F Division: (Divide by A Digit

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youwill learn...
In thischapter
Q now to divideanynumberby a singledigit
@ now to dividea numberby 10or 100
@ now to divideanynumberby a twodigit number

{ Divide by a Digit
LearnAbout lt
Dividing any nurhberby a single digit is easyif you know your tables.
You work from left to right. You try to divide each digit in turn.
This is how to worf out 72 + 3.

7+ 3 = 2 1
r 1 2+ 3= l
// /
2/ 4
3w 3Fi
t .
into12 The answeris72 + 3 = 24.Check 24 x 3 = 72
Here is 3& + 5.
3+5=0r3 36+5=7rl 14+5=2r4

/ / I
0 7 2r4
. T4
s)it- s)3h14 s)F614
makes6 makes
4 youhavereached Notice how ttre
into36 into 14 the lastdigi! so this remainders are carried
istheremainder along to the nerrt digit
The answer is 364 + 5 = 72 remainder 4. each time.
Check 72 x 5 = 36O;36O+ 4 = 3&
Chapter5 Division

Word Check
divide share out or split into equal parts
remainder what is left over if vou can't divide
per 'in a'or'every':4 timesper yearmeans4
times everyyear

Try lt Out
@ Wort out the answersto these.Check your answer by multip$ing.
1 zI+o 2 zls2 3 sf84 4 e)4I6 5 slo+s
6 zlz+s 7 +ltq 8 sls76 9 s ) 4r s 10 o l z c o s

@ S.t these out clearly,then find the answers.

1 243+j 2 432+4 3 2166+ 2 4 216+5 5 724+4
6 7 9 r+ 7 7 2553 + 9 8 152+8 9 714+6 10 @ 4 o + 5

Q H.r. is a cloud full of divisions. Someof them have the sameanswers.

686+3 t4+4 s)to6l 1142+5

446+-5 r)e+ gFos zftn
24+2 627+7
538+-6 6)20- 268+3
29+9 z)+m olsTo

Work out the answers, then put the divisions with the same answers into
groups. There are six groups.

n*arnple 14 + 4=3r2arrd?9 +9 =3r2

Put 14 + 4 and29 + 9 in the safip grloup
becausethey have the sameanswer.
Unit2 TheFourOperations

Copy and complete the table when you have the answers.


@ n"r each question, write a division, then work out the answer.

Exarnple In a hockey league,l2S matches are played

in 8 weeks. How many matches are played each week?
Working 128 + 8
0 1 6
Answer 16 matches have to be played each week.

Jeannette wants'to put 84 model cars into 6 boxes, equally. How many
cars go in each box? I -
Mrs Almond is putting out biscuits for a party' she has 95 biscuits' 7 biscuits
go on each plate.
(a) How many plates does she need?
(b) How many biscuits will be left over?
Harold is decorating cakes. Eacb cake needs 8 strawberries. Harold has
IOO strawberries.
(a) How many cakes can he decorate? , ?-
'(b) How many strawberries will be left over? \

Marlon has 384 stickers.Thefe are 4 stickers on a sheet. How many sheets
has he bought?
5 A garden centre uses 1155 litres of water per week on its plants.
How much is this per day?
6 A bike factory has 4596 wheels in stock. How many bikes can be fitted
with wheels?
7 Each file onJamie's disk takes up 5 kilobltes. He has used 1325 kilobytes.
.How many files are there on his disk?
8 Fatima worked out that if she watched all of her videos it would take
387 hours. All the vidgos are 3 hours long. How many videos does she own?

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O o" to page336
r Division

@ nacn number machine has five input numbers. work out the output numbers.
Some answers have remainders. Show your working.

Ouestion Inputnumberc Machine Outputnumbers

1 48,59,71,84,98 D
2 78,72,66,
59,54 D
3 120,135,
242,247,325 D
4 99,113,227,326,418 D
5 648,536,440,312,257 D
5 218,.263,314,337,
381 D
7 440,355
764,624,531, D
8 1021, 4235,
2149, 8368 D

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4 Divideby 10 or 100-
LearnAbout lt
Divide by 10
1 Our number systemis basedon tens. This makesit very easyto divide by 10.
Dividing by 10 changestens into units. This shows what happenswhen
you do 7O+ lO.
U' o
E Gt
o (|,
E o g E o 9
E E = = q ' =

7 0 m -> 7 r'u"\a'
7 movesinto @ tneret noroomleftforthe0
Unit 2 The FourOperations

Dividing by 1O changes hundreds into tens. This shows what happens

when you do 360 + 10.
o o
o, o,
G' o 9 C
o 9
o = E

3 6 0 -> 3 6v\^
+ t - \
3 movesintothe tens columnand @ theretnoroomleftforthe0
6 movesintothe unitscolumn

There is a simple rule to helP You

do this. Key Fact
This works with anv whole number To divide a whole number
ending in O. ending in O by lO, take O off
So 2O4O+ lO = 2O4. the end.

Divide by 100
3 _Dividing by 100 is the same as dividing by lO and then dividing by 1O again.
Dividing by loo.changes hundreds into units. This shows what happens
when you do 4OO+ 1OO.
o o
tt E
@ o,
P o 9 E q P

E E = E E =
- * 4 %
4 0 0 .L
4 movesintothe @@
unitscolumn there'snoroomleftforthefl)
.Dividing by 100 changes thousands krto tens. This shows what happens
when you do 6200 + 100.
' 4 _ o
4 6
9 F
3 E 6 9 i o e
. . G = O =

6 2 0 0 -
' t i " \
6 moves and2 @@
column there'snoroomleftforthe00
is a simple rule to help you do this.
This works with any whole number Key Fact
ending in OO. To divide a whole number'
So 55 8OO+ lOO = 558. ending in O0 by 100, take 00
off the end.
Chapter5 Division

Try lt Out
@ f Divide each of these numbers by 1o.
F-arnFle 38O
Worklng and answer 38O + 1O = 38 (Take O offtbe end of 38O.)

(a) 80 Cb)6o (c) 13o (it) 2w (e) 32o

(D zqo Gj) 1o5o (h) 1630 (i) lloo (D 15o9o
2 Divide eachof thesenumbersbv 1OO.

F-arnple 8200
Vorking and answer 8 2 0 0 + 1 0 O = 8 2(Ibhe OOofftbe end of 82OO.)

(a) 600 O) 3oo (c) 18oo (il)z4oo (e) lgoo

(D tzoo G) ro2oo (h) 16600 (r) :zooo g) 270500

LbarnMoreAbout lt
If you can divide by lO and 1OO,there are lots of other things you can do.
1 Dividing by 2Ois the same as dividing by 1O,then dividing by 2.
So it's easyto do 84O+ 20.
is the sameas 840 + 10 + 2
i s t h d s a m e a s8 4 +2.=42
2 To do 36OO+ 4OO,do this:
360O+ 4OO
is the same as 3600 + lOO + 4
is the sameas 36 + 4 =)

Try lt Out
@ w"* out the following questions.
(a) 18o+ 3o b) 24o + 40 (c) 1o5o+ 7O
(d) ls4o + a (e) 1o8o+ 9o (0 355o+ lo
(a) 600+2oo (b) fzoo + 8oo (c) 40oo+ 50o
(c) qtoo + 7oo (e) 44 80o + 8o0 (D 297ooo+9oo

Unit2 TheFourOperations

@ r" each question, two answers are the sameand the other is different.
Find the'odd one out'.
There is one question that needs special care!

F-arnple (a) 2OO+ r0 (b) 60 + 30 (c) 4O+ZO

Working (a) =
2N + 1O 2O (Take O off tbe end.)
(b) 60 * 3O= 6 + 3 = 2 (Take O off ea.clt,tben dtutde.)
(c) 40 + 2O= 4 + 2 = 2 (Take 0 off eacb, tben diutde.)
Answer (a) is the odd one out.

1 (a) 4oo + 20 (b) 80 + 10 (c) 160 + 20

2 (a) 28o + 40 (b) f: ooo + 5o0 (c) 42o + 6o
3 (a) 80 + 10 (b) 72O+ 9O (c) l2OoO + lOO
4 (a) 42oo+ roo (b) 48oo+ 2oo (c) r25o+ 3o
5 (a) roso+ 6o (b) 1330+ 70 (c) 190+ 10
6.(a) 24OOO+ 8OO (b) 3OO+ rO (c) 27OO+ 9O

FurtherPraciice FinishedEady?
l) rr.n number machine has five input numbers. Q c" to page337
Work out the output numbers. Show your working.

60,40,70,910,5200 D
400,300,2900, 85500
6000, D
3 i 320,800,7200,
4 ; 400,1000, 6200,
2400, 10800 D

) i 8000, 10500,
9000, 46500
6 54000,
3600, 81000,135000
90000, D
Q c" to page337
Chaoter5 Division

€ DividebyTwo Digits
LearnAbout lt
To divide by a twodigit number, you need to know ...
(a) how to divide by a single digit
(b) how to multiply larger numbers
(c) how to subtract numbers.
There are two ways of writing out the division. The first is a bit like'dividing
by a digit'on page 44. This is how you would divide 3133 by f 3. It helps to
have the 13x table handy.

The13x table
Sl+ 1 3 = 4 13+13=l

I Il 1 x 1 3 = 1 3
2 26
2 4 1
2 4 1
3 39
4 52
3 1s313 l3)s r u3b
5 65

1I 6

I I 117

I is'carried';
it makes
3 into13.

The second way is called long division. It takes up a lot of space, but it's
easier to work out the remainders. The second way to do 3133 + 13 is shown
on the next page.
Unit 2 The FourOperations

31+13=2 2 Sil+13=4
/ uFr33 2 4^'
2 6 . 2 6 2 6 i
+ 5 5 3 2 6
2x13=26 +
AI 5 3
3l-26=5 Bringthe next
Thisis the remaindet digitin the

2 4 13+13=1
2 4
1 3 F 1 3 3 r3Fr33 2 4 ly'
2 6 2 6 2 6 | r3)sr33
5 3 5 3 5 3 1 2 6
5 2 5 2 5 2 ' 5 3
AI . 1 1 3 5 2
4x13=52 +I +
l 3
l x 1 3 = 1 3 - - +1 3
5 3 - 5 2 =I Bringthenext
Thisis theremainder digitinthequestion 13- 13= O---1g
Thismakes l3

Here's 98O2 + 58 done both ways. First the short way:

Then the long way. Only the finished one is shown:

The58x table
l x 5 8 = 5 8
1 6 9
2 116
s 'suJ T s o 2
r +| 3
4 0 0
| 5 290
3 4 8 1
6 348
5 2 2
7 406
5 2 2
I 464
0 I 522
Chapter5 Division

Try lt Out
Q w*t these out using the methods you like.
1 These divide exactlv.
(a) 275+ 1r (b) 585+ rl (c> 4727+ 29
(d) 13 Jr6 + 52 (e) 961+ 3t

2 These have remainders.

(a) 366+tz b) 4ro7 + 17 (c) 833 + 25
(d) 2777+77 (e) 25 o49+ 5r

@ t To change months into years,divide by 12. How many years are there in ...
@) $q monlhs (b) 1128 months (c) 3ZZAmonths?

2 To change hours into days,divide by 24. How many days are there in ...
(a) 888 hours L392 hours (c) 8760 hours?
3 To change weeks into years,divide by 52. How many years are there in ...
@) gle weeks (b) 1820 weeks (c) 8528 weeks?

4 The planet Saturn takes 29 years to orbit the Sun once. How many times
will it orbit the Sun in
(a) 4o0years (b) 6o0years (c) loooyears (d) 2S0Oyears?
What do the remainders mean?

Q divide by 23o,you can divide by f Ofirst, then by 23. Use this idea to help
you fill in the table.

Exarnple 7350 + 23O

Working 736O+ lO = 736 (Take 0 off tbe end.)
736 + 23 32 (Use tbe rnetbodWu ltke.)
Arrswer 736O+ 23O= 32
Unit 2 The FourOperations

Q nacn number machine has two input numbers. Work out the output numbers.
Show your working.

0uestion Inputnumbers tlachino 0utputnumberc

I 10350,23690 D
2 14040,46980 D
3 25410,12100 D
4 43200,321600 D

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Further Practice
@ nactr question has two divisions. Work them out, then wnte sflg,if they give
the same answer or &iffqq* if thev don't.
1 (a) 168 + 12 b) t54 + tt
2 (a) 169 + 13 (b) 195 + 15
3 (a) 343 + 77 Cb) 383 + 19
4 (a) 444+2r b) 499 +-zl
5 (a) 875 + 25 b) 816 + 24
6 (a) 1368+ 38 b) 1242+ 31
7 (a) 2750 + 55 (b) lo5o + et
8 (a) 2880+72 (b) 1t45 + 43

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Unat 2 Ff:s f,{n#F"
Summaryof Chapters3, 4 and 5

Additions and subtractions may be grouped as follows:

e . g . 4 + 3 = 7 ,3 + 4 = 7 , 7 - 4 = 3 , 7 - 3 = 4 .
You can add numbers by
o adding in turn each digit of the second number to the first number
o adding the hundreds, tens and units separately, then adding the answers
o adding in columns.
You can subtract numbers by
r subtracting in turn each digit of the second number from the first number
r counting bn
o subtracting in columns.
Knowing your multiplication tables can help you solve many simple
o To multiply by lO, add O to the end of the number.
a To multiply by 1O0,add OOto the end of the number.
a To multiply any number by any other number,you can
. use the box method
o set it out in columns.
Mrdtiplications and divisions may be grouped as follows:
e.g.4x 3 = 12, 3 x 4 = 12, 12 + 4 = 3, t2 + 3 = 4.
O In division,you work from left to right.
? To divide by 1O,take O from the end of a whole number ending in O.
a To divide by 1OO,take 00 from the end of a whole number ending in 00.
a To divide any number by any.other number,you can use short division
or long division.

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