Drug Study: Vomiting, GI
Drug Study: Vomiting, GI
Drug Study: Vomiting, GI
Generic/ Trade Dosage/Frequency Classification Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Guafenesin ADULTS AND Expectorant Symptomatic Contraindicat CNS: Headache, Do not take for longer
PEDIATRIC PATIENTS relief of ed with dizziness than 1 wk; if fever, rash,
Allfen; AMBI 1000, > 12 YR respiratory allergy to Dermatologic: Rash, or headache occurs,
1200; Anti-Tuss; conditions guaifenesin. urticaria consult health care
Diabetic Tussin EX; 200–400 mg PO q 4 characterized by Use GI: Nausea, vomiting, provider.
Hytuss; Hytuss 2X; hr. Do not exceed 2.4 dry, cautiously GI discomfort Monitor CBS status
Liquibid; Mucinex; g/day. nonproductive with closely, especially for
Muco-Fen; Organidin cough and in pregnancy, seizure and neuroleptic
NR; Robitussin, Scot- the presence of lactation, and malignant syndrome
tussin Expectorant; mucus in the persistent (shown by EPS,
Siltussin SA respiratory coughs. hyperthermia and
tract. autonomic disturbances)
Monitor cardiovascular
status, particularly for
ECG changes, blood
pressure changes and
atypical rapid ventricular
Advise patient to
minimize GI upset by
eating small frequent
serving o food and
drinking adequate fluids.
Report fever, rash, severe
vomiting, persistent
Hydrocortisone ADULTS AND CHILDREN: Short- Replacement Hypersensitivi CNS: headache, Monitor blood pressure,
100 TO 500 MG I.M. acting therapy in ty to drug, nervousness, weight, and electrolyte
Ala-Cort, Ala-Scalp, OR I.V.; MAY REPEAT AT corticoste adrenocortical alcohol, depression, levels regularly.
Cetacort, Colocort, 2-, 4-, OR 6-HOUR roid insufficiency; bisulfites, or personality changes, , Assess blood glucose
Cortef, Cortenema, INTERVALS, DEPENDING multiple tartrazine vertigo, paresthesia, levels in diabetic
Hi-Cor, Hycort, ON RESPONSE AND Anti- sclerosis; (with some insomnia, patients. Expect to
Hydrocortistab, CONDITION inflammat proctitis; products) restlessness, increase insulin or oral
Hydrocortone, HYDROCORTISONE ory nephrotic Systemic increased intracranial hypoglycemic dosage.
Hytone, Stie-Cort, RETENTION ENEMA (steroidal) syndrome; fungal pressure, seizures Urge patient to
Synacort, Texacort aspiration infections CV: hypotension, immediately report
pneumonia Concurrent hypertension, heart unusual weight gain, face
use of other failure, shock or leg swelling, epigastric
immunosuppr Respiratory: cough, burning, vomiting of
essant wheezing, rebound blood, black tarry stools,
corticosteroid congestion, irregular menstrual
Concurrent bronchospasm cycles, fever, prolonged
administration infections GI: sore throat, cold or other
of live-virus nausea, vomiting, infection, or worsening of
vaccines abdominal symptoms.
distention, dry Instruct patient to eat
mouth, rectal small, frequent meals
bleeding, peptic and to take antacids as
ulceration, needed to minimize GI
Caution patient not to
stop taking drug abruptly.
In long-term use, instruct
patient to have regular
eye exams.
Salbutamol SOLUTION FOR Bronchodilato To prevent Chronic CNS: dizziness, Advise patient to limit
(Albuterol) INHALATION: 0.083% (3 r and and relieve obstructive excitement, intake of caffeine-
ML), 0.5% (0.5 AND 20 antiasthmatic bronchospa pulmonary headache, containing foods and
ML), 0.63 MG/3 ML, sm in disease hyperactivity, beverages and to avoid
Proventil, Ventolin 1.25 MG/3 ML patients Hyperkalemia insomnia herbs unless prescriber
with with renal CV: hypertension, approves.
Tablets: 2 mg, 4 mg reversible failure palpitations, Caution patient to avoid
obstructive Preterm labor tachycardia, driving and other
airway management chest pain hazardous activities until
disease EENT: conjunctivitis, he knows how drug
Hypersensitivi dry and irritated affects concentration and
ty to drug throat, alertness.
GI: nausea, vomiting, Advise patient to
anorexia, establish effective
heartburn, GI bedtime routine and to
distress, dry take drug well before
mouth bedtime to minimize
Metabolic: insomnia.
hypokalemia Tell him to stop taking
Musculoskeletal: drug immediately and
muscle cramps contact prescriber if
Respiratory: cough, these occur and notify
dyspnea, prescriber immediately if
wheezing, prescribed dosage fails to
Skin: pallor, urticaria, provide usual relief,
rash, because this may indicate
angioedema, seriously worsening
flushing, asthma.
sweating Other:
Cefuroxime ORAL SUSPENSION: 125 Anti-infective Moderate to Hypersensitivity CNS: headache, Monitor neurologic
MG/5 ML POWDER FOR and Second- severe to hyperactivity, status, particularly for
Ceftin INJECTION: 750 MG, 1.5 generation infections, cephalosporins hypertonia, signs of impending
Zinacef G, 7.5 G PREMIXED cephalosporin including or penicillins seizures seizures.
Zinnat CONTAINERS: 750 those of skin, Carnitine GI: nausea, vomiting, Monitor kidney and liver
MG/50 ML, 1.5 G/50 bone, joints, deficiency diarrhea, function test results and
ML TABLETS: 125 MG, urinary or Use cautiously abdominal pain, intake and output.
250 MG, 500 MG respiratory in: dyspepsia, Monitor CBC with
tract, -renal or hepatic pseudomembran differential and
gynecologic impairment ous colitis prothrombin time;
infections, -pregnant or GU: hematuria, watch for signs and
and breastfeeding vaginal symptoms of blood
septicemia patients candidiasis, renal dyscrasias.
Gonorrhea -children. dysfunction, Monitor temperature;
Bacterial acute renal watch for signs and
Meningitis failure symptoms of
Otitis Media Hematologic: superinfection.
Pharyngitis hemolytic Advise patient to
and tonsillitis anemia, immediately report rash
Renal hemorrhage or bleeding tendency.
Impairment Advise patient to report
CNS changes.