Finite Element Method Simulation Lab: Report On Tutorial Problems Submitted in Fulfillment of The Requirements of

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Finite Element Method Simulation Lab

Report on Tutorial problems

Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of
DEZG513- Finite element method

Name: Adil Rashid
(ID NO: 2019HT30566)


Semester 2020-2021
Tutorial 1
Problem Statement
A Cantilever beam of length 1 m and the cross section of 10 x 10 mm is subjected
to the point
load as shown in the figure. Determine the maximum deflection of beam at the
free end. Also determine the shear force and bending moment diagram. Validate
the numerical simulation with analytical equation. Consider the material as steel
of E = 2 x 105 N/mm2 and Poisson ratio as 0.3.

Maximum Deflection Plot

Shear force and Bending moment diagram

Comparison of Maximum deflection by Numerical and Analytical approach

The maximum deflection as per the analysis is 293.78 while as

the maximum deflection, we get by analytical is 293.7 mm
which is very close in agreement with the numerical analysis
Observations and Conclusions
Maximum deflection at free end of cantilever is maximum and it is 293.78mm
Tutorial 2
Problem Statement
A bracket made up of steel material and has a constant thickness of 5 mm is bolted at the small
holes and load of 20 kN is applied as shown in figure. Determine the stress and deflection of
the bracket considering as 2D plane stress condition. If the load is made to act as fluctuating
load from 0 kN to 20 kN determine the fatigue life of the bracket. Also compare the results by
considering aluminium as the material for bracket.

Maximum Deflection Plot (Steel)

Equivalent Stress Plot (Steel)

Fatigue Life (Steel)

Maximum Deflection Plot (aluminum) is 0.1661 mm

Equivalent Stress Plot (aluminum)

Fatigue Life (aluminum)

Observations and Conclusions

Maximum deflection for steel is 0.058 mm while as for aluminum it is much more 0.166mm
Also fatigue life for steel is greater than that of Aluminum alloy.
Hence for this application steel is better suited than aluminum.
Tutorial 3
Problem Statement

Maximum Deflection Plot

Hoop Stress plot

Longitudinal Stress Plot

Radial Stress plot

Observations and Conclusions

The results are in close proximity to analytical results.

Tutorial 4
Problem Statement
A tow hook is subjected to various load cases / duty cycle
• Pulling single axle trolley of 10 tonnes
• Going uphill, downhill, turning with the trolley
Determine the structural strength and the fatigue life of the component for the following
condition. Consider structural steel as the material.

Tractor pulling trolley on road & Horizontal Load 2.5 ton

Homologation NA
field Vertical Load 0.8 ton
Pulling Single axle trolley – Hor.
Horizontal Load 10 ton * 0.8*g
Load 10 years of
Normal Condition (kN)
Pulling Single axle trolley – Ver. design life
Vertical Load 10 ton *0.2*g (kN)
Bund crossing in field, Horizontal Load 20 ton * 0.8*g 2 Years of
Abuse Operation experiencing (kN) warranty
jerk, sudden braking, etc. Vertical Load 20 ton *0.2*g (kN) life
Case 1: Homologation Condition
Maximum Deflection Plot
Maximum Principle Stress Plot

Fatigue Life plot

Case 2: Normal Operation
Maximum Deflection Plot

Maximum Principle Stress Plot

Fatigue Life plot

Case 3: Abuse Operation Condition

Maximum Deflection Plot
Maximum Principle Stress Plot

Fatigue Life plot

Observations and Conclusions

For abuse condition the stress induced will be more than the
ultimate stress hence it will fail.
Tutorial 5
Problem Statement
Hot fluid is passing through a steel pipe of 50 mm outer diameter and thickness
of 2 mm. Temperature of the fluid is of 80oC and the thermal conductivity of pipe
material is of 40 W/moC. Polyethylene based insulator of thermal conductivity 0.1
W/moC is used as the insulator to avoid the heat loss and to maintain room
temperature at the outer surface of the pipe. Determine the thickness of the
insulator to maintain the outer temperature as of 30oC. Also consider teflon
based insulator of thermal conductivity 0.35 W/moC in the place
of polyethylene and compare the temperature changes at the outer surface of
pipe. Consider 30 mm as the length of pipe for analysis. Room temperature is
26oC. Convection Film Coefficient of air is 40 W/m2 oC.

Polyethylene based insulator

Temperature plot with respect to the outer surface temperature near to 30oC ( OD is 75.5
Teflon based insulator
Temperature plot with respect to the outer surface temperature near to 30oC
(OD is 117 mm)
Observations and Conclusions

In order to reduce number of nodes the divisions in sweep were

reduced to 5 in the case of polyethylene and to 2 for Teflon as
the temperature conditions along the length remain more or less
the same.
For polyethylene the outer surface temperature is near to 30
when OD is 75.5mm while as for Teflon based insulator the
outer temperature of 30.6 occurs at OD of 117 mm.
Tutorial 6
Problem Statement
In this tutorial we will simulate a thermal-structural coupled analysis of cover
plate. The boundary conditions are as shown in figure. One face of the plate is
subjected to a temperature of 75 deg Celsius, and air of heat transfer coefficient
of 1e-4 W/mm2 ˚C is passed over the other surface. Determine the temperature
distribution on the cover plate and also the residual stress induced in the cover
plate. The material used for analysis is Structural Steel Thermal Analysis
Structural analysi

Temperature distribution plot

Maximum distortion plot

Residual stress plot

Observations and Conclusions

The maximum stress on the inside of the hole provided for fixing support while as
maximum deformation occurs on the outer edge of the cover plate.

Tutorial 7
Problem Statement
Determine the first 6 natural frequency and corresponding mode shapes of a
crank shaft whose both ends are constrained as ux = uy = uz = rx =ry = 0 and rz is
free. Apply the load of 100 N and determine the amplitude of vibration at the
centre of the crank shaft.

Natural Frequency, Hz
1. 0.
2. 210.93
3. 234.39
4. 692.98
5. 723.79
6. 905.08
Mode shape corresponding to 1st Natural Frequency

Mode shape corresponding to 2nd Natural Frequency

Mode shape corresponding to 3rd Natural Frequency

Mode shape corresponding to 4th Natural Frequency

Mode shape corresponding to 5th Natural Frequency

Mode shape corresponding to 6th Natural Frequency

Observations and Conclusions

The maximum deformation occurs at first natural frequency of

211 hz and has amplitude of 2.92 mm in X- dir and 1.688 mm in
Y- direction. After applying the damping ratio of 0.01 we reduce
the amplitude in x direction gets reduced to 0.1mm.

Tutorial 8
Problem Statement

A thin cylinder of thickness 1 mm and height of 100 mm is fixed at the bottom

end and subjected to an axial compressive load of 15 kN at the top end as shown
in the figure. Outer diameter of the cylinder is 80 mm. Check whether the cylinder
will withstand the load, if yes determine the maximum load carrying capacity of
the cylinder using NewtonRaphson method by considering material nonlinearity
and structural nonlinearity. Consider the material as structural steel
Buckling Mode shape
Load Deflection curve
Observations and Conclusions

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