Gate Solved Paper - Me: Heat Transfer

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Q. 1 Consider one-dimensional steady state heat conduction, without heat generation in

a plane wall, with boundary conditions as shown in figure below. The conductivity
of the wall is given by k = k0 + bT where k0 and b are positive constants and T
is temperature.

As x increases, the temperature gradient ^dT /dx h will

(A) remain constant (B) be zero
(C) increase (D) decrease

Q. 2 Consider one-dimensional steady state heat conduction along x -axis ^0 # x # Lh,

through a plane wall with the boundary surfaces ^x = 0 and x = L maintainedh
at temperatures of 0cC and 100cC. Heat is generated uniformly throughout the
wall. Choose the Correct statement.
(A) The direction of heat transfer will be from the surface at100cC to the

surface at 0cC.
(B) The maximum temperature inside the wall must be greater than 100cC.
(C) The temperature distribution is linear within the wall.
(D) The temperature distribution is symmetric about the mid-plane of the wall.


Q. 3 A steel ball of diameter 60 mm is initially in thermal equilibrium at 1030cC in

a furnace. It is suddenly removed from the furnace and cooled in ambient air at
30cC, with convective heat transfer cofficient h = 20 W / m 2 K. The thermo-physical
properties of steel are: density r = 7800 kg/ m 2 , conductivity k = 40 W / m 2 K and
specific heat c = 600 J / kg K. The time required in seconds to cool the steel ball
in air from 1030cC to 430cC is
(A) 519 (B) 931
(C) 1195 (D) 2144

Q. 4 Two large diffuse gray parallel plates, separated by a small distance, have surface
temperatures of 400 K and 300 K. If the emissivities of the surface are 0.8 and the
Stefan-Boltzmann constant is 5.67 # 10-8 W / m 2 K 4 , the net radia tion heat
exchanges rate in kW / m 2 between the two plates is
(A) 0.66 (B) 0.79
(C) 0.99 (D) 3.96
Common Data For Q. 5 and 6
Wa ter (specific hea t, c p = 4.18 kJ /kg -K ) enters a pipe a t a ra te of 0.01 kg / s and
a temperature of 20cC. The pipe of diameter 50 mm and length 3 m, is subjected
to a wall heat flux qwl in W / m 2
Q. 5 If qwl= 5000 and the convection heat transfer coefficient at the pipe outlet is
1000 W / m 2 K, the temperature in cC at the inner surface of the pipe at the outlet is
(A) 71 (B) 76
(C) 79 (D) 81

Q. 6 If qwl= 2500x , where x is in m and in the direction of flow (x = 0 at the inlet),

the bulk mean temperature of the water leaving the pipe in cC is
(A) 42 (B) 62
(C) 74 (D) 104


Q. 7 For an opaque surface, the absorp tivity (a), transmissivity (T ) and reflectivity (r)
are rela ted by the equation :
(A) a + r = T (B)r + a + T = 0
(C) a + r = 1 (D) a + r = 0

Q. 8 Which one of the following configurations has the highest fin effectiveness ?
(A) Thin, closely spaced fins (B) Thin, widely spaced fins
(C) Thick, widely spaced fins (D) Thick, closely spaced fins


Q. 9 Consider two infinitely long thin concentric tubes of circular cross section as
shown in the figure. If D1 and D2 are the diameters of the inner and outer tubes
respectively, then the view factor F22 is give by

(B) zero

(A) b D2 l - 1
(C) b1D1 l (D) 1 - b D1 l
D2 D2
Q. 10 Water (c p = 4.18 kJ /kgK) at 80cC enters a counter flow heat exchanger with a
mass flow rate of 0.5 kg/ s. Air (c p = 1 kJ /kgK) enters at 30cC with a mass flow
rate of 2.09 kg/ s. If the effectiveness of the heat exchanger is 0.8, the LMTD
(in cC) is
(A) 40 (B) 20
(C) 10 (D) 5


Q. 11 In a condenser of a power plant, the steam condenses at a temperatures of 60c C

. The cooling water enters at 30c C and leaves at 45c C. The logarithmic mean
temperature difference (LMTD) of the condenser is
(A) 16.2c C (B) 21.6c C
(C) 30c C (D) 37.5c C

Q. 12 A pipe of 25 mm outer diameter carries steam. The heat transfer coefficient

between the cylinder and surroundings is 5 W / m2 K. It is proposed to reduce the
heat loss from the pipe by adding insulation having a thermal conductivity of
0.05 W / m K. Which one of the following statements is TRUE ?
(A) The outer radius of the pipe is equal to the critical radius.
(B) The outer radius of the pipe is less than the critical radius.
(C) Adding the insulation will reduce the heat loss.
(D) Adding the insulation will increases the heat loss.


Q. 13 A spherical steel ball of 12 mm diameter is initially at 1000 K. It is slowly cooled

in surrounding of 300 K. The heat transfer coefficient between the steel ball and
the surrounding is 5 W / m2 K. The thermal conductivity of steel is 20 W / mK.
The temperature difference between the centre and the surface of the steel ball is
(A) large because conduction resistance is far higher than the convective
(B) large because conduction resistance is far less than the convective
(C) small because conduction resistance is far higher than the convective
(D) small because conduction resistance is far less than the convective

Q. 14 The ratios of the laminar hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness to thermal

boundary layer thickness of flows of two fluids P and Q on a flat plate are 1 / 2
and 2 respectively. The Reynolds number based on the plate length for both the
flows is 10 4. The Prandtl and Nusselt numbers for P are 1 / 8 and 35 respectively.
The Prandtl and Nusselt numbers for Q are respectively
(A) 8 and 140 (B) 8 and 70
(C) 4 and 40 (D) 4 and 35


Q. 15 A fin has 5 mm diameter and 100 mm length. The thermal conductivity of fin
material is 400 Wm -1 K -1 . One end of the fin is maintained at 130c C and its
remaining surface is exposed to ambient air at 30c C. If the convective heat
transfer coefficient is 40 Wm-2 K -1 , the hea t loss (in W) from the fin is
(A) 0.08 (B) 5.0
(C) 7.0 (D) 7.8


Q. 16 A coolant fluid at 30cC flows over a heated flat plate maintained at constant
temperature of 100cC. The boundary layer temperature distribution at a given
location on the pla te may be approximated as T = 30 + 70 exp (- y) where y (in
m) is the distance normal to the plate and T is in c C. If thermal conductivity of
the fluid is 1.0 W / mK, the local convective heat transfer coefficient (in W / m2 K
) at that location will be
(A) 0.2
(B) 1
(C) 5
(D) 10


Q. 17 In a parallel flow heat exchanger operating under steady state, the heat capacity
rates (product of specific heat at constant pressure and mass flow rate) of the
hot and cold fluid are equal. The hot fluid, flowing at1 kg/ s with c p = 4 kJ / kg K,
enters the heat exchanger at 102c C while the cold fluid has an inlet temperature
of 15c C. The overall heat transfer coefficient for the heat exchanger is estimated
to be 1 kW / m2 K and the corresponding heat transfer surface area is 5 m 2 . Neglect
heat transfer between the heat exchanger and the ambient. The heat exchanger
is characterized by the following relations:
2e =- exp (- 2 NTU )
The exit temperature (in c C) for the cold fluid is
(A) 45
(B) 55
(C) 65
(D) 75

Q. 18 Consider steady-state conduction across the thickness in a plane composite wall

(as shown in the figure) exposed to convection conditions on both sides.

Given : hi = 20 W / m 2 K, ho = 50 W / m 2 K;, T3,i = 20c C; T3,o =- 2cC,

k1 = 20 W / mK; k2 = 50 W / mK; L1 = 0.30 m and L2 = 0.15 m.
Assuming negligible contact resistance between the wall surfaces, the interface
temperature, T (in c C), of the two walls will be
(A) -0.50
(B) 2.75
(C) 3.75
(D) 4.50

Common Data For Q. 19 and 20

Radiative heat transfer is intended between the inner surfaces of two very large
isothermal parallel metal plates. While the upper plate (designated as plate 1)
is a black surface and is the warmer one being maintained at 727cC, the lower
plate (plate 2) is a diffuse and gray surface with an emissivity of 0.7 and iskept
at 227cC. Assume that the surfaces are sufficiently large to form a two-surface
enclosure and steady-state conditions to exits. Stefan-Boltzmann constant is given
as 5.67 # 10-8 W / m 2 K 4
Q. 19 The irradiation (in kW / m 2 ) for the plate (plate 1) is
(A) 2.5
(B) 3.6
(C) 17.0
(D) 19.5

Q. 20 If plate 1 is also diffuse and gray surface with an emissivity value of 0.8, the net
radiation heat exchange (in kW/ m 2 ) between plate 1 and plate 2 is
(A) 17.0
(B) 19.5
(C) 23.0
(D) 31.7


Q. 21 For flow of fluid over a heated plate, the following fluid properties are known
Viscosity = 0.001Pa-s;
Specific heat at constant pressure = 1 kJ /kg. K ;
Thermal conductivity = 1W / m - K
The hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness at a specified location on the plate
is 1 mm. The thermal boundary layer thickness at the same location is
(A) 0.001 mm
(B) 0.01 mm
(C) 1 mm
(D) 1000 mm


Q. 22 The logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) of a counter flow heat

exchanger is 20c C. The cold fluid enters at 20c C and the hot fluid enters at
100c C. Mass flow rate of the cold fluid is twice that of the hot fluid. Specific heat at
constant pressure of the hot fluid is twice that of the cold fluid. The exit temperature of the
cold fluid
(A) is 40c C
(B) is 60c C
(C) is 80c C
(D) cannot be determined

Q. 23 For the three-dimensional object shown in the figure below, five faces are insulated.
The sixth face ( PQRS), which is not insulated, interacts thermally with the
ambient, with a convective heat transfer coefficient of 10 W / m2 K . The ambient
temperature is 30c C. Heat is uniformly generated inside the object at the rate
of 100 W / m 3 . Assuming the face PQRS to be at uniform temperature, its steady
state temperature is

(A) 10c C
(B) 20c C
(C) 30c C
(D) 40c C

Q. 24 A hollow enclosure is formed between two infinitely long concentric cylinders of

radii 1 m and 2 m, respectively. Radiative heat exchange takes place between the
inner surface of the larger cylinder (surface-2) and the outer surface of the smaller
cylinder (surface-1). The radiating surfaces are diffuse and the medium in the
enclosure is non-participating. The fraction of the thermal radiation leaving the
larger surface and striking itself is

(A) 0.25
(B) 0.5
(C) 0.75
(D) 1

Q. 25 Steady two-dimensional heat conduction takes place in the body shown in the
figure below. The normal temperature gradients over surfaces P and Q can be
considered to be uniform. The temperature gradient 2T/ 2x at surface Q is equal
to 10 K / m. Surfaces P and Q are maintained at constant temperature as shown
in the figure, while the remaining part of the boundary is insulated. The body
has a constant thermal conductivity of 0.1 W / mK. The values of 2T and 2T at
2x 2y
surface P are

(A) 2T = 20 K / m, 2T = 0 K/ m (B) 2T = 0 K / m, 2T = 10 K/ m
2x 2y 2x 2y

(C) 2T= 10 K / m, 2T= 10 K/ m (D) 2T = 0 K / m, 2T = 20 K/ m

2x 2y 2x 2y


Q. 26 The temperature distribution within the thermal boundary layer over a heated
isothermal flat plate is given by
T - Tw = 3 y - 1 y 3 ,
T3 - Tw 2b d l 2b d l
t t
where Tw and T3 are the temperature of plate and free stream respectively, and y
is the normal distance measured from the plate. The local Nusselt number based
on the thermal boundary layer thickness dt is given by
(A) 1.33
(B) 1.50
(C) 2.0
(D) 4.64

Q. 27 In a counter flow heat exchanger, hot fluid enters at 60c C and cold fluid leaves
at 30c C. Mass flow rate of the fluid is1 kg/ s and that of the cold fluid is 2 kg/ s.
Specific heat of the hot fluid is 10 kJ /kgK and that of the cold fluid is 5 kJ /kgK .
The Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) for the heat exchanger in cC is
(A) 15 (B) 30
(C) 35 (D) 45

Q. 28 The average heat transfer co-efficient on a thin hot vertical plate suspended in still
air can be determined from observations of the change in plate temperature with
time as it cools. Assume the plate temperature to be uniform at any instant of
time and radiation heat exchange with the surroundings negligible. The ambient
temperature is 25c C, the plat has a total surface area of 0.1 m2 and a mass of
4 kg. The specific heat of the plate material is 2.5 kJ /kgK . The convective heat
transfer co-efficient in W /m 2 K , at the instant when the plate temperature is
225c C and the change in plate temperature with time dT /dt =- 0.02 K / s, is
(A) 200 (B) 20
(C) 15 (D) 10

Common Data For Q. 29 and 30

Consider steady one-dimensional heat flow in a plate of 20 mm thickness with
a uniform heat generation of 80 MW / m 3 . The left and right faces are kept at
constant temperatures of 160c C and 120c C respectively. The plate has a constant
thermal conductivity of 200 W / mK.
Q. 29 The location of maximum temperature within the plate from its left face is
(A) 15 mm
(B) 10 mm
(C) 5 mm
(D) 0 mm

Q. 30 The maximum temperature within the plate in cC is

(A) 160
(B) 165
(C) 200
(D) 250


Q. 31 In a composite slab, the temperature at the interface (Tinter ) between two material
is equal to the average of the temperature at the two ends. Assuming steady one-
dimensional heat conduction, which of the following statements is true about the
respective thermal conductivities ?

(A) 2k1 = k2
(B) k1 = k2
(C) 2k1 = 3k2
(D) k1 = 2k2


Q. 32 A 100 W electric bulb was switched on in a 2.5 m # 3 m # 3 m size thermally

insulated room having a temperature of 20cC. The room temperature at the end
of 24 hours will be
(A) 321cC (B) 341cC
(C) 450cC (D) 470cC

Q. 33 A thin layer of water in a field is formed after a farmer has watered it. The
ambient air conditions are : temperature 20cC and relative humidity 5%. An
extract of steam tables is given below.

Temp(c C) -15 -10 -5 0.01 5 10 15 20

Saturation Pressure (kPa) 0.10 0.26 0.40 0.61 0.87 1.23 1.71 2.34

Neglecting the heat transfer between the water and the ground, the water
temperature in the field after phase equilibrium is reached equals
(A) 10.3cC (B) -10.3c C
(C) -14.5c C (D) 14.5c C

Q. 34 With an increase in the thickness of insulation around a circular pipe, heat loss
to surrounding due to
(A) convection increase, while that the due to conduction decreases
(B) convection decrease, while that due to conduction increases
(C) convection and conduction decreases
(D) convection and conduction increases


Q. 35 In a case of one dimensional heat conduction in a medium with constant properties,

T is the temperature at position x , at time t . Then 2T is proportional to
(A) T (B) 2T
x 2x
(C) 2 T (D) 2 T
2 2

2x2t 2x2
Q. 36 The following figure was generated from experimental data relating spectral black
body emissive power to wavelength at three temperature T1, T2 and T3 ( T1 > T 2 > T 3)

The conclusion is that the measurements are

(A) correct because the maxima in E bl show the correct trend
(B) correct because Planck’s law is satisfied
(C) wrong because the Stefan Boltzmann law is not satisfied
(D) wrong because Wien’s displacement law is not satisfied

Q. 37 Heat flows through a composite slab, as shown below. The depth of the slab is
1 m. The k values are in W / mK. The overall thermal resistance in K / W is

(A) 17.2 (B) 21.9

(C) 28.6 (D) 39.2

Q. 38 A small copper ball of 5 mm diameter at 500 K is dropped into an oil bath

whose temperature is 300 K. The thermal conductivity of copper is 400 W / mK
, its density 9000 kg/ m3 and its specific heat 385 J / kgK. If the heat transfer
coefficient is 250 W / m 2 K and lumped analysis is assumed to be valid, the rate
of fall of the temperature of the ball at the beginning of cooling will be, in K / s,
(A) 8.7 (B) 13.9
(C) 17.3 (D) 27.7

Q. 39 A solid cylinder (surface 2) is located at the centre of a hollow sphere (surface 1).
The diameter of the sphere is 1 m, while the cylinder has a diameter and length
of 0.5 m each. The radiation configuration factor F11 is
(A) 0.375 (B) 0.625
(C) 0.75 (D) 1

Q. 40 Hot oil is cooled from 80 to 50cC in an oil cooler which uses air as the coolant.
The air temperature rises from 30 to 40cC. The designer uses a LMTD value of
26cC. The type of heat exchange is
(A) parallel flow (B) double pipe
(C) counter flow (D) cross flow

Common Data For Q. 41 and 42

An uninsulated air conditioning duct of rectangular cross section 1 m # 0.5 m
, carrying air at 20c C with a velocity of 10 m / s, is exposed to an ambient of
30c C. Neglect the effect of duct construction material. For air in the range of
20 - 30cC, data are as follows; thermal conductivity = 0.025 W / mK; viscosity
= 18 mPas, Prandtl number = 0.73; density = 1.2 kg/ m 3 . The laminar flow
Nusselt number is 3.4 for constant wall temperature conditions and for turbulent flow,
Nu = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr0.33
Q. 41 The Reynolds number for the flow is
(A) 444 (B) 890
(C) 4.44 # 10 (D) 5.33 # 105

Q. 42 YEAR 2005
The heat transfer per meter length of the duct, in watts is TWO MARKS
(A) 3.8 (B) 5.3
(C) 89 (D) 769


Q. 43 One dimensional unsteady state heat transfer equation for a sphere with heat
generation at the rate of ‘q ’ can be written as

(A) 1 2 br2T l + q = 12T (B) 12 2 br 22T l + q = 12T

r 2r 2r k a 2t r 22 2r k a 2t
(C) 2 2
T q 2
r q 12T
(r T ) + =
+ = 12T (D)
2r2 k a 2t 2r2 k a 2t


Q. 44 A stainless steel tube k^ s= 19 W / m K hof 2 cm ID and 5 cm OD is insulated with

3 cm thick asbestos ^ka = 0.2 W / m Kh . If the temperature difference between the
innermost and outermost surfaces is 600c C, the heat transfer rate per unit length
(A) 0.94 W / m (B) 9.44 W / m
(C) 944.72 W / m (D) 9447.21 W / m

Q. 45 A spherical thermocouple junction of diameter 0.706 mm is to be used for the

measurement of temperature of a gas stream. The convective heat transfer co-
efficient on the bead surface is 400 W / m 2 K. Thermo-physical properties of
thermocouple material are k = 20 W / mK, c = 400 J / kg K and r = 8500 kg/ m3
. If the thermocouple initially at 30cC is placed in a hot stream of 300cC, then
time taken by the bead to reach 298cC, is
(A) 2.35 s (B) 4.9 s
(C) 14.7 s (D) 29.4 s

Q. 46 In a condenser, water enters at 30cC and flows at the rate 1500 kg/ hr . The
condensing steam is at a temperature of 120cC and cooling water leaves the
condenser at 80cC. Specific heat of water is 4.187 kJ /kgK . If the overall heat
transfer coefficient is 2000 W / m 2 K, then heat transfer area is
(A) 0.707 m2
(B) 7.07 m2
(C) 70.7 m2
(D) 141.4 m2


Q. 47 A plate having 10 cm area each side is hanging in the middle of a room of100 m2

total surface area. The plate temperature and emissivity are respectively 800 K
and 0.6. The temperature and emissivity values for the surfaces of the room are
300 K and 0.3 respectively. Boltzmann’s constant s = 5.67 # 10-8 W / m 2 K 4 . The
total heat loss from the two surfaces of the plate is
(A) 13.66 W (B) 27.32 W
(C) 27.87 W (D) 13.66 MW


Q. 48 In a counter flow heat exchanger, for the hot fluid the heat capacity= 2 kJ/kgK ,
mass flow rate = 5 kg/ s, inlet temperature = 150cC, outlet temperature = 100cC
. For the cold fluid, heat capacity = 4 kJ/kgK , mass flow rate = 10 kg/ s, inlet
temperature = 20cC. Neglecting heat transfer to the surroundings, the outlet
temperature of the cold fluid in cC is
(A) 7.5
(B) 32.5
(C) 45.5
(D) 70.0

Q. 49 Consider a laminar boundary layer over a heated flat plate. The free stream
velocity is U 3. At some distance x from the leading edge the velocity boundary
layer thickness is dv and the thermal boundary layer thickness is dT . If the Prandtl
number is greater than 1, then
(A) dv > dT
(B) dT > dv
(C) dv . dT + (U3 x) -1 / 2
(D) dv . dT + x-1 / 2

Common Data For Q. 50 and 51

Heat is being transferred by convection from water at 48c C to a glass plate
whose surface that is exposed to the water is at 40c C. The thermal conductivity
of water is 0.6 W / mK and the thermal conductivity of glass is 1.2 W / mK.
The spatial gradient of temperature in the water at the water-glass interface is
dT /dy = 1 # 104 K / m.

Q. 50 The value of the temperature gradient in the glass at the water-glass interface in
K / m is
(A) -2 # 10 4
(B) 0.0
(C) 0.5 # 104
(D) 2 # 104

Q. 51 The heat transfer coefficient h in W / m2 K is

(A) 0.0 (B) 4.8
(C) 6 (D) 750


Q. 52 For the same inlet and outlet temperatures of hot and cold fluids, the Log mean
Temperature Difference (LMTD) is
(A) greater for parallel flow heat exchanger than for counter flow heat
(B) greater for counter flow heat exchanger than for parallel flow heat
(C) same for both parallel and counter flow heat exchangers
(D) dependent on the properties of the fluids.


Q. 53 For the circular tube of equal length and diameter shown below, the view factor
F13 is 0.17 . The view factor F12 in this case will be

(A) 0.17 (B) 0.21

(C) 0.79 (D) 0.83

Q. 54 In descending order of magnitude, the thermal conductivity of (a) pure iron, (b)
liquid water, (c) saturated water vapour and (d) aluminum can be arranged as
(A) abcd (B) bcad
(C) dabc (D) dcba



Sol. 1 Option (A) is correct.

The one-dimensional steady state heat conduction equation without heat
generation is given by 2
k d T = 0 where k = k0 + bT and T2 > T1
dx 2
d k dT = 0
dx dx
Integrating both the sides
# d bkdT l = C where C is the integration constant.
dx dx
dT = ...(i)
k C
# ^k0 + b T hdT= Cdx #
kT+ bT
= Cx + B where B is the integration constant.
Let the boundary condition
(a) At x = 0, T = 0 and (b) At x = 1, T = 100cC
From boundary condition (a), we get B = 0.
and from (b),
k0 (100) + b (5000) = C
Now from Eq. (i), we obtain
dT = 100k0 + 5000b ...(ii)
dx k0 + b T
From this Eq. (ii), it is concluded that as T increases, the dT decreases because
it is a function of temperature only and T2 > T1 .
Sol. 2 Option (B) is correct.

The heat conduction one dimensional equation with heat generation is

d 2T + qg = 0
dx k

dT = -qg x + C
On integrating, we get 1
dx k

qg x2
Again integrating, T =- +Cx+C ....(i)
1 2
k 2
we can see that it is a parabolic equation. Thus statement (C) is false. Now
Applying the boundary condition on Eq.(i)
T ^ 0h = 0: 0 = C1 ^0h + C2 & C2 = 0 and
-qg L2
T ^L h = 100cC: 100 = +C L
q L
or C1 = 100 + g
L g x 2k 100 qg L
So that T = 2
+c + m
2k L 2k
For maximum temperature
dT = 0: -q # 2x q L
+ 100 + g = 0
dx 2k L 2k
q L
or x = k c 100 + g m
q L 2k
or x = 100k + L ...(ii)
qg L 2
d 2T -qg
Also = (Negative)
dx k

From Eq. (ii), it means the maximum temperature is inside the wall and it must
be greater than 100cC.
Sol. 3 Option (D) is correct.
We have d = 60 mm, Ti = 1030 cC, Ta = 30 cC, h = 20 W / m2K, T = 430 cC
r = 7800 kg/ m2, k = 40 W / m2K, c = 600 J / kg K
The characteristic length is
Volume 4
pr 3 r 0.030
= 3 = =
Surface 4pr 2 3 3 = 0.010 m
hl (20)area
Biot number Bi = = = 0.005 < 0.1
k 40
Thus, applying the lumped analysis formula
T - Ta = exp -hA t = exp -ht
Ti - Ta c rvc m c rlc m
or 430 - 30 = exp c -20t m
1030 - 30 7800 # 0.01 # 600
or 2 = exp c - t m
5 2340
or 2
ln b l = - t & t = 2144 sec
5 2340
Sol. 4 Option (A) is correct.
As both the plates are gray, the net radiation heat exchange between the two
plates is
Q12 = e1e2 s T 4 - T 24h
e1 + e2 - e1e2 b ^ 1
= 0.8 # 0.8
0.8 + 0.8 - 0.8 # 0.8 # 5.67 # 10 8^400h - ^300h B
-8 4 4

= 661 W / m2 = 0.66 kW / m 2

Sol. 5 Option (D) is correct.

We have d = 0.05 m, L = 3 m, cp = 4.18 kJ /kg K , h = 1000 W / m2K

Now # qlwl2prdx
= qwl 2prL = moc p ^T out - T in h

or + Tin = Tout
mo c p
or Tout = 20 + 5000 # 3.14 # 0.05 #
3 = 76.36 K
0.01 # 4.18 # 10
Now for wall temperature at outlet
qwl = h^Tw - Tout h
or Tw = + Tout = 5000 + 76.36 = 81.36cC b 81cC
h 1000
Sol. 6 Option (B) is correct.
We have qwl = 2500 x

Due to heat transfer from wall, the enthalpy changes, from inlet to outlet.
Now qwl dA = mo c p d T m
Where dT m = Bulk mean Temperature
2500x # 2prdx = mo c p dT m
Integrating both the sides, we get
5000pr # xdxL
= mo c p # dTm = mo c p ^Tout,m - T in ,m h

or 5000 pdL2 = mo c ^T - 20h

p out,m
2 2
1250 # p # 0.05 # ^3h2
or Tout,m
= 20 +
^0.01 # 4.18 # 103h
= 20 + 42.27 = 62.27cC b 62cC
Sol. 7 Option (C) is correct.
The sum of the absorbed, reflected and transmitted radiation be equal to
a+r+T = 1
a = Absorpivity, r = Reflectivity , T = T ransmissivity
For an opaque surfaces such as solids and liquids T = 0,
Thus, a+r = 1

Sol. 8 Option (A) is correct.

The performance of the fins is judged on the basis of the enhancement in heat
transfer area relative to the no fin case. The fin effectiveness
efin = Heat transfer rate from the fin of base area
Heat transfer rate from the surface area
When determining the rate of heat transfer from a finned surface, we must
consider the unfinned portion of the surface as well as the fins and number of fins.
Thin and closed spaced fin configuration, the unfinned portion of surface is reduced
and number of fins is increased. Hence the fin effectiveness will be maximum for
thin and closely spaced fins.
Sol. 9 Option (D) is correct.
According to the reciprocity relation.
A1 F12 = A2 F21
Which yields F21 = A1 # F12 = pD1 L # 1 = b D1 l
A2 pD2 L D
F11 = 0 since no radiation leaving 2surface 1 and strikes 1
F12 = 1, since all radiation leaving surface 1 and strikes 2 The
view factor F22 is determined by applying summation rule to surface 2,
F21 + F22 = 1
Thus F22 = 1 - F21 = 1 - b D1 l
Sol. 10 Option (C) is correct.
Given : t h1 = 80cC, tc1 = 30cC, mo h = 0.5 kg / sec , mo c = 2.09 kg / sec. , e = 0.8

Capacity rate for hot fluid Ch = 4.18 # 0.5 = 2.09 kJ /Ksec.

Cc = 1 # 2.09 = 2.09 kJ /K sec.
So, C h = Cc
o (t - t ) C
Effectiveness e = Q = h1 h1 h
Qo (th1 - tc1) Cc
80 - t h2
0.8 =
80 - 30
or, 80 - t h2 = 40 & t h2 = 40cC
From energy balance,
Ch (t h1 - th1) = Cc (t c2 - tc1)
80 - 40 = tc2 - 30
tc2 = 70cC
Now LMTD qm = q1 - qq2 ...(i)
ln q 1


q1 = th1 - tc2 = 80 - 70 = 10cC

q2 = t h2 - tc1 = 40 - 30 = 10cC
q1 = q2
So LMTD is undefined
q1 = x
Let & q1 = xq2
q (x - 1)
Put in equation (i), so qm = lim xq2 - q2 = lim 2
x "1
ln xq22 x"1 ln x
0 q
It is a : 0 D form, applying L-Hospital rule
q (1 - 0)
qm = lim 2 = lim xq2
x"1 1 x "1
qm = q2 = q1 From equation (ii)
qm = q1 = th1 - tc2 = 80 - 70 = 10cC
Sol. 11 Option (B) is correct.

Given : th1 = th2 = 60c C, tc1 = 30c C, tc2 = 45c C

From diagram, we have
q1 = th1 - tc1 = 60 - 30 = 30c C
And q2 = th2 - tc2 = 60 - 45 = 15c C
Now LMTD, qm = q1 -qq1 2 = 30 -30
15 = 21.6c C
ln b l ln b l
q2 15
Sol. 12 Option (C) is correct.
Given : d0 = 25 mm = 0.025 m , r0 = 0.025 = 0.0125 m, h = 5 W / m2 K,
k = 0.05 W / mK

Hence, Critical radius of insulation for the pipe is given by,


rc = k = 0.05 = 0.01 m
h 5
rc < r0 or r0 > rc ...(i)
So, from equation (i) option a and b is incorrect. The critical radius is less than
the outer radius of the pipe and adding the insulation will not increase the heat
loss. Hence the correct statement is adding the insulation will reduce the heat
Sol. 13 Option (D) is correct.
Given : D = 12 mm = 12 # 10-3 m , h = 5 W / m 2 K , k = 20 W / m K
For spherical ball, = 12 #610 = 2 # 10-3 m

volume 4 pR 3
l= = 34pR 2 = 6
surface area
The non-dimensional factor (hl / k) is called Biot Number. It gives an indication of
the ratio of internal (conduction) resistance to the surface (convection) resistance.
A small value of Bi implies that the system has a small conduction resistance
i.e., relatively small temperature gradient or the existence of a practically uniform
temperature within the system.
Biot Number, Bi = hl = 5 # 2 # 10- = 0.0005
k 20
Since, Value of Biot Number is very less. Hence, conduction resistance is much less
than convection resistance.
Sol. 14 Option (A) is correct.
dH 1 dH
Given : bdTh l = 2 and b d l = 2
P Th Q

Here, dH "Thickness of laminar hydrodynamic boundary layer

And dTh "Thickness of thermal boundary layer
(Re) P = (Re)Q = 104
( Pr) P =
(Nu) P = 35
For thermal boundary layer prandtl Number is given by, (For fluid Q) (
Pr)1/3Q = b dH l = 2
dTh Q
( Pr)Q = (2) 3 = 8
For laminar boundary layer on flat plate, relation between Reynolds Number,
Prandtl Number and Nusselt Number is given by,
Nu = hl = (Re) 1/2 ( Pr) 1/3
Since, Reynolds Number is same for both P and Q .
(Nu) P ( Pr) 1/3
So, = P
(Nu) Q ( Pr) 1/
( Pr) (8)1 / 3 2
(Nu) Q = Q
# (Nu) P = # (35) = # 35
1/3 1/3
( Pr)P (1 / 8) 1/2
= 140

Sol. 15 Option (B) is correct.

Given, d = 5 mm = 0.005 m , l = 100 mm = 0.1 m , k = 400 W / m K
T0 = 130c C, Ta = 30c C, h = 40 W / m 2 K
Heat loss by the fin is given by,
Qfin = mkA c (T 0 - T a) tanh (ml ) ...(i)
Perimeter p pd 4 4
Cross sectional Area = Ac= p4 d 2 = d = 0.005
= 800 ...(ii)
And m= h p = # 800 = 80
b l
k Ac 400
From equation(i),
Q fin = 80 # 400 # # (0.005) (130 - 30) # tanh( 80 # 0. 1)
= 8.944 # 400 # 1.96 # 10-5 # 100 # tanh (0.8944)
= 7.012 # 0.7135 - 5 W
Sol. 16 Option (B) is correct.
Given : T1 = 30c C, T2 = 100c C, k = 1.0 W / mK,
T = 30 + 70 exp (- y) ...(i)

Under steady state conditions,

Heat transfer by conduction = Heat transfer by convection
- kA dT = hADT A " Area of plate
-kA d (30 + 70e-y ) = hADT
Solving above equation, we get
-kA (- 70e -y ) = hADT
At the surface of plate, y = 0
Hence 70kA = hADT
70k = 70 # 1 = 1 W / m2 K
h = 70kA =
ADT DT (100 - 30)
Sol. 17 Option (B) is correct.
Given : Co = Co , mo = 1 kg / sec , c = 4 kJ /kg K , t = 102c C, t = 15c C
h c h ph h1 c1
U = 1 kW / m2K , A = 5 m2
The figure shown below is for parallel flow.

Coh = mo h cph = 4 kJ /sK

The heat exchanger is characterized by the following relation,
1 - exp (- 2N TU)
e= ..(i)
For parallel flow heat exchanger effectiveness is given by
1 - exp [- NTU (1 + C)]
e= ...(ii)
1+ C
Comparing equation (i) and equation (ii), we get capacity ratio
C = Cc = Cmin = 1 ...(iii)
Ch C max
Applying energy balance for a parallel flow
Ch (t h1 - th2) = Cc (tc2 - tc1)
Cc = th1 - th2 = 1 From equation(iii)
Ch tc2 - tc1
th1 - th2 = tc2 - tc1
Number of transfer units is given by,
NTU = UA = 1 # 5 = 1.25
Cmin 4
1 - exp (- 2 # 1.25)
Effectiveness, e= = 1 - 0.0820 = 0.46
2 2
Maximum possible heat transfer is,
Qmax = Cmin (th1 - tc1)
= 4 # (273
6 + 102) - (273 + 15)
@ = 348 kW
But Actual Heat transfer is,
Qa = eQmax = 0.46 # 348 = 160 kW
And Qa = Cc (tc2 - tc1)
160 = 4 (tc2 - 15)
tc2 = 40 + 15 = 55c C
Sol. 18 Option (C) is correct.

The equivalent resistance diagram for the given system is,

Req = 1 + L1 + L2 + 1
hi A k 1 A k 2 A h 0 A
Req # A = 1 + L1 + L2 + 1 = 1 + 0.3 + 0.15 + 1
hi k1 k2 h0 20 20 50 50

= 0.05 + 0.015 + 0.003 + 0.02 = 0.088 m2 K / W

Heat flux, q = = DT Q = DT
A AReq / R
Under steady state condition,
q = T3i - T3o = hi ( T k 1( T1 - T ) k 2 ( T - T 2) ...(i)
3i - T 1) = =
AReq L1 L2
20 - (- 2)
= T3i - T3o = = 250 W / m2 ...(ii)
AR eq 0.088
= T3i - T1 = 20 - From equation(i)
1 1
hi 20
250 = 20 (20 - T1)
12.5 = 20 - T1 & T1 = 20 - 12.5 = 7.5c C
Again from equation(i),
k ( T -T )
q = 1 1
250 = 20 (7.5 - T )
3.75 = 7.5 - T & T = 3.75c C
Alternative :
Under steady state conditions,
Heat flow from I to interface wall = Heat flow from interface wall to O
( T3,i - T ) = ( T - T3,o)
1 + L1 L2 + 1
hi A k 1 A k2 A h0 A
T3,i - T T - T3,o
1 + L1 L2 + 1
hi k1 k 2 ho
(20 - T ) T - (- 2)
1 + 0.3 = 0.15 + 1
20 20 50 50
(20 - T ) T + 2
1.3 = 1.15
20 50
(20 - T ) = 2.826 ( T + 2) = 2.826T + 5.652

T = 14.348 = 3.75c C
Sol. 19 Option (D) is correct.

Given : sb = 5.67 # 10-8 W / m 2 K 4 , T 2 = (227 + 273) K = 500 K

T1 = (727 + 273) K = 1000 K
Let, a " The absorptivity of the gray surface
E1 " The radiant energy of black surface
E2 " The radiant energy of gray surface
Now, Plate 1 emits radiant energy E1 which strikes the plate 2. From it a part
aE1 absorbed by the plate 2 and the remainder (E1 - aE1) is reflected back to the
plate 1. On reaching plate 1, all the part of this energy is absorbed by the plate
1, because the absorptivity of plate 1 is equal to one (it is a black surface).
Irradiation denotes the total radiant energy incident upon a surface per unit time per
unit area.
Energy leaving from the plate 2 is,
E = E2 + (1 - a) E1 ...(i)
Hence, E2 is the energy emitted by plate 2.
E 2 = esb T 24 = 0.7 # 5.67 # 10-8 # (500) 4 E = esb T 4
= 0.7 # 5.67 # 10-8 # 625 # 10 8 = 2480.625 W / m 2
And fraction of energy reflected from surface 2 is,
= (1 - a) E1 = (1 - a) sT

= 5.67 # 10-8 (1 - 0.7) # ( 1000) 4 = 17010 W / m 2

Now, Total energy incident upon plate 1 is,
E = E2 + (1 - a) E1 = 2480.625 + 17010
= 19490.625 W / m 2 = 19.49 kW / m 2 , 19.5 kW / m 2
Sol. 20 Option (D) is correct.
Given : e2 = 0.8, e1= 0.7
As both the plates are gray, the net heat flow from plate 1 to plate 2 per unit
time is given by,
Q12 = e1e2 sb ( T 4 - T 4) = 1 s ( T 4 - T 4)
e1 + e2 - e1e2 1 2
1 + 1-1 b 1 2

1 e2 e1
1 # 5.67 # 10 - 8
[(1000) 4
- (500) 4]
0.8 + 0.7- 1
= 1 # 5.67 # 9375 = 31640.625 W / m2
- 31.7 kW / m 2
Sol. 21 Option (C) is correct.
Given : m = 0.001 Pa s , c p = 1 kJ /kg K , k = 1 W / m K

The prandtl Number is given by,

mcp 3
Pr = = 0.001 # 1 # 10 = 1
k 1
d = hydrodynamic bondary layer thickness
= ( Pr) 1 / 3
dt Thermal boundary layer thickness
Given, d= 1m
d = (1) 1/3 = 1
d = dt = 1 mm
Hence, thermal boundary layer thickness at same location is 1 mm .

Sol. 22 Option (C) is correct.

The T - L curve shows the counter flow.

Given : qm = 20c C, tc1= 20c C, th1 = 100c C

mo c = 2mo h & m c = 2 ...(i)
mo h
cph = 2cpc & =2 ...(ii)
c pc
Energy balance for counter flow is,
Heat lost by hot fluid = Heat gain by cold fluid
mo h c ph (t h1 - t h2) = mo c c pc (tc2 - t c1)
c ph o
(t h1 - t h2) = m c (tc2 - tc1)
cpc mo h
2 (th1 - th2) = 2 (tc2 - tc1)
th1 - tc2 = th2 - tc1
q1 = q2 ...(iii)
And qm = q1 - q2 ...(iv)
ln b q1 l
Substituting the equation (iii) in equation
2 (iv), we get undetermined form.
q1 = x , & q1 = q2x
Let ...(v)
Substitute q1 in equation(iv),
qm = lim q2 x - q2 q (x - 1) ...(vi)
= lim 2
ln b q2x l x"1 ln x
: 0 D form, So we apply L-Hospital rule,2
q (1 - 0)
qm = lim 2 = lim x q2
x"1 1 x "1
qm = q2 = q1 From equation(iii)
Now we have to find exit temperature of cold fluid (tc2),
So, qm = q1 = th1 - tc2
tc2 = th1 - qm = 100 - 20 = 80c C
Sol. 23 Option (D) is correct.
Given : h = 10 W / m2 K, Ti = 30c C, qg = 100 W / m 3
Five faces of the object are insulated, So no heat transfer or heat generation
by these five faces. Only sixth face ( PQRS) interacts with the surrounding and
generates heat.

Hence, Heat generated throughout the volume

Q = Rate of heat Generated # Volume of object
= 100 # (1 # 2 # 2) = 400 W
And heat transfer by convection is given by
Q = hA (T f - T i)
400 = 10 # (2 # 2) ( T f - 30)
T f = 30 + 10 = 40c C
Sol. 24 Option (B) is correct.
Given : D1 = 1 m, D2 = 2 m
Hence, the small cylindrical surface (surface 1) cannot see itself and the radiation
emitted by this surface strikes on the enclosing surface 2. From the conservation
principal (summation rule).
For surface 1, F12 + F11 = 1 F11 = 0
F12 = 1 ...(i)
From the reciprocity theorem
A1 F12 = A 2 F21
D1 = 1 = 0.5
F21 = A1 = pD1L =
A 2 pD2 L D2 2
and from the conservation principal, for surface 2, we have
F21 + F22 = 1
F22 = 1 - F21 = 1 - 0.5 = 0.5
So, the fraction of the thermal radiation leaves the larger surface and striking
itself is F22 = 0.5.
Sol. 25 Option (D) is correct.
Given : b2T l = 10 K / m , ( T ) P = ( T) Q , (k) P = (k) Q = 0.1 W/ mK
2x Q
Direction of heat flow is always normal to surface of constant temperature.
So, for surface P ,
2T = 0
Because, Q =- kA (2T / 2x) and 2T is the temperature difference for a short
perpendicular distance dx . Let width of both the bodies are unity.
From the law of energy conservation,
Heat rate at P = Heat rate at Q
-0.1 # 1 # c2T m =- 0.1 # 2 # b2T l
2y P 2x Q
Because for P heat flow in y direction and for Q heat flow in x direction
2T 0.1 # 2 # 10
c 2y m = 0.1
= 20 K / m
Sol. 26 Option (B) is correct.
The region beyond the thermal entrance region in which the dimensionless
temperature profile expressed as b T - Tw l remains unchanged is called thermally
T3 - T w
fully developed region.
Nusselt Number is given by,
Nu = hL = c ...(i)
k 2ylmat yl= 0

T - Tw and yl = y
Here, T =
T3 - Tw 2t
Nu = 2 ; 3 b l - 1 b l E = 2 3 yl - 21 (yl) 3D
y y 3
2yl 2 d 2 2 d yl= 0 2y: 2 yl= 0
= ; 3 - 3 bt l E t=
3 = 1.5
2 2 dt yl= 0 2
Sol. 27 Option (B) is correct.
The counter flow arrangement of the fluid shown below :

Given: for hot fluid : t h1 = 60c C, mo h = 1 kg / sec , c h = 10 kJ /kg K

And for cold fluid :
tc2 = 30c C, mo c = 2 kg / sec , cc = 5 kJ /kg K
Heat capacity of Hot fluid,
C h = mo h ch = 1 # 10 = 10 kJ /k. sec
And heat capacity of cold fluid,
C = mo c c = 2 # 5 = 10 kJ /k sec
c c
By energy balance for the counter flow
mo h c h (t h1 - t h2) = mo c cc (tc2 - tc1)
Ch (t h1 - th2) = Cc (tc2 - tc1) Ch = Cc
th1 - tc2 = th2 - tc1
q1 = q2
LMTD, qm = q1 - q2 ...(i)
ln b q1 l
q1 = x
Let, 2 q1 is equal to q2 and qm is undetermined
q1 = x q 2
Substituting q1 in equation (i), we get,
qm = lim x q2 - q2 = lim q2 (x - 1)
x " 1 ln (x) x"1 ln (x)
0 form , So we apply L-hospital rule,
b0 l
qm = lim q2 # 1 = lim x q2
x"1 1 x "1
qm = q2 = q1 & q1 = th1 - tc2 = 60 - 30 = 30c C
Sol. 28 Option (D) is correct.
Given : T1 = 25c C = (273 + 25) = 298 K, A = 0.1 m2, m = 4 kg,
c = 2.5 kJ /kg K
h = ?, T2 = 225c C = 273 + 225 = 498 K
Temperature Gradient, dT =- 0.02 K / s
Here negative sign shows that plate temperature decreases with the time.

From the given condition,

Heat transfer by convection to the plate = Rate of change of internal energy
hA (T 2 - T 1) =- mc dT
h =- mc d T =- 4 # 2.5 # 10 3
# # (- 0.02)
A ( T 2 - T 1 ) dt 0.1 (498 - 298)
= 10 W / m 2 K

Sol. 29 Option (C) is correct.

Let the location of maximum temperature occurs at the distance x from the
left face. We know that steady state heat flow equation in one dimension with a
uniform heat generation is given by,
22 T + qg = 0 ...(i)
2x k

Here qg = Heat generated per unit volume and per unit time,
Given : qg = 80 MW / m2 = 80 #10 6 W/ m 2, k = 200 W / m K
Substituting the value of qg and k in equation (i), we get
22 T + 80 # 106 = 0
2x 200

22 T + 4 105 = 0
Integrating the above equation,
2T + 4 105 x + c = 0
# # 1 ...(ii)
Again integrating, we get 2
T + 4 # 105 # x + c x + c = 0 ...(iii)
1 2
Applying boundary conditions on equation (iii), we get
(1) At x = 0, T = 160c C
160 + c2 = 0
c2 =- 160 ...(iv)
(2) At x = 20 mm = 0.020 m , T = 120c C
(0.020) 2
120 + 4 # 105 # + c1 # 0.020 + (- 160) = 0 c2 =- 160
120 + 80 + 0.020c1 - 160 = 0
0.020c1 + 40 = 0
c1 =- 40 =- 2000 ...(v)
To obtain the location of maximum temperature, applying maxima-minima

principle and put dT = 0 in equation (ii), we get

0 + 4 # 10 5 x + (- 2000) = 0 c1 =- 2000
x = 2000 = 500 # 10 = 5 # 10 m = 5 mm
- 5 - 3

4 # 105
Sol. 30 Option (B) is correct.
From the previous part of the question, at x = 5 mm temperature is maximum.
So, put x = 5 mm = 5 # 10 -3 m in equation(iii), we get
5 (5 # 10-3) 2 -3
T + 4 # 10 # + (- 2000) # 5 # 10 + (- 160) = 0
T + 5 # 10 6 # 10-6 - 10 - 160 = 0
T + 5 - 170 = 0 & T = 165c C
Sol. 31 Option (D) is correct.
Given : Tinter = T1 + T2
Heat transfer will be same for both the ends
So, Q =- k 1 A1 (T 1 - T inter ) =- k 2 A 2 (Tinter - T 2)
2b b
Q =- kA dT
There is no variation in the horizontal direction. Therefore, we consider portion
of equal depth and height of the slab, since it is representative of the entire wall.
So, A 1 = A 2 and T inter = T1 + T2
T 1 + T2
k1 ;T1 - b lE
= k2 :T1 +
So, we get
2 2 T2 - T2D
k1 :2T1 - T1 - T2D = 2k2 :T1 + T2 - 2T 2D
2 2
k1 [T - T ] = k [T - T ]
2 1 2 2 1 2

k1 = 2k2
Sol. 32 Option (D) is correct.
Given : P = 100 W , n = 2.5 # 3 # 3 = 22.5 m 3 , Ti = 20c C
Now Heat generated by the bulb in 24 hours,
Q = 100 # 24 # 60 # 60 = 8.64 MJ ...(i)
Volume of the room remains constant.
Heat dissipated, Q = mcv dT = rncv ( T f - T i ) m = rv
Where, T f = Final temperature of room
r = Density of air = 1.2 kg/ m 3
cv of air = 0.717 kJ /kg K
Substitute the value of Q from equation (i), we get
8640000 = 1.2 # 22.5 # 0.717 # 10 3( T f - 20)
8640 = 1.2 # 22.5 # 0.717 ( T f - 20)
( T f - 20) = 446.30
T f = 446.30 + 20 = 466.30c C - 470c C

Sol. 33 Option (C) is correct.

Given : Relation humidity= 5% at temperature 20c C
Relative humidity,
Actual mass of water vapour in a given volume of moist air
mass of water vapour in the same volume of saturated
air at same temperature &pressure
m p
f= v
= v = 0.05 ...(i)
ms ps
Where, pv = Partial pressure of vapor at 20c C
From given table at T = 20cC, ps = 2.34 kPa
From equation (i),
pv = 0.05 # ps = 0.05 # 2.34 = 0.117 kPa
Phase equilibrium means, ps = pv
The temperature at which pv becomes saturated pressure can be found by
interpolation of values from table, for ps = 0.10 to ps = 0.26
-10 - (- 15)
T =- 15 + ; (0.117 - 0.10)
0.26 - 0.10 E
5 0.017 =- 14.47 -- 14.5c C
=- 15 + 0.16

Sol. 34 Option (B) is correct.

The variation of heat transfer with the outer radius of the insulation r2, when
r1 < rcr

The rate of heat transfer from the insulated pipe to the surrounding air can be expressed as
T1 - T3
Qo = R ins1+ Rconv.
T - T3 =
ln a r2 k
r1 1
2pLk + h (2pr L )
The value of r2 a t which Qo reaches a maximum is determined from the requirement
that = 0. By solving this we get,
rcr,pipe = k ...(i)
From equation (i), we easily see that by increasing the thickness of insulation,
the value of thermal conductivity increases and heat loss by the conduction also
But by increasing the thickness of insulation, the convection heat transfer co-

efficient decreases and heat loss by the convection also decreases. These both
cases are limited for the critical thickness of insulation.
Sol. 35 Option (D) is correct.
The general heat equation in cartesian co-ordinates,
22T +22T +22T = 12T
2x 2 y 2 z a 2t
2 2 2

For one dimensional heat conduction,

22T = 12T = rc p 2T a = k = Thermal Diffusitivity
a 2t k 2t rcp
For constant properties of medium,
2T \ 22T
2t 2x2
Sol. 36 Option (D) is correct.

Given : T1 > T2 > T 3

From, Wien’s displacement law,
lmax T = 0.0029 mK = Constant
lmax \ 1
If T increase, then lm decrease. But according the figure, when T increases,
then lm also increases. So, the Wien’s law is not satisfied.
Sol. 37 Option (C) is correct.
Assumptions :
(1) Heat transfer is steady since there is no indication of change with time.
(2) Heat transfer can be approximated as being one-dimensional since it is
predominantly in the x -direction.
(3) Thermal conductivities are constant.
(4) Heat transfer by radiation is negligible.
Analysis :
There is no variation in the horizontal direction. Therefore, we consider a 1 m
deep and 1 m high portion of the slab, since it representative of the entire wall.
Assuming any cross-section of the slab normal to the x - direction to be isothermal,
the thermal resistance network for the slab is shown in the figure.

R 1 = L1 = 0.5 = 25 K / W
k1 A 1 0.02 (1 # 1)
R2 = L2 = 0.25 = 5 K/W
k2 A 2 0.10 # (1 # 0.5)
R 3 = L3 = 0.25 = 12.5 K / W
k3 A 3 0.04 # (1 # 0.5)
Resistance R2 and R 3 are in parallel. So the equivalent resistance Req will be
1 = 1 + 1
Req R2 R 3
1 = R 3 + R2
Req R2 R 3
Req = 2R 3 = 5 # 12.5
R = 3.6 K / W
R2 + R 3 5 + 12.5
Resistance R1 and Req are in series. So total Resistance will be
R = R1 + Req = 25 + 3.6 = 28.6 K / W
Sol. 38 Option (C) is correct.
Given : D = 5 mm = 0.005 m , Ti = 500 K, Ta = 300 K, k = 400 W / mK,
r = 9000 kg/ m3, c = 385 J / kg K, h = 250 W / m2K,
Given that lumped analysis is assumed to be valid.
T - Ta = exp - hA t = exp - ht ...(i)
So, c m c m
Ti - Ta rnc rlc
4 pR 3
n Volume of ball n
l= = Surface Area = 34 2 l=
=R D
3 = 6 = 6
0.005 = 1 m
On substituting the value of l and other parameters in equation. (i),
T - 300
= exp c- 1 250m# t
500 - 300 9000
T = 300 + 200 # e-0.08658t
On differentiating the above equation w.r.t. t ,
dT = 200 (- 0.08658) e-0.08658t
# #
Rate of fall of temperature of the ball at the beginning of cooling is (at beginning t = 0
bdt l = 200 # (- 0.08658) # 1=- 17.316 K / sec
t =0
Negative sign shows fall of temperature.
Sol. 39 Option (C ) is correct.
Given : d1 = 1 m, d2 = 0.5 m, L = 0.5 m
The cylinder surface cannot see itself and the radiation emitted by this surface
falls on the enclosing sphere. So, from the conservation principle (summation

rule) for surface 2,

F21 + F22 = 1
F21 = 1 F22 = 0

From the reciprocity theorem,

A1 F12 = A 2 F21
F12 = A 2 # F21 = A2 ...(ii)
A1 A1
For sphere, F11 + F12 = 1
F11 = 1 - F12 ...(iii)
From equation (ii) and (iii), we get
F11 = 1 - A 2 = 1 - 2pr22l = 1 - 2r22l
A1 pd 1 d1
= 1- 2 # 0.250 # 0.5 1
= 1 - = 0.75
12 4
Sol. 40 Option (D) is correct.
The figure shown below are of parallel flow and counter flow respectively.

For parallel flow,

th1 = 80cC, th2 = 50cC, tc1 = 30cC, tc2 = 40cC
(t - tc1) - (t h2 - tc2)
qmp = q1 - q2 = h1 th1 - tc1
ln b 1 l ln bth2 - tc2 l
Where, qmp denotes the LMTD for parallel
2 flow.
(80 - 30) - (50 - 40) = 40 = 24.85c C
qmp =
lnb 50 l ln (5)
For counter flow arrangement
th1 = 80cC, th2 = 50cC, tc1 = 40cC, tc2 = 30cC

Where, qmc denotes the LMTD for counter flow.

(t - tc2) - (t h2 - tc1)
qmc = q1 - q2 = h1 th1 - tc2
ln b q1 l ln bt - t l
q h2 c1

(80 - 30) - (50 - 40) = 40 = 28.85cC

= 2

ln b 50 l ln (5)
Now for defining the type of flow, we use the correction factor.
qm = Fqmc = Fqmp ...(i)
Where F = correction factor, which depends on the geometry of the heat exchanger
and the inlet and outlet temperatures of the of the hot and cold streams.
F < 1, for cross flow and F = 1, for counter and parallel flow So,
From equation (i),
F = qm = 26 = 0.90 < 1
qmc 28.85
= qm = 26 = 1.04 > 1
and also F
qmp 24.85
So, cross flow in better for this problem.
Sol. 41 Option (C) is correct.
Given : A duct of rectangular cross section. For which sides are
a = 1 m and b = 0.5 m
T1 = 30cC, T2 = 20cC, V = 10 m / sec , k = 0.025 W / m K
Viscosity = 18 mPas, Pr = 0.73, r = 1.2 kg/ m3, Nu = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr0.33
Hence, For a rectangular conduit of sides a and b ,
Hydraulic diameter, D H = 4A
Where, A is the flow cross sectional area and p the wetted perimeter
D = 4ab = 2ab
2 (a + b) (a + b)
= 2 # 1 # 0.5 = 1 = 0.666 m

(1 + 0.5) 1.5
Reynolds Number, Re =
= 1.2 # 10 # 0.666 = 4.44 # 105
18 # 10-6
Sol. 42 Option (D) is correct.
From the first part of the question,
Re = 4.44 # 105
Which is greater than 3 # 105. So, flow is turbulent flow.
Therefore, Nu = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr 0.33
hL = 0.023 4.44 105 0.8 (0.73) 0.33
^ # h # Nu = hL
k k
= 0.023 # 32954 # 0.9013 = 683.133
h = 683.133 # k
= 683.133 # 0.025 = 25.64 W / m2 K
DH = L = 0.666 m

Total Area, A = 2 (a + b) L = 2 (1 + 0.5) L = 3L

Heat transfer by convection is given by,
Q = hA (T 1 - T 2)
= 25.64 # 3L # [(273 + 30) - (273 + 20)]
Heat transfer per meter length of the duct is given by
= 25.64 # 3 # 10 = 769.2 W - 769 W
Sol. 43 Option (B) is correct.
The one dimensional time dependent heat conduction equation can be written more
compactly as a simple equation,
1 2 rn 2T + q = rc2T ...(i)
r n 2: 2rD k k 2t
Where, r n = 0, For rectangular coordinates
n = 1, For cylindrical coordinates
n = 2, For spherical coordinates
Further, while using rectangular coordinates it is customary to replace the r
-variable by the x -variable.
For sphere, substitute r = 2 in equation (i)
1 2 r 22T + q = rc2T
r 22 : 2r D k k 2t
r1 2 22T q 12T a = k = thermal diffusivity
:r D + =
r22r 2r k a 2t rc
Sol. 44 Option (C) is correct.

Let Length of the tube = l

Given : r1 = d1 = 2 / 2 cm = 1 cm , r2 = 5 cm = 2.5 cm
2 2
Radius of asbestos surface, r3 = d2 + 3 = 2.5 + 3 = 5.5 cm
ks = 19 W / mK, ka = 0.2 W / mK
And T1 - T2 = 600c C
From the given diagram heat is transferred from r1 to r2 and from r2 to r3. So
Equivalent thermal resistance,
loge (r2 / r1)
SR = 1 ln a r2 k + 1 ln a r3 k For hollow cylinder R t =
2pks l r1 2pka l r2 2pkl
SR # l = 1 lna r2 k + 1 ln a r3 k
2pk r 2pk r
s 11 a
ln 2.5 +
2 1 ln 5.5
2 # 3.14 # 19 b 1 l 2 # 3.14 # 0.2 b 2.5 l
= 0.916 + 0.788 = 0.00767 + 0.627
119.32 1.256

= 0.635 mK / W ...(i)
Heat transfer per unit length,
Q = T1 - T2 = 600 = 944.88 - 944.72 W / m
(SR # l) 0.635
Sol. 45 Option (B) is correct.
Given : h = 400 W / m 2 K, k = 20 W / mK, c = 400 J / kg K, r = 8500 kg/ m3
Ti = 30c C, D = 0.706 mm , Ta = 300c C, T = 298c C
Biot Number, Bi = hl ..(i)
k 4 pR 3 1 pD3
And l = = 34 2 = 6 pD 2
Surface Area pR
D -3
= = 0.706 # 10 = 1.176 # 10-4 m
6 6
From equation (i), we have
Bi = hl = 400 # 1.176 # 10 = 0.0023
k 20
Bi < 0.1
The value of Biot Number is less than one. So the lumped parameter solution for
transient conduction can be conveniently stated as
T - Ta hAt ht n= l
= e-c rcn m = e- c rcl m
Ti - Ta A
298 - 300 -400t
= exp b
30 - 300 8500 # 400 # 1.176 # 10-4 l
-2 -t
2 -t
Take natural logarithm both sides, we get
ln b 2 l =- t " t = 4.90 sec
Sol. 46 Option (A) is correct.
Given : tc1 = 30cC, dmdt = mo = 1500 kg/ hr = 1500 kg/ sec = 0.4167 kg/ sec
th2 = th1 = 120c C, tc2 tc2 = 80cC, cw = 4.187 kJ /kg K , U = 2000 W / m2K.
Figure for condensation is given below :

Hence, q1 = th1 - tc1 = 120 - 30 = 90c C


And q2 = th2 - tc2 = 120 - 80 = 40c C

So, Log mean temperature difference (LMTD) is,
qm = q1 -qq2 = 90 -90 40 = 61.66c C
ln _ i ln ^ h

q2 40
Energy transferred is given by,
Q = mo c w DT = UA qm
A = m c w DT = 0.4167 # 4.187 # 1000 # 50
Uqm 2000 # 61.66
= 0.707 m2
Sol. 47 Option (B) is correct.
Given, for plate :
A 1 = 10 cm 2 = 10 # (10-2) 2 m 2 = 10 -3 m 2 , T1 = 800 K, e1 = 0.6
For Room : A 2 = 100 m 2 , T 2 = 300 K, e2 = 0.3 and s = 5.67 # 10-8 W / m 2 K 4

Total heat loss from one surface of the plate is given by,
(Q12) = Eb1 - Eb2
(1 - e1) 1 + (1 - e2)
+A F
A1e1 1 12 A 2e2
If small body is enclosed by a large enclosure, then F12 = 1 and from Stefan’s
Boltzman law Eb = sT 4. So we get
s ( T 4 - T 24) = 5.67 # 10- [(800) - (300) ]
8 4 4
(Q12) = 1 - e 1 1 1 - e 1 - 0.6 1 1 - 0.3
+ + 2
+ -3 +
A e A e -3
100 # 0.3
1 1 1 A 22 10 # 0.6 10
22.765 # 103
= = 13.66 W
666.66 + 1000 + 0.0233
Q12 is the heat loss by one surface of the plate. So, heat loss from the two surfaces
is given by,
Qnet = 2 # Q12 = 2 # 13.66 = 27.32 W
Sol. 48 Option (B) is correct.

In counter flow, hot fluid enters at the point 1 and exits at the point 2 or cold

fluid enter at the point 2 and exit at the point 1. Given :

for hot fluid,
ch = 2 kJ /kg K , m h = 5 kg/ sec , th1 = 150c C, th2 = 100c C
and for cold fluid,
cc = 4 kJ /kg K , mc = 10 kg/ sec , tc2 = 20c C, tc1 = ?
From the energy balance,
Heat transferred by the hot fluid = Heat gain by the cold fluid
mo h c h (t h1 - t h2) = mo c cc (tc1 - t c2)
5 # 2 # 103 (150 - 100) = 10 # 4 # 103 (tc1 - 20)
104 # 50 = 4 # 104 (tc1 - 20)

tc1 = 130
4 = 32.5c C
Hence, outlet temperature of the cold fluid,
tc1 = 32.5c C
Sol. 49 Option (A) is correct.
The non-dimensional Prandtl Number for thermal boundary layer is,
dv = ( Pr)1/3
(i) When Pr = 1 dv = dT
(ii) When Pr > 1 dv > dT
(iii) When Pr < 1 dv < dT
So for Pr > 1, dv > dT
Sol. 50 Option (C) is correct.
Given for water : Tw = 48c C, kw = 0.6 W / mK
And for glass : Tg = 40c C, kg = 1.2 W / mK

c dT
dy m
Spatial gradient = 1 # 104 K / m
Heat transfer takes place between the water and glass interface by the conduction and
convection. Heat flux would be same for water and glass interface. So, applying the
conduction equation for water and glass interface.
dT dT Q -kA dT dT
kw c dy m = kg c q = = dx =- k
dy mg A A dx
dT k dT = 0.6 10 4
= 0.5 10 4
K / m
# #
c m = wc m
dy g k g dy w 1.2

Sol. 51 Option (D) is correct.

From the equation of convection,
Heat flux, q = h [T w - T g ] ...(i)
Where, h = Heat transfer coefficient
First find q , q = kw c dT m = kg c dT m = 0.6 # 104 = 6000 W / m 2
dy w dy g
Now from equation (i),
h =
= 6000 = 6000 = 750 W / m2 K
Tw - Tg 48 - 40 8

Sol. 52 Option (C) is correct.

Given : (A) For counter flow th1 = tC1, th2 = tC 2

LMTD , qmc = q1 - q2
ln q1
(th1 - tC2) - (t h2 - tC1) (t - t ) - (t - t ) 2( t - t )
qmc = th1 - tC2 = h1 h2t - t h2 h1 = t h1- t h2 ...(i)
h1 h2 h1 h2
ln : t - t D ln : t - t D ln : t - t D
h2 C1 h2 h1 h2 h1
(B) For parallel flow given : th1 = t C2 , t h2 = tC 1
LMTD , q = q1 - q2mp

ln b q1 l
(t h1 - tC1) - (t h2 -2tC2) (th1 - th2) - (t h2 - th1) = 2 (th1 - th2) ...(ii)
qmp = = th1 - th2
th1- t C1 t -t
ln : th2 - tC2 D ln : t - t D ln : th1 - t h2 D
h2 h1 h2 h1

From equation (i) and (ii), we get

qmc = qmp
Sol. 53 Option (D) is correct.
Given : F13 = 0.17
Applying summation rule :
F11 + F12 + F13 = 1
The flat surface cannot see itself.
So, F11 = 0
This gives, F12 = 1 - F11 - F13 = 1 - 0 - 0.17 = 0.83
Sol. 54 Option (C) is correct.

S. No. Materials Thermal Conductivity (W / m - K)

1. Aluminum 237
2. Pure Iron 80.2
3. Liquid Water 0.607
4. Saturated Water Vapour 0.026


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