Drug Study: Vomiting, GI

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BSN 105 GROUP 18


Generic/ Trade Dosage/Frequency Classification Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Guafenesin ADULTS AND Expectorant Symptomatic  Contraindicat CNS: Headache,  Do not take for longer
PEDIATRIC PATIENTS relief of ed with dizziness than 1 wk; if fever, rash,
Allfen; AMBI 1000, > 12 YR respiratory allergy to Dermatologic: Rash, or headache occurs,
1200; Anti-Tuss; conditions guaifenesin. urticaria consult health care
Diabetic Tussin EX; 200–400 mg PO q 4 characterized by  Use GI: Nausea, vomiting, provider.
Hytuss; Hytuss 2X; hr. Do not exceed 2.4 dry, cautiously GI discomfort  Monitor CBS status
Liquibid; Mucinex; g/day. nonproductive with closely, especially for
Muco-Fen; Organidin cough and in pregnancy, seizure and neuroleptic
NR; Robitussin, Scot- the presence of lactation, and malignant syndrome
tussin Expectorant; mucus in the persistent (shown by EPS,
Siltussin SA respiratory coughs. hyperthermia and
tract. autonomic disturbances)
 Monitor cardiovascular
status, particularly for
ECG changes, blood
pressure changes and
atypical rapid ventricular
 Advise patient to
minimize GI upset by
eating small frequent
serving o food and
drinking adequate fluids.
 Report fever, rash, severe
vomiting, persistent
Hydrocortisone ADULTS AND CHILDREN:  Short- Replacement  Hypersensitivi CNS: headache,  Monitor blood pressure,
100 TO 500 MG I.M. acting therapy in ty to drug, nervousness, weight, and electrolyte
Ala-Cort, Ala-Scalp, OR I.V.; MAY REPEAT AT corticoste adrenocortical alcohol, depression, levels regularly.
Cetacort, Colocort, 2-, 4-, OR 6-HOUR roid insufficiency; bisulfites, or personality changes, ,  Assess blood glucose
Cortef, Cortenema, INTERVALS, DEPENDING multiple tartrazine vertigo, paresthesia, levels in diabetic
Hi-Cor, Hycort, ON RESPONSE AND  Anti- sclerosis; (with some insomnia, patients. Expect to
Hydrocortistab, CONDITION inflammat proctitis; products) restlessness, increase insulin or oral
Hydrocortone, HYDROCORTISONE ory nephrotic  Systemic increased intracranial hypoglycemic dosage.
Hytone, Stie-Cort, RETENTION ENEMA (steroidal) syndrome; fungal pressure, seizures  Urge patient to
Synacort, Texacort aspiration infections CV: hypotension, immediately report
pneumonia  Concurrent hypertension, heart unusual weight gain, face
use of other failure, shock or leg swelling, epigastric
immunosuppr Respiratory: cough, burning, vomiting of
essant wheezing, rebound blood, black tarry stools,
corticosteroid congestion, irregular menstrual
 Concurrent bronchospasm cycles, fever, prolonged
administration infections GI: sore throat, cold or other
of live-virus nausea, vomiting, infection, or worsening of
vaccines abdominal symptoms.
distention, dry  Instruct patient to eat
mouth, rectal small, frequent meals
bleeding, peptic and to take antacids as
ulceration, needed to minimize GI
 Caution patient not to
stop taking drug abruptly.
 In long-term use, instruct
patient to have regular
eye exams.
Salbutamol SOLUTION FOR Bronchodilato To prevent  Chronic CNS: dizziness,  Advise patient to limit
(Albuterol) INHALATION: 0.083% (3 r and and relieve obstructive excitement, intake of caffeine-
ML), 0.5% (0.5 AND 20 antiasthmatic bronchospa pulmonary headache, containing foods and
ML), 0.63 MG/3 ML, sm in disease hyperactivity, beverages and to avoid
Proventil, Ventolin 1.25 MG/3 ML patients  Hyperkalemia insomnia herbs unless prescriber
with with renal CV: hypertension, approves.
Tablets: 2 mg, 4 mg reversible failure palpitations,  Caution patient to avoid
obstructive  Preterm labor tachycardia, driving and other
airway management chest pain hazardous activities until
disease  EENT: conjunctivitis, he knows how drug
Hypersensitivi dry and irritated affects concentration and
ty to drug throat, alertness.
GI: nausea, vomiting,  Advise patient to
anorexia, establish effective
heartburn, GI bedtime routine and to
distress, dry take drug well before
mouth bedtime to minimize
Metabolic: insomnia.
hypokalemia  Tell him to stop taking
Musculoskeletal: drug immediately and
muscle cramps contact prescriber if
Respiratory: cough, these occur and notify
dyspnea, prescriber immediately if
wheezing, prescribed dosage fails to
Skin: pallor, urticaria, provide usual relief,
rash, because this may indicate
angioedema, seriously worsening
flushing, asthma.
sweating Other:
Cefuroxime ORAL SUSPENSION: 125 Anti-infective  Moderate to  Hypersensitivity CNS: headache,  Monitor neurologic
MG/5 ML POWDER FOR and Second- severe to hyperactivity, status, particularly for
Ceftin INJECTION: 750 MG, 1.5 generation infections, cephalosporins hypertonia, signs of impending
Zinacef G, 7.5 G PREMIXED cephalosporin including or penicillins seizures seizures.
Zinnat CONTAINERS: 750 those of skin,  Carnitine GI: nausea, vomiting,  Monitor kidney and liver
MG/50 ML, 1.5 G/50 bone, joints, deficiency diarrhea, function test results and
ML TABLETS: 125 MG, urinary or  Use cautiously abdominal pain, intake and output.
250 MG, 500 MG respiratory in: dyspepsia,  Monitor CBC with
tract, -renal or hepatic pseudomembran differential and
gynecologic impairment ous colitis prothrombin time;
infections, -pregnant or GU: hematuria, watch for signs and
and breastfeeding vaginal symptoms of blood
septicemia patients candidiasis, renal dyscrasias.
 Gonorrhea -children. dysfunction,  Monitor temperature;
 Bacterial acute renal watch for signs and
Meningitis failure symptoms of
 Otitis Media Hematologic: superinfection.
 Pharyngitis hemolytic  Advise patient to
and tonsillitis anemia, immediately report rash
 Renal hemorrhage or bleeding tendency.
Impairment  Advise patient to report
CNS changes.

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