Drug Lords
Drug Lords
Drug Lords
- Recognize the
importance of
monitoring gastric pH
in patients using
omeprazole for acid
-Give or administer it
30 to 60 minutes
before a meal,
preferably in the
-Inform all
providers,, about
your hepatitis B
status and the
medications you
are taking.
Generic Bronchodilator Salbutamol Salbutamol is CNS: Restlessness, -Evaluate liver -Take salbutamol
name: and beta-2 involves indicated for apprehension, function through exactly as
adrenergic agonist stimulation of bronchospasm anxiety, fear, CNS appropriate tests prescribed by your
salbutamol beta-2 adrenergic relief in patients stimulation, vertigo, before initiating doctor. Follow the
receptors, leading with liver disease, headache, salbutamol and recommended
Brand to bronchodilation including hepatitis weakness, tremors, monitor regularly, dose and
Names: and improved B, with dosage drowsiness, adjusting treatment schedule.
airflow in the adjustments insomnia, as needed.
Ventolin lungs. guided by hyperactivity, -Be aware of any
healthcare malaise -Adjust salbutamol unusual shaking or
Dosage: dosage based on the tremors,
CV: Cardiac severity of liver especially in your
1 neb
arrhythmias, disease to prevent hands. Report to
palpitations, potential your doctor if you
tachycardia, chest complications. experience this.
q12hrs pain, hypertension
-Vigilantly observe -Pay attention to
Timing: EENT: dry and for adverse effects, your heart rate. If
8am-8pm irritated nose and especially tremors, you feel your
throat with inhaled palpitations, or heart beating fast
form, nasal other cardiovascular or irregularly,
congestion, symptoms, and inform your
epistaxis, hoarseness report to healthcare doctor promptly.
Dermatologic: -Keep your
Sweating, pallor, -Assess the risk of scheduled
flushing hypokalemia, as appointments to
salbutamol may monitor your liver
GI: Nausea, lower potassium and overall health.
vomiting, heartburn, levels. Monitor This helps your
unusual or bad taste electrolytes and doctor adjust your
in the mouth. intervene if treatment plan if
necessary. needed.
hypokalemia. -Develop an -Report any
individualized muscle cramps or
treatment plan in weakness to your
collaboration with doctor, as
Musculoskeletal: healthcare salbutamol may
muscle cramps. providers, affect potassium
considering the levels.
patient's specific
Respiratory -Avoid changing
liver disease status
difficulties, the dose on your
and overall health.
pulmonary edema, own. Consult your
coughing, -Educate the patient doctor before
bronchospasm, on potential side making any
paradoxical airway effects, the adjustments to
resistance with importance of your medication.
repeated, excessive adherence to
use of inhalation prescribed dosage, -If you experience
preparations. and reporting any nervousness or
unusual symptoms anxiety, let your
promptly. doctor know. It
could be a side
Others: increased
sputum production, -Identify and effect that needs
dyspnea bronchitis. minimize triggers attention
that may exacerbate
liver disease, and -Learn and avoid
discuss lifestyle factors that can
modifications with worsen your liver
the patient. condition. Discuss
lifestyle changes
-Schedule regular with your
follow-up healthcare team.
appointments to
assess the patient's -Understand when
response to to seek urgent
treatment and medical attention.
adjust the plan as Have a plan in
necessary. case your
symptoms worsen
-Collaborate with unexpectedly.
the hepatology
team to ensure -If you have any
comprehensive care doubts or
and coordination of concerns, don't
treatment for both hesitate to ask
respiratory and liver your doctor or
conditions. nurse. Clear
communication is
-Educate the patient essential for your
on recognizing signs well-being.
of worsening liver
disease and
respiratory distress,
and provide
guidance on seeking
prompt medical
Generic mucolytic and Reduces the Acetylcysteine is CNS: abnormal -Monitor cough -Warn the
name: antidote viscosity of indicated for thinking, fever, type and patient that the
pulmonary treating drowsiness, frequency. drug may have a
N- secretions by paracetamol gait foul taste or
acetylcysteine splitting disulfide (acetaminophen) disturbances. -assess baseline smell that may
linkages between overdose and, as a liver function and be distressing.
Brand mucoprotein mucolytic, for CV: chest monitor
Names: molecular respiratory tightness, throughout -For maximum
complexes. Also, conditions in flushing, acetylcysteine effect, instruct
Parvolex restores liver patients with liver hypertension, therapy, especially the patient to
stores of disease, including hypotension, in patients with cough to clear
Dosage: tachycardia. hepatitis B. his airway before
glutathione to hepatitis B.
treat aerosol
6mg/tab, 2 EENT: -Individualize the
acetaminophen administration.
Tablet x 3 rhinorrhea, ear acetylcysteine
days pain, eye pain, dosage based on -Explain that
pharyngitis, the severity of acetylcysteine is
throat liver disease to given to treat
tightness. prevent adverse acetaminophen
effects. overdose or
GI: nausea, respiratory
stomatitis, -Monitor for conditions,
8:00 am – vomiting. adverse reactions, depending on
6:00 pm Respiratory: including the situation.
bronchospasm, hypersensitivity
Route: cough, reactions, and be -Emphasize the
dyspnea, prepared to importance of
Oral rhonchi. manage them taking
promptly. acetylcysteine
Skin: exactly as
clamminess, -Ensure adequate prescribed by
diaphoresis, hydration to the healthcare
pruritus, rash, reduce the risk of provider.
urticaria. renal
complications, -instruct the
Other: particularly in patient to report
anaphylactoid patients with any adverse
reaction, compromised liver effects, such as
angioedema, function. allergic reactions
chills. or breathing
-Monitor difficulties,
electrolytes, promptly to the
especially healthcare team.
potassium, during
acetylcysteine -Encourage
administration, as adequate fluid
it can affect intake to prevent
electrolyte dehydration,
balance. particularly in
patients with
-Be vigilant for liver disease.
distress, especially -Explain that the
in patients with medication may
underlying be adjusted
respiratory based on the
conditions, and severity of liver
intervene disease, and the
promptly if treatment plan is
needed. personalized for
the patient.
-Educate the
patient about the -Teach patients
purpose of with respiratory
acetylcysteine conditions to be
therapy, potential vigilant for any
side effects, and changes in
the importance of breathing and to
adherence to the seek medical
treatment plan. attention if
-Be prepared to distress occurs.
emergency -Discuss the
situations, such as importance of
severe monitoring
hypersensitivity electrolytes and
reactions, and inform patients
have appropriate about potential
interventions imbalances,
readily available. especially in
potassium levels.
-Encourage open
with the
healthcare team.
Patients should
feel comfortable
concerns or
asking questions
about their
-Advise the
patient on
keeping it away
from moisture
and heat.