conjugal home and other properties in all civil
habeas corpus in relation to the latter; actions for support.
3. Petitions for adoption of children and the
revocation thereof; APPEALS - Decisions and orders of the courts shall be
4. Complaints for annulment of marriage, appealed in the same manner and subject to the same
declaration of nullity of marriage and those conditions as appeals from the ordinary Regional Trial
relating to marital status and property relations Courts.
of husband and wife or those living together
under different status and agreements, and ABSENCE OF FAMILY COURTS - The court that shall
petitions for dissolutions of conjugal hear and decide cases falling under the jurisdiction of
partnership in gains; Family Courts in those places where the said court has
5. Petitions for support and or acknowledgment; not been established is the Regional Trial Court of the
6. Summary judicial proceedings brought under place where the case is pending.
the provisions of Executive Order 209 JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE ACT OF 2006
otherwise known as the Family Code of the
Philippines; (REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9344)
7. Petitions for declarations of status of children AN ACT ESTABLISHING A COMPREHENSIVE
as abandoned, dependent or neglected JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE SYSTEM,
children, petitions for voluntary and involuntary CREATING THE JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE
commitment of children, the suspension and COUNCIL UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE,
termination or restoration of parental authority APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR AND FOR
and other cases cognizable under PD 603, EO OTHER PURPOSES
56 (series of 1986), and other elated laws;
(5) being out of school; (m) "Juvenile Justice and Welfare System" refers
(6) being a streetchild; to a system dealing with children at risk and
(7) being a member of a gang; children in conflict with the law, which provides
(8) living in a community with a high child-appropriate proceedings, including
level of criminality or drug abuse; programs and services for prevention,
and diversion, rehabilitation, re-integration and
(9) living in situations of armed conflict. aftercare to ensure their normal growth and
(e) "Child in Conflict with the Law" refers to a child development.
who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged as, (n) "Law Enforcement Officer" refers to the person
having committed an offense under Philippine in authority or his/her agent as defined in
laws. Article 152 of the Revised Penal Code,
(f) "Community-based Programs" refers to the including a barangay tanod.
programs provided in a community setting (o) "Offense" refers to any act or omission whether
developed for purposes of intervention and punishable under special laws or the Revised
diversion, as well as rehabilitation of the child Penal Code, as amended.
in conflict with the law, for reintegration into (p) "Recognizance" refers to an undertaking in lieu
his/her family and/or community. of a bond assumed by a parent or custodian
(g) "Court" refers to a family court or, in places who shall be responsible for the appearance in
where there are no family courts, any regional court of the child in conflict with the law, when
trial court. required.
(h) "Deprivation of Liberty" refers to any form of (q) "Restorative Justice" refers to a principle which
detention or imprisonment, or to the placement requires a process of resolving conflicts with
of a child in conflict with the law in a public or the maximum involvement of the victim, the
private custodial setting, from which the child in offender and the community. It seeks to obtain
conflict with the law is not permitted to leave at reparation for the victim; reconciliation of the
will by order of any judicial or administrative offender, the offended and the community; and
authority. reassurance to the offender that he/she can be
(i) "Diversion" refers to an alternative, child- reintegrated into society. It also enhances
appropriate process of determining the public safety by activating the offender, the
responsibility and treatment of a child in victim and the community in prevention
conflict with the law on the basis of his/her strategies.
social, cultural, economic, psychological or (r) "Status Offenses" refers to offenses which
educational background without resorting to discriminate only against a child, while an adult
formal court proceedings. does not suffer any penalty for committing
(j) "Diversion Program" refers to the program that similar acts. These shall include curfew
the child in conflict with the law is required to violations; truancy, parental disobedience and
undergo after he/she is found responsible for the like.
an offense without resorting to formal court (s) "Youth Detention Home" refers to a 24-hour
proceedings. child-caring institution managed by accredited
(k) "Initial Contact With-the Child" refers to the local government units (LGUs) and licensed
apprehension or taking into custody of a child and/or accredited nongovernment
in conflict with the law by law enforcement organizations (NGOs) providing short-term
officers or private citizens. It includes the time residential care for children in conflict with the
when the child alleged to be in conflict with the law who are awaiting court disposition of their
law receives a subpoena under Section 3(b) of cases or transfer to other agencies or
Rule 112 of the Revised Rules of Criminal jurisdiction.
Procedure or summons under Section 6(a) or (t) "Youth Rehabilitation Center" refers to a 24-
Section 9(b) of the same Rule in cases that do hour residential care facility managed by the
not require preliminary investigation or where Department of Social Welfare and
there is no necessity to place the child alleged Development (DSWD), LGUs, licensed and/or
to be in conflict with the law under immediate accredited NGOs monitored by the DSWD,
custody. which provides care, treatment and
(l) "Intervention" refers to a series of activities rehabilitation services for children in conflict
which are designed to address issues that with the law. Rehabilitation services are
caused the child to commit an offense. It may provided under the guidance of a trained staff
take the form of an individualized treatment where residents are cared for under a
program which may include counseling, skills structured therapeutic environment with the
training, education, and other activities that will end view of reintegrating them into their
enhance his/her psychological, emotional and families and communities as socially
psycho-social well-being. functioning individuals. Physical mobility of
residents of said centers may be restricted consideration by the court, under the principle
pending court disposition of the charges of restorative justice;
against them. (k) the right to have restrictions on his/her
(u) "Victimless Crimes" refers to offenses where personal liberty limited to the minimum, and
there is no private offended party. where discretion is given by law to the judge to
determine whether to impose fine or
imprisonment, the imposition of fine being
CHAPTER 2 preferred as the more appropriate penalty;
PRINCIPLES IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF (l) in general, the right to automatic suspension of
(m) the right to probation as an alternative to
SEC. 5. Rights of the Child in Conflict with the Law. - imprisonment, if qualified under the Probation
Every child in conflict with the law shall have the Law;
following rights, including but not limited to: (n) the right to be free from liability for perjury,
(a) the right not to be subjected to torture or other concealment or misrepresentation; and
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or (o) other rights as provided for under existing
punishment; laws, rules and regulations.
(b) the right not to be imposed a sentence of
capital punishment or life imprisonment, The State further adopts the provisions of the United
without the possibility of release; Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration
(c) the right not to be deprived, unlawfully or of Juvenile Justice or "Beijing Rules", United Nations
arbitrarily, of his/her liberty; detention or Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency or
imprisonment being a disposition of last resort, the "Riyadh Guidelines", and the United Nations Rules
and which shall be for the shortest appropriate for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of Liberty.
period of time;
(d) the right to be treated with humanity and SEC. 6. Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility. - A
respect, for the inherent dignity of the person, child fifteen (15) years of age or under at the time of the
and in a manner which takes into account the commission of the offense shall be exempt from criminal
needs of a person of his/her age. In particular, liability. However, the child shall be subjected to an
a child deprived of liberty shall be separated intervention program pursuant to Section 20 of this Act.
from adult offenders at all times. No child shall A child above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen (18)
be detained together with adult offenders. years of age shall likewise be exempt from criminal
He/She shall be conveyed separately to or liability and be subjected to an intervention program,
from court. He/She shall await hearing of unless he/she has acted with discernment, in which
his/her own case in a separate holding area. A case, such child shall be subjected to the appropriate
child in conflict with the law shall have the right proceedings in accordance with this Act.
to maintain contact with his/her family through The exemption from criminal liability herein established
correspondence and visits, save in exceptional does not include exemption from civil liability, which shall
circumstances; be enforced in accordance with existing laws.
(e) the right to prompt access to legal and other
appropriate assistance, as well as the right to SEC. 7. Determination of Age. - The child in conflict with
challenge the legality of the deprivation of the law shall enjoy the presumption of minority. He/She
his/her liberty before a court or other shall enjoy all the rights of a child in conflict with the law
competent, independent and impartial until he/she is proven to be eighteen (18) years old or
authority, and to a prompt decision on such older. The age of a child may be determined from the
action; child's birth certificate, baptismal certificate or any other
(f) the right to bail and recognizance, in pertinent documents. In the absence of these
appropriate cases; documents, age may be based on information from the
(g) the right to testify as a witness in hid/her own child himself/herself, testimonies of other persons, the
behalf under the rule on examination of a child physical appearance of the child and other relevant
witness; evidence. In case of doubt as to the age of the child, it
(h) the right to have his/her privacy respected fully shall be resolved in his/her favor.
at all stages of the proceedings; Any person contesting the age of the child in conflict with
(i) the right to diversion if he/she is qualified and the law prior to the filing of the information in any
voluntarily avails of the same; appropriate court may file a case in a summary
(j) the right to be imposed a judgment in proceeding for the determination of age before the
proportion to the gravity of the offense where Family Court which shall decide the case within twenty-
his/her best interest, the rights of the victim four (24) hours from receipt of the appropriate pleadings
and the needs of society are all taken into of all interested parties.
If a case has been fiied against the child in conflict with determine the organizational structure and staffing
the law and is pending in the appropriate court, the pattern of the JJWC.
person shall file a motion to determine the age of the The JJWC shall coordinate with the Office of the Court
child in the same court where the case is pending. Administrator and the Philippine Judicial Academy to
Pending hearing on the said motion, proceedings on the ensure the realization of its mandate and the proper
main case shall be suspended. discharge of its duties and functions, as herein provided.
In all proceedings, law enforcement officers, prosecutors,
judges and other government officials concerned shall SEC. 9. Duties and Functions of the JJWC. - The JJWC
exert all efforts at determining the age of the child in shall have the following duties and functions:
conflict with the law. (a) To oversee the implementation of this Act;
(b) To advise the President on all matters and
TITLE II policies relating to juvenile justice and welfare;
STRUCTURES IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF (c) To assist the concerned agencies in the review
JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE and redrafting of existing policies/regulations or
in the formulation of new ones in line with the
SEC. 8. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council (JJWC). - provisions of this Act;
A Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council (JJWC) is hereby (d) To periodically develop a comprehensive 3 to
created and attached to the Department of Justice and 5-year national juvenile intervention program,
placed under its administrative supervision. The JJWC with the participation of government agencies
shall be chaired by an undersecretary of the Department concerned, NGOs and youth organizations;
of Social Welfare and Development. It shall ensure the (e) To coordinate the implementation of the
effective implementation of this Act and coordination juvenile intervention programs and activities by
among the following agencies: national government agencies and other
(a) Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC); activities which may have an important bearing
(b) Department of Education (DepEd); on the success of the entire national juvenile
(c) Department of the Interior and Local intervention program. All programs relating to
Government (DILG); juvenile justice and welfare shall be adopted in
(d) Public Attorney's Office (PAO); consultation with the JJWC;
(e) Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR); (f) To formulate and recommend policies and
(f) Parole and Probation Administration (PPA) strategies in consultation with children for the
(g) National Bureau of Investigation (NBI); prevention of juvenile delinquency and the
(h) Philippine National Police (PNP);. administration of justice, as well as for the
(i) Bureau of Jail Management and Penology treatment and rehabilitation of the children in
(BJMP); conflict with the law;
(j) Commission on Human Rights (CHR); (g) To collect relevant information and conduct
(k) Technical Education and Skills Development continuing research and support evaluations
Authority (TESDA); and studies on all matters relating to juvenile
(l) National Youth Commission (NYC); and justice and welfare, such as but not limited to:
(m) Other institutions focused on juvenile justice (1) the performance and results achieved by
and intervention programs. juvenile intervention programs and by
The JJWC shall be composed of representatives, whose activities of the local government units
ranks shall not be lower than director, to be designated and other government agencies;
by the concerned heads of the following departments or (2) the periodic trends, problems and causes
agencies: of juvenile delinquency and crimes; and
(a) Department of Justice (DOJ); (3) the particular needs of children in conflict
(b) Department of Social Welfare and with the law in custody.
Development (DSWD); The data gathered shall be used by the JJWC
(c) Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) in the improvement of the administration of
(d) Department of Education (DepEd); juvenile justice and welfare system.
(e) Department of the Interior and Local The JJWC shall set up a mechanism to ensure
Government (DILG) that children are involved in research and
(f) Commission on Human Rights (CHR); policy development.
(g) National Youth Commission (NYC); and (h) Through duly designated persons and with the
(h) Two (2) representatives from NGOs, one to be assistance of the agencies provided in the
designated by the Secretary of Justice and the preceding section, to conduct regular
other to be designated by the Secretary of inspections in detention and rehabilitation
Social Welfare and Development. facilities and to undertake spot inspections on
The JJWC shall convene within fifteen (15) days from the their own initiative in order to check
effectivity of this Act. The Secretary of Justice and the compliance with the standards provided herein
Secretary of Social Welfare and Development shall
institutions, NGOs, people's organizations, educational will not comply with the prevention program, the proper
institutions and government agencies involved in petition for involuntary commitment shall be filed by the
delinquency prevention to participate in the planning DSWD or the Local Social Welfare and Development
process and implementation of juvenile intervention Office pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 603,
programs. Such programs shall be implemented otherwise ,known as "The Child and Youth Welfare
consistent with the national program formulated and Code".
designed by the JJWC. The implementation of the
comprehensive juvenile intervention program shall be TITLE V
reviewed and assessed annually by the LGUs in JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE SYSTEM
coordination with the LCPC. Results of the assessment CHAPTER I
shall be submitted by the provincial and city INITIAL CONTACT WITH THE CHILD
governments to the JJWC not later than March 30 of SEC. 21. Procedure for Taking the Child into Custody. -
every year. From the moment a child is taken into custody, the law
enforcement officer shall:
SEC. 19. Community-based Programs on Juvenile (d) Explain to the child in simple language and in a
Justice and Welfare. - Community-based programs on dialect that he/she can understand why he/she
juvenile justice and welfare shall be instituted by the is being placed under custody and the offense
LGUs through the LCPC, school, youth organizations that he/she allegedly committed;
and other concerned agencies. The LGUs shall provide (e) Inform the child of the reason for such custody
community-based services which respond to the special and advise the child of his/her constitutional
needs, problems, interests and concerns of children and rights in a language or dialect understood by
which offer appropriate counseling and guidance to them him/her;
and their families. These programs shall consist of three (f) Properly identify himself/herself and present
levels: proper identification to the child;
(a) Primary intervention includes general (d) Refrain from using vulgar or profane words and
measures to promote social justice and equal from sexually harassing or abusing, or making
opportunity, which tackle perceived root sexual advances on the child in conflict with
causes of offending; the law;
(b) Secondary intervention includes measures to (e) Avoid displaying or using any firearm, weapon,
assist children at risk; and handcuffs or other instruments of force or
(c) Tertiary intervention includes measures to restraint, unless absolutely necessary and only
avoid unnecessary contact with the formal after all other methods of control have been
justice system and other measures to prevent exhausted and have failed;
re-offending. (f) Refrain from subjecting the child in conflict with
the law to greater restraint than is necessary
TITLE IV for his/her apprehension;
TREATMENT OF CHILDREN BELOW THE AGE OF (g) Avoid violence or unnecessary force;
CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY (h) Determine the age of the child pursuant to
Section 7 of this Act;
SEC. 20. Children Below the Age of Criminal (i) Immediately but not later than eight (8) hours
Responsibility. - If it has been determined that the child after apprehension, turn over custody of the
taken into custody is fifteen (15) years old or below, the child to the Social Welfare and Development
authority which will have an initial contact with the child Office or other accredited NGOs, and notify the
has the duty to immediately release the child to the child's apprehension. The social welfare and
custody of his/her parents or guardian, or in the absence development officer shall explain to the child
thereof, the child's nearest relative. Said authority shall and the child's parents/guardians the
give notice to the local social welfare and development consequences of the child's act with a view
officer who will determine the appropriate programs in towards counseling and rehabilitation,
consultation with the child and to the person having diversion from the criminal justice system, and
custody over the child. If the parents, guardians or reparation, if appropriate;
nearest relatives cannot be located, or if they refuse to (j) Take the child immediately to the proper
take custody, the child may be released to any of the medical and health officer for a thorough
following: a duly registered nongovernmental or religious physical and mental examination. The
organization; a barangay official or a member of the examination results shall be kept confidential
Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC); unless otherwise ordered by the Family Court.
a local social welfare and development officer; or when Whenever the medical treatment is required,
and where appropriate, the DSWD. If the child referred to steps shall be immediately undertaken to
herein has been found by the Local Social Welfare and provide the same;
Development Office to be abandoned, neglected or (k) Ensure that should detention of the child in
abused by his parents, or in the event that the parents conflict with the law be necessary, the child
shall be secured in quarters separate from that imprisonment, the law enforcement officer or
of the opposite sex and adult offenders; Punong Barangay with the assistance of the
(l) Record the following in the initial investigation: local social welfare and development officer or
6. Whether handcuffs or other instruments of other members of the LCPC shall conduct
restraint were used, and if so, the reason mediation, family conferencing and conciliation
for such; and, where appropriate, adopt indigenous
7. That the parents or guardian of a child, modes of conflict resolution in accordance with
the DSWD, and the PA0 have been the best interest of the child with a view to
informed of the apprehension and the accomplishing the objectives of restorative
details thereof; and justice and the formulation of a diversion
8. The exhaustion of measures to determine program. The child and his/her family shall be
the age of a child and the precise details present in these activities.
of the physical and medical examination (e) In victimless crimes where the imposable
or the failure to submit a child to such penalty is not more than six (6) years
examination; and imprisonment, the local social welfare and
(m) Ensure that all statements signed by the child development officer shall meet with the child
during investigation shall be witnessed by the and his/her parents or guardians for the
child's parents or guardian, social worker, or development of the appropriate diversion and
legal counsel in attendance who shall affix rehabilitation program, in coordination with the
his/her signature to the said statement. BCPC;
A child in conflict with the law shall only be searched by (f) Where the imposable penalty for the crime
a law enforcement officer of the same gender and shall committed exceeds six (6) years imprisonment,
not be locked up in a detention cell. diversion measures may be resorted to only by
the court.
SEC. 22. Duties During Initial Investigation. - The law
enforcement officer shall, in his/her investigation, SEC. 24. Stages Where Diversion May be Conducted. -
determine where the case involving the child in conflict Diversion may be conducted at the
with the law should be referred. KatarungangPambarangay, the police investigation or
The taking of the statement of the child shall be the inquest or preliminary investigation stage and at all
conducted in the presence of the following: (1) child's 1evels and phases of the proceedings including judicial
counsel of choice or in the absence thereof, a lawyer level.
from the Public Attorney's Office; (2) the child's parents,
guardian, or nearest relative, as the case may be; and SEC. 25. Conferencing, Mediation and Conciliation. - A
(3) the local social welfare and development officer. In child in conflict with law may undergo conferencing,
the absence of the child's parents, guardian, or nearest mediation or conciliation outside the criminal justice
relative, and the local social welfare and development system or prior to his entry into said system. A contract
officer, the investigation shall be conducted in the of diversion may be entered into during such
presence of a representative of an NGO, religious group, conferencing, mediation or conciliation proceedings.
or member of the BCPC.
After the initial investigation, the local social worker SEC. 26. Contract of Diversion. - If during the
conducting the same may do either of the following: conferencing, mediation or conciliation, the child
(a) Proceed in accordance with Section 20 if voluntarily admits the commission of the act, a diversion
the child is fifteen (15) years or below or program shall be developed when appropriate and
above fifteen (15) but below eighteen (18) desirable as determined under Section 30. Such
years old, who acted without discernment; admission shall not be used against the child in any
and subsequent judicial, quasi-judicial or administrative
(b) If the child is above fifteen (15) years old proceedings. The diversion program shall be effective
but below eighteen (18) and who acted and binding if accepted by the parties concerned. The
with discernment, proceed to diversion acceptance shall be in writing and signed by the parties
under the following chapter. concerned and the appropriate authorities. The local
social welfare and development officer shall supervise
CHAPTER 2 the implementation of the diversion program. The
DIVERSION diversion proceedings shall be completed within forty-five
(45) days. The period of prescription of the offense shall
SEC. 23. System of Diversion. - Children in conflict with be suspended until the completion of the diversion
the law shall undergo diversion programs without proceedings but not to exceed forty-five (45) days.
undergoing court proceedings subject to the conditions The child shall present himself/herself to the competent
herein provided: authorities that imposed the diversion program at least
(d) Where the imposable penalty for the crime once a month for reporting and evaluation of the
committee is not more than six (6) years effectiveness of the program.
Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the i. The child's feelings of remorse for the offense
contract of diversion, as certified by the local social he/she committed;
welfare and development officer, shall give the offended j. The parents' or legal guardians' ability to guide
party the option to institute the appropriate legal action. and supervise the child;
The period of prescription of the offense shall be k. The victim's view about the propriety of the
suspended during the effectivity of the diversion measures to be imposed; and
program, but not exceeding a period of two (2) years. l. The availability of community-based programs
for rehabilitation and reintegration of the child.
SEC. 27. Duty of the Punong Barangay When There is SEC. 31. Kinds of Diversion Programs. - The diversion
No Diversion. - If the offense does not fall under Section program shall include adequate socio-cultural and
23(a) and (b), or if the child, his/her parents or guardian psychological responses and services for the child. At
does not consent to a diversion, the Punong Barangay the different stages where diversion may be resorted to,
handling the case shall, within three (3) days from the following diversion programs may be agreed upon,
determination of the absence of jurisdiction over the case such as, but not limited to:
or termination of the diversion proceedings, as the case (e) At the level of the Punong Barangay:
may be, forward the records of the case of the child to (1) Restitution of property;
the law enforcement officer, prosecutor or the (2) Reparation of the damage caused;
appropriate court, as the case may be. Upon the (3) Indemnification for consequential
issuance of the corresponding document, certifying to damages;
the fact that no agreement has been reached by the (4) Written or oral apology;
parties, the case shall be filed according to the regular (5) Care, guidance and supervision orders;
process. (6) Counseling for the child in conflict with
the law and the child's family;
SEC. 28. Duty of the Law Enforcement Officer When (7) Attendance in trainings, seminars and
There is No Diversion. - If the offense does not fall under lectures on:
Section 23(a) and (b), or if the child, his/her parents or (V) anger management skills;
guardian does not consent to a diversion, the Women (VI) problem solving and/or conflict
and Children Protection Desk of the PNP, or other law resolution skills;
enforcement officer handling the case of the child under (VII) values formation; and
custody, to the prosecutor or judge concerned for the (VIII) other skills which will aid the child
conduct of inquest and/or preliminary investigation to in dealing with situations which
determine whether or not the child should remain under can lead to repetition of the
custody and correspondingly charged in court. The offense;
document transmitting said records shall display the (8) Participation in available community-
word "CHILD" in bold letters. based programs, including community
service; or
SEC. 29. Factors in Determining Diversion Program. - In (9) Participation in education, vocation and
determining whether diversion is appropriate and life skills programs.
desirable, the following factors shall be taken into (f) At the level of the law enforcement officer and
consideration: the prosecutor:
(i) The nature and circumstances of the offense (1) Diversion programs specified under
charged; paragraphs (a)(1) to (a)(9) herein; and
(j) The frequency and the severity of the act; (2) Confiscation and forfeiture of the
(k) The circumstances of the child (e.g. age, proceeds or instruments of the crime;
maturity, intelligence, etc.); (g) At the level of the appropriate court:
(l) The influence of the family and environment on (1) Diversion programs specified under
the growth of the child; paragraphs(a)and (b) above;
(m) The reparation of injury to the victim; (2) Written or oral reprimand or citation;
(n) The weight of the evidence against the child; (3) Fine:
(o) The safety of the community; and (4) Payment of the cost of the proceedings;
(p) The best interest of the child. or
(5) Institutional care and custody.
SEC. 30. Formulation of the Diversion Program. - In
formulating a diversion program, the individual CHAPTER 3
characteristics and the peculiar circumstances of the PROSECUTION
child in conflict with the law shall be used to formulate an
individualized treatment. SEC. 32. Duty of the Prosecutor's Office. - There shall
The following factors shall be considered in formulating a be a specially trained prosecutor to conduct inquest,
diversion program for the child: preliminary investigation and prosecution of cases
involving a child in conflict with the law. If there is an
allegation of torture or ill-treatment of a child in conflict jurisdiction of the court. The center or agency concerned
with the law during arrest or detention, it shall be the duty shall be responsible for the child's appearance in court
of the prosecutor to investigate the same. whenever required.
SEC. 33. Preliminary Investigation and Filing of SEC. 37. Diversion Measures. - Where the maximum
Information. - The prosecutor shall conduct a preliminary penalty imposed by law for the offense with which the
investigation in the following instances: (a) when the child in conflict with the law is charged is imprisonment of
child in conflict with the law does not qualify for diversion: not more than twelve (12) years, regardless of the fine or
(b) when the child, his/her parents or guardian does not fine alone regardless of the amount, and before
agree to diversion as specified in Sections 27 and 28; arraignment of the child in conflict with the law, the court
and (c) when considering the assessment and shall determine whether or not diversion is appropriate.
recommendation of the social worker, the prosecutor
determines that diversion is not appropriate for the child SEC. 38. Automatic Suspension of Sentence. - Once the
in conflict with the law. child who is under eighteen (18) years of age at the time
Upon serving the subpoena and the affidavit of of the commission of the offense is found guilty of the
complaint, the prosecutor shall notify the Public offense charged, the court shall determine and ascertain
Attorney's Office of such service, as well as the personal any civil liability which may have resulted from the
information, and place of detention of the child in conflict offense committed. However, instead of pronouncing the
with the law. judgment of conviction, the court shall place the child in
Upon determination of probable cause by the prosecutor, conflict with the law under suspended sentence, without
the information against the child shall be filed before the need of application: Provided, however, That suspension
Family Court within forty-five (45) days from the start of of sentence shall still be applied even if the juvenile is
the preliminary investigation. already eighteen years (18) of age or more at the time of
the pronouncement of his/her guilt.
CHAPTER 4 Upon suspension of sentence and after considering the
COURT PROCEEDINGS various chcumstances of the child, the court shall impose
the appropriate disposition measures as provided in the
SEC. 34. Bail. - For purposes of recommending the Supreme Court Rule on Juveniles in Conflict with the
amount of bail, the privileged mitigating circumstance of Law.
minority shall be considered. SEC. 39. Discharge of the Child in Conflict with the
Law. - Upon the recommendation of the social worker
SEC. 35. Release on Recognizance. - Where a child is who has custody of the child, the court shall dismiss the
detained, the court shall order: case against the child whose sentence has been
(a) the release of the minor on recognizance to suspended and against whom disposition measures
his/her parents and other suitable person; have been issued, and shall order the final discharge of
(b) the release of the child in conflict with the law the child if it finds that the objective of the disposition
on bail; or measures have been fulfilled.
(c) the transfer of the minor to a youth detention The discharge of the child in conflict with the law shall
home/youth rehabilitation center. not affect the civil liability resulting from the commission
The court shall not order the detention of a child in a jail of the offense, which shall be enforced in accordance
pending trial or hearing of his/her case. with law.
SEC. 36. Detention of the Child Pending Trial. - Children SEC. 40. Return of the Child in Conflict with the Law to
detained pending trial may be released on bail or Court. - If the court finds that the objective of the
recognizance as provided for under Sections 34 and 35 disposition measures imposed upon the child in conflict
under this Act. In all other cases and whenever possible, with the law have not been fulfilled, or if the child in
detention pending trial may be replaced by alternative conflict with the law has willfully failed to comply with the
measures, such as close supervision, intensive care or conditions of his/her disposition or rehabilitation program,
placement with a family or in an educational setting or the child in conflict with the law shall be brought before
home. Institutionalization or detention of the child the court for execution of judgment.
pending trial shall be used only as a measure of last If said child in conflict with the law has reached eighteen
resort and for the shortest possible period of time. (18) years of age while under suspended sentence, the
Whenever detention is necessary, a child will always be court shall determine whether to discharge the child in
detained in youth detention homes established by local accordance with this Act, to order execution of sentence,
governments, pursuant to Section 8 of the Family Courts or to extend the suspended sentence for a certain
Act, in the city or municipality where the child resides. specified period or until the child reaches the maximum
In the absence of a youth detention home, the child in age of twenty-one (21) years.
conflict with the law may be committed to the care of the
DSWD or a local rehabilitation center recognized by the SEC. 41. Credit in Service of Sentence. - The child in
government in the province, city or municipality within the conflict with the law shall be credited in the services of
his/her sentence with the full time spent in actual valid order issued by the court after a hearing for the
commitment and detention under this Act. purpose. The details of this order shall be immediately
entered in a register exclusively for children in conflict
SEC. 42. Probation as an Alternative to Imprisonment. - with the law. No child shall be admitted in any facility
The court may, after it shall have convicted and where there is no such register.
sentenced a child in conflict with the law, and upon
application at any time, place the child on probation in SEC. 46, Separate Facilities from Adults. - In all
lieu of service of his/her sentence taking into account the rehabilitation or training facilities, it shall be mandatory
best interest of the child. For this purpose, Section 4 of that children shall be separated from adults unless they
Presidential Decree No. 968, otherwise known as the are members of the same family. Under no other
"Probation Law of 1976", is hereby amended circumstance shall a child in conflict with the law be
accordingly. placed in the same confinement as adults.
The rehabilitation, training or confinement area of
CHAPTER 5 children in conflict with the law shall provide a home
CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS AND environment where children in conflict with the law can
PROCEEDINGS be provided with quality counseling and treatment.
SEC. 43. Confedentiality of Records and Proceedings. - SEC. 47. Female Children. - Female children in conflict
All records and proceedings involving children in conflict with the law placed in an institution shall be given special
with the law from initial contact until final disposition of attention as to their personal needs and problems. They
the case shall be considered privileged and confidential. shall be handled by female doctors, correction officers
The public shall be excluded during the proceedings and and social workers, and shall be accommodated
the records shall not be disclosed directly or indirectly to separately from male children in conflict with the law.
anyone by any of the parties or the participants in the
proceedings for any purpose whatsoever, except to SEC. 48. Gender-Sensitivity Training. - No personnel of
determine if the child in conflict with the law may have rehabilitation and training facilities shall handle children
his/hes sentence suspended or if he/she may be granted in conflict with the law without having undergone gender
probation under the Probation Law, or to enforce the civil sensitivity training.
liability imposed in the criminal action.
The component authorities shall undertake all measures SEC. 49. Establishment of Youth Detention Homes. -
to protect this confidentiality of proceedings, including The LGUs shall set aside an amount to build youth
non-disclosure of records to the media, maintaining a detention homes as mandated by the Family Courts Act.
separate police blotter for cases involving children in Youth detention homes may also be established by
conflict with the law and adopting a system of coding to private and NGOs licensed and accredited by the
conceal material information which will lead to the child's DSWD, in consultation with the JJWC.
identity. Records of a child in conflict with the law shall
not be used in subsequent proceedings for cases SEC. 50. Care and Maintenance of the Child in Conflict
involving the same offender as an adult, except when with the Law. - The expenses for the care and
beneficial for the offender and upon his/her written maintenance of a child in conflict with the law under
consent. institutional care shall be borne by his/her parents or
A person who has been in conflict with the law as a child those persons liable to support him/her: Provided, That
shall not be held under any provision of law, to be guilty in case his/her parents or those persons liable to support
of perjury or of concealment or misrepresentation by him/her cannot pay all or part of said expenses, the
reason of his/her failure to acknowledge the case or municipality where the offense was committed shall pay
recite any fact related thereto in response to any inquiry one-third (1/3) of said expenses or part thereof; the
made to him/her for any purpose. province to which the municipality belongs shall pay one-
third (1/3) and the remaining one-third (1/3) shall be
TITLE VI borne by the national government. Chartered cities shall
REHABILITATION AND REINTEGRATION pay two-thirds (2/3) of said expenses; and in case a
chartered city cannot pay said expenses, part of the
SEC. 44. Objective of Rehabilitation and Reintegration. - internal revenue allotments applicable to the unpaid
The objective of rehabilitation and reintegration of portion shall be withheld and applied to the settlement of
children in conflict with the law is to provide them with said obligations:Provided, further, That in the event that
interventions, approaches and strategies that will enable the child in conflict with the law is not a resident of the
them to improve their social functioning with the end goal municipality/city where the offense was committed, the
of reintegration to their families and as productive court, upon its determination, may require the
members of their communities. city/municipality where the child in conflict with the law
resides to shoulder the cost.
SEC. 45. Court Order Required. - No child shall be
received in any rehabilitation or training facility without a
All city and provincial governments must exert effort for the progress of the youth in the center, a final report will
the immediate establishment of local detention homes for be forwarded to the court for final disposition of the case.
children in conflict with the law. The DSWD shall establish youth rehabilitation centers in
each region of the country.
SEC. 51. Confinement of Convicted Children in
Agricultural Camps and other Training Facilities. - A child SEC. 54. Objectives of Community Based Programs. -
in conflict with the law may, after conviction and upon The objectives of community-based programs are as
order of the court, be made to serve his/her sentence, in follows:
lieu of confinement in a regular penal institution, in an (a) Prevent disruption in the education or means
agricultural camp and other training facilities that may be of livelihood of the child in conflict with the law
established, maintained, supervised and controlled by in case he/she is studying, working or
the BUCOR, in coordination with the DSWD. attending vocational learning institutions;
(b) Prevent separation of the child in conflict with
the law from his/her parents/guardians to
SEC. 52. Rehabilitation of Children in Conflict with the maintain the support system fostered by their
Law. - Children in conflict with the law, whose sentences relationship and to create greater awareness of
are suspended may, upon order of the court, undergo their mutual and reciprocal responsibilities;
any or a combination of disposition measures best suited (c) Facilitate the rehabilitation and mainstreaming
to the rehabilitation and welfare of the child as provided of the child in conflict with the law and
in the Supreme Court Rule on Juveniles in Conflict with encourage community support and
the Law. involvement; and
If the community-based rehabilitation is availed of by a (d) Minimize the stigma that attaches to the child
child in conflict with the law, he/she shall be released to in conflict with the law by preventing jail
parents, guardians, relatives or any other responsible detention.
person in the community. Under the supervision and
guidance of the local social welfare and development SEC. 55. Criteria of Community-Based Programs. -
officer, and in coordination with his/her parents/guardian, Every LGU shall establish community-based programs
the child in conflict with the law shall participate in that will focus on the rehabilitation and reintegration of
community-based programs, which shall include, but not the child. All programs shall meet the criteria to be
limited to: established by the JJWC which shall take into account
A. Competency and life skills development; the purpose of the program, the need for the consent of
B. Socio-cultural and recreational activities; the child and his/her parents or legal guardians, and the
C.Community volunteer projects; participation of the child-centered agencies whether
D.Leadership training; public or private.
E. Social services;
F. Homelife services; SEC. 56. After-Care Support Services for Children in
G.Health services; . Conflict with the Law. - Children in conflict with the law
H.Spiritual enrichment; and whose cases have been dismissed by the proper court
I. Community and family welfare services. because of good behavior as per recommendation of the
In accordance therewith, the family of the child in conflict DSWD social worker and/or any accredited NGO youth
with the law shall endeavor to actively participate in the rehabilitation center shall be provided after-care services
community-based rehabilitation. by the local social welfare and development officer for a
Based on the progress of the youth in the community, a period of at least six (6) months. The service includes
final report will be forwarded by the local social welfare counseling and other community-based services
and development officer to the court for final disposition designed to facilitate social reintegration, prevent re-
of the case. offending and make the children productive members of
If the community-based programs are provided as the community.
diversion measures under Chapter II, Title V, the
programs enumerated above shall be made available to
the child in conflict with the law.
SEC. 57.Status Offences. - Any conduct not considered SEC. 62.Violation of the Provisions of this Act or Rules
an offense or not penalized if committed by an adult shall or Regulations in General. - Any person who violates any
not be considered an offense and shall not be punished provision of this Act or any rule or regulation
if committed by a child. promulgated in accordance thereof shall, upon conviction
for each act or omission, be punished by a fine of not
SEC. 58.Offenses Not Applicable to Children. - Persons less than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) but not
below eighteen (18) years of age shall be exempt from more than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) or suffer
prosecution for the crime of vagrancy and prostitution imprisonment of not less than eight (8) years but not
under Section 202 of the Revised Penal Code, of more than ten (10) years, or both such fine and
mendicancy under Presidential Decree No. 1563, and imprisonment at the discretion of the court, unless a
sniffing of rugby under Presidential Decree No. 1619, higher penalty is provided for in the Revised Penal Code
such prosecution being inconsistent with the United or special laws. If the offender is a public officer or
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Provided, employee, he/she shall, in addition to such fine and/or
That said persons shall undergo appropriate counseling imprisonment, be held administratively liable and shall
and treatment program. suffer the penalty of perpetual absolute disqualification.
SEC. 67. Children Who Reach the Age of Eighteen (18) Title, Policy, Principles and Definitions of Terms
Years Pending Diversion and Court Proceedings. - If a
child reaches the age of eighteen (18) years pending Section 1. Title. – This Act shall be known as
diversion and court proceedings, the appropriate the "Special Protection of Children Against Abuse,
diversion authority in consultation with the local social Exploitation and Discrimination Act."
welfare and development officer or the Family Court in
consultation with the Social Services and Counseling Section 2. Declaration of State Policy and Principles. – It
Division (SSCD) of the Supreme Court, as the case may is hereby declared to be the policy of the State to provide
be, shall determine the appropriate disposition. In case special protection to children from all firms of abuse,
the appropriate court executes the judgment of neglect, cruelty exploitation and discrimination and other
conviction, and unless the child in conflict the law has conditions, prejudicial their development; provide
already availed of probation under Presidential Decree sanctions for their commission and carry out a program
No. 603 or other similar laws, the child may apply for for prevention and deterrence of and crisis intervention in
probation if qualified under the provisions of the situations of child abuse, exploitation and discrimination.
Probation Law. The State shall intervene on behalf of the child when the
parent, guardian, teacher or person having care or
SEC. 68. Children Who Have Been Convicted and are custody of the child fails or is unable to protect the child
Serving Sentence. - Persons who have been convicted against abuse, exploitation and discrimination or when
and are serving sentence at the time of the effectivity of such acts against the child are committed by the said
this Act, and who were below the age of eighteen (18) parent, guardian, teacher or person having care and
years at the time the commission of the offense for which custody of the same.
they were convicted and are serving sentence, shall
likewise benefit from the retroactive application of this It shall be the policy of the State to protect and
Act. They shall be entitled to appropriate dispositions rehabilitate children gravely threatened or endangered
provided under this Act and their sentences shall be by circumstances which affect or will affect their survival
adjusted accordingly. They shall be immediately and normal development and over which they have no
released if they are so qualified under this Act or other control.
applicable law.
The best interests of children shall be the paramount
TITLE IX consideration in all actions concerning them, whether
FINAL PROVISIONS undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions,
courts of law, administrative authorities, and legislative
SEC. 69. Rule Making Power. - The JJWC shall issue bodies, consistent with the principle of First Call for
the IRRs for the implementation of the provisions of this Children as enunciated in the United Nations Convention
act within ninety (90) days from the effectivity thereof. of the Rights of the Child. Every effort shall be exerted to
promote the welfare of children and enhance their
SEC. 70. Separability Clause. - If, for any reason, any opportunities for a useful and happy life.
section or provision of this Act is declared
unconstitutional or invalid by the Supreme Court, the Section 3. Definition of Terms. –
other sections or provisions hereof not dfected by such (e) "Children" refers to person below eighteen (18)
declaration shall remain in force and effect. years of age or those over but are unable to
fully take care of themselves or protect
SEC. 71. Repealing Clause. - All existing laws, orders, themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty,
decrees, rules and regulations or parts thereof exploitation or discrimination because of a
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby physical or mental disability or condition;
repealed or modified accordingly. (f) "Child abuse" refers to the maltreatment,
whether habitual or not, of the child which
SEC. 72. Effectivity. - This Act shall take effect after includes any of the following:
fifteen (15) days from its publication in at least two (2) (1) Psychological and physical abuse,
national newspapers of general circulation. neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse and
emotional maltreatment;
Approved: April 28, 2006 (2) Any act by deeds or words which
debases, degrades or demeans the
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7610 intrinsic worth and dignity of a child
AND SPECIAL PROTECTION AGAINST CHILD (3) Unreasonable deprivation of his
ABUSE, EXPLOITATION AND DISCRIMINATION, AND basic needs for survival, such as
FOR OTHER PURPOSES food and shelter; or
(4) Failure to immediately give medical indecent shows; other acts of abuse; and circumstances
treatment to an injured child resulting which endanger child survival and normal development.
in serious impairment of his growth
and development or in his permanent ARTICLE III
incapacity or death. Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse
(g) "Circumstances which gravely threaten or
endanger the survival and normal development Section 5. Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse. –
of children" include, but are not limited to, the Children, whether male or female, who for money, profit,
following; or any other consideration or due to the coercion or
(1) Being in a community where there is influence of any adult, syndicate or group, indulge in
armed conflict or being affected by sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to
armed conflict-related activities; be children exploited in prostitution and other sexual
(2) Working under conditions hazardous abuse.
to life, safety and normal which The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period to
unduly interfere with their normal reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon the following:
development; (f) Those who
(3) Living in or fending for themselves in engage in
the streets of urban or rural areas or promote,
without the care of parents or a facilitate or
guardian or basic services needed induce child
for a good quality of life; prostitution
(4) Being a member of a indigenous which
cultural community and/or living include, but
under conditions of extreme poverty are not
or in an area which is limited to,
underdeveloped and/or lacks or has the
inadequate access to basic services following:
needed for a good quality of life; (4) Acting as a procurer of a child
(5) Being a victim of a man-made or prostitute;
natural disaster or calamity; or (5) Inducing a person to be a client of a
(6) Circumstances analogous to those child prostitute by means of written
abovestated which endanger the life, or oral advertisements or other
safety or normal development of similar means;
children. (6) Taking advantage of influence or
(h) "Comprehensive program against child abuse, relationship to procure a child as
exploitation and discrimination" refers to the prostitute;
coordinated program of services and facilities (7) Threatening or using violence
to protected children against: towards a child to engage him as a
(1) Child Prostitution and other prostitute; or
sexual abuse; (8) Giving monetary consideration goods
(2) Child trafficking; or other pecuniary benefit to a child
(3) Obscene publications and with intent to engage such child in
indecent shows; prostitution.
(4) Other acts of abuses; and (g) Those who
(5) Circumstances which threaten or commit the
endanger the survival and normal act of
development of children. sexual
Program on Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination lascivious
Section 4. Formulation of the Program. – There shall be with a child
a comprehensive program to be formulated, by the exploited in
Department of Justice and the Department of Social prostitution
Welfare and Development in coordination with other or subject
government agencies and private sector concerned, to other
within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, to sexual
protect children against child prostitution and other abuse;
sexual abuse; child trafficking, obscene publications and Provided,
That when
shall be
imposed a Section 11. Sanctions of Establishments or Enterprises
penalty of which Promote, Facilitate, or Conduct Activities
prision Constituting Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse,
mayor in its Child Trafficking, Obscene Publications and Indecent
medium Shows, and Other Acts of Abuse. – All establishments
period and and enterprises which promote or facilitate child
a fine of not prostitution and other sexual abuse, child trafficking,
less than obscene publications and indecent shows, and other
Fifty acts of abuse shall be immediately closed and their
thousand authority or license to operate cancelled, without
pesos prejudice to the owner or manager thereof being
(P50,000), prosecuted under this Act and/or the Revised Penal
and the Code, as amended, or special laws. A sign with the
loss of the words "off limits" shall be conspicuously displayed
license to outside the establishments or enterprises by the
operate Department of Social Welfare and Development for such
such a period which shall not be less than one (1) year, as the
place or Department may determine. The unauthorized removal
establishm of such sign shall be punishable by prision correccional.
(m) Any person An establishment shall be deemed to promote or
who shall facilitate child prostitution and other sexual abuse, child
use, trafficking, obscene publications and indecent shows,
coerce, and other acts of abuse if the acts constituting the same
force or occur in the premises of said establishment under this
intimidate a Act or in violation of the Revised Penal Code, as
street child amended. An enterprise such as a sauna, travel agency,
or any or recruitment agency which: promotes the
other child aforementioned acts as part of a tour for foreign tourists;
to; exhibits children in a lewd or indecent show; provides
(9) Beg or use begging as a means of child masseurs for adults of the same or opposite sex
living; and said services include any lascivious conduct with the
(10) Act as conduit or middlemen in drug customers; or solicits children or activities constituting
trafficking or pushing; or the aforementioned acts shall be deemed to have
(11) Conduct any illegal activities, shall committed the acts penalized herein.
suffer the penalty of prision
correccional in its medium period to ARTICLE VIII
reclusion perpetua. Working Children
For purposes of this Act, the penalty for the commission
of acts punishable under Articles 248, 249, 262, Section 12. Employment of Children. – Children below
paragraph 2, and 263, paragraph 1 of Act No. 3815, as fifteen (15) years of age may be employed except:
amended, the Revised Penal Code, for the crimes of (1) When a child works directly under the sole
murder, homicide, other intentional mutilation, and responsibility of his parents or legal guardian
serious physical injuries, respectively, shall be reclusion and where only members of the employer's
perpetua when the victim is under twelve (12) years of family are employed: Provided, however, That
age. The penalty for the commission of acts punishable his employment neither endangers his life,
under Article 337, 339, 340 and 341 of Act No. 3815, as safety and health and morals, nor impairs his
amended, the Revised Penal Code, for the crimes of normal development: Provided, further, That
qualified seduction, acts of lasciviousness with the the parent or legal guardian shall provide the
consent of the offended party, corruption of minors, and said minor child with the prescribed primary
white slave trade, respectively, shall be one (1) degree and/or secondary education; or
higher than that imposed by law when the victim is under (2) When a child's employment or participation in
twelve (12) years age. public & entertainment or information through
The victim of the acts committed under this section shall cinema, theater, radio or television is essential:
be entrusted to the care of the Department of Social Provided, The employment contract concluded
Welfare and Development. by the child's parent or guardian, with the
express agreement of the child concerned, if
ARTICLE VII possible, and the approval of the Department
Sanctions for Establishments or Enterprises of Labor and Employment: Provided, That the
municipal social welfare and development officer within (f) The penalty provided under this Act shall be
twenty-four (24) hours from the occurrence of the armed imposed in its maximum period if the offender
conflict. has been previously convicted under this Act;
(g) When the offender is a corporation, partnership
ARTICLE XI or association, the officer or employee thereof
Remedial Procedures who is responsible for the violation of this Act
shall suffer the penalty imposed in its
Section 27. Who May File a Complaint. – Complaints on maximum period;
cases of unlawful acts committed against the children as (h) The penalty provided herein shall be imposed
enumerated herein may be filed by the following: in its maximum period when the perpetrator is
(g) Offended party; an ascendant, parent guardian, stepparent or
(h) Parents or guardians; collateral relative within the second degree of
(i) Ascendant or collateral relative within the third consanguinity or affinity, or a manager or
degree of consanguinity;1awphi1@ITC owner of an establishment which has no
(j) Officer, social worker or representative of a license to operate or its license has expired or
licensed child-caring institution; has been revoked;
(k) Officer or social worker of the Department of (i) When the offender is a foreigner, he shall be
Social Welfare and Development; deported immediately after service of sentence
(l) Barangay chairman; or and forever barred from entry to the country;
(m) At least three (3) concerned responsible (j) The penalty provided for in this Act shall be
citizens where the violation occurred. imposed in its maximum period if the offender
is a public officer or employee: Provided,
Section 28. Protective Custody of the Child. – The however, That if the penalty imposed is
offended party shall be immediately placed under the reclusion perpetua or reclusion temporal, then
protective custody of the Department of Social Welfare the penalty of perpetual or temporary absolute
and Development pursuant to Executive Order No. 56, disqualification shall also be imposed:
series of 1986. In the regular performance of this Provided, finally, That if the penalty imposed is
function, the officer of the Department of Social Welfare prision correccional or arresto mayor, the
and Development shall be free from any administrative, penalty of suspension shall also be imposed;
civil or criminal liability. Custody proceedings shall be in and
accordance with the provisions of Presidential Decree (k) A fine to be determined by the court shall be
No. 603. imposed and administered as a cash fund by
the Department of Social Welfare and
Section 29. Confidentiality. – At the instance of the Development and disbursed for the
offended party, his name may be withheld from the rehabilitation of each child victim, or any
public until the court acquires jurisdiction over the case. immediate member of his family if the latter is
It shall be unlawful for any editor, publisher, and reporter the perpetrator of the offense.
or columnist in case of printed materials, announcer or
producer in case of television and radio broadcasting,
producer and director of the film in case of the movie ARTICLE XIII
industry, to cause undue and sensationalized publicity of Final Provisions
any case of violation of this Act which results in the moral Section 32. Rules and Regulations. – Unless otherwise
degradation and suffering of the offended party. provided in this Act, the Department of Justice, in
coordination with the Department of Social Welfare and
Section 30. Special Court Proceedings. – Cases Development, shall promulgate rules and regulations of
involving violations of this Act shall be heard in the the effective implementation of this Act.
chambers of the judge of the Regional Trial Court duly Such rules and regulations shall take effect upon their
designated as Juvenile and Domestic Court. publication in two (2) national newspapers of general
Any provision of existing law to the contrary circulation.
notwithstanding and with the exception of habeas
corpus, election cases, and cases involving detention Section 33. Appropriations. – The amount necessary to
prisoners and persons covered by Republic Act No. carry out the provisions of this Act is hereby authorized
4908, all courts shall give preference to the hearing or to be appropriated in the General Appropriations Act of
disposition of cases involving violations of this Act. the year following its enactment into law and thereafter.
1. Juvenile Delinquency,
Marcelino M.
Villanueva,Phillipine College of
2. Juvenile Delinquency and
Crime Prevention, Dean
Ricardo M. Guevara and dean
Felipe S. Bautista
3. R.A 9344 – Juvenile
Justice Welfare Act of 2006
4. R.A 7610 – Special
Protection of Children from
Abuse, Exploitation and
5. R.A 9262 – Anti-violence
Against Women and Their
Prepared by:
Reginald C.