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Portions - Mid Term (2019-20)

Grade 7
Subject Portions

Composition Writing, Comprehension, Letter Writing (Formal),

English Language Pronouns, Agreement of Subject and Verb, Expressing the Present,
Past and Future tenses.

1. Looking for Vultures' Eggs (Prose)7. The Homecoming (Prose) 9.

English Literature Grandpa Learns to Read and Write (Prose) 4. Coromandel Fishers
(Poetry) 10. Travel (Poetry)

Chapter 3,4,5,6 & 7 Grammar - Samanarthaka padagalu, Nanartha

padagalu, Viruddha padagalu, Kalagalu, vibhakti pratyaya, Tathsama-
II language Kannada
tadbhava, swanta vakya, Unseen passage, letter writing, essay writing,
picture description

Chapters 1, 2 and 3; Grammar - Les articles, les pluriels, les adjectifs,

l'infinitif après un autre verbe, les verbes pronominaux, le présent, le
II Language French
passé composé; essay writing, dialogue writing, translations,
interrogation, comprehension passage

lesson 2,4,5 & 6 grammar--letter writing,seen-unseen passage, upsarg

II language Hindi pratyay, muhawre, vakya sudh karna, varn-vichhed, passage writing.
refer from text book and notebook.

Integers, Rational numbers, Fractions , Fundamental concepts of

Mathematics algebra, Lines and angles (including construction), Exponents , ratio and
Proportion and Triangles (excluding construction)

Turkish Invasion of India, The Delhi Sultanate, Life in the Sultanate

Period, The Regional Kingdoms, Our Constitution

Geography 2. Atmosphere 3. Weather and Climate 7. Europe

Physics Physical quantities and measurement, Energy and Motion

Matter and its composition, Physical and chemical changes, Elements,

compounds and mixtures

Biology Plant and animal tissue, Classification of plants, Classification of animals

Introduction to Excel 2013, Hardware components, Introduction to

number system, Computer virus(types)

1. Paarivala mattu eruve 2. Namma baavuta, bannagalu 3. Jivajala,

III language kannada

lesson 1,2 &4 English & Hindi meaning, opposites, plural, correct the
III language Hindi spelling, translation ,question and answer, number names, festival
names, colour names
Gradience, Hue tint tone and shade, colour wheel, colour
blending, Landscape

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