Drug Study: Far Eastern University

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Far Eastern University

Institute of Nursing

Drug Study

Patient’s name: Virgilio Añanain

Room: 10A

Generic / Trade Name Action Dosage Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Cefuroxime Anti-infective 750 mg IV q8o CV: phlebitis,  Before giving drug,
thrombophlebitis ask patient if he is
Second-generation GI: diarrhea, nausea, allergic to penicillins
cephalosporin that anorexia, vomiting or cephalosporins
inhibits cell-wall Hematologic: hemolytic  For I.M. use, inject
synthesis, promoting anemia, deep into a large
osmotic instability; thrombocytopenia muscle, such as the
usually bactericidal. Skin: maculopapular and gluteus maximum or
erythematous rashes, the side of the thigh
urticaria, pain,  Monitor patient for
temperature elevation signs and symptoms
Other: anaphylaxis of superinfection

Salbutamol + 1 cap TID

Guaifenesin syrup
Salbutamol Sympathomimetic CNS stimulation, GI  Screen for the
bronchodilator upset, cardiac following conditions:
arrhythmias, allergy to any
Actions are specific to hypertension, sympathomimetic or
the beta2-receptors found bronchospasm, sweating, drug vehicle; cardiac
in the bronchi. pallor, and flushing disease, vascular
disease, arrhythmias,
diabetes, and
 Assess: reflexes and
respirations and
adventitious sounds,
pulse, blood pressure
 Prolonged use of the
Guaifenesin Expectorant Nausea, vomiting, OTC preparations
anorexia, headache, could result in the
Enhances the output of dizziness masking of important
respiratory tract fluids by symptoms of a serious
reducing the underlying disorder.
adhesiveness and surface  Guaifenesin should
tension of these fluids, not be used for more
allowing easier than 1 week
movement of the less
viscous secretions.

 Determine whether
Prednisone Corticosteroids 20 mg 1 tab after Euphoria, insomnia, patient is sensitive to
breakfast vertigo headache, other corticosteroids
Decreases inflammation, seizures, hypertension,  Monitor patient’s
mainly by stabilizing edema, arrhythmias, blood pressure, sleep
leukocyte lysosomal thrombophlebits, patterns, and
membranes; suppresses thromboembolism, potassium level
immune response; cataracts, glaucoma,  Weigh patient daily
stimulates bone marrow, increased urine calcium  Tell patient not to
and influences protein, level, hypokalemia, stop drug abruptly or
fat, and carbohydrate hyperglycemia without prescriber’s
metabolism consent
 Instruct patient to take
drug with food or

 Explain the need to

take this medication
Arcostrong Food or nutritional 1 cap OD
supplement  Note for any allergic

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