Global Networks

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The world has become a
unified village. The onset of
globalization brought forth
the homogeneity of peoples
across the globe.

Travel, Education, and work

are now easily accessed by
the people beyond their
geographical location.
What is the
concept of
Globalization is a term derived from the term
globalize which refers to the creation of
international network of economic systems
where there is the establishment of
interdependence and interconnectedness
between the varied social, economic and
political components of the world.

Globalization refers to global alliance and

dependence in terms of business, political,
economic and cultural practices.
Globalization is the
connection of different
parts of the world.

Globalization results in
the expansion of
international cultural,
economic, and political
What is Global Networks?

It includes:
• Development of the WWW through
the internet.
• Networks of individuals, communities
and organizations that operates
• Use of cyberspace and other
technological innovation that gave
rise to global village.
What factors gave
rise to Globalization?
• Advancement in Education
• Advancement and Science
and Technology
• Social and Political
What aspects are
associated with
1. Information and
Communication Technology
ICT has greatly advanced in the last quarter
of the twentieth century. Globalization
drastically changed the way the world
operates where obstacles which hindered
communication and interaction

ICT became a key element in the realization

of goals initiated by various sectors in the
In addition, ICT affects:
• Citizen participation
• Economic performance
• Education
• Employment and poverty
• Health
• Community
• Innovation and Research
2. Migration
Migration means the movement or transfer of
potential individuals to a prospect state.

Globalization has affected as well the movement

of people from one geographical location to
another which may include tourists, immigrants,
businesspeople, diplomats, workers and the like.

The economic integration allowed more workers

to move to areas where there is “greener
Push and Pull Factors
There are countless reasons why
immigrants choose to migrate to another
• Push Factors are the things that are
unfavourable about the area; are those
that motivate people to move from one
place to another because of difficulty
• Pull Factors are those that attract one to
live, work or stay in a specific state or
1.Not enough Jobs 1.Job opportunities
2.Few opportunities 2.Better living conditions
3.Discrimination 3.Education
4.War 4.Family links
5.Natural Disasters 5.Attractive climates
6.Political Fear or Persecution 6.Enjoyment
7.Desire for political and 7.Security
religious freedom 8.Industry
8.Inadequate conditions
3. Spread of Ideas
and Ideology

Globalization means
sharing cutting-edge ideas
by simply communicating
through the web.
Clearly, one of the goals of globalization
is for the world to become more
interdependent. People and countries of
the world are closely woven together
especially in the economic aspect.
Globalization is the most powerful
source for change in the world today
affecting all societies in the planet.
It entails movement of capital, free flow
of goods and services, the increased
mobility of individuals, and the
expansion of multinational corporations
and transnational organizations.
What are the Major
Areas in
1. Economic Globalization

2. Cultural Globalization

3. Political Globalization

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