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Inbound Access Schemes

April 2008

Document No: DC-000102(B)

Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd.

This document contains information proprietary to Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. and may not be
reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. The
disclosure by Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. of information contained herein does not constitute any
license or authorization to use or disclose the information, ideas or concepts presented. The contents of
this document are subject to change without prior notice.
SkyEdge Inbound Access Schemes


1. SkyEdge Access Scheme Basics ........................................................................ 1

1.1. SkyEdge Hub ............................................................................................... 1
1.2. SkyEdge VSATs........................................................................................... 1
1.3. Multi-Frequency – Time Division Multiplexing Access (MF-TDMA) ............... 1
1.4. Inbound Bands ............................................................................................. 2
1.5. Using MPNs to Manage Traffic by VSAT Group ........................................... 2
1.6. QoS Considerations ..................................................................................... 2

2. SkyEdge Access Scheme Overview .................................................................... 3

2.1. RA (Random Access) ................................................................................... 3
2.2. CRA (Collision Reduction Application) ......................................................... 5
2.3. GA (Guaranteed Access) + RRA (Reservation Random Access).................. 7
2.4. DA (Dedicated Access) ................................................................................ 9
2.4.1. DA Access Limitations .......................................................................11
2.4.2. VDA (Voice Dedicated Access)..........................................................11
2.4.3. ADA (Automatic Dedicated Access) ...................................................11
2.5. DDA (Dynamic Dedicated Access) ..............................................................11

3. Common SkyEdge Network Configurations.......................................................13

3.1. RA (Random Access) ..................................................................................13
3.1.1. Applicability (Application Characteristics) ..........................................13
3.1.2. Why does RA Satisfy the Situation ....................................................13
3.1.3. Relevant Network Mechanisms..........................................................13
3.1.4. Limitations .........................................................................................13
3.1.5. Typical Implementations ....................................................................14
3.2. CRA ............................................................................................................14
3.2.1. Applicability (Application Characteristics) ..........................................14
3.2.2. Why does CRA Satisfy the Situation ..................................................14
3.2.3. Limitations .........................................................................................14
3.2.4. Relevant Network Mechanisms..........................................................15
3.2.5. Typical Implementations ....................................................................15
3.3. RA + DA......................................................................................................15
3.3.1. Applicability (Application Characteristics) ..........................................15
3.3.2. Why does RA + DA Satisfy the Situation............................................15
3.3.3. Limitations .........................................................................................15
3.3.4. Relevant Network Mechanisms..........................................................16
3.3.5. Typical Implementations ....................................................................16

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3.4. RRA + GA ...................................................................................................16

3.4.1. Applicability (Application Characteristics) ..........................................16
3.4.2. Why does RRA + GA Satisfy the Situation .........................................16
3.4.3. Limitations .........................................................................................17
3.4.4. Relevant Network Mechanisms..........................................................17
3.4.5. Typical Implementations ....................................................................17
3.5. Bandwidth on Demand (RA + DDA).............................................................17
3.5.1. Applicability (Application Characteristics) ..........................................17
3.5.2. Why does BoD Satisfy the Situation ..................................................17
3.5.3. Limitations .........................................................................................18
3.5.4. Relevant network mechanisms ..........................................................18
3.5.5. Typical Implementations ....................................................................18
3.6. DDA vs. BoD (Bandwidth on Demand) ........................................................18

4. Additional SkyEdge Solutions ............................................................................20

4.1. Multiple Inbound Rates................................................................................20
4.2. Multiple Inbound Bands (IBBs) ....................................................................20
4.3. VoIP vs. Telephony .....................................................................................20
4.4. Mesh IP.......................................................................................................21
4.5. SkyAbis and other Backhaul Applications....................................................21

5. Additional Access Scheme Technologies ..........................................................22

5.1. Synchronization ..........................................................................................22
5.2. Channel Sharing .........................................................................................22
5.3. Adaptive Inbound ........................................................................................22

6. Network Topologies ............................................................................................24

6.1. Star Topology..............................................................................................24
6.2. Mesh Topology ...........................................................................................25

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Figure 1: SkyEdge VSAT Random Access (RA) mode .....................................................4
Figure 2: RA frequency plan.............................................................................................4
Figure 3: CRA access scheme .........................................................................................5
Figure 4: CRA Grades of Service .....................................................................................6
Figure 5: GA/RRA Access Scheme ..................................................................................7
Figure 6: SkyEdge Dedicated Access (DA) mode.............................................................9
Figure 7: Normal vs. Rain Fade mode ............................................................................23
Figure 8: Star Topology..................................................................................................24
Figure 9: Mesh Topology................................................................................................25

Table 1: CRA Grades of Service ......................................................................................6

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About This Manual

This document provides information about SkyEdge Version 5.1 access schemes and
indicates which access methods are appropriate for various types of applications.


This document should be read by anyone who is planning to implement a SkyEdge


Screen captures in this document were obtained using SkyEdge Version 5.1.
These screens vary in other versions but the differences are not significant
for the purposes of this document.

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1. SkyEdge Access Scheme Basics

SkyEdge enables inbound bandwidth resources to be shared. Due to the high cost of
satellite bandwidth, inbound resources are usually over-subscribed. Sharing these
resources enables the same inbound resources to be used by many VSATs. Using the
most appropriate access-schemes minimizes inbound space-segment requirements
and optimizes the user-experience.

1.1. SkyEdge Hub

In most access schemes, inbound resources are managed and controlled by the
SkyEdge hub. Some access schemes, such as RA (Random Access), do not require
inbound resource management. Others, such as GA (Guaranteed Access), do require
the assignment of inbound resources by the hub.

1.2. SkyEdge VSATs

Most SkyEdge VSATs have an access layer (RSP/LAPU), a data application layer
(DRPP) and a telephony application layer (VRPP). The access layer provides the
following functions:
„ Transmits application traffic over the channel
„ Ensures data reliability
„ Initiates, modifies, and releases sessions
„ Can reserve bandwidth based on a combination of the following criteria:
− Volume vs. rate-based reservation
− Allocation granularity
− Control channel requirements (capacity requests)

1.3. Multi-Frequency – Time Division Multiplexing Access (MF-TDMA)

The SkyEdge inbound is based on Multi-Frequency Time-Division Multiple Access

(MF-TDMA), an advanced DAMA assigned inbound mechanism. MF-TDMA uses
many thin channels to minimize RF equipment costs across the entire network of
installed VSATs. In addition, each channel can be used by more than a single user.

MF-TDMA accommodates the SLA requirements of different applications while

using less bandwidth to serve more VSATs. This enables each VSAT to optimize the
usage of satellite resources by transmitting at a different frequency in each time slot.

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1.4. Inbound Bands

A single SkyEdge HSP can support several satellite networks. Each network has its
own inbound RF resources except for physical time-slot duration which is shared by
the separate inbound bands.

The HSP supports 8 inbound bands as separate and independent space-segments.

More than 8 inbound bands can be supported by adding additional HSP cards.
Different inbound bands can use different channel rates and access schemes.

Each VSAT is allocated to one inbound band. Each inbound band includes channels
that VSATs use for sending signaling to the hub and for transmitting data to the hub
or to other VSATs when Mesh is used.

1.5. Using MPNs to Manage Traffic by VSAT Group

Managed Private Networks (MPNs) enable several satellite networks to share the
same RF resources. Unlike inbound bands, MPNs use the same inbound space
segment for all of the VSATs in the network. Each MPN enforces logical restrictions
regarding bandwidth allocation to VSATs. This enables different bandwidth
guarantees and limitations to be applied to each MPN.

1.6. QoS Considerations

Because inbound bandwidth is usually over-subscribed, some SkyEdge inbound

access-schemes are integrated with SkyEdge QoS mechanisms to shape inbound
traffic on a single or multiple VSAT level by applying SLA criteria to the bandwidth
allocation mechanism.

Simple access schemes such as RA provide little QoS integration. Full-reservation

schemes such as GA provide complete QoS integration including bandwidth
distribution between user groups (MPNs), assigning priority levels to VSATs (sites)
and traffic (applications), and prioritization of VSAT bandwidth assignment.

QoS features that are not related to any access-scheme can be implemented at the
VSAT level. These QoS features can prioritize the output sequence of buffered
traffic at the VSAT based on application importance or priority regardless of the
amount of bandwidth that is allocated to the VSAT.

This document discusses access-schemes and the underlying mechanisms that

provide inbound bandwidth to VSATs.

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2. SkyEdge Access Scheme Overview

SkyEdge uses a combination of satellite access methods for inbound and outbound
transmission. This suite of access modes enables the network to be optimized for the
customer’s needs and applications. VSATs use the inbound (return) channels for
transmission to the hub (Star topology) and towards each other (Mesh topology).

SkyEdge supports the following access-schemes:

„ RA – Random Access channels use a patented MF-TDMA technology with an

enhanced slotted Aloha access scheme.

„ CRA – Controlled Random Access is an advanced RA mode that reduces

collisions and re-transmissions in a congested network.

„ DA – Dedicated Access is based on the dynamic or static allocation of a specific

number of time slots for each Multi-slot time-frame (TDMA).

„ GA – Guaranteed Access volume-based allocation. A remote terminal is assigned

a number of time slots required to transmit a data block. VSATs use Reservation
Random Access (RRA) channels for control messages and allocation requests.

„ DDA – Dynamic Dedicated Access uses rate-based dynamic allocation. A remote

terminal is assigned a varying part of the DA frame (ranging from a single slot up
to the entire channel rate) based on its needs and the network load.

The following sections describe the inbound access-schemes supported in SkyEdge.

2.1. RA (Random Access)

RA combines FDMA and TDMA (MF-TDMA). The SkyEdge inbound channel

architecture is based on a patented two-dimensional (time and frequency) access
scheme. Bandwidth is divided into frequency slots. Time is divided into time slots.

This is a contention access scheme. Remote terminals use “frequency hopping” to

transmit bursts at a randomly selected frequency within the available predefined
bandwidth. A VSAT can use a different frequency for each time-slot. Each
transmission begins at the start of the time slot.

If a collision occurs, data packets are retransmitted (after receiving a no-ack within a
specified time-interval) at a randomly chosen frequency in a subsequent time slot to
minimize the chance of a second collision. This mode is well-suited for interactive
traffic characterized by short messages and light channel loads.

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Multiple VSATs share the same satellite channel inbound bandwidth on a Time
Division Multiple Access (TDMA) basis using a modified Slotted ALOHA access
scheme. Not only does an inbound VSAT carrier burst in different time slots, it also
bursts in random frequency slots. This two dimensional (time and frequency) access
approach provides natural balancing of VSAT inbound traffic loading.

The system includes reliability, ordering, and load-control mechanisms to ensure

reliable, efficient communication across the network.

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Figure 1: SkyEdge VSAT Random Access (RA) mode

The bandwidth allocated to a network is initially based on traffic analysis (system

sizing) and is revised as required to meet new network loading or performance
requirements. Figure 2 shows a typical large network with RA inbound channels.

Figure 2: RA frequency plan

RA has the following limitations:
„ Network bandwidth is automated but not managed
„ VSAT SLA cannot be guaranteed
„ Channel utilization is low
„ Not suitable for jitter-sensitive, guaranteed bandwidth applications (e.g., VoIP)

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2.2. CRA (Collision Reduction Application)

At any time, over 80% of the traffic on a satellite network is generated by a relatively
small number of “busy” VSATs. These busy VSATs generate the majority of
collisions. To deal with this phenomenon Gilat developed and patented the CRA.

Busy VSATs typically remain busy for 100 milliseconds to three minutes. CRA
identifies the busiest VSATs and ensures that their transmissions do not collide with
each other by distributing their traffic across the inbound bandwidth. This increases
slot utilization for the RA protocol, raises the activation threshold for the DA
protocol, reduces the total number of collisions, and increases throughput.

Using real-time heuristic algorithms, the HSP identifies the busiest VSATs and
assigns each one to a separate channel or part of a channel in the RA channel range.
Each busy VSAT can transmit only in its specific slot segment. After a period of
time, the HSP again determines which VSATs are busiest and repeats the process.

CRA enables many types of interactive services to be handled simultaneously on a

network. CRA’s fairness mechanism rotates busy VSATs if there are more than the
number of channels allocated for them and its hysteresis mechanism maintains
channel stability by avoiding unnecessary shifts.

CRA does not guarantee a collision-free environment because non-busy VSATs can
collide with busy and other non-busy VSATs. However, ensuing that the busiest
VSATs do not collide with each other reduces collisions by about 80%.

Figure 3: CRA access scheme

If, for example, 9 VSATs are identified as busy, Figure 4 shows how CRA divides
these VSATs into 3 grades of service. Table 1 describes these grades of service.

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Figure 4: CRA Grades of Service

Table 1: CRA Grades of Service
Grade Description
1st The two busiest VSATs each receive one slot per multi-slot.
In Figure 3 the 1st grade of service includes VSATs 632 and 015.
2nd The next three busiest VSATs each receive one slot per multi-slot.
In Figure 3 the 2nd grade of service includes VSATs 324, 309 and 521.
3rd The next four busiest VSATs each receive one slot per multi-slot.
In Figure 3 the 3rd grade of service includes VSATs 012, 123, 567 and 101.

CRA provides the following advantages:

„ Easy configuration and deployment
„ Semi-automatic adaptation of the network to the users needs

The CRA access scheme is optimized for the following customer applications:
„ Networks with large numbers of VSATs
„ Networks that experience congestion but cannot afford reservation channels
„ IP traffic that can accommodate a medium-to-high amount of jitter
„ Applications that require short response times
„ Applications that require simple deployment procedures
„ Applications that require the network to automatically adapt to user needs

However, CRA has the following limitations:

„ Network bandwidth is automated but not managed
„ VSAT SLA cannot be guaranteed
„ Unsuitable for VoIP and jitter-sensitive applications that need guaranteed BW

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2.3. GA (Guaranteed Access) + RRA (Reservation Random Access)

The GA is a volume-based reservation access scheme that provides a network-wide,

collision-free transmission regime with high time-frequency domain utilization. RRA
is a MF-TDMA access scheme similar to RA. The GA and RRA protocols operate in
separate frequency bands. GA uses reservations to eliminate collisions and maximize
channel utilization.

A VSAT uses the RRA protocol for transmitting initial control messages and for
requesting GA time slots based on the number of inbound transmissions waiting in
its queue. Data is transmitted over the allocated time-slots using the GA protocol.

The hub receives VSAT requests and allocates one or more contiguous time slots in
an available GA channel. The allocation contains the frequency, the first available
starting time slot, and the number of time slots. Because no two VSATs ever receive
the same allocation, collisions and retransmissions do not occur when using GA.

The RRA protocol VSAT request-hub allocation exchange causes a relatively long
650 millisecond delay before the first data packet reaches the hub. However, for long
transactions and streaming applications, the effect of this delay is minimized by
piggy-backing subsequent allocation requests on the GA protocol data packets.

Figure 5: GA/RRA Access Scheme

The RRA protocol directs allocation requests and manages the GA protocol. After a
VSAT receives a GA allocation, the VSAT transmits on a single frequency over a
continuous span of time slots. Collisions and retransmissions do not occur when
using GA because no two VSATs ever receive the same allocation.

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Systems administrators can configure networks to use one or more GA channels.

This enables VSATs to transmit on RA channels until the traffic in their queues
reaches a threshold that triggers the switch to the GA/RRA access scheme.

The GA/RRA access scheme does the following:

„ Calculates VSAT traffic demand
„ Uses algorithms to distribute bandwidth according to customer requirements
„ Provides excellent allocation granularity
„ Maximizes time/frequency resources more than the DA protocol
„ VSATs with GA allocated slots use piggy-backed capacity-requests, eliminating
the need to use RRA mechanisms.
„ VSAT bandwidth and SLA can be “managed”:
− Uses VSAT priority classification (e.g., platinum, gold, silver, and bronze)
− Guarantees Committed Information Rate (CIR) to VSAT when required
(bandwidth is borrow able)
− Implements Maximum Information Rate (MIR) restrictions

The GA/RRA access scheme is optimized for the following types of applications:
„ Applications that require high channel utilization
„ IP traffic that can accommodate a medium-to-high amount of jitter
„ Applications that require network-managed bandwidth
„ Applications that require differentiated access services
„ Consumer satellite broadband internet access

The GA/RRA access scheme has the following limitations:

„ Relatively long response-time
„ Unsuitable for VoIP and jitter-sensitive applications

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2.4. DA (Dedicated Access)

The DA protocol prevents collisions by providing VSATs with dedicated channels.

This maximizes throughput for each inbound channel. After a VSAT is allocated a
DA channel, channel utilization can reach almost 100%. However, DA throughput
depends on the traffic pattern of the specific network.

RA and DA protocols cannot exist on the same carrier.
VSATs that use both protocols must use at least two carriers.

VSATs in DA mode are assigned a specific frequency and time slot (TS) to avoid
contention with VSATs in RA mode. VSATs use DA when continuous volume or
periodic assignment is required between a remote site and the hub (for example, to
upload an FTP file).

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Figure 6: SkyEdge Dedicated Access (DA) mode

The DA channel is a configurable multi-frame structure that contains 1 to 32 time

slots. This structure is used for periodic allocations that satisfy the channel capacity
needed by a VSAT. For example, if a 512 Kbps channel has a multi-frame with 16
slots, a VSAT that is allocated one time slot per multi-frame has an effective channel
of 32 Kbps (512 Kbps divided by 16).

The recommended configuration is:

„ Multi-slot duration: 200 milliseconds
„ Slot duration: Multi-slot duration divided by the number of slots. For a 200
millisecond multi-slot with 10 slots, the slot duration is 20 milliseconds.

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DA bandwidth allocations are based on “static triggering” by rules at a higher

hierarchal layer, usually the application layer. If a rule is fulfilled, the configured
bandwidth is allocated.

A VSAT’s move to DA can be triggered by:

„ Manual command
„ TCP/UDP port number (usually for a specific application such as VoIP or FTP)
„ Source or destination IP address
„ Rate of Traffic when in BoD (Bandwidth on Demand) mode
„ In UDP polling mode, receiving a UDP packet on the IB with the VSAT’s IP
address as a destination and a preconfigured port number at a preconfigured rate
causes the VSAT to request and remain in DA mode.
„ In Fixed DA mode, establishing a link at backbone level causes the VSAT to
automatically issue a DA request.

Automatic adaptation to changes in traffic without operator intervention produces a

high level of transmission efficiency and helps maintain the stability of the TDMA
channel. When the conditions that triggered DA mode are no longer present, the
VSAT automatically switches back to RA mode.

The DA protocol is optimized for the following types of applications:

„ Batch applications, file transfers, and large file uploads
„ Fax and telephony including native voice, basic VoIP, and managed VoIP
„ Video and Constant Bit Rate (CBR) streaming applications
„ Applications that require committed bit rates and guaranteed bandwidth
„ Applications that require short response times
„ ATMs and lottery machines

The DA access scheme provides the following advantages:

„ Collision-free
„ Provides a constant-rate communication channel to the application
„ Response-time is fixed based on satellite link delay and multi-slot duration

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2.4.1. DA Access Limitations

„ Slow response behavior
„ DA triggers with a fixed DA channel size must be specified in advance.
„ Network needs often do not meet the profile configuration

2.4.2. VDA (Voice Dedicated Access)

Voice Dedicated Access (VDA) is a special implementation of DA for native voice

(Circuit switch). Inbound voice calls over dedicated channels receive a guaranteed
constant bit rate collision-free allocation with minimal jitter. The VDA mechanism
can be implemented in Star (VSAT-Hub) and Mesh (VSAT-VSAT) connections.

2.4.3. ADA (Automatic Dedicated Access)

ADA is automatically initiated by preconfigured triggers that detect applications

based on TCP/UDP ports, IP addresses, etc. These ADA triggers make preconfigured
static bandwidth requests. For more information about ADA, see SkyEdge ADA
Configuration in Version 4.0, Document No. DC-1029-20.

2.5. DDA (Dynamic Dedicated Access)

DDA is a rate-based reservation access-scheme that allocates collision-free resources

to VSATs at single slot granularity – from as little as one slot up to a full Multi-slot.
Multi-slot frame size is configurable up to 32 slots.

DDA measures the rate of all traffic going through the VSAT and automatically
issues a capacity request that provides enough bandwidth for that traffic.

The reservation model measures the user demand (bandwidth needs) and generates
capacity requests accordingly. As in GA, the hub uses advanced algorithms to
distribute network bandwidth to all requesting VSATs based on amount demanded,
VSAT priority and SLA requirements.

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The DDA access-scheme:

„ Calculates VSAT traffic demand

„ Uses algorithms to distribute bandwidth according to customer requirements

„ Provides allocation granularity in steps of a single slot per multi-slot frame

„ Enables RA channels to be used by VSATs that do not have sustainable

bandwidth needs. See Section 3.5 Bandwidth on Demand (RA + DDA).

„ VSAT bandwidth and SLA can be “managed”:

− Uses VSAT priority classification (e.g., platinum, gold, silver and bronze)

− Can provide a constant, minimum bandwidth (CBR) to VSATs

− Guarantees a Committed Information Rate (CIR) to VSATs when required

(bandwidth can be borrowed)

− Implements Maximum Information Rate (MIR) restrictions

The DDA access scheme is optimized for the following types of applications:

„ Small / medium networks

„ Applications that require high channel utilization

„ High-volume traffic rate

„ Applications that require network-managed bandwidth

„ Applications that require differentiated access services

„ Suitable for VoIP and jitter-sensitive applications

„ High-rate consumer satellite broadband internet access

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3. Common SkyEdge Network Configurations

3.1. RA (Random Access)

3.1.1. Applicability (Application Characteristics)

RA is suitable for networks with a large number of VSATs whose average bandwidth
demand is low and whose applications need a very short response time (about 650 ms
or approximately the time required for one satellite round-trip). Because RA is based
on random access, it is economical in situations where VSAT average throughput is
low so that there is a high probability that bursts do not collide.

3.1.2. Why does RA Satisfy the Situation

RA enables VSATs to burst at any time without requesting bandwidth in advance.

This satisfies the need for a short response time.

3.1.3. Relevant Network Mechanisms

„ Retransmission: Because collisions occur from time to time, RA uses reliability
mechanisms (retransmissions).
„ Congestion control: RA resources are monitored. The IB load is managed to
keep it within a reasonable range. When network demand increases too much, the
network forces VSATs to reduce their demands.

3.1.4. Limitations
„ RA is economic only at high contention ratios.
„ Typically, RA provides adequate response time if not more than 33% of the
available bandwidth is utilized. Therefore, IB bandwidth should be about three
times the overall expected IB demand.
„ RA is not suitable for multimedia applications because guarantees are not
provided for absence of delay or availability of a jitter-free IB channel.
„ RA is not suitable for guaranteed applications where, for some reason, a specific
response time must be provided 100% of the time. RA usually (but not always)
provides good response time.

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3.1.5. Typical Implementations

RA is typically used for applications that generate a small volume of non-real-time

traffic, that is, a few small packets per minute per VSAT, such as:
„ Lottery networks
„ Point of Sale (PoS) credit card transactions
„ Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) transactions

RA can provide satellite access to applications where the number of remote terminals
is very high if the bandwidth needed by each terminal is very low. RA economically
provides adequate application bandwidth and response time without reserving any
bandwidth for each remote terminal.

3.2. CRA

3.2.1. Applicability (Application Characteristics)

CRA is appropriate for networks with many VSATs some of which have throughput
requirements that exceed the level suitable for RA.

3.2.2. Why does CRA Satisfy the Situation

CRA uses collision minimization algorithms based on short-term demand history.

Based on the assumption that at any given time only a small number of VSATs are
heavy users that require most of the network’s inbound resources, CRA improves RA
utilization levels by eliminating collisions between these heavy users.

3.2.3. Limitations

„ Typically, CRA can provide adequate response time if not more than 50% of the
available bandwidth is utilized. Therefore, IB bandwidth should be about two
times the overall expected IB demand.

„ CRA is not suitable for multimedia applications because guarantees are not
provided for absence of delay or availability of a jitter-free IB channel.

„ CRA is not suitable for guaranteed applications where, for some reason, a
specific response time must be provided 100% of the time. CRA usually (but not
always) provides good response time.

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3.2.4. Relevant Network Mechanisms

CRA provides reliability and congestion control mechanisms plus collision

minimization mechanisms for users that generate heavy traffic.

3.2.5. Typical Implementations

CRA can provide satellite internet access for large numbers of customers who share
the same bandwidth pool. Although internet traffic patterns show little stability over
time, CRA minimizes satellite resource usage by reducing collisions between current
high-traffic users.

Although RA is suitable for the low volume transaction-oriented traffic in banking

networks, CRA is often used for core banking applications that generate a larger
volume of traffic during certain time periods.

3.3. RA + DA

3.3.1. Applicability (Application Characteristics)

This access scheme combination is suitable for networks with many VSATs each of
which has low traffic requirements (as in RA). However, at specific times some
VSATs need a heavier dedicated channel for specific applications. These
applications are detected and trigger a switch to DA for the duration required.
„ The switch to DA is triggered based on application profiles
„ DA triggers include detection of TCP and UDP ports or VoIP sessions

3.3.2. Why does RA + DA Satisfy the Situation

The network sizing process manages two bandwidth segments: RA for normal traffic
and DA for specific applications.

RA access minimizes bandwidth usage when VSAT demand is low but still provides
very good average response time. DA access is used when RA access is not adequate
for VSAT bandwidth requirements.

3.3.3. Limitations
„ For RA limitations, see Section 3.1.4.
„ For DA limitations, see Section 2.4.1.

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3.3.4. Relevant Network Mechanisms

DA bandwidth allocations are based on “static triggering” by rules at a higher

hierarchal layer, usually the application layer. If a rule is fulfilled, the configured
bandwidth is allocated.

3.3.5. Typical Implementations

RA + DA is suitable for networks where low volume latency-sensitive applications

are combined with applications that occasionally require dedicated bandwidth with
guaranteed rates for short intervals.

Most ATM network traffic runs over RA because sustained traffic rates are very low.
However, log files are uploaded once a day by running file transfer applications over
DA channels. DA minimizes the upload time because the remote terminal does not
have to deal with collisions.

3.4. RRA + GA

3.4.1. Applicability (Application Characteristics)

Space-segment utilization can be maximized when using GA. GA is useful when

applications are not adversely affected by GA’s longer response time and latency.
Most internet (IP) and corporate applications are designed to run using GA access
without incurring problems due to its relatively long response time.

3.4.2. Why does RRA + GA Satisfy the Situation

GA is a volume-based reservation access-scheme. VSATs make bandwidth requests

only for traffic that is already buffered. Bandwidth utilization is very high because
bandwidth allocations are always utilized immediately.

The GA access scheme requires an RRA reservation-signaling channel for capacity

requests when VSATs need slot allocations. This RRA channel is not used for user
traffic. RRA utilizes a very short random access burst to minimize the bandwidth
used for signaling.

The GA reservation access scheme facilitates the usage of network-wide Inbound

SLA and QoS management.

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3.4.3. Limitations
„ Long response times.
„ GA is not suitable for multimedia applications because guarantees are not
provided for absence of delay or availability of a jitter-free IB channel.
„ GA is not suitable for guaranteed applications where, for some reason, a specific
response time must be provided 100% of the time. GA usually (but not always)
provides good response time.

3.4.4. Relevant Network Mechanisms

„ GA load control
„ Inbound SLA and QoS (VSAT classes, traffic-flow priorities, CIR and MIR)

3.4.5. Typical Implementations

RRA + GA is an excellent access scheme for large broadband networks because it

provides the highest bandwidth utilization for uplink traffic that is not sensitive to
latency. Combining RRA + GA with DA enables dedicated bandwidth to be allocated
when needed to real-time applications.

RRA + GA can be used for satellite internet access where many customers share the
same bandwidth pool. The volume-based reservation maximizes space-segment
utilization and GA provides differentiated SLA.

3.5. Bandwidth on Demand (RA + DDA)

3.5.1. Applicability (Application Characteristics)

BoD is useful when a medium/small network of VSATs have both strict response-
time and SLA/QoS requirements.

3.5.2. Why does BoD Satisfy the Situation

BoD uses RA resources for VSATs that currently have low traffic and DA resources
for VSATs that currently have high traffic. Unlike other access schemes, both RA
and DA are dynamically allocated based on the VSAT’s actual bit-rate needs.

DA is a rate-based reservation access scheme that provides a low-jitter channel that

is suitable for VoIP and multimedia applications. BoD enables SLA and QoS
mechanisms to be enforced on DA inbound bandwidth.

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3.5.3. Limitations

„ Not suitable for large networks (more than a few hundreds of VSATs)

„ For DA limitations, see Section 2.4.1.

3.5.4. Relevant network mechanisms

„ BoD rate estimation mechanism

„ Inbound SLA and QoS

3.5.5. Typical Implementations

BoD is used for satellite internet access or enterprise networks with a medium
number of sites that share the same bandwidth pool. The rate-based reservation
maximizes space-segment utilization and provides differentiated SLA that supports
jitter-sensitive applications such as VoIP and mesh connectivity in the same
bandwidth pool.

3.6. DDA vs. BoD (Bandwidth on Demand)

The BoD access scheme uses DA channels to provide a dedicated collision-free

medium for data transfer. Unlike standard DA, DA with BoD continuously adapts the
number of allocated DA slots based on the bandwidth required by the VSAT, Quality
of Service (QoS) considerations, and overall network load. In BoD mode, RA
channels are only used for network logon and for sporadic low-rate traffic.

The main advantages of the BoD access scheme are optimized utilization of the
reserved DA resource, fair and efficient BW distribution, and the fact that QoS is
used at both the VSAT (CIR/MIR) level and MPN level. In addition, BoD can
efficiently serve both star and mesh links simultaneously.

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BoD allows defining a wide range of possibilities for each VSAT’s service level. The
following two examples illustrate practical scenarios using BoD:

„ VSATs that are sensitive to response time can be guaranteed a constant bit rate
(CBR) by constantly allocating a small number of DA slots. These VSATs use
RA channels for network logon and then permanently move to DA where their
allocation level varies between the CBR and VSAT MIR levels.

„ Other VSATs can be configured to remain in RA when traffic is sporadic and

light. If a preconfigured Rate of Traffic (ROT) threshold is reached, they switch
to DA and obtain reserved bandwidth. When reserved bandwidth is not required,
the DA allocation is released and the VSATs switch back to RA.

BoD enables VSATs to be assigned low constant bit rates (CBR) and enjoy constant
and guaranteed bandwidth with fast response time.

Using the CBR option in BoD, a network operator can provide the SCPC market with
a cost-effective solution based on SkyEdge. Although the utilization of the SCPC
space segment is often far from optimal, dynamic reserved allocation of the space-
segment allows significant reduction in the expenses of SCPC operators, with
minimal and controllable compromise on VSAT performance.

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4. Additional SkyEdge Solutions

4.1. Multiple Inbound Rates

Multiple Inbound Rates – Different bit rates can be used for different types of
channels in the same inbound band. Each of these groups can have a different rate:
„ DA
„ Star VDA (SVDA)
„ Mesh VDA (MVDA)

Rates of X, 2X and 4X can be assigned to the different groups, subject to the link-
budget. Different inbound bands can use different unrelated rates.

All channels in the same inbound band use the same FEC.

4.2. Multiple Inbound Bands (IBBs)

If the flexibility provided by multiple inbound rates is not sufficient, multiple IBBs
can be used. Multiple inbound bands enable groups of VSATs to use different RF
resources, different channel rates, and different access-schemes. This enables the
network to be optimized differently for separate groups of VSATs.

However, all inbound bands running on the same HSP must use the same time-slot

4.3. VoIP vs. Telephony

Standard telephony solutions provide telephony-grade services via satellite.

However, these services use dedicated inbound resources (VDA) that cannot be
shared by other inbound users. Gilat’s telephony solution bundles the required
remote equipment with the VSAT. The VSAT provides FXS line ports to be
connected directly to handsets)

VoIP support provides simple, IP-based solutions that permit the same bandwidth to
be shared between VoIP and other network traffic. However, the VoIP solution
requires special voice-terminal equipment (VoIP gateways / ATA) to carry voice
over the IP network.

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4.4. Mesh IP

Mesh connectivity enables VSAT-to-VSAT telephony and IP communication that

does not pass through the hub. Mesh connectivity reduces voice and IP delay. A
Mesh session is requested by a VSAT and established by the hub. The connection is
terminated if no traffic passes over the connection for a specified number of seconds.

Mesh link allocations are managed asymmetrically based on the amount of data each
party needs to transmit. For real-time applications (e.g., VoIP), capacity is allocated
symmetrically for both sides.

In Mesh IP mode, the SkyEdge Pro VSAT supports:

„ Up to 30 IP sessions
„ An Inbound rate up to 768 Ksps
„ A burst rate up to 1.152 Mbps with Strong or 1.3 Mbps with Fast turbo-coding
„ Variable bandwidth allocation during sessions

Mesh Limitations:
„ HTTP acceleration, Multicast, and Virtual Private Networks are not supported.
„ Mesh traffic is untagged. Therefore, the VSAT cannot be assigned to a VLAN.

4.5. SkyAbis and other Backhaul Applications

Providing cellular telephony in remote and rural areas can be very costly because
terrestrial infrastructure is limited or non-existent. Gilat’s SkyAbis solution provides
a backhaul link between each remotely deployed BTS (Base Transceiver Station) and
a central BSC (Base Station Controller). Usually a single BSC handles multiple BTS
units, only some of which are satellite-accessed. However, it is possible to backhaul
an entire BSC from an MSC (Mobile Switching Center).

When a cellular end user dials a number, the BTS opens a new channel in a TRX and
transmits the digital voice and E1 signaling to the SkyAbis Adapter. The SkyAbis
Adapter compresses the digital voice signal, encodes it into IP packets, and sends the
voice and signaling packets over a UDP/IP LAN interface to the VSAT. The SkyAbis
Adapter at the hub de-multiplexes and converts the packets back into E1 format and
forwards the digital voice and signaling to the BSC.

The SkyAbis network is based on Dynamic Dedicated Access (DDA). The VSAT
automatically determines the required traffic rate and reserves the necessary
bandwidth from the hub to ensure adequate satellite resources.

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5. Additional Access Scheme Technologies

5.1. Synchronization

Satellite inbound transmission uses a slotted Aloha protocol where all the VSATs
and the Hub are synchronized. A special synchronization mechanism ensures that
every transmission occurs on a time slot boundary. Gilat employs a patented
technology for synchronization over a DVB-S channel). Several mechanisms
maintain the VSAT time-slot synchronization. One of these compensates for the
propagation delay variance caused by satellite movement. Another mechanism
automatically adjusts the timing loop of the VSATs, regardless of their geographical
distance from the hub. This timing loop correction simplifies the installation process
by eliminating the requirement to determine and configure geographic location.

5.2. Channel Sharing

DA, Star VDA and Mesh VDA can share the same channel(s) when using the same
channel rate. Each time-slot is dynamically assigned to one of the sub-channel types.

5.3. Adaptive Inbound

Fading can be caused by rain or antenna movement due to strong winds in the VSAT
area. The satellite network Inbound link budget includes safety factors that mitigate
temporary fading phenomena. These safety factors cause the VSAT to transmit a
stronger signal or receive inbound transmissions at a slower rate so that Eb/N0
remains above the minimum required for the receiver. The result can cause additional
ODU and antenna costs or reduced network availability.

SkyEdge has an adaptive inbound coding mechanism that assures network

availability without extra equipment costs. Instead, the network experiences a slower
effective inbound rate when a VSAT is affected by temporary fading.

The SkyEdge adaptive Inbound fading solution is based on a VSAT-Hub power

information loop. This loop provides the VSAT with information about its uplink
channel changing attenuation and the received signal quality at the Hub.

Inbound transmission adaptivity is accomplished by switching the Inbound to a very

robust coding (FEC). Coding rate selection is automatically performed by the
transmitting VSAT on the fly.

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Figure 7: Normal vs. Rain Fade mode

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6. Network Topologies

6.1. Star Topology

Star topology is the basic and most commonly used topology. All inbound
transmissions terminate at the Hub.

In Multi-star (roof-to-roof) topology, dedicated SkyEdge Gateway or Pro VSATs

serve as access points to terrestrial networks in addition to or instead of the Hub.
Multi-star topology is used in telephony networks to provide local termination of
calls, thereby reducing service provider interconnection fees.

Figure 8: Star Topology

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6.2. Mesh Topology

The SkyEdge system supports also the full mesh topology (with dynamic or
dedicated bandwidth assignments) where VSATs communicate directly with each
other (single satellite hop). The VSATs use a dedicated mesh receiver expansion card
(RBRs) enabling it to directly receive inbound transmissions from other VSATs.

Figure 9: Mesh Topology

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